How to trade on the currency exchange. How to trade on the stock exchange

You can start investing or trading on the stock market on your own with an amount of 5,000 rubles. To do this, you first need to choose a broker, i.e. a financial intermediary between you and the MICEX exchange. The broker must have a special license giving him the right to provide you with such a service. Which brokerage firm should I contact? This decision is as important as choosing a bank to store your money.

Previously, the assessment of brokers was carried out by the National Association of Stock Market Participants (NAUFOR). Now the National Rating Agency (NRA) is responsible for rating all companies in Russia.

The most important criterion when choosing a broker is the financial reliability of the broker. NRA financial reliability ratings have existed for several years and are a kind of benchmark for investment companies and their clients. When determining the financial reliability rating, the following indicators are assessed: average monthly trading turnover, balance sheet currency, net profit, trade safety, sufficiency equity, liquidity, return on assets, etc. Companies with an AAA rating are the most reliable among all Russian professional stock market participants. Companies with an AA+ rating are considered very reliable among Russian professional stock market participants. Any company from the AAA and AA+ ratings can be chosen as your broker.

Of no small importance when choosing a broker is the size of his net worth and time on the market. It is better to choose a broker with an average or above average net worth.

Next, from the selected companies, you need to choose the one that is most conveniently located for you, has low tariffs and other specific features that are important to you. The location of the company plays an important role, since you will have to contact the company often. When analyzing tariffs, pay attention to commissions, depository service fees, and percentage of use borrowed funds and securities (margin lending), interest on cash withdrawals, subscription fee for using the Internet trading program. The lower the rates, the better for you and your finances. An obstacle for you may also be the minimum cash limit, below which the broker does not work.

  1. Conclude an agreement with a broker.
  2. Receive electronic keys from a broker or create them yourself using key generation programs included in the distribution kit of the Quik program, etc.
  3. Deposit funds into the account.

Creation of a workplace for investors and traders:

  1. Download from the Internet distribution kits of programs for Internet trading (Quik, etc.).
  2. Install an online trading program (Quik, etc.) on your computer and make the necessary settings.
  3. Connect to the Internet.
  4. Insert the floppy disk with the secret “keys” into the computer.
  5. Launch an online trading program (Quik, etc.) and enter a unique login and password used to create secret “keys”.
  6. Start trading.

Let's look at the individual stages of this plan in more detail.

Conclude an agreement with a broker

If a broker is selected, then you can go to the company itself to conclude and sign a package of documents for brokerage services. The brokerage company opens an account for you, intended for deposits, withdrawals and transfers to other accounts cash, as well as an account for storing and accounting for securities that you will buy on the stock exchange. In addition, the brokerage company gives you a floppy disk with secret electronic keys, login and password, all this is necessary for you to trade through the Internet trading system (Quik, Web-Quik, etc.).

So, the documents have been signed. You can deposit money into your account.

Deposit funds into account

Money is deposited into the cash register brokerage company with whom you entered into an agreement.

The amount of money you deposit into the account should not be the last money you have. At the initial stage, you can deposit 10% -15% of your savings into the account. In the future, when trading experience is acquired, it will be possible to increase the amount to 25% -50% of savings.

Funds can be deposited into your trading account either in cash or non-cash. Your broker will provide you with all the information you need for this.

Keep records of all transactions involving deposits, withdrawals, and transfers of funds. Store documents received from the broker in one place, in a separate folder.

Creating a workplace for investors and traders

Your broker will help you install and configure programs for online trading.

For all questions related to connecting and setting up Quik programs, etc., please contact your broker. Usually, after calling the broker, within half an hour the user can place orders independently.

For ease of use, you need to configure the parameters and interface of the Internet trading program so that all the necessary trading data is presented in the most convenient form and form for you.

To understand the basic options of the Quik program, you need to carefully read the user manual, which may take 5-6 hours. This time can be saved if someone who is already using these programs agrees to help you.

The Quik program can be obtained from a broker or downloaded yourself at The user manual can also be downloaded from this address.

Start trading

If you have a friend who is already trading and if there is an opportunity to work next to him, be sure to use this opportunity. This way you will learn faster.

The level of your income depends on the initial level of training and on your qualifications, how well you understand the principles and laws by which the financial market lives, how well you know investment and trading technologies. In general, you need to learn how to invest.

