Oratory competition. Oratory competition material on the topic

“How will your word respond?”

Goals of the competition.

1. Contribute to the education of a spiritual, moral, humanistic personality.

2. Create conditions for developing students’ interest in the Russian language.

3. Develop students' creative and research skills.

4. Teach children to captivate the audience with their speech, which complies with the norms of literary speech.

Progress of the event.

Presenter 1 . Good afternoon, dear friends!

Guests, parents, teachers!

We are very glad to see you

In this hall, on this day and hour!

Presenter 2 . We are different girls and different boys,

But we were all born at the same time.

Now we study together, we read books alone

It's great that we are all here today.

Presenter 1 . My friends! We are opening again

Holy gates to the Temple of Enlightenment

And as if we stretch out the hands of our souls

To the knowledge of divine gifts.

Presenter 2 . Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have

The spirit of enlightenment is preparing

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes

And genius, friend of paradoxes...

Fanfare sounds.

Jury presentation .

Teacher: They talk a lot about youth

That, they say, she is full of sins,

And in front of me they only burn,

My students' eyes are burning.

I look into them and find

The desire to face fate,

Run through life like a knife,

Yes, so that the knife is not very dull!

They are romantics and cynics. So what?

After all, the world around us is no less cynical.

And even though sometimes it makes you shiver,

Please don't judge right away!

Under the guise of indifference to everything

So much, unfortunately, is hidden.

Both honor and respect for intelligence.

And mercy is not forgotten by them.

They don't trust anyone or anything

But they only believe in themselves. It's so exciting!

And they think that the truth itself

They won’t catch you by the tail today – tomorrow.

A little poet and a little demagogue,

Businessmen, philosophers, dreamers, liars...

Well, here they are. They were not created by gods -

We created such youth.

Today, for the first time among our youth, we are holding an eloquence competition in several categories:

"Native Land"

"The Immortal Gift of the Word"


"Earthly Happiness"

We will try to bring joy with our words to ourselves and those around us, we will try to understand each other and maybe we will learn something from each other.

Nomination "Native Land".

Nomination "Purity of the Russian language."

Teacher: Our language hides a great secret and incomprehensible power. This was noticed by ancient philosophers. This is the dialogue that took place between the ancient Greek sage and fabulist Aesop and his master Xanthus.

Xanth : Bring the best you have.

Aesop : I brought you a tongue, my lord.

Xanth : Why language?

Aesop : Because language makes it possible to express the subtlest thoughts,

the noblest impulses of the human soul.

Xanth : Then bring me the worst thing that exists.

Aesop : Language again. Since it can be used to insult, humiliate,

it hurts to hurt someone.

Xanth : Yes, being hit by a stone doesn’t hurt as much as being hit by a word.

Aesop : A word is like a stone: once your hand throws it, you can’t turn it back.

Xanth : Talking a lot and saying a lot are not the same thing.

The ability to captivate the soul with a word is the skill of eloquence!

Nomination "Summoning".


The entire globe is underfoot.

I live. I'm breathing. I sing.

But in memory it is always with me

Killed in battle.

Let me not name all the names,

There is no blood relatives,

Isn't that why I live

Why did they die?

What I owe to them - I know

And let not only verse,

My life will be worthy

Their soldier's death.


A person’s life becomes truly complete when he loves and is loved.

Happy, has true friends.

Nomination "Earthly Happiness"

Presenter 1 . The competition is over, but only in this hall.

And in our lives he goes on forever!

And every day we meet heroes,

And every day a feat awaits them somewhere.

Presenter 2 . They have already found recognition among us,

We want to be like them!

For their example worthy of imitation,

Today we say thank you to them!

Preparations for the event began at the very beginning of January, when teachers asked everyone to choose a topic and write a short essay for a competition within the study group. And as a result of such mini-competitions, two people from each class were selected, among whom I was. Last year I was also lucky enough to participate and even take an honorable third place among junior students. That same year I had to meet with “titans” from older groups who had been studying Japanese for many years.

The competition itself is a series of short performances by students. Younger groups - from one and a half to three minutes, and older groups - from two and a half to four. The topic is free, so everyone chooses what they like. Many people talk about their country, about their first acquaintance with Japanese culture, about hobbies or the difficulties and joys of student life. And a strict jury evaluates every word, gesture and look of the contestants.

