Commercial sites for trading. Russian tender sites

In this section we will try to show in detail and reveal all the issues that may arise when participating in tenders. This article will be of interest primarily to those who are just starting to think about participation in tenders. We will try to figure out together what steps need to be taken at the very beginning. And is it worth trying to participate in tenders at all?

  • +3

    If you are a supplier and participate in tenders, then sooner or later you will need remove protection frompdf file. In this article, we will look at the reasons that force customers to install protection and, accordingly, ways to remove protection frompdf file to save your time and speed up the proposal preparation process.

  • +1

    After you have decided that your company needs to take part in the auction, you must select the sites where you plan to participate in the auction. Species electronic platforms. Conventionally, ETP can be divided into...

  • +1 Participation in competitions: Application for the competition, documents for...

    Greetings, dear readers.

    We continue the series of practical articles in the “Tender Management” section. And today we will understand the competitive cuisine, we will try to find out everything about participation in competitions. Let's look at what an application for a competition is, we'll look in detail at what specific documents need to be attached to the competition, in addition, I will share with you my work and experience in preparing the application.

  • +1 Protocol for consideration of applications for participation in the competition, in...

    The application review protocol is a comprehensive document that allows the supplier to find out how the participant’s application was assessed. Let's consider the main points and features, as well as the differences between documents such as the protocol for considering applications for participation in a competition, in a request for quotations, in an auction. In the article, we will also consider in detail the cases in which a protocol for considering a single application is drawn up, and we will also consider an example of a sample protocol.

  • +1 Russian auction house: sixth platform for...

    In addition to the five federal platforms, another electronic platform, the Russian Auction House, has been added, on which customers now have the opportunity to place electronic auctions. In the article you can find out more about this electronic platform.

  • 0

    So, you have decided to become a participant in commercial tenders or public procurement. What is needed for this?

    Let's consider two options. The first option is to participate in procurement without preliminary cash investments, or in other words free. The second option involves some cash costs.

  • 0 How to prepare a declaration of conformity for a participant...

    Hello, Colleagues. In touch, Andrey Pleshkov is the founder of the project, and today, with the help of this article, we will understand the features of drawing up a declaration of conformity when preparing an application for a tender. First, let's understand what is meant by a declaration of conformity. A declaration is a confirmation, a statement of compliance with certain requirements. That is, you draw up a document in which you write that you meet the requirements and list them. In the documentation, the customer can establish the form of such a declaration must be filled out and included as part of the application for participation in the tender.

  • 0 Tender Specialist (Tender Manager):...

    Hello, dear readers. The topic of today's article is related to such a specialty as a tender specialist. There are various variations of the names of such a position, for example, tender manager, tender manager, auction manager, competition manager, but the essence remains the same. The main activity is preparing applications for various tender procedures on the part of the supplier. This specialty became popular and in demand relatively recently, after 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, and provision of services for state and municipal needs” came into force in 2005. This law created certain conditions under which tenders began to be used everywhere in procurement for state needs. In 2013, after 8 years, 44-FZ “On contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.”

  • Electronic trading platforms are like dating sites for entrepreneurs. Many sites are focused on large companies and the public sector, while small and medium business bypasses them. “Secret” has selected services that offer convenient purchasing solutions specifically for small companies.

    Price: free (basic tariff)

    Company database: 1 000 000

    Geography: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

    Savings on purchases of up to 40% – this is the benefit promises its users. The platform is aimed at small and medium-sized businesses. Participating in auctions here is easier than on sites where government procurement and orders from others are placed. large companies: To place an order, simply provide your name and email address. Customer requests do not reach suitable suppliers immediately, but after verification by the manager. There are more than a million companies in the performer database, some of them are not added to the site themselves, they are added by the site’s moderators - they call companies with a suitable activity profile and offer to register them in the system. According to statistics from, on average, one order receives about five offers from suppliers, and the first response comes within five minutes. It is not necessary to communicate with performers through the website: all contacts are open, offers are duplicated on email.

    “I need newspaper printing”, “I need selfie sticks”, “I’m looking for a sugar supplier” - these are typical orders on this site. Most in demand use printing services (21%), supply of auto parts (19%) and production of business souvenirs (7%). Basic functionality is free, but expanding capabilities requires a fee from 2,900 rubles to 5,900 rubles per month. For customers, more advanced tariffs offer notifications to all eligible performers for the task (and not 20% as in the basic version), supplier verification, telephone notifications, a personal manager and other functions. Paid subscribers from among suppliers will be able to receive contacts of all companies (and not just those whose orders they respond to), highlight their commercial offers create an original design for your profile page. Performers can buy impressions advertising banners, which can be targeted for customers with a specific region and field of activity (500-700 rubles per 1000 impressions, depending on the location).

