Make money freelancing without experience. Earning money from freelancing

The definition of “freelance” (from the English freelance) is translated into Russian as “non-contract work”, “outside work”, “remote work”, “telework”, “ remote work"All these expressions are true and mean, in principle, the same thing. The essence of the work is that the employee is not present in the office and does not appear in staffing table company and accounting documents.

Freelancer earnings

A specialist who makes a living on the Internet never knows where, on what content and at what time he will make a profit. Since a freelancer is a free person, he does not work under a contract, and such factors as the cost of future orders, the number of completed works and the client’s generosity index are obviously unknown to him. Therefore, it is impossible to know in advance what kind of income a freelancer “awaits” online today or tomorrow... Unless he himself wants to talk about it in detail on the pages of his personal blog.

Components of success

A beginning freelancer, having barely registered on one of the earning sites, is unlikely to immediately earn an amount that can be called a decent income. For successful promotion, a beginner needs:

1) acquire skills that allow him to be called a specialist in the provision of one or more services;

2) regularly replenish your portfolio, improve and gain new experience;

3) learn to meet the requirements of most customers;

4) do not get hung up on one task, try to take on several orders at once and learn to combine them, switching from one project to another;

5) be constantly in touch with the employer;

6) show diplomacy towards customers;

7) do not forget that the completion date of work is no less important than its quality;

8) learn to divide complex work into several stages and perform the simplest parts of the work first, and then the most difficult parts of the work.

Newcomers who cannot cope with complex orders often begin to develop complexes, agreeing to work for the minimum wage. In fact, there is nothing terrible in such tactics if “included” with small fees is experience and, importantly, although slowly, the rating on the site that the freelancer has chosen as a platform for earning money increases.

About income - more details

Experts who set out to determine the income level of citizens belonging to different social strata found that the earnings of Russian freelancers are equal to approximately two salaries of employees whose jobs are tied to offices. According to research results, the average monthly salary of a freelancer is about 40 thousand rubles. The richest freelancers are programmers and web designers.

After the results of research on the topic: “Freelancer's earnings” were published, the feedback that was received indicated the incompetence of the researchers. According to the freelancers themselves, most of them, contrary to expert estimates, earn much less than the specified amount (40,000) and their average earnings are formed mainly from several small projects, the cost of each of which ranges from 1 to 3 thousand rubles.

If you really want...

The most prosperous, according to experts, are IT specialists. Most employers disagree with this. The fact is that not every employer agrees to hire freelancers. These freedom-loving seekers of making money online, according to some employers, have a habit of refusing tasks that are difficult for them to cope with. But the remaining 30% of employers note that by inviting remote workers, they save on taxes, wages and rent.

Meanwhile, the majority of people who are satisfied with remote work and freelance earnings (55%), demonstrating high labor productivity, have higher education and upscale vocational training. According to statistics, only 26% of full-time employees have higher education. An interesting fact: the most diligent and educated freelancers turned out to be housewives raising children.

Writing texts

Composing unique texts, or copywriting, as well as modifying ready-made texts, or rewriting, are one of the most common types of earning money on-line. All a copywriter needs is to correctly express his thoughts, have personal computer and Internet access. In addition, this type of income has two significant advantages:

  • earning money on the Internet as a freelance copywriter or rewriter does not involve any investment;
  • Not a single customer has ever thought to find out the level of education of a copywriter whose texts meet the requirements.

What don't newbies know?

Many potential copywriters are interested in one question: “What problems will a beginner who has just registered on a freelancing exchange face?” Decent earnings on the Internet as a freelancer depend on experience, time devoted to mastering the necessary skills and perseverance in achieving your goal. Even a person who writes first-class texts once had to search for customers for the first time.

Searching (rewriters) or rushing to specialized exchanges, or advertise on websites where potential performers and employers gather. The latter, as a rule, contain a lot of “incredibly profitable” offers that promise incredibly high profits with a small load. In fact, it often happens that, working without raising his head, a copywriter is left without money: when the moment of reckoning comes, the “employer” either disappears or informs the performer that there will be no payment, since his text is illiterate and uninteresting.

There are so many scammers in freelancing that some “young” online workers, having encountered several scammers, give up further attempts to find work on the Internet. A freelancer’s earnings become “another scam” for them.

However, there are quite a lot of companies on the Global Network that actually pay employees for their work, without pestering them with promises and talk about dizzying and easy money.

Earning money as a freelancer primarily depends on how much time a person is willing to devote to work (no one will just give you money). Needless to say, freelancers who work and get paid have a completely different view of this method of making a profit?

