Foil stamping: DIY and industrial stamping. Do-it-yourself foil stamping: how to decorate a gift in an original way How to make foil embossing with your own hands

Material developed by:
additional education teacher
CDT "Tsaritsyno"
Ganzhinova Anna Mikhailovna
Methodologist of the Tsaritsyno Children's Center
Nekrasova Elena Nikolaevna

Making panels with the effect of embossed foil

One of the most exquisite types of metal processing is artistic embossing. Technique
coinage is very ancient, developing over many centuries. She was famous in the Ancient
Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome. Since ancient times, coinage has been used in the art of Iran, China,
India and Japan. Coinage received significant development during the Renaissance in Western countries.
Europe. It reached high perfection in pre-Mongol Rus' and flourished again in
Old Russian art of the 15th-17th centuries.

This type of art involves obtaining relief images on metal: performed
blows with a special hammer on special tools - mints. Work is carried out on the surface
sheet placed on an elastic backing made of a special resin, mainly along the front side. At
When making vessels, it is poured inside.
Embossing is widely used in the manufacture of various decorative arts.
products made of copper, aluminum, brass and other materials (for information on minting techniques, see Appendix No. 2).
Foil stamping is an extremely simplified version of metal embossing, not
requiring the use of special tools and equipment, accessible to children.
Foil is a thin sheet of metal up to 0.2 mm thick. Foil appeared in the 19th century, when
the metal began to be rolled out on a blooming machine. Previously, metal was flattened to the thinness of foil with a hammer,
therefore, it was very expensive and was rarely used, for example, on frames for icons.

Very similar to embossing metal-plastic, only it is performed with a special tool
- a crusher.
To work with very thin foil, you can use a simple press as a press.
ballpoint pen or regular lead pencil.
We are interested in creating the effect of embossing from foil, since this panel was made by children -
preschoolers. Working with foil allows you to learn the properties of the metal and at the same time see
terrain possibilities. The guys liked that it was easy to work with foil, the results were obvious, they
They see that they can create beautiful things to decorate their home with their own hands. Foil reliefs
can also serve as decoration for albums, boxes, and original greeting cards.
Features of the material
 When making any model, you must remember that the relief should not be high and not
must have sharp parts, otherwise the foil may burst. To get a good print
it is advisable to distribute the saturation of the image elements evenly throughout
model surface.
 It is also necessary to take into account the appearance of light glare, due to the significant
reflective ability of foil. Highlights can either help reveal volume or
lead to the destruction of visual perception of the object as a whole. To avoid
unwanted light effect, you should strive to make all surfaces in the form
planes and allow less spherical shapes and “bubbles”. Then the light spots will be
do not appear randomly at the sites of swellings, but will be distributed along the boundaries of the transitions of one
plane to another, promoting better contrast and revealing volume.
Materials and equipment:
 Pencil.
 Sketch paper.
 Copy paper.
 Foil in a roll.
 Pen (for embossing a design).
 Cardboard for base.
 PVA glue.
 Knitting threads and cords.
 Cardboard for flat parts.
 Acrylic paints.
 Glue gun (for the teacher).
Panel execution stages:

  • Sketch the drawing on paper or directly on a thick base. You can take a finished drawing and copy it. It is enough to draw the main contours.
  • Apply PVA glue along the contours of the design.
  • Glue the parts sequentially. If there are large flat parts, glue them first, and then glue the threads to the contours of the design (or cords).
  • Give time for the parts to stick well to the base and dry.
  • Lubricate the work with a thin layer of PVA glue.
  • Cover the entire work with foil, carefully pressing it onto the parts. The size of the foil should be larger than the size of the base.
  • Fold the foil over the edges - neat and tight.
  • Glue the edges .
  • Use the blunt end of a pen to refine the desired details of the drawing. .
  • Apply paint to the entire work .
  • Remove a layer of paint from the most convex parts of the drawing. It is better to wipe with gentle touches using a swab or sponge.
  • If desired, you can apply paints of other shades to individual areas of the design. .
  • Using a hot gun, glue a string to hang the panel on the wall.

Full version of the document:

Coinage was done in ancient times and such products were so expensive that only the rich could afford such luxury. Nowadays, not only can everyone buy it, but also make it at home. How? This will be discussed in our article. We will look at a master class on how to make foil with your own hands, which you can hang or place in your home. It is also perfect as a gift. To begin with, we will look at a simple option for creating coinage.

Let's start simple

In any store you can always purchase ready-made creativity kits. But it’s much more interesting to do everything from start to finish yourself, and also come up with a drawing. All you need is effort and patience.

