How to find out who is participating in the auction. Electronic auction

Anonymity of participants in electronic auctions - imaginary, exists technological feasibility reveal the author of the application, industry experts say and operators confirm electronic trading. The anonymity of bidding was one of the key reasons for the start of the experiment to transfer government orders to new format. Within three months, the sites selected for the federal order will have to eliminate the “holes.”

Open electronic auctions for participation in government contracts allow for technical capabilities to manipulate bidding, according to industry experts and representatives of electronic trading platforms themselves. Within three months, the Ministry of Economic Development intends to eliminate gaps in the technical support of electronic auctions.

Operators of electronic trading claim that you can “hack” the anonymity of participants by simply looking at the properties of the submitted documents in the first parts of the applications. “Formally, the auction organizer does not have the opportunity to find out who is taking part in the electronic auction until the second parts of the applications are opened. However, information about participants who submitted the first parts of applications may become available to the auction organizer, for example, from viewing the properties of documents submitted as part of the first parts of applications, which often indicate information about the organization - the owner software product, with the help of which the document was created,” says the certificate provided by the intersectoral trading system"".

“At different stages of applications, auction organizers have the opportunity to find out information about participants through product documentation,” says Dmitry Mishutin, general director of

“In any case, the customer cannot access information about the participant who sent the application if this information was not disclosed by the participant himself in the text. The operator is currently within the framework of the law and operating regulations and is strictly controlled by the FAS in terms of maintaining the confidentiality of such information. “at the moment of passing the technological audit, confidentiality will be ensured at the hardware level thanks to the technology of encrypting all information entering the site,” argues the deputy general director Unified Electronic Trading Platform of Moscow (EETP) Andrey Chernogorov.

If desired, participants and organizers of the auction can recognize other participants in the auction, notes Pavel Safronov, a specialist at the Valuable Council consulting group. “If a platform reveals the anonymity of participants, the law provides for a fine in the region of several thousand rubles,” says Pavel Safronov.

The anonymity of electronic trading was one of the key advantages of moving government procurement auctions to the Internet. It was assumed that it would provide equal conditions for all participants and eliminate the possibility of unfair competition through collusion.

New technical regulations

On January 25, the government selected five electronic platforms to conduct tenders for federal needs. Of the 18 applicants, the list included the EETP that previously operated in experimental mode, the platform of Sberbank and Tatarstan, and two new ones - the RTS and MICEX platforms. Later, the list will also include the site of the St. Petersburg International Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange for government procurement of petroleum products.

Within three months, selected trading platforms will have to eliminate the technical possibility of obtaining information that reveals the anonymity of participants. “The Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Antimonopoly Service have developed regulations and technical requirements to national operators. There is a whole section " Information security" It states that all information entering the site is encrypted at the hardware level. The server with the information is sealed by representatives of regulatory authorities, the site can operate it, but cannot look inside,” Andrei Chernogorov reported to the site.

Sites will need to undergo a mandatory technological audit, which will be carried out by a contractor selected on a competitive basis by the FAS and the Ministry of Economic Development. “Most likely, it will be one of the large Russian or Western auditors. Maybe it will be the FSB,” predicts Andrei Chernogorov.

Industry experts fear that due to the fact that the transition to electronic trading until recently took place in the form of an experiment, operators may simply not have enough server capacity to provide the required trading volume.

According to the conditions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Ministry of Economic Development, the operator of electronic tenders for government procurement must be able to provide the technical ability to conduct thousands of tenders simultaneously, said Andrei Chernogorov. “The safety margin is many times greater than is currently necessary. Each operator individually can handle 100% of the state order,” says Andrei Chernogorov.

Another problem is that you can only participate in electronic trading using the Internet Explorer Internet browser. “On other browsers, trading results are displayed crookedly. Internet Explorer has the most viruses written under it; it is easier for hackers to bypass it,” says Pavel Safronov.

Other browsers cannot be used for electronic trading because they cannot be combined with Russian-certified algorithms for working with electronic digital signatures (EDS), explained Andrey Chernogorov. “According to statistics, Internet Explorer is used by more than 60% of Internet users. Since it is the most common, it is logical that it was taken, since the main goal is the availability of government orders,” comments Andrei Chernogorov.

