Breeding sows as a business. Pig breeding as a business - what needs to be taken into account to achieve high profitability? The most important thing is the right choice of pig breed

Raising pigs
Detailed business plan with calculations

We continue to publish articles about business in rural areas. And this time we will look at raising pigs and a business plan for organizing your own pig farm. Breeding pigs in small quantities does not bring much profit, and sometimes even just losses. Therefore, the minimum threshold for entering this business is calculated as a “round sum”.
If you can afford investments of such volumes, then let’s get started. To create a pig farm you will need a good building with necessary equipment, competent staff and animal food. These three components are fundamental here. Read more business ideas in the article:

Business plan “Raising pigs”: premises

The basic component of this business is the building in which the pigs will live. To do this, you can buy or rent an abandoned pig farm, and communications and primary equipment will already be included in the price. In the second case, you can build a barn with your own hands or with the help of hired force.
During construction, you will have to take into account a lot of points: the building must be insulated, protected from dampness and drafts, and thoroughly ventilated. Contrary to stereotypes about pigs, these animals are very clean, they require special care and comfortable conditions. And the main difficulty during construction is organizing cleaning channels into which dirt will need to be washed off periodically.
Therefore, our business plan will be based on a rented pig farm of 800 m2. The average cost of such a rental will cost 120,000 rubles (150 rubles per 1 m2).

Equipment and communications for a pig farm

Raising pigs for sale is significantly different from home breeding for meat for your table. In such a business, it is important to ensure that your product is of the best quality and has excellent taste.
Therefore, pig farms use equipment that significantly reduces the cost of hiring labor and improves the living conditions of animals. So, for a pig farm you will need the following equipment:
For supplying water and feed
Feed loading line
The cost of purchasing all this equipment varies around 500,000 rubles. In addition, monthly costs for water and electricity will require an average of 20,000 rubles.

Mandatory personnel for a pig farm

Vet. When raising pigs for sale, do not forget about their health. Healthy pigs produce good offspring, and their meat is more valuable. Moreover, some diseases make meat completely inedible, and sick pigs can become a source of epidemic. In turn, this causes big losses for you. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan for raising pigs, do not forget about the veterinarian. Payment for the work of a veterinarian is about 20,000 rubles.

Livestock specialist. You will also need a knowledgeable technician to keep all your equipment running. Average salary for a livestock technician in agriculture is 15,000 rubles.
Pig farmers. For a business with 120 heads, 4 pig breeders will be enough. The average salary of a pig breeder in Russia is 30,000 rubles. To save money, you can hire an experienced pig breeder with a salary of 30,000 rubles, and three assistants without experience (pay 15,000 rubles each).
General workers. Laborers in agriculture are very important personnel. There is no point in hiring a separate person for cleaning, loading feed and filling pens with hay. In practice, all this can be done by one person. For our farm, 2 laborers will be enough. Wages– 10,000 rubles.

Purchase of pigs and food costs

For a farm of 800m2 you will need about 128 pigs (based on a minimum area of ​​6.25m2 for each). The purchase price of one piglet at two months of age is 2,500 rubles. In total, the purchase will require 320,000 rubles.
By the way, it is better to purchase from different suppliers in order to avoid mixing of genes. Otherwise, the offspring may turn out weak and sick.

As for feed, to raise strong and meaty animals you will need 100 kg of feed for one pig with 180 kg of grain additives per year. Our livestock requires 1,067 kg of feed and 1,920 kg of grain monthly. The cost of such feeding is 11,000 and 14,500 rubles, respectively.

Calculations and profit

After 6 months, the pig gains weight of about 100 kg with this feeding. From 128 heads, about 4 are usually left for breeding. It turns out that 124 heads, or 12.4 tons of meat, will be sold. Considering the average price for 1 kg is 250 rubles, the profit from the sale of the entire product is 3,100,000 rubles.
Let's summarize the initial investments calculated earlier:
Rent – ​​120,000 rubles
Equipment – ​​500,000 rubles
Purchase of piglets – 320,000 rubles
Purchase of feed for the first month – 25,500 rubles
Total: 965,500 rubles
Now let's count monthly expenses that a pig farm requires:
Rent – ​​120,000 rubles
Utilities – 20,000 rubles
Salary to employees – 130,000 rubles
Feed – 25,500 rubles
Total: 295,500 rubles
It turns out that before receiving the first profit in 6 months we will spend 1,773,000 rubles. And from the income received of 3,100,000 rubles, the profit will be equal to 1,327,000 rubles.


To obtain good pork, they devote a lot of time, attention and means to caring for pigs. Therefore, in such a matter you should not look for economical methods and means. The more you invest in raising pigs, the more you will get back.

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Domestic pig farming does not require large investments, but brings quite high profits.

1. Draw up a business plan that will reflect all aspects of your future pig farm, including information about the premises, livestock, breed, expected costs, as well as meat distribution channels.

2. Make a drawing and build a pigsty of the required size and configuration (the size of the livestock and other data for calculations should already be in the business plan), purchase the necessary equipment.

