Beautiful words and unusual statuses. Statuses about love

Unusual VK statuses are not necessarily beyond the bounds of reason. Their main purpose is to surprise you and your friends.

Phrases for a variety of people

  1. Did you fall asleep while watching the movie? Try reading the book it's based on. Maybe you'll fall asleep too.
  2. Life is, in principle, satisfactory, but lately does not satisfy.
  3. That’s it, I decided: I’ll get a horse and give it to the prince. Business, the main thing is to find the prince.
  4. Beauty is a terrible force. Indeed, it’s scary that someone will still get mine.
  5. Judging by how much I eat, there is only one stomach inside me.
  6. Well, why do I need a smart and promising man? I will suffer from mediocrity, which, moreover, does not need me.
  7. Strange is when you expect not the recognition of others, but the cockroach applause that sounds in your own head.
  8. Sometimes visiting relatives are a good reason to get stuck in an elevator.

Get ready for the unusual

Do you consider yourself too open? Time to be a little mysterious! Catch unusual statuses for VK.

  1. It’s not enough to express feelings, you also need to convey them...
  2. “Why simplify everything,” he thought, and again decided to read and not answer.
  3. Alcohol is not the best thing that could happen to us. Strange, how can it happen?
  4. When your literary stock is limited to the words “clear” and “understandable,” somewhere in the world one literature teacher is sad...
  5. Parting as friends is, of course, decent, but inhumane. Loved ones either have to be together or suffer when separated.
  6. People who managed to fall out of love! Did you take any courses or did you never like them?
  7. I visit your VKontakte page more often than my own.
  8. In our society, loving and being together are very often not the same thing.

For some, the statuses will be from childhood

It’s not at all necessary to look for an explanation for your feelings, because you can choose an unusual status on VK and not think about it anymore...

  1. You may feel sorry for yourself and not dare to do anything. But you will remember the lost opportunity for a very long time, although you could have forgotten about it long ago.
  2. It is better where we are not, the one who is not mine has bigger breasts.
  3. Friendship also has an expiration date. You just have to have time to fix it.
  4. Who said that a fat man is a shapeless creature? It has a shape, round.
  5. If you looked out the window in the morning and saw one in flip-flops and the other in boots, then you need to put on shoes.
  6. Lack of sleep is when the insidious word “sleep” takes on a different meaning.
  7. If you're not from Playboy, it's not so scary. The main thing is that it’s not with “Pensioner”.
  8. Why, as soon as a couple has problems in their relationship, do they have to have a child?!

If it’s a frog, then at least the Princess...

Under no circumstances should you envy some witty status. And you don’t need to copy it, because you have your own! Catch a selection of unusual statuses for VKontakte.

  1. - You're too resourceful. – Spider-Man? - Asshole Man.
  2. – Now I know your Achilles heel! - Oh, and you, as it were, are not ancient Greek...
  3. The magic wand should not be long, but effective.
  4. Every princess has the right to pretend to be a frog. The main thing is that it doesn’t turn out the other way around.
  5. They say that all people descended from monkeys. But not my neighbors: they are from woodpeckers.
  6. If my thoughts really materialized, I would have long ago found myself in the kingdom of chocolate and fried potatoes...
  7. The longer we live, the more we irritate everyone. So don't try to avoid either.
  8. Before you defeat the dragon to save the princess, think about which of them you still need to feel sorry for!

If you can’t tell, set a status

On VKontakte, your marital status or the number of photos is not so important. In fact, everyone pays attention only to the most unusual statuses.

  1. If a woman sent you, the likelihood that she is sitting and waiting for you to write to her increases to the point of impossibility.
  2. I may be a potato, but I’m soft and tasty. If cooked correctly.
  3. I set it to “doing well” status and automatically deprived 90% of my friends of the opportunity to start a conversation.
  4. It happens that you find out that you are on the black list when the person adds you as a friend again.
  5. The most reliable relationships are those in which you can add each other to the blacklist as a joke.
  6. Communication is communication, but you also need to be able to swear.
  7. This is how you decide to start new life, and the next day you go to the same page again.
  8. “Reason for adding” sounds as if you are not sitting and waiting for someone to write to you, but really such an important person.

An appropriate phrase will always come in handy

Don't know how to surprise your friends or not-so-friends? Use unusual short statuses! It's smart, stylish and accurate.

  1. Happiness lies in simple five-star rooms.
  2. Being right doesn't necessarily mean being sure.
  3. It's crazy, but it's better to be a good girl!
  4. As if burying your head in the sand is oh so easy.
  5. Have you decided to leave? Lost my mind with happiness!
  6. The better the guy, the sooner the friend.
  7. Lady is a cow in a blanket.
  8. Not dying does not mean living.
  9. Love is forever, but feelings are not for long.

