The task was to create a business plan for an educational organization. Development of a business plan for educational services

* The calculations use average data for Russia

1. Project summary

Project goal– opening of a non-state educational institution(NOU), providing services in primary general and secondary general education in a city with a population of more than 1 million people. According to Russian legislation, the activities of non-profit educational institutions relate to non-profit organizations, therefore the purpose of profit is to expand activities and pursue the mission of developing education in the region.

The project involves the creation of a paid private school (half board), which is a comprehensive format, including primary school(grades 1-4), secondary school (grades 5-9), as well as courses English language, preparation courses for the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination, sections. The advantages of the project include the presence of its own building, and, therefore, the absence of rent as an expense item, which for competing establishments can amount to up to half of the entire budget. The school's potential clients are children of parents with a high level of income who want to provide their children with a decent future, as well as children for some reason who are inconvenient for a public school (speech therapy problems, developmental delays, etc.).

Demand project is explained by the need to improve quality educational services in the country. In the face of a loss of confidence in state educational institutions, parents' preference is increasingly leaning towards private schools with an individual approach to the student and an emphasis on learning foreign languages, mainly English.

The main educational services of non-state educational institutions include:

1. Primary general education

2. Secondary general education

3. Preparatory courses for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam

4. English language courses

5. Dance, choreography, vocal classes

The cost of the project will be 14,530,000 rubles, of which 10,530,000 will be starting investments at the opening, and 4,000,000 rubles. – working capital. To implement the project, it will be necessary to raise borrowed funds in the amount of RUB 2,000,000. The loan is issued for a period of 24 months. The loan rate is 22%. Deferred payment of payments - 3 months. Volume own funds will be 12,530,000 rubles. or 86% of the required amount.

*data for 3 years of operation

The project is planned to be implemented within 9 months. The start of activities of the non-state educational institution is planned for September 2016.

2. Description of the industry and company

The concept of free public education is increasingly losing the trust of parents. Poor quality educational services, low degree of immersion in the subject due to the need to constantly slow down the educational process in order to catch up with lagging students, incompetence of schools in preparing for the Unified State Exam (USE) and further education in prestigious educational institutions - these are just some of the factors for choosing in favor of private education. Often, parents also give preference to a non-state school due to the characteristics of their child, for example, speech therapy problems, physical disabilities, and developmental delays. The number of private schools in Russia does not exceed 1%. They are mainly located in Moscow and the Moscow region, in St. Petersburg, as well as in cities with a population of over a million. The level of competition in this market is minimal.

The company is a private secondary school(half board), which provides services in primary general education, secondary general education, and also conducts additional classes in preparation for school, English language courses, preparation for the Unified State Exam (USE) and the Main State Exam (OGE). Classes are held in small groups of up to 8-10 people. The maximum number of students in the school (excluding additional education) is 150 people. Educational process is based on an individual approach to each student, in-depth study of all subjects. Full board with additional education includes training from 8.00 to 18.30 hours.

Classes are taught by qualified teachers exclusively with higher education, including teachers of the first and second categories. The number of teaching staff is 15 people. Of these full-time employees– 10, part-time workers – 10. The total number of employees of the institution is 26. The school is open from Monday to Friday from 8 to 18.30 from September to June. Additional individual and group classes are offered on Saturday and Sunday.

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The area of ​​the school premises is 1500 square meters. meters. The building has two above-ground floors and one ground floor. The number of classrooms is 9. The school is equipped with a computer room, a music room, a gym, and a dining room. The functions of ensuring the safety of children are provided by a security guard.

The organizational and legal form of the school is a non-state educational institution (NOU). Since NOU is a non-profit organization, the profit received is distributed to expand activities, improve the quality of services provided: purchasing new equipment, opening new classes, attracting teachers from higher educational institutions to open new disciplines. The taxation system is simplified (STS).

3. Description of services

The private school organizes education from grades 1 to 9. The core subjects of the institution are physics and mathematics, which are studied in the most in-depth. Particular attention is paid to learning English, which is a response to one of the most common requirements of parents. Children from 7 to 15 years of age are taught in small groups of 3 to 8 people with the same level of knowledge. The courses are taught according to the methods of US universities. The study is conducted in several main aspects, including speaking, writing, grammar, reading. The training is aimed at removing the so-called spoken language barrier, at the ability to clearly and understandably express one’s thoughts and think in English. In contrast to the result of studying at school, when the graduate speaks only “English with a dictionary,” studying at a private school aims to achieve a specific result, for example, further study abroad, moving abroad to permanent place residence. Students are given practical recommendations on preparation for TOEFL, GRE, SAT, GMAT exams.

