The script is the best chef by profession. Competitive - game program in elementary school

1st presenter: Hello, dear viewers!
2nd presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests and participants of the competition!
1st presenter: Today, a culinary art review will be presented to your attention.
2nd presenter: Exactly art. And as Morroy said:

"Like painting and music,
Likewise, cuisine is an art.
Painting captivates the eye
Music is hearing
And cooking is taste.

1st presenter: And how many lines in the literature are devoted to the kitchen?
2nd presenter: Indeed, it is difficult to find a writer who has not devoted at least a few lines to the description of food or the work of a cook. For example, Krylov: “What an ear, but how fat! As if she was covered with amber!
1st presenter: And at Pushkin's: “Dine at Pozharsky's in Torzhok at your leisure. Taste the fried cutlets and go light.”
2nd presenter: “What is stronger than death and fate? Sweet Ankovsky pie,” wrote Tolstoy.
1st presenter: And such examples can be given ad infinitum.
2nd host: And the participants are worried, waiting for their exit. But in order for the review to be truly a review-competition, it is necessary to introduce the members of the jury. (Introduces the members of the jury.)
1st host: Please pay attention to the motto of our competition: “The earth is also generous because there are cooks in the world!”
2nd presenter: But who is the most skillful cook, we will find out by getting to know our participants first. So, the 1st competition is "PRESENTATION".
1st presenter: The main task of the cook is to prepare not only tasty, but also healthy food. No wonder they say: "A good cook is worth a doctor." But to master all the intricacies of the art of cooking, you need to know a lot.
2nd leader:

Warm up to start
Show a sharp mind
Earn three points
With the friendly support of the audience.

1st presenter: As you may have guessed, the second competition we have is "WARM-UP". For each correct answer - 3 points. But if the participant does not know the answer to the question, you have the opportunity to add 3 points to your piggy bank by answering your opponent's question.
1. Why are vegetables cut into the same shape for cooking? (To reach readiness at the same time.)
2. Why is it necessary to dry the meat after washing? (So ​​that it does not slide on the surface of the cutting table.)
3. What is deep fat? (Hot oil or fat for frying.)
4. What is a lezon? (A mixture of eggs with water or milk.)
5. How is an omelette different from scrambled eggs? (An omelette is a mixture of eggs and milk, and scrambled eggs are fried eggs.)
6. Why sift flour for kneading dough? (To sift outsiders
impurities and fill it with air bubbles.)
2nd presenter: And now let's briefly plunge into a fairy tale.

Little Red Riding Hood comes out with a basket in which there are “pies” cut out of paper, on the back of which questions on theory are written.
1st host:

Come on, cook, be surprised
Eat a pie.
Cakes are not easy
They have fillings, but what!
Break the pie
Shine with erudition.

The little red riding hood approaches each participant in turn, they pull out a “pie”, read the question and give an answer. For each correct answer - 3 points.

1. List the requirements for the quality of crumbly cereals. (Grains
well cooked, easily separated from each other, the smell corresponds to the type of cereal, not burnt, moderately salty.)
2. List the methods of frying. (Basic, deep-fried, in a closed space (in a broiler), over hot coals, in a grill (infrared rays).)
3. List the ingredients needed to make borscht from fresh cabbage with potatoes. (Bouillon, meat, fresh cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, beets, vinegar, spices.)
4. Draw up a scheme for the primary processing of root crops. (Sorting, washing, cleaning, cleaning, washing, cutting.)
5. Technology of preparation of cutlet mass. (Cutting the meat, rolling it through a meat grinder, soak white bread in water, squeeze it out, combine with the rolled meat, add salt and pepper and pass through the meat grinder again.)
6. What are the rules for handling eggs. (1. Soak in warm water for 5-10 minutes, 2. Wash with 2% solution of soda ash, temperature 40-50 0C, 5-10 minutes. 3. Disinfect in a solution of 0.5% chloramine (10 l - 50 g ), 5-10 minutes 4. Rinse under running water.)
2nd presenter: We have come with you to the most important part of our review
culinary arts. This is a practical competition. We invite our members.

Participants come out in aprons and caps, take places near the tables.

1st host:

Oh, the kingdom of the kitchen!
who did not praise
Your blue child
Over roasting meat
Your light steam
Over golden soup?

2nd presenter: The first competition, we called it "ANTOSHKA", following the famous song (sing "Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes ...). In 5 minutes, participants must peel or cut potatoes, depending on the type of dish.

On the table for each participant is the task:
1. Borscht from St. cabbage with potatoes (bars).
2. Potato soup with meatballs (medium cube 1.5x1.5 cm).
3. Potatoes in milk (large cube 2x2 cm).
4. French fries (straws).
5. Vegetable stew (slices or cubes).
6. Salad of boiled vegetables (small cube 0.5x0.5 cm).

Peel off the shells of hard-boiled heels,
Cut in half lengthwise and remove the yolk from them.
Yolk, carrots and mayonnaise in a bowl
And fill the “cups” of protein with this mixture.
And on top of mayonnaise, chopped dill.
Put everything on a dish. Liked? More b!

2nd presenter: While our participants are completing the task, I will play the Game with the audience. Remember proverbs and sayings about food:

  • Everything is useful that got into the mouth.
  • Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf.
  • Bread is the head of everything.
  • Shchi and porridge are our food.
  • When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.
  • A lot of snow - a lot of bread, etc.

Pies occupied a special place in Russian cuisine. The very word "pie", most likely, came from the word "feast". Pies were an indispensable attribute of the festive table. Tell me, what is kulebyaka (a large oblong-shaped pie with a lot of minced meat), rasstegay (a pie with a special hole on top, most often stuffed with fish), shanga (open pastries with potatoes or cottage cheese)?

Participants pass stuffed eggs to the jury.

1st presenter: It's hard to say when dumplings appeared in Russian cuisine. Perhaps this happened in those distant years, when the Russian pioneers came to the Urals. Here at local population and they learned how to cook the so-called bread ear. This is how the Komi-Permyak word "dumplings" sounds in translation into Russian. Be that as it may, it is difficult to imagine Russian cuisine today without dumplings.
1st presenter: Not every dish can boast that verses are composed about it. For example, Lyudmila says to Chernomor when she was captured by him:

I don't need your tents
No boring songs, no feasts:
I will not eat, nor listen to singing -
Until you give me dumplings...

2nd presenter: And our next competition is "COOKING Dumplings." Competitors must prepare as many dumplings as possible from the same amount of products in 7 minutes. Not forgetting both the appearance and the quality requirements. So let's get started!
1st host:

Everyone knows Siberian cuisine -
Kholodets, stroganina, okroshka.
But they especially love dumplings,
Both meat and fish. Just
The climate is very harsh, which means
More energy is wasted than needed.
To be cheerful and healthy,
Siberian cuisine comes to the rescue.
Roll out thinly juicy
Putting fragrant minced meat.
And, fastening along their edges with an arc,
Admire the form, perhaps.
And then you boil them in boiling water,
Salt and add lavrushka,
You take it out, putting it in a pile on a plate.
Here is food - you can’t pull it by the ears!
Even in the cold, even in the heat - everything is one.
There is no better Siberian dumplings!
Dedicate poems and songs to them,
Glorifying the kitchen, where there is no substitute for them!

