Profitable types of business. Ideas for business with minimal investment

Most profitable business in Russia is in the area to which the entrepreneur’s soul lies. In other words, you need to do only what you love. However, this business must still be profitable and generate some income. Therefore, before determining the field of activity where to organize a profitable business, you need to first select the most popular industries.

What kind of business is considered profitable?

In the modern market, the most numerous are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. After all, it is in them that any subject can begin to function quickly, independently and without significant investments.

The main criteria for the “level of profitability” of a business are:

  • The speed of return of funds invested in the business. In this case we are talking about operating cycle. For example, from purchasing a product to receiving money (in fact) from its sale, a minimum period of time should be spent.
  • Demand. A profitable business can only be carried out among an accessible target audience that is potentially interested in certain services.
  • Cost of materials and raw materials. Both profit and profit depend on it.
  • Profitability. This indicator is closely related to the previous two. Thus, profits will increase simultaneously with sales volume.
  • Capital productivity. This indicator characterizes the effectiveness of investments and their proportionality with the profit received.

Opening a profitable business is very easy

When organizing your own business, it is advisable for a novice entrepreneur to be interested in the political and economic situation in the country. This is the only way to determine the most profitable business in Russia today. It is necessary for yourself to identify the main indicators for each desired type of activity and monitor the expected results for them.

As a simple example, the article examines trade in basic necessities. This activity can be classified as a profitable small business. An analysis of its effectiveness was carried out according to the five criteria given above.

  • The speed of cash turnover is quite high. For example, a store purchased bread and milk, which will be sold out over the next few days.
  • The demand for the same bread, matches and soap will always be, regardless of whether there is an economic boom or a crisis or war.
  • Low cost of goods with a huge selection of suppliers, while the markup is set independently by the seller.
  • There is a direct relationship, expressed as follows: big leads to high profits.
  • High business efficiency thanks to good sales and inelasticity of demand.

The following types of activities can be classified as profitable businesses: beauty and entertainment industry, catering, wholesale trade, repair services, tourism and advertising business, installation with subsequent maintenance of equipment, Internet trade, logistics, transport and educational services.

Deciding on a specific direction of activity

It is necessary to take into account the fact that, given some instability and the transitional state of the economic situation, it is not enough to identify the most profitable business in Russia, based only on standard economic parameters. We must also remember about bureaucratic and political obstacles, high competition and peculiarities of mentality in some areas, as well as the underdevelopment of certain types of activities. Therefore, every aspiring entrepreneur needs to decide what he is willing to face in order to achieve effective work. There is no need to give up those niches that may at first glance seem unpromising and crowded, but using special tools to organize the most profitable business in Russia.

Main types of successful business

  • Advertising business. Many people trade and understand that advertising is the engine of their activities. Despite the competition, there will always be demand. Advertising agencies constitute a fairly large segment of the service industry. At the same time, they continue to actively develop in the future. Therefore, advertising activities can be considered as a profitable business.
  • Trade. Today it is quite difficult to break into the market with daily consumption goods. However, there is an alternative to it - online stores. This is a very profitable business in Moscow, gradually gaining momentum.

Opening a business in Moscow

The capital is a city of enormous opportunity, in which every citizen is trying to take his place. Businessmen are no exception. Let's consider the main types of activities that make up the category of “profitable business” in Moscow.

Providing small loans

In the first place is the implementation of activities in the field of small lending. Today many offices have opened in which high interest rates give out small amounts of money. Thanks to such a high percentage, businessmen receive income. This type activity is considered profitable, despite minor investments at the initial stage.

Grocery stores and food outlets

The second place may be taken by the sale of food products. Despite the large number of such retail outlets in the capital, they are often located near residential buildings and therefore are quite in demand. At the starting stage, small financial resources are needed to pay for renting premises, purchasing goods, paying salaries to employees and for expenses associated with obtaining various trade permits.

Tent placement fast food can be considered as a profitable business when such tents are located, for example, on the station square. This is due to significant costs of renting or purchasing premises, which can be repaid due to the high turnover of the cost of services, due to the large number of arrivals (departures).

Sale of medicines, perfumes and personal care products

This type of business is in third place in terms of benefits. The opening of at least one pharmacy in one of the central districts will provide its organizer with a significant income, which can be comparable to the profit of several similar institutions, but in a residential area.

The profitability of a business selling personal care products and perfumes is associated with the constant need for hygiene products for every person. The return on investment for this type of activity in Moscow is much higher than in other cities. The positive side is the relatively low costs associated with purchasing products and paying for rent.

Public ground transport services

The profitability of this business is guaranteed due to the annual increase in travel tariff rates. At the same time, the costs of paying taxes, paying employee salaries, gasoline and servicing rolling stock often remain at the same level.


And finally, on last place The list of profitable types of business includes providing medical services. Among the advantages of this type of activity are the following: a small staff, a small rented premises and

Profitable business not uncommon these days. When planning to become an entrepreneur, everyone dreams of “hitting the bull’s eye”, creating a business that is profitable, in demand, profitable, and promising. However, only time will tell how profitable the project will be. Because even with the same starting capital, in the same niche, even in the same region, the results are different people there are different ones.

How to choose the most profitable business with prospects for the future?

Conditions for creating a profitable and profitable business

If, when starting out in commerce, you seriously analyze the direction of activity and select a promising niche, then the expected profit graph will definitely go up.

