Hello student. Ways to improve the range of goods Ways to improve the assortment policy at a manufacturing enterprise

And ensuring the required level of customer service is to create an optimal range of goods.

Such a range of products should be created that could satisfy the various needs of end users.

In this regard, the formation of a range of goods is one of the main areas of commercial work.

Under assortment formation understand the activity of selecting groups, types and varieties of goods in accordance with the demand of the population, in order to better satisfy it.

This set of products allows you to meet real or predicted needs and ensure high profitability of the enterprise.

Directions for the formation of a range of goods

The formation of the assortment of goods is carried out constantly at all levels - from production to consumption, it is associated with a specific enterprise and is determined by the assortment policy of the enterprise.

Under assortment policy understand the goals, objectives and main directions of the formation of the assortment, determined by the management of the organization. The purpose of the organization in the field of assortment is the formation of a real or predicted assortment.

The main directions in the field of assortment formation:

Range reduction - this is a quantitative and qualitative change in a set of goods due to a decrease in its breadth and completeness. The main reasons for the reduction in the range may be a drop in demand, lack of supply, unprofitability or low profitability in the sale of goods;

Range expansion - this is a quantitative or qualitative change in a set of goods by increasing the indicators of breadth, completeness and novelty. The reasons for expanding the range may be: an increase in supply and demand, high profitability of production and sale of goods, the emergence of new goods or new manufacturers;

Assortment stabilization - This is the state of a set of goods characterized by high stability and a low degree of renewal. This is the ability of a set of goods to satisfy the demand for the same goods (to a greater extent typical for food products of daily demand);

Assortment update - These are qualitative and quantitative changes in a set of goods that is able to satisfy changed needs through new goods. The main reasons for the upgrade are:

  • emergence of new needs;
  • replacement of obsolete goods;
  • the need to increase and;
  • stimulation of demand.

The consumers of new products are the so-called innovators, whose needs often change;

Improvement of the assortment- these are quantitative and qualitative changes in a set of goods to increase its rationality. Rationality is understood as the ability of a set of goods to most fully satisfy the justified needs of different groups (segments) of consumers;

Range harmonization - these are quantitative and qualitative changes in a set of goods, reflecting the degree of closeness of the real assortment to the optimal one in the implementation and use. The desire for harmony in the formation of the assortment is expressed in the specialization of stores or individual sections.

Factors affecting the formation of the assortment

common factors, influencing the formation of the assortment are and .

Demand - it is a need supported by the solvency of buyers, which depends on the segment of the consumer market: their income, demographic, national and other characteristics.

Profitability is determined by the cost, production and distribution costs, the value of which is influenced by external and internal factors.

Specific factors include:

  • raw material base production enterprises, which is determined by the availability of natural resources, the cost of delivery and production;
  • material and technical base - the availability of production facilities, the necessary equipment has a significant impact on the formation of the assortment;
  • achievement of scientific and technological progress contribute to the emergence of new products that have no analogues;
  • business specialization helps to form an assortment with sufficient depth and breadth;
  • distribution channels. the rhythm of delivery at the right time and in the required volume facilitate the work on the formation of the assortment;
  • sales promotion and demand generation methods also influence the formation of the assortment.

The process of forming an assortment of goods consists of two stages. At the first stage, a list of main groups and subgroups of goods sold is determined. At the second stage, the number of sold varieties of goods for each item is determined. At a particular enterprise, an assortment of goods is formed based on the assortment list. It is a tool by which the assortment of goods is regulated.

Product range

The product range of any can be divided into three components:

  • basic assortment goods - these are goods that reflect the assortment profile of the wholesale trade enterprise, which are constantly available and which account for at least 50% of sales;
  • « attracting" goods - these are goods that are able to distinguish among its competitors and which are often an indicator of the price level for buyers;
  • complementary goods - these are goods that can provide a comprehensive satisfaction of the requirements of customers, and their presence in the assortment of a trading enterprise inspires greater confidence among customers.

The product range of a retail trade enterprise is closely related to its assortment profile. Therefore, when forming the assortment of a retail trade enterprise, it is necessary to take into account the type and type of retail enterprise.

In the product range of any retail enterprise distinguish the following product groups:

  • main group goods are goods that bring the main profit to the enterprise;
  • support group goods - goods that stabilize sales revenues;
  • leaving group goods - goods that bring too little profit or even sold at a loss;
  • strategic group goods - goods designed to provide the main profit in the future;
  • tactical group goods - goods designed to stimulate sales of the main product groups.

The percentage of these groups of goods in the range of different retailers may be different.

The product range of a retail trade enterprise should be created not only in accordance with the type of trade enterprise, but also with the characteristics of the population, first of all, of the given area, which is part of its "trading zone".

The process of forming the assortment of retail trade enterprises is influenced by demographic, economic, social, national, domestic and natural and climatic factors. In addition, it is necessary to take into account seasonal fluctuations in demand, the degree of commitment to secondary cultural values, etc.

The closer the breadth factor is to 1, the greater the breadth of the assortment.

For the "Desyatochka" store, the coefficient of breadth of the range of flavor products was 0.5. Therefore, we can conclude that the breadth of the assortment of flavor products in the store is of average value.

2) Completeness of the range

Let's calculate the coefficient of completeness of the assortment of tea in the store "Desyatochka".

To calculate the completeness of the assortment, it is necessary to determine the values ​​of two absolute indicators: the actual completeness (Pd) and the basic completeness (Pb).

Pd - the actual number of tea items in the store.

Pb - the number of tea items according to price lists.

PD of tea assortment = 53 items,

Pb = 65 items.

Calculate the completeness factor:


For the store "Desyatochka" the coefficient of completeness of the assortment of tea was 0.8. Therefore, we can conclude that the completeness of the assortment of tea in the store is quite high.

3) Range sustainability

Let's calculate the coefficient of sustainability of the assortment of tea for the store "Desyatochka".

To calculate the stability of the assortment, it is necessary to determine the values ​​of the following indicators:

Sustainability (S) is the number of teas that are in steady demand;

Completeness real (Pd).

Approximately 35 items are in steady demand in the assortment of tea.

Calculate the assortment stability coefficient:

This shows that 70% of tea items in the assortment of these products are in steady demand. Consequently, the range of these products has a high stability.

The number of tea items that are in steady demand can be identified based on data on sales of various types of tea.

The most stable demand in the store is in bagged and small-leaf black tea.

4) The novelty of the range

To determine the degree of renewal (Kn), it is necessary to determine the number of new products in the assortment (N) of tea and the value of the actual completeness of the tea assortment (Pd).

The number of new items in the assortment of tea was 16 items.

Calculate the degree of renewal:

This shows that the degree of renewal of the assortment of tea in the store is not high. It makes up 30% of new items in the assortment for tea.

5) Assortment structure

To determine the structure of the assortment of tea, it is necessary to compare the natural and monetary terms of each type of tea. To do this, you need to determine the number of items of each type of tea in the range of these products, as well as the average price for each type of tea. Assortment structure indicators have natural and monetary terms certain types tea to the total amount of all types included in the assortment of tea.

Table 2.6

Tea assortment structure

In the form of a diagram, the assortment structure in the Desyatochka store can be represented as follows:

Diagram 2

The structure of the tea assortment in in kind

Diagram 3

The structure of the assortment of tea in monetary terms

The table shows that the structure of the assortment, calculated in physical terms, differs from the structure of the same assortment in monetary terms.

This is not so typical for the structure of the tea assortment: large-leaf black tea has the highest specific gravity both in kind and in monetary terms, and green tea is the smallest.

6) Rationality of the assortment

The ratio of rationality assortment is determined by the following formula:

, where

Ksh - latitude coefficient,

Kp - coefficient of completeness,

Ku - stability coefficient,

Кн – coefficient of novelty,

Вш – latitude weighting factor,

Vp - coefficient of weight of completeness,

Wu is the stability weighting factor,

Вн - coefficient of weight of novelty.

The weighting coefficient characterizes the specific share of each of the indicators in the formation of consumer preferences that affect the sale of goods. The sum of all weight coefficients is equal to 1, while:

Based on the obtained data on the study of the properties and indicators of the assortment, it is possible to develop the assortment policy of the store and plan activities for the formation of the assortment.

When calculating the assortment indicators, I got the following results:

Table 2.7


The breadth of the range of flavoring products - 0.5;

The structure of the assortment of tea in natural and monetary terms is homogeneous;

Therefore, it is possible to characterize the assortment of tea in the Desyatochka store as complete and stable, but with a low degree of renewal, that is, it rarely changes. It follows from this that the store management prefers not to introduce new names into the assortment of tea, but to sell those types of tea that are in steady demand among consumers, this is characterized by a stability coefficient.

Along with this, the assortment of tea in the store has a low rationality, but this indicator is not always objective. Perhaps its low value is due to the insufficient degree of renewal of the assortment of tea in the Desyatochka store.


Activities for the formation of the optimal range is based on the results of the study of the range, its properties and the calculation of their indicators.

The optimal assortment is a set of goods that satisfies real needs with the most useful effect for the consumer at minimal cost to bring them to the consumer.

