Volunteer activities. Areas of volunteer activity in Russia



1.1 The essence of volunteering

1.2 Volunteer movement in Russia


2.1 Types of objects of volunteer work in the social sphere

2.2 The role of volunteers in solving social problems

2.3 Volunteers of the RSSU branch in Azov in the social work system




Relevance of the topic The point is that recently the volunteer movement has become increasingly popular. It is based on a principle as old as the world: if you want to feel like a human being, help someone else.

The history of mankind does not remember such a society to which the ideas of voluntary and selfless help would be alien. Voluntary assistance provided by a person or group of people to society as a whole or to individuals is based on the ideas of selfless service to the humane ideals of humanity and does not pursue the goals of making a profit, receiving payment or career advancement. Voluntary assistance includes actions taken at the local, national and international levels, as well as at the level of the international community as a whole, which are carried out regardless of borders.

The volunteer movement has received modern development in connection with the growing number of social problems, in solving which, given the current economic situation, volunteers are indispensable.

Purpose of the study- study the volunteer movement as a phenomenon and its role in the practice of social work.

Object of study: volunteering as a social phenomenon and sphere of activity in modern Russia.

Subject of research: volunteering in the social work system.

Research objectives:

1. Get acquainted with the history of the emergence of volunteering in the world;

2. Study the main goals and objectives of volunteering;

3. Get acquainted with the history of the development of volunteerism in Russia;

4. Consider the types of objects of volunteer work in the social sphere;

5. Explore the role of volunteering in solving social problems

6. Get acquainted with the volunteer movement in the social work system in Azov using the example of the activities of the volunteer team of the RSSU branch in Azov.

Research hypothesis is based on the fact that the volunteer movement is an integral part of the system of social work in modern Russia.

Practical significance of this course work is that its materials can later be used in the educational process by students and teachers of the Federal State University of Social Sciences in Azov.


1.1 The essence of volunteering

Volunteer activities is a wide range of activities, including traditional forms of mutual aid and self-help, formal provision of services and other forms of civic participation, that are carried out voluntarily for the benefit of the general public without reliance on monetary reward. The activities of charitable organizations require the support of volunteers. To organize volunteer activities, on the one hand, volunteer vacancies are created in charitable organizations, on the other hand, a circle of supporting organizations and the volunteer corps of charitable participants who agree to take part in free labor for the benefit of those in need are formed. Such free labor is a type of patronage (selfless donation in favor of needy beneficiaries - people, nature).

The concept of voluntary (volunteer) activity in the Russian language is often replaced by the concept of “social activity”, which denotes any useful activity for the benefit of society. Volunteer activities are aimed primarily at helping those in dire need of the population who do not have the opportunity to help themselves (old age, homelessness, disability, natural disasters, social cataclysms).

Objectives of volunteer activities:

ü involving young people in social practice and informing them about potential development opportunities;

ü providing young people with an opportunity to express themselves, realize their potential and receive well-deserved recognition in Russia;

ü development of creative activity of youth;

ü integration of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations into the life of society.

ü training young citizens in certain labor skills and stimulating vocational guidance;

ü obtaining skills of self-realization and self-organization to solve social problems;

ü preservation of professional skills, knowledge and competencies after receiving vocational education during a period of temporary absence from work or employment;

ü replacement of antisocial behavior with social behavior;

ü humanistic and patriotic education;

ü ensuring a certain temporary format of youth employment (replacing regular public works) during the period of socio-economic crisis.

Volunteer work is not paid. Volunteers are not only altruists, they work to gain experience, special skills and knowledge, and establish personal contacts. Volunteer work is often a path to paid work; there is always an opportunity to show and prove yourself from the best side, try yourself in different fields of activity and decide on your choice of life path.

Attaching great importance to volunteerism, the UN established the International Day of Volunteers for Economic and Social Development, which is celebrated on December 5th.

The institution of volunteering is widespread in many countries of the world. Moreover, volunteer labor is becoming an increasingly significant resource for the development of the global economy every year. Volunteering in Russia, for which this institution, in principle, is also not a new phenomenon, began to be formalized legislatively only in the mid-90s, but the process of legal and economic regulation of this type of activity has not yet been completed.

In 1995, the State Duma adopted the Federal Law “On Public Associations”. The law established the possibility of creating a charitable sector and gave the concept of a public association - “a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit formation created on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests to realize common goals specified in the charter of the public association.”

Conclusion: Volunteering as an idea of ​​social service is almost as ancient as the concept of “society”. There have always been people in society for whom the way of self-realization, self-improvement, connection and communication with other people was to work for the benefit of the community in which this person happened to be born and live. Voluntary assistance provided by a person or group of people to society as a whole or to individuals is based on the ideas of selfless service to the humane ideals of humanity and does not pursue the goals of making a profit, receiving payment or career advancement. It can take various forms: from traditional types of mutual assistance to joint efforts of thousands of people aimed at overcoming the consequences of a natural disaster, resolving conflict situations, and eradicating poverty.

From a brief excursion into the historical past of Russia, one can recall the forms of volunteer movement familiar to everyone: the services of the sisters of mercy, the Timurov and pioneer movements (they worked for free), the virgin lands and the conquerors of the BAM from among the Komsomol members - who voluntarily went at the call of their hearts to difficult climatic conditions to build new cities , vital strategic objects, raising and developing the power and economy of the country, but receiving a salary for their work, with which the state compensated for the difficult conditions of their life, etc.

