UNP of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Verification of counterparties in Belarus

Kozerogka wrote:

The Inspectorate of Taxes said that they do not have the right to give such information. I'm panicking....


Article 79. Tax secrecy
1. Any information constitutes a tax secret, received by the bodies specified in paragraphs four to seven of Article 4 of this Code, about payers (other obligated persons), except for information:
1.1. about the surname, name, patronymic of the payer(another obligated person) - an individual, the name of the payer (another obligated person) - an organization;
1.2. disclosed by the payer (other obligated person) independently or with his consent;
1.3. about the payer's account number;
1.4. on the authorized capital (capital) of the organization;
1.5. about violations tax legislation and penalties for these violations;
1.6. provided to tax or law enforcement authorities of other states in accordance with international treaties in force for the Republic of Belarus;
1.7. provided to government bodies, other government organizations for the purpose of carrying out administrative procedures (except for data on founders (participants, property owners) legal entities and information on opening (closing) bank accounts);
1.8. provided to regulatory (supervisory) authorities from a unified information database of regulatory (supervisory) authorities.
2. Tax secrets are not subject to disclosure, except in cases provided for by law..

If you don't know exactly your full name. Individual entrepreneur, then you can write a tax request, asking for information about your full name. payer (this information is not a tax secret - they will not be able to refuse you...)

You can try to ask for information about whether the individual entrepreneur has been liquidated (in my opinion, this information falls under clause 1.2 of Article 79 of the Tax Code, because in accordance with clause 12 of the Regulations on the liquidation (termination of activities) of business entities, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 16, 2009 N1– upon liquidation, the individual entrepreneur provides the registration authority with a copy of the publication in the newspaper “Respublika” about the termination of activities). It is possible that your individual entrepreneur has long been liquidated... and further actions will not be necessary...

As for the IP address, the tax office will not provide you with such information, because This information falls under the concept of tax secrets.

As noted above, it is possible to clarify information about the address with the registration authority (though not for free....).
Registration authorities are not so strictly limited by the Law in terms of providing information about business entities. Look at the Resolution of the Ministry of Justice dated March 10, 2009 No. 25 “On approval of instructions on the procedure for maintaining a unified state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs"(Chapter 5 Instructions)
Additionally, take a look at the website of the Ministry of Justice - it contains information about Providing information from the Unified State Register

The company "Reference Service of Legal Entities" LLC offers extracts from the trade register of Belarus with translation into Russian and an apostille.

You can order not only electronic document, but also the original – a paper version of the document. If necessary, certification by a notary, obtaining an apostille and fast delivery extracts from the trade register of Belarus to any city in the Russian Federation.

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Alexander Lavrov- specialist in foreign registries

Each country has its own characteristics and nuances when obtaining information about companies. Write your question and a specialist will give you comprehensive advice.

What documents for the company are from the registry? Belarus can I get it?

Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs of Belarus. Contains the following information about the company:

  • Registration number;
  • Current status of the company;
  • Legal address;
  • Main activity;
  • Authorized fund;
  • Full name and contact information of the manager;
The extract is suitable for receipt useful information about the company. Electronic document in PDF format. Document language - Russian/Belarusian.

Allows you to reduce risks when concluding a transaction with a foreign company. We collect detailed information about the organization from government registers and internal databases.
As a rule, we are able to include the following data in the report: status, opf, address, mouth. Capital, directors, owners*, type of activity, number of employees**, contract debts, tax debts, finances***, branches, litigation, export/import

The result of the work is an electronic document in PDF format in Russian.

*except for enterprises with legal form CJSC (closed joint stock company)
**not officially available, but in most cases we get this information from interviews
***only for OJSC (Open Joint Stock Company)

Allows you to reduce risks when concluding a transaction with a foreign company. We collect detailed information about the organization from government registers and internal databases.
As a rule, we are able to include the following data in the report: status, opf, address, mouth. Capital, directors, owners*, type of activity, number of employees**, contract debts, tax debts, finances***, branches, litigation, export/import

The result of the work is an electronic document in PDF format in Russian.

*except for enterprises with the legal form of CJSC (closed joint stock company)
**not officially available, but in most cases we get this information from interviews
***only for OJSC (Open Joint Stock Company)

A paper extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs of the registering authority with a blue seal. Contains the following information about the company:

  • Registration number;
  • Full and abbreviated name in Russian;
  • Full and abbreviated name in Belarusian;
  • Current status of the company;
  • Legal address;
  • Main activity;
  • Authorized fund;
  • Full name and contact information of the manager;
  • Founders indicating the share in the authorized capital;
Extract suitable for
  • preparation of foreign trade agreements;
  • filing claims;
Paper document with blue stamp. Document language - Russian/Belarusian. Courier delivery to any city in the Russian Federation is included in the price.