Ways to improve the assortment policy can be developed based on the calculation of assortment indicators.

For the Desyatochka store, these figures were:

Coefficient of breadth of assortment of flavoring goods - 0.5 or 50%;

The coefficient of completeness of the assortment of tea - 0.8;

The stability coefficient of the tea assortment is 0.7;

The degree of renewal of the assortment of tea - 0.3;

The coefficient of rationality for the assortment of tea is 0.2.

Based on the calculations of the above assortment indicators, it can be concluded that the tea assortment is characterized by a fairly high completeness and stability, but a low degree of renewal and rationality.

The coefficient of rationality of the assortment of tea for the store "Desyatochka" was 0.2. This is a rather low figure, despite the fact that the range of these products is characterized by high completeness and stability. Perhaps it has low rationality due to the low degree of renewal of the assortment.

Thus, the assortment of tea in the Desyatochka store can be characterized as fairly stable, as evidenced by the high stability index and the low degree of assortment renewal. This situation is explained by the fact that the store management does not seek to introduce new types of tea into the assortment, preferring to purchase those types that are in special demand among customers. This is evidenced by the high coefficient of stability and the low coefficient of rationality of the assortment of tea in the store.

Based on the above provisions, it is possible to develop ways to improve the assortment policy in the field of forming an assortment of tea in the Desyatochka store.

Improvement of the assortment of tea should be carried out in the following areas:

Range update. It is necessary to introduce new types and names of these products into the assortment of tea in the store more often;

Carrying out work to improve the rationality of the assortment. This can be done based on a study of the needs of customers, a comparison of sales volumes of individual types of tea and the number of their items in the assortment, and also taking into account the structure of the assortment of these products.

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Each entrepreneur sets himself the main task - to build his activity in the most rational way and get the maximum economic effect from it.

Due to the commodity circulation that has developed today, most enterprises make great efforts to sell their products, i.e. intensively work in the direction of finding solvent buyers. The consumer, in turn, makes more and more new and stringent requirements for products. Trade organizations are forced to constantly satisfy the growing demands of their customers.

The most important aspect of the company's policy should be recognized as its product range - it is a well-formed assortment that allows attracting a solvent buyer and achieving the main goal of entrepreneurial activity - extracting the maximum possible profit. Because of this, the study of the assortment of a trading enterprise acquires special significance and practical value.

For the activity of the enterprise to be effective, they must be able to identify all the shortcomings of the trade, technological and organizational process and eliminate them. One of the components of this process is the formation of assortment and inventory. The economy of the enterprise depends on the incorrect formation of the assortment, which affects the product offer and consumer demand and many other factors.

As you can see, the question of ways to improve the range of goods today is very relevant, interesting, and most importantly requires special attention.

This topic is relevant because the assortment policy has not yet been fully studied, and the influence of the correct choice of this policy of the enterprise is very large to meet consumer demand and the profitability of the enterprise.


Assortment of goods - a set of their types and varieties, combined according to one or more characteristics.

Distinguish industrial and commercial assortment of goods. Industrial assortment - a range of goods produced by one branch of industry or a separate industrial enterprise. Enterprises producing such goods produce a narrow range of goods, which allows them to introduce advanced production technology, improve the range of manufactured goods, and improve their quality. The trade assortment is a range of goods to be sold in a retail distribution network. It includes a range of goods produced by many enterprises, and is divided into two commodity sectors: food and non-food products.

Each of the industries is divided into commodity groups, which include goods that are combined according to a number of criteria (homogeneity of raw materials and materials, consumer purpose, degree of complexity of the assortment).

An important feature of the classification are the special properties of goods. So, taking into account the limited timing of implementation, the need to create special storage conditions, goods are divided into perishable and non-perishable.

Taking into account the complexity of the assortment, goods of a complex and simple assortment are distinguished. Goods of a simple assortment include goods consisting of a small number of species and varieties (vegetables, table salt, laundry soap, etc.).

Goods that have an internal classification within the same type according to various characteristics (style, size, etc.) are classified as goods of a complex assortment (shoes, clothes, etc.).

Commodity groups are divided into commodity subgroups, which include goods that are homogeneous on the basis of the unity of production origin. Each subgroup consists of goods of different types. Under the type of goods understand the same goods for various purposes.

Within each type, goods may differ from each other in special characteristics (articles, varieties, etc.), i.e., they can be divided into varieties.

There are also enlarged and expanded assortments.

An enlarged assortment is goods that are combined according to common characteristics into certain aggregates (class, group, type of goods). A detailed assortment is a detail of an enlarged assortment for specific types of goods.

These two concepts, in turn, are closely related to the concept of breadth and depth of assortment. At the same time, the width of the assortment of goods is determined by the number of product groups, subgroups and product names is estimated by the latitude coefficient:

Ksh \u003d Gf / Gn,

where Gf - the number of groups of goods at the time of determination, units.

Гн - the total number of product groups, units.

The depth of the assortment - the number of varieties of goods for each item, is estimated by the depth coefficient:

Kg \u003d Rf / Rn,

where Rf - the actual number of goods at the time of verification, units.

Рн - the number of varieties provided for by the assortment list, the terms of the contract, the price list, etc., units.

Also, the main characteristics of the range are structure, completeness, stability and novelty.

The assortment structure is the percentage ratio of certain sets of products to their total.

Completeness is the correspondence of the actual availability of types of goods to the developed assortment list, the existing demand. Express the completeness of the assortment through the coefficient of completeness Kp:

Kp \u003d Kf / Kv,

where Kf - the actual number of types of goods at the time of the survey, units.

Kv - the number of species provided for by the assortment list, supply contract, standards, etc., units.

Sustainability (stability) characterizes the constant availability of goods of the corresponding type (variety) for sale:

Ku \u003d 1 - (P "f1 + R" f2 + ... + P "fn / Rn Ch N),

where P "f1, P" f2, ..., P "f n - the actual number of types (varieties) of goods from those provided by the assortment list and not on sale at the time of the check, units.

Рн - the number of varieties (types) of goods provided for by the assortment list, units.

N is the number of checks.

The stability coefficient of the assortment is determined for a specific period.

Novelty characterizes the appearance of new varieties of goods for a certain period of time:

Ko \u003d Ro / Rf,

where Ro - the number of new varieties of goods that appeared at the time of the check, units.

Rf - the average number of varieties, units.

The coefficient of novelty characterizes the degree of renewal of the assortment.


Retail commercial network- a set of retailers and other trade units located in a certain area for the purpose of selling goods and serving customers.

The assortment policy of a trading enterprise is a system of views and a set of measures for managing the assortment of goods at all levels in the interests of individual market entities and the state as a whole.

On a national scale, the assortment policy is reduced to determining the social and scientific basis of the assortment and the activation of each group of goods. At the same time, it is allowed to expand, reduce assortment positions and update the assortment on a qualitatively new basis.

Assortment policy is not something permanent. It changes as the production of goods grows, the development of wholesale and retail trade and the increase in the socio-economic level of needs.

The objectives of the assortment policy are as follows:

Satisfy consumer needs;

Effectively use the knowledge and experience of the company;

Get optimal financial results of the company;

Expand the scope of production programs in order to attract the attention of the largest number of buyers;

Expand the areas of production and services of the company;

A number of economic, social, demographic, specific and other factors influence the assortment policy in retail trade enterprises.

Economic factor: cash incomes of the population and their distribution between individual groups, the level of retail prices and their ratio between individual types and groups of goods; the degree of provision of the population with durable items.

Social factor: it includes the social and professional structure of the population served; the level of education and cultural development of people, holidays, fashion, etc.

Demographic factor: change in the population and its composition by sex, age, place of residence; the size of the family.

Specific factors have a different meaning on the assortment policy in each particular store, depending on the type and size of the store, its specialization, technical equipment, commodity supply conditions (the presence of stable sources, remoteness, type, supplier), the number and composition of the population served, transport conditions, availability other retail stores in the area of ​​activity of this store.

Conducting an assortment policy requires making decisions not only on the inclusion of new products, but also on the removal of goods from sale. Manufacturers and suppliers of goods are constantly updating the range of their products, trying to get more and more profits. The assortment is part of the retail strategy and a weapon in the competitive struggle, which implies its continuous and dynamic change. In some cases, the need to exclude a certain product from the range is quite obvious.

To conduct an assortment policy, it is necessary to make a decision not only on the inclusion of goods in the assortment list, but also on the removal of goods from sale.

Assortment policy of the store involves knowledge of the life cycles of production and sale of goods, without which it is impossible to properly manage the trade assortment. stages life cycle goods:

1. Introduction: production of the most popular and basic models that are in demand by buyers;

2. Maturity: output of all kinds of assortment;

3. Recession: the best and hottest product remains.

When determining the assortment policy, two principles are distinguished:

The principle of synergy. Goods and services are interrelated and complement each other. The scale of the firm's operations determines broad economies.