2nd leader: Great! Just a hymn to some dumplings. (He walks between the tables of the contestants, commenting on their work) And our contestants have already finished and are submitting their work to the jury.
1st presenter: Imperceptibly we approached the "HOMEWORK" competition, which is called "To the bright holiday of Easter ..."
2nd presenter: Easter in Russia was called the holiday of holidays. They prepared for it for a long time and lovingly, bringing cleanliness and beauty not only in their homes, but also in their thoughts.
In the Christian religion, a red-dyed egg (dyed egg) marks a rebirth. For a long time, dyes have been featured in church ceremonies. They were illuminated and considered a holy gift.
1st presenter: In Easter compositions, eggs are placed in baskets with flowers and greenery, which are often made to look like nests. Today, Easter traditions serve as a source of inspiration for those who love to make beautiful spring bouquets and arrangements.
2nd presenter: In this competition, our participants will compete in the art of composition. We invite participants to the stage with their homemade preparations.
1st presenter: Please present your compositions to the jury.
2nd presenter: Easter cake was baked by my mother,

Served on the festive table in a towel.
Father rolled off a piece and, quite a lot.
The potatoes are steaming in a large cast iron.
Fried eggs with lard hiss in a frying pan,
Solemn and joyful this moment.
Father pours sivukha into cups,
And it seems that there are no more sorrows.
Our quiet Easter feast
Without children's sweets it passed, as in a dream.
Potato cake without oil and salt
I ate with tears - I liked it.
A wicked memory. Forgive me God!
I can't forget that Easter cake!
He is in my heart - there is no sweeter and more expensive,
I sacredly guard, guard, protect.

1st presenter: So our review competition of culinary arts has come to an end.
2nd presenter: We hope that you, dear viewers, have learned something new for yourself, have a different look at the profession of a cook and, perhaps, you will be more respectful of the cooking process and the people who do it.
1st presenter: The floor is given to the jury, and we begin the most important part of our event - the awarding of participants.

The results are announced winner of the competition "Best in profession".
After each competition, the jury announces the results. Music is playing during tasks.

Scene from the play "We play in the profession"

Scene duration: 10 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 4.



And now to the stage with us
A special guest will come out
From everything that I did, myself
He takes samples.
Each craft it
Owns at least a little
Just the way he can
Hardly anyone can.
No lotions or perfumes
Smells very delicious.
Hands are clean
Wash from morning to night!
He knows how to distinguish
Third from second.
Who is he just guessing
These are kids, …


The Cook comes out from behind the scenes.

I hope among you
There are no little ones
Those who for an hour
Do not shove the cutlet.
Such a sad look
Until the end of the century!
A good appetite
Makes a person beautiful!
I conjure at the stove
In a tall hat.
To delicious dreams
Completed on time
To "enough" and "a little bit"
I was not told
And without any "I do not want"
Ate and praised!
Here, today and now
A miracle will happen
I will cook for you


Submit inventory here
Cooking ahead!
Here's a table, and here's a stove.
What else?

A stove and a table appear on the stage. The host gives the Cook all the items in turn in the order in which he asks.

Grater, mixer and knives
Different size.

The Host hands the Chef a hefty knife.

So. Well, that's all, it seems.

The knife is too big.

The cook removes the knife under the screen. The host hands him a smaller knife. The cook is looking at him.

Gotta sharpen up!

The host sharpens the knife and gives it to the Cook.

And also, lapula,
To steam and cook
I need…

The chef pauses, giving the audience a chance to respond.


The Host gives the Cook a pan. The cook puts it on the stove. A Peasant appears on the stage, pushing a box in front of him, with lush tops sticking out of it.


Get it!


Fresh food:
Meat, eggs, milk,
Vegetables and fruits!
I brought it from the village
To give to you personally!

Coconut was also on the list.


Sorry, but not available.
We have a problem with them
Eternal in the garden -
Planted more than once before winter,
So after all, no, they do not rise!

Pour boiling water over them
And keep it in a greenhouse -
Like on the seashore
They will sway!

My recipe without coconut
It simply dies!
But, since there is no coconut,
So no coconut.

The cook opens the box.

First of all, I am a carrot
Finely ours.

Peasant (boastfully)

O! Carrots are my love!
Sort of "Klondike"! Such
You won't find it anywhere...

The cook pulls the carrots by the tops and pulls out the carrot core.

What are these jokes?
From it to cook for me
Dish? No, you bastards!
Okay, since there are no carrots,
There will be no carrots!
Where is the meat for cutlets?

A meat grinder appears on the scene. The cook looks into the box. A pig's snout protrudes towards him. A contented grunt and champ is heard.

Cook (indignantly)

What is it?


So pork! First grade!
Very fresh!
Oh, you, my dear!
Glorious as grunts!

So much meat for me
No need for cutlets!


So cut you off her
From the front or from the back!

The cook takes out the largest knife and cautiously approaches the box. The pig jumps out and runs away with a screech. The cook rushes after him. They knock over the meat grinder, the stove, the table and the pan and run noisily up and down the stage. Finally, the Cook falls and drops the knife. The pig hides behind the scenes.

Cook (breathing heavily)

Run away, and hello!


What to take with her - cattle!

Cook (with a sigh)

Okay, since there is no pork,
There will be no pork!

The cook and the Peasant look into the box.


There is nothing to get away from here!

Cook (indignantly)

Yes, your "meat"
I ate everything clean
All my supplies!

The Pig comes out from behind and grunts loudly.

If she doesn't want to know
What food product
Take her to

The peasant takes the Pig and leaves. The cook restores order on the stage - puts the stove and the table in their original place.

Cook (contritely)

They gave me a pig
Yes, even on stage!
How is my cooking now
Will the audience appreciate it?

Don't be sad, I have
There is flour, jam,
Sugar, oil...

The host passes the products to the chef.

Cook (happily)

So I
I will bake...

The chef pauses, giving the audience a chance to respond.


The cook takes out a bowl and starts putting food into it.

Beat eggs with sugar
Mixer. Ready!

The cook takes out a mixer and buzzes it around in the bowl. Then add the following ingredients.

Put oil, soda, salt
And we interfere again.

The cook removes the mixer.

And now it's the turn of flour!

The host takes a pack and wants to put it in a bowl. The cook stops him.

Who is in such a hurry!
We'll sift through it all
Through this...

The cook takes out a sieve from behind the screen and pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to respond.


So she's not in lumps,
Is it necessary?

We should become flour
Light and airy.
We shake, shake, shake...
Okay! Wonderful!
Now let's mix everything.
And ready...

The chef pauses, giving the audience a chance to respond.


Time to roll out the dough
Special stick.
This chef's stick
They call...

The chef pauses, giving the audience a chance to respond.

Rolling pin!

The cook rolls a rolling pin on the table, and then takes a glass and pretends to cut circles.

Cut out circles. Well,
How does it come out?

Now for five minutes
Let's put it in…

The chef pauses, giving the audience a chance to respond.


The cook puts a baking sheet in the oven and immediately takes out a real plate of cookies.

Eat up, kids!

The host takes the plate, tastes it himself and distributes the cookies to the audience.

Delicious cookies!

This is for all of you from me
Not for fun!
Children - those who eat - grow.
Cheeks - in! Blush!
You can put at least a pud
Books in their schoolbag.
Who eats too little
He, believe me, brothers,
Weight will not master knowledge -
May break.
Eat - get strong
And a beautiful face!

What should we all say

The facilitator pauses, allowing the audience to respond.

Thank you!