Since no legislative act on the topic of volunteering had ever existed in the former union state that enshrined the concept of “volunteer” or “volunteer,” it was customary to consider anyone who consciously and voluntarily worked for the benefit of others to be volunteers (since money does not were the main motive for the work, but were by no means excluded). Therefore, in the context of volunteering, one can also consider the usual work on clean-up days, harvesting, or patronage work, which, however, were often closely associated with obligation and some kind of coercion.

Since the mid-80s, volunteering in that familiar form has practically begun to be forgotten, and only due to the growing number of social problems, in solving which, given the current economic situation, volunteers have become indispensable, the volunteer movement began to develop. People have appeared who are voluntarily ready to spend their energy and time for the benefit of society or a specific person, uniting in public organizations.

The first legislative act also appeared - the Federal Law of July 7, 1995 “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”, which for the first time defined a “volunteer” (but not a volunteer) in modern Russia: volunteers- individuals carrying out charitable activities in the form of gratuitous work or provision of services (volunteer activities).

In real life, volunteers are called public helpers, freelancers, assistants, and mediators.

Since it is generally accepted that volunteering is unpaid, conscious, voluntary activity for the benefit of others, anyone who consciously and selflessly works for the benefit of others can be called a volunteer. But modern practice dictates the need to adopt a legislative act on volunteering (or volunteering) in order to uniformly apply approaches in the interaction of all aspects of this activity and the formation of a single legal space on the territory of modern Russia.

Nowadays, volunteer initiatives extend to almost any area of ​​human activity (peacekeeping, education, culture, environmental protection, sports, politics, etc.). But still, this activity is most in demand when working with socially vulnerable segments of the population (disabled people, the elderly, people without a fixed place of residence, orphans).

Based on the generally accepted understanding, anyone can be a volunteer: regardless of age, education, financial status, etc. The main principles volunteer work are:

voluntariness (no one can be forced to act as a volunteer),

conscientiousness (a volunteer who has undertaken to carry out this or that work must complete it),

gratuitousness (volunteer work is not paid, but expenses associated with his activities can be compensated: travel allowances, transportation costs, etc.),

legality (the volunteer’s activities should not contradict the law).

Realizing the need to attract volunteers to the social protection sphere, the Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region adopted order RV-50 “On approval of the Regulations on organizing support for socially oriented non-profit organizations, philanthropists and volunteers operating in the field of social services in the Moscow region” and work is underway on it implementation.

The goal of organizing work to involve citizens in voluntary (volunteer) activities on the territory of the Moscow region is to create conditions for the systematic involvement of citizens in social practice in the following main areas:

a) social patronage of orphanages, social service organizations of the Moscow region and the elderly;

b) medical care (mercy services in hospitals, social service organizations in the Moscow region);

c) pedagogical support (support for children, adolescents and the elderly);

d) socio-psychological and legal support (youth psychological and legal services);

e) intellectual development (organization and holding of intellectual competitions and events);

f) sports, tourism activities;

g) creative development (organization of creative events, competitions, holidays);

h) leisure activities (organization of free time for children, adolescents, youth and the elderly);

i) labor assistance (labor teams);

j) other charitable activities aimed at providing assistance to children, disabled people, elderly people and other socially vulnerable groups of citizens.

We have identified the following forms voluntary (volunteer) activities in the field of social services:

a) one-time events and promotions;

b) providing charitable assistance on an ongoing basis.

In order to organize the posting of information about volunteers, the Ministry is forming a register of volunteers, which, as of December 31, 2016, includes 5,353 people.

Now in the Moscow region, in the social protection system of the population, we talk about the volunteer movement as about the phenomenon It is already possible and there are many examples of this.

So, in "Boarding house "Noginsky" has been collaborating with charitable organizations, foundations and volunteer movements for many years. Volunteer organizations: help organize leisure and cultural events, participate in cleanup days, and conduct various charitable and thematic events. Voluntary organizations include the following:

· “Good Deed” - 15 people.

· “Young Guard” - 20 people.

· Center for support of social and public initiatives – 13 people.

· Movement “There are many of us!”

· Volunteers of the Noginsk Polytechnic College – 20 people.

· Volunteers from the Noginsk Medical School – 15 people.

· Volunteers from the Noginsk Pedagogical School – 25 people.

Charitable foundations also provide assistance in strengthening the material and technical base of the institution and participate in the cultural life of the boarding house. Among them:

"Old age is a joy"

· Sofia Foundation

· Memory of Generations Foundation

· Sistema Foundation

· The Seventh Petal Foundation

· “More Life!” Foundation

Assistance is also provided by other organizations that help in the artistic design of living rooms for recipients of social services, boarding house halls, pantry rooms, and corridors. These are the following organizations:

· Noginsk House of Artists

· Noginsk School of Arts

· Noginsk art school

· Children's Art School of the City District of Elektrogorsk

other activities aimed at providing assistance to children, disabled people, elderly people and other socially vulnerable groups of citizens – 1,272.

In addition, subordinate social service institutions, together with territorial structural divisions of the Ministry, are working to attract charitable assistance to develop the material and technical base of institutions, as well as provide additional services to clients of institutions.

Thus, in 2016, the amount of financial assistance provided in cash exceeded 5 million rubles, including funds transferred within the framework of the Day of Charitable Labor (486,295.34 rubles were sent to the GBSUSO MO "Noginsky Boarding House" by the Main Directorate of State Administrative and Technical Supervision Moscow region). These funds were spent on the purchase of rehabilitation equipment, office equipment, and improvement of institutions.