The principle of strategic flexibility. It overcomes the disadvantage by building strategic business zones and product lines that depend on different technologies, require heterogeneous economic, cultural and political conditions, balance risky and sustainable product groups, which affects the company's activities. This principle requires financial costs and is within the power of large firms.

A feature of the assortment policy is pricing, which is perceived not by economic, but sometimes by psychological perception of the buyer's price.


The formation of a product range is the development and establishment in a certain order of the range of goods that form the necessary set for trade.

The formation of the trade assortment is aimed both at the most complete satisfaction of the needs of customers, and at actively influencing demand in order to increase the level and culture of consumption, as well as to obtain the greatest profit for the enterprise.

When forming the assortment of goods, it is necessary to take into account compliance with the assortment profile established for the store, ensuring the breadth and stability of the assortment, interchangeability and complexity in the selection and purchase of goods, seasonality of demand, etc.

In each store it is impossible, and it is not economically feasible to ensure the availability of the entire trading assortment of goods, therefore, for each type of store, an optimal assortment should be formed, which would allow, on the one hand, to create best conditions for the purchase of goods, and on the other hand, would ensure the profitability of the store.

The formation of the assortment in the store begins with the selection of its assortment profile and the determination of the group assortment of goods that should be sold there. To form a specific assortment in a store, it is important to determine the intra-group assortment, that is, to establish quantitative relationships between individual subgroups of goods. This work is carried out by the stores themselves, taking into account the expected changes in the demand of the population.

When forming the assortment of goods, it is necessary to take into account that most food and a number of non-food products are consumer goods and are characterized by the frequency and constancy of demand. Therefore, a certain stability must be achieved in the formation of the assortment of such goods, ensuring their uninterrupted sale. The constant availability of a wide and stable range of goods in the store, within the limits of inventory and meeting the requirements of customers, contributes to the improvement of store performance.

An important factor in the formation of the assortment in the store is interchangeability, as well as one of the factors is the complexity in the purchase and consumption of individual food products, which requires the constant availability of products on sale that form the basis of the diet. The formation of an assortment of goods without taking into account these factors can lead to a reduction in trade turnover, a decrease in the level of trade services.

When forming an intra-group assortment, it is necessary to ensure not only stability, but also its certain flexibility.

Forming the assortment of goods, it is necessary to take into account such a factor as the seasonality of demand. The seasonality of demand for food products is related to the seasonality of agricultural production.

The basis for the formation of the assortment is the assortment list of the main groups of goods and their varieties, which should be on sale constantly. Assortment lists are developed for each store, they are periodically reviewed. The actual assortment of goods in the store is wider than the established assortment list.

Thus, when forming the assortment of goods in the store, the following principles must be observed:

Ensuring in each store a sufficient completeness of goods of frequent demand, a simple assortment, not irreplaceable and difficult to replace in consumption and demand;

Ensuring a sufficient breadth of types of goods for each group and subgroup, depending on the assortment profile of the store;

Establishment of a certain number of varieties for each type of product, depending on the product profile and area of ​​the store;

Taking into account and reflecting in the assortment the characteristics of demand in a given zone, determined by the professional and gender and age composition of the population, its purchasing power, as well as a dispute from other regions.

Based on these principles for the formation of an assortment of goods, there are factors that influence this formation:

Production (including import receipts);

Assortment profile of the store;

Shop area;

The state of its material and technical base.

The formation of the assortment, as practice shows, can be carried out various methods, depending on the scale of sales, the specifics of the products, the goals and objectives facing the manufacturer.


Improvement of the assortment policy can be carried out in the following areas: reduction, expansion, stabilization, renewal. These types of directions are interconnected and often complement each other. assortment goods shop

There are a number of reasons that may necessitate a reduction in the range: a drop in demand for a product; lack of working capital at the store; low turnover of goods; changing the format of the store (from larger to smaller), etc.

Under conditions of economic growth, the assortment is reduced, as a rule, at the expense of cheap food and non-food products. In a crisis, on the contrary, the reduction in the range is carried out at the expense of expensive, fashionable goods.

The expansion of the assortment involves quantitative and qualitative changes in the product category, aimed at increasing the indicators of the width, depth and novelty of the assortment.

There are the following reasons that determine the feasibility of expanding the range of product categories:

growth in demand for goods;

growth in production volumes of goods;

the emergence of new manufacturers of this product on the market;

high turnover of goods;

favorable economic conditions;

development of the store, its transition to a larger format, etc.

The expansion of the range can occur by updating the range while reducing the number of goods that are not in demand.

The reduction of the assortment is a quantitative and qualitative change in the state of a set of goods by reducing its breadth and completeness.

The reasons for the reduction in the range may be a drop in demand, lack of supply, unprofitability or low profitability in the sale of individual goods. For example, in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the range due to cheap food and non-food products that are unprofitable for the manufacturer and seller, but necessary for the consumer.

Assortment stabilization is the state of the assortment, which is characterized by high stability and a low degree of renewal.

In a market economy, the stabilization of the assortment is a rather rare phenomenon, since the needs of society are constantly evolving and this requires constant updating of the assortment. However, there are groups of goods that are characterized by the stabilization of the range. This is primarily an assortment of the most necessary food products, the so-called consumer goods. The range of non-food products, on the contrary, is characterized by instability, since these products (audio, video and Appliances, household chemicals, perfumes, etc.) are distinguished by constant improvement, the emergence of new products or new models of existing ones. All this leads to the fact that non-food products quickly go out of fashion, become obsolete, which leads to a constant renewal of their assortment.

Assortment renewal is understood as quantitative and qualitative changes in the range of goods, characterized by a high degree of novelty. Constantly updating its assortment, the store pursues the following goals:

growth of the competitiveness of the store (product novelties can attract new customers to the store, demonstrating an innovative type of behavior);

meeting the ever-changing needs of customers;

reflection in the range of fashion trends;

compliance with the latest achievements of science and technology, etc.

The desire of stores to constantly update their range is based on the belief that consumers perceive new products as higher quality and technically more advanced than previously produced. However, there is a certain danger in this: if a novelty product does not meet consumer expectations, this can lead to consumer dissatisfaction and an increase in distrust both in the company producing the new product and in the store offering for sale a not entirely successful novelty.

In this regard, updating the assortment is a very responsible and risky direction in improving the formation of the assortment. However, in a market economy, when competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and consumer requirements are more demanding, it is impossible to achieve success without updating the assortment. Thus, the novelty of the goods offered for sale is one of the factors of the competitiveness of a modern store.


The range of goods, its characteristics and formation plays important role in the activities of the enterprise. Getting the most profit depends on a properly formed assortment.

For the best formation of the assortment, it is necessary to take into account various factors, such as the assortment profile of the store, the zone of operation of the store, the correspondence of the assortment to the nature of the demand of the population, etc. One of the main principles for the formation of the assortment is to ensure its sustainability.

Assortment policy is a technology for forming an assortment of products depending on the needs of the market, the financial condition of the enterprise and its strategic goals. In order for the assortment policy of the enterprise not to fail, it must be constantly monitored and improved as often as possible.

Summing up, we can state that in today's market conditions, a trading enterprise, in order to withstand difficult competition and ensure a stable existence and prosperity, needs to plan, form and improve its trading assortment.

Within the framework of this essay, the concept of an assortment of goods, its characteristics and the assortment policy of a retail enterprise were considered. The procedure for the formation and ways of improving the range of goods were presented.

Thus, having studied the literary sources on this topic, analyzing the features of improving the range of goods and formulating the conclusions of the work done, the goal set by me was fully achieved.

For a deeper study of ways to improve the range of goods, it is necessary to contact specialists, conduct research, and, of course, study a huge amount of literature on this topic.


1. Abryutina M.S. Economic analysis of the commodity market and trading activities. - M.: Business and service, 2012. - 464 p.

2. Bagiev G. L., Asaul A. N. Organization of entrepreneurial activity. Proc. allowance / Ed. G.L. Bagiev. - St. Petersburg: SPbGUEF, 2010. - 231 p.

3. Bucklin, L. Retail strategy and classification of consumer goods / per. from English. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012.

4. Bragina, L. A., Danko, G. P. Trading business: economics, marketing, organization / Textbook, 2nd ed. - M.: INFRA - M., 2012 - 560s.

5. Golubkov E. P. Marketing research: theory, methodology, practice. M.: Finpress, 2008.

6. Dashkov L.P., Pambukhchiyants V.K. Commerce and Trade Technology: Textbook, 11th ed. - M.: INFRA - M., 2013. - 692 p.

7. Drucker P. Effective management. Economic tasks and optimal solutions: per. from English. - M.: FAIR-PRESS, 2010. - 288 p.

8. Ilyenkova N. D. Demand: analysis and management: Proc. allowance / Ed. I. K. Belyaevsky. - 2nd ed. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2012.

9. Levy M., Weitz B. Fundamentals of retail trade / per. from English. ed. Yu. N. Kapturevsky. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011.