The cook leaves the stage. The presenter and the audience applauded.

Krasnikova Svetlana Valentinovna, teacher
Place of work: KEI VO Borisoglebsk special boarding school
Material Description: the lesson has a cognitive orientation, includes elements of an entertaining nature. It will be interesting for educators and class teachers of elementary grades. The form of conducting collectively is group.
Target: Introducing children to the profession of a cook. Educational: To give students an idea of ​​the professional qualities of a cook, of his content of work.
Developing: Promote the development of attention, memory, intelligence of children. Developing the ability to work in a team.
Educational: Instill in students a love for labor activity. Cultivate respect for people of working professions.
Age and psychological characteristics of children: the lesson is intended for students in grades 3-4 with insufficient development of voluntary attention, fine motor skills of the hands.
Rationale for the relevance of the lesson: At primary school age, the foundations for the formation of ideas about the diversity of the world of professions are laid, preparation for the choice begins future profession. Therefore, it is necessary to have activities for professional and labor orientation in extracurricular activities.
Equipment for the educator: 2 tables, from the tables at a distance of 8-10 meters - starting benches, 2 hoops, 10 potatoes, 2 pots, 2 bottles, 2-3 kg of sand, 2 children's shovels, plasticine, a basket, 2 oilcloths, 2 tablecloths, napkins, plates , cups, glasses, forks, knives, spoons, flowers and flower vases.

Program progress

Leading. Hello guys! Today we are here with you to talk and learn more about one of the professions, and guess which one:

We will rise when you sleep
And sift the flour in a sieve,
Let's heat up the oven,
To bake bread in the morning.
Who is it? (Bakers, cooks.)

First cook.
Sweet dream the children dream
A mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,
Only the cook can't sleep
The cook gets up at dawn.

Second cook.
Porridge gurgles lightly
And the scrambled eggs.
And under the delicious noise and hubbub
In the bedrooms enters the appetite.

Third cook.
We sit together in the dining room,
Like a huge family.
I'll be a cook in the dining room
That's what I decided!

(Suddenly a girl comes out from behind the stage.)

Girl. Iron my dress, grandma!
Granny. And what about you, dear?
Girl. I have to write poetry!
granny. Okay, learn quickly
Warm up after dinner.
Girl. Let mom! Am I up to that?
Today we have a collection at school!
Granny. What is the question before you?
Girl. Do everything with your own hands!
Granny. So, then, not ours? yourself?
With your own hands?
And what will you show at the gathering?
Girl. And I will sing in the choir.
Then to speak with verses:
"Do everything with your own hands!"
Granny. Ah ah ah! (Shakes his head.)

Leading. Are there such girls and boys among you? I want to believe not! After all, it’s impossible for adults, grandmothers and mothers to do everything for you. And that can turn out as in one known song.

Y. Entin's song "Antoshka" is performed.

Why are there clouds in the sky?
Why are hedgehogs prickly?
Why does the snowflake melt
Reaching for the palm of your hand?

Why are dunes crawling?
Why are there fogs?
Why land and sea
A whole century with each other in a dispute?

Why did the star fall?
Why do I know little?
It seems like you shouldn't be lazy.
And study and study.
K. Murzaliev.

Leading. So, guys, you will grow up, and you will do without the help of adults. But for this you need to study, and today we are opening a school of cooks, where you will learn how to cook, what to cook with, what vegetables are the most useful, how to set the table and how to behave at it, what to eat with a spoon and what with a fork. And to make it more interesting to learn, let's organize teams that will master the art of cooking in competition games.

Competition "In the cellar for potatoes".

Leading. So, we have two teams: "Povaryata" and "Pekari". In order to cook something, you need to bring food. Where to get them? You can, of course, buy it in a store, but a real chef should always have his own supplies. Where are they stored? That's right, in the cellar! So, forward to the cellar for potatoes!

A hoop is placed between the tables and the starting benches - this is the entrance to the cellar. The participants are given bags, with which they run on a signal, climb through the hoops and take potatoes from the table. Back - in the same way. The first team to carry all the potatoes wins.

You can't make soup from one potato. We need water.

Put buckets on the yokes,
Rather, to the well - draw water!
Then bring the buckets back to me
And everyone take their place.

Competition "To the well for water."
Participants with a children's shovel run along a path drawn in chalk to a bucket with a vault. They scoop up water and go back step by step. Then pour water into a saucepan. The team that brings the most water wins. At the end of the competition, the presenter pours water into a special container with a volume scale, determining who brought more water.

Meeting with a guest.

Guys, why are we competing, but the teacher is not visible in our school. Who will mark us? Let's invite our chef Nina Ivanovna and ask her to tell us a little about her profession.
(The chef of the school cafeteria talks about the content of his profession, the products of labor.)

Yes, the work of a cook is not easy. You need to get up early, stand at the stove all day. But it's nice to see that your work is not in vain.
Friends, do you like how our guest cooks? And now it's our turn to treat Nina Ivanovna with our dishes. Can we bake something? What are they baking from? That's right, flour.

Competition "Pour flour".
Each table has an empty bottle, a bowl of sand, a watering can, and glasses. You need enough sand to fill an empty bottle. Each of the teams should pour the sand from the bowl into the watering can as quickly as possible, and from the watering can into the bottle. The team that completes the task first wins.

Competition "Bake pancakes".

Now our chefs will show their culinary art. They will bake pancakes. On the tables is plasticine, a children's spatula. On a signal, the first team numbers run up to the table, take plasticine, roll it out and give it the shape of a pancake. Then take it with a spatula and put it on a plate. Whose team will bake pancakes faster?

As the teams compete, listen to the man's culinary accomplishments, taken from the Guinness Book of World Records:
1. The largest bread loaf weighing 138.46 kg and measuring 2.7m by 1.5m was baked on 07/07/86. in the city of Calgary.
2. For the largest pancake (weight 1690 kg, diameter 7.62 m, thickness 2.54 m), 5274 eggs, 418 liters of milk, 74.8 kg of flour and 636 liters of butter went. It was made in the city of Cheltenham on 03/03/87.
3. The longest cake in the world was made on 07/26/86. in the USA. Its length is 513.04 meters.
4. The longest sausage in the world (14.25 km) weighed 7930.62 kg, was made by a butcher shop in Ontario on 09/23/83.

Competition "Serving".
It's time to set the table. Our next competition is called "Serving". Given: oilcloth, tablecloth, napkins, plates (deep and shallow), cups, glasses, forks, knives, spoons (table and tea), flowers and flower vases.
Required: arrange everything so that it is beautiful, correct, convenient. And, of course, whetted the appetite.

While the teams are competing, a task for the fans.

Riddles competition.
The host reads riddles on the topic of cooking, and the audience guesses.

We check how the teams prepared the table for dinner.
- on the surface of the table lies an oilcloth, then a tablecloth,
- at a distance of 1-2 cm from the edge, a plate stands exactly. On a shallow plate is a large (deep).
- knives are laid out to the right of the plates, forks to the left. Spoons lie behind the plates parallel to the edge of the table.
- for water or juice, glasses are on the right behind the appliances,
- napkins - on plates,
- flowers in vases decorate the festive table.

We have a festive table, which happens on a birthday. Not a single holiday in Russia is complete without songs and round dances, and even more so a name day. I invite you to listen, and maybe sing the song "Let the clumsy run ..."