3. Purchase piglets of the selected breed.

How to choose a pig breed

Experts count about one and a half hundred breeds different areas of productivity. The best for breeding in the climatic conditions of the Russian central zone are:

  • large white: this meat-greasy breed - optimal choice for beginning pig breeders: it is characterized by high fertility (13 or more piglets per farrow) and unpretentiousness in terms of feed. The disadvantages include the fact that animals have a tendency to obesity and cannot tolerate severe frosts. The average weight of an adult pig is about 185-215 kilograms;
  • Siberian northern: Animals of this breed, unlike large white pigs, tolerate frost well, but are also highly productive (an average of 11 piglets per farrow). The average weight of the animal is 230-250 kilograms;
  • Vietnamese pot-bellied: This bacon breed is unpretentious in conditions of keeping and nutrition, and is characterized by strong immunity and good health. Disadvantages include high susceptibility to drafts and cold, as well as relatively low productivity (8-10 piglets per farrow). The average weight of an adult animal is 90-135 kilograms.

How to build a pigsty

The pigsty is a spacious, insulated room with separate pens (pens). The area of ​​the pen is calculated based on the number of animals, their gender, age and purpose of keeping, as a rule, it is about 12 square meters.

This is enough to keep 1-2 breeding animals and up to one and a half dozen fattening pigs.

The area of ​​the pen for a breeding boar should be at least 8 square meters, for a sow with piglets - ten “squares” or more.

Thus, to keep 50 heads you will need a pigsty with a dozen pens. The total area of ​​the room, taking into account the passage(s), will be about 190-200 square meters. The best design for a small farm is a two-row pigsty with one aisle (the aisle is in the center of the room, the pens are against the walls).

To prevent manure from accumulating, the floors should be made with slotted manure collectors, from which it is necessary to make outlets into the sewer system.

The pigsty must have windows for natural light, lamps to provide artificial lighting, and must be equipped with a high-quality ventilation system. Harsh climatic conditions may also require the installation of a heating system, but if the temperature does not fall below -20 degrees Celsius, it can be abandoned.

Materials for a pigsty

A pigsty can be built from any material: wood, stone, clay, concrete and others, but most often, due to operational features and relatively low cost, brick and cinder blocks are used.

The external walls of the building are built from these universal materials, while internal partitions are usually made of thick boards.

There are also prefabricated pigsties that are assembled from sandwich panels or individual multilayer modules, but such structures are expensive. In addition, if the internal structure of the room needs to be modified, difficulties may arise. Such pigsties are convenient to use in industrial pig farming, but it is better to stick to traditional materials.

What to feed pigs

Feeding pigs is the main expense of a pig farm, so you need to carefully consider this point and try to reduce the cost of feeding as much as possible. Nevertheless, the reduction in price should not affect the quality: the feed mixture must be properly balanced and formulated taking into account the characteristics of the specific breed and age of the animals.

Good food is the key to quality meat and, accordingly, future profits. The cheapest feed, consisting mainly of potatoes, corn, wheat bran and beet molasses, negatively affects the quality characteristics of pork. At the same time, barley, wheat, rye, carrots, beets, peas and beans, on the contrary, improve the quality of meat, making it more tender and tasty.

Since quality feed is expensive, it is usually mixed with grass feed containing clover and alfalfa, and also add a small amount of cheaper feed. But it should be borne in mind that cheap food should be removed from the animal’s diet at least two months before slaughter - this will minimize their negative impact on taste characteristics.

How to raise pigs

To maintain the livestock, it is necessary to have about a quarter of breeding sows in the livestock, and the ratio of the number of boars to the number of sows should be about 1 to 10, that is, for 50 heads there should be no more than 12 breeding sows and two boars.

This ratio will ensure a small annual increase in the number of livestock. If growth is not required, the number of breeding sows can be reduced.

Costs and profits

Construction of a pigsty for 50 heads will cost 15-20 thousand dollars, (feeders, drinking bowls, thermometers, etc.) - another 1-2 thousand. Another $5 thousand will have to be spent on purchasing feed and vitamin supplements.

The total amount of investment, taking into account the costs of veterinarian services and hiring workers(1 person is enough to service 50 heads) - about 25 thousand dollars.

Each sow gives birth to 10 to 20 piglets per year. Over the course of a year, piglets grow up to 100-150 kilograms, reaching their maximum weight at the age of 2-3 years. Average yield (meat and lard) is about 80 percent of total weight animal. Estimated profit: about 7-8 thousand dollars per year. You can increase your income by selling by-products (skins, blood, offal, etc.).

In domestic countries, farming has always been considered sufficient profitable business, because here nature has created good conditions for raising animals. And quite a few people have built a business on raising pigs and selling their meat, because such an activity is considered quite profitable and has not lost its relevance for many years.

Pigs are chosen for raising precisely because of their rapid weight gain, and when using the right feed, you can get about 85% of the useful weight from one head. Also when proper organization diet and selection, you can get a weight of 100 kg in just 6 months.

They also choose pigs for business because they are very prolific. The sow is capable of giving birth to 10 to 15 piglets at a time.

If you create optimal conditions, the animal will practically not get sick and reproduce quickly. But before you start making a profit from pigs, you need to carefully think through many nuances, and first of all, develop a business plan.

Important: the business of selling pork meat is very profitable, as the statistics show. Russians consume an average of 2 million tons per year.

For CIS countries, it is easier to sell pork from their own market without exporting from other countries. Export meat to lately has decreased, so you can occupy the shelves with your own high-quality product. The meat production business has a couple of advantages:

  • The piglet grows quickly and is ready for slaughter within a year;
  • The purchasing power of pork is at a high level, there is practically no waste left;
  • Business growth can be increased due to regular farrowing of the sow, which gives 10-12 piglets;
  • You can start a business with low costs and a minimal territory.

If you are already making Napoleonic plans and are aiming for a serious start, be careful. Experienced farmers advise in advance get a small number of pigs - up to 20 are enough for a start and a good first profit.