10. Nikolaeva M. A. Theoretical foundations of commodity science: textbook. for universities - M.: Norma, 2010. - 448s.

11. Pambukhchiyants O.V. Organization of commercial activities. - M.: Dashkov i Ko, 2012. - 448 p.

12. Solomatin A.N. Economics and organization of a trading enterprise: Textbook, 2nd ed. - M.: INFRA-M, 2010. - 292s

13. Chkalova O. V. Trading: Textbook, 2nd ed. - Eksmo, 2010. - 320 p.

14. Dmitrichenko M.I., Zybin O.S., Kiyatova A.L. Managing the assortment of goods at the trading enterprises of the modern format // Technical and technological problems of service. - 2013. - No. 4 (26). - p.75-80.

15. Gordeev D. Assortment management in modern market conditions /D. Gordeev // Risk: resources, information, supply, competition. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 59-63.

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    The concept of the assortment of goods, the procedure for the formation of the assortment at retailers. Marketing research of consumers of dairy products. Establishing the quantitative ratio of product groups in the store, the structure of the assortment.

    term paper, added 06/22/2014

    Study of the problems and trends in the development of retail trade in the Russian Federation. Theoretical study of the foundations of the formation of the product range of the enterprise. Development of an effective assortment policy of the company and improvement of product assortment management.

    term paper, added 08/30/2011

    The study of the assortment policy of the enterprise. Standards for leather shoes and the definition of quality in accordance with them. An overview of the main factors in the formation of the range of goods, consumer demand and pricing policy. Placement and display of goods.

    term paper, added 05/20/2011

    The concept of the system of formation of the company's assortment policy. The specifics of the assortment policy on the example of Astel OJSC, a company successfully operating in the cell phone market. Development of assortment strategy, its main indicators and structure.

    thesis, added 09/08/2010

    Study of the procedure for the formation of an assortment of goods at wholesale and retail trade enterprises. Management of commodity stocks at the trade enterprise TD "Slavyansky". Overview of the main directions for improving the assortment policy of the store.

    term paper, added 04/26/2016

    Analysis of the assortment of the store in terms of the needs of the market segment. Grouping the store by life cycle stages, reviewing the leading brands of goods in order to develop proposals for improving the assortment policy of the shopping center.

Assortment optimization is the adoption of a compromise solution that best takes into account financial expectations, production and logistics capabilities and constraints, as well as the prevailing market situation.

The optimal assortment structure should ensure maximum profitability and sufficient stability of the company as a whole. In addition, there should not be too many product names. For the majority of Russian enterprises, the main optimization reserve lies in the reduction of the product range. Too much assortment has a bad effect on economic indicators: there are many positions that, in terms of sales, cannot even break even. In addition, a large assortment makes the company’s forces scattered, making it difficult to competently offer goods to the client. As a result, 5-10% of the items of goods "feed" the entire range. The exclusion from the assortment of unprofitable and low-profit goods will allow companies to increase their overall profitability by 30-50%.

It is important to correctly determine the specific weight of each commodity item in the assortment. When deciding on the structure of the assortment, it is necessary to be guided not only by considerations of economic efficiency, but also take into account strategic interests. It is important to understand that if today we reduce the share of low-margin goods, then tomorrow we will lose our customers who want to purchase all the necessary goods from one seller. Therefore, you need to balance between your own interests and the interests of customers.

In the process of assortment optimization, three main stages can be distinguished.

Stage 1. Analysis of market dynamics and demand structure. The department responsible for assortment management (usually a marketing service) initiates the optimization process at regular intervals.

The marketing department analyzes the dynamics of sales by product groups (individual products), assesses the prospects for changes in demand and competition in the segments in which the company is represented or where it is going to enter with its product. Based on the information received, marketing specialists prepare solutions for changing the assortment structure, aimed at increasing customer satisfaction, strengthening the company's competitive position and increasing market share.

Stage 2. Financial analysis of the developed proposals. The planning and economic service analyzes financial indicators for product groups or individual products and makes its conclusions about changing the structure of the assortment.

Stage 3. Approval of the final version of the assortment structure. The working group, which includes specialists from marketing, economic and other departments (production, procurement, logistics), develops and agrees on the final version of the solution to optimize the company's product range

Work to optimize the structure of the assortment is a mandatory joint activity of many specialists of the enterprise: economists, financiers, marketers, heads of sales departments, technical specialists. Such work can be organized within the framework of working groups, but it is possible to get by with regular thematic meetings without giving them official status. It is important that one specialist is responsible for the final result, preferably from the top management of the company. Who exactly to appoint to this position, each head of the enterprise decides independently, based on many factors - professional skills, loyalty, workload of a specialist, etc.

When optimizing the assortment structure, many factors must be taken into account. You need to find a solution that will be the best in terms of increasing profits, the availability of resources, increasing sales and conquering new markets. For example, marketers' plans to increase sales of a promising, in their opinion, product may be criticized by the financial service, according to whose calculations this will not lead to an adequate improvement in economic indicators, but will significantly increase the need for working capital. Or it will be concluded that a significant increase in sales of such a product can seriously reduce its quality. Such contradictions can be resolved in several ways. The most common of them is the method of expert assessments.

The formation of the optimal assortment structure within the framework of this method is reduced to determining a set of indicators that experts evaluate on a ten-point scale. As a rule, prospects, economic attractiveness of a commodity item, availability of resources are chosen as areas of analysis. The decision on the composition of indicators for each direction is made by the relevant department. For example, the indicators of the prospects of the goods are determined by the marketing department, the indicators of economic efficiency are determined by the financial service of the enterprise. For each indicator, depending on the priorities of the company, its weight is established. If the company is in a difficult financial situation, then more weight will be assigned financial indicators; if the company pays the main attention to strategic goals, more weight is assigned to indicators of prospects.

When forming the structure of the assortment, you need to be guided by three main indicators: the volume of demand, liquidity and profitability of the goods. It should be emphasized that the priority of indicators for the company is distributed in this order. Much attention is paid to the demand for goods on the market, then we analyze its liquidity. The company operates with significant amounts of borrowed funds, so it is important how soon it can receive money for the goods and pay off its obligations. And of course, you need to consider the profitability of the product.

One of the most effective indicators of assortment structure is the coverage contribution ratio.

Several levels of this indicator are calculated. The difference in the levels of contribution calculation lies in the degree to which variable costs are taken into account. When calculating the indicator of the first level, only material costs are used, the second - material and production costs. The coefficient of the contribution to the coverage is calculated monthly, it controls the state of the assortment structure. If for some product there is a tendency to reduce the value of the indicator under consideration, as a rule, work with this product is stopped.

When evaluating the financial attractiveness of a product, the following mistake is widespread - the use of the current profitability ratio as one of the indicators. The fact is that products with greater profitability do not always bring the company the greatest profit. In addition, when revising the assortment structure, a change in profitability is almost inevitable, since the adjustment of the assortment structure is usually accompanied by a revision of the pricing policy and a change in the amount of fixed costs.

After the indicators are selected, the experts from the respective departments assign them scores. Then, for each analyzed commodity item, the total score is calculated taking into account its weight, as well as the share in the total score. In accordance with the result, the assortment structure is formed.

Based on the results of the assessment of the assortment structure, it can be concluded that sales of goods should make up a certain percentage of total sales.

Another way to determine the optimal assortment structure is to use mathematical methods, in particular the linear programming method.

The technique of linear programming is successfully used in the West. Using this approach requires a number of conditions to be met, including:

Implementation of a budgeting system at the enterprise;

Unchanged production program of the month;

High level of capacity utilization;

Qualitative forecasts of the behavior of the market and suppliers.

This kind of conditions are inherent in steadily developing Russian companies.

It should be noted that the application of rigorous mathematical methods requires accurate and objective data. The advantage of using the method of expert assessments is that it allows you to take into account and evaluate non-formalizable factors, for example, the prospects of a product.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the effectiveness of assortment optimization depends on how regularly it is carried out.

The assortment structure should be reviewed about once every six months (this figure may vary depending on the industry and market dynamics), and immediately if the marketing policy changes. At the same time, too frequent revision of the assortment structure is also undesirable - it takes time to evaluate the profitability of a new assortment.

In addition, it is necessary to have a strict regulation of the revision of the assortment. It should contain the following main provisions:

The frequency of optimization of the assortment structure;

The composition of the unit responsible for the optimization of the assortment structure;

Description of the applied technique;

List of responsible persons, etc.

In addition to optimizing the existing range, it is necessary to take into account the prospects for introducing new products to the market. And already at the stage of planning a new assortment, one should take into account what impact the promotion of a new product on the market will have on the company's activities.

In general, the population in Russia is sensitive to prices. But there are segments where sensitivity to prices is much lower in comparison with consumer goods - milk, bread, vegetables, etc. it is not necessary to have the lowest prices for all positions. Those goods that are not in mass demand, for example, seasonal goods, which are sold quickly enough, can be sold at a higher price, because as a rule, the buyer does not know how much they cost from competitors, especially since competitors may not have these goods in stock. That is, you need to break the goods in the store into groups according to the speed of sales and think about whether it is worth excluding from the assortment those goods that are sold the slowest.