However, when planning to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you should not write off a rather obvious fact: what is profitable, profitable, profitable, and promising today may not be relevant at all tomorrow.

Moreover, in the same niche, seemingly under exactly the same conditions, for some people the brainchild turns out to be profitable, profitable, and promising, while for others it turns out to be unprofitable.

Now let’s take a closer look at the factors that influence commercial success.

A business that turns out to be profitable, profitable, and promising at any time and in any country in the world must meet several conditions:

  • Source of profit - passive income
  • There is always a demand for your goods and services - the niche has been well chosen
  • When a crisis is for your benefit and is an incentive for business development
  • Lack of competitors due to the specifics of the business
  • Costs and costs of doing business are minimized

List of indicators characterizing the most profitable directions You can continue to create your own projects, but let’s focus on these for now. Now let's talk about these conditions in a little more detail.

Source of profit - passive income

So that the idea does not disappoint you, the source of profit must be passive income that does not depend on your direct participation after you create and launch the source of this income. And at this time you begin to analyze new directions and launch the next project.

And it’s even better when the income received is residual, i.e. constantly increasing. Activities that generate passive income are a profitable and promising craft today, and tomorrow, and always.

In trade, such income can be generated by an ever-growing network of satisfied buyers of goods and services, the creation of a network of branches with a unified operating system, and ready-made business systems.

An example could be the creation of a large network of small grocery or specialty stores, a network of distributors or referrals, a network of websites, including free resources, with the placement of advertisements from reputable companies and services on them, the creation of your own link in the MLM system, a franchise, etc.

The niche has been successfully chosen: there is always a demand for your products and services

Business is profitable where well chosen niche. The process should be based on goods or services of daily demand, which tend to end, but without which everyday life will become impossible or lose comfort. And if we talk about monthly profits, it is important to remember that money can be rolled over many times a month.

The most profitable business is in everyday goods

Remember, for example, which MLM companies are thriving. Where are the products for promotion - dietary supplements (BAS), cosmetics, detergents. They are bought, spent, and the same buyers (satisfied, of course!) come for them again.

Also, and in particular, it is much more profitable to do it on the most necessary products that are immediately eaten, on clothes, shoes, detergents, spare parts for cars. In demand lately goods and services that allow people to save money, for example on fuel.

But Russians are already accustomed to buying cosmetics from popular brands, and it can be more difficult when starting your own business. Nevertheless, services related to beauty and health will always be in demand.

No less interesting and significant are services that offer people entertainment and relaxation (online games, online cinemas, social networks).

Certain interest, starting from the moment of perestroika, implementation in Russia market economy and to this day they are called, for example, by advertising companies. Everyone, without exception, needs advertising. It doesn't matter in real world or on the Internet, reputable companies or very small ones, legal entities or individuals. Supply and demand work best through advertising. Although we often say how tired we are of her. Advertising projects, however, like entertainment services, are always in demand. And it makes sense to think about this.

When deciding, it is in these niches that you need to look for your market segment. And implement the selected ideas, becoming better than competitors.

Your brainchild will definitely be profitable if there is always a demand for the goods and services offered. If, regardless of regional, climatic, political conditions, people need them.

Profitable business on disposable goods

Disposable products are becoming more and more popular among consumers. But there were times when it seemed that I bought something - and for the rest of my life.

When a crisis is for your benefit and is an incentive for business development

There are many projects that are not afraid of crises: during the crisis fever they will only flourish.

Hard times for some are always a chance to get rich for others. It is in difficult, crisis times that it is easiest to realize the opportunity to become free and financially independent.

And such areas of activity can easily be found in global network. The same advertising: contextual, teaser, from direct advertisers who pay good money for it. Why not give them a place on your information resources?

Lack of competitors due to the specifics of the business

Good profits can be made where there are not only no competitors, but simply cannot be due to the specific nature of the type of activity. Again the same advertising on your information resources, for example, and partnerships with search engines. The main thing is to wisely manage such a goldmine as the database of Yandex and Google search queries.

Competent, its constant improvement in technical terms will allow us to gradually increase the rate of resource traffic.

The profit from the development of a network of information sites will globally exceed the meager investments in their maintenance. Day after day, projects can be expanded by adding new sections, articles, news. And the income will not just be passive, but residual (constantly growing).

Costs and costs of doing business are minimized

The surest way to minimize the costs of your craft is to open it in the virtual space. Opportunities for making money, even in one business niche, are diverse and endless.

As experience has shown recent years and confirm the grandiose events in Moscow, there are enterprising people who have been able to create millions of fortunes on the Internet. Today, earnings from affiliate programs for the sale of information products have become quite popular and relevant.

Only dollar millionaires who made their fortune on the Internet could get on stage in Moscow. The amounts of their online income were announced as simply astronomical, up to 400,000,000 rubles.

This food for thought will be very useful for those who dream of finding a solution to the question of who really thinks which project is more profitable to open, in or the most business as usual in real life (offline). At the same time, so that it is profitable, profitable and promising.

There are actually many areas of employment that meet the above conditions. And without analyzing the market at the moment, it is almost impossible to name the most profitable, the most profitable, the most profitable sector of commerce. There are market segments that I not only don’t want to mention here, but even to remember at all.

Therefore, the question of which business is the most profitable, or the most profitable, or the most profitable, is probably not posed quite correctly. The success of any endeavor depends on many factors and specifically on you.