You can breed such a quantity on the site of your own home or in the country, and it is not necessary to register the business. It is only needed on a larger scale.

But to implement the business you will need the following:

  • an area that, if necessary, can be increased or provided for animal walking;
  • 10-20 piglets;
  • small financial resources.

Please note that we are considering setting up a pig business at the initial stage, without affecting large pig barns with permits.

Arranging a pigsty

A piglet business plan begins with the creation necessary conditions. Most raise pigs on their own property. According to statistics, 10 heads require about 150 km.m. land. But keep in mind that the pigsty itself will occupy 1/3 of this territory, so extreme case you can reduce the above area by reducing the walking space.

Pigs can be housed in a barn or a separate room can be created. It is carried out according to the usual requirements, where It is important to consider the following:

  • The floor must be poured with concrete;
  • For each pig, create sections measuring 2 square meters;
  • Walls and ceilings should not allow heat and moisture to pass through;
  • Sections should be separated by plywood or wood;
  • Ventilation must be provided in the room;
  • To remove waste, arrange special baths;
  • Lighting must be sufficient.

To create optimal conditions, a pig needs bedding in the form of straw or sawdust.

Which breed is the most profitable?

An important stage of the pig business is... The most successful will be meat breed, but this depends on purchasing power and the availability of the desired breed in your area. Farmers distinguish several types of pigs:

  1. Universal. An excellent option for obtaining meat and lard; there is quite a lot of high quality meat here. We recommend choosing Mangalitsa or Korean breeds.
  2. Meat. They are usually black in appearance, breed in average numbers, but produce good meat. The best representatives are called the Ukrainian steppe breed and the Mirgorod breed.
  3. Meat-bacon. They are represented by a white color, have an elongated long body and noticeably strong legs. The quality of meat in such pigs is at the highest level. We advise you to pay attention to the Duroc, Vietnamese and Don breeds.

How to feed and keep pigs?

Please note that once you have built the pig pens, it is important to consider the placement of the animals. According to the rules, two boars or a sow and a boar cannot be placed together. If the pig is raising piglets, this will require a separate section.

Many people try to feed pigs as cheaply as possible, but in reality this will not give tangible results. If you don’t provide it, weight gain per day will decrease, and the taste of the meat will not be the same.

Pig farmers distinguish three types of feed, the first two are in greatest demand and can be combined.

  1. Hard food- wheat, legumes, beets, carrots.
  2. Green crops, useful grass in the form of clover or alfalfa.
  3. Various vegetables, in particular corn, potatoes and millet. Such feed should be excluded in the next 6 months before the pig is slaughtered.

If you want to raise meatier pigs, add green feed to the diet. To ensure that the pig produces enough fat, consider introducing root vegetables and barley into the diet.

Possible expenses

If you intend to increase the number of heads to 130, and you do not have a summer cottage or residential plot for breeding, you will need a certain group of expenses. To create a pig farming business, the following costs will be required:

  1. Rent of land - about 100,000 rubles;
  2. Arrangement of a pigsty - 20,000 rubles;
  3. Purchase of special equipment - 400-500 thousand rubles;
  4. Purchase of piglets - 300,000 rubles;
  5. Preparation of documentation - 10,000 rubles;
  6. Feed for the first time - 25,000 rubles;
  7. Services for electricity and water - 20,000 rubles;
  8. The cost of salaries for the veterinarian and workers is 100-130 thousand rubles.

As we can see from the above calculations, in order to keep 130 pigs, you will have to allocate enough funds, most of which will go to special equipment, purchase of young animals and land.

Of course, the numbers are not exact and depend on your region of residence. But for 130 heads of pigs you will have to spend approximately 1,000,000 rubles.

Business benefits

According to approximate data, after 6 months of effective fattening, pigs can be slaughtered. 125 heads can either be sold whole or cut up and sold for meat. The meat production business is quite profitable, but 5 heads or preferably more will have to be left for further development.

Let's calculate the approximate profit: 1 kg of meat costs 250 rubles on the market. A half-year-old pig in the amount of 125 pieces will give the farmer “dirty profit” of 3,100,000 rubles. But we take away maintenance costs, including food every month, employee salaries, public utilities. The result will be approximately 1,500,000 rubles in profit, which will be used to reimburse the initial opening costs.

Result: The pig business is quite profitable, because the payback period is about 6 months.

Where to sell piglets and meat?

In any business, it is not so much production that is important, but rather the marketing of the resulting products. Pork meat is in great demand, so you can make a profit in the following ways:

  • Own sale of meat at the market or retail outlets;
  • Sale of pigs live weight without slaughter;
  • Sale of piglets after farrowing.

Most farmers slaughter their own pigs, butcher them and sell them at markets or their own outlets.

You can also sell large quantities of meat to various shops, restaurants and cafes. If your products are of high quality, the cost of meat and the demand for it will be higher.

If you are raising pigs for the purpose of selling piglets, this solution will be quite profitable, provided that you have good sows. Sales are carried out on the market.

The success of a business idea for raising pigs at home is due to many factors. The first factor is the consistently high demand for manufactured products. The business idea is resistant to external economic factors. Meat is actively purchased even during the financial crisis.

A mini-pig farm does not require specialized investments. You can even start with one wild boar, which, when sold, can bring the first profit to a novice farmer.

Most breeds of piglets are unpretentious to living conditions. It is enough to follow simple basic rules of basic animal care. And if you choose the right breed that best suits your conditions and adhere to the technology of growing the same breed, then within a year you can achieve a decent and stable profit. Therefore, first, let’s look at the features of a profitable breed of pigs with photographs and names.