The bulk of charitable assistance provided in 2016 was in-kind assistance in the form of property donations and amounted to more than 30 million rubles. So:

GBUSO MO "Bronnitsky CCSO "Zabota" was donated equipment for the sensory room: a large air-bubble column "Stella", a transforming chair, a tablet for drawing with sand 50x70cm, a decorative fountain, a salt lamp, a CD-MP3 radio, carpet for a total amount of RUB 47,360.00;

The Zvenigorod PNI was given a corner dry pool, a light table for sand painting, a floor mat (2 pcs.), a pear-shaped chair (2 pcs.), and a set of light-proof curtains (2 pcs.);

GKUSO MO “Solnechnogorsk SRCN “Forget-Me”” donated a CHEVROLET COBALT passenger car;

computers were donated to other institutions (including sets with a monitor, keyboard, etc.) - 45 pcs.; tablets, laptops – 19 pcs.; printers, projectors, copiers, other office equipment - 66 pcs.; TVs – 37 pcs.; refrigerators – 10 pcs.; sports and rehabilitation exercise equipment – ​​50 pcs.; medical equipment – ​​90 pcs.; video cameras – 6 pcs.; New Year's gifts, food sets - more than 15,000 pcs.; bicycles and scooters – 56 pcs.; sleds – 54 pcs.; clothing and footwear (more than 2.5 thousand service recipients provided); toys, board games, construction sets, etc. – more than 2.5 thousand units; stationery (for 44 institutions); household goods, household chemicals (32 institutions); medicines (9 institutions); electrical equipment for the canteen, for cooking (54 institutions); for an amount of more than 2.5 million rubles.

Charitable assistance in 2016 was also provided in the form of services. Thus, hippotherapy courses were conducted for clients of the Sergiev Posad Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities “Optimist” (visit to an equestrian club, 2,900 sessions worth 860 thousand rubles).

Along with this, at the expense of charitable funds, clients of subordinate social service institutions became recipients of the following services:

household services (hairdressers, shoe repair, watch repair, bath and laundries, etc.) – 26,098 people;

medical services – 268 people;

visiting exhibitions, museums, excursions – 7,378 people;

visiting a theater or concert – 5,439 people;

transport services – 2,319 people;

organization of events (prizes, table, souvenirs, etc.) – 1,516 events were held;

repair and improvement services for institutional premises and adjacent areas (provided to more than 50 institutions).

Among the organizations and individuals who provided charitable assistance to social service institutions in 2016 are the following: 21 banking organizations, 157 manufacturing enterprises, 177 service enterprises, 174 non-profit organizations (public, foundations, etc.), 52 local governments, 39 executive authorities of the Moscow region (ministries, Main Directorates, members of the government), 2255 individuals.

Employees of the Ministry and territorial structural divisions are themselves volunteers and are all included in the register of volunteers of the Moscow region (3,457 people out of 5,353 included in the register, or 64.6%). As part of the Day of Charitable Labor, which takes place annually in the Moscow region, held this year on April 4, the collected funds are planned to be sent to:

10% - to strengthen the material and technical base of Denezhnikovsky PNI,

40% - for the restoration of the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery,

50% - for equipping a resource center to support non-profit organizations (created on the basis of the State Autonomous Institution SO MO "Social and Health Center "Lesnaya Polyana".

Thus, the volunteer movement in the Moscow region in general and in the field of social services in particular is developing. However, due to many social stereotypes, volunteering in Russia is difficult to take root and is often not approved or is perceived with some caution by the majority of the population. It seems that the tasks of modern public and charitable organizations and government agencies that have experience working with volunteers should include popularizing volunteering, promoting the ideas of volunteering and creating a positive image of a volunteer. But for uniform approaches, for streamlining this process, for developing uniform requirements for volunteers and forming a single legal space on the territory of modern Russia, modern practice dictates the need to adopt a legislative act on volunteering (or volunteerism).

December 9, 2019, A procedure has been established for the provision of interbudgetary transfers for the implementation of measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the air in large industrial centers Resolution No. 1600 of December 5, 2019. As part of the federal project “Clean Air” of the national project “Ecology”, measures to reduce the level of air pollution will be carried out in Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Lipetsk, Magnitogorsk, Mednogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Novokuznetsk, Norilsk, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Cherepovets and Chita.

December 9, 2019, National project “Ecology” The procedure for providing subsidies for the implementation of the federal project “Improvement of the Volga” has been approved Resolution of December 5, 2019 No. 1599. Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies for the implementation of regional projects aimed at eliminating objects of accumulated environmental damage that pose a threat to the Volga River were approved.

December 9, 2019, A program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens has been approved for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022 Resolution of December 7, 2019 No. 1610. The Russian government annually approves a program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens. The signed resolution approved the Program of State Guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022. The approval of the Program is necessary in order to ensure the constitutional rights of citizens to medical care at the expense of budgetary funds, including compulsory health insurance funds.

December 9, 2019, State program “Socio-economic development of the Far Eastern Federal District” The terms of the Far Eastern Mortgage program have been approved Resolution of December 7, 2019 No. 1609. The Far Eastern Mortgage program provides for subsidizing the interest rate up to 2% per annum on mortgage housing loans for the purchase of housing by young families in the Far East or for the construction of a house on a plot of land provided under the Far Eastern Hectare program.

December 9, 2019, State statistics On the organization of the All-Russian Population Census 2020 Resolution of December 7, 2019 No. 1608. The All-Russian population census will be conducted from October 1 to October 31, 2020. In remote and hard-to-reach areas, transport links with which will be difficult in October, the census will take place from April 1 to December 20, 2020.

December 7, 2019, National project “Culture” 3.5 billion rubles are allocated for the renovation of regional and municipal cultural institutions Order of December 5, 2019 No. 2928-r. Transfers are provided for the renovation of the Dance House of the Lezginka ensemble in Makhachkala (Republic of Dagestan), the Mari State Philharmonic named after. Y.A. Eshpay, Murmansk Regional Drama Theatre, Kurgan State Drama Theatre, Samara Regional Museum of History and Local Lore. P.V. Alabin and others.

