The world of fighting pigeons. Types of fighting pigeons and their overview

So, what unites the huge diversity of these pigeon species into a single group? First of all, they do somersaults during the flight. But many birds tumble in the air, many will be surprised. But fighting pigeons, while somersaulting over their heads, click their wings - a fight. They also emerge into the pillar in an unusual way, which you can clearly see in the video below.

It is important to note that all fighting pigeons differ in their style of flight and play in the air. For example, many perform frequent somersaults with flapping wings, while others rise into a pillar in an unusual way, and then sharply descend. There are also breeds that literally walk in the air, making a vertical rise. It must also be said that many fighting species are distinguished by their beautiful exterior. Among their decorations there are various crests, beautiful drawings plumage, a variety of beaks and tails.

Flight Features

The flight of such pigeons, as we have already said, is different. You can see this in the video as well. Some, for example, the Baku high-flyers, can hit up to 30 times in a row, making a smooth circle. After that, they take a stance and repeat the battle again. At the same time, their flight can continue for up to several hours in a row. Most fighting representatives rise up to 20 meters, as in the video, and therefore are called high-flyers.

Fighting qualities appear in birds around the third month. However, there are also late varieties in which the most advanced flight becomes only by the age of three. At the same time, it is important to say that the later the pigeon begins the “fight”, the higher it is valued among amateurs. Iranian and Baku birds go into battle until about 1 year of age, later - Central Asian breeds. Let's talk about the breeding centers of these flyers in more detail.

Türkiye – the capital of beautiful pigeons

In Turkey, many species of fighting pigeons for flight and decorative purposes are bred. All the local birds are distinguished by their beautiful appearance, which is why they have long been loved by birders around the world. The Takla breed, which was bred by nomads from Asia, deserves special respect. have a number of similar characteristics, for example, feathered legs, the presence of forelocks and other decorations on the head. It is also important to say that most Russian breeds were bred on the basis of Turkish ones.

North Caucasus

Central Asia

This is perhaps the most important region for the development of slaughter pigeon breeding. And the basis for all this was the breeding of the Uzbek breed. Among these birds there is a huge variety of colors and decorations. But from time immemorial, short-beaked birds have been valued in Central Asia. For example, Tashkent ones became the basis for obtaining Armavir and Uzbek ones. And in Turkmenistan, beautiful kosans and agarans were bred.

In the Iran-Azerbaijan region, pigeon breeders pay more attention to the flight abilities than to the appearance of the birds. Therefore, mainly Baku ones are popular here, which do not differ in any decorations. You can see these birds in the video and read in our previous article “”.

Western world

Fighting pigeons are popular in the West, but they do not have their own breeds. For example, they call all birds with somersaults rollers and tumblers. And the most popular among them are Turkish and Asian breeds. Here it is customary to name birds according to their place of origin.

Photo gallery

We invite you to look at several photos of these beautiful and unusual birds in our photo gallery.

Video “Flight of the slaughter in the Krasnoyarsk Territory”

In this amateur video, you can see the beautiful flight of pigeons, as well as observe their behavior in the air and in the enclosure. How they rise up and how they perform the “fight”, all this is clearly visible in the video.

Fighting pigeons. If you are sad and you came to this article to cheer yourself up, then you did right choice, if you love birds, then this article is unlikely to leave you indifferent. From this article you will learn about pigeons, not ordinary pigeons, but about fighting pigeons, who are fighting pigeons? Why are they valuable? You can find out all this further, we also invite you to watch a video about these beautiful birds, are you interested? Then start reading the article, fighting pigeons

So, fighting pigeons, a very large group of pigeons, prized chiefly for their appearance and flight qualities. They are also not picky about living conditions and food. This, combined with their decorative qualities, makes them the favorites of all pigeon keepers around the world. Fighting pigeons are distinguished by many different colors, variants of feather decorations, and they also differ in beak length. For some pigeons it can be short, for others it can be very long, which makes them very funny and unique in their own way. Fighting pigeons have their own unique charm, you can’t look at them without a smile on your face, children are delighted by just the sight of them.