Makes it possible to verify the existence of an office or factory live. Our specialist will arrive at the specified address, will take 8-10 photographs with a description and compile a text report about what he saw. In case of a non-anonymous visit, he will ask necessary questions company representative.

Makes it possible to verify the existence of an office or factory live. Our specialist will arrive at the specified address, take 8-10 photographs with a description and compile a text report about what he saw. In case of a non-anonymous visit, he will ask the necessary questions to the company representative.

Makes it possible to verify the existence of an office or factory live. Our specialist will arrive at the specified address, take 8-10 photographs with a description and compile a text report about what he saw. In case of a non-anonymous visit, he will ask the necessary questions to the company representative.

The basic set of information within this product, in addition to basic information about the company, includes: - connections with other legal entities/individuals around the world (up to 20 connections); - research on the subject of arbitration and other cases against the company (depending on the region); - checking for general and unfavorable mentions in the media; - credit report and credit rating. The cost of a basic specialized study is 390 euros. Duration - 7 working days. Provided electronically. We can conduct any other additional type of research, such as in-depth financial analysis company, a full in-depth study of the company's legal capacity, personal visit to the company's office, etc. Indicate the data that needs to be obtained (formulate a task for our research group) and in the near future we will notify you about the possibility of completing this work, the timing and cost.

Payment methods for legal and individuals

Cashless payment for legal entities

For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, payment to the organization's bank account is possible. Enrollment period is 1-3 banking days. To speed up the transfer, send us a copy of the payment order

Bank card VISA, MasterCard, Maestro - crediting takes 3-5 minutes. Commission 0%

From your Yandex.Money wallet, Webmoney, Qiwi, PayPal

Companies and people who work with us Add a review

LUKOIL Uzbekistan - General manager O.V. Dyakonov

Since March 2015, LLC "Reference Service of Legal Entities" (www.site) has been our information partner in the field of checking foreign counterparties registered in different countries peace. During our cooperation, the company "Reference Service of Legal Entities" LLC has established itself as a reliable and stable supplier of documentary information that allows us to draw informed conclusions about the degree of reliability of potential counterparties registered in foreign jurisdictions, as well as helping to reduce business risks.

JSC "Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil"- Head of the legal department Bakov A.V.

LLC "Reference Service of Legal Entities" has been a partner of JSC "Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L. Mil" in the field of services for the provision of extracts from trade registers of legal entities of foreign countries. Throughout the entire period of cooperation, LLC “Reference Service of Legal Entities” confirmed its high level of competence and professionalism. All services are performed by this company in a timely and high-quality manner. LLC "Reference Service of Legal Entities" is recommended as a reliable and stable business partner.

Association "Moscow self-regulatory organization professional arbitration managers"- Arbitration manager Evseev Maxim Lvovich

I contacted LLC "Reference Service of Legal Entities" (www.site) to obtain a certified extract for a foreign company. The extract was necessary to sue the Korean company as part of the organization's bankruptcy proceedings. I received the required extract within the specified time frame and was pleased with the cooperation. I can recommend LLC "Reference Service of Legal Entities" for obtaining documents on foreign organizations.

Arbitration manager Mukhina E.G.

I thank the team of LLC "Reference Service of Legal Entities" for their prompt, well-coordinated work, convenient organization of obtaining information, and attentiveness to their clients! In my opinion, you are a role model for most information and reference sites on our market! THANK YOU!

LLC "Divider"- Procurement Department Specialist Rozhkov V.Yu.

LLC "Reference Service of Legal Entities" (www.site) provided our company with services for checking foreign counterparties. This allowed us to reduce business risks and protect ourselves from interaction with unreliable suppliers. We were satisfied with the work of the service, we will use it again and can recommend it for testing foreign companies.

LLC "COM SPAN"- General Director Raval D.Ch.

We express our gratitude and gladly recommend LLC “Reference Service of Legal Entities” (www.site). The company's employees work professionally, respond quickly if questions arise and are as customer-oriented as possible. We contacted the company to obtain a certified statement for a foreign company. We received the required extract and were satisfied with the cooperation.

JSC "Tomsk Cell Technologies" Ogloblin V.P.

We received the extract Thanks a lot! It's a pleasure to work with you. Good luck in your future work and all the best.

