Basic research. Job profile: a fundamental tool for an HR professional Which most matches the job profile

Every leader or HR manager sooner or later faces the question of filling a vacant position. Selection good specialist- this is not an easy task. For this purpose, managers quite often create job profiles that help them navigate the requirements for the applicant.

Definition of the concept

Job profiles represent a set of professional and personal competencies that an applicant for a particular position must meet. On at the moment There is no formalized description of the characteristics that a representative of a particular profession should have, and therefore managers draw up these documents independently.

We can say that the job profile is a kind of standard in accordance with which the employee must perform his duties. The description must be detailed and, most importantly, realistic. The document must display the following main positions:

  • the place and significance of the position in the organizational structure of a particular enterprise;
  • functional responsibilities tasks that must be performed by an employee hired for this position;
  • profile, which lists the main competencies that an applicant for the position must have;
  • personal qualities that are necessary to perform certain duties;
  • the minimum list of requirements that an organization puts forward for its employees.

Thus, we can say that job profiles represent a set of characteristics that an employee must meet. This is a specific standard that describes the responsibilities, as well as the qualifications and personal parameters of the applicant.

Why are job profiles needed?

HR managers regularly face the question of filling one or another vacant position. Without drawing up a comprehensive job profile, you should not proceed with the direct selection of employees. This document is a kind of hint that is used in the following cases:

  • selection of candidates to fill vacant positions;
  • for certification of already working personnel in order to determine the degree of compliance with the position held (this also applies to employees who have completed a probationary period);
  • for the purpose of drawing up plans for personnel training and professional development;
  • if you need to create a personnel reserve for the future;
  • in order to plan career growth and further promotion of employees to senior positions in the organization.

Quite often, the job profile of a candidate for a particular post is confused with the job description. The fundamental difference between these two documents is that the second is drawn up on the basis of legal requirements. Job description is general document, which is compiled for the profession as a whole, and not for a specific employee of a particular organization. It defines the main responsibilities and the Job Profile is a document of a local nature that does not have clear requirements for content and structure. HR Manager (or other personnel workers) composes it based on own experience or general practice of the organization.

Professional competencies

Each position requires the employee to have certain competencies. This qualification characteristics, which are necessary to perform certain works. Thus, the competency profile of a position usually includes the following points:

  • strategic thinking (implies the ability to draw up long-term plans taking into account possible risks and alternative options);
  • influence on others (the ability to defend one’s point of view, as well as convince others of its correctness);
  • problem-solving skills (the ability to adequately respond to non-standard situations and difficulties, as well as quickly find ways out of them);
  • information search (selection and ability to find and use relevant sources);
  • ability to work with clients and counterparties (taking into account interests, understanding psychology, satisfying wishes and needs);
  • flexibility (quick response and decision-making in accordance with the changing situation);
  • focus on quality (knowledge and compliance with all requirements and standards, as well as the desire for continuous improvement).

Depending on what position we are talking about, the list of competencies may expand or narrow. The professional profile of a position contains not only requirements, but also the degree of their expression (basic, high, maximum). This indicator can be determined based on the results of an interview or through special psychological tests.

How is it compiled?

Creating a job profile is a rather labor-intensive process. Its necessity is due to the fact that this document allows you to determine the parameters that a valuable employee. Having correctly formulated a profile, HR specialists greatly facilitate the process of searching and selecting new employees. When drawing up a document, you should be guided by a number of recommendations and rules:

  • The job title should be short and clearly reflect its essence. It is also worth making brief description, which will contain a list of the employee’s main responsibilities. Can be presented in the form of a list of tasks. This will be the basis of the job profile.
  • The list of basic information about the position should include not only the order of work, but also the size wages, which will be one of the key points during the interview. It is also worth describing the hierarchy of subordination, as well as an approximate list of people with whom the new employee will have to interact.
  • To perform job responsibilities requires possession of a set of specific competencies. This list should not be too extensive (no more than 10 items). It can be compiled on the basis of personal experience, theoretical research, observations of employees, as well as a sociological survey. You can divide competencies into several groups (for example, specific and corporate).

The profile should be both short and succinct. This will allow you to obtain comprehensive information without spending too much time processing it.