The school also offers courses in preparation for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam in the following subjects: social studies, physics, mathematics, Russian, chemistry, and English. Since the work of the school is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child and the disclosure of creative potential, active attention is paid to additional classes (piano, vocals, dancing). Unlike school classes, students are given health exercises. The cost of training includes three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner). In addition to all of the above, the institution is working with preschoolers to prepare for the educational process. Full list services with prices are presented in Table. 1.

The price segment of the school is average with high quality, which is confirmed by the qualifications of the teaching staff.

Table 1. List of services

The activities of a private school are regulated by the Law “On Education”, as well as the following regulatory documents: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services"; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution"; Order on the procedure for certification of teaching staff; SanPiN; Technical regulations on fire safety requirements; Federal Law No. 7 "On Non-Profit Organizations".

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The organizational and legal form of the school is a non-state educational institution (NOU). According to Russian legislation, educational activities are subject to mandatory licensing, which is carried out by the state educational authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The cost of the state duty since 2015 is 7.5 thousand rubles. The period for consideration of an application for a license is 2 months. Codes by OKVED classifier – 80.10.1, 80.10.2, 80.10.3., 80.21.1.

After the first graduation of students, but not earlier than 3 years after receiving a license, the institution has the right to apply to the Ministry of Education to obtain state certification for subsequent accreditation and issuance of state-issued documents to students. Before undergoing accreditation, graduates of the institution have the opportunity to take external exams at another educational institution that has passed accreditation. In addition to the license to conduct educational activities, to open a medical office in a school you will need a medical license.

4. Sales and marketing

The private education market in Russia has emerged since the early 90s. According to marketing research, the number of private schools remains approximately at the same level. So, if in 1998 there were 520 schools, by 2010 their number was about 550. This is due to the fact that closed schools are being replaced by new ones. The share of non-state educational institutions in Russia is estimated at around 1%. Among the factors slowing down the development of private education in Russia are the high level of school costs for rent, the weak level of state support for socially responsible businesses, and the abolition of tax benefits.

Today, the city in question has about 35 private educational institutions. Among them there are kindergartens, private schools, and institutions that combine several types of activities. Considering in general low level competition, each establishment strives to occupy a certain niche. When choosing the specifications for this project, two factors were decisive: parental demand, as well as trends in the domestic labor market. According to the first factor, emphasis was placed on in-depth study of the English language and targeted preparation of students for passing the Unified State Exam in this subject, as well as for passing foreign exams. According to the second factor, it was decided to focus on in-depth study of physics and mathematics due to the noticeable shortage of qualified specialists in technical specialties in the country.

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Thus, the educational schedule is formed by groups of three types: groups from the physics and mathematics direction, groups of in-depth study of the English language, groups of additional education. It is the school’s specialization, as well as the quality of the services provided, that is the main way to attract clients. Before enrolling in courses, the child and parents undergo a survey procedure to more fully understand the level of knowledge of the former and take into account the wishes of the latter.

At the start of activities, to attract the first clients, an advertising campaign in the media (television and print) and an interview with the director of a private school about the opening of a new institution are planned. According to opinion polls, parents choose a school based on the following criteria: school reputation (57%), teacher qualifications (55%), proximity to home (43%), reviews from friends (35%), material resources (11%). Due to the fact that at the start of its activities it is not appropriate for an institution to talk about its reputation, the emphasis on introductory media materials is planned to be on the development plans and mission of the new institution, the main pain points of modern public education that will be overcome in the process of activity, and teaching methods.

On the Internet, the private school will be represented by an official website, where parents will be able to find comprehensive information about the school, teachers, the mission of the school, its educational programs, and ask questions that interest them through electronic form. Information on prices for educational services will also be publicly available on the school’s website. Cost promotion opening, taking into account the creation of the website, will amount to 70 thousand rubles.

5. Production plan

Geographically, the private school is located in a large residential area of ​​the city, in direct access to public transport. The bus stop is 300 meters away. Half-board classes run from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 18.30 from September to June, with additional classes and courses available on Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 to 21.00. IN summer time enrollment in additional education groups (intensive courses) is expanding.

