Sewing equipment operator tests. Sewing technology test

FEDERAL STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF PRIMARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION OF THE FEDERAL PENALTY SERVICE OF RUSSIA VOCATIONAL SCHOOL No. 110 Set of materials for assessing maturity professional competencies by appearance professional activities Profession 262019.04 Operator sewing equipment Control and evaluation tool for the exam (qualification) I. PASSPORT Purpose: KOS is intended for monitoring and evaluating the results of mastering the professional module: PM.02 Performing work on processing textiles from various materials Results (mastered professional competencies) Main indicators for assessing the result Forms and methods of control and PC 1.1 assessments. Perform operations manually or on machines, automatic or semi-automatic equipment for sewing parts, units, products from textile materials.1. Operations for sewing parts and assemblies from textile materials were carried out manually in accordance with the instructions and TU 201 RF 4208-7-92 " Specifications . Men's, women's and children's outerwear, coats and suits assortment. Exam (qualification), product assessment, comparison with the indicators of technical specifications, (evaluation sheet)2. Operations for sewing parts and units from textile materials on machines, automatic or semi-automatic equipment are carried out in accordance with the instructions and TU 201 RF 4208-7-92 "Technical conditions. Men's, women's and children's outerwear, coats and suits assortment. Exam (qualification) , product assessment, comparison with the indicators of the specifications, (rating sheet) 3. Operations for sewing products from textile materials on automatic or semi-automatic equipment were carried out in accordance with the specifications and TU 201 RF 4208-7-92 “Technical conditions. Men's, women's and children's outerwear, coats and suits assortment. Production practice, product evaluation, comparison with indicators of specifications, (evaluation sheet) PC 1.2. Monitor the color matching of parts, products, threads, applied materials.4. The color of the parts, the product, threads, applied materials are selected in accordance with the specifications and GOST 6309-93. “Cotton and synthetic sewing threads.” Exam (qualification), product evaluation, comparison with indicators, (score sheet) PC 1.3. Control the quality of the cut and the quality of the operations performed.5. Quality control of the cut was carried out in accordance with GOST 4103-82. "Sewing products. Quality control methods"Exam (qualification), product assessment, comparison with indicators, (score sheet)6. Quality control of performed operations was carried out in accordance with GOST 4103-82. "Sewing products. Quality control methods" Exam (qualification), product assessment, comparison with indicators, (score sheet) PC 1.4. Troubleshoot minor problems with equipment7. Minor malfunctions in the operation of the equipment were eliminated in accordance with the assignment and technical data sheet of the equipment. Production practice, product evaluation, comparison with indicators, evaluation PC 1.5. Follow safe work rules.8. Sewing of parts, components, products from textile materials was carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Safety Rules Exam (qualification), assessment of compliance with the requirements of the Safety Rules, process assessment, observation (observation sheet) Objects and assessment procedure: 1,2,4,5, 6-grade product of practical activity (quasi-professional setting), exam (qualifying) 8 - assessment of the process of practical activity (quasi-professional setting), examination (qualifying) 3, 7 - assessment of the product of practical activity (quasi-professional setting), industrial practice Assessment methods and technologies: 1,2 ,4,5,6 - comparison with indicators. 8 - assessment of compliance with the requirements of the Safety Rules Examination form (qualifying): combined exam Requirements for the portfolio (for the combined exam): Portfolio composition: Indicator 3 Indicator 7 Product, certification sheet, practice diary, feedback on PP Requirements for the assessment procedure: Premises Sewing workshop Equipment and accessories: - sewing machines: universal - 8720 cl. "Jack" special - 51kl., 25kl. - means of small-scale mechanization - WTO equipment: industrial irons - devices for performing machine work - devices for wet-heat work - devices and tools for manual work - mannequin. Tools: Needles, scissors, chalk, auxiliary patterns, measuring tape. Consumables: Kit for cutting product parts, applied materials. Access to additional instructions and reference materials: technical specifications, technological maps. Time limit: 120 min. Number of options: 25 Division into subgroups: 2 subgroups Requirements for staffing: Appraisers (experts): - Director of the Central Administrative Okrug FKU IK - 7 Zharkova V.G. - Senior production foreman of CTAO FKU IK-7: - Zauzolkova I.A. - O\t engineer Shkatula Yu.I. Assistant (organizer) - masters of industrial training Tokareva L.A., Khabibulina Kh.G. II. TASKS FOR EXAMINERS (GOATS) Option No. 1 1. Process the sleeve with a stitched cuff. 2. Carry out quality control of the unit. Enter the result on the form. Form No. Parameters Measurement parameters 1 Seam width for sewing the sleeves 2 Width of the seam for turning the ends of the cuff 3 Width of the seam for sewing the cuff 4 Width of the seam for sewing the top edge of the cuff 5 VTO 6 Time standard Conclusion: III. EXAMINER PACKAGE IIIa. Examiner Guidelines: 1. Familiarize yourself with the examinee tasks, assessed professional competencies, and assessment indicators. 2. Study the professional competency assessment tool. 3. Evaluate the students’ work and fill out the examination sheet according to the proposed criteria. IIIb. KOZ Task options for examinees: 25 options III century. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Verification tool Parameter Score Expert's comments 3210 Performing work manually - Specification requirements are met Has permissible specification deviations Do not comply with specifications Performing work on machines, automatic or semi-automatic equipment Seams comply with specifications Seams have deviations of no more than 0.1 cm Seams have deviations of more than 0.1 cm Seams do not comply with specifications Compliance colors of parts, threads, applied materials. - Fully complies with specifications. Has deviations allowed by GOST. Does not comply. Quality control of cut and operations performed. --Conducted in accordance with GOST Conducted in violation of GOST Compliance with TB rules --No violations Safety precautions were not followed, Compliance with time standards Time standards were met Deviation from the norm is no more than 0.5 hours Deviation from the norm is more than 1 hour More than 2 hours Conditions for mastering indicators 1,2,4,5 ,6,8: Minimum number of points - 10 points; The maximum number of points is 12 points. EVALUATION SHEET Profession 262019.04 Sewing equipment operator intermediate certification in professional module: PM 02 Performing work on processing textile products from various materials group _OSHO_ No. Full name of students PARAMETERS Performing work manually Performing work on machines, on automatic or semi-automatic equipment Matching the color of parts, threads, applied materials Quality control cut and operations performed. Compliance with safety regulations Compliance with time standards 1. 2. 3. 4.5. works on processing textile products from various materials MDK 02 Technology of processing textile products Profession 262019.04 Sewing equipment operator Full name of the student__________________________________________________________ Professional competencies Result assessment indicators PP Exam (k) Conclusion PC 1.1. Perform operations manually or on machines, automatic or semi-automatic equipment for sewing parts, units, products from textile materials. 1. Operations for sewing parts and assemblies from textile materials are carried out manually in accordance with the instructions and TU 201 RF 4208-7-92 "Technical conditions. Outerwear for men, women and children, coats and suits assortment. 2. Operations for sewing parts, assemblies from textile materials on machines, automatic or semi-automatic equipment are made in accordance with the specifications and TU 201 RF 4208-7-92 “Technical conditions. Men's, women's and children's outerwear, coats and suits assortment. 3. Operations for sewing products from textile materials on automatic or semi-automatic equipment were carried out in accordance with the instructions and TU 201 RF 4208-7-92 "Technical conditions. Men's, women's and children's outerwear, coats and suits assortment. PC 1.2. Monitor compliance colors of parts, products, threads, applied materials. 4. The color of parts, product, threads, applied materials are selected in accordance with the specifications and GOST 6309-93. "Sewing threads, cotton and synthetic." PC 1.3. Control the quality of the cut and the quality of the operations performed. 5. Quality control of the cut was carried out in accordance with GOST 4103-82. "Sewing products. Quality control methods"6. Quality control of performed operations was carried out in accordance with GOST 4103-82. "Sewing products. Quality control methods" PC 1.4. Eliminate minor problems in the operation of equipment 7. Minor problems in the operation of equipment were eliminated in accordance with the assignment and technical data sheet of the equipment PC 1.5. Follow safe work rules. 8. Sewing of parts, components, products from textile materials was carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Safety Rules _________________/________________ _________________/________________ IV. INSTRUCTIONS for the master and assistant 1. Prepare the cutting of parts for the exam. 2. Prepare and check the working condition necessary equipment, devices and tools. 3. Prepare the necessary supplies. 4. Ensure that the necessary reference literature is available. 5. Provide training to students on TB. 6. Provide the necessary documentation for the exam (evaluation materials, protocol) Developers: Tokareva L.A., master of industrial training of the branch of the Federal State Educational Institution NPO PU No. 110 Khabibulina Kh.G., master of industrial training of the branch of the Federal State Educational Institution NPO PU No. 110 Rokina L.N. ., senior foreman of the branch of FKOU NPO PU No. 110 Yarovikov N.A., deputy director of FKOU NPO PU No. 110 Tokmakov V.V., master of industrial training of the branch of FKOU NPO PU No. 110 Petunin M.N., master of industrial training of the branch of FKOU NPO PU PU No. 110 Shakhmatova E.N., master of industrial training of the branch of FKOU NPO PU No. 110 Mozzherin A. G., teacher of FKOU NPO PU No. 110 Toyshev I.V., master of industrial training of FKOU NPO PU No. 110 Agreed by: Director of the Central Administrative Educational Institution FKU IK -7 lieutenant colonel vn.s. Zharkova V.G.

