The production program of a public catering enterprise. Production program of a public catering enterprise: concept, types, characteristics Production program of an enterprise example of a cafe


Catering plays important role in people's lives. It most fully satisfies the nutritional needs of people. Catering enterprises perform such functions as the production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. Catering enterprises carry out independent economic activities and in this respect do not differ from other enterprises. Catering for the population is organized mainly by small private enterprises.
Hundreds of people use the cafeteria every day. To open a canteen, you need to know proper organization her work and workshops. Therefore, the chosen topic is relevant.
The purpose of the course project is:
- deepening, generalization, systematization and consolidation of the acquired knowledge and practical skills.
Objectives of the course project:
- development of creative initiative, independence and organization;
- formation of skills to use reference and regulatory documentation;
- to fully open the work of the dining room;
- show all calculations;
- draw up a work schedule;
- Summarize the results of the course project.
1. Characteristics of the canteen and cold shop

On the industrial productions in order to create favorable social conditions and provide workers with hot meals (including those working in dispersed and small teams), enterprises provide Catering.
A promising direction in the work of public catering enterprises in industrial production is to increase the efficiency of using places in the hall of the enterprise and increase the proportion of consumers using public catering services by organizing services for the population living in nearby areas and other consumers.
When designing catering establishments at industrial enterprises and institutions, SNiP 2.09.04-87 “Administrative and amenity buildings. Design standards".
Dining room - a public catering establishment that is publicly accessible or serves a certain contingent of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day.
The canteen catering service is a service for the production of culinary products, varied by day of the week or special diets for various groups of the serviced contingent, as well as the creation of conditions for sale and consumption at the enterprise.
Canteens distinguish:
- according to the range of products sold - public type and dietary;
- on the served contingent of consumers;
- at the location - public, at the place of work.
Public catering establishments can be built-in and located in separate buildings. They include the following groups of premises:
- commercial premises(dining room with dispenser, buffet, vestibule, dressing room and washbasin for visitors);
- industrial premises (hot shop, bread slicer, meat - fish, vegetable and cold harvesting, washing, chef's room);
- warehouses (cooling chambers for meat, fish, milk, pantries for dry products, inventory, linen, loading room);
- administrative and amenity premises (office, director's office, staff room, dressing room, showers and latrines for staff);
- technical premises (ventilation chamber, switchboard, boiler room, heating unit).
At specialized enterprises that sell a small assortment of cold snacks, a separate workplace in the common production area. Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold soups. Products used for cooking are not subjected to secondary heat treatment before release, therefore, strict sanitary requirements must be observed in the workshop: products used for cooking must be stored in refrigerated cabinets or chambers at a temperature not exceeding 6-8 degrees; utensils and utensils must be marked and used for their intended purpose; In accordance with the technological process, workplaces for processing raw and boiled vegetables, gastronomic meat and fish products, portioning dishes, etc. should be clearly delineated; salads, vinaigrettes, sandwiches should be prepared only in batches and sold within one hour; observe the temperature regime of storage and distribution of cold dishes (10-14 gr.).
The production program of the workshop (plan-menu) includes the range and quality of prepared dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold drinks. Cooks of the 3rd, 4th and 5th categories work in the dining room.
To carry out the production program in the workshop, workplaces are provided that are equipped with equipment, utensils and inventory, depending on the type of technological and production operations performed.
Consider the organization of jobs.
At the workplace for cutting raw and boiled vegetables, the following is provided: a bath for washing fresh vegetables or a table with a built-in washing bath; industrial tables for cutting vegetables, cutting boards, chef's three knives and functional containers. In the mass production of simple-to-prepare salads for complexes, a P-2 universal drive with interchangeable mechanisms is used for cutting raw and boiled vegetables and mixing salads. In addition, it is possible to install the MROV-160 machine for cutting boiled vegetables on the production table. Cutting vegetables is carried out by cooks of the 3rd category, and salads are prepared by cooks of the 4th category.
The second workplace is organized for the preparation of dishes from gastronomic meat and fish products. Products are cut on a cutting board using the middle knife of the chef's troika. Portioned pieces of products are placed in functional containers and placed in a refrigerator.
If a large number of dishes are made from gastronomic products, then it is advisable to use the MRG-300A machine for cutting ham, sausage, and cheese. It is installed on the table for small-scale mechanization SPM-1500.
The third workplace is provided for portioning and dispensing dishes to the dispensing area and is equipped with a production table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide and a rack for placing ready-made dishes for sale. The slide is designed to store pre-prepared products (canned fruits, parsley, lemons, etc.) used to decorate dishes.
In summer, cold (vegetable, meat) and fruit soups are in great demand at catering establishments. For cold soups, vegetables and meat are cooked in a hot workshop. After cooling, they are cut by hand into cubes or straws. Green onions are cut by hand using the UN3 device. Serving temperature of soups 10-12 gr.
In a cold shop, special attention should be paid to exemplary sanitary order in the workplace and personal hygiene, compliance with the rules of the commodity neighborhood, the timing of the sale of sweet dishes, as they can serve as a breeding ground for the development of microorganisms.
2. Technological part

2.1 Development of the production program of the canteen

The production program of various types of enterprises is a calculated menu for the sale of dishes in the hall of this enterprise and the supply of buffets, culinary shops and take-out meals.
The calculated menu is a list of dish names indicating the output of the finished dish and the number of dishes. To create a menu, you need:
1. Determine the number of consumers. The total number of consumers per day (according to the hall load schedule) is determined as the sum of the number of consumers served per 1 hour of the enterprise's operation. The number of consumers served per 1 hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula:
Nch=(P*Rch*Xh)/100, (1)
where P is the capacity of the hall, people;
Rch - turnover of seats in the hall during a given hour;
Xh - loading of the hall at a given hour,%.
Total number of consumers per day:
Nd=? Nh. (2)
Calculations are made in the form of a table:
Table 1
Determining the number of canteen consumers