Fast-growing meat pigs

The business of producing pork at home should start with choosing a breed. Each breed has its own cultivation technology. Based on this, a business plan and the structure of a business project are built. Depending on the breed, the ways to implement business ideas can differ significantly.

Yorkshire pig breed

This is a large white breed of pig. Yorkshire is the absolute record holder for the rate of meat growth. He gains 100 kg of live weight in a record 150 days. Adult boars can reach 350 kg, and sows 240 kg. But the breed is not suitable for a novice farmer, as it requires special care.

Yorkshire gets sick in drafts and dampness. Does not tolerate prolonged cold weather well. He is prone to stress, which is why he can quickly lose weight. The sow gives birth to 10-11 piglets weighing just over 1 kg each. Therefore, she needs help during childbirth.

German Landrace

For a beginner, this is a more suitable breed than the Yorkshire. The German Landrace has excellent immunity and good growth rates. During the fattening period, the daily weight gain is 863g/day! Feed ratio: 1:2.6 (that is, 2.6 kg of feed to obtain 1 kg of gain).

By the way, the German Landrace was bred by crossing ordinary German pigs with a Yorkshire boar. The main direction of selection is increasing weight and maintaining immunity. Special attention was also paid to stress resistance.

Estonian bacon

This breed has roots from the beloved Dutch Landrace. But it surpasses them in many respects:

  1. Estonian bacon gains 100kg weight 6 days faster.
  2. Unlike Landraces, the Estonian Bacon has a stronger build.
  3. 190 g less feed consumption per 1 kg. growth.
  4. The length of the pig is 5 cm longer, and the lard is 8 mm longer. thinner.

The Estonian Bacon is a very fertile breed and often produces 12 piglets per farrowing.

Hungarian Mangalica pig breed

The Hungarian Mangalica is the best pig breed for breeding and no one has ever complained about it. This breed was obtained by crossing a wild boar and a domestic pig. The Hungarian Mangalica breed was bred to produce the best pork meat. Its meat is ideal for drying. For example, the famous delicacy “Spanish Jamon” (pork ham prepared according to a special recipe in spices) is best made from “Hungarian Mangalitsa”.

Restaurants also like to buy mangalitsa meat as it has streaks of fat. It is called marbled meat and it is very pleasant to work with it in the process of preparing meat delicacies.

The pig prefers a lot of grass and fiber in its diet. In ancient times, they were herded like sheep or cows in pastures. This feature allows you to save a little on feed. They willingly eat such cheap food as:

  • bran;
  • cut grass;
  • acorns and chestnuts.

And everything that wild pigs eat in the wild.

As an inheritance from wild boars, the “Hungarian Mangalitsa” received thick wool. For this they are also called “Downy pigs”. This physiological feature of the breed allows it to maintain body temperature during prolonged frosts. This fact has a beneficial effect on maintaining weight. After all, everyone knows from school that all animals spend up to 70% of their energy to maintain body temperature. This is the main reason why in the cold (even in a cool room with a temperature below +12) pigs lose everything even though they eat well.

Hungarian Mangalitsa have surprisingly strong immunity and reproduce without problems.

Vietnamese pot-bellied pig breed

Pig breeding Vietnamese breed radically different from the above described breeds.

It requires not only a special cultivation technology, but also the construction of a completely different concept of doing business. It is suitable for beginners, if you follow all the subtleties of raising Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs.

Rules for keeping pigs on private farms

For organization successful business Pork production requires following simple rules:

  • Rule 1: when constructing a pigsty, it is necessary to provide conditions for summer and winter housing of livestock.
  • Rule 2: pigs need a walking area. During walks, animals strengthen their immunity and get sick less. Fresh air favorably promotes weight gain. Plus, in warm weather, it is better to feed the piglets in the walking area and give them another 20-30 minutes to defecate. This will reduce the worries for the farmer when cleaning the pigsty. Without walking, young animals develop rickets and stunted growth.
  • Rule 3: the pigsty must be equipped with a high-quality liquid collector. Every animal cleanses its body through urine. All toxins come out through it. Urine evaporation should not be allowed in the room where pigs live. Disinfection measures should be carried out in the pigsty at least once a month.
  • Rule 4: piglets from other people's pigsties should not be near other piglets. They must be quarantined from future neighbors for 7 days. Otherwise, the virus will destroy the whole herd.
  • Rule 5: the temperature regime should be observed (young animals plus 18-22 degrees, and for adults plus 12-16 degrees). In winter, it is recommended to take adult piglets out into the cold 2-3 times a week for prevention. At a temperature of -1, all types of viruses die. The ideal humidity in a pigsty is 70%, but not higher than 85%. Most breeds and all small piglets are afraid of drafts, prolonged cold and dampness.
  • Rule 6: every time after feeding, you need to clean the feeders from any remaining food.
  • Rule 7: In order for pigs to grow well, you should adhere to the following diet:
    • piglets up to 3 months – 5 times a day;
    • young animals up to 5 months – 4 times a day;
    • adult pigs from 5 months and older - 3 times a day.

You can prepare feed for pigs yourself. It is also helpful to monitor growth using a pig weight chart. A novice farmer will also find this diagram for cutting up a pork carcass useful:

Useful advice!

After tarring the pig, it is best to use a KARCHER high-pressure washer, which is purchased for car washing. The process of preparing the carcass is much faster and of better quality, while maintaining the excellent presentation of the product.