Test tasks for industrial training.

1.Answer the questions. Write down your answers.

1. What are the names of the fabrics that are used to make bed linen?

    What connecting seams are used when sewing bed linen?


    What edge seam do they process open sections of bed linen?


2.Look at the drawing and write numbers from 1 to 5 in the empty circles in accordance with the correct order of sewing a pillowcase with a flap.

3. What shape can the cutout for tucking a blanket on a duvet cover have?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. In the picture, label the names of the products included in the pajama set.

5.What type of clothing are pajamas? _______________________________________________________________

6. Read the plan for sewing pajama pants. Enter numbers from 1 to 5 in accordance with the correct order of completing the work.

Work plan for sewing pajama pants:

Connect the right and left parts of the trousers.

Process the bottom cuts.

Iron the finished product and fold it.

Process step cuts.

Process the top cut.

7. In the figure, show with arrows in which direction the darts are basted and stitched.

8. Look at the drawing, identify and name the animals depicted on it. Remember the name of the wool that is obtained from these animals and write its name.

9.Look at the drawing and sign the names and designations of the measurements that are necessary to construct a drawing of the base of a straight skirt.

10. Answer the questions. Write down your answers.

    What measurements are recorded in half size?


    What does the St measure determine?

Task 1.

Choose the correct answer.

What fabrics are made from animal fibers?




Task 2.

Choose the correct answer.

What is natural silk?

    Animal hair;

    Threads obtained from the silkworm caterpillar;

    Threads obtained from an annual herbaceous plant.

Task 3.

Choose the correct answer.

Mechanical properties fabrics are:


    Dust capacity;



Task 4.

Choose the correct answer.

Which thread is thicker?




Task 5.

Choose the correct answer.

Which fabric is difficult to cut?




Task 6.

Choose the correct answer.

What raw materials are used to produce synthetic fibers?


    Gas and products of processing of coal and oil;

    Silkworm cocoons.

Task 7.

Choose the correct answer.

What fabrics are made from synthetic fiber?



    Acetate silk;


Task 8.

Choose the correct answer.

What fabrics require a low temperature setting when ironing?

    Made from cotton;

    Made from chemical fibers;

    Made from wool;

    Made from linen.

Task 9.

Choose the correct answer.

How to stitch a dart correctly?

    From top to bottom;

    Doesn't matter;

    From base to top.

Task 10.

Choose the correct answer.

What determines the amount of hem of the bottom edge of the product?

    From the length of the product;

    Depending on the type of fabric;

    From the style.

Task 11.

Choose the correct answer.

What styles are distinguished in modern clothing?




Task 12.

Choose the correct answer.

How can you process the neckline of a dress without a collar?

    Straight facing;

    Cross facing;

    Undercut facing.

Task 13.

Choose the correct answer.

What kind of finish can there be?




Task 14.

Choose the correct answer.

What seam is used to connect the yokes to the main parts of the product?



    Hem seam.

Task 15.

Choose the correct answer.

What types of sleeves are there?




Tests to test students' knowledge

Task 1.

Choose the correct answer.

Belt products include:

    Dress; 4) Pants;

    Skirt; 5) Robe.


Task 2.

Choose the correct answer.

The neckline of a nightgown can be treated:

    Double oblique facing;

    Hem seam;

    Covered seam.

Task 3.

Choose the correct answer.

Bed linen is:



    Duvet cover;


Task 4.

Choose the correct answer.

Natural fibers are:




Task 5.

Choose the correct answer.

How many times should the length of the frill be greater than the length of the cut to which it is stitched?

    3 times;

    2 times;

    4 times.

Task 6.

Choose the correct answer.

What type of underwear are pajamas?

    Table linen;

    Bed sheets;


Task 7.

Choose the correct answer.

What is wool?

    Sheep hair;

    Horse hair;

    Camel hair.

Task 8.

Choose the correct answer.

The ends of the leaks at the skirt:


    They make jokes;

    Iron it out.

Task 9.

Choose the correct answer.

What parts does the cut of a straight skirt consist of?

    Front panel;

    Rear panel;


Task 10.

Choose the correct answer.

What type of seams is a double seam?



Task 11.

Choose the correct answer.

The bias tape is cut at an angle:




Task 12.

Choose the correct answer.

On which side of the figure are measurements taken for drawing?

    On the right;

    On the left;

    Doesn't matter.

Task 13.

Choose the correct answer.

Which measurements are recorded in full?




Task 14.

Choose the correct answer.

Ironing is:

    Smooth out the finished product;

    Smooth both cuts in one direction;

    Reduce the thickness of the fabric at the seams.

Task 15.

Choose the correct answer.

What kind of skirts can be cut?




Integrated test task

1. What are the two types of textile fibers? (find the odd one out)

A. natural

B. chemical

B. mixed


2. Find the correct match?

1 2 3

Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region
State budgetary professional educational institution
Sverdlovsk region
"Sukholozhsky Multidisciplinary Technical School"

Head of the Central Metallurgical Committee
___________A.I. Moscow
I affirm:
Deputy director for sustainable development
_________AND. A. Grigoryan

Control and evaluation tools (differentiated credit)
at intermediate certification
adaptation discipline “Fundamentals of Intellectual Work”

by profession 16185 Sewing equipment operator

Sukhoi Log

Organization - developer: GBPOU SO "Sukholozhsky Multidisciplinary College"

Moskovskikh A.I., teacher of Russian language and literature.

Explanatory note

Mastering the adaptation discipline of an adapted educational program in the training of employees in the profession 16185 Sewing equipment operator ends with mandatory final monitoring of students’ educational achievements, which is carried out as part of an intermediate certification - differentiated test in the adaptation discipline “Fundamentals of Intellectual Work”.
Differentiated credit in the adaptation discipline “Fundamentals of Intellectual Work” is mandatory. It is carried out in the form of a test, which takes 2 hours (90 minutes) to complete. The form of presentation of the test is in printed large font or electronic large font. It is acceptable to take the test in a remote format (for students who have an individual curriculum or are undergoing rehabilitation, planned or unplanned treatment).
If necessary, it is recommended to provide for disabled students and students with disabilities an increase in time to prepare for the test, as well as provide extra time to prepare an answer for the test. It is possible for educational organizations to establish individual schedules for passing intermediate certification for students with disabilities and students with limited health capabilities.
If necessary, for disabled students and students with disabilities, intermediate certification can be carried out in several stages. To do this, it is recommended to use milestone control, which is a control point upon completion of studying a section or topic of a discipline in order to assess the level of mastery of program material. The forms and timing of the midterm control are determined by the teacher, taking into account the individual psychophysical characteristics of the students.
The set of control and measuring materials consists of 55 tasks, questions of reproductive, productive optimal, productive levels. When completing tasks, students must demonstrate developed competencies.
Tasks with the choice of one correct answer from two proposed options require one answer option: “yes” - “no.”
As a result of mastering the adaptation discipline “Fundamentals of Intellectual Work”, a disabled student or a student with disabilities
must be able to:
draw up a work plan, abstracts of a report (speech), lecture notes, primary sources;
work with sources educational information, use library resources (including electronic ones), educational resources on the Internet, including taking into account existing health limitations;
give a report or presentation in front of an audience, lead a discussion and argue your own position;
present the results of your intellectual work;
set personal learning goals and analyze the results obtained;
rational use of time and physical effort in the educational process, taking into account health limitations;
apply time management techniques in organizing educational work;
use acquired knowledge and skills in educational and future professional activities for the effective organization of independent work;
Must know:
features of intellectual work of students in various types of classroom classes;
basic methods of independent work;
principles scientific organization intellectual work and modern technologies working with educational information;
various ways of perceiving and processing educational information, taking into account existing health limitations;
ways of self-organization of educational activities;
recommendations for writing educational and research papers (report, theses, abstract, presentation, etc.);
Must own:
methodology of activity-based, personality-oriented, competency-based approaches;
practical ways of searching for scientific and professional information using modern computer tools, network technologies, databases and knowledge;
technology for conducting discussions on the topics of the fundamentals of intellectual work;
Must demonstrate
ability and willingness to apply acquired knowledge in practice, taking into account methods of self-correction of nosological differences.
As a result of mastering the discipline “Fundamentals of Intellectual Work,” a disabled student or a student with disabilities must develop general competencies. Differentiated assessment is intended to test students' mastery of the content of the adapted discipline.