Main stages of creation

Developing a job profile includes several sequential stages:

  • At the first stage of drawing up the document, you should carefully study job descriptions, as well as all information regarding the specifics of the enterprise. You can conduct conversations with employees or using standardized forms.
  • Next, the circle of people who will be directly involved in the work is determined. Most often, this issue is dealt with by HR specialists. However, it is also important to involve the heads of other functions for which the profiles are being compiled. The work can be carried out jointly or separately, with subsequent integration of the results obtained into the final working document.
  • The third stage involves studying the organizational structure of the enterprise in order to determine the place of a particular position in it. Subordinates must be identified, as well as immediate superiors, to whom the new employee will report.
  • Next is produced detailed description functional responsibilities that correspond to a particular position. Not only regulatory legal acts are taken as a basis, but also personal experience work at a specific enterprise.
  • At the fifth stage, the HR manager (or other specialist who is involved in compiling the profile) must determine the list of knowledge and skills that will be required to perform the job responsibilities. It's about about professional competencies.
  • Having decided on competencies, it is important to distribute them by degree of importance, as well as the level at which a specialist should possess them. This will facilitate the personnel selection procedure.
  • Next, the working group members must determine what personal characteristics an applicant for the vacant position should have. Sometimes character traits are even more important than professional competencies, because the latter can be worked out, but the former can become a serious obstacle in the work process.
  • At the eighth stage it is necessary to determine general requirements to the employee. Usually this is gender, age, level of education or work experience, etc. It is worth noting that the first two signs are not always appropriate to use, because legislation can interpret them as discrimination.
  • The last stage involves determining the criteria according to which the employee’s performance will be determined. They can be used during a probationary period or for periodic assessment of the quality of work of existing employees.

It is worth noting that this algorithm is not mandatory for compliance in all organizations. Depending on the size of the enterprise, as well as the specifics of its organizational structure, some stages may be omitted, and additional ones may be introduced.

Drafting sample

At the moment there is no unified form, in accordance with which a profile of the requirements for the position would be drawn up. And the professions themselves at each enterprise may have specific requirements. Nevertheless, HR managers have already developed a certain practice, in accordance with which a job profile is drawn up. A sample might look like this:

  • job title, according to the staffing table;
  • brief description (what the employee must do);
  • essential conditions (work schedule, salary level, etc.);
  • requirements for the applicant for the position (level of education, experience in a particular field, certain special skills);
  • expanded list of job responsibilities;
  • corporate competencies that a potential employee of a particular organization must have;
  • psychological tests and other methods for assessing an employee’s suitability for a particular position.

This is a rough template. Most often, this is the structure of the job profile. The sample can be expanded or narrowed, depending on the structure of the organization. Also additional options may be introduced for specific positions.

HR Manager Job Profile

A personnel manager is one of the most responsible positions in an enterprise, because the quality of the workforce depends on this employee. Therefore, personnel officers are required to special requirements, which are reflected in a document such as a job profile. A sample could be as follows:

  • skills in working with people (an HR manager must have communication and dispute resolution skills);
  • rapid involvement should not be indifferent, he must have an interest in solving certain issues);
  • taking initiative in matters related to improving the structure and quality of personnel;
  • openness to communication ( this quality is necessary due to the specific features of the position);
  • enthusiasm in solving current issues;
  • a positive mood that will be transmitted to all other team members;
  • ability to conduct a conversation (it is the manager who plays the leading role in conversations with potential and actual employees);
  • leadership qualities;
  • skills public speaking(to present reports and reports to senior management, as well as conduct seminars for subordinates);
  • to make creative decisions in emergency situations;
  • oratory skills, persuasiveness of statements;
  • speed of thinking and quickness in action;
  • the ability to adapt to changing conditions (as well as providing assistance to newly hired employees);
  • lack of fear of risk (this characteristic should be moderately expressed);
  • independence in decision making;
  • the ability to experiment and find new ones;
  • a sense of humor that helps defuse stressful and tense situations.

The position profile of the manager responsible for personnel selection must be drawn up with special care, because this position is one of the key ones in any enterprise. The person applying for this position must fully meet the requirements, because it is on his shoulders that the responsibility for forming the personnel will fall.

Requirements for a sales manager

Quite often you can find such a vacancy as a sales manager. Despite the fact that many young people begin their career path with such work, already at this stage quite serious demands are placed on applicants. A typical sales manager job profile looks like this:

  • willingness to constantly communicate with a wide range of people (suppliers, customers, buyers, etc.);
  • ability to quickly make decisions based on the results of negotiations with counterparties;
  • the ability to maintain an optimistic mood in a conversation, as well as create an atmosphere of trust;
  • creativity of thinking (important in product presentation);
  • the ability to rationally organize your time (since work involves many daily meetings and negotiations);
  • diplomatic tone in communication with counterparties and clients;
  • emotional balance, the ability to remain calm in stressful situations, and quickly find a way out of conflicts;
  • the ability to find a common language with different types of personalities;
  • loyalty to the product being sold.