    Price: for free

    Company database: 28 000

    Geography: Russia

    Large companies, together with representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, place orders on for example, Lukoil and Gazprom make requests for the purchase of equipment for their branches. At the same time, the registration procedure is not bureaucratic, and working with the platform is free. Suppliers can not only add their offers manually, but also upload a YML file (Yandex Market Language - a format designed for adding products to Yandex.Market). To make purchases and sales for the entire company, it is not necessary to be under one account - the service allows you to add an unlimited number of employees. Each of them will be a separate user acting on behalf of the company.

    Within an hour after submitting the application, the manager determines the order in the appropriate category, and the advertisement reaches potential performers in personal account on the website and duplicated by email. All suppliers are verified by the service, they can be assessed by rating: it consists of the number of partners and company employees added on the site, as well as reviews of partners.

    The service is suitable for companies that need goods and services in the fields of motor transport, construction or industry. Wall tiles, miter saw, tire stand, cast iron radiator - requests for the purchase of such goods are most often found on the site. However, in other areas, too, most likely, you will be able to find the right contractor: about 900 thousand offers from suppliers have been published on They also sell here consumer goods, and services - from checking the property before concluding a purchase and sale agreement to drawing up a business plan.

    Now the platform can be used for free, but in the summer plans to introduce tariffs, leaving free basic version. Suppliers can pay separately to have their offers at the top of the list of products or highlighted in color (300 rubles for two weeks).


    Price: 1000 rubles per month (with participation in auctions up to 500,000 rubles)

    Company database: 211 000

    Geography: Russia and 93 countries of the world

    This is not one resource, but the whole system industry, regional and corporate trading platforms, mainly designed for orders from large private and public companies - their purchases reach hundreds of billions of rubles. For example, the energy company RusHydro carried out 8,708 procedures worth 326.8 billion rubles here, and the mining company Mechel performed 74,161 procedures worth 473.7 billion rubles.

    However, small businesses also have their own option - the “ Small purchase", which does not require a connection fee and will cost 1,000 rubles per month. In this case, it is possible to participate in the auction only with an announced price of up to 500,000 rubles. No additional expenses will be required: suppliers do not pay for winning the tender, and securing the application (from 0.5% to 5%, according to the law) is not mandatory and is done only at the request of customers. According to B2B-Center estimates, up to 30% of the platform’s users are small and medium-sized businesses, although at first glance the platform’s functionality seems redundant for small companies.

    You will have to participate in the auction like an adult; there are almost no concessions for small businesses. First of all, you will need to meet a number of system requirements: for example, it is recommended to work with the Windows XP operating system and in the Internet Explorer browser so that the electronic digital signature (EDS) is displayed correctly. To register, you must enter the details and addresses of the company, and participation in the auction is possible only after concluding an agreement, paying the invoice and receiving an electronic digital signature, if the company is registered in Russia. Here, for the “Small Purchase” tariff, an exception is made: users can participate in the request for prices and proposals without availability electronic signature, unless the customer requires it.

    To conduct bidding, you will have to understand various procedures: open competition, competitive negotiations, rebidding, and so on - 43 types in total. Each application corresponds to one procedure. Customers do not have to burden themselves with holding auctions, but search for goods and services in the site’s catalogue.

    Unified electronic trading platform “Commercial procurement”

    Price: for free

    Company database: 145 000

    Geography: Russia

    Unified electronic trading platform(EETP) – one of the largest Russian operators electronic trading(first in transparency rating). The EETP has separate services for government and commercial procurement. If you are already registered in the “Government Procurement” segment, then you can participate in commercial bidding with this account. It is impossible to participate in tenders without an electronic signature - it is required for accreditation of both the customer and the supplier. Performers will need to transfer funds to secure the application to an account opened in the system. This money (from 0.5% to 5%, but not less than 5,900 rubles) is blocked for one working day for all bidders until a contract is concluded with the winner. You can also provide a bank guarantee to secure your application.

    The bidding scheme, as is customary on large sites, is multi-level and differentiated, so registration only as a customer for small and medium-sized businesses may not be justified. However, in the last six months there have been more opportunities to find suppliers from your own size segment: since October 2014, the EETP has introduced relaxations for small businesses. Thus, winners of auctions with an initial contract price of no more than 100 thousand rubles may not pay for the victory (usually 5,900 rubles are transferred to the site’s account). Payment for the transaction does not take place through the platform - the EETP only ensures that the procedure is carried out, and suppliers and customers enter into a contract and themselves determine how they will pay.