Interaction between the client and the contractor

The freelancer-employer relationship is one of the most important components remote work. The adequacy of the client is indicated by factors such as work style, complexity of the tasks, willingness to pay for someone else’s work, fair assessment of the amount of work, and so on. When collaborating with “abnormal” clients, freelancers spend more time and receive much less income.

During the first interaction with the customer, the freelancer needs to not only impress the new employer good impression, but also decide for himself whether he will cooperate with this person in the future.

So how much do copywriters earn?

According to the results research activities of specialists involved in collecting information on-line, approximately a fifth of remote workers earn 40-60 thousand rubles, and only 2% of on-line employees managed to overcome the 150 thousand mark. Network employees who are engaged in copywriting, but have not yet mastered this profession perfectly, earn from 25 to 40 thousand rubles per month.

Being a freelance copywriter depends, first of all, on the effort put in. People who take their work seriously (draw up a personal work schedule and correctly calculate working hours), earn about $300 a month. In this profession, money comes with experience. An experienced copywriter can earn $500. e.

Can a person who has no skills make money online?

Here are some easy ways to make money:

  • Collection of information from thematic sites. The essence of the work is as follows: a specific query is entered into the Google search bar, after which contact information is collected from all sites that appear in the search results. Having saved the received information in a text file, the freelancer exchanges the obtained information for money. A freelancer’s earnings in this case depend on his scrupulousness.
  • Checking sites for cross-browser compatibility. The freelancer finds out what the site looks like when opened in different browsers and, after taking screenshots, sends them to the customer, after which he receives payment.
  • Collecting information from the pages of online stores. The contractor collects information about certain products and sends it to the customer. In some cases, clients ask the performer to rewrite the obtained information in his own words, and then the freelancer’s earnings increase.

Popular types of earning money online also include:

  • accounting services;
  • website promotion;
  • medical, legal and other consultations;
  • writing comments or evaluating the work of the site;
  • writing responses and comments on “questionnaire” websites;
  • recommendations regarding the modernization of websites and online stores.

If you just recently learned that it is quite possible to make money on the Internet, or you just now feel ready to start such work, then some of the most valuable advice from experts in this case concerns sites where you can get work. There are many freelancing platforms on the Internet where finding work is not difficult even for beginners.

  • 1 What is freelancing?
  • 2 How to establish a constant remote work?
  • 3 How much can you earn using a freelance exchange?
  • 4 List of the best platforms for remote work
  • 5 Weblancer
  • 6 Fl
  • 7 Freelancer
  • 9 Work-zilla
  • 10
  • 11 Kwork
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19

What is freelancing?

Today Freelancing is most often called remote work on the Internet when you negotiate cooperation with customers and employers via the Internet. The convenience of freelancing is that you choose the exchanges to search for work, look for clients and manage your time yourself.

The motto of freelancing for both beginners and experienced ones is freedom of choice, which is included directly in the name of the job (free).

An ideal freelance job looks like this - you choose exchanges to search for work, find customers, complete tasks and receive payment via the Internet. Money is usually sent to the electronic wallets of the WebMoney and YandexMoney systems. For beginners, the question of receiving payment via the Internet usually becomes the most incomprehensible, but in fact, for freelancing, a much more difficult question is finding a permanent job or a source of regular orders.

How to set up permanent remote work?

For beginners, first of all, you should determine exactly what kind of work can you do via the Internet?. This could be writing texts, posting on forums, SMM, translating texts, moderating and administering websites. Even if you are a specialist in design, photography, programming or another narrow profile, it is recommended for beginners to make every effort to achieve a high reputation during the first time of work.

Unfortunately, few people on the Internet are willing to take your word for it that you are a highly qualified specialist, so examples of completed tasks collected in a portfolio and reviews of your work will tell you for you.

Kwork is a convenient freelance services store: Tens of thousands of services, speed of execution and a money-back guarantee - freelancing has never been so enjoyable!

When looking for a permanent job you will need good exchange for freelancing, patience and diligence. Many employers may offer to complete a test task before you start work - don't be reluctant to do a test task, but be careful not to rush into large amounts of unpaid work. Please note that any freelance exchange is also home to scammers who simply lure out tasks from beginners and do not pay for them. Try to work with employers with a high reputation on the site and good reviews.

How much can you earn using a freelance exchange?

Making money via the Internet is a wonderful thing, because everything is in the hands of the performer, even his size wages. You can take the first job you come across and agree to low pay, or you can try find high paying jobs by devoting more time and effort to your job search. Earnings also depend on the time you are willing to devote to work, as well as on your productivity.

The advantage of freelancing is that you can work on weekends and start earlier on weekdays, or vice versa, work late.

If you want to earn more, just work more; if comfort and relaxation are more important to you, shorten your working hours.