It is worth noting that the given position profile is very approximate. The example can be expanded or shortened according to the needs of a particular organization.

Basic approaches to creating a job profile

The development of a job profile can be carried out in accordance with two main approaches:

  • The situational approach implies that the document is drawn up on an emergency basis when it is necessary to urgently fill a vacant position. Since time is very limited, the document is drawn up very roughly, indicating only the most basic requirements for a potential employee. In the future, this blank can serve to form a full-fledged profile.
  • The methodological approach implies thorough work, the results of which will develop clear features of the position, necessary competencies, personal qualities, and functional areas of responsibility. It will contain all the comprehensive information, and therefore will be considered a working document when searching and selecting personnel. As the organization undergoes any reforms, the profile will also undergo changes.


It is worth noting that for successful recruitment it is important that the company has a job profile. It is quite difficult to give an example of a unified document, since this issue is not regulated by law, but remains at the discretion of the company’s managers.

A profile is one of the main tools that is used in selecting candidates to fill a particular vacant position. In addition, in accordance with this document, periodic certification of personnel or an audit based on the results can be carried out. Depending on the results of the study, areas for improving the level of qualifications can be identified.

When compiling a profile, one of two approaches can be used. Situational occurs when there is an urgent need to fill a vacant vacancy. In this case, the job description can be compiled very roughly, indicating only the main characteristics. If we talk about the methodological approach, then a thorough, detailed document is developed, which is constantly used in personnel selection practice.

The typical process of developing a job profile involves going through several successive stages. To begin with, the features of the profession are studied, as well as the requirements for it put forward by regulations. It is also necessary to form a group of competent specialists who will take part in the preparation of documents. The profile is compiled taking into account the organizational structure of the enterprise, and therefore it must also be carefully studied. The main part of the document is a description of the potential employee’s job responsibilities, as well as competency requirements. It is also worth paying attention to personal qualities (communication skills, stress resistance, and so on).

How to draw a portrait of a successful employee, visualize and “embody” it in reality? Why do you need to create a profile at all, what will it help, what three groups are best to divide competencies into, she told the portalPolina Akulova, HR Director of CorpusGroup Group of Companies.

- Polina, where to start drawing up a portrait of a successful employee?

First, it’s worth understanding what meaning we mean by the concept of “successful.” In our understanding, this is the employee who achieves success in fulfilling the goals and objectives set by the company for him personally and for his department. This is an effective employee who achieves results with the least energy and material costs.

Each person also has personal characteristics and values ​​laid down by upbringing or acquired in the process of life. Values ​​are a component of a person’s worldview and rarely change throughout life. Therefore it is important that they aligned with the company's values. It will be difficult for an employee to carry out his responsibilities effectively if what he is assigned contradicts his beliefs. If the company has defined core values, then they should be reflected first in the portrait of a successful employee.

- What information should a profile of a successful employee contain?

The profile of a successful employee must contain approved competencies for each of the four blocks: corporate competencies, managerial competencies, professional competencies, values. Corporate competencies reflect the employee’s ability to correlate his interests with the interests of the organization, his performance; management competencies are the leadership potential of an employee; professional competencies are his knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during his studies and subsequent professional experience; values ​​- life priorities, principles and moral principles.

The specific content of competencies depends on the position and department in which the employee works. The more complete and competent the profile is compiled, the more non-target candidates will be able to be identified at the initial stage.

- How to determine which qualities are paramount in selection and which are not?

In order to highlight the qualities that are paramount for an employee, it is necessary to determine what rules the company lives by now, how it will develop in the near future, and what its future strategic plans will be. Analyze which competencies are most significant for successful work in each division, based on business processes and functionality, taking into account the prospects and development strategy of the company. The identified competencies must be ranked taking into account corporate culture. In the job profile for candidates for our company, we divide competencies into 3 groups: “useful”, “important”, “necessary”. Based on them, we determine the ideal candidate profile that suits us. Of course, there are no ideal candidates, which is why we divide competencies according to importance. The “necessary” group includes core competencies without which the candidate will not be able to work in this position.