This textbook claims to be a reference book for anyone interested in investing in American securities.

The “Theory” section was prepared by Tamara Teplova, a professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. In essence, this is the history of the American stock market from its inception to the present day, supported by a description of financial instruments and the peculiarities of exchange regulation in the United States. Thanks to the theoretical part, the book can be useful not only to a novice investor, but also to every inquisitive person who wants to understand what a stock exchange is and why it is needed.

Two other co-authors - Igor Klyushnev and Dmitry Panchenko - leaders investment company Freedom Finance, which actively promotes investments in American securities among Russian investors. In the book, they are responsible for the “Practice” section, which explains in detail how to start investing. Klyushnev and Panchenko managed to avoid any references to their company.

Readers can find out why a personal financial plan how to trade on the stock exchange through a broker and what reporting can tell an investor American companies. Here you can get an idea of ​​fundamental and technical analysis, learn to understand charts and build an investment portfolio, and also get acquainted with the success stories of famous American investors - for example, Jesse Livermore and Warren Buffett.

Quote: “An important difference between US mutual funds and their Russian counterparts, mutual funds investment funds, is that American funds regularly pay dividends to their shareholders - usually once a quarter. In this case, the investor may refuse to receive dividends in hand; in this case, the dividends will be reinvested in the fund. According to the calculations of the author of the monograph “The Economics of Investment Funds,” one dollar invested in the oldest American mutual fund, MIT, in the year of its founding (1924), after 89 years (2013), would bring the shareholder $347, namely through dividends, while the estimated cost MIT shares grew only sevenfold during this period.”.

Stock market for beginners
Authors: Vernikov A., Markov V., Shishkina E., Podlevskikh N., Sorokina Yu., Avakyan N.
Publisher: Pero, 2015​

This is a guide to trading on stock market prepared by professional traders and managers from Zerich Capital Management. It is based on the training course of the School of Stock Exchange Skills, which works in the company and teaches trading from scratch. The authors lead the presentation from simple to complex: first, the reader learns about what the stock market is and what it consists of, then what financial instruments there are and how to work with them.

The book provides detailed instructions on opening a trading account and making transactions, and also talks about various types trading and individual strategies. In the final chapter, the authors decided to talk about the services available to the client of Zerich Capital Management, but this is the only part of the book that contains advertising information. Apart from this, “The Stock Market for Beginners” really looks like a well-structured textbook for a private investor.

Among strengths This book is an explanation of complex financial concepts in the most accessible language. The authors decipher for the reader such terms as roadshows, IPOs, scalping, margin calls and other trading vocabulary that invariably scares beginners.

Quote:“Before the placement of shares, the company holds a road show. It consists of meetings with potential investors and analysts to discuss issues related to the development of the company. A successful road show is a good way to attract the attention of not only future shareholders, but also the media. In addition, during the roadshow, a book of applications for the purchase of issued shares is formed, from which the company can indirectly judge the success of the upcoming IPO.”

Trader's tutorial. Psychology, technique, tactics and strategy

The translation of the best-selling book by Brett Steenbarger, a famous American psychiatrist and trader, author of a popular blog about trading psychology, went through two editions in Russia - in 2012 and 2016. Despite the fact that this book is not a textbook on investing in its purest form, its goal is to help the novice trader take his first steps in the stock market.

As in his other books, Steenbarger focuses on the psychology of trading, telling the reader how to find the best way to trade and learn how to cope with stress during spikes in market volatility. At the same time, the psychologist repeatedly emphasizes that investing in the stock market is not for everyone. The reader needs to prepare for a large number of life stories and descriptions of numerous psychological experiments. The author talks about financial instruments and the stock market itself in passing, so this book is worth reading only in addition to other trading manuals that cover the topic in more detail.

Quote:“Traders without experience in various fields are somewhat reminiscent of partners in a marriage of convenience. Perhaps the marriage will be successful; perhaps it will end in disaster. But in any case, the spouses are unlikely to experience pleasure. How many traders never reach the stage of mastery, not because they are lazy, but because they simply did not do their job?