V. Shainsky's song "Let the clumsy run ..."

Competition "Exams".
Leading. The academic year at our cooking school is coming to an end. It's time for exams. The teams now have to create a three-course lunch menu so that the names of the first, second, and third courses begin with the same letter. For the team "Povaryata" with the letter "K", and for the team "Pekari" with the letter "C".
While the teams are compiling the menu for our festive table, we will play the Loaf game.

Spectators stand in a circle, and the Russian folk round dance game "Karavay-loaf" begins. The game is repeated 3-4 times, its pace is accelerating.

Song Contest.

Leading. Guys, we have guests again.

A fox and a bear cub appear. Fox is a pie seller.

Bear cub. Oh, how it smells like pies ...
A fox. Pies! Hot pies. Who wants pies?
Bear cub. Me, me, auntie! How much does one pie cost?
A fox. One cake costs one song, two cakes cost two songs.
bear cub. And give me a pie without a song. I got very hungry.
A fox. No, my friend, I won’t give you a song. If you don't sing, I'll go to the birch grove. Nightingales sing there!
bear cub. Don't go, please, I'll try. What song would you like to sing?
A fox. Any. For example, the one you sing at school.
Bear cub. At school? Oh yes, at school. Will it fit about a crocodile?
A fox. Will do. I am listening you.
The little bear sings to the melody of the song "Let the clumsy run ...":
The clumsy crocodile will splash through the puddles.
He will sprinkle Cheburashka.
And then on his birthday he will eat a jar of jam,
From the frogs he will cook the broth.
A fox. Enough, enough! Looks like mama bear stepped on your ear.
Bear cub. I can sing another one if you don't like this one.
A fox. Don't, I beg you!
The little bear sings again:
A grasshopper sat in the grass
Looks like a cucumber
He was green
Like Gena the crocodile.
A fox. My poor ears! We must save you!
Bear cub. Where are you? And the pie? Ran away...
Leading. Wait, dear fox. Let the students of our school of cooks delight you with their songs. Especially since they also love pies.
Teams take turns singing songs on any topic.
Leading. So, let's sum up our competition. The teams passed the exams, it's time for them to issue diplomas of the school of cheerful cooks.
Goodbye! We wish you good luck and success!

State Autonomous Professional educational institution Novosibirsk Region "Novosibirsk Lyceum of Nutrition"

Scenario of an extracurricular event

"Dedication to the profession"

Teacher: Prokhorova Vera Yurievna

Novosibirsk, 2013

Calm music without words - at first loudly, and when they begin to read the verse, make it quieter.

Chefs have an endless soul

And she makes her heart happy.

Look at the table and you will see -

Love is transparent to the bottom.

Summer heat will be added to soups,

Snack will keep you cool

Decorate brightly jelly

Like a fairytale treasure.

Cake appears for dessert

Like a rainbow bridge span.

Filling is a true friend

It's like living in a tower there.

The table will lure you - it will not deceive you,

And the cook will drink juice

Will give you a wonderful evening

Or maybe surprise something.

How a cook conjures in autumn

golden carpets,

In winter, the menu will warm you with warmth,

Shelter from the heat in summer.

Our profession is sacred

There are many gourmets - old and small,

Yesenin sang about her with talyanka,

He gently hugged the birch.

And now, for the sake of vanity,

selfish thought loving,

not somehow, but by cooks

we crowned ourselves!

Not only women cook,

There are many things for men,

Food and life are always one

And the chef is the main citizen!

Any music sounds, the presenters take the stage.

Presenter 1: Hello, dear friends, dear freshmen, guests of our holiday! We are glad to welcome you to the holiday "Initiation into the Profession"!

Host 2: Good afternoon friends! Tell me, do any of you know what holiday is celebrated on October 20? Sasha, do you know?

Presenter 1: Of course I know. October 20 is International Chef's Day!

Host 2: Do you know how and when this holiday appeared?

Presenter 1: No, to be honest, I don't know.

Host 2: I invite you to learn about this wonderful holiday from the presentation that was specially prepared for us!

Presentation of the holiday "International Chef's Day".

Presenter 1: Yes, indeed, the holiday is very significant, and there are many outstanding chefs!

Host 2: And it's no coincidence that it is on the eve of this day that we dedicate you to the profession of a cook and a waiter, dear freshmen!

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the Director of the State Autonomous Educational Institution "Professional Lyceum No. 66" Kiseleva Irina Vladimirovna.

Director's parting word.

Presenter 1: Friends! There are dates in life

When not only day and hour

Minutes and seconds are sacred;

We dedicate you to students!

Host 2: For you today for the first time

All our congratulations

And the symbols of the profession will be awarded

You senior students - students.

Presenter 1: And today with us

In one extended formation,

Not retreating, not timid, dear chosen one,

On the path of study and work

Together: We invite you, friends!!!

Presenter 1: And now we would like to know who we accept into our friendly ranks.

Host 2: There are 3 groups of first-year students in our hall, whom we will now get to know!

Presenter 1: We invite for the presentation of our group - group No. 290.

Presentation of the team of group No. 290.

Host 2: Well, thanks for the presentation! Well done! Well prepared, we learned a lot about you!

Presenter 1: And now group No. 291 will present its presentation.

Presentation of the team of group No. 291.

Host 2: Just great! What a great team preparation! I see our first-year students as creative, creative, mobile, quite versatile personalities!

Presenter 1: And now the only group of waiters and bartenders in the lyceum will present itself - group No. 292.

Presentation of the team of group No. 292.

Host 2: Great, friends! We got to know each other better, learned about the first days of your studies at the Lyceum, about your aspirations and hobbies. We are glad that you showed yourself to be so extraordinary, cheerful and friendly!

Presenter 1: And now the floor is given to the senior master of the lyceum Pivovarova Olga Ilyinichna.

Parting word of the senior master.

Host 2: Well, that's how we met! Sasha, did you like our recruits? Are we ready to accept them into our ranks?

Presenter 1: Yes, I liked the groups, but one performance is not enough to join our team, the groups must pass a series of tests, where they will show the inclinations of their professional qualities.

Host 2: I agree with you Sasha! Let's start our tests! Tell me, please, dear first-year students, what about your musical groups? How many songs do you know? Sasha, do you know a lot of songs?

Presenter1: Yes, of course, I know many songs: about nature, about friendship, about our city….

Host 2: And how many songs do you know that mention food, vegetables, fruits?

Presenter 1: Well, it’s hard to remember something right away, you have to think ...

Host 2: Guys, let's come to the aid of Sasha, especially since this is our first task: we suggest recalling all the songs in which there is some mention of any products - these can be vegetables, fruits, dishes, etc.

Presenter 1: While the music is playing, you should have time to remember and write down as many songs as possible.

The song "Lamb Sweets" or any energetic song.

Music sounds, freshmen perform the task.

Host 2: Well, let's check which of the groups is more musical and which of them has the most developed memory. You are invited to voice what you could remember

Presenter 1 : For this, each group, in turn, must sing one song from its list, and if the team of another group has already performed the song, then this song is no longer accepted.

Lead 2 : Let's start with group number 292.

Presenter 1 : And now group number 290.

Lead 2: And group number 291.

The groups take turns singing songs until the end of the list.

Host 2: Well done! Sasha, you see how many songs the guys know about products, I didn’t even expect! And what musical groups! I think that our replenishment will justify our hopes and join our team together!

Presenter 1: And I remember the song too! (sings a little-known song).