There are many breeds that are united by one name - fighting pigeons, these breeds differ, and sometimes very strongly, in body shape, plumage, color and beak length. Each breed has its own unique flight characteristics and fighting methods. Representatives of the Tehran high-flying pigeon breed are considered the most skillful fighting pigeons; they have simply fantastic flight qualities for pigeons; during the flight they practically do not circle, and fight upward.

But you probably noticed that our article is called “ fighting pigeons video“, and you probably came into it to look at these wonderful birds, well, we are happy to provide you with this opportunity.

Fighting pigeons video

Caucasian fighting pigeons

“Fighting pigeons have fantastic flight qualities, are unpretentious, and have very colorful and beautiful appearance»

Baku high-flying fighting pigeons

This breed of pigeons can circle in the air for hours, performing aerobatic maneuvers for birds, entering a fighting stance is repeated over and over again, which will bring the owner of these birds a lot of pleasure.

This is our story, Fighting pigeons has come to an end, we hope you found it interesting, and our videos helped you improve your mood, see you again, dear readers.

Pigeons are very beautiful birds that have become loved by many. They can be found both in huge dovecotes and on balconies. They have become permanent residents of the streets and are found at almost every step. Many people show care and often feed them.

Nowadays, pigeons are valued all over the world. For example, the rock pigeon was tamed by man thousands of years ago. It was from this time that the breeding of various breeds began. And the opening was gaining mass character.

In ancient times, racing and homing pigeons were bred so that they could transmit various information over long distances. It is not surprising, but these birds are remarkably oriented in terrain and space. As is known from the pages of the Bible, it was the dove that told that the global flood had ended. Pigeons were used for the same purpose by the Romans. At that time, the price of a homing pigeon was equal to the price of a thoroughbred Arabian stallion. Nowadays, purchasing a carrier pigeon is an affordable pleasure; you will have to pay approximately 50 conventional units for it.

What types of pigeons are there?

Decorative breeds of pigeons are practically unable to fly. Main task their existence is to bring beauty. Here you can highlight the peacock breed, which is distinguished by its magnificent tail. In the tail you can count up to forty feathers, which when opened form a fan. A breed such as the Pout is distinguished by the peculiarity of its crop, which opens greatly during cooing. Their color is amazing. Jacobin pigeons have a kind of feather decoration on their heads - a rosette. In a word, decorative pigeons never cease to amaze and delight with their appearance.

Meat pigeons can be classified as a household sector. Already from the name alone it becomes clear for what purposes they are grown. Such birds fly poorly due to their large body weight, which they gain very quickly. There are a lot of breeds of meat pigeons, for example, Maltese, Polish, Strasser, Hungarian giant. Pigeon meat has special characteristics. It is healthy and tasty. Various jewelry, souvenirs, and even pillows are made from pigeon feathers.

Pigeon meat breed costs from 15 to 25 dollars.

There are also racing breeds of pigeons; they are raised mainly to admire their flight in the heavenly surface. Moreover, racing pigeons not only fly beautifully, but can also perform various pirouettes in the air, for example, circling and spinning. Their tricks are always interesting to watch.

There are pigeons that fly into the sky in combat; competitions are even held between such individuals. These pigeons are called - fighting and they cost about 10 dollars.

Currently, there are approximately 800 different breeds of domestic pigeons. They are all very different, both in color and shape, even in the nature of their behavior. But in order to acquire such an amazing bird, you need a stable financial situation, and impressive too.

Breeding pigeons for business is quite a risky business. The price from the sale of a bird should at least recoup, or at a maximum increase, the costs of purchasing the bird and its maintenance. Following numerous observations, an amateur poultry farmer maintains and provides everything necessary for only 50 pigeons (that’s 25 pairs of birds). The cost of keeping 2 pigeons may vary, depending on the country and region. Costs for 2 birds will cost about $100 per year.