How to make money on the stock exchange for dummies
Authors: Petrov K., Lukashevich T.
Publisher: Dialectika, 2016

The title of this book speaks for itself: this is another guide from the famous series for beginners. Its authors are business planner Konstantin Petrov and trader Tatyana Lukashevich. They managed to fit a large amount of information into one book, telling the reader about the world's main exchanges, including Russian ones, and the instruments available on them. And this is not all: the second and third parts of the manual are devoted to technical and fundamental analysis, the fourth to various stock trading strategies, and the fifth to investing in high-risk assets.

The last (sixth) part deserves special attention, in which Petrov and Lukashevich talk about the basic rules of trading and reveal the meaning of the most important trading terms, including “sideways”, “glass” and so on. The only problem is that due to the authors’ desire to cover all aspects of trade, the presentation sometimes becomes generalized. Nevertheless, a beginner will find a lot of useful information in this book.

Quote:“A well-balanced aggressive portfolio is 80% stocks and 20% bonds. Such a portfolio is capable of bringing the investor, on average, approximately 12% annual profit over 20 years; In some years the profit may be higher, in some years it may be lower. If your portfolio returns about 30% annually for several years, congratulations - you have successfully built a portfolio. A stable 30% is a very good result!”

Successful trading in the stock market. From zero to the first million. Textbook

This is an expanded edition of Dmitry Mikhnov's book. This textbook was first published in 2014. The book is devoid of even a hint of academicism - the author simply shares his experience and builds a dialogue with the reader on equal terms. He explains how the stock market differs from forex and other “kitchens” trying to lure newcomers, talks about financial instruments and tax legislation applicable to securities.

Mikhnov pays special attention to concluding transactions, describing step by step the procedures for submitting applications, accompanied by a large number of illustrations. He also clearly explains what technical analysis is and touches on some aspects of trading psychology. The style of presentation makes the book easy to read, but complex terms are not always explained clearly.

Quote:“In order to start trading futures contracts, you need to open an account with a broker (the intermediary between you and the exchange) and place in it the amount you estimate is necessary for trading. This amount will be a kind of “insurance” for the exchange in case the contracts you bought have decreased in price. All profits from your trading will be credited to this account, and all losses will be debited from it.”

Financiers' choice

It’s better to start working with the stock market with the basics economic concepts, says the CEO consulting company"Personal Advisor" Natalya Smirnova. They are well described on the website, which was created by the Ministry of Finance to improve financial literacy, says Smirnova.

“When a person understands the basics of economics, how the financial market works, what stocks and bonds are and how they differ, then you can delve into all this in more detail by reading books on the stock market. The only detail is that it must be current, that is, released this year,” notes Smirnova.

The general director of the BCS consulting center, Viktor Romanovsky, advises reading “Secrets of Exchange Trading” by Vladimir Tvardovsky and Sergei Parshikov. Despite the title, this book is aimed at novice investors because it talks not only about technical analysis methods, but also about the functioning of the market, says Romanovsky.

He also recommends Eric Nyman's Little Trader's Encyclopedia. “The author explains in detail how to trade, in what situation to buy different instruments, and explains the basics of technical analysis. It can be read by an unprepared person,” agrees Alor Broker financial advisor Sergei Korolev.

Korolev also recommends the book “Trading Stocks” by Jesse Livermore - there is a place not only for dry numbers, but also for philosophy, he says. The head of the analytical center of the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange, Pavel Pakhomov, also advises not to limit yourself to textbooks. In stock trading, it is not theoretical training that is more important, but the psychology of the investor, he says, so books that describe interesting situations and the behavior of people in the market will be useful. As an example, Pakhomov cites the book “A Hedger Came Out of the Fog” by Barton Biggs.

As soon as an investor or a novice trader thinks about what to do with his savings, he inevitably faces the question: “Where to start?”

In fact, you shouldn’t put money in the bank at ridiculous interest rates. Moreover, you won’t receive this interest later. If we also take into account the very real prospect of losing the entire amount in the same bank, then the benefits of such a management of money become quite obvious. Approximately these thoughts tormented the author when he thought about the unenviable fate of investors who entrust their money to all sorts of scammers. This was probably the impetus for going thorny path exchange player. Naturally, first of all, the author was faced with the same question - "Where to start?".