Host 2: Great, Sasha! You see, and you are charged with the atmosphere of our holiday!

Knock on the door.

Host 2: Guys, Sasha, do you hear someone knocking on our door?

Presenter 1: This is probably our musical competition got someone's attention!

Host 2: Let's see who's here!

A credit week, a scholarship, an A, and a chef walk in the door.

Presenter 1: So after all, these are our student friends! And with them the chef himself! Guys, meet!

Host 2: This is a credit week, and a scholarship, and a five, and a chef! Why did you complain to us?

Starting week: Some are waiting for me,

Others often forget

Sometimes they are afraid of fire

And hope for luck

But the hour will come - I'm right there

And crowning all with estimates,

I also note the sleepless work

And the heroic dream of a lazy person.


Everyone loves and respects me

They've been waiting for a month with me

"Stepukhy" affectionately called

Sometimes "Stepka" is called.

Hope I will come to you soon

But if you are in a quarrel with discipline,

I will drown your hopes

'Cause I can't stand lazy people

Five: Guys, I'm a five

I want to make friends with you

My friends all will know

Easy and fun to learn.

My friends are in harmony with difficulty,

They are spiritual flight

They are waiting for a diploma with honors,

They have a favorite job

Getting an honors degree is not an easy task,

Lessons needed all learn, study hard.

Chef: Friends, come to talk

I'm with the new generation.

I look at my subjects

With anxiety and excitement

For in my kingdom

The order is very strict:

study, daily routine,

a lot of work.

I demand order everywhere and everywhere -

In study and in practice, at rest, in work,

After all, from ancient times and at all times

There is no profession more necessary in the world -

Everyone needs food every day;

And young and old and children.

Host 2: Dear Guys! A real chef of the restaurant "______" came to our holiday today -___________________! Let's give him the floor!

Parting word of the social partner.

Host 2: _____________, tell me, what qualities should a good cook have?

Social partner: A good cook must be creative, hardworking, dexterous and enduring.

Host 2: Thank you very much for your parting words, wait for a new generation in your restaurant. Well, we continue!

Presenter 1: Well, dear freshmen, did you listen carefully to the chef? What qualities should a good chef have? Let's see how smart you can be in the kitchen!

Host 2: Our next contest is called Hit the Target. We propose to choose from a group of 4 the most dexterous people for testing.

Presenter 1: Your task: to collect vegetables in a saucepan for cooking borscht. Team members, in turn, will fill the pan by throwing one vegetable from the proposed set into it. Time for a test - while the music is playing! Sasha will show you how to complete the task correctly.

Host 2: Groups, and you support your members, show how much you support your team! Attention! Started!

Any energetic music for the contest

The music sounds, the teams fill the pans in relay race.

The music stops.

Presenter 1: Stop! The test is over! Let's check and evaluate what kind of borscht our participants will get!

Host 2: (makes comments on a set of vegetables for borscht). Well, in general, the teams are great! They showed their skill, showed dexterity, and they will learn how to cook borscht in practice!

Presenter 1: Our competition was energetic, the teams were moving, rooting for their participants, and now we offer you some rest! Musical pause.

Song "Big Balloon"

Host 2: Perfectly! Thank you very much for your performance! Well, we continue our holiday! Tell me, Sasha, are you as good at proverbs and sayings as you are at songs?

Presenter 1: Like any Russian person, I know our folklore! Well, for example - "It's time ....

Host 2: Wait, wait, Sasha, don't rush! I want to know if our first-year students know proverbs and sayings! I propose to move on to the next test and delegate 5 people from the group to pass it.

Presenter 1: The teams need, while the music is playing, to put together the parsed phrases of proverbs and stick them on a piece of drawing paper. In the meantime, they will carry out this task, we will play with the fans!

Host 2: Attention! Started!

Quiet calm music (quietly).

Music sounds, teams perform the task.

Presenter 1: Dear fans, we offer you the game "Complete the phrase". We will read the sentences for you to complete. Only a big request, raise your hand to give an answer! So let's start:

    Small fish, yes ear .... (sweet)

    Chicken eggs.... (do not teach)

    Gruzdev called himself get in the body)

    Not the friend who smears honey, but the one ... .. (who will tell the truth).

    We will be healthy, and bread .... (get it)

    There would be bones, but meat ... (grow)

    Bow from seven .... (illness)

    Carrot adds... (blood)

    Who eats little, he .... (lives long)

    Better bread and water than a pie ... (with trouble)

Host 2: Well, now for some questions:

    What won't fit in the biggest pot? (her cover)

    A vegetable with two names? (tomato, tomato)

    Stuffed cabbage? (stuffed cabbage)

    The fruit that poisoned the fairytale princess? (Apple)

    Who was the first to bring potatoes to Russia? (Peter 1)

    Food that came down from heaven? (manna)

Music turns off

Presenter 1: The time of our test has come to an end and the teams must show us what they did. So, group number 291.

Host 2: Well done boys! Done with the task! Let's see how it turned out for your rivals! Group number 292 - read your proverbs!

Team members read the resulting proverbs.

Presenter 1: And this team coped with our test! It remains to listen to the third group - No. 290!

Team members read the resulting proverbs.

Host 2: Well then! Excellent! I see that our first-year students are erudite, literate and educated. And for them - this musical surprise!

musical number

Presenter 1: The cook at the stove creates

As he soars on wings.

Everything rages around him

The kitchen is his forge!

Each of his creations

Just a fairy tale, food,

Thoughts, creativity flight.

Anyone who has tried it will understand.

Host 2: Set the table, serve food,

And smile as you go

Straight shoulders, proud camp -

He is our waiter!

Host 2: It was you, Sasha, who correctly noted that the kitchen is the forge of both the cook and the waiter. And any forge consists of many tools necessary for the work of the master. And our next test just involves the knowledge of our recruits of their working tool.

Presenter 1: Well, any first-grader can say that the kitchen cannot do without spoons, knives, ladles and pots ....

Host 2: Of course, Sasha, even a first-grader can say, but not everyone can determine the tools of a cook and a waiter blindfolded! For our next competition, we need participants, one person per group, who have the best developed sense of touch and smell.

Participants come out for the competition, the host gets to know them, asks questions. Then the participants are blindfolded and led to the tables on which the instruments are laid out.

Presenter 1: So, dear first-year students, while the music is playing, you determine by touch everything necessary for the work of a cook and a waiter, separating it from the general proposed set. Please note that here you can not only touch, but also smell, listen, but not taste. Attention, start!

energetic music

Tools, inventory, spices and other things are laid out on the tables. Participants determine what is needed for the work of the cook and the waiter, putting aside the cook's accessories.

Host 2: So, the time allotted for this task is over,

The music is turning off

Let's see how familiar our freshmen are with kitchen supplies. (Discussion of the toolbox).

Presenter 1: Here is another test passed by our first-year students! And we continue our holiday! Experienced professionals say: “Our job is to bring joy to people. Otherwise, why go to work in the service sector?

Host 2: Boiling two or three bowls of soup, frying some potatoes is easy. But to make 100 servings of soup boiled in a huge pot turn out to be delicious, to cook a truly delicious dinner for several hundred people, is already an art that should be learned long and hard. Of course, there are cookery books that describe how to cook, fry, bake, indicate the exact dosage of products, dozens and hundreds of times proven and thoughtful recipes. And yet in the work of a cook there is always a place for fiction, fantasy, ingenuity. Just like setting the table beautifully, only a creative person can do it.