This year the competition began with a solemn farewell speech from the school principal, Iwai-sensei. Then the students of the junior groups stood at the lectern. Here, the guys from Nepal distinguished themselves in both the number of participants and the variety of topics. About an hour later, the “heavy artillery” entered the battle. The stories about Nepalese holidays and Arubaito are over. And the topical problems of our time, time management, the capabilities of the human brain, and even issues of drinking alcoholic beverages within the cultural environment of Japan and Korea rushed forward. As my teachers noted, Russian students distinguished themselves by addressing the most pressing social issues.

Hard work for several weeks, help from teachers, Arubaito colleagues and classmates helped me take first place. Thank you so much for believing in my strength and support. By the way, for the last two years the competition has been held twice: students of the first shift compete in the morning, and students of the second shift compete in the afternoon. Therefore, my joy from the victory doubled when I found out that Dmitry-san won among the evening shift students. Last year, Sergey-san took first place among the senior groups, and Jennet-san, who represented Russia, took first place among the younger groups.

I really hope that our victories have become the beginning of a good tradition. And next year, Russian-speaking students will also ascend to the podium.

These Regulations approve the procedure for organizing the Oratory Competition “I Can Speak Beautifully” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition), its organizational and methodological support, the procedure for participating in the Competition and determining the winners.

2. Goals and objectives of the Competition

2.1.The main goal The competition is the intellectual, creative and aesthetic development of students through the acquisition of public speaking skills.

2.2.Main objectives of the Competition:

  • developing students’ interest in public speaking;
  • increasing students' motivation to learn foreign languages;
  • formation of a new level of language competence;
  • studying the basics of oratory and rhetoric and mastering the technology of preparing and delivering public speeches using verbal and non-verbal means of communication;
  • improving speech skills of public speaking in a foreign language on a given topic;
  • formation of meta-subject skills and abilities;
  • developing the ability to think creatively and find innovative solutions;
  • creating conditions for self-realization of students, increasing their social and creative activity;
  • identification of creatively gifted students.

3. Organization of the Competition

3.1. The organizers of the Competition are:

  • GBOU City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as GBOU HMC DOGM);
  • GBOU "School with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​No. 1242".

3.2. The general management of the Competition is carried out by the Organizing Committee, which includes representatives of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education and the State Budgetary Educational Institution “School with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​No. 1242”.

3.3. The Organizing Committee develops the Regulations of the Competition, determines the content, procedure, place and timing, and criteria for evaluating student performances. To evaluate the works of the Competition participants and determine the winners and runners-up, the Organizing Committee forms the composition of the Competition jury.

3.4. The jury sums up the results and awards the winners and runners-up.

3.5. The organizing committee reserves the right to establish additional nominations and awards.

3.6. The competition is held April 9, 2016 at the State Budgetary Educational Institution “School with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​No. 1242”, located at: Vostryakovsky proezd, 3a.

3.5. Information about the results of the Competition is posted on the website of the State Budget Educational Institution of the State Medical Center of Dog and Medical Sciences.

3.6. Access to anonymized information about the results of the Competition is provided to an unlimited number of persons.

4. Procedure for the Competition and requirements for participants

4.1. The Competition is open to students in grades 8–11 of secondary educational institutions in Moscow who are studying a foreign language (English, Spanish, German, French) as a first language and who have submitted applications for participation in a timely manner (one person per parallel, no more than four people per educational level). institutions).

4.2. Participants in the competition are invited to submit an oral report in the form of a public oratory in a foreign language (English, Spanish, German, French) on one of the proposed topics:

  • “The key to all science is the question mark.” (Honoré de Balzac);
  • “Living for others means living for yourself.” (Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev);
  • “Teachers only open the doors, then you go on your own.” (Chinese proverb).

4.3. The duration of the message is no more than three minutes. After the presentation, 1–2 minutes are allotted for answering questions. Questions can be asked by members of the jury, spectators or other participants in the competition.

4.4. Communications are presented only in the form of individual presentations. Computer presentations and group participation are not permitted.

4.5. To participate in the Competition, the teacher responsible for preparing the competitor must:

  • complete electronic registration on time from February 15 to March 14;
  • fill out the application (Appendix 1) and send it by email: before March 20, 2016. In the subject line of the letter, indicate: Oratory competition “I can speak beautifully.”
  • provide in writing specific, informed and conscious consent to the provision and processing of your personal data.