Stock trading for beginners

The simplicity of the question touched me, but it didn’t make it any easier. It is not worth reproducing here the entire path that the author had to go through before he understood what needed to be done when the intention to trade on stock markets arose.
Having many mistakes behind him, made solely due to a lack of experience and knowledge, he decided to present here his main considerations about where, in fact, one should start. So, the first question to be solved looks quite simple.

1 It goes something like this: “What markets will I trade in?”
But this question seems simple only at first glance. In fact, it is fraught with danger, because without paying proper attention to it, you can very realistically find yourself in a dead end. The thing is that every market has its own characteristics. At the same time, they inevitably give rise to certain “pros” and “cons,” which, in turn, have more or less weight for each individual person, depending on his personal preferences.
To make it easier to understand this issue, we will try to consider all its components in order. This will allow you to organize your thoughts into a system. First of all, you should find out the geographical location of trade. In other words, in which market, by territorial basis, will trading operations most likely be conducted? For Russian investors and traders, there are basically three such points: Russia, Europe, and the USA.
Some, however, may turn to other markets - Australia, India, Asia in general, etc. - but still it’s rather exotic. In each case, the procedure is almost the same: you need to choose a brokerage firm, open an account, and then you can trade, not forgetting, of course, to transfer money in a timely manner. But this should not be done first, but at least only after you read this article.
The second problem is related to the first and may require you to rethink a previously made decision. The problem is figuring out what to trade. This question is not idle. The Bloomberg news agency reported in early 2000 that it broadcast market data on approximately 2.5 million financial products. To view all this data, spending only one second on each product, will require exactly a month of continuous work. It is unlikely that anyone will want to experience such pleasure for themselves.

In reality, to solve this problem they turn to the so-called “market segmentation”. In simple terms, each type of financial instrument belongs to a specific segment. There is a property market (equity). The most active market here is the corporate stock market. There is also a bond market, which is usually divided into the market for corporate bonds and government debt securities.
Also considered the most famous is the commodity futures market (commodity), where transactions are made on futures not only for commodities, but also for currencies and indices. And finally, we should mention the market for cash foreign exchange transactions - the Forex market. There are other, smaller ones, but in this case it is not so important.

How to understand all this and what to give preference to? Usually this is a personal matter for everyone, so it is extremely difficult to advise here. Typically, investors and traders concerned about their capital prefer the stock and futures markets. Some people are drawn to currency trading. Here you need to pay attention to one circumstance: the selected market segment is very closely related to which territory you prefer to trade.
If you are planning to trade futures, then in Russia you are unlikely to have anywhere to turn around, unless you are going to specialize in one or two financial instruments. The most developed futures market right now is America, where you can even find temperature trading contracts. The same can be said about the stock market.

Once you have at least tentatively decided what to trade, you should think about how to obtain data from the market and how much it will cost. The question is important, and in no case should it be discounted, since it can easily affect the previously made decision. To make it clear what we're talking about, imagine this picture.
You intend to trade on the European stock market. How many information sources can you find? How many programs can you find that can be considered as alternative options? In any case, a lot of effort will be spent. At the same time, there is more than enough information about the American market - it’s not even easy to hide from it!

Accordingly, the most comprehensive offer is of software products that provide analysis of the American market specifically across the entire range of financial instruments. The same can be said about data providers. This important point, since the choice of an acceptable amount of inevitable costs depends on it. In addition, ordinary investors and traders now usually use the Internet to connect to the data flow. As practice shows, it is easier to obtain data from America than from neighboring Germany.

Now it’s time to think about why, in fact, all this is being done. A question with an obvious trick. Ninety-five percent of traders, and perhaps more, answer it something like this: “To make money.” Unfortunately, this answer is incorrect. If you start with such reasoning, then it is indeed better to take the money to the bank, even with dubious prospects of getting it back. After all, monetary losses become almost inevitable in this case. The correct answers may sound something like this: “to invest money successfully”, “to improve management own funds", "in order to receive additional income in exchange for some risk", etc. The difference in the answers obviously seems quite insignificant to you. In fact, it is huge. To understand this, you should turn to a solution to such a problem as market analysis.