The more phrases you like, the more opportunities you have to surprise others. Maybe on the good side, or maybe on the bad side. The choice is always yours!

Hearing my wish, the fish died...

It was only when my wife started driving next to me in the car that I understood the real meaning of the words “interference on the right.”

New alarm "Grigory Leps": When you try to steal a car, it screams - But it's not yours!

People are divided into two halves. Some, upon entering the room, exclaim: “Oh, who do I see!”; others: “Here I am!”

Love asked friendship: “Why do you exist if I exist?” Friendship replied: "To leave smiles where you leave tears..."

VKontakte is like ancient Egypt - people write on walls and worship cats!!!

At first I wanted to go to conquer Moscow. And then I found out that there is a World.

People may forget what you said. They may forget what you did. But they'll never forget how you made them feel

Use your smile to impact the world. Don't let the world affect your smile!!!

Don't judge a person until you are in his place!

I want to point a magic wand at you and shout: “Pizdikulus in ebalus!!!”

The guy sends an SMS: “This subscriber is asking the subscriber to marry him.” A response SMS arrives: “Dear subscriber! There's not enough in your account cash to fulfill this request"

The heart whispered: LOVE!!! The brain screamed: OH you and duuuuraaa!!!

You can't change your life overnight, but you can change your thoughts overnight, which will change your life!

Men are like mice... You look at it separately - it’s a cute, touching animal, but when it gets into the house, you immediately want to poison it

If an adult rabbit is not fed for a week, then, as scientists say, it will be able to swallow a boa constrictor, and if it is also separated from the female rabbit for a week, then the boa constrictor will seriously regret that the rabbit did not immediately swallow it!

Zhenya, why did you hit Uncle Vlad in the head with a brick? - I won’t do it anymore - and he doesn’t need anymore

Anyone who cannot have 2/3 of a day for himself should be called a slave.

I turned on the water in the bathroom, sat down at the computer, 2 hours later I saw a slipper floating past the door and realized that I was a dumbass

I'm really sorry there's no official International Day Idiot... Sometimes it would be necessary to congratulate some people...

I decided to tell him about my feelings. I came to him and.. - And? - What? His friend is so cute that I think I fell in love

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want...

How about a kiss? - Where?! - Under the ponytail... - In the ass, or what?!! - IN THE NECK, BRAKE!!! THERE'S A PAIL ON YOUR HEAD!

Yesterday I had my first serious fight over a guy... With my husband...

If you are not loved, do not beg for love. If they don’t believe you, don’t make excuses. If you are not valued, don’t prove it

Most best friend- this is a cat. He will never blame you for eating at night. He will eat
together with you.

We remained friends. Friends who will never call or write to each other.

If they say “coo like doves” about a couple in love, then should they say “angry birds” about a couple who argue all the time?

Mom, why is it so dirty on the stove? - Dad fried eggs. - What, without a frying pan?

If you can’t defeat your opponent with a feather, take a closer look at the ax

Women's logic: “I know I’m to blame... but I’m offended!”

You do good, and in return OPA and THEM@YA!

The pig, who saw a barbecue in the yard, began to catch mice and bark at strangers...!

All people have the right to make mistakes... But women have no limits!

A true friend will never ask “why?” She just goes to the store, buys it, brings it, opens it and pours it.

If you say simple censorship: “Oh! Hurt!" - that means you’re not really in any fucking pain...

A very interesting site “Odnoklassniki” - they don’t say hello on the street, but ask to be friends!!!

Every married man wants, well, at least once in his life to hear from his wife the phrase “Darling, hit me on the head now, otherwise I’ll cackle something…”

Two people cannot fall in love with each other at the same time and cannot stop loving each other on the same day.

Dad yelled at mom. Mom yelled at her son. The son yelled at the cat. The cat shits in everyone's slippers

Appreciate those who can see three things in you: the sadness behind the smile, the love behind the anger, and the reason for your silence.

A man died. His dog lay down next to him and also died. And now the soul of a man stands in front of the gate with the inscription “Paradise” and next to it is the soul of a dog. There is a sign on the gate: “No dogs allowed!” The man did not enter these gates, he passed by. They walk along the road, the second gate, on which nothing is written, only the old man sits next to him. - Excuse me, dear... but what is behind these gates? - Paradise. - Is it possible with a dog? - Certainly! - And there, before, what kind of gate? - To Hell. ONLY THOSE WHO DO NOT LEAVE FRIENDS REACH HEAVEN

And how do you like her? - No way... harmful... proud... little girl... - So what, you won’t meet her again? - No, friend, I’ll marry her....

