Equipment for automobile production. Production equipment

Automotive glass represents a special category of products, as they are subject to increased demands in terms of strength and safety.

This article will consider triplex glass, since they are the most widely used in modern vehicles Oh.

Despite the complexity of the process and the fact that the equipment for the production of automobile glass of this type is quite expensive, many enterprises are engaged in the production of such products.

Equipment for the production of triplex automotive glass

Triplex glass is a relatively new phenomenon, replacing tempered glass. When creating it, two or more glasses are used, between which there is an additional layer of a special film or substance.

Moreover, the fragile materials themselves can be of completely different types:

  • ordinary;

  • hardened;

  • tinted.

Combining them allows you to give triplex glass a variety of properties.

The layer between the glasses provides the entire sheet better stability to external damage. In general, triplex materials have the following properties:

  1. Safety. Such glass cracks when mechanically damaged, but does not fly into fragments. This ensures the safety of passengers in the event of an accident.

  2. Variability. Depending on the glass used, triplex can combine their properties: tinting, strength, transparency.

  3. Reliability. The film-reinforced design of this glass allows it to withstand greater loads than any other type.

All the above factors are the reason why triplex glass is used for windshields, side and rear windows of cars.

Necessary equipment for the production of automobile glass

Up to a certain stage, the equipment for the production of automobile glass is completely identical to that used for the production of ordinary or tempered glass sheets:

  • batch dispensers;

  • feed conveyors;

  • enclaves;

  • ovens;

  • molding equipment.

However, after this it becomes necessary to connect all the sheets of glass using a polymer film or laminating liquid.

Depending on the type of fastening, use:

  1. Laminating oven in the case of the film method. It is important to note that this method is not suitable for triplex of three or more glasses: when the outer layer is ready, the inner one will not even melt yet.

  2. Illumination chamber in case of special solutions. Since glue is actually used, which hardens under the influence of UV radiation, it is enough to place the glass under UV lamps of the required power.

Equipment for the production of automobile glass is quite expensive, so their disadvantages should also be taken into account.

The disadvantages of a laminating oven include the fact that it consumes a huge amount of electricity and is not suitable for creating triplex glass of three or more layers.

An illumination chamber will require more space and regular checking of UV lamps, however, it is less expensive in terms of resource consumption.

Features and technologies for the production of automobile glass using special equipment

Probably, many car owners were interested in a similar question: how is car glass produced?

After all, every day when faced with the need to see through the windshield, willy-nilly you will think about its origin. But it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

In fact, car windows have passed long haul development and improvement - from fragile and dangerous pieces of glass in the car frame to modern durable and safe machine parts.

Materials for the production of automobile glass

In the modern automotive industry, quartz glass is used for glass production.

It includes the following components:

  • quartz sand 72%;

  • sodium oxide 14%;

  • quicklime 10%;

  • periclase 4%.

Quartz sand is used in the production of automobile glass as a base and gives the glass strength and heat resistance.

Sodium oxide is added to reduce viscosity and melting point, and to make the material harder. Chemical resistance is increased by lime and periclase.

Automotive glass production technology

To obtain windshields with a high-quality optical component and a glossy surface, a new float technology for the production of automotive glass is used. According to this method, a mass of liquid glass should be poured onto hot tin and solidify on it. In this way, special glass blanks are obtained.

To protect the workpieces from sticking, a layer of liquid with rubber talc is applied to them.

Using special bending machines, the workpieces are given the correct shape. Then comes the tempering of single glasses. This procedure makes them stronger and less susceptible to temperature changes, reducing the chance that they will burst or crack.

Vinyl film is used in the manufacture of windshields. It is used to laminate two blanks. In order for the glass to become transparent, they are pressed with a press, squeezing out all the air. Then comes autoclave processing.

The resulting glass consists of three layers called triplex. The main advantage of such glass is its behavior when destroyed. It does not shatter into fragments, but simply cracks and remains on the polyvinyl butyral film.

There is also the production of heated car windows. Using screen printing, special conductors are placed on the windshield.

To protect against external environment and increasing power they are galvanized. This treatment protects windows from freezing and fogging.

To laminate glass, tiny heating threads are used, which are applied in wavy lines to the film. They are combined into parallels. This connection gives the desired thermal effect of 3-5 W per square decimeter.

When cleaning heated glass, it is better not to use abrasive or caustic agents, as this may damage the conductive element.