Thus, in the next step, you need to understand the principles of conducting market analysis. Currently, there are many theories and a wide variety of opinions on this matter. One of the most common methods is technical analysis. What is it? This approach is based on the assumption that the use of various indicators, as well as the study of price bar configurations, will help in predicting the market situation in the future. Supporters fundamental analysis They call this a fallacy and are of the opinion that by studying the economic environment, more significant results can be achieved.

In practice, both of them turn out to be idealists, because neither approach guarantees complete success and is not able to protect against serious mistakes. The only way is to combine both approaches through your own common sense. When studying how to conduct market research that precedes fundamental decisions for a trader, you should turn to publications that are devoted specifically to this topic - technical and fundamental analysis. Now the reader can familiarize himself with such an extremely useful magazine as “Technical Analysis: Stocks & Futures”.

As you learn the basics of analysis, a rethinking of the market usually occurs. This leads to the need to reconsider our understanding of the tools that are used in analysis. Having penetrated deeper into the specifics of market analysis, you may realize that you need a completely different software product that provides analysis. Even if such a feeling does not arise, at this stage it is still recommended to reflect on the question: “How to conduct market analysis?” In other words, which technical analysis package should you choose?

At this stage, you should at least first decide what type of trading operations you intend to carry out. This is an extremely important question, since there are four main alternatives: day trading (trading a large number of securities with fixation of small amounts of exchange rate changes within 1/8 or so), intraday trading (involves opening and closing trading positions within the boundaries trading day), short-term trading (Short-Term - usually understood as trading lasting several days), and, finally, Long-Term trading (Long-Term - this usually refers to trading that lasts from 30-40 days). As you understand, the choice of the above-mentioned types of trading depends on your preferred investment horizons.

And only now we have to decide the question: “Which broker should I trade through?” It is clear that the choice of a broker and the conditions he offers depends on the type of trading behavior. If you intend to day trade, you should contact a firm that provides direct access to the “trading space”. Short-term trading is not so demanding; here you can limit yourself to a regular online broker. For long-term trading, a phone is often enough. Of course, all this should not be taken as dogma, but it should still be taken as a basis. Commission; quality software product, which ensures that orders are entered into the system (if this is not done through a Web browser); reliability of connection with the broker's server; the speed and quality of execution of entered orders - all these are very important little things that should be carefully weighed before giving preference to one or another company. And here it doesn’t hurt to find out which clearing company the brokerage firm you are interested in works through, how client orders are routed, and what are the reviews about this firm. The resources of the NASDAQ website provide coordinates by which you can find out, for example, whether there have been negative moments in the history of a particular company. And it is highly recommended to do this! Sometimes it is also important how wide the range of financial instruments that can be traded is. This is especially true for the commodity futures market.

We just need to remind you: the industry of providing services in the stock and futures markets in the United States and in a number of developed countries of the world operates so steadily and is so tightly controlled that many brokerage firms simply would not think of drawing up two copies of the contract. This may seem like a scam to some, but as one investment manager once popularly said, “It’s much harder to steal here than at the bank.” That is why a brokerage service agreement is a public offer agreement in the form of a unilateral agreement. It's similar to the deal you make when you buy a magazine: by handing over the money, you've essentially agreed to the terms of the other party. In the case of a broker, consent is expressed by the presence of your signature. So if you want to have a contract in your desk drawer, be sure to make a copy before sending a copy to the brokerage firm. If the matter concerns an American or British company, this is even more necessary.

When the choice is made, there is nothing left to do but rush into the abyss of the stock market. True, the most meticulous and cautious investors will not rush, but will work on drawing up rules for portfolio management. In any case, “fundamentalists” (those who adhere to fundamental analysis) devote a lot of time to this. Ardent supporters of technical analysis are engaged in design and testing trading systems. In opposite positions are those who worship the science of money management. They tend to view everything through the prism of probabilistic processes and statistical series, or operate with mathematical formulas that allow them to calculate all the necessary parameters for risk and profitability. Be that as it may, in reality, no type of trading approach can guarantee 100 percent success. The market simply does not tolerate certainty; it immediately rejects any certainty. Watching a bullfight will help you understand this. How will a bull behave in the arena when a red rag is waved in front of its very nose?