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Ways to improve the assortment of a trading enterprise

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the assortment

1.1 The concept of assortment, classification, types

1.2 Formation of an assortment in a trading enterprise

1.3 Assortment policy of a trade enterprise

Chapter 2. Characteristics of the enterprise

2.1 General information about the enterprise

2.2 The process of selling goods

Chapter 3

3.1 Formation of the assortment in the store "Products"

3.2 Ways to improve the assortment in the "Products" store

Chapter1 . Theoretical foundations of the assortment

1 . 1 The concept of assortmentclassification, kinds

One of the most important characteristics of goods is assortment, which determines the fundamental differences between goods of different types and names.

Assortment of goods - a set of goods formed according to certain characteristics and satisfying diverse, similar and individual needs.

The term comes from the French word "assortiment", which means a selection of different types and varieties of goods. However, in merchandising, it is customary to limit a set of goods by their names, and grades as gradations of the quality of goods of the same type and name are attributed to the assortment.

Commodity nomenclature - a list of homogeneous and heterogeneous goods of general or similar purpose.

Yes, product line foreign economic activity(TN VED) is a list of goods intended for export-import operations. The range of products subject to confirmation of conformity in terms of safety indicators is intended for the purposes of mandatory certification.

Thus, the above concepts are close to each other. What they have in common is that they are both product lists. The differences lie in the purpose: the range of goods is designed to meet the needs of consumers, the product nomenclature may have a different purpose - to regulate a certain professional activity or other area of ​​application.

Assortment classification

The range of consumer goods is divided into:

groups - by location,

subgroups - by breadth of coverage of goods,

types - according to the degree of satisfaction of needs,

varieties - according to the nature of needs.

According to the location of the goods, the assortment is industrial and commercial.

Industrial (production) range - a set of goods produced by the manufacturer based on its production capabilities.

The industrial assortment of goods from various manufacturers, including public catering enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, must be agreed with the sanitary authorities of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Trade assortment - a set of goods formed by a trade or public catering organization, taking into account its specialization, consumer demand and material and technical base.

Unlike the industrial assortment, the trade assortment includes, as a rule, goods from different manufacturers. The exception is branded stores of manufacturing organizations, whose strategy is based on the sale of goods only of a particular company. So, the trade assortment of any confectionery store includes goods manufactured by many confectionery factories, and sometimes catering establishments, bakeries that produce flour confectionery. If pastry shops do not have refrigeration equipment, then cream cakes and pastries should be excluded from their assortment.

The breadth of coverage of goods included in the assortment is determined by the number of groups, subgroups, types, varieties, brands, types, names.

Depending on the breadth of coverage of goods, the following types of assortment are distinguished: simple, complex, group, expanded, accompanying, mixed.

A simple assortment is a set of goods represented by a small number of groups, types and names that satisfy a limited number of needs.

A simple assortment is typical for stores selling everyday goods in areas where buyers with little material resources live. For example, bakery and dairy shops in working areas, rural areas.

A complex assortment is a set of goods represented by a significant number of groups, types, varieties and names of goods that satisfy a variety of needs for goods.

Such an assortment is inherent in wholesale depots and retail trade organizations such as supermarkets or department stores, focusing on customers with different demands.

Group assortment - a set of homogeneous goods, united by a common feature and satisfying similar needs.

Most often as common feature serves a functional or social purpose. For example, bakery, fruit and vegetable, dairy, shoe, clothing and other groups of goods are combined on the basis of their functional purpose, and goods for children, youth, and recreation are grouped according to their social purpose.

The group assortment is the basis of the organizational structure of many commercial enterprises. So, at non-food wholesale depots, warehouses differ in group assortment. On the same basis, different sections are created in department stores (clothing, footwear, haberdashery, etc.).

Species assortment - a set of goods of various types and names that satisfy similar needs. It is an integral part of the group assortment. For example, the assortment of milk - pasteurized, sterilized, etc. - is part of the assortment of dairy products.

Vintage assortment - a set of goods of the same type, branded names or belonging to a group of branded ones. Such goods, along with the satisfaction of physiological needs, are largely aimed at meeting social and psychological needs. These needs are met by prestigious brands of cars, clothing, shoes, perfumes, fine wines, etc.

An expanded assortment is a set of goods that includes a significant number of subgroups, types, varieties, names, including branded ones, belonging to a group of homogeneous, but differing in individual characteristics. Such an assortment, as a rule, is found in specialized stores, and the number of groups of homogeneous goods can be relatively small. So, the trade assortment of stores specializing in the sale of audio and video equipment includes three or four groups of homogeneous goods (TVs, tape recorders, video recorders), but these groups are represented by a large number of goods of different complexity classes and brands.

The accompanying assortment is a set of goods that perform auxiliary functions and are not related to the main ones for this organization. The goods of the accompanying assortment in a shoe store are shoe care items, and in a grocery store - soap, matches, and some other household goods.

Mixed assortment - a set of goods of different groups, types, names, characterized by a wide variety of functional purposes. A mixed assortment is typical for stores selling non-food and food products.

According to the degree of satisfaction of needs, a rational and optimal assortment is distinguished.

A rational assortment is a set of goods that most fully satisfies realistically justified needs that provide the maximum quality of life at a certain level of development of science, engineering and technology. The formation of a rational assortment requires taking into account a large number of factors and indicators, many of which are quite variable. These factors include real needs, which depend on the standard of living of the population, the achievements of scientific and technological progress and other features of the external environment. In turn, many of these factors directly affect changes in the rational assortment. For example, the achievements of scientific and technological progress stimulate the development of new products and create new needs. This is clearly manifested in the formation of a rational assortment of household appliances.

The optimal assortment is a set of products that meets real needs with the most useful effect for the consumer at minimal cost for their design, development of production and bringing to consumers. Goods of the optimal assortment are characterized by increased competitiveness. The criterion for classifying goods as an optimal assortment can be the coefficient of optimality (Ko), which is calculated for a specific product using the formula

K op \u003d E p / Z

where Ep is the beneficial effect of the consumption of the product when it is used by the consumer for its intended purpose, rub.;

3 - costs for design, development, production, bringing to the consumer, rub.

Useful effect (Ep) is the benefit that a consumer can receive if the product is used correctly, minus the costs of its acquisition, operation, storage, repair and disposal. For example, the beneficial effect of using a household refrigerator is calculated by the cost of the products stored in it, saving time and money with large purchases of goods for personal consumption, minus the costs of buying a refrigerator, its operation (electricity consumption, etc.), repair and disposal of a worn-out refrigerator. equipment.

The above calculation takes into account mainly the functional purpose of goods and the economic effect of consumption, but does not take into account the social effect. This calculation is applicable mainly to non-food items and is not applicable to food products, as it is not possible to quantify the health benefits received by the consumer in monetary terms.

In this regard, it should be noted that a rational and optimal assortment characterizes mainly its qualitative side.

Depending on the nature of the needs, the assortment can be real, predictable and educational.

Real assortment - the actual set of goods available in specific organization manufacturer or seller.

The predicted assortment is a set of goods that will have to satisfy the expected needs.

Educational assortment - a list of goods, systematized according to certain scientifically based features in order to achieve educational goals.

Assortment properties and indicators

The property of the assortment is a specific feature of the assortment, which manifests itself during its formation.

The assortment indicator is a quantitative expression of the properties of the assortment, while the number of types and names of goods is subject to measurement.

The breadth of the assortment - the number of types, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups.

This property is characterized by two absolute indicators - the actual and base latitude, as well as a relative indicator - the latitude coefficient.

Actual latitude (Shd) - the actual number of types, varieties and names of goods available (d).

Base latitude (Wb) - latitude taken as a basis for comparison. The number of types, varieties and names of goods regulated by normative or technical documents(standards, price lists, catalogs, etc.), or the maximum possible. The choice of criteria for determining the base latitude indicator is determined by the objectives. For example, when analyzing the assortment policy of competing stores, the maximum list of goods available in all surveyed stores.

Latitude factor (Ksh) is expressed as the ratio of the actual number of species, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups to the base one.

Latitude can serve as an indirect indicator of the saturation of the market with goods: the greater the breadth, the greater the saturation. Latitude indicators are applied depending on the saturation of the market, as well as on the state of demand. In conditions of shortage, when demand exceeds supply, it is more profitable for the manufacturer and seller to have a narrow range of goods, since a large latitude requires additional costs for the development and production of new goods. In addition, the production of a variety of goods requires more extensive purchases of raw materials, expansion of production facilities, new types of packaging, and labeling. In trade, for a wide range of products, additional floor space is required for displaying goods, in addition, transportation costs increase.

In a saturated market, manufacturers and retailers strive to meet a variety of needs. When demand exceeds supply, commercial efforts are required to create consumer preferences, which is achieved, among other means, by increasing the breadth of the assortment. Breadth acts as one of the criteria for the competitiveness of firms.

Thus, for manufacturers and sellers, expanding the range is a measure that is more forced than desirable.

What is the attitude of the consumer to the breadth of the range? On the one hand, the wider the range, the more varied needs can be met. On the other hand, with an ultra-high breadth of assortment, it is difficult for the consumer to navigate in this variety, which makes it difficult to choose the right product. Therefore, breadth cannot serve as the only indicator of the rationality of the assortment.