Raising pigs at home as a business

A stable business consistently generates profit, which means it is resistant to crises, changes in legislation and other business diseases. Every sustainable business is directly related to the stable needs of consumers.

A consumer is first and foremost a person. A person's stable needs are his physiological needs. In the first place - Food! In this category of goods, meat has an ideal price-demand ratio. In terms of demand, it is second only to bread, and its price is not only at a high level, but is also constantly growing.

Given these facts, it is easy to understand that meat producers offer the market a product that:

  1. Actively for sale.
  2. It has a relatively high price (in its product segment).
  3. Quickly brings decent profits.

This type of business has not lost its relevance for centuries. Consumers will never give up pork. Moreover, the demand for it is constantly growing.

Of course, in any business there are risks. They also need to be planned. And with experience, the level of risk decreases rapidly. Meat will always have a significantly higher price than feed, which means you can always make money on it.

Raising pigs at home as a business can provide year-round profits due to a short fattening period, high profitability and low costs. Residents are mainly involved in raising piglets rural areas living in their own house with a plot of land and existing outbuildings.


Why is it profitable to engage in pig farming?

The attractiveness of pig farming is due to the following factors:

  1. Small initial investment. If an entrepreneur has his own farmstead, then in order to organize a mini-farm all that remains is to purchase piglets, feed and other small items. Business profitability is also ensured by small working capital.
  2. High demand for pork. The popularity of this product is due to its affordable price, high taste characteristics and benefits. Pork contains vitamins of group B (1,2,3,4,5,9,12), A, D and E, amino acids, beneficial substances (sulfur, iodine, magnesium, calcium, etc.). There are hundreds of recipes for preparing piglet meat, which are used to produce delicacies both in enterprises and at home. The increase in demand for domestic meat from meat processing industries is also due to the current pork sanctions on products from Europe.
  3. High offspring. A sow can produce a litter of 10-14 piglets in one farrow, and their number reaches 20-30 per year. Depending on the breed, the price for two-month-old piglets ranges from 5,000 to 12,000 rubles. The profitability of the business of keeping sows for the sale of offspring is as high as when raising livestock for meat.
  4. Short fattening period due to rapid growth. By six months, a healthy piglet weighs about 100 kilograms, and by one year it already weighs 250-300 kilograms.
  5. Ease of implementation. Since the weight of a fattened pig is relatively small (about one centner), it will be quite easy to dispose of the meat. One part of the pork remains in the family (for own consumption), and the rest is sold among acquaintances, relatives, friends and neighbors.
  6. Productive digestion of feed. If for a chicken it is approximately 20 percent, then for piglets it is over 30 percent.
  7. High final meat yield. From one pig you can get up to 85 percent of meat (for comparison: from a bull, the meat yield is 65-70 percent).
  8. A simple and easy to understand technology for raising animals. To fatten pigs, you do not need to receive special education; you just need to find topical articles and videos on the Internet that you can study carefully. All materials can be downloaded online for free. You can also buy books on pig farming in special stores, or chat with neighbors who already keep piglets.

What breed of pigs should I choose for breeding?

Today in Russia, farmers successfully breed about 30 types of piglets.

All pig breeds are divided into three groups:

  1. Bacon. Their meat contains layers of fat (there is no thick layer of lard).
  2. Grease-meat. From such pigs you can get excellent lard and good meat.
  3. Meat-greasy. These breeds of piglets allow you to count on maximum meat yield.

Description of the most popular breeds of pigs for breeding in Russia:

Large whiteThe overwhelming number of farmers prefer to raise piglets of this breed (about 85 percent of the total livestock).

Breed Features:

  • bred in England;
  • meat-greasy type;
  • early maturity, the pig gains weight of 1 quintal by seven months of life;
  • a one-year-old boar weighs up to 350 kilograms for slaughter, and a sow weighs up to 250 kilograms;
  • piglets are purchased at the age of two months (their weight is 15-16 kilograms);
  • high fertility;
  • multiple births (average farrowing rate is 12-14 piglets, weighing from one to 1.3 kilograms);
  • milk production of sows is 45-50 kilograms and more.
LandraceIn the bacon class, this breed is the most popular.

Breed Features:

  • bred in Denmark;
  • bacon type (high content of lean meat (65-70 percent) and a thin layer of subcutaneous fat (up to 2 centimeters));
  • the precocity of young animals, animals reach the hundred kilogram mark by six months;
  • in adulthood, wild boars gain weight up to 300 kilograms, and females - 240 kilograms;
  • elongated tarpedo-shaped body (the length of an adult boar is 185-190 centimeters);
  • girth in the chest area of ​​a male is 165 centimeters;
  • flat and wide ham;
  • fleshy long neck;
  • fertility - from 10 piglets per farrowing;
  • The weight of a piglet at the age of two months is 20 kilograms.
Large blackBreed Features:
  • bred in England;
  • greasy-meat type;
  • the weight of an adult boar is about 300 kilograms, and that of a female is about 200 kilograms;
  • a hundredweight is gained in six to seven months;
  • folding of the skin and drooping of the buttocks;
  • tolerates heat easily;
  • suitable for grazing;
  • strong constitution;
  • proportional physique.
Vietnamese pot-belliedBreed Features:
  • bred in Southeast Asia;
  • high price;
  • dietary meat (tender and juicy);
  • earlier maturation of sows (by four months) and boars (by six months);
  • good immunity;
  • the maximum thickness of lard is two to three centimeters;
  • fertility - up to 18 piglets;
  • per year, one sow gives an average of 24 piglets;
  • a two-month-old piglet weighs about 10 kilograms;
  • a seven-month-old piggy reaches a weight of only 60-70 kilograms;
  • a two-year-old boar weighs about 130-140 kilograms, and a sow weighs 150-160 kilograms.