December 7, 2019, Organization of the healthcare system. Health insurance 5 billion rubles will be allocated for the construction of the Center for High Medical Technologies at the A.V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery Resolution of December 5, 2019 No. 1593. The implementation of the project will increase the volume and quality of specialized care for patients with cardiovascular and oncological diseases, ensure the development of research programs and the training of high-level specialists in the areas of oncology, cardiovascular diseases and radiology.

December 4, 2019, General issues regarding the implementation of national projects An autonomous non-profit organization “National Priorities” was established Orders dated November 30, 2019 No. 2880-r, dated December 3, 2019 No. 2913-r. The goal of the ANO “National Priorities” is to increase citizens’ awareness of the possibilities and results of national projects (programs), and expand the participation of citizens in their implementation.

December 4, 2019, State policy in the field of scientific research and development Awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology for 2019 Order of November 29, 2019 No. 2846-r. 131 applicants became award winners in 2019. Prizes were awarded for work in the fields of medicine, energy, geology, production technology, materials science, mechanical engineering, transport, information technology, ecology and agriculture.

December 4, 2019, A decision was made to transform the state nature reserve “Stolby” (Krasnoyarsk Territory) into the national park “Krasnoyarsk Stolby” Resolution of November 28, 2019 No. 1527. The reserve is a place for recreation and sports for residents of Krasnoyarsk, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and other regions. Currently, the flow of tourists is about 700 thousand people a year, and part of the reserve is actually used as a national park. The adopted decision will create legal grounds for ensuring a regime of special protection of natural complexes and objects included within the boundaries of the national park.

December 3, 2019, General issues of development of the Far Eastern Federal District A procedure has been established for the import of used vehicles into Russia by residents of the Far Eastern Federal District Order of December 3, 2019 No. 2895-r. For residents of the Far Eastern Federal District, it is possible to import into Russia one used car with right-hand drive without being equipped with emergency call devices.

December 3, 2019, Nature Conservation. Nature reserves, national parks The procedure for state supervision in the field of treatment of animals has been established Resolution of November 30, 2019 No. 1560. The rules for the organization and implementation of state supervision in the field of treatment of animals define the tasks and subject of state supervision, delimiting the issues within the competence of Rosprirodnadzor and Rosselkhoznadzor. The tasks of state supervision in this area include prevention, identification and suppression of violations of established requirements.

December 3, 2019, 45 billion rubles are allocated to the subjects of the Federation that have achieved the best indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials and regional executive authorities Order of November 30, 2019 No. 2875-r. Grants are distributed among the subjects of the Federation on the basis of their final rating according to the consolidated value of the assessment of the region's achievement of the values ​​of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials and executive authorities of the subjects of the Federation. Grants are provided to subjects of the Federation that take 1st to 50th place in the ranking, from among the regions participating in the distribution of grants.

December 3, 2019, Quality of regional and municipal governance A procedure has been established for encouraging the subjects of the Federation for achieving the values ​​of indicators for assessing the performance of senior officials and regional executive authorities Resolution of November 29, 2019 No. 1537. Grants will be distributed among the constituent entities of the Federation on the basis of their final rating according to the summary value of assessing the region’s achievement of indicator values ​​for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation.

December 3, 2019, Development of individual territories, cities and objects of the Far Eastern Federal District (except Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands) The implementation plan for the Development Concept of Russky Island has been approved Order of November 23, 2019 No. 2797-r. The plan, in particular, provides for the creation of conditions for attracting private investment, the infrastructural development of Russky Island, the development of a scientific and educational cluster, the development of tourism and recreational potential, and the creation of conditions for a comfortable life.

December 2, 2019, Organization of the healthcare system. Health insurance The implementation plan for the development strategy of the sanatorium and resort complex was approved Order of November 29, 2019 No. 2852-r. The plan for implementing the Strategy for the Development of the Sanatorium-Resort Complex, in particular, provides for the improvement of the system of state regulation of the development of the sanatorium-resort complex in Russia and the organization of the work of sanatorium-resort organizations, including the development of human resources, the development of an information support system for the sanatorium-resort complex, as well as increasing its investment attractiveness and infrastructure development.

December 2, 2019, Infrastructure projects of federal significance A procedure has been established for assessing the socio-economic effects of the implementation of infrastructure projects in the transport sector with state support Resolution of November 26, 2019 No. 1512. As a result of applying the approved methodology, it will be possible to calculate the socio-economic effect of the implementation of each infrastructure project, in particular, the increase in gross domestic product, as well as the budgetary effect. This toolkit will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of infrastructure projects in the transport sector, as well as use the resulting calculations to rank such projects.

November 29, 2019, Public finance management tools The procedure has been established for subjects of the Federation to carry out pilot testing of social impact projects in 2019–2024 Resolution of November 21, 2019 No. 1491. The decisions taken are aimed at creating modern mechanisms and technologies for working in the social sphere, requiring less expenditure from budgets of all levels while achieving comparable and even more significant social effects. Pilot testing by subjects of the Federation of social impact projects is expected in the areas of education, sports, social protection and employment.


“. We provide answers to various questions about volunteering. You can trust our answers! Experienced volunteers working today, coordinators of volunteer groups, specialists and experts share their knowledge, thoughts and experiences.