For repairs and furnishing of the building, as well as equipment local area you will need 10.5 million rubles. The building area is 1500 sq. m. meters. The area of ​​classrooms is 400 sq. meters, the number of classrooms is 10, which fits into the accepted standards for the number of square meters. meters per student (from 2.5-3.5 square meters per student). The costs of equipping the school are shown in Table. 2. In addition to the above expenses, the purchase of equipment for the courtyard area and the installation of a fire alarm are provided.

Table 2. Equipment costs

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Management functions are assigned to the director (project founder) and the deputy for educational and methodological work. The full-time teaching staff is represented by 10 teachers (see Table 3). Another 5 school teachers (a teacher of Russian language and literature, a teacher of history and social studies, a choreographer teacher, a physics teacher and a mathematics teacher), as well as a speech therapist and a psychologist, work part-time. Also, the school has on staff to meet the needs of students nurse, cooks and school canteen employees, caretaker, cleaner, security guard.

Table 3. Staffing table and wage fund

Current period costs include salaries for teachers and other employees, purchases of food for the school canteen, building maintenance and payments utilities.

6. Organizational plan

The planned launch period for the project is 9 months. The start of activities is scheduled for the beginning of the school year - September 2016.

The management of the educational institution is carried out by the school director, who has the right, within the limits of his competence, to give a binding order to any employee or student. The director carries out general management of all areas of the school’s activities in accordance with the Charter of the institution and the laws of the Russian Federation. He is in charge of strategic planning, school development, setting goals and objectives. The director approves and implements educational programs, curricula, courses, disciplines, annual calendar educational schedules, carries out personnel selection and determines job responsibilities employees.

The deputy director for educational work reports directly to the school director. His responsibilities include organizing and long-term planning of the school’s activities, the educational process and methodological work, coordinating the work of teachers to implement curriculum, developing educational, methodological and other documentation necessary for the activities of the school, drawing up reporting documentation, educational work with parents, control and analysis educational process etc.

The functions of providing educational services are performed by teachers. The requirements for the teaching staff of the school are not only the presence of a state diploma of higher education and the appropriate level of qualifications, but also the presence of qualities necessary for work, which are not always required in government institutions: communication skills, ability to find an approach to each child and parents, high level of personal responsibility, initiative.

7. Financial plan

The costs of the preparatory period include: repair and redevelopment of the premises - 4,837,000 rubles; equipment of the school yard territory - 1,500,000 rubles, school equipment - 4,063,000 rubles, creation of an official website - 30,000, receipt permitting documentation– 60,000 rubles, opening advertising campaign – 40,000 rubles.

Costs of the main period include: salaries of school staff (including social contributions), school maintenance and payment of utilities, purchase of food for the school canteen - at the rate of 210 rubles. for 1 student per day, telephone and Internet. Appendix 1 shows the main financial indicators by revenue, cash flow and net profit for a five-year period. Calculations are made based on the load in the first academic year of 50%, the second year - 85%, the third and subsequent years - 90%.

8. Project effectiveness assessment

Opening a private school will require a high level of start-up costs, which is due to the large amount of repair work and the need to purchase a large list of equipment, including at least 32 items. The payback period for the project will be 32 months from the date of opening. The discounted payback period is 38 months. Project effectiveness indicators calculated for a five-year period are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Project performance indicators

9. Risks and guarantees

Unlike most similar projects, the project of this private school does not belong to the category educational business with a high risk group. One of its main advantages is the availability of premises and the absence of rent. The absence of this expense item allows us to pay more attention to the material support of the school, invest in improving the educational process, attracting new personnel, and purchasing modern equipment. However economic activity School management requires the ability to competently distribute available funds, anticipate new possible expenses, and respond flexibly to the market situation and changes in legislation.

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Every good business begins with building an action plan, so an educational institution needs to make a forecast for the future, calculate the initial investment and payback, and weigh the pros and cons. The potential of this type of service is almost limitless; you can train people in anything that will help them in the future and generate income. You can choose any direction for the establishment, but in the current realities, in great demand Marketing and business areas, finance and psychology are used. Opening private courses, schools or universities means opening a profitable business with prospects for the future.

Paid educational services

Selecting the quantity and type of provided paid services depends on the direction of your business.

There are the following types of educational services:

  • Education of preschool children, their preparation for school.
  • Primary, secondary and higher vocational education.
  • Special training for people who have graduated from universities.
  • Receiving additional education for adults.
  • Providing tutoring services to students of other institutions.
  • Courses for applicants, advanced training courses.
  • Foreign language courses.
  • Courses for children in subjects not included in the school curriculum. For example, choreography, design, music.
  • Inclusive education for children and adults.