Completeness of the range - the ability of a set of goods of a homogeneous group to satisfy the same needs.

Completeness is characterized by the number of types, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group. Completeness scores can be real or baseline.

Actual completion rate characterized by the actual number of types, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group, and the base - by the regulated or planned number of goods

Completeness factor (K p) - the ratio of the actual completeness indicator to the base one.

The indicators of the completeness of the assortment are of the greatest importance in a saturated market. The greater the completeness of the assortment, the higher the likelihood that consumer demand for goods of a certain group will be satisfied.

The increased completeness of the assortment can serve as a means of stimulating sales and satisfying a variety of needs due to different tastes, habits and other factors.

At the same time, increasing the completeness of the assortment requires trade workers to know the commonality and differences in the consumer properties of goods of different types, varieties and names in order to inform consumers about them. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer and/or supplier to communicate such information to the seller.

It should be noted that an excessive increase in the completeness of the assortment can also make it difficult for the consumer to choose, so the completeness should be rational.

Range sustainability - the ability of a set of goods to satisfy the demand for the same goods. A feature of such goods is the presence of a steady demand for them.

Stability factor - the ratio of the number of types, varieties and names of goods that are in steady demand among consumers (Shu) to the total number of types, varieties and names of goods of the same homogeneous groups (Shd).

Sometimes sustainability is associated with the period during which goods of certain types, varieties and names are in the sale. In this case, the stability of the assortment may depend, firstly, on the presence of stable demand and constant replenishment of inventories for these goods; secondly, the absence or insufficiency of demand for goods that are stale in warehouses and counters; thirdly, discrepancies between commodity stocks and the possibilities of selling goods. Therefore, the timing of the sale of goods as indicators of the stability of the assortment cannot be used in determining the rationality of the assortment.

Identifying products that are in steady demand requires marketing research methods of observation and analysis of documentary data on the receipt and sale of various goods.

Consumers of sustainable products can be characterized as "conservative in tastes and habits". After evaluating a certain product name, they do not change their preferences for a long time.

Manufacturers and sellers most often seek to expand the number of products that are in steady demand. However, it should be borne in mind that tastes and habits change over time, so the sustainability of the assortment must be rational.

The novelty (updating) of the assortment is the ability of a set of goods to satisfy changing needs through new goods.

Novelty is characterized by a real update - the number of new products in the general list (N) and the degree of update (Kn), which is expressed through the ratio of the number of new products to the total number of product names (or actual breadth).

Renewal is one of the directions of the assortment policy of the organization, it is carried out, as a rule, in a saturated market. However, even in a saturated market, updating the assortment may be the result of a shortage of raw materials, production capacities necessary for the production of previously produced goods.

The reasons that prompt the manufacturer and seller to update the range are: replacement of obsolete goods that are not in demand; development of new products of improved quality in order to stimulate their purchase by the consumer; design and development of new products that had no analogues before; expanding the range by increasing the completeness to create a competitive advantage for the organization.

The consumers of new products are the so-called "innovators", whose needs often change due to the desire to experience the novelty of objects. Often, new products satisfy not so much physiological as psychological and social needs.

Assortment structure characterized by the specific share of each type and/or product name in the total set.

Indicators of the assortment structure can have natural or monetary terms and are relative. They are calculated as the ratio of the number of individual products to the total quantity of all products included in the assortment.

The structure of the assortment refers to the real or predicted assortment and is not applicable to the training assortment, as it shows the relationship between the individual structural elements of the assortment through their quantitative ratio.

When regulating the assortment structure, one should take into account the economic benefits of the enterprise in the case of the predominance of expensive or cheap goods, the cost recovery for their delivery, storage and sale, as well as the solvency of the consumer segment that the trade organization focuses on.

The choice of indicators of the assortment structure in one expression or another is determined by analytical purposes. If it is necessary to determine the need for storage space, as well as the area for displaying goods, then analyze the structure of the assortment in physical terms. When analyzing the profitability of certain types of goods, the structure of the assortment in monetary terms is taken into account.

Assortment minimum (list) - the minimum allowable number of types of consumer goods that determine the profile of a retail trade organization.

In conditions of deficit, this indicator was used to check the work of stores. As the market became saturated with goods, it seemed that the need for this indicator disappeared. However, during privatization, many trading enterprises changed their profile or real assortment, excluding cheap everyday goods from it.

The assortment list is approved by the authorities local government. It includes two or three types of consumer goods from each group, defining the profile of a trade organization. Failure to comply with it is considered a violation of the rules of trade.

Rationality of the assortment - the ability of a set of goods to most fully satisfy the really justified needs of different segments of consumers.

rationality coefficient - weighted average value of the rationality indicator, taking into account the real values ​​of the indicators of breadth, completeness, sustainability and novelty, multiplied by the corresponding weighting coefficients.

When determining the ratio of the rationality of the assortment, all of the above indicators should be taken into account, taking into account the degree of significance or weight coefficient (c) for each indicator. The weighting coefficients are determined by an expert, they characterize the specific share of the indicator in the formation of consumer preferences that affect the sale of goods. The complexity of their calculation lies in the fact that there are no common weight coefficients for all or at least for a group of goods. They are specific to each product.

With a certain degree of reliability, the coefficient of rationality may indicate a rational assortment. The probable error shows the difference between the needs assumed in the formation of the assortment (predicted assortment) and the real ones, supported by consumer demand.

The harmony of the assortment - a property of a set of goods of different groups, characterizing the degree of their proximity in ensuring the rational distribution of goods, sale and / or use.

The group assortment and its varieties are distinguished by the greatest harmony, the mixed assortment is the least harmonious.

Harmony provides a qualitative characteristic of the assortment and is not measured quantitatively, as a result of which this property is descriptive.

The desire for harmony in the formation of the assortment is expressed in the specialization of the store or its individual sections. The advantages of a harmonious assortment include the lowest costs for the manufacturer and seller for delivery, storage, sale, and for the consumer - for the search and purchase of goods that are similar in purpose or complement each other.

1 . 2 Formation of assortment in a trading enterprise

The purpose of the organization in the field of assortment is the formation of a real and predicted assortment, as close as possible to the rational one, to meet a variety of needs and obtain the planned profit.

Activities aimed at achieving the rationality of the assortment, forms the management of the assortment.

The fundamental elements of management are the formation of the assortment and the establishment of the level of requirements for indicators that determine the rationality of the assortment.

The formation of the assortment includes the activity of compiling a set of goods that allows you to meet real or predicted needs, as well as achieve goals defined by the organization's management. The formation of the assortment is based on pre-selected goals and objectives of a particular organization. This determines the assortment policy of the organization, i.e. goals, objectives and main directions of assortment formation, set by its management.

The main directions of the assortment formation.

Such directions can be: reduction, expansion, stabilization, renewal, improvement, harmonization. These areas are interrelated, largely complement each other and are determined by a number of factors.

Reducing the range - quantitative and qualitative changes in the state of a set of goods by reducing its breadth and completeness.

The reasons for the reduction in the range may be a drop in demand, lack of supply, unprofitability or low profitability in the production and / or sale of individual goods. For example, in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the range due to cheap food and non-food products that are unprofitable for the manufacturer and seller, but necessary for the consumer.

Expansion of the assortment - quantitative and qualitative changes in the set of goods by increasing the indicators of breadth, completeness and novelty.

The reasons contributing to the expansion of the range are the increase in supply and demand, the high profitability of production and / or sales of goods. Thus, the current state of the Russian consumer market is characterized by the expansion of the range due to imported goods, as well as goods made on the basis of foreign technologies.

The expansion of the assortment, along with an increase in the mass of goods, is one of the most important conditions for saturating the market with goods. At the same time, this direction of the assortment policy does not exclude other directions that complement it, giving it new aspects. Thus, the expansion of the range can occur due to its renewal while reducing the share of goods that are not in demand. The expansion of the range due to imported goods is associated with a reduction in the range of domestic goods, as well as with a decrease in their production in general.

Assortment stabilization - the state of a set of goods, characterized by high stability and a low degree of renewal. This is a rather rare condition of the assortment, inherent in the main assortment of food products of daily demand. The range of non-food products is characterized by a high degree of change under the influence of fashion, scientific and technological progress and other factors.

Range renewal - qualitative and quantitative changes in the state of a set of goods, characterized by an increase in the novelty indicator

The reasons for choosing this direction can be: the need to meet new, constantly changing needs; the desire to increase competitiveness; the desire of manufacturers and sellers to stimulate demand by encouraging consumers to buy more and more new products; fashion changes; achievement of scientific and technological progress.

This direction is based on the widespread belief of consumers who believe that new products are better than previously released ones. However, this is not always the case, because the quality of new products can be worse, worse than already known ones. In such cases, the consumer, realizing this, may experience a feeling of disappointment, dissatisfaction, distrust of new products in general, as well as to the manufacturer or seller.