List of the best platforms for remote work

The best exchanges for a beginner are large platforms that ensure the security of transactions and closely monitor compliance with operating rules. Good criteria for the reliability of the exchange are a guarantee of payment for the task and a system for protecting the rights of all users, even beginners.


Nice project for beginners - you can always find a lot of tasks here. Unfortunately, this exchange is no longer free - in order to respond to projects, you need to select and pay tariff plan. The cost starts from 1 USD, and for a number of services offered, for example: naming and slogans, transcription, the tariff is free. The more specializations a freelancer chooses, the more he must pay for using the weblancer exchange.


One of the largest and most famous platforms for freelancers is the Fl exchange. Full work on this resource is possible only with a PRO account, the price of which starts at 1,500 rubles for one month of access to the resource. Without it, you will only be able to contact those customers who themselves leave their contacts in the text of the assignment, but cannot respond to projects. In the case of direct contact with customers, the site does not in any way guarantee payment for the task. To be guaranteed to receive payment, you need to have a PRO account and work through the “Safe Transaction” service. This resource is not recommended for performers with above-average cost of services.


The Freelancer exchange website has a user-friendly interface and provides the opportunity to work both through a secure transaction and without it. You can work on the exchange for free, but if you are interested in submitting more than three applications per day, you need to purchase a higher-level account that provides additional opportunities. Price for access to personal account starts from 590 rubles.

The exchange is quite young, but with good prospects. More than one hundred thousand freelancers are already registered here. The site has a good design and user-friendly interface. Main tasks - for designers, copywriters, programmers. You can start working on the service for free, since there is no need to purchase additional PRO accounts. It is enough to offer services and customers can contact the freelancer themselves.


On freelance exchange workzilla a huge number of specializations. You can choose the task you want to complete from the list of tasks published on the site. The system protects freelancers from scammers: it takes a commission from each order, but guarantees the customer a refund if the work is not completed in accordance with the terms of the task, and the contractor - payment for quality work done, even if the customer does not want to pay for it. In order to work on the exchange, you need to buy a subscription - the cost of access to tasks for 3 months is 490 rubles + commission.

You can work on this exchange without even registering - the system allows you to view orders and see the customer's contact information, so you can contact him directly. There are different orders here: website creation, copywriting, crowd marketing, etc. There is a lot on this resource useful information: articles, courses, both for beginners and for those who already have experience. provides information about other Internet resources (exchanges) for copywriting.


Freelance exchange Kwork positions itself as an online services store, and it is a one-price store - 500 rubles. You can offer your services for this price and wait for the customer to choose you. True, the system retains a commission of about 100 rubles. It’s interesting for a beginner because you can gain experience and ratings for practically nothing. This will allow us to take applications at an adequate cost in the future.

This exchange provides its services to freelancers in various fields. Currently characterized by fairly low activity. There are offers for one-time projects, but more often there are vacancies for remote work. You can always find a large number of advertisements on the site, but some of them may turn out to be fraudulent, since the exchange does not have a secure transaction service.

This exchange grew out of a freelance blog. Now you can find quite a lot of orders here - mainly for programmers and designers. The majority of customers are quite experienced and technically competent specialists. After registering on the exchange, you can respond to 5 orders daily for free. For more active work, it is possible to purchase subscriptions or responses. Payment for a subscription is based on the price per day - from 20 rubles, and depends on the purchased period of validity of the subscription: the longer, the cheaper.

Watch the video - TOP 10 sites for making money on the Internet without investment by freelancing

This is a kind of store where performers themselves offer services and set the price for them. The range of services is different: texts, websites, graphics, web design, etc. The cost starts from 100 rubles. Currently, the website contains more than 10,000 current offers from freelancers.

This site contains advertisements with customer contacts so that freelancers can contact them directly. There are many vacancies for copywriters, layout designers, programmers, and managers. It is more suitable for professionals. It is quite difficult to get into the freelance directory - the requirements for the portfolio are quite high. A newly registered user may end up on the first pages of the catalog, as it opens in random order. At the same time, the registration procedure is quite simple, one might say ordinary.

There are not too many orders here - maybe 20-30 per day, but there is little competition. You can work both through a secure transaction and without it. Using the resource: registration, creating a portfolio, selecting and submitting applications to projects is completely free. For a small additional fee of 30 rubles, you can highlight your application when included in the project. The exchange contains vacancies from employers in various fields. Among the nuances: user accounts that have not logged into the system for 6 months are charged a service fee of up to 100 per month.

The team began its activities in 2015. Currently, more than 9.5 thousand performers are already registered on the Ujobs exchange. Freelancers can post their ads themselves or respond to requests from customers. It is possible to work through a secure transaction. There are tariffs that allow you to respond to a larger number of applications. The cost of tariffs is from 15 rubles per day.