You should never forget that everything in this world changes. What seemed worthy of respect to you yesterday may no longer be taken seriously the next day. Then you will definitely reconsider your views on the market, perhaps even change the rhythm of trading. This is why investors and traders constantly “wander” from one broker to another. It is for this reason that the answer to the question of whom to trade through should not be treated as an unshakable and unchangeable ultimate truth. Remember: everything in the world changes, and so does the market! Therefore, we must change with it if we want to trade successfully!

I receive a lot of questions from people who want to start trading on the stock exchange and make money through speculation. They ask for a vector, a sequential algorithm of actions. In this article, I will tell you without embellishment and give answers to questions about what you need to know and where to start trading on the stock exchange.

Exchange trading is becoming more and more popular in Russia and the CIS countries. Everyone is interested in how to make money by speculating in the stock market. To inexperienced people, trading on the stock exchange is perceived as an opportunity to earn easy money. Or, on the contrary, someone who is older and has experienced all the delights financial pyramids since MMM, they treat the stock exchange the same way as another money scam.

The point of view of both people has a right to exist, but has nothing to do with reality. Trading on the market is a legal activity with its own rules and procedures, supervised by government regulatory authorities.

Trading on the stock exchange attracts with its imaginary simplicity. Anyone who approaches business with such thoughts will subsequently suffer defeat, become disappointed, and never return to trading. Persistent and hardworking people achieve success. However, there is nothing new in this. This is the case in any business, only on the stock exchange there are no rental fees, penalties, difficulties with logistics, personnel and other things inherent in a business in the real sector. All you need is a trading account and a computer with Internet access. That's it, you can already work and earn money.

If you are determined to start trading on the stock exchange, then carefully study this article. All this has been tested on myself and with my own money.

Initial settings

I repeat. The very first thing a novice speculator must understand is that there is no such thing as easy money, there is no freebie, and the stock exchange is no exception in this regard. As with any activity, you will have to work hard to achieve results. There is no need to carry sacks here, nor load wagons. It will be necessary to work exclusively with your head. But believe me, it's worth it.

  • Never quit your job, thinking that you will immediately earn a lot of money for your living by trading on the stock exchange. Trading involves risk. Here, money is both earned and no one is immune from losses.
  • At the initial stage, consider trading as a hobby, but take this matter seriously. Additional income from speculation may well exceed your salary at your main job by several times. Potentially, endless enrichment is possible in trading. It just depends on your trading skills.
  • Take your time. Try to do everything thoroughly and think it through to the end. A big mistake of novice traders is haste. I know a lot of stories when a person, without properly studying the subject area, started trading and lost to smithereens. Since it was not trading, but a game, no different from a casino. But trading on the stock exchange is not a casino, and you will have to pay for frivolity.
  • Do not bring your last money to the stock exchange, which means a lot to you. Do not take loans for trading, and do not borrow. You should start trading with free amount.

Try not to advertise left and right that you have started trading. Pressure from outside is of no use to you at the initial stage. Do it for yourself, silently and calmly. You will sound the trumpet when you get positive results. Although you won’t have to blow the whistle, everyone will notice and start asking where you made your money :)

Realize that you will need time to study and gain experience to get results. It all depends on individual characteristics person: in his desire to learn and desire to achieve results. Just try to be consistent in everything.

If you want significantly save time on studying stock trading , then I recommend going through.

Domain learning

There is no need to invest money at the first stage, because... First you need to thoroughly study the subject area. Often, for beginners and those who want to “start getting rich quickly now,” everything happens exactly the opposite. They immediately take money to the stock exchange without studying the subject. It’s clear how such stories end - wasted money, time and nerves. It is necessary to understand what trading on the stock exchange is all about.

What you need to learn to trade on the stock exchange

You need to know the specifics of the exchange you are going to trade on.

  • principles of operation of the exchange;
  • tools of the trade;
  • bidders;
  • principle of price formation;
  • why the price rises/falls;
  • trading time;
  • tool specifications,
  • types of market analysis;
  • etc.

In general, study your field of activity. As a rule, the website of the exchange on which you plan to trade is sufficient for this. All of the information listed above is publicly available there. In addition to the website, it would be a good idea to read additional literature about trading on the stock exchange.