All of the above are not all the services that a private educational institution can provide. You can organize services for the protection of children, their health, organize cultural events and develop their leisure time.

When choosing a direction, you can choose one and provide services only in its direction, or choose several at once and develop them in parallel.

Where to start opening a higher education institution?

At the very beginning, you should decide on the profile direction of your educational institution. After this, you should start creating a business plan. It should contain the following points:

  • Educational charter.
  • Curriculum Plan.
  • Methodological developments.
  • Job descriptions for staff.
  • Registration of a license for activities in the Ministry of Education.

Creating your own university from scratch will not be easy; it is better to focus on some popular courses: foreign languages, design, programming, training for make-up artists and hairdressers.

Of course, you can start a business by opening a university, but it is worth considering that its popularity will depend on accreditation and how highly rated the diploma is.

Obtaining a license to open a private higher education institution

A license to open an educational institution must be required; without it, you will not be able to conduct business in this area and issue certified diplomas to graduates.

In order to obtain a license, you will need to contact the Ministry of Education and provide them with a package of documents, which includes:

  1. Application for a license, which will indicate a detailed list educational programs and establishment services.
  2. Submit a certificate about the teaching staff and the estimated flow of clients.
  3. Provide a lease agreement, as well as information about the condition of the premises of the educational institution.
  4. You will need constituent documents, a business registration certificate, and a certificate of registration with the tax service.
  5. Provide reporting information on material and technical support organizations.
  6. Provide a list of purchased scientific and fiction literature.

After a specially appointed commission, the university can obtain a license for future activities. In addition, it is worth taking care of state accreditation - this is a document that will allow you to issue state diplomas, which are more highly valued by students and employers.

Be prepared for the fact that the educational institution is accredited every five years, so it is worth taking care of the quality of services provided, staffing and appropriate material and information support.

Budget places

The business plan of the university must contain a clause on the creation of budget places for students. Recently, commercial educational institutions have been able to open such places, but in strictly limited numbers and in certain areas.

List of destinations where budget places are available:

  1. Education, pedagogy.
  2. Natural sciences.
  3. Humanities.
  4. Economics and management.
  5. Informatics, computer technology.

Teaching staff

The profitability of an enterprise, its reputation and the number of people willing to enroll in it largely depend on the teaching staff recruited. Qualified specialists who are able to convey information in an original way, give interesting lectures and find an approach to all students are simply worth their weight in gold. It can be very difficult to find such a specialist, since such people often do not sit without work for a long time and very rarely move from one place of work to another, even to more favorable conditions.

At the very beginning of the work of your university, the teaching staff may not be permanent, but in the future it is recommended to conclude contracts and hire professional staff of teachers for long-term cooperation.

Often, teachers working in private educational institutions are registered as individual entrepreneurs, which implies the absence of additional licenses for their activities. This is quite beneficial for the leader, but not for themselves. With this scheme of action, they cannot get several jobs at the same time.

Additional education is one of the most important requirements in all areas of activity. Therefore, highly qualified specialists are trained on an ongoing basis, constantly expanding and deepening their knowledge. Thanks to this, educational or training centers have become widespread. Opening your own training center is a promising idea that requires certain knowledge in the field of entrepreneurial activity and the presence of a competent business plan training center.

The training center aims to provide additional education or advanced training for specialists at various levels. Due to this specificity, the main consumers will be individuals or organizations interested in receiving various educational services.

Most modern companies introduce international corporate standards into the basis of their activities. This allows you to increase the level of professionalism of employees, improve the microclimate within the team and increase productivity, while increasing the quality of the company as a whole. Meeting certain standards helps motivate and retain employees, preventing turnover.

The main reason why new market participants should engage in this type of activity is a significant increase in demand, as well as the lack of modern training centers that meet the requirements of modern society. At the same time, an increasing number of companies, especially international ones, are striving to comply with existing standards.

As for the form of entrepreneurial activity, for a training center that aspires to cooperate with large corporations, the status is more suitable legal entity. By registering an LLC, its creator actually declares his seriousness and reliability, confirming these qualities with the charter and contribution of the authorized capital. In addition, when applying for a loan from a bank as a legal entity, it is easier for the applicant to receive a positive response. The same applies to cooperation with potential clients– training centers registered as open or closed joint-stock companies are more trustworthy.