The video materials talk about whether it is worthwhile to breed Vietnamese pigs and what kind of income a farmer can expect. Filmed by the channel: “To the Village!”

Pig breed selection criteria:

  • growing time;
  • growth rate;
  • fertility;
  • dietary value;
  • taste of meat;
  • yield of meat and lard;
  • features of demand in the local market;
  • climate resistance;
  • immunity.

Photo gallery

Pig with piglets of the "Large White" breed Landrace pig with piglets Large black breed Vietnamese pot-bellied pig with piglets

What is needed to organize a farm?

In order to figure out where to start your own pig raising business, you should consider the following points:

  • business format (fattening pigs for slaughter, raising piglets for sale, or both);
  • breed/breeds of pigs for rearing;
  • material capabilities and sources of financing;
  • the area of ​​an existing farmstead or a place to build a new one, from scratch;
  • number of workers;
  • estimated sales volumes;
  • features of demand in the local meat market;
  • number of pigs for breeding, etc.

After each item from the listed list has been thought through, you should begin arranging/building a barn for animals. The pig farm is equipped in accordance with the standards inherent in the selected breed of piglets. To produce quality meat, pigs must be provided with good and balanced feed. The farmer will need to constantly monitor the health and well-being of the piglets.

To implement the business idea of ​​a pig farm at home, you will need investments, most of which will be spent on purchasing animals and equipping a pigsty. If there is a ready-made, capacious pigsty, then a minimal cash injection will be required from the farmer. Beginners and experienced entrepreneurs are recommended to first draw up and calculate a business project for organizing a household and only then begin to implement it.


The pig business has the following features of organization at home:

  1. If a farmer has large production capacity, then he should register the farm as an individual entrepreneur (one owner) or a peasant farm (several founders). This is done in order to legally conduct business, facilitate the process of selling a large volume of products, gain access to government support, etc. Documents are submitted to the tax office at the place of residence of the founder.
  2. If a farmer keeps a small number of piglets for fattening and sells the products on his own (through relatives and friends), then the situation changes. In this case, he should not issue entrepreneurial activity, the farm will operate in a personal format subsidiary farming. There is no need to pay taxes, submit reports to supervisory authorities, etc. However, the systematic sale of products at agricultural markets can be interpreted by tax inspectors as a business. To avoid problems, it is still recommended to register the farm as an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm.
  3. A legally registered agricultural business has the right to pay taxes according to one of the following systems: general system; simplified tax system; Unified Agricultural Sciences.
  4. Basic codes according to OKVED: 01.46.11 “Raising pigs for meat”, 01.46.12 “Raising pedigree pigs”.
  5. A farmer who has registered his entrepreneurial activity must conduct a veterinary inspection of the meat he sells.

In order to register a peasant farm, the following documents must be prepared:

  • applications for the creation of peasant farms;
  • copy of the founder's passport;
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state duty.

Premises and territory

Premises required for breeding pigs:

  • a pigsty is the main room in which a number of piglets are kept (young animals, sows, and adults are housed separately);
  • utility rooms for storing equipment, feed, bedding (straw), etc.;
  • room for cutting carcasses;
  • meat storage room (equipped with refrigeration chambers);
  • preparation room semi-finished meat products(minced meat, cutlets, sausage, dumplings, etc.).

Requirements for the premises for keeping piglets and its placement:

  • moderate humidity;
  • absence of drafts;
  • cleanliness of the premises;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • good insulation, which will provide piglets with warmth in the cold season;
  • the ability to maintain a temperature of more than 11 degrees Celsius for grown pigs and from 18 degrees for young animals and sows;
  • the optimal height of the pigsty is in the range of 2-2.5 meters;
  • space (one pig should have an area of ​​at least three to four square meters, and a sow - from six square meters);
  • it is allowed to use various materials for the construction of a pigsty (wood or brick is most often used);
  • it is advisable to make the floor from wood, rather than concrete/reinforced concrete (in winter, such a surface will be cold, which will lead to animal diseases);
  • the floor must have a slope for urine drainage, where a gutter is installed to drain liquid from the room;
  • the presence of windows, ventilation, lighting, sewage or cesspool;
  • the roof should not leak;
  • next to the pigsty there should be a place for walking animals and organizing a pit for swimming;
  • it is desirable that the premises be located at a distance from residential buildings;
  • good entrance.

Pig population

Pig population in Russia:

  • at the beginning of 2017, the number of pigs in farms of all categories amounted to 22,033.3 thousand heads;
  • there is an increase in the number of pigs over five years - 27.7 percent, and over ten years - 36.1 percent;
  • 83.4 percent of pigs are owned by agricultural organizations, 14.6 percent by households, 2 percent by peasant farms;
  • The leader in the number of pigs in Russia is the Belgorod region - 4,137.4 thousand heads at the beginning of 2017 (18.8 percent);
  • The second place in the number of pigs in Russia is occupied by the Kursk region - 1,480.9 thousand heads (6.7 percent);
  • The third place in terms of pig population in Russia is occupied by the Tambov region - 990.8 thousand heads (4.5 percent);
  • in 2016, 3,388.4 thousand tons of pork (slaughter weight) or 4,346.1 thousand tons (live weight) were produced.