There are also difficulties in using an electronic digital signature, which is necessary to participate in bidding. “Currently there is no judicial practice when using digital signatures. The participant may refuse to sign the documents if they have an electronic signature. Judicial practice, if any violations occur, no,” states Pavel Safronov.

There will be no anonymity

Industry experts remain skeptical about maintaining anonymity in electronic auctions. “Despite the name, decisions on concluding contracts in electronic auctions are made not by computer systems, but by people. And while this is so, the factor of personal interest cannot be ruled out. And there are many possibilities: technical protection can be broken, data about participants, despite the established ban, is transferred to the customer, an order can be placed “retroactively”, unwanted participants can be blocked during the auction,” the head of the legal department of the Nalogovik company is convinced. Alexey Lvov.

Availability technical problems and lack of elaboration - a consequence of the hasty decision to transfer the state order into the format of electronic auctions, says Alexey Shestoperov, a specialist at the National Institute for Systematic Research of Entrepreneurship Problems (NISIPP). “It is clear that an official, in the absence of any independent control, will always have the opportunity to somehow adjust the system in order to find out in advance the conditions of competitions or the names of companies that will participate. In electronic technologies it is quite difficult to control everything; in any case, there will be room for action at the discretion of the official,” Alexey Shestoperov is sure.

“Little tricks” of customers when drawing up tender applications, cartel agreements between bidders violate competition laws, and are to the detriment of the state, and, therefore, you and me.

However, tools are emerging that can be used by anyone interested in the purity of government procurement transactions. Oleg Abdrashitov, the founder of the information and analytical system, told Auction Bulletin about one such tool.

– The tool I want to talk about is a “by-product” of our activities, and this is natural, since our information and analytical system, unlike the official website, is not regular board announcements, but a powerful toolkit for all participants in public procurement, which allows you to make reliable forecasts of victories based on statistical probability, track systemic relationships between customers and suppliers, see methods for selecting “your” suppliers as winners, etc.

This, in turn, made it possible to see certain sections in the field of public procurement that are a reflection of systemic processes, and like rot, they affect everything around them, acting from the inside, destroying the basic principles of competition, and casting a shadow on the entire system.

I will focus on cartel agreements in government procurement. For example, if we take the sphere information technology(she is especially close to me), then in the regions in this market you can rarely find open competition, all customers are already working with one of the suppliers, the suppliers know each other by sight, and participate in announced auctions, knowing that this auction is being held under specific company, which prepared the technical specifications, and therefore are happy to give up the auction for compensation, which, by the way, is calculated in each case from the number of applications submitted, and the size of the margin included in the NMC, without taking steps to reduce it.

The same thing is happening in other areas, so we have a mass phenomenon, which, I suspect, will smoothly go into practice after the entry into force of 44-FZ, since I did not notice any procedural methods to combat this phenomenon in the new law. But it would be necessary to enter. After all, you can make a couple of amendments that could complicate the implementation of this scheme. Maybe someone, after reading these lines, will be able to convey this idea to legislators.

Before moving on to the instrument, I’ll still say what I mean. Now in cases of purchasing from sole supplier according to paragraph 10 of Art. 55 94-FZ, no one, except one participant, makes a single downward move. But all participants are allowed to participate, everyone has contributed security for the application, and all that remains is to place bets on a reduction, but everyone is simply silent, and the supplier the customer needs takes the minimum step and takes the auction at almost the maximum price, paying off with compensation.

Many people have a question: how will participants be recognized in electronic auctions if they are classified by law when submitting the first part of the application? Believe me, this happens, and the nature of this is most likely extremely banal, the customer identifies suppliers by different signs: file properties, letterheads, indirect characteristics, etc., and reports this to “his” supplier. The task of “their” supplier is to call other participants and agree on compensation, which is what happens in the majority. I somehow find it hard to believe in the leakage of information from official electronic platforms, because serious security measures are being taken on the sites. And although from time to time someone claims that there is a leak, and even threatens to provide information, I personally have not come across reliable facts. By the way, we published the distribution of such auctions by electronic platforms, but it seems to me that if we compare them with the total number of auctions held on all sites, then their number will be proportional, and no obvious system will be traced. If you are interested, you can also view this data in our tool.