Next comes the “important” group, which includes skills that, if necessary, can be acquired or developed in the process of work. It is necessary to analyze the main characteristics of candidates in the market, taking into account that each industry in terms of applicants has its own characteristics, and compare the results with the needs of the company. Take, for example, the profile of a commercial director: we understand that knowledge of sales techniques is mandatory for this position. But the lack of skills in working with documents is a disadvantage for the candidate, but we can teach this in the company.

We also highlight the “useful” group, which includes competencies that are not mandatory, but add a bonus to the employee when hiring. For a seller, useful skills include participation in tenders; this is a specific skill that not everyone has.

- Is the profile of a successful candidate compiled based on an assessment of the company’s existing employees?

Of course, it is easier to create an ideal competency profile when you already have an example effective employee. If a position already exists, but there is no profile, we start by assessing the current employees. The first competency profiles that we developed and approved in 2011 were created like this: first, we assessed our employees, understood which competencies were most important to us, and based on them we created job profiles.

If a similar position has not existed before, we visualize your profile We fill this employee with the competencies that he should have: professional competencies are more important for specialists, and managerial qualities and leadership potential are more important for managers.

Our company has a practice of annual evaluation of employees holding key positions: directors, deputy directors, managers. The assessment is carried out in the assessment center format using competency indicators, in accordance with approved job profiles.

- Are you trying to make your profile more complete or more realistic?

We aim to make your profile more flexible and realistic. In addition to the competencies an employee needs for employment, the profile includes competencies that the employee must then acquire in the company. We conduct an assessment center based on these two blocks.

It is important to distinguish between a recruitment application and a competency profile; these are not identical documents. The selection application is based on the position profile, and in the competency profile we see an expanded list necessary qualities. For example, a competency profile includes a number of knowledge and skills: knowledge of sales techniques, participation in tenders, basic economics. They can be combined into one competency - professionalism. The more accurately the recruitment application matches the profile, the easier it is for the recruiter to satisfy the manager’s wishes. The job profile is needed to make the list of requirements as objective as possible. Let me give you a very general example. For example, a selection application may indicate: “a girl of model appearance is required,” then we open the position profile, which says: “gender does not matter”, “age - from 27 years to 45 years”, “total work experience from 5 years old", appearance is not in the list of criteria...

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Closing specialist positions in unique expert vacancies involves working together recruiter and internal client.

The better you understand the internal request (for example, the head of the department where the vacancy is open), the more accurately you create a job profile and a portrait of the ideal candidate, the faster you will find a suitable employee.

Job profile

Internal document with requirements for professional and personal competencies of candidates. It will facilitate the selection of candidates, help compile a final list of applicants with relevant experience and competencies, select training programs, etc. Ideally, it helps to understand whether the candidate is suitable for the position and whether he will cope with the tasks.
If the company does not yet have an approved profile, we recommend starting from the recruitment application - for example: “The sales department requires a manager with experience.” Make a job profile template - this can be a plate in any form - and send it to the internal customer. If necessary, make appointments and discuss expectations and requirements for candidates. Gradually updating the sign until the final result suits everyone.
The profile template may contain the following fields:

  • Job title.
  • General information: department, immediate supervisor, head of department, presence of subordinates of the future employee.
  • Job description: functionality, tasks.
  • Conditions of the vacancy: regime, business trips, motivation, level of remuneration.
  • Requirements for the candidate: education and priority universities, work experience (recommendations from which companies are interesting, company people), personal qualities, additional diplomas, knowledge of a foreign language.
  • 2-3 test questions that will help weed out irrelevant candidates (for example, language level, license, knowledge of 1C, etc.).
The goal is to fill the plate as much as possible. The output you should get is clear internal document, which will help in the selection of candidates and will simplify the final approval of candidates as much as possible.

Additionally, we recommend that competencies be distributed according to the degree of importance for the business and set levels. For example: minimal, average, important, necessary. Or whatever is convenient for you. This will allow you to expand the circle of candidates, consider candidates of different levels, possibly offer them different conditions, convenient companies, and form a reserve.

A separate question is personal qualities

Education, experience, level of foreign language and similar points that are recorded in your profile are quite easy to check. Difficulty is caused by desires such as ambition, proactivity, leadership, entrepreneurial skills, etc. Often, managers themselves have no idea what qualities and competencies are truly important in their department.
To help understand this, conduct a mini-interview with an internal client:

  • What difficulties will the candidate have to face in the job?
  • What do you like and dislike about the employees in this department?
  • What is the worst thing that can happen in a department and how should an employee act?
  • What qualities and skills must a candidate have to work effectively?
If you don't have corporate model competencies, you can use questionnaires from open sources and prepare questions and cases for interviews in advance. For example, in the public domain you can find Svetlana Ivanova’s questionnaire, which is considered basic for competency interviews.