Photo gallery

The number of pigs in Russia for the period from 2013 to 2016 Pork production in Russia in slaughter weight for the period from 1990 to 2016 Structure of the pig population in Russia as of January 1, 2017 Pig population in Russia for the period from 1990 to 2016

Equipment and equipment

Equipment for a home farm for 10 heads (including one sow):

NameApproximate prices in rubles
Grain crusher3 500
Farrowing pen for sows11 000
Pens for pigs80 000
Drinking bowls20 000
Feeders20 000
Toys for piglets200
Infrared lamp for heating pigs and piglets3 000
Lighting3 000
Ventilation shaft4 000
Slaughterhouse equipment10 000
Equipment and supplies for cutting carcasses10 000
Refrigeration chambers40 000
Cart2 000
Scales4 000
Utility room equipment20 000
Other equipment and inventory9 800
Total240 000

Photo gallery

Grain crusher – 3,500 rubles Farrowing pen for sows – 11,000 rubles Pens for boars – 9,000 rubles Toys for piglets – 100 rubles Ventilation shaft for a pig farm – 4,000 rubles Infrared lamp for heating pigs and piglets – 500 rubles

Pig feed

The efficiency of a pig farm depends on the correct approach to choosing animal feed.

To feed a baby aged one to two months you will need:

  • dairy products;
  • porridge based on milk (or its substitutes);
  • special premixes for piglets (contain vitamins and antibiotics for healthy growth of babies).

To feed a baby at the age of three to four months, the following are introduced into the diet:

  • potatoes, boiled and mashed;
  • root vegetables, boiled and pureed;
  • cooked, pureed vegetables (such as pumpkin and zucchini);
  • fruits;
  • raw carrots, grated;
  • grass, previously finely chopped and brewed with boiling water.

Growing piglets should consume large amounts of concentrated feed. Mineral and vitamin supplements (for example, salt and iron sulfate) must be added to animal food.

To help pigs gain weight quickly, they should be fed grains, including:

  • millet;
  • rye;
  • barley;
  • bran (wheat or barley)
  • peas;
  • corn;
  • buckwheat.

Number of meals and its volume

AgeNumber of feedingsDaily feed rate, kg
Up to four months5 times a day2-4
Five to seven months4 times a day5-6
Eight months and older3 times a day7-8

In addition to food, each piglet should receive about six to eight liters of fresh, good quality water per day.


To organize a mini-farm at home, a few people are enough.

Typically, entrepreneurs cope with the following functions on their own:

  • caring for piglets;
  • their feeding;
  • cleaning the pigsty;
  • slaughter;
  • cutting carcasses, etc.

Pork business at home often involves self-procurement of feed, such as:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • roots;
  • grass, etc.

Traditionally, in Russia there is a “family contract”; both adults and growing children help in caring for animals.

To carry out veterinary control, you should invite professional specialist from the outside. The entrepreneur himself can handle the preparation of tax reporting, or he has the right to contact a specialized company that provides accounting support for the company.

Large pig farms employ the following workers:

  • pig farmers - primarily engaged in feeding, watering pigs, and controlling farrowing;
  • general workers - clean the barns, care for the livestock;
  • livestock specialist - control the conditions of keeping pigs, their fattening, growth rates;
  • veterinarian – examines animals, treats them, controls farrowing, checks meat, etc.;
  • accountant;
  • control.

Features of pig breeding

Specifics of the pork business:

  • several sources of income: piglet meat, lard, bacon, skins, offal, young animals, as well as semi-finished meat products;
  • It is better to breed purebred piglets purchased from trusted breeders;
  • it is recommended to purchase young animals from different farmers, this will prevent the degeneration of the breed;
  • pigs should be walked both in summer and winter (this strengthens their health);
  • to obtain maximum income, pigs should be fed high-quality products in abundance;
  • when producing young animals on your own, it is not necessary to have your own boar; you can rent one from a neighboring farm;
  • average profitability in the industry is 25-30 percent;
  • in order not to lose piglets, it is important to maintain hygienic conditions for keeping them;
  • it is important to castrate growing boars on time, otherwise the meat will be spoiled;
  • the room for keeping pets must be clean and treated with disinfectants;
  • requires periodic preventive measures against animal diseases/vitaminosis.

How matings are carried out

Most breeds of pigs are ready for breeding at eight to ten months of age. However, young sows give birth to fewer piglets (for example, a pig gives birth to eight piglets at six months, and twelve at one year). The success of mating depends on the correct determination of the heat period of the future queen.

Signs to determine whether a sow is ready for mating:

  • redness and swelling of the genitals;
  • presence of outflows;
  • restless behavior;
  • loss of appetite;
  • falling into a kind of “stupor”.

The duration of the hunting period for queens is 1-3 days, its frequency is 17-24 days.

Pregnancy and childbirth

In order for a pregnant pig to produce healthy offspring, the farmer must provide it with high-quality feed and decent living conditions. A sow's pregnancy lasts approximately 114 days. In the second half of the term, food for the female should be especially nutritious; they are saturated with a large amount of grains. The temperature in the room where the pig is kept should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius. You should also not give your animal cold water.

