RSPP branches. Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: attitude towards individual entrepreneurs

There is a mutual interest between entrepreneurs and the state, which is as follows. The state needs to support the state's economy by filling the budget with taxes. And most of them are paid by enterprises and organizations. The more taxes, the more profit these businesses will receive. Consequently, the state helps legal, law-abiding businesses grow.

Why are businessmen, especially beginners, interested in cooperation with the state? Of course, this means receiving all the benefits and support measures with which an entrepreneur can develop his business and bring profits to a decent level. To regulate these relations and achieve greater mutual understanding in our country, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (employers) was created.

This organization represents the interests of entrepreneurs, members of the union, in various executive and legislative bodies; it is designed to provide real practical assistance in managing the affairs of entrepreneurs, especially when they find themselves in difficult situation. The Union of Entrepreneurs initiates amendments to legislative acts, organizes competitions and grants and other events to support small and medium-sized businesses.

This organization also helps businessmen directly participate in legislative initiatives, it helps them to be elected to various self-government bodies - from the State Duma to local councils. The Union of Entrepreneurs helps in organizing and conducting election campaigns. This organization also supports those businessmen who are engaged in scientific and technical developments and thereby implement progress in life.

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs today includes more than 100 branches, both by industry and by territorial basis. RSPP works in two directions, like two legal entities A. The first is an all-Russian association of employers, the second is an all-Russian public organization.

Branches of the RSPP deal with problems of all main areas of the Russian economy, these are the fuel and energy complex, mechanical engineering, banking, investment enterprises, defense, construction, chemical companies, food industry, light and processing, as well as the entire diverse service sector.

In all regions and regions of our country, more than 320 thousand companies engaged in industry have joined the RSPP and work together, financial activities, scientific developments, various commercial areas. If you combine all the goods and services produced by enterprises united in the RSPP, you will get more than 60% of our country’s gross national product. And this is considerable power! With these combined efforts and even more powerful capabilities, entrepreneurs are achieving increased prestige Russian business in the world, improving the economic and political soil for its development, maintaining a balance between the interests of the state and small and medium-sized businesses.

Areas of activity of the RSPP

To achieve its goals, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Russia constantly holds events aimed at improving the business sphere within the union and in the country as a whole.

For this purpose, the first and main direction in the work of the RSPP is defined as interaction with the authorities. Trust must always be maintained between business and government, with the help of which a balance between these two powerful forces is possible. This is what can ensure the stability of society in the domestic and global arenas, as well as good economic growth. Equality between business and government can provide a good basis for law, order, high social guarantees, and respect for all rights of every member of society.

These are not just words, this is a whole direction in the work of the RSPP. It is aimed against corruption and the appropriation of business property by government agencies. Business cannot be allowed to merge with state power, which will exclude healthy competition and therefore significantly undermine the country’s economy.

The second direction of the RUIE’s work is the active implementation regional policy on the ground. The Moscow leadership of the union will never be able to comprehend all the work throughout our vast country. Therefore, regional branches of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs have been created and will be actively created, developed and supported. Regional managers actively implement the ideas and principles of the entire organization into local life, help entrepreneurs, and attract them to participate in the life of this professional community.

Except organizational function, regional offices also effectively assist entrepreneurs in obtaining the most necessary information, conduct a dialogue with political and administrative authorities in the interests of small and medium-sized businesses, develop and implement many aspects of regional economic policy. In the regions, branches of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs are a real center business communication and cooperation.

Entrepreneurs have problems not only with organizations outside their community, but also within it. Each enterprise is a whole organism, a structure that includes living people, they have their own desires and interests. Some of them are completely legal, while others, on the contrary, have nothing to do with the law. The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs helps entrepreneurs resolve labor disputes and conflicts.

All entrepreneurs know that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains many articles that protect the interests of employees, but the interests of employers remain almost unattended. Therefore, this protective function of the RSPP is more important than ever. The Union coordinates the work of trade unions and the relations of employers-businessmen with employees. Work is constantly underway to develop concepts of business ethics, corporate governance, standards and laws of business communication.

The next direction of work of the Union of Entrepreneurs is the development of social partnership. It ensures dialogue between various structures interested in economic development and entrepreneurs. Moreover, the union has created a very serious potential for such communication, uniting a huge number of businessmen from start-up companies to huge enterprises managing multibillion-dollar capital. Discuss issues labor relations, conduct a dialogue with trade unions, defend their interests in government bodies - all this is much easier for any entrepreneur to do when he is supported by such a serious and large organization as the Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Russia.