The LLC registration process includes preparation constituent documents according to this list:

  1. — the charter, which will indicate the type of activity of the company;
  2. — decision to create an LLC;
  3. — decision on the appointment of a manager;
  4. — minutes of the founders’ meeting;
  5. — receipt of payment of state duty;
  6. — confirmation of payment of the authorized capital;
  7. — copies of personal documents of all founders.

These are some other documents that may be requested from the tax service, submitted along with a completed application, in which they indicate the one suitable for the chosen type of activity OKVED codes. The main code can be 85.41 “Additional education for children and adults.” But other basic and additional codes are also possible - it is important that the services offered correspond to the declared information.

Financial aspects of a business plan for a training center

An enterprise providing additional educational services, according to preliminary calculations, needs financing. The most rational method to obtain the necessary funds is to turn to lending. According to the provisions of the business plan, you will need to obtain a commercial bank loan in the amount of 1 million 950 thousand rubles. This is the approximate size of the total cost of this project. The duration of the project from the moment of its launch until the company reaches the level of self-sufficiency will be 2 years. Taking into account the fact that the interest rate will be 14 percent, and loan payments will begin from the first month of the center’s establishment, the total amount of interest payments for this period will be approximately 123 thousand rubles. Over the selected period, the total economic effect will reach 9 million 242 thousand rubles.

Such figures can be obtained taking into account the fact that large training companies, counting on the long term, can focus on annual turnover from 1.5 billion rubles, subject to a contract of at least 3 million. But such centers must have highly qualified specialists who need an appropriate level of salary, as well as massive marketing campaign. Medium-sized training centers that do not pretend to have premium-class trainers should expect that in the first year of operation they should not expect big profits - during this period all efforts and funds are invested in the development of the company, attracting qualified trainers and selecting a client base. The main reason why most centers by the end of the first year receive zero balance– lack of really large clients. This is logical - in the first 2 years the company only earns a reputation in the market.

In addition to lending as the main source of investment for a new business, entrepreneurs resort to other sources of financing. Approximately 30% will come from the issue of bonds, 25% from the placement of shares on the stock exchange, 23% from the participation of financial investors and within 14% from own funds.

Such calculations can be obtained by analyzing existing offers in the industry, studying the pricing policy and comparing this data with the costs incurred when opening and promoting the company.

When planning the pricing policy of the future center, it is necessary to take into account all existing factors. Thus, the average price of an open curriculum ranges from $300 to $700. True, in elite organizations the cost can significantly exceed this figure. Corporate programs will cost from 3 to 5 thousand dollars. Depending on the territorial features, the composition and intensity of the training programs and the qualifications and reputation of the trainers, the price indicator may vary significantly and upward.

The profitable part of the business plan is determined by several important features - the level of demand, the state of this market segment and the nature of offers specific organization. At the same time, in order to avoid bias in calculations, the lowest profitability threshold should be taken into account, not forgetting the existing risks.

Taking into account that the period during which the company will reach the level of self-sufficiency and generate stable income will be approximately 2 years, a plan for the volume of services provided during this billing period should be prepared:

If marked financial results will be maintained during the first two years and, in addition, the trend towards profit growth and an increase in the customer base will continue (in this case, the growth rate will be from 20 to 55 percent per year), the annual growth in sales volumes will reach a level of 18 million rubles or more .

One of the main points of the business plan will be its expenditure part. If we take into account the most significant expense items, we can draw the following conclusion:

Expense item 1 month, rub. 12 months, rub. One-time costs, rub. Total for the year, rub.
Buying or renting premises 93.8 thousand 1 million 125 thousand 187.5 thousand 1 million 313 thousand
Equipment purchase 37.9 thousand 37.9 thousand
Purchase of computer equipment 81 thousand 81 thousand
Website creation, hosting, purchase of scripts 92 thousand 92 thousand
Advertising expenses 50 thousand 600 thousand 200 thousand 600 thousand
Wages 738 thousand 8 million 856 thousand 8 million 856 thousand
Tax payments 236 thousand 2 million 832 thousand 2 million 832 thousand
Unforeseen expenses 93.6 thousand 93.6 thousand
Total 882 thousand 10 million 880 thousand 1 million 30 thousand 11.5 million

Composing financial plan, be sure to take into account all existing risks. The most significant factors include the following:

  1. — high competition with a constant upward trend;
  2. — uncertainty in market trends;
  3. - high level of investment.