The following materials will be needed:

  • a sheet of foil or an aluminum can;
  • backing under a sheet of foil. Important: the thicker the sheet of foil, the softer the backing should be. Felt and rubber are suitable as a backing;
  • To apply the drawing you will need a tool. It can be a sushi stick, a brush (its hard tip), a non-writing pen, etc.;
  • a stencil, a drawing template, or you can come up with one yourself;
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

Let's start making coinage. We take the jar. We cut off both bottoms. Now cut the jar from one edge and straighten it to form a sheet. Now use a ruler to straighten the edges and cut them off. The option of using a sheet of foil is not excluded.

Now place the material face down on the backing. The drawing will then appear in a mirror image. Now we put the stencil on the sheet and use a tool to press the picture. You can push either a solid line or a broken line. Now you can make a frame in a similar way.

Gift for family and friends

Every child at least once gave their parents gifts made with their own hands. Undoubtedly, the parents were happy to see the little surprise from their baby. One of the gift options could be embossing for dad. Today we will look at step by step how you can make a cute “Car”.

We will need:

  • foil;
  • cardboard;
  • tool (brush, sushi stick);
  • template or stencil;
  • backing (it could be an album or felt).

Let's get started. We put the album, the foil on it, and then the template as follows:

Exactly along the contour we trace our drawing with a tool.

After drawing the lines, remove the template and get the following.

Now, using the same tool, we make points around the machine.

Let's mint now individual parts cars. You can start with the windows.

Now turn the foil over and trace the same part along the contour.

If you turn the work over, this is what you should get:

We then make the remaining parts of the machine according to the same principle.

Now we turn the foil over and trace around the office and parts of the machine with the tool again.

As a result, you get such a wonderful gift for your parents.

Now, back side up, we place our work on the table. Let's take cardboard.

Then place the cardboard on the foil.

Once upon a time in school, during labor lessons, we made crafts using the foil stamping technique. I wanted to remember this technique. Maybe it will be useful to someone.

Materials: gold or silver foil, embossing tool i.e. knitting needle, rubber printing plate for the base, white and gold paint, tracing paper, pencil, brush, adhesive tape, scissors or stationery knife. This is done like this:

1. Place tracing paper on the patterned sample and outline its contours with a pencil. Attach the piece of paper with the translated design to the foil with adhesive tape. Place the foil on a soft base, such as a rubber stamp, and trace the outline with a thin embossing tool, applying gentle pressure.

2. Trace the entire drawing in the same way. To do this you will need a special embossing tool or knitting needle.

3. Cut out the design along the outline. You can leave the leaf shiny or give it an antique look. To do this, cover the front and back sides of the sheet with white paint.

4. Take a brush with soft bristles and, after dipping it into the paint, apply light movements over the design. Let the paint dry thoroughly.

The embossing tool is easier to use if you drop some oil on it and then wipe it with a paper towel.

One of my past works.

In my opinion, foil stamping is a very interesting technique.

Master class “Machine” (work in embossing techniques)

The master class is designed to work with older children preschool age, teachers, parents and creative people.

The minting technique is very ancient, developing over many centuries. It was known in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome. Since ancient times, coinage has been used in the art of Iran, China, India and Japan. Coinage received significant development during the Renaissance in Western Europe. It reached high perfection in pre-Mongol Rus' and flourished again in ancient Russian art of the 15th-17th centuries. High relief coinage from sheet silver was produced by Greek craftsmen in Moscow, and hammered ladles and bowls were produced in Novgorod.

Purpose: interior decoration, gift making.

Target: development of artistic and creative abilities through the means of fine art.


Develop artistic taste, sense of composition; creativity;

Develop children's horizons, replenish their active vocabulary;

Promote the development of fine motor skills and hand coordination;

Form and develop manual labor skills;

Cultivate accuracy, hard work, perseverance.

Required material:

▪ Foil

▪ Cardboard

▪ Round brush or sushi sticks

▪ Template

▪ Album (or soft backing material)

Work progress:

We place the template on the foil, having previously placed something soft (album).

We trace the design along the contour with a brush or sushi stick

We remove the template, this is what we get on the foil:

Take a brush and start tapping dots around the outline

This is what happens

Then we begin to mint individual parts. Let's start with the windows.

Then we turn the work over and trace the contour of the part that was minted.

Let's turn it over, this is what happened

The same principle applies to the second window, wheels and headlight.

We turn the work over and trace the entire outline and details again.

We turn it over, this is how we got the job

Turn the work over with the wrong side up and take the cardboard

We put cardboard on the work

And fold the edges of the work onto the cardboard

Turn it over, our work is ready. You can put it in a photo frame and give it to dads for the holiday.