So, what happens next, after the end of the auction, is what raises my question. Why is data about those companies that did not take downward steps not open later, at the end of trading? After all, if they were available to systems like ours, it would be easy to track any regional systemic collusions, how many people crossed paths and when in similar situations, what priorities they have for suppliers, etc. Therefore, the first thing I ask ours to do is the legislature to open up this data and make it available for analysis.

Secondly, in my opinion, if a company does not take steps to downgrade after receiving admission to the auction and posting security, it should be required to send a detailed explanation to the supervisory authority about the reasons for its “active non-participation”. In cases where this fact is repeated three times, the company must be subject to a serious fine. I would suggest 1-5% of the initial price, the compensation varies within such limits. I think that such a measure will significantly influence the curtailment of this corruption scheme.

So, our tool, (Roskartel), which we made, seeing all these numbers in the statistics, allowed us to put all suspicious auctions into a separate list. At the first level, this is a list of customers, but by clicking on the name of the customer, you can open the second level, where a list of his suspicious auctions is presented.

Each customer representative can find similar auctions and instruct their responsible employees to check the auctions from this list for the presence of collusion at the auction. If any are detected, take measures to prevent the organization of tenders with signs of cartel conspiracies in your structure, conduct an internal investigation, etc. The tool works in daily update mode, so you can use the filter to find the latest ones and contact the customer with a request to comment on this fact. By the way, if statistics on refusenik participants were available, then active citizens could directly contact them with a request to clarify such a strategy for participating in auctions. Well, if someone knows for sure that there was a conspiracy, then you can directly send a complaint to the FAS from the Roscartel website

In addition, we could not help but take into account the “confusion” with the Latin alphabet as a way for the customer to hide his tenders and, I believe, made a useful service that greatly facilitates the search for such tenders by any socially active citizen, in which the latest purchases are visible with the display of replaced letters.

The system also groups such tender applications by customer to make it easier to see the systematic nature of these abuses. And in order to eliminate errors in the presence of intent, the top of the list for each date is the auction where there was the largest possible number of replaced letters, since often the replacement of one letter is just a banal error that occurred due to the fact that the keyboard language was not switched . However, particularly sophisticated customers do this deliberately, subsequently presenting it as a simple mistake.

So, after the user is confident that the substitutions were made intentionally, he can directly from the same page, from the same line where the name with the substitution of letters is shown, send a complaint to the regional FAS, since the system automatically substitutes In the form, data on the region and details of the regional service.

Thus, searching for dishonest applications becomes a simple task that is available to anyone who wants to take part in improving public procurement. It is possible that soon there will be no such purchases at all, since the practice of FAS decisions will become extensive and known to a large number of customers, and they will stop using such simple schemes and move on to more sophisticated methods.

Answering the question asked at a meeting in by representatives of “NAIZ” and “Safe Fatherland” about the possibility of catching “blankers” and “hyphenators”, I will say that this can also be automated, and we are also thinking about a system for detecting applications under incorrect OKDP and general names, but I hope this issue will still be more elaborated in the new FCC information system, which, according to the latest data, should replace the current website, since the problem of nomenclature in government procurement is one of the most acute and complex in decision for today.

In conclusion, I would like to say that processing open data makes it possible to create truly useful services for suppliers, public organizations, law enforcement agencies and other structures that are interested in analytical information and control in the field of public procurement.

Today we are promoting on the market a new style of work in public procurement, which is based on the Systemic approach and we see how the market is slowly but turning in this direction. The time of thoughtless participation in tenders, waste of time and resources of participating companies is passing. Using the Systematic approach, government procurement participants take calculated and correct steps that lead to victory based on known data about the customer’s loyal attitude to competition and the customer’s absence of corruption schemes. At the same time, we see that the number of such customers is growing, the involvement of new players in government procurement occurs with systematic consistency, and this suggests that initiatives in the field of government procurement like ours are able to slowly, over the years, improve the current situation around government procurement.

Hello, dear colleague! I am often asked whether it is possible to find out information about participants in an electronic auction before the auction. The “threads” of most public procurement forums are full of these same questions. The question is really interesting and relevant. But I can immediately upset you. It is impossible to find out such information in a legal way. However, there are still several ways in which you can legally identify potential auction participants, but we will talk about this a little later. The very idea of ​​holding electronic auctions is precisely to make this procedure as transparent and non-corrupt as possible. However, this is only in theory; in practice, the situation is different. I suggest you take a few minutes of free time and understand everything in detail... ( Note: This article was updated on February 21, 2019).