Just don’t think that the RSPP defends the interests of its members, regardless of the situation; to establish fair decisions, tripartite commissions are organized, where lawyers and other specialists of the union help to correctly set priorities. And based on these conclusions, they are already making proposals to the legislative bodies - to finalize some acts, to make additions and changes to regulations, rules and instructions.

One of the important activities of the RSPP is cooperation with civil society institutions. There are a lot of problems that can be solved with the help of such a united force - the union of entrepreneurs. These include educational problems, pension reforms, a huge layer of housing and communal problems, ecology, healthcare, social guarantees of society. After all, members of the union are citizens of society like everyone else, they study the same, live in housing, get sick, and retire. All organizations that also deal with these issues become partners of the RSPP, which makes the solution to all problems even more realistic.

Only the state can ensure social equality of people, compliance with all guarantees, and the realization of all human rights. But with a weak economy, it is practically powerless. And all structures – both political and economic – understand this. Therefore, the national organization RSPP supports those state forces that are working to increase the status of Russia as a state that socially protects all its citizens without exception.

The most important layer of the work of the RSPP is the integration of Russian business into world economy. The Union carefully monitors and supports those of its members who supply their products abroad. This not only brings profit to our country, it increases confidence in Russia on the part of other states, and therefore increases the flow of investment to us. The RSPP actively supports Russia's membership in the WTO, which has provided even greater opportunities for trade.

What does the RSPP do?

The RSPP actively took part in the discussion of legislative acts on the following directions: O consumer market, about advertising, about transactions with municipal property, about the implementation and operation of business in the housing and communal services sector, healthcare and education. Scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, round tables, thematic presentations, training seminars. Anti-crisis groups are being created in the regions that work in many areas of business. Members of the RSPP participate in all all-Russian events and in meetings with the executive and legislative authorities. In addition, through the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, a search for business partners, suppliers, and agents is carried out.

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Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) - all-Russian organization, representing the interests of business circles both in Russia and at the international level. The Russian Union carries out its activities through two legal entities with different legal status– All-Russian Association of Employers (OOR “RSPP”) and All-Russian Public Organization (RSPP).

The RSPP today is more than a hundred industry and regional associations representing key sectors of the economy: fuel and energy complex, mechanical engineering, investment banking, as well as the military-industrial complex, construction, chemical production, light and food industry, service sector.

RSPP unites thousands of the largest Russian companies- representatives of industrial, scientific, financial and commercial organizations in all regions of Russia.

The RSPP sees its purpose in consolidating the efforts of Russian industrialists and entrepreneurs aimed at improving business environment, increasing the status of Russian business in the country and in the world, maintaining a balance of interests of society, government and business.

The RSPP maintains a constant practical work: Conferences on current economic issues are held at a high government level with the participation of representatives of Russian and foreign business circles, as well as heads of federal authorities. The results of these forums are decisions that are made at the state level in the field of entrepreneurship and business in Russia.

Maintain effective social-labor relations that contribute to high competitiveness and increased income of enterprises, increased labor productivity, job security, professional and career growth, training and self-development of employees, improving the quality and standard of their lives, achieving a reasonable balance between working and free time.

To promote the sustainable development of independent and responsible companies, which meets the long-term economic interests of business, promotes social peace, the safety and well-being of citizens, the conservation environment, respect for human rights.

To promote the achievement of a balance of interests of owners and shareholders, the state, employees, suppliers and consumers, public institutions and other parties affected by the activities of members of the RSPP.

Early nineties. Social activity. Scientific and Industrial Union of the USSR

May 1990

May 18 Scientific-Industrial Group of People's Deputies of the USSR, among which were such famous scientists, general designers and politicians as Alferov Zh.I., Bunich P.G., Velikhov E.P., Volsky A.I., Vladislavlev A.P. ., Novozhilov G.V., Seleznev P.S., Shtelev N.P. and others, appeals to the public to create a non-political organization to protect the common interests of industry and science and create parity relations between the government, trade unions and production itself in a period of rapid and large-scale changes in the state, politics and economy. The call of the initiators was heard and supported.