Music "Macarena" or "Lambada" 15 sec.

Music sounds. To the music, dancing, the cook and the waiter come out with a cauldron, ladles, slotted spoons.

The music stops and a voice sounds offstage:

I give you this command:

Create a potion now

to feed the students

And awaken talents!

Waiter: What should we do? How can we be? What to feed students? To sing, dance, draw and play, be polite, kind, brave and smart?

Cook 2: I found, I found a book in which there is a recipe! Now we will prepare the most delicious dessert!

Waiter: Let's put notes and voice into the cauldron, add strength and dexterity later, our students will grow like an ear under fertile spring rain!

Cook 2: The potion can be piquant if everything is skillfully mixed with the dance!

Waiter: It remains to add spices, pour in a liter of cheerfulness, whip up learning with patience!

Cook 2: Then we pour punctuality, and decorate everything with discipline!

Waiter: Now it's time to try it out! Get ready, students! I will scoop up dessert with a ladle and treat each student!

They take out sweets and give them to the groups.

Waiter: Study well in our lyceum, gain intelligence and knowledge!

Cook 2: Showcase your talents by participating in our events! See you soon! (They leave).

Musical pause rap.

Presenter 1: Dear freshmen! We congratulate you! You passed all our tests with dignity, showed your good qualities, resourcefulness, dexterity, ingenuity! But that is not all!

Host 2: The solemn moment is coming! We ignite this fire of knowledge that will burn as long as you strive to learn something new, improve yourself, and realize yourself in your chosen profession.

Presenter 1: And our fire of knowledge is lit by a first-class specialist, a master of his craft - _________________________!

Calm solemn music

The chef comes out, the fire of knowledge is lit.

Host 2: Attention! Freshman rise, swear with us!

Music turns off

All participants take the stage. The freshmen stand up and swear along with everyone else.

Presenter 1: Waking up at 7:30

Hurry to the first pair

Even if I don't sleep

I promise and... (I swear)!

Starting week: Respect for teachers

Manifest before the threshold

Even if I'm afraid of them

I promise and .... (I swear)!

Scholarship: To live in a lyceum without excesses,

In addition to creative processes,

Even if I fall in love

I promise and... (I swear)!

Five: And work and study

Perform and have fun

Forgetting longing and sadness,

I promise and... (I swear)!

Host 2: Do not litter and do not smoke

And even be a technician.

In the lyceum, where I will not find myself,

I promise and... (I swear)!

Waiter: Do not moan and do not squeak,

To protect the honor of the Lyceum,

I undertake to glorify the lyceum.

I promise and... (I swear)!

Chef: Be the best professional

And shine at competitions!

I'll be back victorious!

I promise and… (I swear)!

Presenter 1: Dear freshmen! We congratulate you on a new stage in your life, on initiation into the profession - the important and necessary profession of a cook and a waiter for all people!

Host 2: In anticipation of this momentous day - international day chefs, you also became part of one big and friendly family, you are born as professionals and this is your professional holiday!

Presenter 1: And on holidays there is such a tradition - to give gifts! We have prepared memorable souvenirs for you, which will be handed to you by our senior students.

Cheerful festive music sounds, gifts are handed out.

Host 2: We ask our dedicated chefs and waiters to stay for the photo session! Once again, we congratulate you, invite everyone to the dining room for a festive dinner!

Ministry of Education Saratov region

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Saratov region

"I approve"

Director of GBPOU SO "AGPL"

___________/Sulemenova G.A./

Order No. __ dated _______ 2015

by profession 19.01. 17. "Cook, confectioner"

Maslyakova N.Yu.

Master of training GBPOU SO "AGPL"

Alexandrov - Guy


State budgetary professional educational institution

Saratov region

"Aleksandrovo - Gaisky Polytechnic Lyceum"

Type of manual: Methodological development of a competition of professional skills in the profession "Cook, confectioner"

among students of the 1st year of group No. 13 and students of the 1st year of group No. 23

with. Alexandrov - Guy, 2015

Discussed at the methodological commission for the profession "Cook, confectioner"

Subject: "Cooks skillful hands can create a miracle!"

Type of manual: Methodological development of an intergroup lyceum competition in the profession "Cook, confectioner"


This methodical development contains materials for the intralyceum competition of professional skills topic:"Cooks skillful hands can create a miracle!"among students of the 1st year and 2nd year, by profession "Cook, confectioner"

Registration of the competition


People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the acquired craft.

  • “Nothing, like work, ennobles a person. Without labor, a person cannot maintain his human dignity” LN Tolstoy.
  • “In the improvement of man is the meaning of life” M. Gorky.
  • "There is no boredom when your hands are busy."
  • “Gold is known in fire. Man at work.
  • "You never know what you can do till you try".

Material and technical equipment of the competition:

Equipment : production table

Stock and tools: chef's three knives, cutting boards, dishes, scales.

Raw material: Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, apples, salt, spices, sunflower oil, pears, bananas, kiwi, oranges, condensed milk)

Didactic material:.

  • - Multimedia installation, competition presentation
  • - Exhibition of culinary products, magazines, booklet "Cutting vegetables"
  • - Napkin Design Exhibition
  • -Theoretical task (Task number 1)
  • - Instruction cards (C step by step tasks)
  • - Creative task (Cabbage salad)
  • - Practical task (Salad of their fruits)

Evaluation of results: evaluation sheet, table of evaluation criteria for theoretical and practical tasks.

Competition goals:

  • Determine the level of assimilation of professional skills and abilities of 1st and 2nd year students in the profession "Cook, confectioner"
  • Revealing the best in the profession
  • Contribute to the formation of positive motivation for self-development, self-improvement.
  • Creating a situation of success for each student, developing creative abilities

Date: April 22, 2015


Participants of the competition: student groups No. 13 and No. 23

Conditions of the competition:

Stage 1 - Business card

Stage 2 - "Seven Notes" (By a set of products, it is necessary to determine visually, with the help of touch, by taste, by smell, which products are offered to you)

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5 - Practical Competition (

Musical arrangement

Jury composition:

Chairman of the jury: Vakhitova N.R.- Vice President for CPR

Jury members:

2. Salnikova S.V.- head of the dining room "AGPL"

Competition progress

1. Opening of the competition

2. Theoretical part

3. Creative task

4. Practical part

5. Summing up

6. Awarding the winners

Opening of the competition

Presenter: Hello dear contestants! Today we are holding a competition of professional skills among 1st and 2nd year students in the profession "Cook, confectioner".

The purpose of our competition – identify the best in the profession.

I declare the competition open

Our competition will be judged by the jury as follows:

Jury composition:

Chairman of the jury: Vakhitova N.R.- Vice President for CPR

Jury members:

1. Gelmanov M.N. - head master

2. Salnikova S.V.- head of the dining room "AGPL"

Competition progress

  1. Opening of the competition

2 Competition "Seven notes"

  1. Theoretical task in the form of a test
  1. Practical part (preparation of fruit salad)
  1. Summarizing
  2. Winner's reward ceremony

Evaluation criteria

  1. Business card 1 - 5 points
  2. Competition "Seven notes" (1 point for correct answer)
  1. Creative task (competition of captains) - 1-5 points
  1. Practical part (cooking fruit salad) - 1-5 points
  1. Summarizing
  2. Winner's reward ceremony






April 22, 2015, a competition of professional skills in the profession "Cook, confectioner" was held

Purpose: to improve professional skills.