Literature about the stock exchange

There are many books on stock trading. I read a lot of them, not counting the information on various sites and forums on stock exchange topics. Of all the books I've read, the books that stand out the most that I can recommend are:

  1. . V. Tvardovsky, S. Parshikov - the only sensible book on at the moment about trading on the Russian stock market from the founder of an investment company.
  2. . Larry Williams - a book from a trader with a profit record and multiple winner of the Robbins World Cup of Championship of Futures Trading. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the National Futures Association.
  3. . Linda Raschke, Larry Connors - An excellent book from practicing traders.
  4. And . Jack Schwager - in the book, the author interviews the best managers and investors in America.
  5. . Edwin Lefebvre - a book about the world's most famous speculator, Jesse Livermore. It was first published in 1923. And today it remains one of the most popular books in financial literature.

Choosing a broker for trading on the stock exchange

Broker is an intermediary between you and the exchange. With its help you can make transactions in the market.

After you have read the introductory data and studied the subject area, the question arises: how, having knowledge about the subject, make money on the stock exchange? At this stage, market analysis begins. Next I will tell you what is meant by this point.

Market analysis

Trading terminal

Market information is displayed to the trader in the form of a price chart. The chart can be viewed in the trading terminal. There are not many terminals provided by brokers on the Russian stock market. The most popular is the QUIK terminal. There is everything you need for trading. I am satisfied with everything about it, so I recommend it to you too. You can download the QUIK terminal on the broker's website.

If you want to trade currencies on Forex, then you will need to familiarize yourself with the most popular trading platform.

Each broker provides demo access to a trading terminal.

Demo account- this is an excellent opportunity to learn and test the functionality of the terminal in virtual trading mode. This is useful and necessary. I discussed in detail how to open a demo account and set up a QUIK terminal for trading.

The only and main disadvantage of virtual trading is that it does not reflect the full reality of what is happening, and does not affect your emotional component, which greatly influences trading. Therefore, I recommend opening a real account immediately.

Search for patterns

Money on the stock exchange is made based on patterns that tend to be realized in the future according to a certain scenario. At this stage, observation is required. You need to monitor the market and try to notice when the price behaves in a certain way. It's called a pattern, pattern, price model or a signal. Many traders call it differently, but the essence is the same - after this pattern appears, the market behaves in a predictable way, which allows you to make money from it in the future. Just sit and watch. I recommend taking screenshots of the screen. At one time, I accumulated a whole collection. The main thing is to do all this diligently. You’ll get an eyeful and learn to feel the market well. I highly recommend it!

There are no dogmas on the market, so do not treat the perception of new information as recommendations that are 100% correct. You should have a healthy dose of skepticism.

Now you’ve read the books, watched the market for quite some time, analyzed your screenshots. You have formed a personal opinion about trading on the stock exchange. Next, based on the information received, a decision-making system is built, which is the trader’s tool for making money on the stock exchange.

Exchange trading

Now the question arises of how much money is needed to start trading on the stock exchange. It depends on your preferences and how much time you are willing to devote to the market. You need to clearly understand that trading in the market involves risk. To begin with, I would recommend that you take your time putting a lot of money into your trading account. This can be done as you gain experience and develop your own trading style. It is very easy to part with money on the stock exchange, but saving and earning money is not so easy. Therefore, take your time and do everything consistently.

The market provides opportunities every day, except weekends and holidays. Beginners have a very serious problem - they constantly want to be in the market, they constantly think about missed opportunities. Is being produced. It is necessary to approach trading with a sober outlook and take deliberate actions, and not under the influence of emotions. With experience you will understand all this, but for now just listen to my advice - take your time.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Do you want to start trading on the stock exchange, but don’t know what you need to know and be able to do? In this article you will find answers to all your questions.

You already know what trading is. If not, be sure to read the article: . Next we will talk about everything you need to start trading on financial markets. Theoretically, to start on the stock exchange, you need to complete only three steps:

  • Open a trading account with a broker.
  • Place money on deposit.
  • Install a trading platform to analyze the market and make trades.

That's it, after these simple steps you can already make transactions on the stock exchange! This is exactly what most people do. But, we hasten to warn you, such a start guarantees you losses or complete emptying of your account. This is not trading, but playing in a casino. Yes, you may be lucky at first, but this will have nothing to do with real trading, where decisions are made based on a thorough market analysis and the trader’s planned actions. Therefore, we suggest that you take your time and prepare thoroughly before the fight.