This is perhaps the most popular exchange for copywriters, so if you consider yourself a text writing specialist, then be sure to try working on this exchange. There is a service for checking text for uniqueness; if a match is found, it provides complete information. The task portfolio is constantly being updated. Distinctive feature resource - very low prices. For a beginner there is a chance to gain experience and rating. To do this, however, you will have to take on any work and perhaps just a review. The exchange has another available source of income - the sale of already written articles.

Positions itself as the number 1 content exchange. The site is suitable for copywriters, rewriters, and translators. On Advego exchange You can put your articles up for sale or take orders from the site. The advantage of the resource is that there is no need to run after customers - you can select a job from the list of available ones and immediately start completing it. True, for a beginner the prices will not be too high, but here you can “get your teeth into.” The system takes a 10% commission, but guarantees payment for quality work done.

We recommend: copywriting exchange

This decent income for copywriters and the opportunity to order text from professional authors.

Here you can realize your creative potential or purchase unique articles for the needs of your site.

Most of the freelance exchanges listed above have a broad specialization. Even a beginner can try his hand there, although among those working on these resources there are many professionals with extensive experience.

If you know exactly what kind of activity you want to earn a living, you can also register on highly specialized exchanges - for copywriters, photographers, designers, programmers, etc.

Making money online is quite possible, and freelancing is just one of the possible ways. Want to know more? All current information Here 50 ways to make money online

In fact, there are many more sites on the Internet suitable for freelancing - these are,,,,,,,, , and others.

The main thing is to choose a niche for yourself own work, be patient and start searching for tasks. The most important thing in freelancing is, perhaps, experience, so if you become a good specialist, you will find work on any exchange.

Do you want to not only earn good money, but also get rich? At least, don’t think every day about whether you have enough money for everything you planned to buy: the latest equipment, a cool car, and even an apartment? Then you're on course on money management.

Andrey Merkulov

Investor, founder of the Territory of Investment project
Owner of a number of assets - apartment building, apartments, income sites
Entrepreneur, expert on traffic, business replication and business systems

Hi all! Today I will tell you about how to start making money as a freelancer. I will be based solely on the experience gained over 3 years of work in this field. But first things first. What is this all about?

First, let's figure out what freelancing is. There are quite a few ways to make money on the Internet, but one of the best, in my opinion, is freelancing. What's the point?

The fact is that you earn money on the Internet by performing various tasks for customers. For example, write text, layout a website, make a design for a website, and the like.

It's actually the same as . Freelancing has only one difference: you look for your own customers and do not obey anyone. While, as usual, remotely, you are hired by some company and receive a salary. Although if you look at it, many freelancers also have permanent place work, or rather regular customers.

Now let's talk about what every freelancer should know.

  • The most important thing is experience and reputation. If you have great experience and a good reputation, you will always have many customers. Therefore, increase your experience, that is, read various useful literature, watch training videos and so on. To have a good reputation, always do quality work.
  • Discipline is also a very important element. If you don't have it, you will never become successful. Let me give you a simple example: an undisciplined freelancer missed an order and lost a “piece” of his reputation. That's it. Of course, excuses can be made, but if he cannot control himself, such cases will be repeated and his reputation will gradually decrease. In my own way, as a customer, I will say that I really don’t like such slobs and therefore I immediately begin to look for other, more responsible people.
  • There is no limit to development. You can constantly develop in any freelancing profession. Let's take the same copywriting. Let's say a copywriter is already excellent at writing any texts, including selling ones. He has a lot of orders, and expensive ones at that. He is the most famous and so on. Where to grow in this case?

    First option: You need to go out international market. It’s easy for this copywriter in RuNet, because everyone knows him here, he has a reputation. Abroad, he is nobody. In addition, the language is not native. And so in any profession. Constantly develop, so you will gain even more experience.

    Second option: An experienced copywriter, he can write there. Thus, over time, his articles will automatically bring him profit and allow him to either earn more by combining freelancing and blogging, or even quit his hired job and develop his website. This is exactly what I once did; you can read more about this in this article: “..

These were the basics of freelancing. But where to start for a person who has just learned about this way of earning money and wants to start?

Freelancing. Where to start for a beginner

In my recent article about that, I told the story of Vasya, who achieved success. Be sure to read so that everything is clear to you.

In principle, the development algorithm in freelancing is almost the same, only the professions differ, and the beginning is a little different.

The fact is that there are special ones for beginner copywriters, and there are quite a lot of them. But there are not so many resources for new designers or programmers. Therefore, they will have to either immediately go to, or work on less popular resources.

After this, you will also need to reach out to regular customers. And don't forget about your portfolio. It needs to be created as early as possible and constantly updated, that is, add better work.