The competition aims to promote:

Increasing the prestige of the profession "Cook";

Formation of creative abilities of students;

Involvement of students in the competition;

Expanding the range of professional knowledge

Contribute to the formation of positive motivation for self-development, self-improvement.

Participants of the competition: students in groups No. 13 and No. 23, 5 people in each team. Freshmen team and Culinary team

The following stages of the competition were held:

Stage 1 - Business card - appearance chefs, greeting of the jury, greeting of the opponent, his knowledge of his profession, culture of communication, greeting with prose, poetry, musical accompaniment.

Stage 2 - "Seven notes". (By a set of products, it is necessary to determine visually, with the help of touch, by taste, by smell, which products are offered to you)

Stage 3 – Theoretical (work on tests)

Stage 4 - Captains competition (coleslaw)

Stage 5 - Practical Competition (preparing, decorating and serving fruit salad)

According to the results of all competitions, the team of group No. 13 "Freshmen" won. The teams were awarded certificates of honor and valuable prizes.

Leading: What do we just not eat in life!

We try, of course, what is needed.

And we thank you for your work.

Think of food even tastier

More pleasant and desirable more useful,

So as not to make us sick from food

This scene is waiting for its heroes - so, we meet:

Background melody at the exit of the participants

Team "Freshmen"

Team ""

Leading . You know your business, you are all masters,

We will not leave hungry.

Today we say to you: Hurrah!!!

It doesn't matter who will be the winner today, the main thing is that there are no losers here.

And we start our competition!

First competition - business card

Includes: the appearance of the cook, the greeting of the jury, the greeting of the opponent, his knowledge of his profession, the culture of communication, the greeting with prose, poetry, musical accompaniment.

So your visiting card of the team is Freshmen.

Business card of the team "Culinary"

The first competition is over, the jury is grading, and we will listen to a song performed by Albina Kalieva, a student at group No. 23.

Leading: The floor is given to the chairman of the jury N.R. Vakhitova.

And we start the next competition "Seven notes"

Competition "Seven Notes"

A composer has 7 notes to record music, an artist has 7 primary colors, a cook has 7 primary tastes to prepare food. After all, the cook determines the degree of readiness of the dish and its quality by appearance and color, smell, taste. In addition, a cook needs a good memory to memorize recipes for various dishes. Now we have to make sure whether our participants are friends with Muse Kulina. Let's check.

  1. Determine visually what products are offered to you: (for each correct answer 1 point)

Freshmen: - flour - starch


2. Determine with the help of touch the proposed set of products:- Starch - flour

3 . Taste the products and determine what kind of product it is:

Freshmen - powdered milk - powdered sugar

Cooks - citric acid - salt

Identify the proposed product by smell with closed eyes:Freshmen: Vanillin - Coffee

Culinary: Pepper - coffee

So the second competition is over, the jury gives marks, and we will play with the audience, whoever raises his hand first and answers the question correctly will receive a sweet prize. I recommend that you save the prizes until the end of the competition, whoever has the most sweet prizes at the end of the competition will receive an additional prize.

Leading: The floor is given to Salnikova S.V.

Leading: The next competition is a theoretical task in the form of a test, and while the students are doing the work, the team captains will perform a creative task (cooking coleslaw and presenting it)

While the participants of the competition are answering theoretical questions, and the captains are performing a creative task, we present to your attention universal overalls for a cook.

Leading: The floor is given to Gelmanov M.N. to sum up the results of the theoretical task and the competition of captains.


No lotions or perfumes

Smells very delicious.

Hands are clean

Wash from morning to night!

He knows how to distinguish

Third from second.

Who is he: just guessing

It's the chef!

Well, we are starting the final and most delicious competition - a practical task. Students need to prepare a fruit salad, arrange it and present it.

Cooking technology, taste of the dish, appearance, serving are taken into account. Presentation of the dish.

When completing the task, you can get additional points for:

Proper organization of the workplace

Compliance with the rules of sanitation and hygiene

Implementation of safety precautions at work

During the practical part, students perform techniques on their own.

The jury monitors compliance with safety regulations, organization of the workplace, compliance with the technological process, bypasses workplaces, monitors the progress of work and evaluates the result.

At the end of the course, students submit their work, the jury evaluates and enters the data in the summarizing table.

Leading : While our contestants from products work wonders, show creativity and imagination, we, dear friends, will also be culinary chefs for a while and see how you can quickly prepare breakfast using at home modern technologies, let's check how long it takes a young married couple to cook their own breakfast. We meet - Yerzhan and Julia. They will prepare us the usual breakfast: scrambled eggs, hot sandwiches and a cocoa drink. How many minutes do you think they will cook such a breakfast? We set a timer and see if they can cook it during this time. Let's take the time and let's go...

Game with spectators

The jury evaluates the final competition and sums up the results of the entire competition!

A game with the audience or a song.


The magic of cooking

They are skilled here.

Everything that is fried, boiled

It was delicious.


Cooking miracles

And looks enviously

Ronald from McDonald's

Yes, cooking is a creative profession. Only a talented person can become a real cook: a bit of an artist, a bit of a musician, who has an aesthetic taste, a sense of color, and harmony.
Leading. This contest has come to an end..

Dear contestants!

We wish you love, smiles and good mood

Congratulations, we sincerely wish you

Joy, happiness, health, love!

Thank you for everything we have on the table

For your delicious skill.

For your work on the generous land,

For delicious pleasure!

Today our chefs have revealed their most daring talents to you.

And we hope that you appreciated the professional skills of all participants without exception.

Leading: Dear our jury expertsto sum up the results of our competition, the floor is given to you.

Awarding of the winners (solemn music sounds, certificates and prizes are awarded to the winners and souvenirs to all participants of the competition).


Before starting work:

1. Put on special clothes, put your hair under the cap.

2. Wash your hands.

3. Organize the workplace

4. Prepare inventory for work.

5. Get groceries and prepare your workspace

During work:

1. Monitor the sanitary condition on the desktop.

2. Follow the safety precautions with the knife, carry the knife only with the blade down.

4. Observe safety rules when carrying washed vegetables

At the end of the work it is necessary:

1. Clean up the workplace.

Knife Safety.

Before starting work, check

1.Check the integrity of the knife (attachment of the handle and blade)

2. Check knife sharpening

3. Sanitary condition

4. Start work only with a dry knife

During work, you should:

1. Do not work with a knife towards your body

2. Hold the knife handle firmly

3. Keep hands and knife handle dry

4. Do not leave the knife in the position with the cutting edge up

5. Do not leave a knife stuck in or between foods, do not attempt to

Catch a falling knife

6. Do not use the kitchen knife for other purposes

7. Wash the knife after each use

Upon completion of work

8. Rinse the knives, wipe with a dry towel.

Statement of the competition of professional skills in the profession "Cook, confectioner"

No. p / p

Competition name

Jury score

Group No. 13


Group No. 23


Business card(from 1 -5 points)

a) Emblem, team name, motto

b) greetings from the jury

c) opponent greeting, appearance, artistry


"Seven Notes".


With touch;


by smell

For every correct answer

1 point.