About the work of the Union of Volunteer Organizations and Movements
in the field of social services

V. Khromov, director of the Association of non-profit organizations “Union of Volunteer Organizations and Movements”, member of the Public Chamber of Moscow

Currently, in Moscow and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there is a wide practice of volunteer activities in social service institutions. Volunteers visit children in orphanages and boarding schools, organize leisure time and financial support for older people in boarding schools and nursing homes, provide assistance to people with disabilities in social service centers, etc.

For example, volunteers of non-profit members of our Association as of December 31, 2013. operated in 412 social service institutions in Moscow and the regions . Types of assistance provided by our volunteers:

  • Organization of leisure and creativity;
  • Moral support for people in difficult life situations
  • Organizational support (in various forms)
  • Assistance in social adaptation of children and adolescents without parental care
  • Working with families in crisis
  • Support for foster families and adoptive parents
  • Social rehabilitation of people with disabilities
  • Support and social rehabilitation of homeless people
  • Other types of assistance

In addition, very often NPOs that organize the activities of volunteers also provide charitable assistance to people in social institutions.

The organized activities of volunteers bring undoubted benefits both to people in difficult life situations and to the state. It is advisable to develop the practice of volunteering as widely as possible in social service institutions.

The legal status of a volunteer is enshrined in Federal Law No. 135-FZ of August 11, 1995 “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations” (Article 5 – definition of the concept of “volunteer” in the context of charitable activities; types of such activities – Article 2). The legal basis for the activities of volunteers is described in detail in the relevant . In 2013-2014, the need to adopt a law at the federal level regulating the activities of volunteers in general was actively discussed. Some senators of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation developed and submitted for the first reading to the State Duma the bill “On volunteerism/volunteering in the Russian Federation”, the text of which caused a lot of negative responses in the public and non-profit sector, since it not only did not correspond to the realities of the work of NPOs in organizing activities volunteers, but also imposed an additional financial burden on both the non-profit sector and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Our Association actively participated in the discussion of this bill and advocated its conceptual revision or cancellation. As a result, the bill did not pass the first reading in the State Duma, and its discussion was not resumed.

It is obvious that the existing scale of volunteer activity in social service institutions requires the formation of rules for interaction between NPOs that organize the work of volunteers and social institutions. These rules must be enshrined in the relevant regulatory documents of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is important that these rules and regulations are developed jointly with the most professional NGOs that organize the work of volunteers, which will ensure that they can be actively applied in practice.

And there is an extremely successful precedent for such rules. The Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow (Head of the Department of the Minister of the Government of Moscow V.A. Petrosyan), in collaboration with NGOs, developed “state organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow with non-state, socially oriented non-profit, public and volunteer organizations" dated April 2, 2014 No. 376.

This Regulation defines and enshrines:

– the procedure and principles of interaction between organizations for orphans and NPOs when NPOs carry out charitable activities in favor of organizations for orphans, pupils and graduates of these organizations

– goals and objectives of such interaction

– the procedure for undergoing a medical examination of volunteers and a list of tests they undergo for admission to social service institutions

– rights and obligations of non-profit organizations and social service institutions

– a standard format has been established for the Agreement on joint activities of a social service institution and a non-profit organization

– other necessary details

In addition, the Department of Social Protection of the Moscow Population, by its orders, directly obligated the heads of social institutions to cooperate with NGOs in the development of volunteerism, and also takes into account the results of such cooperation as one of the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the work of the heads of subordinate social institutions.

These measures made it possible to create rules of interaction that are practically applicable and convenient for everyone, which provides significant support for the development of volunteering in Moscow.

In our opinion, there is no need for centralized accounting (registration) of volunteers employed in the field of social services. Such records are maintained by non-profit organizations independently. An attempt to introduce mandatory centralized registration (for example, by creating some kind of general federal or regional register) will immediately push away a fairly large part of people from volunteering, and in addition, will lead to the emergence of “dead souls”, that is, volunteers/volunteers who exist only in the register, and not operational in practice.

Education and training of volunteers/volunteers is currently carried out by each NPO independently. This practice is associated with the presence of clear specifics in the activities of each NPO, even if it deals with topics related to its colleagues in the sector. At the same time, there are a lot of programs for mutual training of managers and coordinators of NPOs on the methodology of working with categories of the population in crisis situations - including those financed by grant programs of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Presidential grants, and subsidies from regional executive authorities.

It does not seem advisable to create a universal system for training volunteers/volunteers, since they acquire the most valuable skills directly in the process of activity “in the field”. But it seems appropriate and possible to develop an industry standard for organizing a system of work with volunteers, since the presence of such a standard (recommendatory) will significantly raise the bar for the quality of NPO activities in this area. Our Association has developments on this standard, and we are ready to get involved in its development under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

On participation in the provision of social services in accordance with Federal Law No. 442 dated December 28, 2013. It should be said that NGO members of the REDD do not provide paid social services. Each non-profit member of the Association develops the technology for organizing the work of volunteers within the framework of providing free social services independently. In general, several enlarged stages of organizing volunteer activities can be distinguished:

  1. Attraction
  2. Filling out the questionnaire, analyzing its content
  3. Interview with the coordinator, screening, selection of suitable volunteers according to areas of activity
  4. Introductory training
  5. Specialized training (if necessary)
  6. Inclusion in activities with the support of a mentor (coordinator)
  7. Motivation, prevention of emotional burnout
  8. Advanced training, providing opportunities for volunteers to grow and realize their ideas
  9. Participation of the most “advanced” volunteers in the non-profit organization’s management decisions

This organization of volunteer activities makes it possible to increase their motivation and professionalism, as well as reduce the turnover of people in the volunteer community.

NGO members of the Association are not involved in sporting events and volunteer activities; our scope of activity is helping people in difficult life situations.