All these factors, common to most organizations providing additional education services, can be overcome by ensuring the highest quality of services and developing an effective marketing strategy.

The tax portion of expenses will depend on two main factors - the chosen taxation system and the income the organization receives. But in general, the list of tax deductions for a training center will be standard:

The conclusion that can be drawn as a result of studying the market for additional educational and training services is very optimistic: this sector is very promising and is constantly open to new participants. By properly organizing the company's activities, it is possible to make it a highly profitable business with a tendency to constant development and expansion. Having calculated the financial investments and expected income, you can describe in advance all the steps of creating and developing an organization.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. Business plan, in the best possible way appropriate to the conditions of your business, you need to create it with the help of specialists.

Business plan for educational services

Resume with a budget

We present to your attention a project to create a Higher Educational Institution, or university for short.

The project requires financial investments in the amount of 35,300,000 rubles, and pursues the following tasks:

  • Complete satisfaction of educational services of the consumer market;
  • Creation of a highly profitable enterprise that generates stable income;
  • Making a profit.

As was written earlier, to establish such a project, funding in the amount of 35,300,000 rubles is required. To obtain the required amount, you can attract investors, or take out a commercial loan from a bank at 14% per annum.

The profit that investors or the bank will receive is 2,269,289.24 rubles. The total profit for the whole time life cycle enterprise, which, by the way, is designed for two years, will amount to 118,748,222.76 rubles.

Estimated payback period for the enterprise: 9 months.

The loan must begin to be repaid from the first month of starting the enterprise.

Steps required to open your own university:

1. Rent or purchase of a building, premises and various outbuildings
2. Obtaining a state license, passing certification
3. Carrying out a whole range of repair and construction work
4. Purchase and installation of everything necessary equipment
5. Passing various government inspections: SES, Fire Inspectorate, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, and other licensing authorities.
6. Search and hiring of all teaching staff in the amount of at least 2 teachers per subject.
7. Hiring other personnel (security, cleaners, secretaries, accountants, concierges, etc.)
8. Conducting an extensive advertising campaign

Types of training

Typically, university education is divided into several types:

  • Full-time education. All classes are held face-to-face, as a rule, during the daytime every day from Monday to Friday;
  • Correspondence course of study. Correspondence students have a separate schedule and appear at the university, often only during the session, studying independently the rest of the time;
  • Evening courses (full-time and part-time);
  • Distance learning. Teachers give students assignments in electronic form, he executes them and sends the answers back. All reading is done by the student independently.

Table No. 1. Potential of consumers of educational services in Russia

Equipment required in universities:
1. Desks, tables
2. Chairs
3. Boards, projectors, media boards
4. Stationery
5. Decorative items: flower pots, curtains, busts, portraits of scientists and prominent figures
6. Audio-video equipment, microphones
7. Office furniture, executive furniture
8. Toilet and shower rooms
9. Lighting, alarm
10. Library. Both electronic and regular
11. Equipment for the gym: exercise equipment, mats, balls, parallel bars, etc.
12. A luxury car for the rector of an educational institution.
13. Coffee machines
14. Buffet, canteen or something similar to provide meals for students. Also, the buffet provides additional profit for the university itself; students invest money in the university, and not in third-party stores.

In this material:

Education is an area where people do not regret investing, since the prospects it opens can more than recoup the costs incurred. With this in mind entrepreneurial activity in the field of education brings its owners high incomes. The business plan of an educational institution contains useful recommendations for registering and organizing a project, as well as financial analytics.

Description of the business idea, relevance, project goals

The development of a variety of private educational institutions today is facilitated by numerous reforms in this area. Non-state educational institutions today train specialists who are not inferior to graduates of state schools, colleges and universities.

If accredited, a private educational institution receives the opportunity to receive government financial support.

List of services provided by the educational institution

Specific services of an educational institution are differentiated depending on the type of institution and form of education. Today, Russian private organizations provide the following types of educational services:

  • preschool education and preschool preparation;
  • primary, secondary and higher vocational education;
  • postgraduate specialized training;
  • additional education for the adult category of students;
  • education of orphans and children left without parental care and legal representatives;
  • special education for children with disabilities;
  • children's additional education and training;
  • other services.

The list clearly reflects the large number of educational services provided by private organizations today. Some institutions specialize in specific types of training, others combine several types of educational services at the same time.