In general, a portfolio is an important thing for a freelancer. Because it reflects experience and reputation. After all, a portfolio can contain not only examples of work, but also customer reviews; it will be especially effective.

Freelancing from scratch. Video

There are quite a lot of different videos on the Internet on how to make money as a freelancer. Some really help, some (most) are completely useless. In addition, it will be difficult for a beginner to find what he needs among all this variety.

That's why I created a separate one. There you can find training videos in a structured form, from which you will learn how to make money freelancing as a beginner.

In principle, this is all the basic information. The main thing to remember is that freelancing is work on the Internet, and not some kind of freebie. You need to work hard, including on yourself, to achieve success.

If you are interested in freelancing training (for free), visit our forum at

Freelancing is out-of-state work, usually remote and project-based. According to one version, the word “freelancer” was first used in the meaning of “free mercenary warrior” by Walter Scott in “Ivanhoe.” Today, a freelancer is a person who works for himself, most often via the Internet with one or more customers outside the staff of their companies, organizes his own working hours and looks for employers. Typically, a freelancer is not responsible for the entire project, but performs a specific task - write text for a website, develop an application, create a brand book, draw up an estimate, etc.

Do not confuse a freelancer with an outsourced specialist. The second is an employee of the company with which the customer entered into an agreement, and the first is a free shooter. Outsourcing is usually more expensive than ordering a similar service from a freelancer. In addition, formal contracts are rarely concluded with beginning freelancers, which means the customer saves on taxes and contributions to the pension fund.

You are a beginner: where to start?

1. Decide on your field of activity

What remote work are you good at? It's not just people who become freelancers creative professions(designers, copywriters, software developers, branding and marketing specialists), but also lawyers, engineers, estimators, designers, fitness trainers, etc.

Ask yourself 2 questions:

What am I an expert in?
Can this work be done remotely?

If the required skill is found, and the answer to the second question is “Yes,” try yourself in freelancing.

2. Choose the optimal work schedule for yourself

There's no point in looking for clients if you don't have time to freelance. Decide for yourself how much time you can devote to remote work. Will it be a part-time job in addition to the main one for 2 hours a day or are you planning to spend all your time on freelancing, since you have such an opportunity?

Look for clients based on this temporary setting. If you only have a couple of hours a day and it takes 10 to complete one order, it may be worth taking small orders first. This way you can assess your capabilities and avoid gaining a reputation as someone who neglects deadlines.

3. Find touch points with customers

Tell your friends and acquaintances about your intention to make money from freelancing, write on social networks - you will find your first clients among your own. Then register on freelance exchanges - here employers are looking for remote workers. Freelancing is especially popular in Moscow, St. Petersburg and large cities of Russia - in full-time employees the salary here is solid, and it’s much cheaper to hire a freelancer from the Russian outback to carry out their tasks.

Here is a list of popular freelance exchanges that are suitable for constantly searching for clients:


There are a hundred more Russian-language exchanges, not to mention English-language ones - here you can find remote work around the world. Surfing these sites will help you find one that is convenient for you personally. Most sites have a demo version, but it is more effective to attract many clients and look for truly profitable projects by purchasing a paid account. On, for example, it costs about 1,500 rubles monthly and 15,800 rubles for a year. Prices on other popular exchanges are not too different.

For a beginning freelancer, we recommend that you explore several sites in the demo version, try to find customers for free, and only then, once you get the hang of it, purchase a paid account on one of the sites. If you don't plan to freelance full time, think about whether purchasing a paid account would be justified? Will you be able to process orders from all the clients you find through it?

4. Set up your workspace

To get started, all you need is a computer/laptop with a stable Internet connection, a notepad and a pen. Often freelancers combine their main office work with remote work. The space where you will work as a remote employee can be either at home or in the office.

Elements of Freelancing Success

Now that you're ready to start working as a freelancer, take a closer look at the following five points. Without them, you won’t be able to become a successful freelancer.

1. Good portfolio

If you are an experienced professional, for example in design or branding, collect best works and post them on the selected freelance exchange in the “Portfolio” section. Try to attach examples that demonstrate how different orders you can perform efficiently. If you are a copywriter, attach texts in different genres, an application developer - attach examples from different areas, etc. Provide your work with graphic or text previews - brief announcements of what a potential client will see in them. If you have orders that were carried out for well-known companies, brands, personalities, indicate this in your portfolio: this way you will increase your chances of receiving solid orders.

If you are looking for a part-time freelance job in the audio-to-text translation format, and you don’t have any experience, feel free to write about it in your profile.
How to get an order on a freelance exchange? Typically, a job search goes like this: the customer puts his project on the stock exchange - a proposal for implementation specific task(write text, develop a logo, create an agreement, etc.). Freelancers sign up for the project, attaching the best work to the message, offer their price if it is not specified by the customer, and indicate the desired time frame. Then the customer selects a contractor and discusses the task with him, as a rule, in personal correspondence outside the exchange.