Features of pig farrowing:

  • birth in pigs is accompanied by attempts that occur approximately every ten minutes;
  • during farrowing, each contraction is accompanied by the birth of a new baby;
  • duration of labor – from 1.5 to 6 hours;
  • newborns need to wash their snout and clear their mouth and ears of mucus;
  • after the piglets are wiped dry, their umbilical cord is tied (about five centimeters from the belly);
  • the end of the canal is cut and cauterized with iodine;
  • if the piglet is not breathing, then you can try to blow air into it through its mouth and/or lower its body into warm water for a minute;

It is important that farrowing occurs in the presence of a person who knows how to behave and what to do during the birth process of a pig. In this case, the number of surviving piglets will be greater, since they will be provided with qualified, timely assistance.

How and where to sell meat from a pig farm?

Sales channels for pig products:

Farm scaleSales channels
Household (up to 10 animals)Direct sales to relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, and visitors to agricultural markets.
Mini-farm (from 10 to 100 heads)
  • sale of meat and live piglets at the local agricultural market;
  • cooperation with retail stores food;
  • cooperation with enterprises catering(canteens, cafes, snack bars, kebab houses, etc.);
Large farm (more than one hundred animals)
  • organizing your own network of retail outlets;
  • sale of live piglets at agricultural markets;
  • direct sales of live piglets to farmers and rural residents;
  • cooperation with retail/wholesale food chains;
  • cooperation with catering establishments (canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, kebab houses, etc.);
  • cooperation with meat processing enterprises.

The following will help increase sales:

  • advertisements in local newspapers;
  • advertisements on regional bulletin boards on the Internet;
  • own information website;
  • groups in popular social networks;
  • advertising on thematic websites/forums, etc.

Financial development plan for a pig farm

A business plan is an important document for starting your own home business, it identifies the key points that will allow you to raise pigs profitably.

Financial planning for a pig farm is based on the following basic data:

Number of piglets purchased at two months of age9 pieces
Number of sows purchased1 piece
Expected offspring per year24 pigs
Maximum farm capacitySimultaneous raising of no more than 15 pigs for slaughter
Pig breedLarge white
Products for saleAssorted meat, lard, offal, skins, piglets (young animals)
Own breeding of young animalsSupposed
Business formatSmall peasant farm, farm opened from scratch
Farm locationRussian Federation, Central Federal District, village with a population of about 2 thousand people (distance from the regional center - 50 kilometers).
Premises with adjacent territoryThe building for keeping pigs will be converted from an old farmstead, previously used for keeping livestock. The total area is 80 square meters, there is a hayloft. Redecoration, disinfection, and redevelopment of the premises are required. The area of ​​adjacent land is 30 acres. It is necessary to organize a pen for grazing pigs, part of which will be equipped with a canopy.
Own feed procurementAssumed (vegetables, fruits, root vegetables, grass, legumes, etc.)
Form of ownership of premises and landOwned
Access roadsgood
Sales channelsOwn consumption, sale to friends and visitors of the agricultural market, cooperation with grocery stores, cafes and canteens.
StateFamily contract - three people

How much money do you need to open a pig farm?

Investments in opening a home farm for breeding piglets:

Cost itemsApproximate prices, rub.
Registration of a peasant farm10 000
Room layout, construction work, repairs, disinfection measures30 000
Purchase of pig farm equipment240 000
Purchase of piglets and sows50 000
Vaccination of piglets5 000
Purchase of feed, straw and other consumables15 000
Other expenses5 000
Total355 000

Main sources of start-up capital:

  • own funds;
  • loans from relatives and friends;
  • attracting partners with capital;
  • bank loan;
  • subsidy from the labor exchange;
  • grant from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Regular expenses

Estimated costs of maintaining a domestic pig farm:


The following information will help you decide how much you can earn from pigs at home:

A rural pig breeding business will have the following performance indicators:


Project implementation schedule for marbled beef production:

Stages1 month2 month3 month4 month5 -8 month9-12 month
Choosing a pig breed for growing and business format+
Business project calculation+
Preparation of documents for registration of peasant farms and its registration+ +
Carrying out preparatory work on the premises (redevelopment, construction, repairs, laying communications, disinfection, etc.)+ +
Negotiations with potential partners on product sales + + + + +
Search for piglet breeders +
Purchase, delivery, assembly and installation of equipment for the pigsty and utility rooms + +
Purchase and delivery of piglets and sows +
Purchase and delivery of feed and other raw materials and materials +
Mating of a sow +
Getting the first offspring +
Getting your first profit from the sale of meat and other products +

Risks and payback

A home enterprise raising piglets has the following risks:

  1. Veterinary/animal science. Untimely detection of the disease, done/not done vaccination, improper conditions of fattening and keeping piglets can lead to their death and losses. The farmer must buy strong and healthy animals from trusted breeders who guarantee the quality of the young animals sold.
  2. Increase in prices for feed, seeds, straw, etc. Despite the increase in feed prices, an entrepreneur should not skimp on the quality of piglet nutrition. In this case, it is better to take care of developing your own food production (vegetables, fruits, legumes, etc.).
  3. Difficulties with selling products. If an entrepreneur takes care of establishing sales channels in advance, then with the sale of a small volume meat products he can handle it without special problems. Pork does not belong to the category of expensive meat and enjoys in great demand among the population. Therefore, the main problems with the sale of pork will most likely be associated with poor sales organization.
  4. Economic crises. Declining purchasing power target audience may lead to a slight reduction in demand. In such a situation, sales can be increased by slightly reducing the price.

The profitability of the business of raising piglets allows us to talk about its high profitability, which makes it possible to recoup starting investments in 18-20 months.


The video explains how to open a profitable and profitable business in the field of livestock farming at home. Filmed by the channel: “Peasant”.