    Hello, dear colleague! The trend in modern procurement is that most tenders are held in electronic form. Even in the public procurement sector, there are plans to move paper-based procedures to electronic format. Therefore, the time is not far off when absolutely all government procurement will be carried out through electronic procedures. As you understand, such electronic procedures are carried out on specialized sites on the Internet, which will be discussed in today’s article. From this article you will learn: what electronic trading platforms are, what types of platforms exist in Russia and what advantages they provide to customers and suppliers.

    1. What is an electronic trading platform?

    According to the already established tradition, I will begin the article with a definition.

    Electronic trading platform (ETP) is a website on the Internet where(purchases). The electronic platform combines a set of organizational, information and technical solutions that ensure interaction between the customer (buyer) and the supplier (seller). Such interaction is carried out through electronic document management.

    In fact, at present, an electronic trading platform can be called any Internet resource through which purchase and sale transactions are concluded between buyers and sellers.

    Customers (buyers) are the organizers of auctions, thereby optimizing their costs for the acquisition of goods, works or services, and suppliers (sellers) post information about their goods or services.

    The intermediary between the customer (buyer) and the supplier (seller) is the operator of the electronic platform (owner of the Internet resource).

    In order to work on the ETP, the buyer and seller must have. How to obtain it is written in detail in. To work on the site you also need to register andon it, otherwise it will only be possible to view information posted in the open part of the site.

    A site visitor who has passed the accreditation procedure becomes either a customer (organizer trading procedures), or a bidder (supplier).

    2. Types of electronic trading platforms

    There are several types of electronic platforms.

    Firstly , these are federal (budgetary) trading platforms or, as they are also called, B2G (business-to-government) platforms. These are sites where customers are enterprises and government agencies. Such platforms are used to organize public procurement.

    Secondly , these are commercial electronic platforms, i.e. B2B (business-to-business) platforms. The customers at these sites are commercial organizations.

    There are electronic platforms that are created and supported by buyers (buyer-driven). In order to optimize their procurement process, one or more large companies create their own trading platform to attract a large number of supplier firms.

    There are sites that, on the contrary, are created and supported by large suppliers (supplier-driven or seller-driven). Such companies are interested in expanding sales channels for their products.

    And finally, there are platforms that are created and maintained by a third party - an intermediary between sellers and buyers (third-party-driven). This category of platforms is the most numerous. This type of platform is, in turn, divided into industry and multi-industry. Industry ones are created for one specific enterprise, for example, for Gazprom or Russian Railways. Multi-industry platforms, on the contrary, are not limited to the product range of just one enterprise.

    Thirdly , these are platforms e-commerce between individuals C2C (consumer-to-consumer). A striking example of such platforms is the electronic auction - On such platforms, private individuals can sell goods to other private individuals.

    Fourth , these are retail e-commerce systems where the seller is a company, and the buyers are mainly B2C (business-to-consumer) individuals. Most often these are online stores, such as, and others, which sell a wide range of consumer goods.

    Fifthly,This is an ETP for the sale of property of debtors (bankrupts). Such platforms are intended to automate the bidding procedure for the sale of debtors' property during the procedures used in bankruptcy cases in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 127-FZ of October 26, 2002 “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” and Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 495 dated July 23, 2015

    Federal electronic trading platforms

    The list of federal trading platforms was determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation as part of a special procedure and only budgetary organizations(state and municipal customers) operating within the framework of the contract system ( Federal law dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”). All federal sites have free access.

    Currently, government procurement is carried out on 5 Federal Electronic Trading Platforms (FETP):

    1. CJSC "Sberbank - Automated system bidding" (Sberbank-AST)

    This is a subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia. Today it is the most popular electronic trading platform in Russia. The platform began operating on July 1, 2009. The electronic platform conducts government and corporate procurement, as well as the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises.

    Site website - .

    2. JSC "Unified Electronic Trading Platform"

    The largest operator of electronic trading for government customers and commercial enterprises. JSC EETP was founded in 2009. The founders of the company are: the Moscow City Government (52%), Bank of Moscow (48%). The main clients in the public sector are such constituent entities of the Russian Federation as Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as a number of large departments - the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and others.

    Site website - .

    3. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Agency for State Order, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan” (Electronic Trading System)

    The platform appeared in 2005 and initially served organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, but subsequently expanded its scope.