Market and competition analysis

The education market today is quite broad and provides its clients with a variety of forms and types of private educational institutions and training programs. In the competitive struggle, the owners of organizations strive to provide their clients with a wide range of services, accreditation of a diploma or document confirming completion of training, employment after graduation and various additional options. The attractiveness of an institution in the eyes of clients and its demand directly depend on the quality of the educational services provided, the professionalism of its employees, the possibility of choosing a path for subsequent employment and pricing policy college or school.

Organizational plan

Registration and licensing

The process of state registration of educational institutions is practically no different from the process of registering any organization. It is necessary to provide a package of documents to the state registration authority, select a taxation system, and also decide on the form of registration: limited liability company, joint stock company open or closed type. Federal law Russian Federation“On Education” defines the specifics of licensing these types of businesses.

The following documents will be needed:

  • application for a license indicating a detailed list of educational programs and forms of training;
  • certificate of teaching staff and expected client flow;
  • information about the premises of a private educational organization, as well as its lease agreement;
  • constituent documents and a certificate of state registration, as well as a certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • inventory information of the organization’s material and technical base;
  • information about acquired scientific and fiction literature.

Renting or purchasing premises

Of course, in order to save money at first, it is recommended to abandon the idea of ​​purchasing or building premises for a private educational organization in favor of renting it. When targeting listeners of no more than 200 people per month, it will be enough to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 250 square meters. There is enough space to organize three classrooms of 50 sq. m. meters each, as well as computer class area of ​​about 50 sq. meters and the director's office together with a reception area with a total area of ​​50 square meters. Of course, when counting on a much larger flow of clients, you need to think about renting a larger area.

The selection of premises should be carried out in populated areas of the city, in close proximity to public transport stops and metro stations. We should not forget about these general requirements to rooms such as good lighting, ventilation and heating. In addition, your institution must comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards, as well as regulations fire safety. Additional benefit there will be equipped parking and a spacious courtyard.

Purchase of furniture, equipment and inventory

You will definitely need high-quality office furniture: tables, chairs, desks, as well as office chairs, cabinets and sofas for arranging the reception area and the director’s office. Don’t forget about traditional furniture and equipment for educational institutions of any type: whiteboards and projectors, furniture and equipment for decorating a library, gym and dining room. Among other things, you should think about purchasing office supplies, projectors and video equipment, microphones, plumbing fixtures for toilets and shower rooms, lighting fixtures, and fire alarms. To ensure additional comfort for students, it is recommended to place one or more coffee machines(depending on the area of ​​the room and the adjacent area).

Formation of staff

The reputation of an educational institution and its revenue indicators largely depend not on the premises and the convenience of its location, but on the forms and types of training practiced, as well as on the teaching staff. If the main items of initial expenses were aimed at renting premises and purchasing all the necessary equipment, the teaching staff in the early stages of opening your educational institution may be inconsistent. It is necessary to enter into agreements with experienced teachers who will give lectures and conduct seminars at certain times, as well as attend exams. In the future, it is recommended to take care of forming a permanent teaching staff.

In addition to teachers and the director, you will need an administrator who will take charge of everything organizational functions and in working hours will be permanently located on the territory of the educational institution. Subsequently, when expanding the premises and teaching staff, as well as increasing the client flow, it is necessary to form a full-fledged administrative department.

It is also necessary to hire staff for an equipped medical office, attract a psychologist, an accountant, or form a full-fledged finance department, take care of the position of manager educational part, hire security.

College Advertising

The main platform for the advertising campaign will be funds mass media, not only traditional print companies, but also television and radio companies. An additional advantage will be marketing on the Internet, namely advertising services on thematic educational forums, groups in popular social networks, as well as creating your own business card website for the organization.

Financial indicators of the project

Initial financial investments will include costs associated with renting premises, repairs, purchasing all necessary furniture, appliances and equipment, as well as state registration organizations. In various cases, depending on the region where the institution is located, the area of ​​the premises, as well as the amount of purchased equipment, office equipment and furniture, the starting investment varies from one to six million rubles.

Current monthly expenses consist of rent, wages teaching staff and other employees, expenses related to marketing and advertising campaign, as well as other costs.

The income portion is generated from tuition fees and directly depends on the flow of clients of your organization. Net profit will depend on the regular number of clients as well as the size monthly expenses and your ability to save.

Business in the educational sector will always remain a fairly popular type of entrepreneurship, providing a consistently high level of permanent income. The average payback period for projects, as practice shows, ranges from one to two years.

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