In which market segment is it more profitable to open a profitable business?

If we consider the virtual space as a platform for our project, then its success depends to a large extent on professionalism, the desire to learn, and the refusal of the future businessman to waste time on the Internet. And this is a profitable business.

And a fairly profitable (quickly payback business), ultimately quite profitable and promising today can be created online. And this is an indisputable fact.

Why? Because developing an Internet project is quite simple and inexpensive. And this important indicators to create profitable business. And it doesn’t matter at all where you live: in small town, in a metropolis, in a village, when you are trying to breathe signs of life into your work.

A profitable business in a small town is the dream of many Russians

Profitable business in a small town with a huge target audience

Quite a lot of young people, especially in small settlements and small towns, make their choice today and rely on the Internet space.

No costs for renting offices or industrial premises. But there is a whole world of potential clients who can be helped to find what they are looking for online.

This is a win-win and forward-thinking way to earn money from home computer. Day after day, tens, hundreds of thousands of the most ordinary people from schoolchildren to pensioners.

Many are already well versed in the issue. And they even record video lessons and send e-mails on the topic of making money online.

Working from home via the Internet is simple and comfortable. And even if at first nothing works out, you won’t be at a disadvantage. You can try again and again, honing your skills and professionalism, choosing a niche that suits your requirements and conditions.

The only thing you can lose here is time. And you can’t call it a loss: real practice and study, necessary for any aspiring Internet entrepreneur.

If in traditional offline employment there are moments that depend on “someone else’s uncle” in the form of various services, then here, in the virtual space, everything depends only on you. And more specifically, it depends on the expenditure of your time and desire. There are no other barriers.

Learning to develop and expand your brainchild online will not be difficult. There is a lot of information today, even free information. The main thing is to decide what you want to create and in what niche to develop. And start taking action.

All paths lead to the Internet: we build the easiest business here

It is profitable to create a promising simple business on an Internet platform

Creating a commercial project on the Internet is a fairly simple business. This is much simpler than running similar processes in real life. After all, the virtual platform completely eliminates unnecessary red tape and delays with all kinds of services that often die out as unnecessary. No offices or office equipment are needed, which greatly simplifies the creation and running of a business. Extra expenses are eliminated.

And, at the same time, you can provide yourself real income. Modern web professionals know different . They are well versed not only in issues of how to create an ever-growing cash flow online, but also how to make a lot of money online, and even a lot.

Many individual entrepreneurs have created services that allow site owners to promote their resources online, and for newbies testing to earn a little money and acquire some useful skills.

Is it possible for a beginner or novice user to earn a lot of money online quickly? More likely no than yes. It just takes some time to figure out what's what. But almost everyone now understands that there are a lot of people spinning around.

And it doesn’t matter why - for work, for study, for obtaining information, for paying for services or purchasing goods, for providing themselves with real income, just for entertainment, visitors come there...

And where there is money, where there are people willing to spend any amount of money, there will always be options for earning money. All you have to do is make sure that these people who are willing to pay get what they are looking for thanks to you.

Today World computer network Many people use the Internet as a source of solid income and considerable profit with minimal investment. 5 million citizens work in the Runet and the related industry, and companies in this industry produce goods and services worth 5 trillion rubles a year. Labor productivity in this sector is three times higher than the national average (

Nowadays, from the youngest to quite elderly people can use a computer. And this is - potential clients for your proposal. The number of such people is simply increasing every day. And this is a decisive factor in favor of Internet business. Target audience for your proposal in this segment of space can be found much faster and at the lowest cost.

Even the President of the country sometimes speaks out on this topic, not only hinting, but declaring that it is time to fire everyone who does not have computer skills.

And you probably have long understood that in the last century there were times when many people perceived the computer as nothing more than just a source of information or entertainment. - today is not a curiosity and is gaining more and more popularity every day. The advantages of this type of activity and employment are obvious. And now they are beneficial to both the customer and the contractor.

For many people today, making money online has become no longer easy. additional income, but a significant income, the most profitable business, including several sources of income.

With minimal investment, earning decent money by studying, for example, and working for yourself without leaving home is certainly tempting. And there are people for whom it has become a favorite daily activity. Many, working at home on a computer, have created a steadily growing, profitable in all respects, promising, profitable and simple home business, successfully promote it and now have a good, constantly growing income exceeding 1,000,000 rubles. But …

Offering unrealistically high income? Internet fraud

Internet fraud: you can not only earn money, but also lose it

Are you being offered an incredibly profitable business on the Internet with minimal investment? Carefully! Unfortunately, only 10-20 percent of Internet entrepreneurs take the issue of creating a new source of income seriously enough and actually make a profit. The remaining 80-90 percent treat this superficially or fall for all sorts of free tempting offers and simply provide this profit, often to scammers who have just gotten their hands on it.

As a rule, continuous spam with such offers is now constantly sent to email, to Skype system accounts. Entire groups working on such projects have the gift of persuasion and are able to force you to voluntarily transfer money to the specified accounts. And then, when the time comes for the promised payments, your “ goldfish"becomes lifeless and shows no signs of life. Simply, the scammers disappear.

A lot of websites and blogs, video tutorials and courses have been created about this, a lot of trainings are conducted, but most people still continue to lose their money. Why? Because they don’t want to learn from other people’s mistakes, they prefer to make their own.