    Site website - .

    4. LLC "RTS - Tender" (RTS - Tender)

    The site was founded in 2010. In October 2015, a section for property auctions was opened on the RTS-tender electronic platform, and in December 2015, for procurement in accordance with Law No. 223-FZ and commercial procurement.

    Site website - .

    5. CJSC "MICEX - Information Technology"(ETP "MICEX-IT")

    The platform was formed at the beginning of October 2010. It is under the management of the MICEX, the operator is CJSC MICEX-Information Technologies. Clients - Federal Treasury, Federal service for defense orders, Nizhny Novgorod region and others. The site also hosts property auctions and procurement under 223-FZ.

    Site website - .

    Commercial trading platforms for electronic trading

    In addition to the 5 Federal trading platforms listed above, there is a fairly large number of commercial electronic trading platforms.

    On commercial sites, anyone can act as a customer. legal entity or any individual, including individual entrepreneurs.

    Each commercial electronic trading platform (ETP), as well as the federal (budgetary) one, has its own address on the Internet (its own website).

    One of the differences between commercial ETPs and federal ones is that connection (participation) to these sites is paid. However, there is the possibility of free participation in procurement from some customers, or the cost of such participation (connection) is symbolic.

    Commercial electronic trading platforms are divided intoindependent (public) andprivate (corporate) sites owned by specific organizations.

    Corporate trading platforms are aimed at large customers with large volumes of purchases and a wide range of goods and services. Such platforms allow not only the use of electronic auctions, but also provide procurement planning, collection and analysis of needs for inventory, holding competitions and auctions, qualifying selection of suppliers, reporting and analysis of procurement activities.

    Public areas have a different purpose. They form information space For effective interaction suppliers and customers within a specific industry. The main advantage of such platforms is a wide customer base due to competent positioning and promotion, an ever-expanding product catalog and a large number of participants. As a result of working on such sites, it is quite easy to obtain favorable offers and delivery conditions.

    It is quite difficult to determine the exact number of commercial sites. There is information in open sources that there are about 5-6 thousand such sites in Russia. However, the most popular of these 5-6 thousand sites are about 100 ETPs.

    Association of Electronic Trading Platforms

    The most popular commercial electronic platforms are members of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms (AETP).

    This Association includes:

    • Federal ETP;
    • Site groups;
    • Commercial trade and purchasing systems;
    • ETP for the sale of property;
    • International trading systems.

    In order to familiarize yourself with full list such sites, you need to go to the website of this association - // .

    3. Main electronic trading platforms

    As you have already understood, there are very, very many platforms for trading. Each such site has its own specifics of operation, accreditation procedure, tariff plans etc. Therefore, each customer and supplier has the right to choose which site to work on. Accordingly, everyone can have their own set of such sites.

    The most popular Federal platforms are:

    • CJSC Sberbank-AST (more than 39% of all government purchases in electronic form held at this site);
    • RTS-Tender (more than 26% of government purchases);
    • JSC “EETP” (more than 25% of government purchases).

    The most popular commercial trading platforms are:

    Electronic trading center B2b-center

    This is a system of electronic trading platforms created in 2002 by JSC Economic Development Center for corporate sales and procurement.

    The B2B-Center electronic trading center allows you to carry out 43 types of trading procedures, both for the purchase and sale of goods and services. The system combines procurement from various sectors of the economy: energy, petrochemicals, metallurgy, automotive industry and many other industries.

    The advantages of the B2B-Center system are: stable and reliable operation, a large number of customers, a convenient and understandable interface, setting up automatic distribution of tenders.

    Site website - //

    Trade portal “Fabrikant”

    This site produces e-procurement largest Russian and foreign companies. The site offers a wide range of tariff plans for both participants and auction organizers. Some tariff plans do not require site accreditation.

    Site website - //

    Industry and interregional electronic trading platform “Auction Competitive House”

    This is a company providing a wide range of legal, consulting and legal services in the field of trading and is one of the leaders in Russian Federation by the number of auctions held for the procurement of goods, works and services.

    Main activities:

    • organizing and conducting trades in the form of auctions and competitions of varying levels of complexity and responsibility (conducting auctions in electronic form, competitions for the selection of investors, auctions for the sale of property, etc.);
    • performing the functions of the official industry electronic trading platform of the State Corporation Rosatom.