Predict which pricing policy It will be quite difficult on the poultry market. Much depends on what breed the pigeon is, whether it has achieved success in various competitions or races, or maybe it is even a show specimen?

  • Permission to build a dovecote.
  • Costs for building a dovecote and keeping birds in it.
  • Buying pigeons.
  • If necessary, a veterinary report on the health status of the bird.
  • Costs for food and equipment, as well as vitamins and, if necessary, medications.
  • If these are decorative or sporting pigeons, you will have to spend money on exhibitions and competitions.

The market price for a pigeon is determined by the demand for the bird and how interested the buyer is in purchasing. And of course, competition affects the cost.

If we are talking about business, then it is better to establish a sales market, if these are meat birds, to establish relationships with restaurants, cafeterias, etc. Pigeon meat is highly valued by gourmets.

Pigeons can be rented out, for example, for events such as weddings, graduations, and birthdays. To do this, it is worth collaborating with various companies, advertising and advertising.

Another way to make money on pigeons is to take part in various videos and photo sessions. Decorative pigeons are most often used for such purposes. Also, training is important.

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to make money using the buy-sell scheme these days. There is a known case when in 1992, a Taiwanese sports pigeon named “Invincible Spirit” managed to get 231 thousand dollars. But in 2010, 170 thousand euros were paid for the multiple winner of the competition with the name “Eurodiamond”.

Siberian breeds are very popular. For one handsome handsome man you will have to pay about 445 dollars. These carrier pigeons are known throughout the world for their speed, which they can reach up to 110 km/h and can easily fly a distance of 5 thousand km. Only a trained bird can show such results, and this will not be cheap for its owner. To do this, the pigeon breeder goes to various cities, releases that bird, and he independently looks for his way home. For those for whom breeding and training pigeons is a serious matter, such trips are only a joy. They can't get enough of it and are extremely happy when their pigeon comes home.

Pigeon farming is a hobby, entertainment, and business. Some people get one bird and enjoy it, while others actively raise champions, sparing neither money nor time.

Purebred pigeons are incredibly attractive with their beauty; they are very popular and in demand on the market. Not everyone knows how much it will cost him to breed and maintain such pigeons.

For many, it becomes unclear why spend money on expensive purebred pigeons if there are so many ordinary ones around. This is because purebred pigeons are distinguished by their magnificence; they are very easy to train to carry letters to other cities. This is probably all the abilities amazing bird, but these are already great achievements, using them correctly, you can earn good money. Then its purchase will be completely justified.

Many people are skeptical about online shopping. Of course, it is possible to view all photo galleries and choose the one you like. But pigeons are not sent by mail, and people very often suffer from scammers and often lose a large sum money.

The most expensive pigeons

You can buy a trained purebred pigeon at exhibitions, but you will have to pay a hefty sum for it. For example, in Brussels, one popular pigeon breeder sold a couple of his carrier pigeons for 2 million 250 thousand dollars. And as it turns out, this is not the most large amount, which was laid out for various pigeons.

The price will rise much if the pigeon is Dutch, English or Belgian. All the above figures indicate sales abroad. If we consider, so to speak, Soviet markets, then for one guard pigeon you will need to pay approximately 25 dollars. But these pigeons are not of an aristocratic breed.

The homing pigeon is considered one of the most expensive breeds of pigeons in the world.

At different times, people gave incredible amounts of money for a carrier pigeon. This pigeon is famous not only for its high cost, but for its numerous achievements. A fantastic result was shown by a pigeon that covered a distance of 2 thousand 700 km in just 18 days. Its sale price was $300 thousand. And on May 5, 2013, at the famous pigeon auction, a pigeon was sold for 399 thousand dollars.

The carrier pigeon can be divided into several types:

  • Lüttichsky.
  • Brussels.
  • Antwerp.
  • Flemish.
  • English quarry.

If you delve into the amount that was received for carrier pigeons, you can find out that it was exactly 5.5 million dollars.