Universal learning activities. /UUD/
Personal UUD
Communicative UUD

Self-determination (motivation for learning, formation of the foundations of a person’s civic identity).
Meaning formation (“what meaning does the teaching have for me”, and be able to find an answer to it).
Moral and ethical assessment (assessment of assimilated content based on social and personal values, ensuring personal moral choice).
Planning (defining the goal, functions of participants, methods of interaction).
Raising questions (initiative cooperation in searching and collecting information).
Conflict resolution (detection, identification of problems, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve conflicts, decision-making and its implementation).
Managing your partner’s behavior with accuracy in expressing your thoughts (control, correction, assessment of your partner’s actions, the ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy).

Cognitive UUD
Regulatory UUD

General education
- formulation of a cognitive goal;
- search and selection of information;
- sign-symbolic
- modeling
- analysis to identify features (essential, non-essential)
- synthesis as the composition of a whole from parts, replenishing the missing components;
- selection of bases and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects;
- summing up the concept, deriving consequences;
-establishing cause-and-effect relationships;
- building a logical chain of reasoning;
- proof;
- putting forward hypotheses and their substantiation.
Actions for posing and solving problems:
- formulation of the problem;
- independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and search nature.
Goal setting (setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students and what is still unknown).
Planning (determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions).
Forecasting (anticipating the result and level of assimilation, its time characteristics).
Control (in the form of comparing a method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard)
Correction (making necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its product).
Assessment (identification and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation).
Volitional self-regulation (the ability to mobilize strength and energy; the ability to volitional effort - to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict and to overcome obstacles).

When completing the assignments of the test, students must demonstrate the developed competencies:
OK1. Understands the essence and social significance his future profession, shows a steady interest in her.
OK2. Organizes his own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager.
OK3. Analyzes the work situation, carries out current and final monitoring, assessment and correction of one’s own activities, and is responsible for the results of one’s work.
OK4. Searches for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks.
OK5. Uses information and communication technologies in professional activities.
OK6. Works in a team, communicates effectively with colleagues, management, and clients.

2. Instrumentation materials. Final test in the adaptation discipline “Fundamentals of Intellectual Work”.


I can list the main forms of the educational process

I know the specifics of the educational activities of students in lecture classes

I know the peculiarities of the work of students in seminar classes

I have an idea of ​​the specifics of the educational activities of students in practical classes

I know the similarities and differences in the preparation and participation of students in lectures and seminars.

I can list the stages of working on a report

I know the structural and content standards of the report

I know the requirements for formatting a written report

I know the rules for preparing a report.

I know the rules for giving a public report

I can list federal and local regulatory acts regulating the structure of an educational organization

I know the species and groups structural divisions educational organization "SMT".

I can list all kinds of abstracts

I can tell you about the stages of working on an essay.

I know the main parts of the abstract.

I can list the basic requirements for writing an essay

I know the basic types and styles of standard note-taking.

I can list the main tools used in standard note-taking.

I understand the disadvantages of standard note-taking.

I can list modern methods note-taking.

I know which method of memorizing and reflecting educational material is optimal for persons with disabilities

I understand the purpose of the test and know how to design it.

I know the features of frontal polling.

I know the features of an individual survey.

I understand the purpose and function of the practice test.

I can list the main features of a marker test as an optimal method for testing knowledge of students with disabilities

I can list federal and local regulations that define the rights and responsibilities of students

I know the basic rights of students of the State Budgetary Educational Institution SO "SMT"

I know the main responsibilities of students of the State Budgetary Educational Institution SO "SMT"

I understand what the role of a social educator is in protecting the rights of students

I can find on the website of the State Budgetary Educational Institution SO "SMT" information and regulatory documents about the rights and responsibilities of students.

I can list speed note-taking methods

I know speed note-taking techniques

I can write a summary of a topic using the Cornell method.

I can write a summary of a topic using technology. Compiled on integral and differentiated reading algorithms.

I can make a basic summary of the topic.

I understand why public information is needed.

I know traditional and non-traditional ways of working in the library information environment

I know the elements of bibliography in research papers

I know how to use effective book search methods.

I use electronic sources of information.

I know various forms and types of independent work of students

I can list the main stages of organizing students’ independent work

I know the principles and rules of students’ independent work

I know techniques for enhancing students’ independent work

I know ways to increase the efficiency of students’ independent work

I know the structure electronic presentation to the report

I know general requirements to design slides.

I can format a presentation title correctly.

I know how to choose the right font, color scheme, background and presentation style

I know how to correctly format formulas and illustrations in a presentation

I can list the main types and forms of intermediate certification of students

I know the features of the main forms of control

I can list the main methods for testing students’ knowledge in SMT

I understand the purpose and functions of intermediate assessment of students

3.Evaluation criteria for differentiated credit.

Analysis of the results of the test work can be carried out according to the following criteria:

Activity level

Emotionally –


- strength of knowledge;



(non-standard situation);
- originality of the solution;

point (mark)
verbal analogue

Above 44b.


22- 32

less than 22
not satisfactory

4. Instructions for students on how to complete a differentiated test.
2 hours (90 minutes) are allotted to complete the written test work in the adaptation discipline “Fundamentals of Intellectual Work”.
The work is done on sheets of dough in large print. Before writing down the answer for the test, it is recommended to complete the task on the sheets for a draft.
Before starting the test work:
fill out the personal data sheet under the guidance of the teacher;
read the assignments carefully;
familiarize yourself with the scale for converting points into marks using a five-point system.
The test work consists of 2 parts: mandatory (30 questions - from 1 to 30) and additional (from 31 to 55 questions). The mandatory part contains tasks of the minimum required level, the additional part contains more complex tasks.
The completion of each test assignment is assessed in points, which are given in parentheses next to the assignment number. If the answer is incorrect or there is no answer, you receive 0 points. The points received for all completed tasks are summed up. The scale for converting points into a mark using a five-point system shows how many points it is enough to score to get the mark “3”, “4”, “5”. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible!
You need to start working with the tasks of the compulsory part, the completion of which is rated at “3”. Complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. Skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.
After you score the required number of points for a satisfactory grade, proceed to completing the tasks of the additional part to increase the grade to “4” or “5”. Use the point conversion scale to see how many tasks you need to complete correctly to get a “4” or “5”; select a task with the required number of points.
Requirements for registration of test work.

The form of presentation of the test is in printed large font form. It is acceptable to take the test in a remote format (for students who have an individual curriculum or are undergoing rehabilitation, planned or unplanned treatment). The work is done on sheets of dough. Before writing down the answer for the test, it is recommended to complete the task on the sheets for a draft. Before starting the test work, students must fill out a sheet with personal data under the guidance of the teacher, carefully read the tasks and the scale for converting points into a mark using a five-point system.
The completion of each of the assignments of the test work is assessed in points for the demonstrated signs of competencies, which are given in parentheses next to the assignment number. If the competency sign is not demonstrated, the student receives 0 points. 1 point for partial manifestation of the characteristic. The points received for all attributes of competencies are summed up. The scale for converting points into a mark using a five-point system shows how many points it is enough to score to get the mark “3”, “4”, “5”.

Differentiated credit
in the discipline "Fundamentals of Intellectual Work"
Student group No. ____________
professions_______________________________________________________________ _
Full name________________________________________________
GBPOU SO "Sukholozhsky Multidisciplinary Technical School"

We wish you good luck!