Therefore, updating the assortment is a very responsible direction and its formation is associated with a significant risk for all subjects of market relations. At the same time, in a competitive environment, it is impossible to do without updating, since the novelty of goods is one of the most important criteria for the competitiveness of manufacturers and sellers.

Improvement of the assortment - these are quantitative and qualitative changes in the state of a set of goods to increase its rationality. The targeted approach to the formation of an improved rational assortment is the main distinguishing feature of this direction. At the same time, scientifically based rational needs should be taken into account, as well as the requirements of society: the protection of the natural environment, the use of the achievements of scientific and technological progress to maximize the quality of life.

One of the ways to improve the assortment can be its renewal. However, renewal is not always associated with improving the quality of goods and the greatest satisfaction of needs. New products may have minor differences from products previously produced and withdrawn from sale (for example, changes in packaging, labeling, weight, price, brand name). Moreover, sometimes cheaper raw materials and simplified technologies are used in the production of new goods, which is associated with a decrease in quality. Therefore, improvement and renewal cannot be considered the same directions for the formation of the assortment.

Range harmonization - quantitative and qualitative changes in the state of a set of goods, reflecting the degree of proximity of the real assortment to the optimal one or to the best foreign and domestic analogues, most fully corresponding to the goals of the organization.

In the Russian consumer market, this direction of assortment formation is relatively new and is expressed in the desire of a number of elite stores to form an assortment on the model of well-known foreign firms. It is also typical for large firms, corporations, joint-stock companies having subsidiaries in different regions (country, world) or city districts.

Range formation factors

The choice of one direction or another requires knowledge of the factors influencing the formation of the assortment. There are general and specific factors of assortment formation.

General factors influencing the formation of industrial and commercial assortment are demand and profitability.

Demand is the determining factor in the formation of the assortment; in turn, it depends on the consumer segment.

The profitability of production and sales is determined by the cost, production and distribution costs, the size of which is influenced by government measures to support domestic manufacturers (preferential taxation, customs tariffs, etc.). Thus, the formation of the range of alcoholic products in recent years is largely determined by measures for the state regulation of its production and sale.

The specific factors in the formation of the industrial assortment are the raw materials and material and technical base of production, the achievement of scientific and technological progress, the trade assortment - the production capabilities of manufacturers, the specialization (class and type) of the trade organization, distribution channels, methods of sales promotion and demand formation, the material and technical base of the trade organizations.

Raw material base of production organizations is determined by the availability of natural resources, the state of the mining and processing industry that produces raw materials, semi-finished products and components, as well as the costs of production and delivery of raw materials. The insufficiency or laboriousness of the extraction, collection or cultivation of certain types of raw materials leads to a reduction in the range of relevant goods.

Thus, the remoteness of growing areas, the high labor intensity of collecting certain types of wild berries led to a reduction in the range of products produced on natural raw materials, and their replacement with products based on synthetic food additives that mimic the taste, smell and color of berries (for example, soft drinks).

Material and technical base of commodity production wa also has a significant impact on the formation of the assortment. Lack of production space, lack or shortage of the necessary equipment lead to the fact that the range of goods in demand may be reduced. The consequences of this are excessive demand, rising prices and the replacement of scarce goods with counterfeit ones. It is precisely because of the lack of production resources, along with low profitability, that the range of high-quality grape wines has decreased, but the range of their fakes or low-quality products has expanded.

Achievements of scientific and technological progress - a powerful incentive to update the range of consumer goods. The development of fundamentally new products that had no analogues before, as well as products of high quality, is possible mainly due to the development of science, engineering and technology. For example, with the help of such progressive technologies as aseptic sterilization, freeze-drying, fundamentally new types of canned products have appeared. The discovery of semiconductors revolutionized the range of radio products.

Trade organization specialization refers to the most significant factors in the formation of the range of goods. It is determined when creating, or licensing, or attesting an organization. The management of the organization decides on specialization, on which its subsequent activities depend, including the formation of a trading range.

During the period of transition to market relations, many trade organizations, experiencing great financial difficulties, made changes to their assortment policy by including unusual goods in the trade assortment, without changing their profile. Many specialty stores have been converted into mixed-stock stores. However, as experience has shown recent years, great success many of them did not. At the present stage, there is a tendency to return to the specialization of trade organizations and the formation of an appropriate assortment.

Product distribution channels are also important in the formation of the trade assortment. A well-established supply system through distribution channels acceptable for trade, the rhythm of delivery at the right time and in the required volume facilitate the work on the formation of a trading assortment, provide preference for the purchase of goods for which there is an established sales system. This distinguishes many foreign or joint forms that have well-functioning channels for the distribution of goods.

Sales promotion and demand generation methods, in particular, advertising support for goods, in a saturated market, also influences the formation of a trading assortment. Trade organizations are freed from expensive advertising costs, thereby reducing production costs and increasing profits.

Material and technical base of a trade organization can also have a certain impact on the formation of the trade assortment. If the company does not have warehouses that ensure the safety of goods in proper conditions, or sales floor space for displaying goods of a complex or expanded assortment, then the organization should not even plan the formation of such an assortment. For example, you can not include perishable or frozen food in the assortment in the absence of refrigeration equipment.

The regulation of the above factors is the essence of assortment management and is achieved through the establishment of certain regulatory requirements.

Regulatory framework for the formation of an assortment of goods

An important role in assortment management is played by regulatory and technological documents that regulate the basic breadth, completeness of the assortment and the requirements for a rational assortment.

The list of types and names of assortment groups of homogeneous goods that make up the basic breadth and completeness of the assortment is established in the standards for products of different categories (GOST, OST, STP) and technical conditions (TU). In these normative documents the first section is called Classification and Assortment, or Assortment, or Species. In addition, some standards may provide a brief description of types and varieties of goods.

Along with the standards, the range of goods is given in catalogs, price lists and price lists, which are compiled by manufacturers or trade organizations. These documents perform a dual function, informing consumers about the assortment and cost characteristics of goods.

Catalogs are widely distributed abroad, which are developed at the state and company levels. In our country, work is also underway to create a unified state catalog. After the release of such a catalog, a technological document will appear containing the full range of Russian goods, which can be taken as a base indicator of latitude.

At present, a number of publications containing lists of domestic goods in various sectors of the national economy have already been published in Russia.

1 . 3 Assortment policy of a trading enterprise

Assortment policy - the definition of a set of product groups, the most preferable for successful work on the market and providing economic efficiency activities of the enterprise as a whole.

Tasks of assortment policy

1. customer satisfaction is one of the basic principles of marketing, which corresponds to the task of deep market segmentation and differentiation and provides a close relationship with consumers;

2. optimal use of technological knowledge and experience of the enterprise;

3. optimization of the financial results of the enterprise - The formation of the assortment is based on the expected profitability and profit margin, which is more common in the practice of enterprises, but can be justified in a difficult financial situation, lack of alternatives, etc.;

4. win new customers by expanding the scope of the existing production program. This approach is quite conservative, as it is designed for short-term results and involves lengthening the life cycle of obsolete publications by finding new markets;

5. adherence to the principles of flexibility by diversifying the areas of activity of the enterprise in the printing industry and including non-traditional industries in them;

6. observance of the principle of synergy, which implies the expansion of the areas of production and services of the enterprise, interconnected by a certain technology, a single qualification of personnel and other logical dependence.

A wide range of manufactured products strengthens the company's market position and expands sales.

The assortment policy determines the optimal ratio of a set of publications that are different in terms of life cycle stages, but at the same time are on the market. Optimization of the range of publications that are simultaneously on the market, but differ in the degree of novelty, makes it possible to guarantee the printing industry enterprise relatively stable general terms and Conditions ensuring sales volumes, covering costs and achieving profits.

Assortment strategy can also be built in the following areas:

Commodity differentiation is associated with the allocation by the enterprise of its publications as special, different from the publications of competitors, and the provision of separate "niches" of demand for them;

Narrow product specialization is determined by the work of the enterprise in a rather narrow segment of the market and is associated with a limitation in the scope of sales of products for a number of reasons. Sometimes narrow specialization as a variant of product policy is perceived as a forced measure, since the enterprise does not have sufficient resources to carry out successful work on a wide range of product nomenclature or due to the specifics of the product itself, as well as the features of the technological process. The reason may be the deep segmentation of the market of this publication. In some cases, the policy of narrow product specialization is optimal for the efficient operation of a small enterprise or when an enterprise periodically changes its narrow specialization, using it to develop new markets or adapting to the changing nature of demand;

The desire and preference of buyers to purchase a large number of product names of one enterprise;

Optimal sales of the distribution network of several types of products at the same time;

Development of trade on special orders of individual consumers, providing for the individual manufacture of products with specified properties and characteristics;

The desire to avoid the presence of unused or unloaded capacities at the expense of the production of other, additional types of products;

The desire to use by-products to produce new products and improve the overall efficiency of the enterprise.

The commodity policy of the enterprise requires a change if there is excess production capacity for a long period; the main profit is given by two or three types of products; there are not enough types of products that correspond to market opportunities and the volume of demand; The company's sales and profits are constantly declining.