What kind of business is profitable to do with a future perspective?

What is the best initiative to implement online, what kind of business is it profitable to engage in? So that it is profitable, cost-effective, simple, and at the same time promising? Despite the fact that you do not intend to make any significant investments. Or the very minimum... Well, so that the project is to your liking! To make work comfortable.

Some people believe that all profitable directions commercial activities have been busy for a long time that now it is unlikely that they will be able to open anything, because all the profitable and profitable niches are so filled that many cannot withstand the onslaught of competitors.

And some people have so much energy, intelligence, inspiration, talent that they immediately take note of any phrase they hear in passing, they are ready to turn any flashing idea into the most highly profitable business.

Whatever ideas come to your mind, one thing is certain: your project must be in the Internet space or you are using the virtual sphere to the maximum to promote your traditional business.

And if not millions, then hundreds of thousands of rubles a month in the form of passive income today, it is quite possible for the most ordinary person to earn money on the Internet. True, you will have to work hard.

Promising business and minimum costs - advertising on websites

Many Internet entrepreneurs own profitable information sites that actually work as sources of their income. Some website owners have dozens of such assets.

For example, today we are very interested in the opportunity to form and develop without leaving home and using tools such as a computer and the Internet. We have our own information resources and are engaged in their monetization.

This is a profitable business with minimal investment, good business on the Internet, even for beginners, where you do not depend on anyone (compare with MLM!) and independently, at a convenient time, create something that will bring you constantly growing income in the future due to the emergence of more and more new advertising platforms on expanding information resources.

There are millions of topics and areas for creating and promoting websites. This craft is not afraid of any crisis, because advertising during a crisis, on the contrary, becomes even more popular and in demand. There is practically no competition, because everyone sees and develops even one topic, any one, construction, for example, or renovation, gardening, raising children in their own way.

Of course, it’s better to write yourself, but if it’s really a burden, freelance exchanges will help.

And in order for your site to be visited, it must be made taking into account the search queries of the population. Write about what people need! And there will definitely be a topic where you will advance better than others. Launching and growing a business today is easier than ever!

The demand for advertising was, is, and will be! Because people will always buy goods, use services, and learn. And for information they are increasingly (and the younger generation is absolutely) turning to the Internet. And there on your resource they see an advertisement on a topic that interests them, click on the link and go to the website of the seller of the product or service. And money is dripping for you. For those who have been seriously engaged in this type of activity for a long time, it is clear that the advertising business is one of the most profitable commercial areas on the Internet.

Yes, this requires certain computer skills and some knowledge, but I repeat that we started from scratch, we didn’t even complete any computer courses. And today there are even a lot of free educational materials and video lessons on the Internet.

Providing advertising platforms for solvent companies and services on your websites can lead you to a solid income exceeding millions of rubles a year. And the sums of money will replenish your account around the clock. It doesn’t matter whether you’re on vacation, at the gym, at a party, or creating another new page for your website.

Connect to this modern look employment is not just a profitable, but also a forward-thinking solution. This is an opportunity to start building your promising assets practically from scratch without investments.

This area of ​​commerce on the Internet has long been called “virtual real estate.” And with the help of this “virtual real estate” it is quite possible. This may well be of interest to those who dream of owning their own home and are analyzing any clues on the topic. For a real new apartment in a real space, in your city. If you have a serious attitude and attitude towards the chosen activity, this is real, as the video confirms when you click on the link.

Such a direction of commerce as is very promising, here’s another reason. Year after year, more and more users and potential visitors to your resources appear on the global network. Which is an important factor for building a profitable business.

In our opinion, make your websites with useful to people information and place the code of advertising blocks of reputable and respected services on them - this is the simplest and most interesting business today. This is our favorite activity, and at the same time it generates income. This online activity is truly safe as long as you do not violate the rules of the companies providing advertising links. It is this kind of employment that forms the basis of our family income.

Which business is better to open? How to choose a simple, profitable and promising business?

Which business is better, more profitable, smarter to open? ...It's up to you

Which business is most promising specifically in your situation, what the most profitable business will be in your locality, which direction of employment is wiser to choose in order to build a highly profitable business and which business is the right one to take up is, of course, up to you to decide. There is no need for advice here. If you like growing flowers, grow flowers; if you love housekeeping, do business there. The main thing is that it is in demand by other people.

An example of a simple profitable business on the Internet that satisfies all the above conditions would be advertising on websites: banners of reputable companies, contextual advertising Yandex Direct and Google AdWords.

If you have the intention of creating your own business, moreover, making your brainchild profitable and profitable, and maybe the most profitable, do not rush to grab the first very tempting offers that come your way on the first pages of the search results. search engines Internet. Moreover, enter into some kind of agreements with suppliers, transfer money, participate in affiliate programs. Today it will take very little time, but it will avoid many unpleasant moments. Business is becoming more and more transparent; almost all the information needed to analyze companies is now publicly available on the Internet.

In order to create the most profitable business from scratch against the background of competitors, to capture a significant market share in the chosen niche, you will have to work hard. But when you do what you love, 16-18 hours fly by.

And one more thing important point, which I would like to focus your attention on. Don’t look for ready-made recipes for creating the most profitable business. They simply don’t exist (or hardly anyone will share their work: why create competitors). And if you manage to create a strong foundation for your brainchild, then it will be different for each person. Depending on goals, ambitions, capabilities, experience, perseverance, perseverance...