What kind of love is there? Touching first, new unrequited, love at a distance, unhappy, sad to tears and mutual emotional. A woman's love for family and children, a girl's love for a guy. Statuses about love are one of the most popular categories of statuses on our website. Love is fundamental and central theme world art and culture. Love, as a philosophical category, is described in the works of the ancients. And if Aristotle described the feeling of love as carnal, then for Plato it is a process of continuous movement and knowledge. In the Renaissance, thanks to Giorgiano Bruno and Marsilio Ficino, the philosophy of love takes the form of a doctrine of beauty. Love is a constant desire for beauty.

I want to tell you so much, but when there are not enough words, try to find good statuses about love with meaning. Emotions are running high, there is no time to wait, I want to love. What words to choose? Love is unpredictable and gives not only joy, but also sadness, find a suitable status for your soul mate on the website. Tell all your friends about your happiness with the help of a cool love status, giving joy is easy. And if sometimes quarrels happen and sadness overwhelms you, choose good statuses about love and conquer your soulmate.

The best collections of statuses about love with meaning

Don’t know what kind of statuses you can put about love? See our best selections. Whatever the love, past or present, unrequited and happy mutual, you will find a suitable status. We have a variety of statuses about love. Short and long, beautiful for girls, cool for boys, funny and cool for boys, funny about the man you love. Viewing is free. The wisest life quotes about relationships, loyalty and the pain of broken love. On the site you will find interesting love phrases about your husband, smart and very biting words about his mistress, new top statuses about life for social networks: VK (VKontakte), or WhatsApp.

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✔ You can fall in love out of jealousy alone. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

✔ Do you think she's hurt? Relax, she hasn’t given a damn for a long time and every word she says is a lie. She lies, but only because she doesn’t trust anyone. And you are the reason for this

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✔ You understand love when you lose it!

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✔ Death is worth living, but love is worth waiting for.

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✔ Love is a madness that puts the mind to sleep

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

✔ I just wanted... but it doesn’t matter, It’s a long time ago that we can’t return the days we lived in the past, as if a paper boat had sailed away. You know: no one hurt me more.

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

✔ You can't truly love a person with whom you never laugh.

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✔ Now Love is not just a woman’s name for me.

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✔ Love and life are the same thing, but still love is more expensive

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✔ Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” Robert Frost - “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.”

But very often among them there are very, very strange ones. What the people who post them think about remains a mystery to many!!

Although for the vast majority, statuses are still an opportunity to express themselves. Read the strangest statuses and think, laugh, choose!

All statuses are selected from real and live accounts on social networks.

1. You think that I am strange because I am not like YOU. Ah, I think that you are strange, because everyone is so the same...

2. Actually, I’m not Alice in Wonderland, but my world is also a little that...

3. “It’s worth it.” (this one is quite popular and short status some guys have VKontakte).

4. I lost my “roof”, please don’t disturb the finder.

5. I sit and work. It’s strange and interesting, but why does a 5-kopeck coin fit into the left nostril, but not into the right?!!

6. This is so strange... because before I couldn’t live a day without your smile.

7. You are happiness... Although a little strange and incomprehensible... leading to nervous breakdowns and a nightmarish fear of losing you...

8. Well, how can you stop drinking in a country where even milk is more expensive than beer?

9. I’m a very strange girl: I hate lies, but I lie in the name of good, I hate alcohol, but I get drunk with my friends, and I also hate various idiots... but for some reason I fall in love with them... You are not one of them?

10. A man's tie does not always mean that the man is elegant. It can also be a signpost where you need to go!

The strangest statuses -

11. One looks into a puddle and sees dark water, and the other, stars reflected in it!

12. Well, that's why guys are so strange? He won’t even write a line on VKontakte, but suddenly he has an urge for my phone number))).

13. Remember, if your loved one is cheating on you, then there is no need to make trouble with your wife!

14. They say don’t sit on the corner, otherwise you won’t get married, make sure your legs don’t get dry, otherwise you won’t get married... You might think, who are we kidding??? Who needs this @banatka???))))).

15. If your mother said: “clean up the room, otherwise the boys will come to visit, see the mess and won’t want to marry you!” Conclude: “mom allowed you to bring boys home!!!”

16. Don’t put in so much effort, all the best things happen unexpectedly.

17. Oh, your friends too, when you are walking with them and your mother calls you, they shout: “come on, let’s pour it quickly” or “give me a cigarette”?