What is included in the job profile, what is the scope of its application, who develops and implements the job profile - this is discussed in the article.

From the article you will learn:

What and why is included in the job profile

The job profile is considered one of the standards and fundamental tools of the entire HR system. The document describes in detail the position itself, forms biographical requirements, main aspects of corporate culture, defines the specialist’s functionality and core competencies that will be required to successfully perform the assigned functions in a particular profession. All this is called a job profile.

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Descriptive characteristics of the job profile include:

  • Name;
  • determining the purpose of the position;
  • indication of name structural unit or department;
  • details of the manager;
  • the entire list of subordinates, if the corresponding specifics of work includes the presence of subordinates.

The biographical requirements in the job profile include:

  • requirements for the age and gender of the specialist;
  • requirements for work experience and education.

Corporate values ​​must be included in the job profile if the company has a developed corporate culture.
In order for a candidate for a position to quickly go through the adaptation period and fit into the team, it is necessary to take into account personality characteristics and level of competence. For example, when working with clients it is quite difficult to do without communication competence, customer focus, the ability to build long-term relationships and conclude profitable contracts.

The director's job profile includes:

  1. ability to set goals and objectives;
  2. distribute functional responsibilities among subordinates;
  3. ensure control and evaluation of work results;
  4. ability to prioritize;
  5. other skills necessary for successful leadership, taking into account the specifics of the company.

Read about the topic in the e-zine

What results should a specialist show, taking into account the job profile?

It is necessary to look and analyze what results were produced by those who previously worked in the company in a position that became vacant. If such a position is not the only one, it is worth analyzing the indicators for similar positions. As a result, all results are divided into three groups: best, average and worst. This will help you understand what results what to expect from a newcomer and what kind of his work is considered good and what is mediocre.

When drawing up a document, it is not recommended to rely on the results of personnel assessments. It is quite rare for companies to develop assessment systems that allow them to objectively and comprehensively evaluate employees. Therefore, paradoxically, the best employees often receive low scores based on the assessment results, and vice versa, ineffective employees pass this procedure more successfully. In addition, sometimes assessments are carried out for specific purposes. Let's say to reveal . The results of such an assessment cannot be used.

Next, you should describe the functional responsibilities and actions that the employee will perform. Pay special attention to those aspects of activity that have the greatest impact on the result. It is worth considering different situations and determining what the employee should do in each of these situations. Based on this, it is easy to understand what competence and quality are most important for the candidate, and what to include in the profile of the position of manager, supervisor, and other specialists.

At the next stage, the reference behavioral indicators of the future employee are determined. They take as a basis each responsibility that will be assigned to a new employee and record what kind of behavior and attitude the employee should demonstrate when fulfilling this responsibility. These are behavioral indicators – manifestations of certain qualities. are compiled for employees of each of three groups - for those who show the best results, average and worst.

How to create a job profile

Drawing up a job profile is carried out taking into account the specifics of the company's work. Are taken into account corporate values, culture and ethics. IN include key responsibilities specialists.

When drawing up a job profile, it is worth considering that the designed model is intended to solve the problem of standardization. Enter into the profile intended purpose positions, functionality of direct job responsibilities, .

Each specialty must be formalized and established as a corresponding standard. This allows you to solve several problems at once. Frees the HR professional to reinvent the wheel when selecting candidates for a position and helps determine during the selection process which candidates are truly suitable for the vacant position. If the selection is entrusted to a recruiting agency, it is enough to present the profile of the position in a certain specialty so that it is easier for recruiters to understand what demands should be made? to the candidates.

Example of a job profile

After discussing with commercial director the goals and functionality of a marketer in the company, the HR director wrote a description

The job profile description contained the following items:

  • amounts to marketing plan(for a period from one month to a year) to plan your activities;
  • approves the plan with the head of the company;
  • enters information into specialized databases and promptly delivers it to respondents;
  • organizes events to position the company and its products on the market, as well as promotions to attract attention potential clients;
  • initiates publications about the company in specialized media and social networks;
  • organizes expert presentations at conferences and exhibitions;
  • ensures the company's participation in exhibitions;
  • controls the content of the company’s websites, is responsible for filling them with information that can attract the attention of potential customers;
  • cooks presentation materials, develops the design of souvenir products, ensures their production.