5.Instructions for the examiner.

Subjects of the assessment process: teacher, external experts, senior students).

Key: the answer is "yes"
Above 44 points – “excellent”, subject to additional oral interpretation of questions specified by the teacher (no more than 5 questions)
33-44 points – “good”, subject to additional oral decoding of questions specified by the teacher (no more than 3 questions)
22-32 points – “satisfactory”, subject to additional oral decoding of questions specified by the teacher (no more than 2 questions)
Less than 22 points – “unsatisfactory”

Summary sheet by activity level (test score)

Activity level

Regulatory level

Social level

Job number

Full name of students

Amount of real

Sum of real points by level

Amount max

% achievements

Standard levels
Will introduce

Criteria for assessing test (test) work.
The criteria for assessing the control (test) work of disabled students and students with disabilities were developed taking into account the requirements of the state education standard within the framework of a competency-based approach.
Qualitative assessment criteria:
Activity level
Main quality indicators

Emotionally –
- manifestation of emotional stability;
- manifestation of personal position;


Possession of program material;
- application of mastered algorithms in a familiar situation;
- strength of knowledge;

- the text of the reasoning (decision) is consistent, logically structured;
- skillful use of symbolism and graphic means;

- the formation of the scientific apparatus, the use of methods adequate to the educational task;
- awareness, breadth of knowledge;
- flexibility, consistency, depth of thinking;

- application of knowledge and skills in unfamiliar
(non-standard situation);
- originality of the solution;

Self-improvement competencies
- manifestation of a high level of independence;
- application of knowledge and skills above program material;

Quantitative evaluation criteria:
1 points - low level, 2 points - average level, 3 points - high level of competence development.
The assessment of developed skills and knowledge is carried out according to developed criteria, correlated with a universal assessment scale, the grade and level of mastery of the academic discipline are determined.
Percentage of performance (correct answers)
Qualitative assessment of individual educational achievements

point (mark)
verbal analogue

Above 44b.


22- 32

less than 22
not satisfactory

Analytical note on the results of differentiated testing.
Rented D/W ___H___%

Result by achievement level
Productive creative
Productive optimal
Did not pass the D/Z (exam)


UUD formed (completely)


General competencies have been fully developed


Knowledge problems identified:

Problems in the formation of UUD have been identified:

Problems in developing competencies have been identified



Exam Russian language 2015.docxTitle 1Title 2Title 3Title 414–Title 515

State special (correctional) educational autonomous institution of the Amur region for students and pupils with disabilities, special (correctional) secondary school №7




Vocational training teacher:

Kriventsova Irina Viktorovna



1. Safety precautions 3

1.1. Rules for safe work with hand tools 3

1.2. Rules for safe operation of a sewing machine (option 1) 4

Rules for safe operation of a sewing machine (option 2) 5

1.3. Safe work with electrical equipment 6

1.4. Safety rules (options 1 and 2) 7

1.5. Safe use of an electric iron 8

1.6. Rules of conduct and safe work in a sewing workshop (1 option) 9

Rules of conduct and safe work in a sewing workshop (option 2) 10

Safety Rules Test Key 11

2. Mechanical engineering 12

2.1. Sewing machine test 12

2.2. Stitch length dial 13

2.3. Bobbin case device 13

2.4. Upper threading sequence 14

2.5. Sewing machine parts 14

Mechanical Science Test Key 15

3. Materials science 16

3.1. Fabric defects. Classification and style of clothing 16

3.2. Survey on the topic of synthetic fibers and fabrics 17

3.3. Fabric defects (options 1 and 2) 18

Materials Science Test Key 19

4. Design 20

4.1. Details of cuts and reference lines of shoulder products (1 option) 20

Details of cuts and reference lines of shoulder products (2nd option) 21

4.2. Details of cuts and reference lines of shoulder products 22

4.3. Reference lines of shoulder products 22

4.4. Reference lines of waist products 23

4.5. Sections and details of trousers 23

4.6. Survey on the rules for taking measurements (options 1 and 2) 24

4.7. Anthropometric points (1 option) 25

Anthropometric points (2 option) 26

4.8. Measurements for a dress (1 option) 27

Measurements for a dress (2nd option) 28

Design Test Key 29

5. Simulation 31

5.1. Classification of dresses, style and set of clothes (1, 2 options) 31

5.2. Silhouette in clothes (1 and 2 options) 32

5.3. Survey on the topic of modeling and operational division of labor 33

5.4. Rules for cutting products 34

5.5. Sewing terminology 34

Simulation Test Key 35

6. Tools, materials, devices (options 1 and 2), test key 36

7. Test survey on the topic: “Sewing products” (6th grade) 37

8. Test survey on the topic of the WTO 38

9. My attitude to the labor lesson 39

10. Rules of communication 40


Test 1.1

Rules for safe work with hand tools.

1.How to pass scissors correctly?

A) sharp ends forward;

b) in open form;

c) closed, blunt ends forward.

2.Where to store needles?

A) in clothes;

b) in a pincushion;

c) on the table.

3.How to measure thread?

A) trim;

b) tear off;

c) take a bite.

4.Before starting work in the workshop you must:

a) let down your hair, unbutton your clothes;

b) wash your hands, put on your work uniform;

c) forget your workbook and album at home.

5.After finishing work in the workshop, you must:

a) quickly run away for recess, leaving everything on the desk;

b) ask a teacher or friend to clean up after you;

c) remove yours workplace, hang up your work uniform.

6.The workshop attendant must:

a) clean only your workplace;

b) remove the work places of other students;

c) wash the board, water the flowers, wipe the dust, sweep and wash the floor, ventilate the classroom.

Test 1.2

(1 option)


a) let down your hair;

b) tuck hair under a scarf;

c) do an elegant hairstyle.


a) fingers;

c) clothes;

d) the product you are sewing.


a) chat;

b) get distracted by trifles;

c) work without distractions and without talking.


a) at a complete stop;

b) at idle;

c) at work.

5.Scissors are placed:

a) to the transmission belt;

c) on the product, while working on the machine.


a) close to moving parts;

b) under the presser foot;

c) on the product, away from the presser foot.

7.While working on the machine, sit:

b) bending low and moving as close to the car as possible;

c) at arm's length.

a) only with the needle down;

b) mandatory while working on the machine;

c) only with the needle raised.

a) when it comes to a complete stop;

c) setting the car to idle and pressing the drive pedal.

c) when the machine comes to a complete stop.

Test 1.2

Rules for safe operation of a sewing machine.

(Option 2)

1.When using a sewing machine:

a) let down your hair;

b) tuck hair under a scarf;

2.Place under the presser foot:

a) fingers;

b) the product you are sewing.

3.While working with the machine you need to:

a) get distracted by trifles;

b) work without distractions and without talking.

4.Clean and lubricate the sewing machine:

a) at a complete stop;

b) at idle;

5.Scissors are placed:

a) to the transmission belt;

b) away from the drive and moving parts of the machine;

6.When working on a sewing machine, the hands are positioned:

a) under the presser foot;

b) on the product, away from the presser foot.

7.While working on the machine, sit:

a) directly, opposite the needle, at a distance of 10-15 cm from the machine;

b) at arm's length.

8.Insert the bobbin case with bobbin:

a) only with the needle down;

b) only with the needle raised.

a) when it comes to a complete stop;

b) with smooth movement of the machine mechanism;

10. Winding the thread onto the bobbin is carried out:

a) setting the machine to working speed;

b) setting the machine to idle;

Test 1.3

Safe work with electrical equipment.

1.The iron is turned on and off:

a) by the cord;

b) for the fork body;

c) for the plug plugs.

2.Place the iron until it cools completely:

a) on the ironing board;

b) under the table;

c) on a special stand.

3.When working with an electric iron you need:

a) stand on a rubber mat;

b) operate the iron with wet hands;

c) ask a friend to touch the soleplate of the turned on iron to see if it is hot enough.

4.When working on an overlog, you need to hold your hands:

a) as close as possible to the trimming knives;

b) on the product, away from the knives;

c) put them behind your back altogether.

5.You need to change the needle, clean and lubricate the electric machine:

a) only when the engine is on;

b) pressing the drive pedal;

c) the machine is completely inoperative.

6.Working on an electric sewing machine:

a) let down your hair, unbutton your clothes;

b) chatting, getting distracted, turning in all directions;

c) be careful, fasten your clothes, pin your hair up and put it under a scarf.