Preparing to start trading on the stock exchange

Firstly, get ready for serious work right away. Trading on the stock exchange is not a game at all, as many people say. A real trader will never say that he is playing on the stock exchange. The stock exchange is not a casino; prices can be predicted with reasonable accuracy. There are techniques that help determine in advance where will he go price.

Get ready for what big earnings, you have to learn, make mistakes, gain experience. And if you try, everything will definitely pay off. You will gain not only financial independence, but also personal freedom, because... you will be your own boss. This is exactly what traders trade for. Are you ready? Let's move on with this attitude!

Decide what you will trade

If you want to make transactions with currencies, then open an account with a Forex broker. We recommend the largest and most reliable in Russia - . This company provides a very wide range of services and best conditions for trade. Many of our traders trade there.

If you decide to work with stocks or futures Russian companies, then select a tariff and open an account with a broker who provides trading services on the MICEX exchange.

Or trade simultaneously on Forex and MICEX. There is no problem with that! You can open as many accounts and with as many brokers as your heart desires!

Trading platform

After the account is opened, download the trading platform (trading terminal) from the broker’s website. In it you will analyze the market and make deals. The most popular forex trading platform is . All leading Forex brokers offer it, and for good reason, its functionality is very diverse.

For trading on the Russian stock market, the most famous and used terminal by traders is QUIK. We recommend that you use these two platforms. They have proven themselves very well in practice and have all the necessary functions for trading and market analysis.

The operation of the trading platform can be tested. To do this you need to register personal account and open a demo account. You will be given demo access to the trading terminal, virtual money will be added, and you will be able to “trade”.

Of course, this has nothing to do with real trading. Demo accounts are provided solely to familiarize yourself with the functionality of the platform. To try out how trades are made and different instruments work, with no risk to your funds.

Learn to trade. Go ahead.

So, now it’s time to talk about money and the size of the trading account (deposit). In simple words: how much money you will need to trade.

What size deposit should be for trading on the stock exchange and forex

There is an opinion that trading on the stock exchange requires some incredible amounts of money. This is what amateurs say who understand absolutely nothing about trading. In reality, you can start trading with $100. Each broker has its own threshold for the minimum amount to open an account: for example, minimum deposit from the largest forex broker in Russia, only 100$.

In order to open an account with a broker for trading shares of Russian companies, you will need approximately 10 thousand rubles.

You are probably wondering how much money to deposit. There are a few notes to this:

  • The money you want to trade (especially if you are new) should not be the last one. Those. Losing money, for whatever reason, will not cause much damage to your financial situation.
  • The amount in the account should not be very small. You need to understand the seriousness of the situation and feel responsible. With a tiny amount in your account, psychologically, it will be difficult to adjust to larger amounts.

After an account has been opened, money has been deposited, a trading platform has been installed and configured, it’s time to learn how to trade on the stock exchange.

What you need to know to trade on the stock exchange

Making decisions about when to make trades is the most basic skill in trading, which needs to be constantly honed, developed and improved. After all, without development there is no progress.

First, do some research about what you will be trading. All financial instruments (currency, stocks, futures, etc.) have trading specifications that indicate the necessary parameters. For example, the price step cost, lot size, etc. All information is located either on the website of your broker or on the website of the exchange on which you are trading.

Forecasting prices on the stock exchange

Traders make decisions based on analysis of the instrument being traded. Analyzes are divided into two types:

  • Technical;
  • Fundamental;

The object of technical analysis is the price chart. It uses various linear constructions, indicators and other theories. This makes technical analysis fundamentally different from fundamental analysis, in which the main work is done with economic data: financial statements of companies, etc.

Typically, technical analysis is used by active speculators who trade frequently. While investors prefer the fundamental one, because invest in business, and for this you need to be able to evaluate companies - this is a rather labor-intensive process.

So choose what is closer to you: to be an investor or a speculator. Of course, within the framework of this article, it is simply impossible to thoroughly analyze both types of analysis. Therefore, read about them separately.


We suggest that you act in exactly the same sequence as written in this article. Everything has been tested with our own money, so the proposed option is the most optimal. If you have any misunderstandings or any questions, we invite you to comment. We will be happy to answer.

Good luck in trading!

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