    Site website - //

    4. Functions of electronic platforms

    Electronic platforms perform the following important functions:

    • posting information about procurement;
    • searching for information about ongoing procurements using various criteria;
    • searching for information about organizations operating on the ETP;
    • viewing procurement documentation;
    • personal account for securing applications for participation in trading procedures;
    • managing funds in the account;
    • conducting electronic procurement procedures(auctions, competitions, requests for proposals, etc.);
    • submitting requests, signing contracts;
    • analysis of various performance indicators of organizations;
    • information protection (use of electronic signature).

    Let's now look at what the advantages of working on an ETP are for customers and suppliers.

    Benefits for customers:

    1. Saving working time, because Carrying out electronic procedures is much simpler than carrying out paper ones;
    2. Reducing costs for organizing and conducting procurement;
    3. Transparency and openness of the procurement process due to the reduction of the influence of the human factor;
    4. Fair competition, excluding unscrupulous employees from working with “their” suppliers.

    Benefits for suppliers:

    1. Quick and convenient search for information about new procurements;
    2. Expanding the market for your goods, works or services;
    3. Transparency and openness of the procurement process;
    4. Healthy competition, excluding non-price methods of struggle;
    5. Reducing the time and money spent on preparing and submitting an application;
    6. Possibility to participate in auctions from anywhere in the world (if you have a computer and Internet access).

    6. Conclusions

    And so, summing up all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion. There are quite a large number of tender platforms on the Russian market for any purpose and purpose. Electronic tendering platforms help simplify work for both customers and suppliers. Customers can minimize their costs for procurement procedures and find a supplier with the most favorable conditions. Transparency and openness of the procurement process increases, corruption risks are minimized.

    And at the end of today’s article, I suggest you watch a short video about electronic trading platforms:

    That's all. I hope the information was useful to you. See you in the next issues.

    P.S.: Like and share links to the article with your friends and colleagues on social networks.

    Each company, in the process of interaction with various suppliers of necessary goods, wants to carry out transactions while preserving its conditions and interests as much as possible. A guaranteed profitable option for any organization will be a trading tender platform, which allows using the Internet to supply/purchase any quantity of goods and order various types of services.

    List of sites (ETP)

    With free access


    To participate in procurement on these sites, you must have accreditation at each of them. You can find out more about accreditation on the ETP on this page or by asking a question online consultant in the lower corner of the site.

    In order to search for the necessary tenders across all sites at the same time, you can use our services.

    With paid access

    Site groups

    • NTK Altimeta
    • Norbit
    • iTender
    • Electronic trading platform ETPRF
    • OTS.RU
    • NAUMEN

    Commercial ETP

    • www.moitender.rf (Free platform for legal entities and individuals)
    • Auction Competitive House
    • ETP OJSC "Realization Center"
    • Baikal-Tender
    • ETP "InvestEnergoservice"
    • TZS Electra
    • RB2B LLC "Purchasing and marketing systems»
    • ETP "Tender.Pro"
    • SETonline - multifunctional e-commerce system
    • ETP OJSC Severstal
    • ETP
    • Electronic trading system - Sitno
    • Trade purchasing system "AMS-Service"
    • ETP "KamTender"
    • Electronic trading and purchasing platform AGC Glass Russia
    • ETP OboronPromTorg
    • All-Russian electronic trading platform Lot-online OJSC Russian Auction House
    • Trading and purchasing platform of OJSC TATNEFT
    • Ural Electronic Trading Platform
    • R-Sigma
    • 223ETP.ZakazRF
    • ETP NEFU
    • ETP BEST
    • ETP
    • ETP JSC "Mosvodokanal"
    • ETP
    • ETP TET
    • ETP CJSC "Siberian Agrarian Group"
    • ETP "Kommersant"
    • ETP "SMP Market"
    • ETP "Easy2Trade"
    • Black Sea unified trading platform
    • Electronic trading system iTorg24
    • Electronic trading platform for budgetary and autonomous institutions "BUDGET"
    • ETP "Etalon"
    • ETP "Augustina"
    • ETP "Eltorg"

    What is a tender (trading) platform?

    So, an electronic tender platform is a place where executors and customers of transactions meet and interact with each other, selecting suitable parameters for their implementation. Some sites include in their functions the development and preparation of the necessary tender documents, and also participate in the preparation of selection on a competitive basis of contractors.


    Another important detail of the effectiveness and usefulness of the existence of such trading platforms is the ability of companies to track their place among competitors producing analogues of their products in the turnover ranking and, thereby, analyze the ability of their enterprise to compete with the existing product on the market. This allows the company to develop new marketing moves and improve your trading position.