To increase the thermal insulation properties of products, they are painted bronze. This gives the glass the ability to reflect infrared radiation. At the same time total quantity the light entering the car is reduced by 10%.

Modern equipment for the production of automobile glass at the exhibition

The glass industry is progressing and creating more and more new ways to improve the quality of glass for cars. Makes them stronger, more durable, safe and functional.

You can look at the achievements in this area at the largest international specialized exhibition of the glass industry of the CIS and Eastern Europe "World of Glass", which will take place at the Expocentre Fairgrounds in Moscow. There you can find answers to any questions regarding the production and processing of glass products, as well as see examples of equipment for the production of automotive glass.

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At least after every 10 thousand mileage, a driver who takes care of his car changes the air filter. Thus, we can conclude that this is a product for which there will always be demand. The production technology is simple, and the equipment for the production of filters for cars is relatively inexpensive, which attracts entrepreneurs who want to master this line of business.

Air filter functions

The main task of a car air filter is to clean the air entering the engine. A good part, provided it is replaced in a timely manner, traps up to 99% of “foreign” particles contained in the air. A high-quality product does not lose its properties throughout its entire service life. In addition to directly filtering the air, it also dampens noise and regulates temperature. Thanks to the air filter, the risks of various damage to the car engine are significantly reduced, and the wear of parts is minimized.

Types of air filters for cars

It is possible to produce air filters for cars from paper, and they can also be inertial oil or carbon. The shape may also be different. Equipment for the production of filters for cars uses special raw materials - cellulose fiber paper. It is protected by a special impregnation, making it resistant to water, oil or fuel. Paper products cope better with their intended purpose, so they are somewhat more expensive than coal products. The filtering ability is further enhanced by the fact that the paper is folded like an accordion.

Various air filter designs

The following types of paper filters are distinguished by shape:

  • cylindrical;
  • panel;
  • frameless.

Cylindrical air filters are mainly used in cars with carburetor-type engines. In modern passenger cars Panel type products are mainly used. This design is optimal, since with its small volume the filter has a large filtration area.

How to produce filters for cars

The production technology of air filters is quite simple. It consists in the fact that a special rotating drum feeds paper between two rotating cylinders, which bend it, making an accordion. The counter counts the same number of folds. After this, the paper is sent along a conveyor belt to a circular saw, which makes cuts at regular intervals.

The upper and lower parts of the filter are made using aluminum molds coated with liquid wax and liquid polyurethane. All operations with molds, namely waxing, filling with polyurethane, and subsequent movement of the finished product onto a cooling grid, are performed by a manipulator.

The equipment for the production of filters for automobiles is an almost completely automated line, which can easily be serviced by only one worker. Its tasks include laying blanks of corrugated paper on the bottom of the filter, removing finished products from the chute into which they fall after the manipulator finishes its work. Packaging of finished products is also carried out by the line operator. So complete production cycle takes approximately 20 minutes.

You can assemble a line from its component parts. However, by purchasing ready-made, assembled and configured equipment, you can minimize labor costs, maximize productivity, and also protect yourself from problems with maintenance and repair of devices.

Tested version of the edging. Completely our development. Made of steel. High quality. We provide a 1 year guarantee! It has an UPGRADED internal shape, ideal for making EVA mats. Designed for edging with 30 mm tape (sling). Density 0.012 - 0.014 g/m. The edge of the frame is 12 mm. Turned on lathe equipment. Has no analogues, excellent work, fast edging in any direction! Installed as close as possible to the needle, it sews any original corners of car mats. You can learn to sew with this edging machine even without training! Comes complete with two legs, a rail, the edging is installed on the plate (recessed, without a step), replacement by machine in 1 minute! Doesn't work, we'll refund your money!

  • Used by more than 312 industries.
  • Delivery anywhere in the world.
  • FROM 12,000 rub.

    RUB 19,000 (without purchasing EVA sheets)
    14,000 rub. (when purchasing EVA sheets from 10 pcs!)
    12,000 rub. (when purchasing EVA sheets from 100 pcs!)

Attention! Cases of sales of counterfeit borders from private individuals have become more frequent; the price is usually two times lower, but the borders are NOT SEWED! Be careful and don't buy fakes!

The production of duplicates of state registration plates of vehicles is an activity that falls under the category “Manufacture of special products”, therefore, it requires the fulfillment of a number of formal requirements.

In fact, there is nothing complicated, only accuracy and punctuality are required.