LLC StroyGarant- Director Igor Skreminsky

Good afternoon. They helped a lot. We received the documents on time. Thank you so much

Let us turn again to the topic of checking foreign companies. This time we will touch on our neighbor and ally - Belarus.

First of all, we note that in Belarus the situation with accessibility business information significantly different from Russian. Differences in legislation, business culture, and different developments in the information services market as a whole have an impact.

State Internet resources provide very little data on legal entities in Belarus and their current status. Even obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of the Ministry of Justice (analogous to our Unified State Register of Legal Entities) is associated with certain difficulties for Russians due to the use of the Belarusian payment system.

Financial indicators, in accordance with Belarusian legislation, are available only from JSCs; in relation to companies with other organizational and legal forms, it will not be possible to obtain such data at all.

Information on arbitration cases is also not publicly available.

On information market There are no offers of on-line services for checking counterparties (such as SPARK, Integrum, etc.). Moreover, very few companies offer off-line business information about Belarusian legal entities, while a number of them, according to our estimates, simply accumulate information from the Internet.

However, certain opportunities exist for checking Belarusian companies. What can be recommended for independent use from open Belarusian Internet sources?

1. "Register commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs with an increased risk of committing offenses in the economic sphere.” Maintained by the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Belarus, searches for it are carried out on the Internet portal http://www.nalog.gov.by.

The register includes legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities show signs of false entrepreneurship or illegal entrepreneurial activity; violations of tax laws; violations of the use of seals and strict reporting forms; location outside the legal address and failure to notify registration authorities of changes, etc.

Currently it contains about 5200 pieces of information. This is not much, taking into account the 172 thousand legal entities and 260 thousand individual entrepreneurs operating in the republic, but it allows you to avoid cooperation with the most “hardcore” violators.

2. Information from the State Register of Payers (http://www.nalog.gov.by). The data is minimal, but allows you to get reliable information about the current status of the enterprise.

3. Information about companies with debts to the budget (http://www.nalog.gov.by). Important data, but not archived and often a little out of date.

4. State register of information on bankruptcy (http://bankrot.gov.by). It is supported by the Ministry of Economy of Belarus and allows you to check a company for bankruptcy, being in reorganization mode, etc.

5. Information on the liquidation of companies published in the publication of the Ministry of Justice (http://justbel.info). The resource allows you to check a Belarusian company that is active, but is already in the process of liquidation.

Of the main available Belarusian Internet resources, these are perhaps the most significant, which can be used for an initial, superficial assessment of a counterparty from Belarus.

For a more detailed check, you can use the services of special companies offering objective business information about Belarusian enterprises. As noted above, there are few such proposals. Thus, the information service implemented by the consulting agency deserves attention "CRBS" (Minsk) and the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (www.krbs.by).

The agency provides off-line business certificates about Belarusian legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. In preparation, government resources and reliable sources of information are used. In our opinion, quite high quality information product, containing complete registration data, information on current status, management, personnel, founders, size and distribution of authorized capital, field of activity, affiliated companies, results of participation in procurement, negative data, etc. It is important that a number of positions (founders, management, negative information about debts) is given with history over the past few years. The cost is very reasonable, and the execution time is quite acceptable - from 48 hours.

Of course, it can be noted that Belarusian companies have a relatively good reputation and are more likely to be exposed to more risks, especially in cases of deferred payments for supplies to the Russian Federation. However, due diligence is necessary and important in any cooperation, including when working with Belarusian counterparties.

If you work with Belarusian suppliers, it would be a good idea to check their integrity. We offer an algorithm for checking counterparties from Belarus.

Russian companies verification of a counterparty from Belarus is available. This can be done in the “Information about business partner” section on the website of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus. There are several useful services where you can find out information about your partner. The Federal Tax Service recommended that inspectors use Belarusian services in an internal letter (available in UNP). The services will also be useful for companies when checking their suppliers.

Register 1- an analogue of the Russian Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Using the service “Search for information from the State Register of Payers that do not constitute a tax secret,” a company can check whether its potential counterparty is registered. You need to click on the “Search” button, and then enter the payer’s account number (analogous to the Russian Taxpayer Identification Number) or the name of the counterparty (see Fig. 1).

The program will give general information- payer number, address, date of registration and exclusion from the register if the company is liquidated. If the supplier is not on the register or is liquidated, then it is safer not to enter into a deal with him. Otherwise, tax authorities may recognize it as fictitious.