5. Summing up the results of the Competition

5.1. The winners and prize-winners of the competition are determined by the amount of points scored (Appendix 2).

5.2. Based on the results of the Competition, winners and prize-winners are awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees, diplomas of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center of Dog and Medical Sciences.

5.3. The teaching staff who prepared the winners of the Competition from among the students receive a Letter of Gratitude from the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Medical Center for Dog and Music.

Appendix 1

Application for participation in the Competition “I can speak beautifully”

Appendix 2

Criteria for evaluating the performance of participants in the Competition

Compliance with the theme, style, genre and compliance with regulations

The performance corresponds to the proposed topic, chosen style, genre; speech lasting no more than three minutes

Logical-compositional organization: integrity of the presented composition

The speech is characterized by compositional design (the construction of the text, the location and relationship of its components - introduction, main part and conclusion - is determined by its content and purpose), structure and logic

Completeness of disclosure, integrity, evidence, depth of the main idea and relevance of answers to audience questions

The presentation is characterized by the completeness of the topic, the originality of ideas, conclusions, assessments, and is distinguished by novelty and originality; clarity and completeness of answers to audience questions

Speech skill (maximum number of points – 6)

Personal aspect

The speech is characterized by a vivid demonstration of the speaker’s spiritual values; targetedness of the statement (contact with the audience), artistry and originality of presentation of information

Mastery of nonverbal means of communication

The performance is characterized by the appropriate use of prosodic and kinesic (gestures, postures, facial expressions) means of communication, gesticulation, and the presence of a strong emotional introduction and conclusion

Language design (maximum number of points – 9)

Lexical design of speech

The speech contains bright non-standard expressive means of language, a wealth of lexical content (metaphors, epithets, idioms, rhetorical questions, etc.), humor; no lexical errors

Grammatical formatting of speech

The speech contains a variety of grammatical structure, grammatical structures, and there are no grammatical errors

Phonetic design of speech

The performance is characterized by the correct phonetic and intonation of speech, pauses, changes in speech tempo and volume, stress and timbre characteristics

Maximum points for public speaking

Oksana Ostapenko
Scenario of the competitive game program “Russian Eloquence”

Target: increasing children’s speech activity, level of expressive

reading poetry.

Main tasks competition:

Improving speech hearing and clear, expressive skills

and correct speech;

Development of children's creative abilities;

Correspondence of the material to the individual and age capabilities of the child.

Ensuring a joyful, emotional mood in children.

(Fanfare sounds, the presenter enters the stage)


Good evening, dear guys and distinguished guests! We are glad to see you in our hall!

Today is an extraordinary day. Today we are holding reading competition

« Russian eloquence» . For a long time, Russian the people were famous for their eloquence. People composed fairy tales, poems, epics and, of course, poetry.

Tell me, guys, do you like fairy tales? But there are also fairy tales in poetic form, for example, there are many such fairy tales by the great poet A.S. Pushkin. I'll tell you secret: an unforgettable journey to a poetic country awaits us. Are you ready to travel?

Sounds background "Visiting a fairy tale"


How beautiful in our hall -

It was like we were in a fairy tale.

Quietly, quietly, let's sit next to you.

A fairy tale, a fairy tale enters the house.

In an amazing outfit

In multi-colored, painted.

And suddenly the walls open up,

The whole earth is visible around:

The waves splash like a foamy river,

The forest and meadow are lightly dozing.

Steppe paths run into the distance,

Melting into a blue haze.

This fairy tale is rushing us

And he invites everyone to follow him!

I invite you to the world of goodness, miracles and magic!

I'll tell you a fairy tale

Listen up, friends.

Once upon a time there lived a king -

Very nice sir.

He had three sons...

The eldest was a nice fellow.

The average one was a great master,

The younger one is not a fool.

The mother adored her sons,

I blew all the dust off them.

The sons grew up

They sang songs dashingly.

The king tells his sons:

Come to me, sons,

Take the arrows with you.

Shoot boldly, don't be shy,

And there, the arrow, where it falls -

My dear friend is waiting for you.

Music is playing. An arrow flies out. Hit the Frog Princess.

(the arrow flies out from behind the screen)

Background No. 3 the whistle of an arrow.


Oh, listen guys,

I hear someone's stomping!

Someone came to visit us

Who are you waiting for, friends?

Ivan Tsarevich rides out on horseback.

Ivan Tsarevich:

Hello guys!

Children's answer.