Theoretical task in the form of a test (1 point for the correct answer)


Creative task (competition of captains)

Cabbage salad 1-5 points


Practical part (cooking fruit salad) 1-5 points

1. Design

2. The taste of the dish

3. Presentation of the dish

4. Organization of the workplace and compliance with safety regulations


Total points for the competition


1. Which vegetable is not included in the group of root crops:
a) carrots b) potatoes c) beets d) radishes

2. Carrot dye:
a) anthocyanin b) carotene c) chlorophyll

3. Vegetables containing bactericidal substances (phytoncides):

a) artichokes, asparagus, rhubarb
b) capsicum, eggplant, tomatoes
c) garlic, onion, horseradish, radish

4. What poison is contained in green potatoes:
a) anthocyanin b) pectin c) carcinogen d) solanine

5. To prepare mashed potatoes, potatoes are rubbed:
a) hot b) warm c) cold

6. How freshly frozen vegetables are cooked:
a) defrostb) do not defrostc) boiled in a package

7. Do you agree with the following statement:
to preserve the color, green vegetables are boiled with the lid open and a vigorous boil.
a) yes b) no

8Do you agree with the following statement:
during the operation of the potato peeler, you can take out the tubers to check the quality of their cleaning.
a) yes b) no

9. Sulfitation of potatoes is:

a) acid treatment; b) alkali treatment; c) steam treatment; d) treatment with sodium bisulfite.

10 . Drawing longitudinal notches on the surface of vegetables

for curly cutting:

a) calibration; b) carbing; c) sorting; d) turning vegetables.

11. Specify violations of the technological process

cooking mashed potatoes, if it turned out sticky, viscous:

12. Deep-fried potatoes salted:

a) during frying; b) after frying; . c) do not salt; d) before the fry.

Answers to the test

1. - b

2. - b

3. - in

4. - g

5. - a

6. - b

7. - a

8. - b

9. - g

10. - b

11. - b

12. - b

"Freshmen" group No. 13

1. -

2. -

3. -

4. -

5. -

6. -

7. -

8. -

9. -

10. -

11. -

12. –

"Culinarians" group No. 23

1. -

2. -

3. -

4. -

5. -

6. -

7. -

8. -

9. -

10. -

11. -

12. -

Games with spectators

1. Having looked into explanatory dictionaries, we found a product with the letter “m” and found that they all claim that this product is made from sugar and fruits. What is it? (Marmalade)

2. They always make it from fermented milk, adding rennet. It is then pressed, molded, salted and left to mature. What product in question? (About cheese)

3. It's hard to believe, but for disclosing the secret of this delicacy, the confectioner of Charles of England was threatened with the death penalty. What is this delicacy? (Ice cream)

4. What is the name of the vegetable whose puree is added to the dough for making “red noodles”? (Carrot)

5. It is added to ice cream quite a bit - one gram per kilogram. Specialists in the production of ice cream claim that it is it that gives the taste of ice cream more fullness, reveals and emphasizes its bouquet. What is this about? (Salt)

6. A slice of what fruit before dinner reduces appetite, but ultimately allows you to look slimmer? (A pineapple)

7. It is known that there are more than a hundred potato dishes. Name at least 10 such dishes. (Mashed potatoes, cutlets, zrazy, pancakes, potato sticks, potato cakes, potato pancakes, potatoes baked in foil with bacon and garlic, fried, boiled potatoes, casserole, etc.)

8. What vegetables are boiled without salt so that their taste does not deteriorate? (Beets and carrots)

9. Many do not like porridge from this cereal, but in vain, according to Latin experts, this is a true pearl of our table. What cereal are we talking about? (Pearl barley).

10. Pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cumin, cloves. (Seasoning)

11. Hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, coconut. (Nuts)

12. "Napoleon", "Anthill", "Leningradsky", "Pest", "Flight". (Cakes)

13. Apple, pear, kiwi, apricot, peach. (Fruits)

14. Shchi, borscht, pickle, hodgepodge, beetroot. (Soups)

15. Ketchup, Provence, "Red", "White", "Steam". (Sauces)

16. Mousse, pudding, souffle, sambuc, profiteroles. (Dessert)

17. Lamb, beef, pork, veal, horse meat. (Meat)

18. Champignon, mushroom, honey agaric, chanterelle, boletus. (Mushrooms)

19. "Swallow", "Petrel", "Cow", "Red Poppy". (Candies)

VIII - station "A minute for a joke"

1.What kind of fish are in holidays"putting on a coat"? (Herring)

2. What dish do fashion designers prefer? (Ryazhenka)

3. A fruit that boxers love. (Pear)

4. A bakery product loved by all drivers. (Baranka)

5. Apricot, who went on a dry hunger strike. (Apricot)

6. What is a sinecure? (Stale broilers.)

7. Which dish do optometrists prefer? (Egged eggs.)

8. What is not sweeter than a radish? (Horseradish)

9. What did God once send to a crow? (Piece of cheese)

10. Why do the savages weep on the island of Bad Luck? ("The crocodile is not caught, the coconut does not grow")

11. What caused the princess' insomnia? (Pea)

12. Who is the best jam eater in the world? (Carlson)

13. Who destroyed all the food supplies of the Rabbit and could not get through the door because of his swollen belly? (Winnie the Pooh)

14. Who Chief Specialist on the wrong sandwiches? (Matroskin)

15. What is the name of the fabulous person who looks like an egg? He is so round that you can't tell where his neck is and where his waist is. Alice from Wonderland said that he usually sits on the wall and talks about different words. (Humpty Dumpty).

1. Which of these kitchen utensils is used in the process of making pasta?

A. Sito. V. Shumovka.

B. Colander. G. Sieve.

2. What is the name of the cooking pot?

A. Astrakhan. V. Tyumen.

B. Ryazan. G. Kazan.

3. What is the common name for boiled potatoes in their skins?

A. In a shirt. B. In uniform.

B. In a tunic. G. In the gymnast.

4. Which of these Russian soups is not cold?

A. Okroshka. V. Botvinya.

B. Rassolnik. G. Beetroot

5. What is the name of one of the dishes?

A. Cavalry porridge. B. Artillery pea.

B. Naval pasta. G. Guards potatoes.

6. What kind of porridge is called the porridge of the English kings?

A. Oatmeal. V. Buckwheat.

B. Rice. G. Mannu.

7. The name of which flour product is translated from Italian as “rope”?

A. Noodles. V. Spaghetti.

B. Pasta. G. Vermicelli.

8. Which of these first courses, according to the traditional recipe, should have olives and lemon?

A. Tarator. V. Borsch.

B . Solyanka. G. Rassolnik

9. What was the name of dumplings in the old days?

A. Bear's ear . B. Piglet.

B. Goat leg. G. Hare tail.

10. What national cuisine does gazpacho soup belong to?

A. Japanese. V. Bulgarian.

B. Spanish. G. Georgian.

11. What kind of cake exists?

A. "Ivan the Terrible". V. "Kutuzov".

B. "Tamerlane". G. "Napoleon".

12. What kind of juice is salt added to taste?

A. Apple. V. Orange.

B. Pear. G. Tomato.

Creative competition (for those present)
Culinary Egorka dainty slide
We baked for our birthday -
Fly without hesitation!
Born in the field
Brewed at the factory
Dissolved on the table.
small, sweet,
The wheel is edible.
I won't eat it alone
I will share with all the guys.
Grandpa laughs
on it a fur coat is shaking kissel.

What is poured into the pan
do they bend it four times?
Cold pack.
Both adults and children eat.
Cold, cold
let me lick you once.
(ice cream)