1. Application for participation in the electronic auction

According to Part 2 of Art. 66 44-FZ, the application for participation in the electronic auction consists of 2 parts. The first part of the application should not contain absolutely no information about the participant, that is, the Customer should not know from whom this or that application was received. Each application has only a number assigned by the operator electronic platform. The customer receives information about auction participants only at the time of receiving the second parts of applications from the operator.

According to the requirements of Part 15 of Art. 66 44-FZ, the operator of an electronic site MUST ensure the confidentiality of information about participants in an electronic auction who submitted applications for participation in such an auction, and the information contained in the first and second parts of this application before posting the protocol of such an auction on the electronic site. For violation of this requirement, the operator of the electronic platform is liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. How do participants who have illegally obtained information about their potential competitors act?

The action plan of such participants is quite simple. Having a list of all auction participants in hand, our participant who has the information, let’s call him Mr. “X,” begins calling all the participants one by one. In the conversation, Mr. “X” invites each participant to “keep silent” at the auction, that is, not to submit price offers in exchange for a reward. The amount of such remuneration, as a rule, ranges from 0.5% to 1% of the initial (maximum) contract price (ICP). With a small number of participants, such a scheme has the right to life, but you should not expect a 100% guarantee from it. Some of the participants may refuse this illegal offer, while others, having received a reward, will still take part in the auction.

There have been several similar cases in my practice. Literally within 30-60 minutes after submitting an application for an electronic auction, I received a call from a person who informed me that we were participating in the same auction and offered a reward so that I would not submit price bids. For my “silence” he offered to transfer 1% of the NMCC to the account I specified. In such cases, I always responded with a categorical refusal, which I recommend you do too, because... participation in such activities is a crime.

3. What legal methods exist for identifying potential bidders?

We have dealt with the illegal method of obtaining information about auction participants (by bribing the operator of an electronic platform). Now let's talk about the available legal methods that will allow you to predict potential participants in a particular auction.

First way. Find out the number of potential auction participants

Until July 1, 2018, when submitting an application for the auction, it was assigned a serial number. If a participant’s application was assigned, for example, number 4, then he understood that in addition to him there were 3 more potential candidates for this contract. Therefore, many participants tried to submit their application a few hours before the application deadline in order to roughly determine the number of potential participants.

What did this information give the participant? In fact, there is only one thing: if there are many participants, then there will certainly be a fierce struggle for the contract at the auction itself and, as a rule, the NMCC will be greatly reduced. Therefore, in most cases, participation in such an auction is not advisable. But there is one thing that must always be taken into account - there are exceptions to any rule. It is not a fact that all participants who submitted applications will be allowed to participate in the auction itself. It is not a fact that all participants will dump. And finally, there is always a possibility that some participants may be rejected by the Customer based on the results of consideration of the second parts of applications.

However, since July 1, 2018, the situation has changed radically. Now, participants’ applications are assigned not serial numbers, but identification numbers (Part 9, Article 66 of 44-FZ). For example, you submitted an application and it was assigned number 5367, the second application was assigned number 15, and the third - 647. Thus, it is not possible to determine how many applications were submitted for the auction. Therefore, at present this method has lost its relevance. However, there are much more effective ways, and we will talk about them below.

Second way. Manual analysis of similar purchases of the Customer for a certain period

This method allows you to predict with a certain degree of probability which suppliers will take part in a particular auction. To do this you need to go to the website - And perform an analysis of completed auctions using the advanced search tool.

In the form that opens, you must fill in the fields in accordance with the search criteria. Typically this is:

  • Federal Law number - 44-FZ;
  • method for determining the supplier - electronic auction;
  • Date the information was posted—specify the required time interval;
  • Federal District of the Customer - indicate the desired one;
  • Subject of the Russian Federation of the Customer - the required one is indicated;
  • Procurement stage - the procedure is completed;
  • District/city - indicated if necessary;
  • Electronic platform address - indicated if necessary;
  • OKPD2 codes - the required ones are indicated.

After this, an analysis of completed electronic auctions is carried out, in particular the summing up protocols.