7.When leaving the workshop, you need to:

a) turn off the iron and leave other electrical appliances on;

b) leave everything on;

c) turn off all electrical appliances and close the windows.

Test 1.4

(1 option)

1.The needle is stored:

A) in clothes;

B) in a pincushion;

B) on the table.

2.Scissors convey:

A) blunt ends forward;

B) sharp ends forward;

B) open.

3. Turn off the iron while holding:

A) by the cord;

B) for the fork body;

B) for the plug plugs.

A) unfasten;

B) fasten;

C) it doesn’t matter what condition the clothes are in.

A) at work;

B) inoperative;

B) at idle.

Test – survey “Safety Rules”. (Option 2)

1.The needle is stored:

A) in clothes;

B) in a pincushion.

2.Scissors convey:

A) blunt ends forward;

B) sharp ends forward.

3. Turn off the iron while holding:

A) by the cord;

B) for the fork body.

4. Clothes when working on a sewing machine:

A) unfasten;

B) fasten.

5.You need to clean and lubricate the sewing machine:

A) on the go;

B) inoperative.

Test 1.5

Test – survey “Safe work with an electric iron.”

1.When working with an electric iron, you need to stand:

A) bare feet on the floor;

B) on a rubber mat;

B) on one leg.

2.You need to turn the iron on and off while holding:

A) by the cord;

B) for the fork body.

B) for the plugs.

3.The electric iron cord should be:

A) tied in knots;

B) without creases, knots and bare spots;

B) with broken insulation.

4.Hot iron sole:

A) must touch the cord;

B) should not touch the cord and body parts of the person working with the iron;

C) should be tested with the palm of your hand before ironing.

5.The iron’s temperature regulator should:

A) match the type of fabric being ironed;

B) always stand at the maximum temperature;

C) has no significance when ironing products.

6.After finishing the work, the iron is placed:

A) on the edge of the table;

B) on a special stand;

B) sole on the table.

7.The iron is left on:

A) always;

B) when you need to step away for a minute;

C) only while working on it.

Test 1.6

(1 option)

A) exactly with the bell;

B) 5-10 minutes after the call;

C) 5 minutes before the bell, prepare the workplace for the lesson.

A) cell phone, headphones, cosmetics;

B) pencil, pen, eraser;

C) do not bring anything, ask everything from a neighbor or teacher.

A) everyone in their own place assigned by the teacher;

B) carry it with you every day;

C) always leave it on the desk.

4.Upon completion of work:

A) drop everything and quickly run to recess;

B) clean your workplace, put tools and equipment in their places;

C) ask a friend or the attendant to clean everything for you.

5.The duty officer must:

A) water the flowers, wipe the board, wipe the dust, sweep and wash the floor;

B) distribute assignments to everyone and make sure everyone else cleans the classroom;

C) be the first to leave the class.

A) where necessary;

B) under the table;

C) in strictly designated places.

A) included and open;

B) turned off and covered;

B) disassembled for spare parts.

8.An electric iron should:

A) always stand on a special stand if they are not working on it;

B) lie on the ironing table;

B) be constantly on.

Test 1.6

Test – survey “Rules of conduct and safe work in a sewing workshop.” (Option 2)

1. To come to the workshop you need to:

A) 5-10 minutes after the call;

B) 5 minutes before the bell, prepare the workplace for the lesson.

2.Bring with you to class:

A) cell phone, headphones, cosmetics;

B) pencil, pen, eraser;

3. Store your album, notebook, unfinished works:

A) everyone in their own place assigned by the teacher;

B) carry it with you every day;

4.Upon completion of work:

A) drop everything and quickly run to recess;

B) clean your workplace, put tools and equipment in their places;

5.The duty officer must:

A) water the flowers, wipe the board, wipe the dust, sweep and wash the floor;

B) be the first to leave the class.

6. Hand tools and devices (needles, scissors, thimbles, pins, etc.) are stored:

A) where necessary;

B) in strictly designated places.

7. Sewing machines in non-working condition must be:

A) included and open;

B) turned off and covered.

8.An electric iron should:

A) always stand on a special stand if they are not working on it;

B) lie on the ironing table.

Key to tests on safe work rules.

Test 1.1







Test 1.2(1v)








8. in

9. a

10. b

Test 1.2(2v)











Test 1.3








Test 1.4 (1c)






Test 1.4 (2v)






Test 1.5




Test 1.6(1v)






Test 1.6(2v)

















Test 2.1

Sewing machine test

1. Correctly define the following terms:

a) A stitch is...

b) Machine stitching is...

c) Stitch length is...

Weaving threads between two punctures of fabric.

The distance between two identical needle punctures.

A continuous series of repeating machine stitches.

2.Indicate the names of the working mechanisms of the sewing machine shown in the figure.


2.Needle mechanism

3.Handle for adjusting the fabric motor height

4. Shuttle mechanism

5. Thread take-up mechanism

6.Presser foot mechanism

3. Poor tissue advancement occurs due to:

a) poor lubrication of parts;

b) too much or too little pressure of the foot on the fabric;

c) uneven winding of the thread on the bobbin.

4.If the thread loops at the top, you must:

a) tighten the shuttle thread and loosen the top one;

b) tighten the upper thread;

c) loosen the lower thread.

5.If the bobbin case is not tightly inserted into the hook device, then:

a) the quality of the stitching will be poor;

b) the machine needle breaks;

c) the upper thread breaks.

6.Sewing machine care includes:

a) its external examination;

b) regularly wipe the sleeve, sleeve stand and platform from dust;

c) cleaning, lubrication and adjustment.

7.To maintain the sewing machine, you must use the following equipment:

a) scissors, needles, thimble;

b) brush, oil, rags, screwdriver;

c) ruler, compass, scissors.

Test 2.2

Indicate the numbers corresponding to the stitch length adjuster parts

Central slot

Screw fixing the position of the regulator lever

Scale with divisions

Side slot

Stitch length adjuster lever

Test 2.3

Place the correct numbers corresponding to the names of the bobbin case parts

Bobbin case housing

Positioning pin

Leaf spring

Pressure screw

Slot on bobbin case body

Test 2.4

Arrange the sequence numbers for threading the upper thread in the sewing machine.

Eye of the needle

Upper thread tension regulator

Reel Rod

Thread guide at the top of the front board

Thread guide at the needle

Thread take-up

Thread guide at the bottom of the front board

Test 2.5

Label the parts of the sewing machine marked in the figure with numbers.

manual drive

sleeve stand





front board

Key to Mechanical Science Tests

Test 2.1

Question 1. A stitch is an interweaving of threads between two holes in the fabric.

A machine stitch is a continuous series of repeating machine stitches.

Stitch length is the distance between two identical needle punctures.

Question 2

3 4 1 6 2 5

Test 2.2

1. Scale with divisions

2. Stitch length lever

3. Central slot

4.Side slot

5. Screw fixing the position of the regulator lever

Test 2.3

1. Bobbin case body

3. Leaf spring

4. Clamp screw

5. Slot on the bobbin case body

6. Installation pin

7. Latch

Test 2.4

1. Reel pin

2. Thread guide at the top of the front board

3. Upper thread tension regulator

4. Thread take-up

5. Thread guide at the bottom of the front board

6. Thread guide at the needle

7. Eye of the needle

Test 2.5

2. flywheel

3. manual drive

4. sleeve stand

5. platform

6. bed

7.front board


Test 3.1.

“Fabric defects. Classification and style of clothing."

1.What types of defects that occur during fabric production do you know? (Check the correct answers).

A) weaving defects;

b) various defects;

c) defects that occur when dyeing fabric.

2.The causes of weaving defects include:

a) purity of the dye, poor condition of the printing roller;

b) poor quality of yarn, malfunction of mechanisms or contamination loom;

c) poor preparation of fabric for dyeing.

3.The following types of weaving defects are encountered:

a) unclearly printed drawing;

b) thickening of threads, missing threads, knocked-down weave pattern;

c) unpainted.

4.The causes of defects when dyeing fabric are:

a) sagging, spreading or breaking of threads;

b) oil stains on fabric;

c) preparation of fabric for dyeing, serviceability of the printing roller.

5.The following types of defects occur when dyeing fabric:

a) skipping one or more threads;

b) stripes on the fabric due to unevenly applied dye;

c) weaving two threads instead of one.