Of great importance is the choice of the range of products, which would allow the enterprise of the printing industry to increase sales revenue and, accordingly, profit.

The essence of product range planning is defined as the planning of all activities aimed at selecting products for future production and at bringing the technical, functional and aesthetic properties of these products to the most full compliance with the requirements of potential consumers.

Chapter 2teak enterprise

2.1 General information about the enterprise

The investigated store "Products" is located at the address of the store is engaged in trading activities for the sale of food products. It is mixed, serving a contingent of buyers with different levels of income, but mainly focused on buyers with an average level of income. The store is open in winter from 9 00 to 20 00, in summer from 8 30 to 22 00, without breaks and days off, sanitary day is the last day of the month.

The mode of operation of this trading enterprise is well thought out, because it allows the residents of this microdistrict, i.e. potential buyers, make purchases at a convenient time for them. The total area of ​​the enterprise is 120 sq.m. There are storage rooms. The area of ​​the trading floor is 100 sq.m. The shape of the trading floor has a rectangular configuration with an aspect ratio of 1:2. This form is convenient, because it allows you to rationally place commercial equipment, organize the process of supplying goods to the trading floor, and provide for the movement of customer flows. The entire area of ​​the trading floor is divided into:

Area for placement of commercial equipment;

The movement of buyers;

Displays of goods;

Vendor area.

Workplaces of sellers are located closer to the utility rooms. The equipment in the trading floor is located along the walls and is called a linear layout.

The use of trade and technological equipment in the store is associated with its total area, the layout of the main premises, the characteristics of the goods, the supply system, and the form of sale.

In the trading floor, wall-mounted equipment, counters, showcases, refrigerated display cases are used. In utility rooms, the following equipment is used: storage boxes for storing packaged goods (bags, boxes), racks for storing unpacked goods, hangers for storing food products.

All commercial and technical equipment used in the store meets economic, ergonomic, aesthetic, technical, sanitary and hygienic requirements. The store has 2 sales assistants on a weekly basis

Works every shift:

1 seller,

1 loader,

1 working,

1 manager

The staffing is compiled taking into account the throughput of sellers. The division of labor on a functional basis between store employees is carried out, first of all, along the line of separation of management functions, as well as the separation of the main work (customer service) from the auxiliary one. On a functional basis, the entire store staff is divided into the following groups of workers:

Administrative and managerial personnel;

Trade and operational personnel;

Service staff.

We can assume that the store's operating mode is the most optimal. Since when compiling it, the main factors that determine the mode of operation of the store were taken into account: the volume of customer flows in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits activity, their distribution during the day, provides for the most convenient opening and closing hours for the population, the contingent of customers, the opening hours of neighboring stores. The management of the store also pays great attention to activities that ensure an optimal microclimate in the retail, utility, administrative and amenity premises of the store. The main elements favorable for work are: temperature, (air conditioning is installed in the store); lighting, clean air, absence of noise, maintenance of premises and workplaces in a condition that meets sanitary and hygienic standards and aesthetic requirements.

2.2 The process of selling goods

The basis of the commercial activity of a retail trade enterprise in the consumer market is the process of selling goods. The economic content of this process reflects the turnover, which is one of the main economic indicators of the enterprise.

Turnover - is expressed in the amount of cash receipts for the goods sold.

Gross income is the difference between the cash proceeds from the sale of goods and their purchase price.

Distribution costs are the costs of bringing goods to consumers, expressed in monetary terms.

Table 1. Economic indicators of trading activity, thousand rubles



Turnover, amount

Gross income, amount

Distribution costs, amount

Profit from the sale of goods, amount

Profitability level

Non-operating income (profit)

non-operating expenses

balance sheet profit

Let us analyze in Table 1 the economic indicators of the trading activities of the Produkty store for 2005-2006.

The financial performance of the Produkty store for 2006 was as follows:

Goods turnover -646 700 rub.

Profit -31 800 rub.

Thus, it can be noted that the presence of profit indicates that the store is a profitable enterprise, and the goods sold due to (quality and prices formed for it) are competitive.

Let's make calculations for 2005-2006 and reflect the results in Table 2

Calculations for 2005

Tot. economy Profitability \u003d profit / t \ ​​turnover * 100% \u003d 39.1 / 335.7 * 100 \u003d 11.6

Gross profit ratio \u003d IA / t \ ​​turnover \u003d 67.14 / 335.7 \u003d 0.2

Return on current costs \u003d profit / costs * 100% \u003d 39.1 / 176.7 * 100% \u003d 22.1

The level of distribution costs \u003d i \ o / t \ ​​turnover * 100% \u003d 176.7 / 335.7 * 100 \u003d 52.6

T\turnover per worker \u003d t\turnover / person \u003d 335.7 / 5 \u003d 67.1

Profit per worker = Profit/person = 39.1 / 5=7.8

Calculations for 2006

Tot. economy Profitability \u003d profit / t \ ​​turnover * 100% \u003d 31.8 / 646.7 * 100 \u003d 4.91

Gross profit ratio \u003d IA / t / turnover \u003d 435.8 / 646.7 \u003d 0.67

Return on operating costs \u003d profit / costs * 100% \u003d 31.8 / 328.7 * 100% \u003d 9.6

The level of distribution costs \u003d i \ o / t \ ​​turnover * 100% \u003d 328.7 / 646.7 * 100 \u003d 50.8

T\turnover per employee \u003d t\turnover / person \u003d 646.7 / 5 \u003d 129.3

Profit per employee = Profit / person = 31.8 / 5 = 6.3

Table 3. Characteristics of the main suppliers of the "Products" store

Supplier name

Type of ownership

Phone number

Mailing address

Product delivery method

Form and terms of settlements

The range of products supplied



Vokzalnaya street 116

Supplier transport

Candies, cookies

"Red October"


2nd Pochepskaya st., 35 a


Cashless payment, deferred payment

Chocolate, candies



Tukhachevsky street


Fish products, vegetable oil, chips, concentrated soups

"Bezhitsky bakery"

Bryansk, Ulyanova st., 60

Supplier transport

Cashless payment, deferred payment

Bakery products.

"Bryansk Dairy Plant"

Bryansk, street 50th army d 26

Supplier transport

Cashless payment, deferred payment

Dairy products: milk, kefir, yogurt

"Bryansk Meat Processing Plant"


Tukhachevsky street


Cash upon purchase

Sausages, delicacies, canned meat, semi-finished products



2 Garage lane

Supplier transport

Tobacco products and related products



Kromskaya st.

Supplier transport

Cash with deferred payment

Sugar, flour, cereal


Bryansk st. Oleg Koshevoy, 34-d

Supplier transport

Cash with deferred payment

Wine products

Bryansk Vodka, Trading House

Bryansk, Tukhachevsky street, 6

Supplier transport

Cash with deferred payment

Liqueur and vodka products

The selection of suppliers was carried out according to the following criteria:

· Product quality

Minimum lot of delivery

The distance from the buyer's site to the supplier

And also according to the indicators already presented in table 2., namely:

・Product delivery method

Form and terms of settlements

Table 4. Composition and structure of distribution costs



Growth rate, %

Conditionally variable costs, total



Expenses for storage and preparation of goods for sale

Labor costs

Deductions from payroll

Semi-fixed costs, total:



Expenses for the maintenance and current repair of fixed assets

Table 3 shows that during 2005 - 2006. the structure of costs is dominated by semi-fixed costs, their value in 2006 amounted to 193.6 thousand rubles, which is 83% more than in 2005.

Conditionally variable costs also increase, amounting to 135.1 thousand rubles in 2006, which is 64.3 thousand rubles. or 91% more than in 2005.

There is an increase in all items of expenditure, with deductions from the payroll growing at the fastest pace.

Tab. 5 Range of products sold



Butter animal

Starodubskoye, Milgrad, Kurskoye


Servelat "grainy", s/c "home", s/c "new", "Favorite", Sausages "home", Sausages "milk"

"Maheev with lemon juice", Provencal, Maca, Mr. Rico

Starodubsky, Russian, Amber, Peshekhonsky, Omichka,

Vegetable oil

Golden seed, Olena, Milora

Canned fish

"Mackerel in own juice", "Sardine", "Herring nat. Pacific", "Saury" natural., Horse mackerel natural. With d \ m "Golden Harpoon"

Canned meat

Beef stew, Goose liver pate, Pork stew

Homemade, selected

Smoked fish

Mackerel, pink salmon herring

Milk, dairy products

Milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt

Ice cream

Cheburashka, Plombir, Lakomka, My Bunny


Roll "Fabulous" apricot, Roll "Fairytale" creme brulee, Mini-rolls "Master of Dessert" cherry, Shock. Bogatyr in assortment

Wheat, rye

Millet, semolina, barley

"May", "Princess Noori", "Monarch", "Lipton", "Akbar"

Bay leaf, black and red ground pepper, dried parsley

Canned fruit

Apricot halves in syrup, sliced ​​tangerines, pineapple pieces

Canned vegetables

Assorted (tomatoes and cucumbers), squash caviar, sweet corn, green peas.

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