In addition, it is also necessary to perform an analysis of concluded contracts for an individual Customer. Knowing the name of the Customer and his TIN, you can find information about the contracts he has concluded with the winners of past purchases similar to the one in which you plan to take part. This information is on the website in the section “Register of contracts 44-FZ”. This section is located on the main page of the site in the “Contracts and Agreements” tab.

This method is quite long and labor-intensive, but in the absence of paid analytical tools in the participant’s arsenal, it is the only possible one.

Third way. Program analysis of similar purchases of the Customer for a certain period

The method described above for identifying potential auction participants can be significantly accelerated and simplified if you use analytical tools that are currently available in most paid tender search programs. For example, such as tender plan, ist-budget, bicotender, seldon. In addition, some aggregators in the field of government procurement will provide you with the opportunity to independently analyze possible participants. This service is very convenient and extremely functional, and, most importantly, it is significantly lower in cost than many search programs. The approach is this: you will be given access to the most complete database of participants government tenders with a history of 8 years, in which you, using the settings, set the search criteria of interest by field of activity, region and contract value - then the built-in CRM system will do everything for you. You get results without significant investments and resources. Today, perhaps, the best such aggregator service is CRMBG.SU.

Those suppliers who are just planning to take part in the auction are concerned about many questions. How to find out the number of competitors? How is the price step determined? Is it possible to start by following the procedure from the outside without taking part in it? Let's try to answer these and other questions.

My application has been assigned number 10. Does this mean that 9 participants have already registered besides me?

Not at all necessary. After all, applications can be withdrawn and submitted again. In this case, the numbering will continue. The exact number of auction participants is known to the customer before the auction.

Is it possible to watch the auction if you do not take part in it?

Yes, this is possible in the open section of the electronic trading platform. For example, if this is Sberbank-AST, then you need to select “Auction Hall” in the “Auctions” menu. A list of all active procedures will appear. You can enter the one you are interested in and watch the progress of the auction.

Registration in ERUZ EIS

From January 1 2020 year to participate in tenders under 44-FZ, 223-FZ and 615-PP registration is required in the ERUZ register ( Unified register procurement participants) on the EIS portal (Unified information system) in the field of procurement

We provide a service for registration in the ERUZ in the EIS:

I am interested in the auction history of a particular customer. Where can I watch it?

This is available on the official website of the EIS. The results of all electronic auctions are posted here. For procedures of interest, you can view the protocols of bidding and summing up, as well as information about the contract.

How is the first price quote submitted? Can it be equal to NMCC?

The first bid must be submitted within 10 minutes of the start of the auction. If this is not followed, it will be declared invalid. The offer must be less than the initial contract price - it cannot match it. Moreover, it should differ from the NMCC by a price step.

How is the price step determined?

The price step range is established by law - it is 0.5-5% of the NMCC. To improve current price auction, the participant must submit an offer in increments within this range.

Is it possible to submit an offer outside the price step?

The first offer must be in the price step in any case. Participants can then bid outside the step. However, it must be taken into account that such an offer will not improve the auction price.

Since a proposal outside the step is not taken into account, then why submit it?

The participant who made such an offer may have his own reasons. For example, he is fighting for second place. Such tactics do exist. After all, after the bidding, the second parts of the applications are evaluated, and if at this stage the winner is rejected, then the contract will be concluded with participant No. 2.

Is the price of the second and subsequent offers reduced by one step from the leader’s price or from the NMCC?

The price step, that is, the percentage of its reduction, is calculated from the NMCC. The resulting value is subtracted from the leader's price.

The participant submits an offer that reduces the leader's price by a value less than the price step. Who will be declared the winner in this situation?

The winner is the participant who submits best offer in price step. Offer outside the step will not be taken into account and will not reduce the price of the leader. This proposal can only improve the current proposal of the bidder itself and will not affect the leader of the bidders in any way.

Is it possible to submit an offer equal to the leader's price?

Yes, this is appropriate at the end of the auction. The participant who is the first to submit bids at the same price as the leader will become second in the Auction Protocol.

State companies, enterprises, municipal organizations and other large entities do not have the opportunity to choose their service or product provider. According to 44-FZ it is necessary to participate in open tenders. The Sberbank AST auction trading platform ranks first among other similar auction organizers. Let's figure out what AST from Sberbank is and how to participate in the auction.