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"He who does nothing for others
does nothing for himself"

The assertion that the volunteer movement is an element of social responsibility and the highest manifestation of a developed civil society is not accidental. Today, the role of the volunteer movement is becoming increasingly important for the social development of society.

Modern society, more than ever, needs to understand the need and significance of volunteer movements. Both the state and citizens are concerned about the problem of developing volunteerism in our country. The importance of developing volunteerism is increasingly mentioned in the messages of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly.

The development of volunteer activities is important both for society as a whole and its individual sectors, as well as for the volunteers themselves. For an individual, participation in volunteer activities promotes self-realization and self-improvement, provides an opportunity to gain new knowledge and experience, which is certainly important especially for young people, as well as the opportunity to feel socially significant and socially useful. Volunteer work helps the state more effectively solve the problems facing it and society. The development of volunteering contributes to the formation of civil society and serves to enhance the role of non-profit and public organizations. Volunteering has a positive impact on the social and economic development of the country as a whole, helping to solve socially significant problems. Corporate volunteering is one of the most important ways to demonstrate social responsibility of a business. Volunteering also has a positive effect on the education system, because The involvement of schoolchildren and students in this type of activity contributes to the formation of an active life position among young people, develops their skills, increases knowledge, and supports the patriotic spirit.

Social responsibility and a socially oriented society. The term social responsibility in its broadest sense is defined as responsibility for promises made, as well as obligations to people (society). Speaking about social responsibility, it should be noted that it is based on the social nature of human behavior, because life in society imposes certain obligations on each of its members.

In 1961, the USSR proclaimed the basic principle of the society of the future: “Everything in the name of man, everything for the good of man.” At that time, the attitude to this thesis was ambiguous. Decades later, this slogan in a number of countries was transformed into the idea of ​​​​building a socially oriented society, which was reflected in their constitutions and other documents. The Constitution of Russia states: “The Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.”

Thus, at the heart of the concept of the society of the future, MAN was proclaimed, his rights and freedoms, as well as guarantees for their provision, and, above all, the right to work and a decent life. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the post-Soviet republics, the vast majority of the population was faced with the inability of the state to fulfill its obligations for the social protection of its citizens. Tens and hundreds of enterprises were closed, which led to the emergence of millions of unemployed. The old institutions of the Soviet era turned out to be ineffective in the new conditions, and some were completely eliminated in the heat of change, sometimes carried out on the recommendations of foreign advisers.

The modern socially oriented economy is characterized by the following development trends:

  • changes in the composition and scale of the social sphere;
  • qualitative renewal of traditional service industries;
  • changing the social model of a person, etc.

The socially oriented economy that is emerging in modern society is gradually creating the prerequisites for the construction of a multi-level system of social responsibility, involving in this process all economic entities, the state and society as a whole. A socially responsible process is an interaction between the state, business and society at all levels, with the goal of effectively solving problems of a social and economic nature while maintaining a balance of interests of all parties involved. A multi-level system of social responsibility can function thanks to the active socially responsible activities of the state, society and civilized entrepreneurship at all levels.

According to many experts, business is considered the main subject of social responsibility.

The concept of corporate social responsibility (or social responsibility of business) has become widespread today throughout the world. In order to remain competitive, modern companies need to focus not only on material, but also on social aspects in the process of their activities, i.e. consider the impact of these activities on workers, consumers and society.
The emergence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is generally attributed to the middle of the 20th century, while the emergence of the very concept of social responsibility of business began somewhat earlier, namely in the period of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. This period is associated with the coming of understanding that the existing economic model of society, striving for rough material calculations and based only on profit, inevitably tends to self-destruction. In this regard, the primary task is to find a balance between the desire to obtain maximum material utility and the spiritual aspirations of a person. Thus, the realization gradually came that business should focus not only on material, but also on social aspects in the process of its activities, as well as the impact of these activities on employees, consumers and society, i.e. help in every possible way in solving various social goals of society.

Today, the social responsibility of business and the state is of particular importance, helping to reduce social upheavals in society. Social responsibility is a complex, multifaceted category; there are a large number of different areas and forms of social responsibility that are being developed both in the scientific and business environment. Subjects of social responsibility can be: business, state, society, people. These subjects, depending on the situation, can also act as objects of social responsibility. In addition, socially responsible actions can extend to nature and culture, the consumers of which are all these subjects. The degree of involvement of subjects in social responsibility largely depends on the degree of development of civil society.

Civil society. The concept of civil society is inextricably linked with the social responsibility of society. The basis of civil society are public organizations - these are various human rights organizations, environmental, educational, sports, volunteer associations and other non-profit organizations.

The state, through public policy, society, showing its position through the institutions of civil society, business, moving forward thanks to the institution of civilized, responsible entrepreneurship, together ensure the effective functioning and management of socially responsible actions of business, state and society at all levels.

It should be especially emphasized that it is the state that forms and implements a system of social responsibility not in isolation from the whole society, but together with it. This approach makes it possible to prevent the likely emergence and manifestation of acute contradictions and ensures a sufficient degree of coordination of the actions of society and the state in the formation of an active socio-economic space.

The mechanisms of social policy of a multi-level system of social responsibility are aimed at providing social support to the population, reducing social inequality, achieving social harmony in society, etc.

The idea of ​​civil society arose in the middle of the 27th century, and the term itself was first used by G. Leibniz (1646 - 1716), a German philosopher, scientist and public figure. Significant contributions to the development of the problems of civil society were made by T. Hobbes, J. Locke, and C. Montesquieu. In their opinion, civil society represents the non-state part of socio-political life, the totality of social relations, formal and informal structures that provide the conditions for human political activity, the satisfaction and implementation of various needs and interests of the individual and social groups and associations, including the needs of providing assistance those in need.