For those who are limited in financial resources and are studying, it is important to research and understand the psychological aspects of the issue using examples richest people planets.

Everything discussed above can be used for analysis when opening a project of your own. It will be more interesting later, but you will be able to use this for no more than educational purposes.

The most profitable business in the world. Alas, not for everyone

Issuing or issuing money is a profitable business, but for a select few

Are you familiar with such concepts as seigniorage? So the most profitable business in the world is directly related to them. Seigniorage is the income from issuing money or printing banknotes. It is calculated by the difference between the denomination of the banknote and its cost. And the higher the denomination, the greater the profit, because the cost of pieces of paper with pictures is approximately the same.

The cost of producing the world's dominant $100 bill is approximately 12 cents. Seigniorage when issuing just one such banknote per in monetary terms will be $99.88. How much does the most ordinary person have to work for this amount?

It’s easy to convert all this into percentages: profit as a percentage = 99.88x100/0.12. Almost 100,000 percent. Impressive?

And it is not the state that is involved in the process of issuing money... The owners of seigniorage are the owners of the country who govern it. And this is in any country in the world.

Business profit is the main criterion by which a future businessman chooses a field of activity.

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In Russia, we can name several main types, whose profitability is amazing. But in other industries you can achieve financial success if you correctly assess the capabilities of the business environment.

Statistics for 2019

The main contribution to the GDP of any country in the world is made by large business, which accounts for the majority of financial, labor and other resources. In Russia for a share big business accounting for 70 to 80% of national GDP, this is a very high figure in comparison with Western countries.

According to various estimates, the share of medium-sized businesses in Russia accounts for 10 to 12% of GDP. It is quite difficult to accurately identify this figure, since the general indicator is calculated for small and medium-sized businesses, which, by the way, is also quite contradictory. By averaging data from several sources, such as Rosstat, banking organizations and well-established experts, the indicator for SMEs is set at 20-30% of the country’s GDP.

At the end of 2013, GDP growth Russian Federation amounted to 1.3%, with preliminary forecasts from 1.3 to 3.8% (World Bank). The largest share in GDP came from wholesale and retail trade and repairs ( 18,3% ), mining brought 10,8% GDP.

The maximum profitability was observed in the mining sector (24-33%) and chemical production (16.7%). In all areas of large business, there was a drop in profitability associated with a decrease in prices and consumption on world markets. The growth of the small and medium segment of the economy amounted to about 0.9% of GDP, although negative trends were observed here too.

GDP growth forecasts for 2019 were based on 4.3%, but due to the turbulent geopolitical situation and the general decline economic indicators the forecast was lowered to 3.7% (Ministry of Economy) and the IMF lowered its forecasts to 0.9%.

Experts predict growth in industry at zero level, wholesale and retail could grow by 2.1%.

In general, the statistics are not very reassuring and in all respects resemble the situation in 2013.

By scale

Based on its scale, business is divided into three categories: large, medium and small.

  • Large businesses include national and transnational companies with annual turnover over 1 billion rubles. and staff from 500 people.
  • To the average – regional companies conducting their business in one or several regions and having in their staff from 50 to 500 people and much smaller financial turnover ( up to 1 billion rubles).
  • Small businesses are small firms that have on their staff (depending on the type of activity) up to 50-100 people and annual turnover - up to 500 million rubles

Big business

In large business, oil and gas companies continue to be the most profitable. They are followed by large transport, chemical and metallurgical enterprises and banking enterprises.

Over the past few years, the profitability of these types of activities has been slowly but surely declining. And 2013 was marked by a sharp drop in profitability in all areas of large business.

The metallurgical industry fell especially sharply in price.

Some enterprises have crossed the profitability threshold in the opposite direction and were forced to close. This is due to the heavy dependence on demand and prices on world markets, which have fallen rapidly over the past couple of years.

Medium business

The most profitable medium-sized companies are rightfully considered to be communications, construction and transport companies, as well as companies working in the marketing and advertising services sector.

Recently, the healthcare industry has been rapidly approaching them, or rather the segment of private clinics, which show an average profitability of 10-15%.

Both retail and wholesale trade consumer goods.

Small business

In the small business segment it is difficult to single out separate species activities that can be considered the most profitable. Since the profitability indicators of many of them are very close.

Still, construction, installation and repair work are considered the most profitable; according to some data, their profitability can reach 80-90%.

The segment is also characterized by high profitability catering and consumption, consulting services (16,5%) . According to Forbes magazine, this also includes the services of chiropractors, dentists, as well as accounting and legal services, which have an average level of profitability within 13,5 – 16% .

To summarize, we can say that the basis of small business is the sphere of private services, which is the most profitable.

Business profitability depending on location

The size of the settlement cannot be ignored. It is clear that it is almost impossible to achieve the same heights in the same type of activity in Moscow and Tula. Experts have compiled their rating of the most profitable enterprises at different city levels.

In the metropolis

Megacities have a higher turnover of money and a higher standard of living, which also affects profitability different types activities.

Important distinctive feature business in large cities is a very high level of competition.

Both large and small businesses are very well developed here.

To the most profitable types entrepreneurial activity include:

  • Construction and real estate work.
  • Sales of services in various fields.
  • Trade and catering.

The best profitability indicators are demonstrated by small companies providing services:

  • private audit,
  • private medicine (including cosmetology and dentistry),
  • accounting and tax calculations,
  • lawyer and notary offices,
  • small lending.