Be prepared for the fact that beginners will not be paid much (you will find average prices for similar work right there on the exchange - look through the feed of projects offered by customers to get an idea of ​​the cost), and also that getting an order will not be easy at first. If in the first months you agree to low pay, demonstrate your skills and complete orders on time, you can quickly collect a dozen reviews, after which your rating on the exchange will increase, and the first examples of work will appear in your portfolio. Look for small ones that don't require big investment time and effort to place orders and be prepared to fulfill them for pennies for the sake of reviews and “fixation” on the exchange.

At first, experienced professionals with a good portfolio also have to work for low pay: on many exchanges, employers pay attention to the rating and duration of a freelancer’s presence on the site, not trusting new players. When will you receive positive reviews from customers, feel free to raise the price.

2. Close contact with clients

Many clients come to freelancing for urgent work, while others like to have their questions answered quickly. Stay in touch and be prepared to communicate a lot with the client. He sees you as a newbie on the stock market and wants to make sure you don't let him down. So don't commit popular mistake beginners - count on your strength! Newcomers respond to hundreds of projects at once, offer low price, and when clients start discussing the work, they simply don’t have time to respond and lose contact.
Another mistake is to communicate with clients solely on the project, without taking a step aside. If a client is not interested in your services now, but plans to cooperate within, for example, several months, do not write him off and continue the dialogue with him - this may bring you money in the future!

3. Responsible approach

Be a responsible employee - this will help you gain regular customers and increase profits. When stating deadlines, meet them or, in as a last resort, warn that you will not be on time by the appointed time.

Remember: freelancing is the same work as in an office, on a construction site, or in a store. The fate of a particular transaction or event depends on whether you manage to deliver the completed order on time. Don't let your clients down - this will help you get from them good reviews and orders more than once.

4. Willingness to develop

After a month or two of painstaking work on the stock exchange, take orders for a higher price and... But every day hundreds of new freelancers in your niche come to the exchange, and each of them is a potential competitor. Therefore, constantly improve the level of quality of work, study related topics, deepen your skills - this way you can be competitive and meet market demands, as well as take a wide range of orders, and over time, set a higher price for them.

5. Work for the future

Beginning freelancers often think and act according to the “here and now” principle. If the customer is not ready to place the order right now, they stop communicating with him. But if you want to achieve a stable income, and not sit all day on the stock exchange waiting for orders, try to establish a long-term relationship with the client.

Remember: communication today can bear fruit tomorrow. Half an hour spent on a test task or a detailed discussion of the project will bring large order, and, possibly, long-term cooperation. If you let a client down today, you won’t get good work in the future because of a bad review.

Work as a freelancer with the expectation that you will do this all your life - responsibly, with a focus on the future, sometimes sacrificing personal time and desires to the account good orders in the future. This is the main key to success for those who want to know how to make money freelancing today and provide yourself with remote work for many years.

Instead of a conclusion: qualities of a successful freelancer

Asking the question " How to make money freelancing for a beginner", keep in mind that some freelancers make do with small, cheap orders and sometimes return to old job, while others, after a year, begin to earn several times more than in the office, enter into official contracts with customers and receive a “white” salary. In addition to the responsibility and excellent professional skills mentioned above, the following will help a freelancer achieve professional heights and high earnings:

  • self-confidence (if you need to prove to the client that you are the ideal performer);
  • self-discipline (you plan your day, work and order deadlines);
  • flexibility (conditions will often change during the work process, and in order to receive money you will have to adapt to the client);
  • ability to work quickly (urgent orders are better paid);
  • the ability to competently express your thoughts (one way or another, you will have to respond to the employer on the stock exchange in writing - you will have to describe your main advantages as a performer, offer ideas for implementing the project);
  • willpower (when no one limits you, it is useful to be able to force yourself to sit down at work instead of lying on the couch).

Do you have all these qualities? Ready to work - albeit not immediately for a lot of money, but with the hope of freedom of movement and good earnings? Can you do something remotely? Then it's time to try yourself in freelancing - this is for you!

"Freelancing". The concept of freedom is literally hidden in the word itself. And in the imagination of many, there is a replicated image of a freelancer with a laptop on the beach, drinking a cocktail, basking in the sun and getting good money in between.

But pictures and stereotypes are one thing, but real life- completely different. Therefore, let's figure out what freelancing is, which specialists are suitable for working in this format, whether anyone can choose a similar form of work and, most importantly, how to start making money from freelancing. LookFreedom company shares its professional experience.

What is "freelancing"?