6. Clothing according to its intended purpose is classified into:

a) women's, men's and children's;

b) winter, summer and demi-season;

c) home, work, dressy, sports, uniform, linen, etc.

7. Label the styles shown in the pictures.

A) classic; b) sports; c) folklore (folk);

d) romantic.

Test 3.2

Survey on the topic of synthetic fibers and fabrics

9th grade, 1st quarter

1.What are the raw materials for producing synthetic fibers?

A) animal fur;

b) products of processing of coal, oil and natural gas;

c) vegetable raw materials.

2.How are synthetic fibers obtained?

A) by molding (pressing) the spinning solution or melt through dies;

b) carding, felting and bleaching animal wool;

c) cleaning, grinding and twisting plant materials.

3. Which of the following fibers are synthetic?

A) wool, silk;

b) cotton, linen;

c) nylon, lavsan.

4. Symbol on the clothing label means:

a) do not wash or dry clean;

b) wash in hot water, but do not boil;

c) hand wash only, do not twist the product when rinsing.

5.The advantage of synthetic fabrics compared to natural ones is:

a) their good breathability;

b) abrasion resistance;

c) hygroscopicity.

6.Properties of natural fabrics with the addition of mixed fibers:

a) worsen;

b) improve;

c) remain unchanged.

Test 3.3

Test: Fabric defects.

(Option 1)

A) weaving defects;

b) dyeing defects;

c) seam defects.

(Underline the correct answers).

A) quality of the printed design;

b) thickening of the weft or warp thread;

c) weaving failure.

(Underline the correct answers).

A) sagging threads;

c) knocked down drawing.

A) dyeing defect;

b) weaving defect;

c) sewing defect.

Test: Fabric defects.

(Option 2, lightweight)

1. There are the following defects in the fabric during its production process:

(Underline the correct answers).

A) weaving defects;

b) dyeing defects;

c) seam defects.

2. Weaving defects include:

a) quality of the printed design;

b) thickening of the weft or warp thread.

3.Dyeing defects include:

a) sagging threads;

b) unclear image of the drawing;

4. Oil stains on fabric are:

a) dyeing defect;

b) weaving defect;

5. The absence of part or individual details of the drawing is:

a) weaving defect;

b) dyeing defect.

(Underline the correct answer).

A) weaving defect;

b) spinning defect;

c) dyeing defect.

Materials Science Test Key

Test 3.1







c) folklore d) romantic b) sports a) classical


Test 3.2







Test 3.3

1 option






Option 2







Test 4.1

. (Option 1)



A -

B –

Reference lines:

1 –

2 –

3 –

4 –

5 –

6 –

Pattern sections:

A -

b –

V -

G -

d –

e –

and -

h –

And -

To -

l –

Test 4.1

Details, cuts, reference lines of shoulder products . (Option 2)


(A, B)

Shelf –

Back –

Reference lines:


Hip line –

Neck line -

Waist line –

Chest line -

Mid-back line -

Shelf center line -

Pattern sections:

(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l)

Shelf opening –

Back opening –

Side section of the shelf -

Side cut of the back -

Back neck –

Shelf neck –

Bottom back section -

Bottom section of the shelf -

Shoulder section of the shelf –

Shoulder section of the back -

Bust dart –

Test 4.2

Details, cuts, reference lines of shoulder products .



Task 1: Write what numbers indicate the parts of the shoulder product in the picture.

Shelf –

Back –

Task 2: Write what letters indicate the sections of the shoulder parts in the drawing.

Side cut of the back -

Side section of the shelf -

Bottom section of the shelf -

Bottom back section -

Middle of the back -

Middle of the shelf -

Shoulder section of the back -

Shoulder section of the shelf –

Shelf neck –

Back neck –

Bust dart –

Back opening –

Shelf opening -

Test 4.3

Reference lines of shoulder products

Mark the reference lines on the drawing with numbers.

1. Bottom line

2. Waist line

3.Hip line

4. Part middle line

5. Chest line

6.Side cut line

Test 4.4

Reference lines of waist products

Mark as marked on the drawing

reference lines listed below in numbers.

Bottom line

Hip line

Knee line

Step line

Line of the middle of the panel


Test 4.5

Trouser cuts and details

Indicate the sections indicated by numbers

trousers and lettered trouser parts

Rear panel of trousers

Front panel of trousers

Side cut

Step cut

Middle cut


Bottom cut

Top cut

Test 4.6


Option 1

1.Measurements are taken:

b) dressed in a sweater and outer jacket;

c) it doesn’t matter how much clothing a person is wearing.

2.Measurements are taken:

a) by eye;

b) focusing on the main anthropometric points on the human body;

c) based on the person’s age.

a) to the left of the person being measured;

b) behind the person being measured;

c) to the right of the person being measured.

a) be very tense;

b) be weakened and slightly sag;

c) fit snugly to the body, but not be too weak or too tight.

a) additional measures;

b) increases in freedom of fit;

c) approximate numbers.

Survey on rules for taking measurements .

Option 2

1.Measurements are taken:

a) with a minimum amount of clothing;

b) dressed in a sweater and outer jacket.

2.Measurements are taken:

a) by eye;

b) focusing on the main anthropometric points on the human body.

3. It is necessary to stand when taking measurements:

a) behind the person being measured;

b) to the right of the person being measured.

4.The measuring tape should:

a) be very tense;

b) fit snugly to the body, but not be too weak or too tight.

5. For freedom of fit when calculating clothes, the following are used:

a) additional measures;

b) increases in freedom of fit.

Test 4.7

1 option

A) points on the drawing;

B) points on the pattern;

C) points on the human body.

B) points of the buttocks.



B) Vpk

    Give the full name of the measurements:

POG1 –


Vg –

Dts –

Front length to waist –

Shoulder width –

Shoulder height oblique –

Half hip circumference -

    Show on a mannequin how the DTS measure is measured, decipher its name.

Test 4.7

Test survey: “Anthropometric points”

Option 2

    Anthropometric points are:

A) points on the drawing;

B) points on the human body.

    To take POT measurements, it is necessary for the measuring tape to pass through the following points:

A) point of the base of the neck, jugular notch, seventh cervical vertebra;

B) points on the waistline from the side, points on the waistline from the back and front;

    Which of the following measures is measured as a whole and then divided in half?



    Give the full name of the measurements:


Vg –

    Write the abbreviated name of the measurements.

Front length to waist –

Shoulder width –

    Show on a mannequin how the accident rate is measured, decipher its name.

Test 4.8

Test 4.8

Design Test Key

Test 4.1


A – back

B – shelf

Reference lines:

1 – neck line

2 – chest line

3 – waist line

4 – hip line

5 – line of the middle of the back

6 – line of the middle of the shelf

Pattern sections:

a – back neck

b – shoulder section of the back

c – back armhole

d – side section of the back

d – lower section of the back

e – shelf neck

g – chest dart

h – shoulder section of the shelf

and – shelf armhole

j – side section of the shelf

l – lower section of the shelf

Test 4.2

Task 1: 1 – back; 2 – shelf

Task 2:

d) Side cut of the back –

l) Side section of the shelf –

m) Bottom cut of the shelf –

e) Lower back section –

f) Middle of the back –

m) Middle of the shelf –

b) Shoulder section of the back –

i) Shoulder section of the shelf –

g) Shelf neck –

a) Back neck –

h) Bust dart –

c) Back opening –

j) Shelf opening –

Test 4.3 Test 4.4

5. Bottom line

2.Hip line

4.Knee line

3Step line

6. Line of the middle of the panel

1. Waist line

Test 4.5

B) Rear panel of trousers

A) Front panel of trousers

1.Side cut

2.Step cut

3.Medium cut

6. Dart

5.Bottom cut

4.Top cut

Test 4.6

1 option






Option 2






Test 4.7

1 option




4.Half chest circumference 1
Half waist

Chest height

Back length to waist


6.Back length to waist

Option 2




4.half waist circumference

chest height



6. Front length to waist

Test 4.8

1 option








Option 2









Test 5.1

(Option 1)

A) by color;

B) for its intended purpose;

B) width.

B) curtains, bedding;

C) linen, lining.

A) desizing;

B) decating;

B) scorching.

4. What style of clothing doesn't exist ?

A) classic;

B) folklore;

B) free.

5. A set of clothes is:

B) features of the cut;

C) the shape and size of clothing.

6.What not applicable

A) taking into account the direction of the shared thread;

B) taking into account the breathability of the fabric;

C) economical layout.