In the modern understanding, civil society is a stable system of social relations that determine public interests and arises at a certain, historically determined stage in the development of society. This is a kind of system for limiting the omnipotence of the state, establishing interaction between the state and society, as a result of which both the state and society change.

Civic duty turns into a conscious system of civil requirements of society and the state, and civil responsibility becomes an organic property of the individual, primarily the individual’s ability to self-control. A person’s civic activity is manifested in solving socially significant problems based on respect for the laws of the state without infringing on the sense of personal freedom and the individual’s ability to have convictions.

The concept of civil society is inextricably linked with the social responsibility of society, since the basis of civil society is public institutions - these are various human rights, women's, children's, veteran, youth organizations, environmental, educational, sports, volunteer associations and other non-profit organizations.

Volunteering as the future of global society. The concept of “volunteer” comes from the French word “volontaire”, which takes its roots from the Latin language, namely from the Latin word “voluntarius”, which literally means “volunteer who is willing”.

A volunteer or volunteer is someone who, of his own free will, takes on the task of doing something. In this regard, the concepts of “volunteer movement”, “volunteering”, “volunteering” will be used as synonyms.

The history of volunteering shows that wide sections of the population have always participated in volunteer work, regardless of profession, income and level of education. Membership in volunteer movements has no religious, age, racial or gender restrictions. Every year, volunteering is becoming increasingly popular in the world.

Kofi Anan, UN Secretary General, spoke about volunteering: “At the heart of volunteerism are the ideals of service and solidarity and the belief that together we can make this world a better place. In this sense, it can be said that volunteering is the ultimate expression of the main purpose of the UN’s existence.”

Since 1985, on December 5, volunteers from all over the world celebrate International Volunteer Day, established by the UN. By decision of the UN General Assembly, 2001 was declared the International Year of Volunteering, and ten years later, by decision of the European Commission, 2011 was officially declared the Year of Volunteering in Europe. Thus, the UN recognized the importance of the volunteer movement and called on all countries of the world to implement measures to support it.

Volunteering, like any activity, can be organized or unorganized, carried out in a group or individually, in private or public organizations. Unorganized (spontaneous) volunteering can be defined as one-time, one-time, occasional assistance to those in need. Organized volunteering is most often defined as regular activities carried out with the assistance of non-profit public or private organizations.

The forms of volunteer activity are varied: both one-time charitable events and events, projects and grants, targeted programs, camps, and those carried out on an ongoing basis. Within the framework of these events, feasible social, cultural, economic, and environmental problems of society are solved.

The volunteer movement is developing in various directions:

  • prevention and control of drug addiction, alcoholism and HIV infection;
  • providing assistance to needy pensioners, orphans and children without parental care, seriously ill people and disabled people;
  • protection and restoration of historical spiritual and architectural values ​​(objects and territories);
  • assistance in organizing and participating in the maintenance of socially significant events (sports, scientific, cultural, etc.), education and spiritual development of the individual, promoting a healthy lifestyle;
  • environmental protection;
  • providing assistance to victims of conflicts and disasters by compensating for the loss of vital conditions of existence;

The Universal Declaration of Volunteering, adopted at the XI World Volunteer Conference of the International Association of Volunteer Efforts (IAVE) in September 1990 in Paris, formulated the basic principles of volunteering:

  • recognition of the right to association for all men, women, children, regardless of their race, religion, physical characteristics, social and financial status;
  • respect for the dignity and culture of all people;
  • mutual assistance and provision of free services;
  • recognition of the equal importance of both personal and collective needs;
  • encouraging and stimulating people's initiative and creativity;
  • stimulating a sense of responsibility, promoting family, collective and international solidarity.

It can be argued that volunteer activities are aimed at building a socially responsible society by providing social services necessary for citizens. It is based on altruism, selflessness, nobility, publicity, humanism, voluntariness, legality, mercy, responsiveness, selflessness, compassion and humanity.

The place and role of volunteering in modern Russia. In Russia, volunteering in the modern sense began to take shape in Russia only in the late 80s and early 90s. XX century. Today it is based on the main provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (1995), the Law of the Russian Federation “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations” (1995), the Law of the Russian Federation “On Public Associations” (1995) , the draft Federal Law “On Philanthropy, Patronage and Volunteering”, developed by the Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia.

In our society there is an urgent need to develop the volunteer movement. This is largely due to the unresolved social problems such as the increase in child orphanhood, neglect and crime among young people, the increase in the proportion of elderly people, alcoholization of the population and the growth of drug addiction, and environmental problems. In this regard, volunteering becomes one of the important tools for the socialization of the population.

According to the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the contribution of Russian volunteers to the country’s GDP is 14.5 billion rubles, which is significantly lower than the level of developed countries. If the share of volunteers in the economically active population of Russia reaches the level of countries such as the USA, Australia, Germany or Belgium, then the contribution of Russian volunteers to the country’s GDP will be equivalent to 100 billion rubles per year. If Russia reaches the level of Sweden, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Great Britain or Austria in terms of population involvement in the volunteer movement, the contribution of Russian volunteers will amount to 200 billion rubles.

Russia's lag behind other countries is largely explained by the relatively low share of budget funding for non-profit organizations (NPOs). According to research by the Boston Consulting Group, in Russia budget funding for NPOs is 2–3 times lower than the level of funding abroad. The developers of the Program for Support of Socially Oriented NPOs (SO NPOs) came to the conclusion that in addition to reducing social tension in society, an increase in funding could bring a direct budgetary effect by increasing the number of volunteers and their total contribution to GDP.