    Electronic trading platforms can be commercial or government. Today there are only 5 state sites. There are more than a dozen commercial ones. Among them there are more well-known large players, such as b2b-center, and lesser-known ones with a narrow profile or regional ETPs. Commercial sites, as a rule, have paid access to participate in auctions.

    State tender sites



    B2B center
    Roseltorg Fabrikant
    RTS-Tender Tender-Pro
    ZakazRF A.K.D.
    TZS Electra

    Functions of tender platforms

    Due to the variety of functions of tender platforms, they have many advantages. Thanks to the numerous list of bidders, the customer, turning to the electronic platform, has a wide and completely independent choice of order executors. At the same time, access to trading is possible from any corner of the world, working hours saves on collection required packages documents, and to select a suitable offer.

    Companies offering a product or service at auction can significantly save money on advertising, and can also be confident in the transparency of the entire trade process.

    The most important factor in the advantage of tender sites is the legal side: Russian laws are guaranteed to be observed in every procedure occurring at auctions.

    Also, many commercial platforms provide tender support services for procurement participants. The cost of turnkey support varies from 12-15 thousand rubles to several tens of thousands per month.

    The main functions of the ETP include:

    • search for trading procedures based on various criteria;
    • viewing tender documentation;
    • personal account for securing applications for participation in procedures;
    • automation of locking/unlocking cash on the account;
    • carrying out electronic auctions, requests for quotations, proposals, competitions;
    • submitting a request for clarification of tender documentation.

    Tender sites in Russia

    There are quite a lot of trading platforms operating in the Russian Federation, all of them are classified according to the types of services offered, the significance and purpose of transactions - these are platforms for international orders and supplies, for commercial purposes, federal tender sites for government procurement, as well as other specialized tender trading systems.

    The industry division of electronic trading makes it easy to find orders that are profitable for the organization; the enterprise gets the opportunity to develop production, which will increase its profits and competitiveness.

    Today, the largest state tender platform in Russia is Sberbank-AST. To participate in bidding on this site, neither the customer nor the contractor will pay anything, since state trading platforms provide their services free of charge; you just need to collect and fill out necessary documentation for accreditation.

    Regional tender sites

    Electronic platforms at the regional level are becoming the most convenient and recommended for effective work. Here auctions are held among companies located in any region of Russia. Such a system simplifies the search for the necessary orders, thanks to territorial restrictions for enterprises.

    Let's sum it up

    Electronic tender platforms help simplify the work of any purchasing or sales manager. Numerous opportunities open up for them to expand the list of clients, find a supplier with favorable sales conditions, simplify and speed up research into the level of efficiency of the enterprise, and be confident in the safety and legality of all transactions made at auction. And for public procurement, electronic trading platforms make a huge contribution to simplify procurement procedures and reduce the corruption component to a minimum.

    There are federal and commercial ones. Today there are only 6 federal ones. Only they can carry out procurement in accordance with 44-FZ. There are more than a hundred commercial services. All of them have paid access to participate in the auction. Commercial tenders free of charge without registration can be found on the official websites of companies that are purchased under 223-FZ, such as Rosneft, Gazprom or Lukoil.

    Do not confuse an electronic trading platform with information portal. In the first case, there is a full search for a supplier; in the second case, it is just a selection of tenders from various trading platforms. For example, when requesting “Commercial tenders Moscow and Moscow region,” 9 out of 10 results will direct you to search services and only one link will lead to a trading platform.

    All federal platforms, in addition to sections for procedures under 44-FZ, have separate platforms for trading under 223-FZ. And the largest players, and, offer individual sections of such corporations as Central Bank RF, VTB Group, Russian Post, .

    Universal commercial platforms for tenders

    Here you can find customers from all over the Russian Federation purchasing goods and services in any profile:

    • group of companies;
    • group of companies;
    • group of OTC electronic platforms (;
    • electronic trading platform (;
    • "TZS Electra",;
    • multifunctional ETP SETonline,

    Industry ETPs

    They operate in specific industries or regions. The most popular:

    • independent ETP for petroleum products (;
    • ETP Stroytorgi for construction industry companies throughout Russia (;
    • the Workspace portal, which helps organize tenders for services related to business development on the Internet (;
    • Exchange "St. Petersburg" (

    ETP for small government procurement

    Large portals offer markets that operate like online stores:

    • supplier portal “Supermarket B2B” (;
    • Corporate online store (KIM) (;
    • electronic store"RTS-MARKET" (;
    • catalog of goods and services B2B-Center (;
    • OTS Market electronic store (