June 1990

The founding congress of the Scientific-Industrial Union of the USSR took place on June 16, which highlighted the key task of defending the interests of its members and promoting economic transformation. A.I. Volsky was elected President of the Union. In the first year of the organization's existence, regional and republican divisions were created.


The organizational formation of the Union took place, the formation regional branches, cooperation with foreign business associations was established, plans and programs for economic restructuring were examined, and managers and entrepreneurs were trained. According to the permanent president of the Union in the period 1990-2005. A. Volsky: “ Business people saw and felt the opportunity to unite and form a serious, independent, self-governing organization that can defend the rights and interests of producers in a sea of ​​problems...”

New Russia. Reforms are not for the sake of reforms, but in the interests of the people

After the collapse of the USSR, the organization was transformed into an all-Russian one, and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), the first congress of which took place on December 19, 1991, became its legal successor.

In 1992-2000 The main objectives of the Union of Industrialists were:

  • formation of one’s own vision of problems and paths of economic development;
  • development of proposals, including legislative ones, in the economic and social spheres;
  • searching for ways to influence the content and methods of implementing reforms.

The priorities for the RUIE during this period were the protection and preservation of basic industries, scientific, technical and human resources potential of industry, building a system of social partnership, facilitating the adaptation of Russian enterprises to the market, and developing international contacts of the Union. Subsequently, in 2000-2006. The RSPP continued to establish equal and constructive relations between business and the state, considering them a condition for stability, predictability, and ensuring economic growth.

The activities of the Russian Union, today the most influential public business association in Russia, are aimed not only at creating a civilized business environment, but also at improving common standards doing business, corporate governance, to increase the influence and social authority of domestic entrepreneurs. Social responsibility business is viewed through the prism of sustainable development of independent and responsible companies that meets the interests of shareholders and appropriate social goals society. The modern level of social partnership should, according to the RSPP, contribute to the achievement of social peace, the safety and well-being of citizens, the preservation of the environment, and the observance of human rights.
Based on the topics of the RSPP President’s reports at the RSPP congresses, one can judge what problems social development were relevant at that time and what the union considered important:

II Congress January 1992“Creative work to implement radical reforms is the main path to the revival of Russia”

III Congress November 1992“On the work of the RSPP at the stage of real development of economic reforms and the immediate tasks of the Union”

IV Congress April 1993“On the results of 1992 and measures to stabilize the Russian economy at the present stage of reforms”

V Congress November 1993“On the work of the RSPP at the present stage of deepening reforms and the economic program of the Union in connection with the elections to State Duma»

VI Congress September 1995“On the participation of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”

VII Congress May 1996“On the main results of the activities of the RSPP in 1992-1996 and the tasks of increasing the role of the Union in the revival of the scientific and industrial potential of Russia”

VIII Congress November 1996“On the socio-economic situation of Russia, problems of the federal budget for 1997 and proposals of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs”

IX Congress October 1998“On the economic situation in the country and the RUIE’s proposals for adjusting reforms”

X Congress December 1999“On the economic situation in the country and the position of the RSPP in the elections to the State Duma Russian Federation»

XI Congress October 2000“10 years of protecting the interests of Russian industrialists and entrepreneurs. On the next tasks of the RSPP"

XII Congress June 2001“On the immediate tasks of the RSPP in the context of economic reform”

XIII Congress November 2003“On the results of the activities of the RSPP for the reporting period and on the main directions of work of the Russian Union for 2004-2005.”

XIV Congress November 2004“On the economic situation in the country and the RUIE’s proposals to increase competitiveness and ensure stable industrial growth”

XV Congress April 2006“Fifteen years of protecting the interests of Russian industrialists and entrepreneurs”

Strengthening the status and influence of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in society. Constructive dialogue with authorities

In 2000-2001 stabilization of the internal political and subsequently economic situation in Russia, the entry into the RUIE of a number of influential businessmen led to new status union in society and government. In essence, the Union is becoming a consolidating force not only for entrepreneurs, but also for all supporters of structural reforms in the economy and social policy. Constant dialogue with the authorities - meetings of entrepreneurs with the President of Russia, active work of representatives of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in coordination and advisory bodies formed by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of Russia - is intended to ensure more effective influence of the business community on the process of making government decisions in the interests of entrepreneurs and society as a whole. The Bureau of the Board of the RSPP is actively working; it includes three dozen leading executives state enterprises And business organizations. Members of the Bureau head the working bodies of the Union, and coordination councils of the RSPP are created in the federal districts. As a result, the influence and role of the Union sharply increases, a whole series positive initiatives in the field of tax, land, industrial policy.