For example, volunteer movements can be created on the basis of charitable organizations (foundations) with an existing material and technical base (or it is created for a specific project). In other cases, through our own funding and the material resources of volunteer associations, holding charity fairs, master classes, etc.

State funding of charitable organizations, which are the material base of volunteer movements, is most often one-time and one-time in nature. An example is the Gift of Life Charitable Foundation for helping children with oncohematological and other serious diseases. The fund is not funded by the state on an ongoing basis, but the exception is a one-time grant for work on voluntary unpaid donation in 2010, which was issued by the Public Chamber; the grant amount was 700 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, the foundation covers basic financial and other needs on its own by attracting philanthropists and volunteer help.

In a number of regions of Russia: Moscow and St. Petersburg, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Karelia, Perm and Krasnodar territories, Samara, Tver, Lipetsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Sverdlovsk regions, positive experience in supporting and developing volunteering has been accumulated.

Volunteer organizations in Russia are focused mainly on attracting young people, who are seen as the main resource. In Moscow there is a state budgetary institution “Youth Center of the South-Eastern Administrative District “Youth Commonwealth””, working within the structure of the Department of Family and Youth Policy. It is designed to promote the creation and development of the volunteer movement in universities, stimulate the implementation of their own socially significant projects, etc.

One of the most common areas of volunteer activity is helping orphans and children without parental care. The emotional component plays a big role here. Work in orphanages includes not only one-time events to collect necessary things, gifts for the New Year, organize leisure time for children, conduct concerts, master classes, and help in educating children. It can continue after the children are released from orphanages, which is no less important.

The charitable foundation “Volunteers to help orphans” carries out:

  • prevention of social orphanhood;
  • assistance to children in hospitals and orphanages;
  • promoting family structure.

Organizing assistance not only for children, but also for their future parents, helps solve legal problems related to the placement of children in foster families, but also provides psychological assistance.

A common form of volunteering is helping medical institutions, where there is often a shortage of junior staff. Volunteers visit patients, communicate with them, read aloud, organize walks, watch duty, etc. Volunteers initiate the organization of non-profit foundations to raise funds for the treatment of specific patients.

An example of volunteering in the environmental sphere is the volunteer center “Burmunk” - one of the activities of the environmental educational center “Zapovedniki”.

Volunteering in the field of culture is focused on participation in the restoration of architectural monuments of historical value, in museums - work with tourist groups. The volunteer movement can also exist in the form of attracting volunteers for a separate large short-term project. Thus, as a result of the All-Russian competition held by the Sochi-2014 Organizing Committee jointly with the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 26 educational institutions from 23 constituent entities of the Russian Federation received the right to create volunteer training centers for the Olympics in Sochi in 2014

Volunteer groups can be formed in other ways. For example, volunteer microcommunities (a new phenomenon for Russia) are created by the so-called “new people” (aged 20-40), mainly urban Internet users. In a micro-community there is usually a core (3-4 people) who are engaged in all organizational work aimed at implementing a particular idea. A group of “supporters” is formed around the core, supporting the activities of the community financially (finance, material assets, etc.). Examples of such microcommunities include groups on social networks focused on helping those in need.

Emergencies can also motivate people to volunteer. Vivid examples are the participation of the population in the elimination of forest fires in 2010, the consequences of the flood in the city of Krymsk in 2012.

The weakness of the volunteer movement in Russia can be explained by:

  • difficult economic situation of the population;
  • the crisis state of many non-profit and government organizations;
  • insufficiently developed legal framework;
  • insufficient information base;
  • insufficient development of civil society institutions;
  • low prestige of volunteering due to social stereotypes.

It is difficult to instill the idea of ​​volunteering when part of the population has a stereotype that if a person does honest work, for the benefit of society and for free, then at least he is strange or even a loser. That is, creating a positive image of a volunteer and popularizing the ideas of volunteering is one of the urgent tasks for Russia. It would be advisable to turn to the experience of the United States. American legislation allows volunteers to be provided with various privileges, for example, receiving free educational services.

In 2005, in order to attract the attention of the state and society to the development of volunteerism, as well as increase its prestige and form a positive public opinion, a national public award in the field of volunteerism was established. The Government of the Russian Federation approved the Concept for promoting the development of volunteerism and charity in the Russian Federation.

The Russian Center for the Development of Volunteering takes an active part in the development of the institution of volunteerism, and thereby in the creation of a developed civil society, as well as in increasing the social responsibility and activity of Russian citizens.

Activities in the field of development of the volunteer movement can be based, first of all, on the dissemination of practical experience of the regions. Widespread promotion of volunteerism in all media will bring significant benefits to society and will contribute to the growth of civic consciousness of the population. And religious organizations could make a much more significant practical and informational contribution to this noble cause.

Formation of state policy in the field of spiritual and moral education of the population, a ban on the use of air time in electronic media for the distribution of programs promoting violence and base manifestations are problems that require immediate solution.

Legislators and executive leaders at all levels can and should make their contribution to this process. The latter in terms of developing regional and municipal targeted programs to support volunteering.

It is necessary to organize professional training for specialists in the field of youth volunteer activities. The regulatory framework for financial support and incentives for individuals and legal entities involved in supporting volunteerism needs to be improved if the state is unable or for other reasons is unable or cannot currently fully address social problems.

The mechanism for supporting and developing volunteering should be based on international and domestic experience, for which it is necessary to actively develop cooperation in the field of volunteering with the International Association of Volunteer Efforts (IAVE), the European Center for Volunteers (CEV), the United Nations Volunteers Program (UNV), and most importantly , with similar organizations in the post-Soviet space.