18. Strange country. You can get married at 16, and watch movies with sex scenes at 18.

19. Someone is added to the heart, but damn me anywhere, in ICQ, VKontakte, in mobile phone!!!

20. I love you on the floor (a popular status among girls on VKontakte - probably the answer to status 3).

Love is an extremely complex realization that someone other than us is real. He who understands his own madness is wiser than most people.

I don’t like to explain - my thoughts are incomprehensible even to me.

It's easy to offend people. All you have to do is tell the truth.

It infuriates me when stupid people use my name.

I was often told as a child that I was very kind and sweet... In general... they jinxed me

When you think that everything is starting to get better for you... It seems to you.

Everyone paints a picture of a happy future in their own way, depending on what they are deprived of in the present.

Don't judge me for my past, I don't live there anymore.

If Luck passes by, lie down in her path. Let him stumble!

I don’t strive to please people; everyone who needs me already likes me.

But my character is wonderful... It’s just that everyone’s nerves are somehow weak...

To achieve simplicity, you need to get to the bottom of complexity.

Do crazy things more often, otherwise there will be nothing to remember in old age.

Since God could not keep track of everything himself, he created babushkas and shops.

I want to stop using emoticons in correspondence, but, unfortunately, I formulate sentences in such a way that without emoticons they look like curses...

I think the alarm clock is just jealous of my relationship with bed.

The brain injury was caused by something heavy and blunt. Presumably a question.

I want people to be happy, but not everyone is.

I'm deeply in debt, I owe a lot of time to myself, and I have nothing to

I called the time service. They said that now is the time when you can’t trust anyone.

Let the idiots out of your life. The circus must tour.

I am mentally ill, but with severe mental health episodes.

Never deceive someone close to you - he may turn into an enemy who knows all your weaknesses.

At one point I no longer cared what other people thought. And life became easier.

There's nothing better than memories. And there is nothing worse either.

No, I didn't make a deal with the devil. My cockroaches just run a little faster than yours.

My thoughts are stars, from which I cannot form constellations.

I don't have any demons under my bed because I spent too much time making them comfortable in my head.

Only enemies tell each other the truth. Friends and lovers, entangled in a web of mutual debt, lie endlessly...

When a person doesn’t want anything, it’s a sign that he wants something so much that he no longer has the strength to want it.

Stress comes from knowing what to do right, but doing the opposite.

Love is an extremely complex realization that someone other than us is real.

He who understands his own madness is wiser than most people.

Despite everything, some people, whether we like it or not, play a fundamental role in our destiny, giving it a completely different turn; they seem to divide our lives in two.

I love one person and hide it so well that he is almost sure that I hate him

I increasingly notice that unexpected decisions have a much greater chance of success than those that are endlessly thought about and weighed.

Life is just a bunch of crap that happens

It's not scary to talk to yourself. It's scary when you don't even have anything to say to yourself.

Every man needs three women in his life: a mother, a wife and at least one more who considers him a man.

Once I went to my neighbors for sugar, I saw that the door was not closed. I walk in - blood... blood... blood... I look - oh, sugar

We know how to educate not only with a stick, but if anything we can use a carrot.

sometimes I pretend that I'm normal, but it becomes boring and I become myself again.

Old age is when you can no longer wash your feet in the sink...

Experience does not prevent us from repeating the same stupidity, but it does prevent us from getting the same pleasure from it.

Someone is added to the heart, but damn me anywhere, to ICQ, VKontakte, to a mobile phone!!!

Strange country. You can get married at 16, and watch movies with sex scenes at 18.

Oh, your friends too, when you are walking with them and your mother calls you, do they shout: “come on, let’s pour it quickly” or “give me a cigarette”?

Don't try so hard, all the best things happen unexpectedly.

Remember, if your loved one is cheating on you, then there is no need to make trouble with your wife!

Well, that's why guys are so weird? Either he won’t even write a line on VKontakte, then suddenly he was impatient with my phone number))).

A man's tie does not always mean that the man is elegant. It can also be a signpost where you need to go!

Well, how can you stop drinking in a country where even milk is more expensive than beer?

You are happiness... Although a little strange and incomprehensible... leading to nervous breakdowns and a nightmarish fear of losing you...

This is so strange... because before I couldn’t live a day without your smile.

I have lost my “roof”, please don’t disturb the finder.

Actually, I’m not Alice in Wonderland, but my world is also a little that...

You think that I am strange because I am not like YOU. Ah, I think that you are strange, because everyone is so the same...