If you are ready to implement the instructions below, you will succeed!!!


1. We conclude a license agreement for the right to use the trademark
Registers this agreement Federal service on intellectual property (Rospatent).
The state duty is 13,500 rubles. The execution period is from 90 days.
The service for using a trademark is paid.
The cost of using a trademark is 2,000 rubles per month after registration
agreements in Rospatent.

2. We purchase equipment
To produce duplicates of state license plates (type 1 state registration plates with two- and three-digit region codes and type 2 - trailers), it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

.Hydraulic press stationary PGS-30 with electronic control for extruding characters on blank plates 1 mm thick, with a stand, cost RUB 267,700.
.Thermal Printing Machine license plates PMRN-1000, cost 292,300 rubles.
.Press equipment: stamping tablet for the production of signs of types 1 and 2 according to GOST R 50577-93 and replaceable characters (matrix + punch), including 2 and 3-digit region codes, cassette for storing characters, cost 98,700 rubles.
The total cost of the equipment is 658,700 rubles.


3. We receive a “Sample Test Conclusion” from an accredited center
We will arrange for you to send samples for testing.
You only need to pay the invoice according to the institute’s details:
— for testing TYPE-1 (regular) + TYPE-2 (trailer) 30,500 rub. one Conclusion;
— for testing TYPE-1 (regular with a three-digit region code) RUB 30,500. second Conclusion,

if necessary
— for test TYPE-4 (moto) 30,500 rubles. third Conclusion)
— for testing TYPE-3 (tractor) 30,500 rubles. fourth Conclusion)
etc. for other types of registration plates.
The execution period is at least 30 days.

4. Preparing the room
A heated room of at least 4x5m with two security circuits is required.

The characteristics of this room must correspond to category A2 Methodological recommendations R 78.36.032-2013.
It's easier to say technical specifications The premises should be fortified like a cash register for handling cash.
This premises must be inspected and signed by representatives of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region.
You can get the necessary advice on this issue from us.

5. We receive a “Certificate by type” from the Main Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow
For this purpose, we fully prepare on your behalf:
— samples of registration plates;
— design documentation;
— a complete package of documents required to obtain Certificates from the Main Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

6. We send documents to the commission
The design documentation, technical specifications, together with the license agreement, the conclusion of the accredited center and the certificate of inspection of the conditions for ensuring safety and samples of registration plates are sent to Moscow to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation for a commission for consideration with the subsequent issuance of “Certificates of approval of the manufactured legal entity or individual entrepreneur a sample of special products necessary for the admission of vehicles and drivers to participate in road traffic.”
Completion period is at least 30 days.
You can pick up these Certificates yourself in Moscow, or we will do it with your power of attorney.

Technologies for the production of license plates

Today our company is the most high-tech manufacturer of registration plates for vehicles. The key to success was the principle of working with leaders: this is a long-term partner, UTSCH, and suppliers who provide the best quality of raw materials in the right time. The enterprise was based on the most modern technologies German company UTSCH for the production of vehicle registration plates. A reflective film is glued to the license plates, and for stamping, a tablet with a set of pads is used, which allows you to type and stamp any state registration plate.

Equipment for production of license plates

The high level of equipment specified when creating the enterprise made the principle of constant technical development and confidence in a bright future integral.

The production of license plates is a completely legal activity that is regulated by the Department of Safety and Security traffic Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. All license plates must comply with the requirements of GOST R 50577-93.

Our company offers services for the production of license plates. To do this, she went through a strict control procedure and received all the necessary permits giving her the right to engage in this type of activity.

The requirements introduced by the Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on October 19, 2010 significantly simplified the procedure for producing and obtaining duplicate license plates.

The procedure itself is simple, but due to large queues it sometimes turns into a very difficult task. As practice shows, it is better to take care of replacing registration numbers in advance, because... In the traffic police, almost all license plates deposited are rejected.

When is it necessary to produce duplicates of state license plates?

Every car owner knows about the problems that can arise due to poor quality license plates. Any vehicle that comes into the view of law enforcement agencies, whether it is undergoing maintenance or the procedure for re-registration of a car’s license, is always accompanied by a thorough check of the license plates’ compliance with existing standards and technical requirements. Any discrepancies are fraught with troubles for the happy owner of the vehicle, which can only be avoided in one way - to take care of replacing damaged license plates in a timely manner.