It is difficult to gain public success in big cities. Image means a lot here - it must be crystal clear. It is difficult to start in such conditions; impressive capital is required (even for a small enterprise).

In a small town

The profitability of a business in a small city can differ significantly from its counterparts in large populated areas.

For comparison: outlet fast food in Moscow brings its owner about 3 million rubles. per year, and the same establishment in Belgorod earns no more than 100 thousand.

It all depends on the standard of living of the population, regional mentality, and competitive intensity in each specific city.

However, for almost all regions, the construction and repair and installation business, as well as funeral services, traditionally have good profitability. Over the past few years, there has been a constant increase in demand for private consulting services in the regions, which are characterized by high profitability and very small starting investments, which makes it very interesting for budding businessmen.

In the village

The situation with the standard of living in rural areas still remains at a very low level. Therefore, business related to the provision of services is either not in demand here at all, or is demonstrating record low profitability.

Traditionally, good profitability indicators remain in agriculture and small trade. True, the trade niche has mostly already been occupied and there is no point in entering into competition with old-timers, but the products of small farms and crop production are in very good demand, thanks to trends towards healthy image life of the urban population.

Seasonal factor

When to start your own business is also an important question. Some activities have a very pronounced seasonality. Let's look at the most popular and profitable seasonal businesses.

In summer

Summer is a period of vacations, relaxation and not always justified spending of money. Almost all businessmen know this principle and use it.

The profitability level of summer businesses can reach up to 200%.

The first place in the list of the most profitable summer activities is taken by off-site sales of ice cream, kvass, beer and souvenirs. The level of income from such a point depends on a single factor - a good location. The more advantageous it is located, the higher the markup and the more sales.

Also very profitable niche– entertainment services on the water and beach. The most high incomes observed in resort areas and public recreation areas near large cities.

in winter

The winter period also has its own seasonal types of business. Their profitability is correspondingly higher than average, as in any seasonal business.

These types of activities include:

  • Snow removal (with and without special equipment).
  • Organization of entertainment (snowmobiling, skiing, snowboarding, slides, open-air skating rinks).
  • Trade in hot drinks and fast food (pies, hot dogs, etc.)

The profitability of winter types of business is still inferior to their summer counterparts and ranges from 30 to 60%.

The location of the business is also important here, but this dependence is not as strong as in summer period, and the binding business is going mainly to large and medium-sized cities.

Rating of business ideas by gender

It is no secret that the attitude of women and men to choosing a business and its development is not the same. Although recently the gender factor has lost its relevance, differences still remain.

For women

Women have a more subtle perception of the world around them, better taste and greater perseverance than men. As a rule, a lady who decides to start a business rarely owns start-up capital, but has enviable persistence in achieving her goal. Therefore, the rating of business ideas is based on these advantages.

Among the private business options that do not require large initial investments and are the easiest to implement, women are more suitable:

  • Providing design services for interior planning in a private house, apartment, and arrangement of garden plots.
  • Making original decorations for home, cottage, body jewelry self made(so called hand made, which has become very popular in recent years).
  • Freelancing (earning money on the Internet) – working with texts, photographs, design.
  • Making culinary products (cakes, cookies) and home-cooked dishes at home.
  • Nowadays, residents of big cities devote almost all their time to work and eat fast food, which everyone is tired of and is harmful to their health. Therefore, this type of service such as catering can be in great demand.
  • Production and sale through online stores of clothing, linen, bedding.

This does not mean that women can only earn money through manual, light work. The mental resources of the female business representatives are also in great demand. For example, a lady will be able to open and manage an accounting agency with greater ease.

For men

The best business ideas for men are related to those jobs that, due to physical characteristics, can only be performed by men, or those that are more effective when performed by men. They are also the most profitable, if done correctly.

These include:

  • “Husband for an Hour” services, specializing in minor household repairs.
  • Auto repair shops (from garage repairs to large service stations).
  • Consulting services.
  • Minor installation, repair and construction services.
  • Freelancing (copywriting, website development and promotion).

All these activities have quite high profitability, and most do not require capital investments, or even involve starting from scratch. The main requirement at the start of these types of activities is good qualifications and level of knowledge in the chosen direction.

However, you should not select an activity solely based on gender characteristics. It all depends on the personal characteristics of a particular person. No one can answer with certainty who is better able to cope with the role of a leader, for example, or retail network shops. It is worth putting in first place own experience and awareness of the industry of interest.

International experience

International experience and trends in the country’s economy show that in the coming years the profitability of large businesses and its share in the country’s total GDP will decrease significantly, while the segment of medium and small businesses is expected to grow. But in the long term, the profitability of all types of business will decrease, this is due to increasing competition in all areas of activity.

The profitability indicators in the most developed countries are thought-provoking. Today, the average profitability of large US businesses is about 15%, and in the EU this figure is at the level 7-8% . At the same time, the profitability of small businesses is accordingly 25% in the USA and 16% in Europe.

The share of GDP that comes from small and medium business, is within 50-60%, which has a very good effect on the economy, because small businesses are not so dependent on prices for foreign markets and more flexible in times of crisis.

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Forecast: which business will be the most profitable in the near future?