In September 2005, at the request of A.I. Volsky, the Board of the RSPP accepted his resignation, and on the recommendation of the Bureau of the Board of the RSPP, Alexander Shokhin was elected as the new President of the Russian Union. In April 2006, the powers of the new President were unanimously confirmed by the decision of the reporting and election congress.

A.I. Volsky becomes the Honorary President of the Union in order to pass on his knowledge and leadership experience to the next generations of entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, fate did not give time, and in September 2006 the Russian Union said goodbye forever to its founder and honorary president, who led the organization for more than 15 years.

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs continues to develop and strengthen its position, expand its spheres of influence and composition of the organization. Federal and Expert advice s of the Russian Union, under the leadership of members of the Bureau of the Management Board, there are a number of committees and commissions on key areas economic and social policy. According to requirements federal law“On Associations of Employers” in 2006, along with the public organization, the all-Russian association of employers RSPP was established, which is the face of business in social partnership processes, which are very relevant for the domestic business community.

Today we can talk about the accomplished fact of creating a completely new civilized relationship between government and business. The role of the Union in this regard is difficult to overestimate. The Russian business community has received, in the person of the RSPP, a consolidating and representative organization that has the highest authority both within the country and abroad. The most important feature of the RSPP is its constant openness to the problems of all industrialists and entrepreneurs of our country without exception. Unlike many other public organizations, the Union is reliably based on a powerful regional infrastructure. The achievements of the RSPP are not only daily interaction with federal authorities in order to solve problems at the all-Russian level. This is also the painstaking, everyday and creative work of regional branches of the RSPP in all subjects of the federation without exception, the creative work of industrialists and entrepreneurs, enterprises and organizations involved in the development and implementation of plans and programs of the RSPP.

The effectiveness of the RUIE's activities is largely due to the constant attention to its initiatives by Russian President V.V. Putin, who constantly finds the opportunity to participate in the work of the RSPP Congresses. Speaking at them, he constantly emphasizes the key role of representatives of the business community, whom the RSPP represents.

“We, of course, see in all of you, representatives of the Russian business community, important, effective, reliable partners in solving key problems of national development. You actively participate in the implementation of significant projects, in social programs, in improving the legislation of the Russian Federation, in preparing transformations in the economy, and in almost all spheres of the country’s life.”

Russian President V. Putin to participants XXVICongress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, 2017

K:Political parties founded in 1990

Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs(RSPP) is an all-Russian public organization representing the interests of business circles. Founded in the summer of 1990 (until 1992 - the Scientific-Industrial Union) by analogy with the Union of Industrial and trading enterprises Russian Empire. Legally registered as an all-Russian association of employers (OOR "RSPP") and as an all-Russian public organization (LLC "RSPP"). Among the declared goals of the RSPP is the consolidation of the efforts of Russian industrialists and entrepreneurs aimed at improving the business environment, raising the status of Russian business in the country and the world, and promoting economic modernization.

In their activities, the RSPP and its members are guided by the Charter of the RSPP, the Declaration of Principles of the RSPP, the Charter of Corporate and Business Ethics, and the Social Charter of Russian Business.

The RUIE includes more than 100 industry and regional associations representing key sectors of the economy: fuel and energy complex, mechanical engineering, military-industrial complex, construction, chemical, light and food industries, investment banking, and services.

The first President of the RSPP (from 1990 to 2005) was A. Volsky. Currently - A. Shokhin (since 2005).

Structure of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

  • Congress- the highest governing body of the RSPP, meets at least once every four years.
  • Board- a permanent collegial governing body of the RSPP consisting of 150 people, exercising general management in the period between congresses. It is convened at least once every six months.
  • Bureau of the Board carries out operational management of the activities of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The composition of the Bureau of the Board is elected in the amount of 27 people. Meetings are held at least once every two months.
  • President- sole executive body RSPP, carries out current management of the activities of the RSPP, heads the Board, Bureau of the Board, presides over their meetings.