Classification of dresses, style and set of clothes, rules for cutting fabric.

(Option 2)

1.On what basis are clothes classified?

A) by color;

B) as intended.

2.What fabrics are used to make dresses?

A) cotton, linen, wool, silk;

B) curtains, bedding.

3. Before cutting the fabric, you need to do the following:

A) desizing;

B) decating.

4. What style of clothing doesn't exist ?

A) classic;

b) free.

5. A set of clothes is:

A) a set of several items of clothing selected by color, fabric and purpose;

B) shape and size of clothing.

6.What not applicable to the rules for cutting fabric products?

A) taking into account the breathability of the fabric;

B) economical layout.

Test 5.2

Silhouette in clothes.

(Option 1)

1.What types of silhouettes are there?

B) adjacent, semi-adjacent, straight;

C) romantic, sporty.

2. A set of clothes, what is this?

A) cut shape;

B) external shape of the product;

B) a set of several items of clothing.

A) rectangle;

B) trapezoid;

B) triangle.

4. What is the style of the product?

A) a set of clothing items;

B) the external shape of the product, which is determined by the cut of individual parts;

C) the degree of fit of the product to the figure.

Silhouette in clothes.

(Option 2)

1.What types of silhouettes are there?

A) classical, folklore;

B) adjacent, semi-adjacent, straight.

2. A set of clothes, what is this?

A) cut shape;

b) a set of several items of clothing.

3.What geometric figure is the basis of a straight silhouette?

A) rectangle;

B) trapezoid.

4. What is the style of the product?

A) a set of clothing items;

B) the external shape of the product, which is determined by the cut of individual parts.

Test 5.3

Test 5.4

Rules for cutting products

(Fill in the missing words)

1. Taking into account the ____________________ and _____________________ sides of the fabric.

2. Taking into account the direction of __________________ thread.

3. Taking into account the direction __________________on the fabric.

4.Layout first ______________, and then _____________ parts.

5._______________________ layouts on fabric.

6.______________________ on the seams.

Test 5.5

Sewing terminology

Write down the terms listed below in a table, separating manual work, machine work, and WTO work:

stitch, baste, overstitch, sweep, iron, pull, stitch, baste, overlay, hem, iron, stitch, stitch, baste, iron, topstitch, baste, iron, baste.


Machine works


Key to Simulation Tests

Test 5.1

1 option

Option 2

Test 5.2

1 option

Option 2

Test 5.3

7.a) accounting facial sides;

b) direction shared threads;

V) efficiency layouts;

d) layout at the beginning large and then small details;

e) accounting allowances on the seams.

Test 5.4

1.Accounting facial And purl sides of the fabric.

2. Accounting for direction shared threads

3. Accounting for direction drawing on fabric.

4.Layout at the beginning large and then small details.

5.Economical layouts on fabric.

6.Allowances on the seams.

Test 5.5

Handmade: sweep, sweep, sweep, hem, sweep,

sweep, baste.

Machine work.: stitch, grind, stitch, overlay, sew in,

unstitch, stitch.

Wet heat treatment : iron, pull, iron, iron,


Test 6.


a) what is consumed during work;

b) something with which measuring and manual work is performed;

c) what helps with manual work.

a) what is consumed during work;

b) something with which measuring and manual work is performed;

c) something that helps with manual work.

b) scissors, needles, knitting needles, hook;

c) threads, fabric, buttons.

b) hoop, thimble, seam ripper;

c) ruler, square, cm tape.

b) thimble, pins, seam ripper, hoop;

c) scissors, knitting needles, hook, needles.

Test: Tools, materials, devices. (Option2)

1.Tools used in sewing are:

a) something with which measuring and manual work is performed;

2.Materials used in sewing are:

a) what is consumed during work;

b) something with which measuring and manual work is performed.

3. Devices used in sewing are:

a) what is consumed during work;

b) something that helps with manual work.

4.Working tools include:

a) ruler, square, cm tape;

b) scissors, needles, knitting needles, hook.

5.Measuring instruments include:

a) scissors, needles, knitting needles, hook;

b) ruler, square, cm tape.

6. Tools for needlework include:

a) fabric, locks, braid, threads;

b) thimble, pins, seam ripper, hoop.

Key to the test:

Option 1: 1.b; 2.a; 3.c; 4.b; 5.c; 6.b

Option 2: 1.a; 2.a; 3.b; 4.b; 5.b; 6.b

Test 7.

Test survey on the topic “Sewing products”.

(6th grade)

1.What are sewing products?

A) products made by gluing;

B) products made by hand sewing or using a sewing machine;

C) products made of leather, paper, cardboard, wood.

2.Where are garments made?

a) in spinning mills;

b) in weaving factories;

c) in garment factories.

3. Mass production of clothing is called:

A) making clothes in an atelier;

B) production of clothing in clothing factories;

C) making clothes at home.

4.What do sewing workshops and ateliers do?

A) mass production of clothing;

B) tailoring clothes according to individual orders;

C) sewing clothes for yourself.

5. What is the name of the profession of people who work on industrial sewing machines?

A) operator of sewing equipment (seamstress);

B) cutter;

B) tailor.

Key to the test

1 – b; 2 – in; 3 – b; 4 – b; 5 - a

Test 8.

Test survey on the topic of the WTO.

1.What is wet heat treatment (WHT)?


2 . What is used to perform WTO?


3.What is an ironing iron, what is it for?


4.Why do you need a thermostat?


5.Why do you need a steam humidifier?


Answers to the test

1. Wet heat treatment is the effect of moisture and high temperature on a fabric or product.

2. WTO is carried out using steam irons, steam dummies, and steam presses.

3. Ironing is a cotton fabric designed for performing WTO on woolen and other dense fabrics that cannot withstand high temperatures.

4.The thermostat is necessary to set the temperature of the iron depending on the type of fabric being ironed.

5. A steam humidifier is necessary for better ironing of garments and fabrics, because it is easier to iron a moistened fabric.

Test: “My attitude to the labor lesson.”

    I go to labor classes because:

A) I love learning to do things with my own hands;

B) I want to learn how to sew, it will be useful to me in life;

B) because they force me to do it.

    I don't like going to labor classes because:

A) I don’t like to sew;

B) because the teacher gives difficult tasks;

C) because these lessons are always boring.

3. In the labor training room I feel

comfortable and calm.

a) often;

b) sometimes;

c) rarely;

    If I were a school principal, then:

A) I would leave the same number of labor lessons;

B) I would remove all labor lessons from the schedule;

C) I would increase the number of labor lessons.

    My assessment of the labor lesson:

A) good

B) satisfactory

B) unsatisfactory

Rules of communication

    When entering a room where people are present, you must :

A) say hello;

B) silently go about your business;

C) start sorting things out with your friend, not paying attention to those present.

    If you are dissatisfied with something, you need to:

A) scream, swear and be indignant with all your might, and very loudly;

B) calmly and reasonably express your claims, not forgetting to listen to the arguments of other people;

C) quietly grumble, grumble and sulk, without explaining the reasons for their dissatisfaction.

    When you are asked about something, you should:

A) ignore the interlocutor and mind your own business;

B) under no circumstances follow the interlocutor’s lead or fulfill his request;

C) help a person if it is in your power; if for some reason you cannot do this, apologize and calmly explain the reason for your refusal.

    When talking to a person you need to:

A) interrupt, argue and shout about being right;

B) listen to a person, if you don’t agree with something, calmly tell him what you don’t agree with and why;

C) grimace, make faces.

    When you communicate with people, would you like to:

A) so that they always listen only to you and do what you would like;

B) so that they don’t contradict you or argue with you;

C) so that they don’t shout at you, let you speak out, and take your point of view into account.

    What you enjoy most in communication are:

A) cheerful, sociable people;

B) silent and reserved people;

C) unrestrained and loud people, arrogant people.

Compiled by: Kanina E.P.

Novovarshavka 2017

IN lately For the final check of mastery of educational material, test tasks are widely used, which make it possible to identify the degree of preparation of students in mastering knowledge, skills and abilities.

Test tasks are used to monitor students' mastery of the content of the sewing curriculum. The test tasks contain the final diagnostics (control) of the knowledge and skills of each subsection passed during the course: “Materials Science”, “Mechanical Science”, “Technology for Manufacturing Garments”. Testing is carried out taking into account the characteristics of each object, therefore, its own version of the final test task has been prepared for them. Students' knowledge and skills are assessed using a five-point system.