What is AST from Sberbank:

  • AST – automated system bidding, where the winner is selected on a competitive basis;
  • trading takes place in the form of auctions in various areas;
  • participants can purchase something (services, houses, apartments, debtors’ property, cars, goods, etc.) or sell them;
  • Any physical, legal entities and individual entrepreneur foreign citizens and organizations that have completed certain steps and submitted an application;
  • The winner is the participant who offered the least for his product or services.

How is the auction going on at the Sberbank AST site?

The auction consists of several conditional parts:

  1. preparatory;
  2. main;
  3. final.

Those interested are carefully selected at the first and second steps. Not everyone can reach the final stage, since very often there are embarrassments in filling out questionnaires and documents even while receiving accreditation or submitting an application. It is worth paying close attention to these points if you work independently, or seek the help of specialists.

How to apply and participate in the auction?

So, how is the electronic auction at Sberbank AST going?

The first part includes the following steps:

  • Obtaining an electronic signature. An electronic digital signature is required for signing and verifying documents. You can order it at any Certification Center online by paying the invoice in advance and attaching necessary documents. A list of organizations involved in issuing certificates can be found on the Sberbank website in the “Obtaining EDS” section. Issued at the CA branch only to the applicant upon presentation of original documents. Issue period – from 30 minutes, validity – 1 year.
  • Obtaining accreditation. Validity period: 3 years. After registration, submission of an application and documents through the website, 5 days are counted, during which the verification and decision is made. New members often get rejected. This happens as a result of incorrect execution of the required papers. Sberbank offers accelerated accreditation. Such paid applications (almost 10 thousand ₱) are reviewed within 1 hour. After approval, a personal account is created for the accredited participant.

The main part includes:

  1. Auction selection. You can easily find the one you need by the assigned registration number.
  2. Replenishment of personal account. Usually this is up to 5% of the initial amount. It is advisable to have a reserve, since prompt replenishment is sometimes unavailable due to system load.
  3. Preparing an application. You must submit your application via personal account. It consists of two mandatory parts. The first is accompanied by various permits, technical parts, and consents. The second includes the participant’s documents: application form, license, tax returns, TIN, powers of attorney for employees (lawyer, accountant and others). Everything is signed with an electronic signature. Files are downloaded simultaneously. After sending, a unique serial number is assigned and some of the money is frozen as collateral. After winning or losing the tender, the amount is returned.
  4. Review of the first parts of applications. Duration - a week. The commission does not know which physical the person or company is under verification, so all competitors are on an equal footing. Next, the participant is admitted to electronic trading in the auction room or the rejection of his application.
  5. Electronic auction. If the participant is approved by the commission, he can begin bidding. They are usually held on the third day after the results are announced. It is important to have uninterrupted Internet and electricity during the second part of the competition. After the session opens, each participant is given the opportunity to make a move of up to 5% of the initial price within 10 minutes. Then you have another 10 minutes to place your bet. Bidding is closed if the last offer was in the previous 10 minutes. The participant with the lowest price wins. Also awarded second place during the second part of the session.
  6. Consideration of the second part of the application. The commission is considering the remaining papers. After which the candidacy is approved or rejected. If rejected, the contract is signed with the next winner.

Final part:

  • Depositing collateral. The winner funds the customer's account before concluding the contract as a guarantor.
  • Signing the agreement (contract). Papers are signed within 10-20 days. Everything is done in electronic form. The collateral is returned to the participant's account.

Find out how many applications have been submitted to the auction

It is impossible to find out how many participants there will be in the first competition (submission of applications and their consideration by the commission). During the second part, all participants see each other.

How can I view the auction results?

3 days after the close of trading is published in public access the final protocol, which indicates the winner.

What is being sold at auction?

Sberbank AST is an electronic trading platform that conducts bankruptcy auctions, as well as the sale of collateral. What you can buy:

  1. through trading platform Sberbank AST sells the property of bankrupts whose debt exceeds 100 thousand ₱ with the last payment more than 3 months ago;
  2. commercial or residential real estate (offices, houses, apartments, cottages, etc.);
  3. cars (passenger cars, trucks, special purpose);
  4. land plots;
  5. jewelry (gold, silver, stones);
  6. antiques;
  7. equipment for enterprises and production.