Rice. 1. How to check whether a counterparty is registered

Registry 2 is a list of companies with an increased risk of committing violations in the economic sphere. It includes organizations that do not have a legal address, do not submit reports, used accounts for money laundering, etc. It is enough to fill in the account number or company name, and the service will show the date and reason for inclusion in the register - a specific paragraph from the Decree of the President of the Republic Belarus, which lists the signs of illegal activity (see Fig. 2). Just because a company is on the list does not mean it is fictitious. But you should be careful when working with such a counterparty. At the very least, clarify with him why he was on the black list.

Rice. 2. How to find out if working with a supplier is risky

Registry 3- for checking counterparties from Belarus - this is the Unified State Register of Bankruptcy Information. The service will allow you to find out whether the counterparty is bankrupt. To find out, just enter the name or account number of the partner in the search bar (see Fig. 3). Concluding a transaction with a counterparty in bankruptcy does not guarantee the fulfillment of the contract.

Rice. 3. How to find out if your partner is bankrupt

In addition, the site also allows you to find out whether the counterparty has debts to the budget. And if the counterparty participated in government procurement, you can find out whether he violated the terms of the auction. This information will also help you learn more about the potential supplier to check its reliability.

to provide information service

This Public Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is considered concluded between the company and limited liability"SmartFinSoft", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", and any legal entity, individual entrepreneur or citizen - user information resource, posted on the Internet site site (hereinafter referred to as the site, site), hereinafter referred to as the “User”, who accepted (accepted) the public offer (offer) to conclude this Agreement by registering on the site page located at https://site/ register.

Issues of searching, receiving, transmitting, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, distributing and providing information, as well as using information and protecting information in addition to the Agreement are regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the legislation) and the dolgovnet Privacy Policy..

  1. 1. Subject of the agreement

1.1. The Agreement defines the procedure for the provision of information services (hereinafter referred to as the service), as well as the rights, obligations and relationships between the Contractor and the User, hereinafter referred to individually as the “Party”, and together as the “Parties”.

1.2. The service consists of the Contractor providing the User with information about the potential opportunity:

To carry out by the User (a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur) in the manner prescribed by law, the offset of claims on obligations (accounts payable and receivable in equal amounts) with counterparties (creditors and debtors) and third parties who have agreed to such offset;

Make the assignment by the User (legal entity or individual entrepreneur) of rights to his receivables to third parties in the manner prescribed by law;

In accordance with the procedure established by law, acquire (receive) rights to receivables on the terms agreed upon by the User with the owner of this debt.

1.3. The number of services provided by the Contractor to the User corresponds to the number of notifications about the provision of each individual service that the Contractor sent to the User via email and (or) posted in personal account website.

  1. 2. Procedure for concluding an agreement

2.1. The Contractor assumes the obligation to provide an unlimited number of services to each User who has registered on the site, has actually used the services of the site, or has contacted the Contractor for their provision in any other way acceptable to the Contractor.

2.2. The actions of any persons specified in subclause 2.1 of this clause constitute consent to conclude the Agreement and acceptance (acceptance) of its terms without any conditions, exceptions or reservations.

2.3. To register on the site, the User fills out the appropriate form provided by the website interface.

2.4. The Contractor is not responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided by the User during registration, but reserves the right to verify it using government information resources.

2.5. The Parties recognize the location of the Contractor as the place of conclusion of the contract.

  1. 3. Procedure for execution of the contract

3.1. To provide the service, the User provides the Contractor with information about his counterparties, receivables and (or) payables, and other information provided for in the relevant website interface forms.

3.2. As part of the provision of the service, the Contractor collects, analyzes, processes the information received, places it in the User’s personal account, as well as certain information provided by the dolgovnet interface..

3.3. For the correct and efficient operation of the information resource, the User must, as the information provided to the site changes, make appropriate changes in his personal account, including adjusting the information provided during registration, deleting outdated and irrelevant information, adding and updating information about receivables and (or) accounts payable, update other information provided by the site interface.

3.4. The Contractor notifies the Customer about the results of the information resource by sending emails and (or) posting notifications in the personal account of the website.

3.5. To provide a service that, in accordance with the Contractor’s tariffs, is paid (provided for a fee), the User must make an advance payment in accordance with the instructions contained in the website interface.

3.6. Rendering paid services carried out by the Contractor after receipt of payment by sending the User a corresponding report in the form email and (or) posting a notice in your personal account on the website. The service is considered provided in full, properly and accepted by the User at the time the Contractor sends (posts) such a report.