These magnificent birds differ from the ordinary breed of pigeon in their amazing endurance. They have a strong build that allows them to cover long distances. They are remarkably oriented in terrain and space, and have acute vision.

Most often, such pigeons are purchased and bred to participate in sporting competitions. After all, this particular breed is capable of reaching a flight speed of about 80 km/h. The bird's flight altitude is almost 400 m. The life expectancy of such a pigeon is approximately 15 years.

To this day, not a single scientist in the world has been able to figure out how carrier pigeons manage to find their way home, because the path is measured in kilometers. Some have concluded that for birds the reference point is the sun and stars. Others believe that this is due to the Earth's magnetic field. Without having fully decided, scientists believe that it is possible to freely release the dove into the sky. He will still come back.


So how much will you have to pay for a purebred pigeon? First of all, it all depends on what breed he is. For example, a kosmach pigeon will cost about $10. And this is a fairly reasonable price. There are also more expensive ones; for one you will have to pay 120 dollars. Not everyone can afford such a sum, but with such a bird you can make good money.

Basically, the price for a purebred pigeon varies from $8 to $450. There are breeds that are not found often, and of course the price for such a bird will be inflated.

Also, the pricing policy is very different depending on where the pigeon is purchased. It is much cheaper to buy this wonderful bird at the bird market. But for an elite breeder, the price will be much higher. But there is one plus: the pigeon will be 100% healthy and strong. Therefore, sometimes it is better to pay more and be sure of quality.

You can, of course, turn to a regular breeder; their prices may be lower than market prices. But you may not get a guarantee that the bird is not sick. However, many have all the certificates and certificates. Then it will fly big, the price is reasonable and the bird is healthy.

But an online store is a very unreliable place, the price is certainly attractive, but the consequences are far from encouraging. The courier delivers an exhausted bird that has a disheveled appearance and cannot be trained.

There are amateur birders who do not chase expensive birds; for them it does not matter how far a pigeon can fly or what pirouettes it shows in the sky. They simply build dovecotes and breed ordinary pigeons there. It brings pleasure simply because pigeons are very friendly and kind birds. Many people simply go out into the yard of their house, or walk through the park, where they are surrounded by a flock of pigeons. It’s always a pleasure to watch them, admire their appearance and behavior, and feed them by hand.

Fighting pigeons are a group of bird breeds that have the ability to quickly beat their wings during flight, making loud sounds. This category includes a wide variety of species, all of them have beauty, unpretentiousness, and most importantly, the talent for exciting summer and play.

Fighting pigeons get their name because of the loud sound they make with their wings while flying.

Why are such different breeds of pigeons, differing in appearance, combined into one group? The reason for this is unusual somersaults, otherwise it is a game when a pigeon rises into the air and then turns over. Additionally, at this moment he makes a flapping sound with his wings, this is called a fight. The playing style of fighting pigeons is varied.

  • It happens that a bird starts the game at a height, rising into the air in circles. Sometimes, after making several circles, it hovers loudly and slowly rises into the sky.
  • Fighting pigeons unusually emerge into a column, rising vertically, quickly flapping their wings, accompanying the process with loud claps.. Having risen several meters, they perform a rapid somersault back. This year is most valued by pigeon breeders. The ascent is accompanied by a series of coups, as a result the length of the vertical column sometimes reaches 15 m, and the fighter is sometimes completely hidden from view.
  • “Hover flight” is characterized by slow flight, during which at times the bird freezes, spreads its tail like a fan, and hovers for a few seconds.. Then he continues with a fight and does a somersault, but not as sharp as when vertical takeoff. This rise also creates a sound background of flapping wings.
  • There is also a “ribbon game”, in which case the pigeon tumbles without hovering and without going “into the pillar”. The bird just flies, periodically doing somersaults. In some species, this style is considered a marriage.
  • There are pigeons that, when rising into a pillar, are capable of spinning along an axis, as if screwing into the air. These types are called screw types.

The flight of fighting pigeons amazes the imagination with its diversity.