Ivan Tsarevich:

And I’m not visiting at all.

I came from the forest

I'm looking for my princess.

So I found her.

What happened to her?

What happened to my fiancee?


And you, Ivan, found yourself in a swamp.

And I met a frog here.


I won't give up your arrow

I'll be your friend

And don't be shy about people!

Music is playing. Baba Yaga comes out.

Baba Yaga:

You, while Ivan was walking!

Gaining strength!

I lost my bride

Now there's only one left!

I enchanted her

And she turned into a frog!

You won't be together anymore

You won't see the bride!


What are you, what are you, Grandma Ezhka,

Wait, wait a little!

Quickly disenchant the frog,

The Tsarevich needs a girlfriend!

Baba Yaga:

Oh, how businesslike,

Well, look!

I'll break the frog's spell

If you surprise me!


Oh guys, help me

Don't ruin my bride!


Well, Ivan, don't be sad,

And don’t be upset at all!

Here we have friends everywhere,

They won't leave us in trouble.

Guys, are we going to help Ivan Tsarevich?

Children's answer.


What do you want Baba Yaga?

What is your will?

Baba Yaga:

I want the children to show what they can do

They read your poems to me!


Guys, let's read some poetry?

Shall we help Ivan Tsarevich?

Children's answer.

Leading: Baba Yaga, now the guys from the first detachment will read you a poem by A. Barto.

Baba Yaga: I remember my mother also read her poems to me when I was a child. Here's mine favorite: Our Tanya is crying loudly... and then I forgot. Oh, old age is a joy. Come on, please grandma.

(Poems are read by children of the nursery group Poems by A. Barto)

Leading: And now, the guys from the younger group will read Marshak’s poem.

(reads poetry by S. Marshak.)


Well, Yaga, you were surprised,

Were you amazed by the poems?

Baba Yaga:

Yes, I liked the poems.

You surprised me

But I stayed too long.

I want to dance, friends!

And the Tsarevich is Beautiful,

He's probably very zealous.

Let the dance show us now

And he will have fun dancing with you!


Well, Baba Yaga,

How many desires do you have?

But we have nowhere to go.

Shall we guys dance with Ivan Tsarevich?

We need 2 people from each group.

Groups come out to dance "Ducklings".

Baba Yaga:

Oh, I'm tired of dancing

Presenter: The guys will read to you "Bad advice" Oster.

Baba Yaga: So these are my poems. Exactly my recommendations.

Baba Yaga: Well done! But I’m a master at telling fables. Which one of you will please grandma with a fable?

Presenter: The guys prepared Krylov’s fable. Let's meet!

Baba Yaga:

Well done, guys!

We read it okay, clearly.

You're tired, you've been sitting too long

Did you want to warm up?

Get up, kids!

It's time for us to play.

Let's play the game "If you like it, then do it this way...".

Baba Yaga:

Let me listen to some more poetry,

I want to relax, friends!

Reading poetry

Baba Yaga:

You all surprised me

And they amazed me with the poems.

Everything about you is so smooth and smooth.

I'll tell you riddles.

Here's the last task

If you guess it, I'll break the spell!


She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die.


I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts.


Lying between the trees

Pillow with needles.

She lay quietly

Then suddenly she ran away.

He has a big belly

Not a hippopotamus at all.

He raised his trunk and nose,

But, however, he is not an elephant.

And he puffs through his nose

On the stove like a locomotive.


He is fluffy, silver,

But don't touch him with your hand:

It will become a little bit clean,

How can you catch it in the palm of your hand?


Lifted by a giant

Piles of cargo to the clouds.

Where he stands, then

A new house is growing.


Baba Yaga:

You guys have fun.

There is joy in my soul!

But I need to go to the hut.

Well done to all of you guys!

You surprised me.

Now I will disenchant the Princess.

Baba Yaga casts a spell, the frog turns into the Princess.

Frog Princess:

Oh, Ivan, you are daring,

You are my young groom!

Baba Yaga persuaded

You set me free -

I am now forever yours.

And guys, well done

Helped save me.

Presenter: Let's say goodbye guys and say goodbye to everyone.

And you, Baba Yaga, don’t play pranks or cast magic anymore!

Baba Yaga:

OK. Now I will behave well and do only good deeds!

Baba Yaga, the Frog Princess and Ivan Tsarevich say goodbye and leave.


Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

We tell you: "Goodbye! See you again!