Freelancing means a way of organizing work when certain tasks and orders are completed without official employment. A freelancer (private practitioner) has a number of distinctive features:

  • works remotely and outside the office;
  • independently finds clients and determines the cost of its services;
  • carries full responsibility for results;
  • can work with several customers simultaneously.

A freelancer is often contracted to perform certain tasks or provide services, although many do without it. Cooperation with him can even be short-term and limited to one project, or long-term. In any case, the freelancer solely decides with whom to work and for how long.

Freelancers also work offline, but in this material we will focus on those specialists who earn money only on the Internet and take full advantage of the worldwide global network as your workspace.

Earning options for beginners

If you decide to start a career outside the office, then, first of all, you need to decide on your field of activity. The same market laws apply to online and offline spheres: Specialists and professionals in their field are in demand everywhere.

Although, of course, there are many opportunities to earn money on the Internet with any basic skills. On our website you can learn about the options for earning money that, regardless of your level of computer literacy, age, or professional experience.

The most popular areas in freelancing:

  • : writing articles for websites of various subjects;
  • Design and web design: development of visuals for printed products, creation of banners, logos, design of web resources, etc.;
  • Website building: creation of web pages and layout (placing page elements on the screen);
  • Administration of sites and groups in social networks (filling with content, developing new topics, working with authors);
  • Programming;
  • SMM – marketing: promotion on social networks;
  • Remote accounting: filling out reporting forms, tax returns, payroll calculations;
  • Specialist consulting services(lawyers, psychologists, business trainers, information businessmen, etc.).

Today it is also possible to master the basics of any specialty through the use of modern technologies– remotely. However, learning how to create logos or design websites professionally, for example, can only be done through trial and error. own experience, fulfilling orders. Therefore, if your skill level is still far from perfect, in the early stages it is better to consider freelancing as an additional source of income.

How to make yourself known as a freelancer

If you are an expert in your field, but new to freelancing, you need to start advertising and promoting yourself as a professional:

  1. Create and design a portfolio of work. This can be done on, on a blog, on a personal page or in a group of social networks.

If you have nothing to show yet potential client, then to begin with you can complete several orders for free. Work with a client through barter: you do the work for him, and he provides feedback and an example for the portfolio. Cases and manuals for completing even fictitious tasks are also suitable as work samples. This will demonstrate your competence.

  1. Specify prices for your services, develop tariffs and interesting offers that can attract customers.

When setting prices, consider:

  • Own needs and expenses;
  • Average cost of competitors' services;
  • The market situation in your field: if demand lags far behind supply, come up with a feature, a “trick” that will set you apart from your colleagues.
  1. As orders are completed create a review database, which will then be one of the effective advertising channels for you. Word of mouth does not work everywhere, but it often helps a lot in promoting your services on the Internet.
  2. Post advertisements on specialized sites (if you are registered as individual entrepreneur) or on professional forums.
  3. Create a brief– a kind of questionnaire that the client must fill out in order to better describe the essence of the task for the freelancer.

Freelance exchanges and client search

The most common problem for a beginning freelancer is finding orders. It is worth noting that even experienced specialists spend a lot of time communicating with the client. The terms of the transaction are negotiated, the deadlines for delivery of the work are determined, etc. In some cases, this can take up to 1/3 of the total time spent working on the project.

Setting out on a free voyage, many look for work primarily on special exchanges. The most popular online platforms (universal, for all specialists):

  •– a leader among exchanges, the most popular platform with a large number of orders;
  •– international platform, there is a Russian version;
  •– on the market for 10 years, the rating is assigned not only to performers, but also to customers;
  •– a universal exchange, suitable for beginners;
  •– a project for high-level specialists;
  •– offers tasks at a fixed price (500 rubles);
  •– has a convenient interface and messenger.

Since all exchanges are created to solve the same problems, the principle of operation on them is similar, the only difference is in some functional features.

The freelancer work algorithm here is standard:

  • Registration on the service;
  • Studying work options and choosing an order in accordance with specialization, volume and timing;
  • Negotiations with the customer;
  • Execution in accordance with the technical specifications;
  • Receiving payment.

A freelancer receives money in electronic form. The most popular payment systems:

  • Webmoney;
  • Yandex Money;
  • Qiwi.

Unfortunately, there are often scammers on the Internet. The LookFreedom company regularly talks about this and warns readers of our blog. To ensure that the interests of the contractor and the customer are protected, exchanges offer the “Safe Transaction” service. Its meaning is that the freelancer is guaranteed to receive money for the work, and his client is guaranteed to receive a high-quality and timely order.