Fighting pigeons are capable of flying long and high, usually for 3 - 6 hours, sometimes their flight lasts for a whole day. Having played enough in the air, they can calmly descend, making circles, some fly down like a stone. Before landing, they open their wings, make another pillar, and lower them. If a pigeon can perform such a combination, it is highly valued.

In general, fighting breeds prefer to fly separately, this way the quality of the game is better demonstrated.

Experts believe that when entering the pillar, high-quality clicks are distinguished by a clear periodicity of stages. Flips without pops or vice versa indicate a low quality of summer.

Individuals that make an insufficient turn or make it more than 360° are rejected. As a result, the flyer loses altitude, and the picture of the game is already blurred.

Active flight takes a lot of strength and energy; the bird regains its strength by flying in circles. Having gained strength, he starts the game again.

The flight of pigeons is a breathtaking and impressive spectacle, it is long and high, the birds are located at different heights, fly in circles, playing and frolicking.

It looks best in years when pigeons fly in pairs (while feeding chicks), or when preparations are underway for laying.


The types of fighting group are varied, and although not all can boast of beauty and grace on the ground, they work wonders in the air. Some have crests and forelocks, feathers on their legs, sometimes they are very lush and long, which is why they got the name - kosmas. The plumage is sometimes modest, sometimes beautiful and varied, the combination of colors is very complex, beaks and tails can also be completely different.

Fighting pigeons not only fly beautifully, but also have a beautiful appearance.

Pigeon breeding centers

Where are the most famous centers for breeding slaughter species concentrated? In which places do they pay special attention to valuable qualities? What breeds of fighting pigeons are the best?


The country is the birthplace of pigeon breeding, so there is a high level of fighting pigeons, great attention is also given to the decorative direction. For many there, pigeons are the meaning of life. All birds are extraordinarily beautiful and have masterful fighting skills, which is why poultry farmers all over the world dream of having representatives of Turkish breeds.

The body of Turkish pigeons is neat and of medium size. There are many color options, but real connoisseurs do not like too colorful decorative beauties, as they have low flight qualities.

They stay in the air for up to 10 hours, but sometimes, being too carried away by somersaults, they lose orientation, fall and crash.

Many Turkish species became the basis of Russian breed groups.

Turkish pigeons are not brightly colored, but due to their small elongated body they fly well.

North Caucasus

Another place where pigeon breeding is developed. The Krasnodar region is famous for its pigeons and breeding work. There they were engaged in breeding new breeds common in our country. For example, Armavir is famous for its white-headed kosmachs; in addition to its high flight qualities, it is also majestic in beauty.

The difference lies not only in color, there is a difference in the length of the beak, the variety of crests on the head and the degree of feathering of the legs. The ancestors of the bulk of the breeds were brought from Persia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey.

Pigeons of the North Caucasus have long been famous throughout the world for their decorative properties.


Central Asia holds the championship in the breeding and selection of fighting pigeons, based on the Uzbek breed. The colors and decorations of birds are amazing in their diversity. Short beaks have always been valued in Asia; representatives of the Tashkent slaughterhouses became the starting point for the creation of the Uzbek species; their blood is also found in the pigeons of Armavir. Turkmenistan is famous for its beautiful asanas and agarans.

Short-billed Tashkent pigeons laid the foundation for many bird species.


In Azerbaijan, preference has always been given to the fighting abilities of the bird, and little attention was paid to beauty. Baku fighting pigeons, which do not have too long brushes on their legs, are common in this region.

Azerbaijani pigeon breeders pay special attention to the flight qualities of their birds.


In the West they love fighting pigeons, but amateurs do not breed their own new breeds. All birds capable of somersaulting in the air are called rollers or tumblers. Preference is given to pigeons from Turkey and Asia, and breed names are given according to their place of origin.

Best breeds

Breeds of fighting pigeons are varied and all deserve attention, but there are virtuosos that are simply impossible not to mention.


Among the variety of pigeons in Turkey, the Takla breed especially stands out. Friendly, intelligent, neat birds were bred by the nomads of Asia.