How to implement a job profile

Job profile for HR department work plays such an important role. Without a template, it is quite difficult to impose appropriate requirements on candidates and conduct a quality selection. And this leads to the fact that the adaptation process is delayed, and staff turnover increases significantly. And the organization is forced to spend additional material resources on re-selection.

When drawing up a job profile and implementing the template, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the immediate supervisor and director of the company. Participation of top, line, middle management is key factors successful work.

The introduction of profiles for all specialties will create a transparent picture of who is responsible for what in the company, and what competencies each specialist needs. It must be taken into account that at the legislative level, organizations are not required to create and implement job profiles. Such work is carried out on a voluntary basis if the organization’s management systematically approaches all management processes and plans to solve at no additional cost.

You might be interested to know:

Job profile— this is a list minimum requirements to a candidate who is indicated in posted vacancies for certain positions. Most often it contains:
a) Personal data and mandatory competencies include: age, education, work experience, adequacy of salary expectations, knowledge foreign languages, availability of a driver's license and car, level of PC proficiency, etc.
b) Personal qualities (behavioral skills): activity, energy, communication skills, result orientation, analytical thinking, leadership, etc.
c) Professional skills depending on the field of activity and position: sales, finance, logistics, management, advertising, etc.
It is important to understand that when compiling a profile, the peculiarities of the company’s corporate culture and the specific content of the work are taken into account.

Job profile "Sales Representative"

Let's look at the position as an example sales representative. The vacancy profile is compiled using the general position profile approved by the company.

  1. Job profile
  2. Job profile
  1. Sales Representative Job Profile Sample

Contents of the work:
1. Working with the client
2. Working with products
3. Company introduction
TP functions:
1. Working with the client:
Trade turnover:
Ensuring the availability of products at points of sale;
Work with points of sale and customers (product range, orders, delivery control, customer payments (accounts receivable);
Ensuring sales to end consumers (merchandising on the shelf, consultations at points of sale);
Creation and maintenance of a customer base (ABK - active customer base);
Search for new clients;
Collection and analysis of sales statistics;
Training of sales personnel.

2. Campaign Presentation:
Ensuring Compliance corporate image;
Ensuring the credibility of the company's growth;
Ensuring adherence to brand strategy;
Ensure compliance with campaign policies and image;
Training and transfer of experience to new colleagues.

3. Professional qualities of a sales representative:

Communication skills;
The power of persuasion;
Ability to represent the brand.

4. Organizational qualities of a sales representative:

Discipline and self-organization;
Honesty and integrity;

5. Personal qualities of a sales representative:

Positivism (winner mindset);
Team spirit;
Listening skills;

This is what the job description looks like based on the specified employee profile criteria for the position of sales representative.

2. Job profile Position: sales representative

General tasks of the position:
Achieving KPI goals ( key indicators efficiency): sales volume, product distribution, pricing control, increasing product representation on the shelf (share, product placement, design with promotional materials).

Main responsibilities:
Planning control over customer sales at each outlet;
Coordination and control assortment matrix and pricing;
Shares and places of display of products on retail shelves;
Placement of advertising material on retail shelves.

Sales Manager

Candidate requirements:
2 years of experience in sales, experience in a Western company is an advantage;
Additional education, business skills training is a plus;
Higher education;
Personal car in good technical condition;
Mobile phone with direct landline number;
English is a plus for further career growth;
User of PDA, PC (Power Point, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word).

Personality/Behavioral Characteristics:
Communication skills;
Customer orientation.

Professional skills:
Basics of sales (distribution, pricing, merchandising);
Seven steps to a sales representative's visit;
Rules and principles of negotiations;
Presentation skills.

Why do applicants need to know what a vacancy profile is and what parameters are used to compile it?

Studying the profile for a candidate is a very important step and contains keywords , which should be included in your resume and used in your interview answers. A resume sent to a posted vacancy must meet the specified criteria as accurately as possible, otherwise your resume will not even appear in the search results and the chances of being viewed are minimal.

In the article you can find out what general requirements companies put forward and what needs to be included in a resume for the position of sales manager.

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Coach for job search and career building. The only trainer-interviewer in Russia who prepares for all types of interviews. Resume writing expert. Author of the books: “I'm Afraid of Interviews!”, “Destroying #Resume,” “Destroying #CoverLetter.”