In Russia in the coming years, the most profitable business will remain related to the extraction and processing of oil and gas industry. In the sphere of medium and small businesses, there is a noticeable trend in the growth of the share and profitability of service sector businesses (especially consulting, auditing, medical services), the niche of vending services (sale from a machine) remains half filled.

Reading time 8 minutes

The most profitable types small business in Russia is of interest to many aspiring entrepreneurs. This is a pressing question for those who have not yet decided in which niche to open their own business. And in order for a business to have a better chance of survival, it is necessary to focus on those industries that have the potential to bring truly tangible profits.

The market situation in Russia today is not as good as we would like. Many problems are explained by the protracted crisis. In the current conditions, even large industrial enterprises often fail to survive. Many of them change their focus and begin to explore new industries.

But there are also some positive aspects. For example, due to mutual sanctions between Russia and European countries, the import of many consumer goods has become impossible or unprofitable. Imported products often increase their cost due to duties by 1.5 - 2 times. This allowed Russian entrepreneurs to become more competitive.

When choosing a direction of work, entrepreneurs must focus on the desires and capabilities of consumers. Thus, in times of crisis, an ordinary citizen prefers to buy cheap products. Most people refuse expensive purchases. Their consumption is shifting towards food, essentials, and other goods and services.

At the moment, the following industries are among the most promising areas in Russia:

  1. production;
  2. sale of essential goods;
  3. farming and other formats agriculture;
  4. real estate sector (rental, hotel business);
  5. public catering;
  6. various services to ordinary citizens and organizations.

The manufacturing sector is, in principle, considered one of the most promising industries. It allows you to increase the number of finished products. It is not for nothing that most enterprises today belong to this sector of the economy. Moreover, these are not only representatives of large and medium-sized businesses, but also small businesses.

According to marketers' estimates, the share production sector will grow rapidly in the next 5 years. As a result, the industry will acquire new entrepreneurs. There are also a number of difficulties here. The main obstacle is the need to raise capital. Starting your own manufacturing business requires a lot of money, and attracting investors is not always possible. Therefore, without a clear strategy and business plan, there is nothing to do in this area. Moreover, they will help to attract money in one of the following ways:

  • government support;
  • investors;
  • partners;
  • loans.

But the last option is the least attractive, since Russian banks offer citizens loans at high interest rates. Ultimately, the amount of overpayment on loans significantly reduces the profit of the enterprise and the profitability of production as a whole.

During a crisis, people quickly change their behavior patterns. The purchasing power of money falls, wages remain unchanged, and prices rise. It is quite logical that a person refuses more expensive goods in favor of publicly available products.

Premium segment products themselves have little demand, but during a crisis it becomes even lower. People simply refuse to buy cars, electronics, household appliances. Therefore, opening a store in this area is not advisable now.

The situation is completely different with essential goods. People are starting to buy them more actively. Popular products at such times include the following:

  • inexpensive food;
  • hygiene products;
  • cloth;
  • stationery;
  • sports equipment and clothing;
  • toys.

Moreover, these should be inexpensive goods. A novice entrepreneur can open a specialized point in one of the areas. It is not advisable to spread across all areas at once. On the contrary, it is better to open a small point in a residential area. In this case, you can save money on rent and quickly find your regular customers by offering them quality products at reasonable prices. It is precisely such shops that become very competitive during periods of crisis.

Agriculture in Russia itself has enormous potential. Natural open spaces, fertile lands - all this contributes to the successful cultivation of animals and food. In addition, this area creates a raw material base for many manufacturing enterprises.

If just a few years ago it was very difficult to open your own business and stay afloat in the agricultural sector, now the situation has changed somewhat. This is largely due to the ban on the import of most foreign products. Due to customs duties, many goods become more expensive after crossing the border. This helps strengthen Russian agriculture. The following industries are most in demand in this area:

  • livestock farming;
  • crop production

Today many Russian entrepreneurs decide to open their own farm. A businessman must choose the direction himself, assessing the following factors:

  1. demand for products;
  2. the presence of competitors and market saturation as a whole;
  3. remoteness from raw material bases;
  4. availability of support from the district administration;
  5. product yield or fertility of individuals in a particular region.

And even though you won’t be able to get your money back in a month, after the first harvest you will be able to recoup your investment and develop further. Particularly attentive to the idea of ​​discovery own farm worth a closer look for those who have their own summer cottage plot. In this case, you won’t even have to rent land. And it’s not necessary to register at first. It is enough to operate as a private subsidiary. And in the future, in case successful development, it will be possible to become an individual entrepreneur or LLC and increase the scale of production.

Small farming will also be competitive because it will not require serious investment. The entrepreneur will be able to do all the work on his own, and he will be able to abandon expensive equipment altogether for several seasons.

The real estate market has always been of interest to entrepreneurs. Now many people cannot afford to buy an apartment, so they have to rent housing. In general, the following types of real estate are available for rent:

  • housing;
  • production premises;
  • land plots;
  • garages.

Profitability in these areas can reach 50 - 100% in just a few months.

There is one more thing advantageous direction- organization hotel business. Moreover, now it is not expensive hotels that are very popular, but small hostels and dormitories. They attract customers with the presence of minimal amenities and affordable prices. In addition, few can afford to rent an expensive room in a luxury hotel. Opening a hostel or dormitory near a train station or in the city center can certainly bring income to its owner. They can accommodate not only tourists, but also business travelers, students, and workers.