A secure transaction works as follows:

  1. The customer creates an order and deposits money into his account in his personal account;
  2. The freelancer sends a response;
  3. The customer chooses the contractor;
  4. Money from the customer’s account is transferred to a special freelance exchange account. They are stored there until the freelancer submits the work and the customer checks it;
  5. If the customer is satisfied with the work performed, he clicks on the order acceptance button and the money goes to the freelancer’s account minus a small commission. If not, the order is sent for revision, and the money temporarily remains in the exchange account.

There are often cases when controversial issues arise, i.e. when the customer is sure that the work was done incorrectly, and the freelancer is sure that the order was completed exactly in accordance with the technical specifications (TOR). In this case, the work comes into play arbitration, which is available on every freelance exchange. As a rule, arbitration consists of very experienced specialists. They check the completed order and make a decision.

Based on its results, the money is either sent back to the customer’s account or transferred to the contractor for work done correctly.

Earning money through mediation

Not all freelancers make money by independently and directly performing agreed upon tasks for the customer. Some prefer to provide the services of an intermediary. That is, they become an additional link between the client and the contractor. And this is normal practice.

Often, a freelancer first performs the work independently, and then, having formed a client base, begins to delegate orders to a contractor who works in a lower price segment.

Often the customers on the exchange are intermediaries and they work with the whole team, performing the functions of a manager: they negotiate, look for compromises between the client’s wishes and the contractor’s capabilities, and choose the most profitable options. Intermediary with good income is, first of all, an organizer and negotiator.

In general, intermediaries give preference to large projects. This is convenient both for the customer, who will entrust the entire front of the work to one person and receive a turnkey result, and for the freelancer, who will earn good money on a percentage of the work of the performers.

For example, an entrepreneur decided to create an online store with a blog for feature articles in order to attract customers. He needs a website development specialist, a web designer to create an attractive interface, and a copywriter who will write articles and descriptions for all products. For each you need to make terms of reference, and then also work on making changes.

A mediator can take on a unique role as a foreman. He himself works with freelancers, negotiates prices and deadlines with them, and accepts the result. In this case, the customer immediately receives the finished result, but also pays the “foreman”.

Another option: the client needs an effective landing page (one-page website). He doesn’t need separate text and separate graphics; he just wants a landing page that is beautifully designed and attracts visitors. The intermediary combines the work of two specialists, finds customers for them (which is very important) and receives a percentage of the cost of their services.

Advantages and disadvantages of freelancing

There are many advantages to working as a freelancer. However, each of them can be viewed from a different angle.

Flexible schedule

+ The most powerful argument in favor of freelancing. Nobody forces you to work from 9 to 18. If the most productive time for you is early morning, then the working day can start at least at 5 o’clock and end, for example, by lunch. If you are a night owl, then no one can forbid you to start fulfilling the order in the afternoon and work on it until late at night.

However, a free schedule for a freelancer often means irregular working hours. If the job is not done and deadlines are running out, you cannot turn off the computer, citing labor legislation with an 8-hour daily work period.

Independent choice of tasks and amount of work

+ There is no need to write a statement and negotiate with the employer about vacation. You can go travel at any time or simply change your place of residence and continue working.

It should be borne in mind that this will also affect the budget: no one will give vacation pay or bonuses, and sick leave will not be paid. As much as I did, I received as much.

Mobile workplace

+ You can work in a café, on the beach, or on a plane on the way to India. The main thing is that access to the network is stable.

But if you have poor self-organization and motivation, then the result from such work will be weak.

Independence and absence of bosses

Just as he will not find clients, determine the priority of tasks and take responsibility in case of failure, while paying salaries. Moreover, some people need to be pushed regularly. Therefore, we again remember self-discipline and motivation.

No earnings limit

+ You have no salary cap. You can take on more projects and increase your monthly income, raise the price, etc.

But there are also no stable monthly payments. There are periods when a freelancer is “inundated” with orders and his profit reaches huge sums, but after this, there may be a period of downtime, which is filled with the search for new clients.

What else do you need to know?

Most often, freelancing is associated with making money on the Internet, and this is partly true. However, for example, representatives of such professions as photographers, builders, hairdressers, repair specialists, cosmetologists can also look for clients and work independently outside of firms, enterprises and organizations. They, of course, use the Internet, but mostly as a tool for advertising, promotion and communication with customers.

Today there is even such a thing as air freelance. Flight attendants do not work for specific airlines, but are contracted to accompany flights on certain routes. In the future, the market for freelance services will only expand.

Many employers today prefer to use the services of private specialists rather than hiring a permanent employee. At the same time, they do not lose in quality of performance and save money because they do not pay for specific hours of work, but only for the result. Additional benefit: There is no need to pay taxes as a freelancer. That's why good specialists often loaded with constant orders for a very long period of time.

A freelancer can also successfully combine self-employment and the role of an office employee. Thus, he receives income from various sources.

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