  1. 4. The Contractor undertakes:

4.1. -high quality and possible short terms provide services to the User subject to compliance by the User and other Users with all the requirements of this Agreement, subject to the availability of technical capabilities and in the absence of force majeure circumstances;

4.2. not to disclose or use at your own discretion the information provided by the User to the site, except as provided for in the Agreement, legislation, the Site’s Privacy Policy and the User’s instructions;

4.3. immediately, as soon as the reports on the provision of services paid for by the User are ready, send them to the User;


  1. 5. The user undertakes:

5.1. - provide the Contractor with complete and reliable information in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, the Privacy Policy and the website interface;

5.2. pay in full the cost of services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and the Contractor’s tariffs;

5.3. in case of any claims against the Contractor, notify him about this by email or in writing within a month from the day when the User became aware or could become aware of the circumstances that are the basis for the claim.

  1. 6. Cost of services provided and payment procedure

6.1. The cost of the services provided by the Contractor is determined by the tariffs approved by the Contractor, posted on the dolgovnet page. The Contractor has the right to independently set prices for the services provided and change them in accordance with the law. Changed prices for services are valid from the moment determined by the Contractor, but not earlier than the moment new tariffs are posted on the site.

6.2. Tariffs for the service are considered valid at the time the User sends (places) an application to receive the relevant information.

6.3. Payment for the service must be made by the User within 24 hours after sending the Contractor (posting in the personal account) an application to receive the relevant information. In case of non-payment for the service within the specified period, the application is cancelled, the User must send (place) it again and pay for the service based on the tariff in effect on the day the repeated application is sent (placed).

6.4. The User pays for the service to the Contractor in Belarusian rubles by non-cash payment to the Contractor's bank account, or by wire transfer of electronic cash in one of the payment systems with which the Contractor has concluded relevant agreements, and in which the Contractor, in accordance with the law, has opened electronic wallets, or which ensure the receipt of funds paid to the Contractor to his current account.

  1. 7. Responsibility of the parties, dispute resolution procedure

7.1. For failure to comply with the terms of the Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the law.

7.2. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper execution of their obligations under the Agreement, if the impossibility of fulfilling them is due to the action force majeure. The Contractor is not responsible for any loss or damage (loss of profit, direct, indirect, consequential, any other damage or lost profits) of the User and (or) third parties resulting from any failure of the information resource of the Contractor and (or) its partners, as well as any decision or action made on the basis of information received from the Contractor.

7.3. All disputes and disagreements that may arise during the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement or in connection with it are resolved by the Parties through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve disagreements, disputes are resolved in court at the location of the Contractor. Going to court must be preceded by a mandatory claim procedure for resolving the dispute that has arisen. The parties set a ten-day period for consideration of the received claim.

7.4. The Contractor has the right not to consider claims submitted after missing the deadlines established by law or the Agreement.

  1. 8. Duration of the agreement, procedure for changing it

8.1. The Agreement is valid and applicable to all legal relations arising from the date of its publication until the Contractor’s decision to terminate the Agreement.

8.2. The Contractor has the right to independently unilaterally change the terms of the Agreement. Continuation of the User’s work with the site after this point constitutes his consent to the changes in the Agreement.

8.3. The Contract may be terminated by the Contractor unilaterally.

  1. 9. Other provisions

9.1. The parties agree that the information provided by the User when registering on the site is considered to be the appropriate details of the User.

9.2. The Parties acknowledge the actual validity of documents sent through any applicable communication channels in the form of an electronic or fax document with a reproduction of the seal and signature of the Party.

9.4. The Contractor collects and analyzes information provided by Users about registration and other data of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, the amounts and grounds of their accounts payable and receivable, financial and economic condition and counterparties, as well as other information that, in accordance with the law, can be attributed by its owner to trade secret. Providing such information to the Contractor is its disclosure and permission to access it, as well as confirmation of the User’s consent to verify the accuracy of this information using government information resources.

9.4. By concluding the Agreement, the User confirms that he has read and agreed with its contents, the site’s Privacy Policy, the site’s service tariffs, as well as other features of the provision of services by the Contractor that are not regulated by the Agreement and the Privacy Policy, but arising from the content of the website. .

  1. 10. Details of the Contractor

Limited Liability Company "SmartFinSoft"

UNP 192953063

220036, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, st. Kupriyanova, 3, room. 1H

e-mail: [email protected]

tel. +375-44-505-88-98

Bank details:

Account No. BY75 ALFA 3012 2259 4400 1027 0000 at Alfa-Bank CJSC


Bank address: Minsk, st. Krasnaya, 7