The RSPP has advisory bodies: Expert advice, Federal Council, International Cooperation and Investment Council, Advisory Council of Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs, Council on Non-Financial Reporting.

International cooperation

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An excerpt characterizing the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

“How sweet she will be,” Denisov said.
- Who?
“Athena Natasha,” answered Denisov.
“And how she dances, what a g”ation!” after a short silence, he said again.
- Who are you talking about?
“About your sister,” Denisov shouted angrily.
Rostov grinned.
– Mon cher comte; vous etes l"un de mes meilleurs ecoliers, il faut que vous dansiez,” said little Jogel, approaching Nikolai. “Voyez combien de jolies demoiselles.” [My dear Count, you are one of my best students. You need to dance. Look how much pretty girls!] – He made the same request to Denisov, also his former student.
“Non, mon cher, je fe"ai tapisse"ie, [No, my dear, I’ll sit by the wall," Denisov said. “Don’t you remember how badly I used your lessons?”
- Oh no! – Jogel said hastily consoling him. – You were just inattentive, but you had abilities, yes, you had abilities.
The newly introduced mazurka was played; Nikolai could not refuse Yogel and invited Sonya. Denisov sat down next to the old ladies and, leaning his elbows on his saber, stamping his beat, told something cheerfully and made the old ladies laugh, looking at the dancing young people. Yogel, in the first couple, danced with Natasha, his pride and best student. Gently, tenderly moving his feet in his shoes, Yogel was the first to fly across the hall with Natasha, who was timid, but diligently performing steps. Denisov did not take his eyes off her and tapped the beat with his saber, with an expression that clearly said that he himself did not dance only because he did not want to, and not because he could not. In the middle of the figure, he called Rostov, who was passing by, to him.
“It’s not the same at all,” he said. - Is this a Polish mazurka? And she dances excellently. - Knowing that Denisov was even famous in Poland for his skill in dancing the Polish mazurka, Nikolai ran up to Natasha:
- Go and choose Denisov. Here he is dancing! Miracle! - he said.
When it was Natasha’s turn again, she stood up and quickly fingering her shoes with bows, timidly, ran alone across the hall to the corner where Denisov was sitting. She saw that everyone was looking at her and waiting. Nikolai saw that Denisov and Natasha were arguing, smiling, and that Denisov was refusing, but smiling joyfully. He ran up.
“Please, Vasily Dmitrich,” Natasha said, “let’s go, please.”
“Yes, that’s it, g’athena,” Denisov said.
“Well, that’s enough, Vasya,” said Nikolai.
“It’s like they’re trying to persuade Vaska the cat,” Denisov said jokingly.
“I’ll sing to you all evening,” said Natasha.
- The sorceress will do anything to me! - Denisov said and unfastened his saber. He came out from behind the chairs, firmly took his lady by the hand, raised his head and put his foot down, waiting for tact. Only on horseback and in the mazurka, Denisov’s short stature was not visible, and he seemed to be the same young man that he felt himself to be. Having waited for the beat, he glanced triumphantly and playfully at his lady from the side, suddenly tapped one of his feet and, like a ball, bounced elastically off the floor and flew along in a circle, dragging his lady with him. He silently flew halfway across the hall on one leg, and it seemed that he did not see the chairs standing in front of him and rushed straight towards them; but suddenly, clicking his spurs and spreading his legs, he stopped on his heels, stood there for a second, with the roar of spurs, knocked his feet in one place, quickly turned around and, clicking his right foot with his left foot, again flew in a circle. Natasha guessed what he intended to do, and, without knowing how, she followed him - surrendering herself to him. Now he circled her, now on his right, now on his left hand, now falling on his knees, he circled her around him, and again he jumped up and started forward with such swiftness, as if he intended to run across all the rooms without taking a breath; then suddenly he stopped again and again made a new and unexpected knee. When he, briskly spinning the lady in front of her place, snapped his spur, bowing before her, Natasha did not even curtsey for him. She stared at him in bewilderment, smiling as if she didn’t recognize him. - What is this? - she said.
Despite the fact that Yogel did not recognize this mazurka as real, everyone was delighted with Denisov’s skill, they began to constantly choose him, and the old people, smiling, began to talk about Poland and the good old days. Denisov, flushed from the mazurka and wiping himself with a handkerchief, sat down next to Natasha and did not leave her side throughout the entire ball.