A vertical pillar, a cascade of somersaults and loud claps, a fall down onto a three-meter “platform”, again flips and climbs - solo style, this distinguishing feature breeds Takla is a leader in this type of flight; this is inherent at the genetic level, reinforced by intensive training and careful selection of the most capable individuals. The colors of the bird are varied, but external feature– brushes on the legs and a white back.

Pigeons of the Takla breed are leaders in vertical flight.

Baku flight

They belong to the most common group among pigeon fanciers. Unpretentiousness, excellent adaptive qualities, long and high years - all these are the advantages of the breed.

Baku residents are distinguished by a variety of colors and appearance:

  • there are pure white and black varieties;
  • marble;
  • black-tailed - with black and red tails;
  • necks - with a spot on the neck;
  • Pied Chili Pigeons;
  • manes with tufts on their heads.

The Baku flying pigeon is capable of flying high and for a long time.

The breed is medium in size, the wings close on the tail, there are individuals with bare legs, most representatives have small (up to 3 cm) brushes.

A distinctive feature of the Bakuvians is the ability to play for a long time and with high quality; these properties have developed over the lives of several generations of passionate lovers of the breed.

North Caucasian cosmach

The roots of the species come from Persia, which is why pigeons are often called Persians.

  • The bird is large, with a proud posture and convex chest, very beautiful.
  • Usually the color is solid, but the color is completely different: there are bluish, white, yellow, even red variations. Now new varieties have appeared within the breed, variegated or with colored tails.
  • Pigeons have cosmos on their legs, reaching 12 - 15 cm.
  • If there is a forelock, it is thick and wide.

The North Caucasian kosmach has feathers on its legs, the length of which reaches 15 cm.

Kosmachi climb up the pillar slowly, making up to 10 sharp somersaults. They move their legs during takeoff and landing; for this feature they are called combers.

Iranian pigeons

Birds belong to the most ancient breed; they are mentioned in ancient chronicles. For many years, breeders have been improving its natural qualities. According to 2014 statistics, only 5% of the population keep these pigeons, since they are considered sacred and not everyone is privy to the secret of their cultivation and education.

Their appearance does not have any special distinctive features:

  • the colors are so diverse that it is difficult to single out a specific one, but these are predominantly black, almond, red and gray colors;
  • the plumage on the legs is varied, from bells to long fans, there are also bare-legged ones;
  • There are individuals with smooth heads, and some with forelocks.

Iranian pigeons fly slowly but beautifully and have a variety of appearances.

Pigeons fly slowly and calmly, they always come out into the pillar, hang in the air for several minutes and do a somersault. The fight is moderate, and the somersault lasts for several seconds; the bird can be clearly heard, even if it has disappeared from view.

Persians are also called Tehrans. Breeders claim that their bird is similar to a predatory hawk, the head is rounded and the beak is very short, which is why they are also called small-nosed.

Turkmen agaran

The breed was bred on the basis of the Iranian group of pigeons, it flies for a short time, but the spectacle is so impressive that it is enough to admire the merits of the fight.

“Cream of camel milk” is how “agaran” is translated from Turkmen. The bird is very beautiful both in flight and at rest.

  • Beige, light brown, golden color are the color options for the head and chest of a pigeon. Sometimes the tones extend to the wings and tail.
  • This bird is powerful, large, and has a short beak.
  • There is a long fan-like edge on the legs.
  • Agaran does not have a tuft.

The pigeon is valued for its ability to hover vertically and rotate around itself.

Unfortunately, the bird is not very common in Russian territory, but those who have it in their collection can be proud of this advantage.

Turkmen Agaran is the rarest breed of pigeon in Russia.


  • Fighting pigeons are a type of flyer that has the ability to perform tricks in the air, accompanying them with loud claps.
  • There are several places in the world that are passionate about breeding birds with these abilities.
  • The most capable representatives of the group include Turkish, Baku, Krasnodar, Turkmen, and Iranian pigeons.