“3” - for 60% of correctly completed tasks,

“4” - for 70–80% of correctly completed tasks,

“5” - for 90–100% of completed tasks.

The test task also includes practical work designed to identify the skills and abilities that students have developed. This is the practical implementation of one of the products, completed according to the program. Sewing of the product is carried out independently according to the finished cut, using instruction cards.

The garment is assessed according to the following parameters:

    The quality and accuracy of the product.

    Compliance with technology.

    Organization of the workplace.

    Compliance with safety regulations.

Mark “5” is given when all the above requirements are met;

“4” - one or two parameters are not met;

“3” - three parameters are not met;

“2” - the work does not meet the requirements for it or the defect in it cannot be corrected;

“1” - the work was not completed for unjustifiable reasons.

In this test control, a test task is used to select one or more correct answers from the proposed options.

The assessment of the performance of practical test work and answers to test tasks is recorded in the test report.

The final grade for vocational training is determined based on the test results, taking into account the annual grade in this subject.

Sewing test tasks.

I- IIsubgroup

Materials Science.

    Lobe thread when stretched:

a) changes its length;

a) spinning;

b) weaving;

c) finishing. Answer: b

3. The hygienic properties of fabrics include:

a) strength;

b) waterproof;

c) breathability;

d) dust holding capacity. Answer: b; V; G.

4. Plant fibers refer to fibers:

a) artificial;

b) synthetic;

c) natural. Answer: in

5. Fabric dyed in one color is called:

a) painted;

b) plain;

c) plain painted;

d) bleached;

d) colored. Answer: b; V.

6. Warp threads overlap two weft threads in weaving:

a) linen;

b) satin;

c) twill. Answer: in

7. Textile fibers are divided into natural and:

a) vegetable;

b) mineral;

c) chemical;

d) synthetic. Answer: in


8. In the machine needle the eye is located:

a) in the middle of the needle;

b) next to the tip;

9. A household sewing machine has controls:

a) stitch length;

b) stitch width;

10. The upper thread may break due to:

a) incorrect position of the presser foot;

b) the upper thread tension is too high;

c) incorrect threading of the upper thread;

d) incorrect needle installation;

d) blunt needle. Answer: b; V; d.

11. When installing it in the needle holder, the long groove of the needle must be turned:

b) Right;

c) towards the shuttle;

d) to the sleeve. Answer: b; G.

12. Sewing needle failure can occur if:

a) the needle has a rusty coating;

b) the needle is bent;

c) the needle is inserted into the needle holder all the way;

d) the needle is not inserted into the needle holder all the way;

e) the bobbin case is not inserted into the hook all the way.

Answer: b; G; d.

13. The long groove of the machine needle serves:

a) for threading the upper thread;

b) to protect the thread from chafing;

c) to form a loop. Answer: b

Machine seams.

14. Connecting seams include:

a) stationary;

b) adjustment;

c) invoice;

15. To process the lower cut of the product, use machine seams:

a) stationary;

b) invoice;

16. After machine stitching, the ends of the threads:

17. When processing the side and shoulder sections of the product, the following seams are used:

a) stationary;

b) hem seam;

c) double;

d) invoice. Answer: a; V.

Open it up.

18. The arrow on the pattern sheet means:

a) direction of the filament;

19. Cutting is:

a) cutting out paper parts of a garment;

b) the process of obtaining fabric parts of a garment by cutting them out

from a piece of fabric;

c) the process of obtaining fabric parts of a garment by cutting them from a piece of fabric in accordance with the details of the pattern and taking into account seam allowances Answer: c.

20. When cutting fabric, scissors are used:

a) manicure;

b) garden;

c) clerical;

d) tailor's. Answer: g

21. Transferring the pattern to fabric is carried out using:

b) oblique stitches;

c) copy stitches;

d) decorating stitches. Answer: a; V

22. Sewing products of the shoulder group include:

a) skirt - trousers;

b) sundress;

c) dress;

d) vest. Answer: b: c; G.

23. Modeling is:

a) creating various styles of garments based on a basic pattern;

b) constructing a drawing of parts of garments;

c) applying the direction of the grain thread to the base pattern. Answer: a.

24. Skirts by design are:

a) straight;

b) wedges;

c) diagonal;

d) conical;

d) extended. Answer: a; b; G

25. The POb measurement is taken:

a) to determine the length of the belt;

b) to determine the length of the product;

c) to determine the width of the product. Answer: in

26. When taking measurements, write down the values ​​in full (do not divide them in half):

g POsh. Answer: a, b

27. Sweeping is:

a) temporary connection of a small part with a large one using loop stitches;

b) connecting two or more parts, approximately equal in size, along the intended lines with temporary stitches;

c) securing the folded edge of the part with folds, darts, and tucks with temporary stitches. Answer: b.

28. Trying on a garment during the sewing process is carried out:

a) for the correct fit of the product on the human figure;

b) for sewing in a “zipper”;

c) for processing the lower cut, Answer: a.

29. The most suitable fabrics for making a summer dress are:

a) wool;

b) linen;

c) cotton;

30. Zipper braid is sewn into women’s clothing:

a) on the left side;

b) on the right side; Answer: a.


Materials Science

1. Lobe thread when stretched:

a) changes its length;

b) does not change its length. Answer: b.

2. The process of obtaining fabric from threads by weaving is called:

a) spinning;

b) weaving;

c) finishing. Answer: b

3. Fabric dyed in one color is called:

a) painted;

b) plain;

c) plain painted;

d) bleached;

d) colored. Answer: b; V.


4. In the machine needle the eye is located:

a) in the middle of the needle;

b) next to the tip;

c) in the same place as the sewing needle. Answer: b

5. A household sewing machine has controls:

a) stitch length;

b) stitch width;

c) tension of the upper thread. Answer: a; V.

6. When installing it in the needle holder, the long groove of the needle must be turned:

b) Right;

c) towards the shuttle;

d) to the sleeve. Answer: b; G.

Machine seams.

7. Connecting seams include:

a) stationary;

b) adjustment;

c) invoice;

d) hem seam. Answer: a; b; V.

8. To process the bottom edge of the product, machine seams are used:

a) stationary;

b) invoice;

c) hem seam with closed cut;

d) hem seam with open cut. Answer: c; G.

9. After machine stitching, the ends of the threads:

a) brought to the wrong side and tied in a knot;

b) brought to the front side and cut off;

c) perform the setting. Answer: a; V.

Open it up.

10. The arrow on the pattern sheet means:

a) direction of the filament;

b) direction of the transverse thread. Answer: a.

11. When cutting fabric, scissors are used:

a) manicure;

b) garden;

c) clerical;

d) tailor's. Answer: g

12. Transferring the pattern to fabric is carried out using:

b) oblique stitches;

c) copy stitches; Answer: a; V

Design and modeling.

13. Shoulder group garments include:

a) skirt - trousers;

b) sundress;

c) dress;

d) vest. Answer: b: c; G.

14. When taking measurements, write down the values ​​in full (do not divide them in half):

g POsh. Answer: Di; Og.

Technology of manufacturing a garment.

15. The most suitable fabrics for making a summer dress are:

a) wool;

b) linen;

c) cotton;

d) synthetic, Answer: b; V; G

16. Zipper braid is sewn into women’s clothing:

a) on the left side;

b) on the right side; Answer: a.


Materials Science .

1. Fabric dyed in one color is called:

a) plain;

b) plain painted;

c) colored. Answer: a; b


2. In the machine needle the eye is located:

a) in the middle of the needle;

b) next to the tip;

c) in the same place as the sewing needle. Answer: b

Machine seams.

3. After machine stitching, the ends of the threads:

a) brought to the wrong side and tied in a knot;

b) brought to the front side and cut off;

c) perform the setting. Answer: a; V.

Open it up.

4. The arrow on the pattern sheet means:

a) direction of the filament;

b) direction of the transverse thread. Answer: a.

5. When cutting fabric, scissors are used:

a) manicure;

b) garden;

c) clerical;

d) tailor's. Answer: g

Design and modeling.

6. Shoulder group garments include:

a) skirt - trousers;

b) sundress;

c) dress;

d) vest. Answer: b: c; G.

Technology of manufacturing a garment.

7. The zipper braid is sewn into women’s clothing:

a) on the left side;

b) on the right side; Answer: a.

« »___________________________


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