Thank you for your attention!

Metal chasing is one of the oldest forms of art. The ancient masters of India, China, Egypt and Crete, long before our era, created chased masterpieces: utensils, weapons, jewelry. Embossed images were valued much higher than the vessel or decoration on which they were applied. Master minters had to master their subtle art for a long time, and often, not without reason, considered themselves initiated into the highest sacrament.

The most widely used materials for household utensils were copper and bronze due to their widespread availability. Silver and gold were also used for embossed jewelry and religious objects. Metal coins were also produced by minting. Interest in coinage continued throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. In Asia and Europe, Africa and America, local craftsmen created masterpieces - from cups by Benvenuto Cellini to blackened silver frames of Russian icons.


Currently, embossing, or producing three-dimensional images on a thin sheet of metal, is common in art workshops. As in the past, mastering the subtleties of the craft requires a lot of time and special tools.

To understand whether you have a passion for this type of creativity, it is not necessary to spend years learning and improving your skills in working with metal and professional tools. You can try your hand at embossing and embossing techniques using a sheet of food foil and a simple set of tools - stationery. And after mastering the technique of foil stamping, you may want to master the secrets of the ancient masters of embossing.

The foil minting method is technologically close to classical sheet metal minting, but differs from it:

  • low effort required for volumetric molding;
  • low cost of materials and tools;
  • low strength of the resulting product.

The foil for embossing is placed on a soft base, which allows the sheet to deform under the pressure of a wooden or plastic rod, forming small round depressions or oblong depressions. When viewed, these depressions visually form a single image.

For embossing and embossing, both sheet or roll food foil and denser industrial foil are used. It is more difficult to process, but the durability of the products increases many times over. They can not only be hung on the wall in a frame, but also used as overlays - decorations for household or artistic products.

The foil embossing method has become widespread both in children's art circles and among adult hobbyists.

Required Tools

To make your first foil stamping you will need the following:

  • thick foil for embossing and embossing;
  • scissors;
  • a sheet of thick cardboard for the backing;
  • a stick with a rounded end (a sushi stick, or a blunt pencil, or the rounded end of a brush handle);
  • soft substrate (thin felt, magazine, etc.).

For children's crafts, it is better to choose food foil in rolls or sheets. Such crafts will have low strength and need additional protection. For teenagers and adults who are confident handling sharp objects, you can use a soda or beer can.

You can add a glue gun with a supply of glue to the tool kit.

We assemble a multi-layer “sandwich”: a dense substrate, a soft substrate, foil for embossing and embossing, a design template. A piece of foil for embossing embossing should be cut twice as large as the area of ​​the design so that the edges can be tucked behind the backing.

Thin food foil can be crumpled and straightened several times so that it acquires the texture of the smallest folds. The microrelief will noticeably enliven the design and provide a supply of foil for decorating the protrusions. Great care and patience are required to avoid tearing the foil.

First, we trace the contours of the drawing, holding the stick at an angle to the surface, with approximately the same inclination as the pen when writing. You need to move the stick slowly and evenly, without unnecessary effort or jerking. If the foil breaks, the sheet will have to be replaced and started all over again. After drawing the outline, you can start filling in the background. Here the stick should be held vertically or close to vertical. There are several filling techniques:

  • Dotted.
  • Dashes.
  • In waves.
  • In circles.

The expressiveness of the drawing will be added by carefully drawing the lines of the details and filling some of them with a background pattern. Different details of the design can be filled with embossing of different shapes.

The next stage of embossing or embossing thick foil- coloring book. There are several techniques available to hobbyists. The simplest is to emboss with the rounded tip of a soft pencil. The graphite will fill in the depressions and give a visual effect similar to blackening silver items. Another technique is to coat some parts of the design with silver paint made from aluminum powder, and others with bronze paint. The consistency of the paint should be as thick as possible. This will speed up drying and create an additional visual effect.

And finally, the final stage - the free ends of the foil, cut out with a margin, are wrapped behind a thick backing and glued to it. Another sheet of thick cardboard is glued on top to hide the ends of the foil sheet.

There is a technology option in which the outline of the design is transferred from the template to a dense substrate and outlined with a “sausage” of glue from a glue gun. Then foil is placed on top. This method allows you to make the lines of the drawing not depressions, but bulges. In addition to the design line, background convex areas can be formed from glue. This artistic technique will add additional relief and expressiveness to your product.

Foil for embossing and embossing is inexpensive, but it allows both to develop a child’s abilities and to realize the craving for creativity in adults.