The catering industry has always been one of the most promising business formats. But here the vector of development has changed from expensive restaurants and cafes to outlets with affordable prices, pleasant interiors, fast service. It makes sense for a novice entrepreneur to consider opening one of the following establishments:

  • snack bar;
  • kebab shop;
  • coffee shop;
  • pie

Oddly enough, the fast food sector is also in high demand. Many outlets offer breakfasts and business lunches at really inexpensive prices. Working in this area, you can achieve profitability of 30 - 40%.

One of the most interesting and profitable ideas- organize a point selling coffee to go. Additionally, you can equip a small room for visitors who prefer to cheer up with a cup of coffee and a croissant in a relaxed atmosphere. The payback period for introducing this seemingly insignificant option in the form of “coffee to go” is reduced by 1.5 - 2 times.

Service sector

The service sector in any developed society covers a larger part of the market than, for example, manufacturing. It is gaining increasing influence in Russia as well. Thus, according to the results of 2015 - 2016, the highest profitability was recorded in the service sector. This is not surprising, because opening a business does not require large financial investments. At the same time, you can make a profit from the very start.

The essence of work in this area is to provide services. The cost and profit level will be influenced by the following factors:

  • volume of work;
  • complexity of the work;
  • level of skill (quality);
  • availability of guarantees;
  • results.

For example, the consulting field is now very popular among entrepreneurs. Organizations prefer not to spend money on employing accountants and lawyers. They turn to special companies as needed. Cleaning organizations are also in demand in the B2B segment.

The following types of services are especially popular among the general population:

  • renovation and decoration of apartments;
  • installation of windows and doors;
  • tutoring;
  • car repair;
  • nannies and cleaners.

Opening a private dentistry is a very interesting idea that can bring significant profit to its owner. But this cannot be done without serious financial investments for the purchase of specialized equipment.

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Various business ideas have one thing in common - industries. It's easy to come up with a business idea, but quite difficult to come up with new industry. We present a list of the most popular directions for starting your own business.

This list is compiled based on extensive research. various business ideas, industries and directions. But, despite this, according to the KHOBIZ tradition, you can have your own preferences and it is thanks to them that real business acumen and the spirit of entrepreneurship live in you.


Business in the field of public services can rightfully be called the most popular area of ​​entrepreneurship. Because in 90% of cases the service consists of one’s own aspiration and hard work. That is, an entrepreneur who decides to make money on services does not need a large starting capital for the purchase of wholesale quantities of goods, the opening of production, and so on and so forth.

Entry to the business market in the service sector starts from 2 thousand rubles. This is exactly what it takes to open your own individual entrepreneur. The rest is a matter of technology and your ability to communicate with people around you.


China rightfully occupies a leading global role in total production in various industries. It's no surprise that more and more entrepreneurs are turning to China to start own business with China directly.

Chinese entrepreneurs are also meeting halfway, launching Russian-language websites, and organizing their own representative offices in Russia.

All this results in the growing popularity of Chinese business in Russia. And the peak of popularity is still far away. You can get into this business in time, especially since there are business ideas with China without large investments. What are these ideas?


Specific business sector. On the one hand, this industry is quite difficult to get into. Since starting a business with production requires material and organizational costs. It is also necessary to know the specifics of this business.

On the other hand, recently, many profitable offers of equipment and tools have appeared on the market that allow you to open home production. That is, knowing the specifics, opening a mini-production, where one person is his own director and worker, will cost no more than 30-60 thousand rubles.

And due to the first condition, competition in this industry is much less than in other industries. Profits in this industry are more stable, since production often specializes not in piece goods, but in mass production, that is, by opening production and concluding several contracts, you can keep yourself busy with work for many years to come.


A rightfully popular business niche. A home business is the most comfortable and has the least restrictions. Since you are supposed to do business at home, and houses and walls help.

Of course, it is very difficult to make a high profit in a home business, however, this is not required. It is enough to get a stable source of income that will allow you to support yourself, your family and, possibly, save start-up capital to open a full-fledged business.

There are no restrictions on the cost of entry into this industry, age, education, or occupation in a home business.


In addition to the purchase and sale of real estate. The business industry in houses, apartments, and premises has many different niches where you can start your own business.

One of the main and, probably, the only limitation in this business is the presence of owned or rented premises for a specific purpose. This leaves an imprint on how you want to earn money.


The Internet provides us with the opportunity not only to receive and exchange information, but also to earn money. Honestly speaking, making money online is one of the niches home business. However, we distinguish this as an independent branch of business. Because the Internet provides us with new opportunities to earn money almost every day.

By the way, not a single branch of business can do without the Internet.

Therefore, in our catalog of business ideas -.


One of the oldest business sectors. It appeared when there was no business.

Humanity is constantly being built and repaired. It is impossible to remain without work in this industry. New trends, finishing and building materials, technologies, tools and equipment - all this creates a huge demand for construction and repair services.

Therefore, the construction and repair business will always be profitable.


The automobile business emerged with the production and sale of the world's first automobile. That is, this business is more than 100 years old.

And he's not going to get old. Every day a huge number of cars are sold and bought around the world. You can work and earn money on them, they can be maintained and repaired. And this is all the auto business.

Despite the popularity of these business sectors, do not forget that there are other business sectors. Ours contains more than 1000 business ideas in various industries. We remind you what you can find interesting idea businesses in any industry, and their distribution according to the catalog is very arbitrary.