Reasons for changing numbers:

1. damage to the number in an accident;

2. corrosion of license plates - this problem is more often encountered by car owners in large cities, where roads are treated with reagents that, when they get on license plates, lead to their damage;

3. peeling off of paint or reflective coating;

4. The license plate is incorrectly attached to the vehicle - more often this phenomenon can be observed on motorcycles and trailers that are attached to three holes, which is a gross violation of existing rules.

In any of the above cases, there is only one panacea - making duplicate license plates. Our company is ready to solve your problems in the shortest possible time and for a reasonable fee. To do this, simply provide damaged license plates and in return receive new ones identical to them. However, if there are no numbers, you will have to contact the traffic police and resolve the issue with them.

How to recover lost license plates

To obtain license plates, you must contact the MOTOTRER department at the place of registration of the vehicle.

In this case, you must provide the car itself and the following list of documents:

1. passport or other identification document established by law;

2. temporary registration mark (in the absence of permanent registration, if the car is registered at the place of temporary residence);

3. power of attorney for transactions, if you own the car by power of attorney;

4. certificate of vehicle registration;

5. PTS and its copy;

6. MTPL policy valid this year;

7. GTO coupon - to replace it with a new one.

According to the law, the car owner will not be able to get his usual license plates back if they have been lost. When replaced, he will be given new ones, and the missing ones will be put on the wanted list.

Beautiful rooms

A number for a car is like a name for a person, because it reflects his individuality. Therefore, many would like to get a bright, memorable name for their four-wheeled friend.

By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 1997, privileges were established for certain license plates, as people say “marked by the authorities,” which guarantee the assistance of traffic police officers on the road to their lucky owners. Agree, how nice it is to feel like you are in the caste of the chosen ones and freely travel along the roads of our vast homeland, without fear of being stopped for inspection.

The history of the emergence of license plates with special privileges goes back to the Soviet past. It is no secret that Lubyanka employees also had their own reserved letters and numbers. With the fall of the Soviet Union, the situation with license plates has not changed much. And now every car owner knows the abbreviation - E***KH, equipped with a lucky 77 code, which has not been issued to private cars for a long time, or A***AA.

Unlike letter combinations, beautiful combinations of numbers are much easier and cheaper to create. Particularly popular are numbers consisting of combinations of three identical numbers: 777 (“three axes”), 999 or 666. Other combinations already belong to a lower rank and, accordingly, are even cheaper. They can be issued quite legally. You just need to wait in line for the next time the coveted numbers appear. Numbers starting with zero, such as 007 or 001, are also respected.

Supply of equipment for the production of state vehicle registration plates

Attention! All duplicates of state registration plates (duplicates of state numbers) are produced absolutely legally and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:
1.Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 390 of April 27, 2002
2. GOST R 50577-93 dated June 29, 1993, as amended No. 1 of 1998 and No. 2 of 2002
3. Instruction of the Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 13/R-10-28 dated February 11, 2009
4. Instruction of the Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 13/R-10-611 dated October 19, 2010
5. Certificate for the right to manufacture license plates No. AA 001762, AA 001763

Duplicate license plates are produced on high-precision foreign equipment using consumables from the world's leading manufacturers (3M) and meet all the requirements of GOST R 50577-93 “State registration signs of vehicles.

types and main sizes. Technical requirements".

Our company provides services for the restoration of lost or stolen license plates, the production of lost license plates, as well as the production of duplicate license plates without legally returning the old ones.
We make duplicates of license plates, production of duplicate license plates, duplicates of license plates, production of duplicate license plates, duplicate license plates, duplicates of stolen license plates, duplicates of lost license plates
All regions of the Southern Federal District:
Rostov-on-Don, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Krasnodar, Adygea, Stavropol Territory, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria...


To obtain duplicate license plates (duplicate license plates) of vehicles you must:

  1. A set of deteriorated state registration plates of vehicles (GRP) - if available:
  2. Vehicle registration certificate
  3. If you are driving by proxy - the passport of the person driving the vehicle

State registration plates (license plates, license plates) fully comply with established requirements state standards(GOST), regulations and other documents establishing requirements for the quality (completeness) of goods offered for delivery.
Duplicates of license plates (duplicate license plates) are produced in full compliance with the requirements of GOST R 50577-93 technical specifications, design documentation and approved samples agreed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation and approved in the prescribed manner, as well as in full compliance with the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated April 27, 2002 No. 390 “On the development and approval of samples of special products necessary for the admission of vehicles and drivers to participate in road traffic.”