Opening hours
Place turnover for 1 hour, times Number
consumers for 1 hour (Nh)
Meal recalculation factor (Kh)
Nch \u003d (60 * 2.5 * 30) / 100 \u003d 45.
The number of consumers is determined in order to compile the settlement menu.
The total number of consumers per day (taking into account the turnover of seats in the hall during the day) is calculated by the formula:
Nd=P*Rd, (3)
where Nd is the number of consumers served during the day,
P - hall capacity, number of seats,
Rd - turnover of the place in the hall during the day
Nd \u003d 60 * 5 \u003d 300.
It follows from the calculations that about 300 people will visit the dining room in one day.
The coefficient of recalculation of dishes for a given hour is determined by the formula:
Kch=Nch/Nd, (4)
where Nh - the number of consumers served per 1 hour of the enterprise, Nd - the total number of consumers per day.
2. Definition total dishes and number of dishes by groups.
The total number of dishes is determined by the formula:
nd=Nd*m, (5)
where Nd is the number of consumers served during the day,
m - food consumption coefficient. The value of the coefficient of consumption of dishes for this type of enterprise is taken from the directory:
nd \u003d 300 * 3 \u003d 900.
A breakdown of the total number of meals into individual groups(cold dishes, soups, second hot and sweet dishes), as well as intra-group distribution of dishes by main products (fish, meat, vegetables) is carried out in accordance with the table of the percentage of different groups of dishes in the assortment of products manufactured by the enterprise.
The calculation results are presented in the form of a table:
table 2
Determining the number of dishes by groups and assortment
Approximate % ratio
Number of dishes
(estimated) for
inclusion in the menu
of the total
from this group
from the total
from this group
Cold meals and snacks:
fish and meat salads
milk and
fermented milk
filling stations
Second hot dishes:
fish and meat
vegetables and cereals
egg and curd
Sweet food and hot drinks
The number of dishes by groups and assortment is determined to compile the calculated menu.
Based on the data obtained, we draw up a calculated menu according to the current Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products. When compiling it, we take into account the season, type and specialization of the enterprise.
The settlement menu is drawn up in the form of a table:
Table 3 Settlement menu of the dining room
Recipe number
Name of dishes
Yield, g
Cold meals and snacks

№ 47 (/96)
fish salad
№ 51 (/96)
meat salad
№ 57 (/96)
fish cocktail salad
№ 644 (/96)
Boiled milk
Sour cream

№ 217 (/97)
chicken broth
№ 116 (/96)
Ukrainian borscht
№ 167 (/96)
vegetable puree soup
Second hot dishes

№ 312 (/96)

№ 375 (/96)
beef stroganoff
№ 465 (/96)
boiled rice
№ 472 (/96)
Mashed potatoes
№ 283 (/96)
Fried eggs with ham
№ 297 (/96)
Cottage cheese casserole
Sweet food and hot drinks

№ 719 (/97)
Orange mousse
№ 746 (/97)
№ 756 (/97)
- rye
- wheat
Next, we draw up the production program of the workshop.
Table 4 The production program of the cold shop in the canteen
Name of dishes
Yield, g
fish salad
meat salad
fish cocktail salad
Boiled milk
Sour cream
chicken broth
Ukrainian borscht
vegetable puree soup
Pike-perch fried with onion in Leningrad style
beef strogon
boiled rice
Mashed potatoes
Fried eggs with ham
Cottage cheese casserole
Orange mousse
The production program serves as the basis for further calculations. The production program was made taking into account vacations in buffets and on the service menu.
2.2 Compilation of product sales tablescoldworkshops

For subsequent technological calculations, we compile a table for the sale of ready-made dishes by the hours of the hall. The basis for the preparation of this calculation is the load schedule of the hall and the settlement menu. The number of dishes sold for each hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula:
Pch=Pd*Kch, (6)
where Pd - the number of dishes sold for the whole day (determined from the calculated menu),
Kch - recalculation coefficient for a given hour.
We calculate the sales table for cold shop dishes in the diner hall to determine the number of shop workers.
Table 5

Realization of dishes in the hall of the enterprise (by opening hours)

Name of the dish
Number of meals sold per day

Conversion factor


Number of dishes sold within 1 hour
fish salad
meat salad
fish cocktail salad
Boiled milk
Sour cream
chicken broth
Ukrainian borscht
vegetable puree soup
Pike perch fried with onions in Leningrad style
beef stroganoff
boiled rice
Mashed potatoes
Fried eggs with ham
Cottage cheese casserole
Orange mousse

2.3 Determining the mode of operation of the workshop and the number of production workers, drawing up a schedule for going to work

The number of shop workers can be calculated according to the norms of time and norms of production. The calculation according to the norms of time is carried out according to the formula:

N 1 =?
2 , (7)


Where n is the number of products (or dishes) of each item produced per day, pieces, kg, dishes;
t - the norm of time for the manufacture of a unit of product, s; t=K*100;
T - the length of the working day of each worker, h
(T=7…7.2 h or 8…8.2 h)
K - coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity (K = 1.14).
The total number of production workers, taking into account weekends and public holidays, vacations and sick days is determined by the formula
N 2 \u003d N 1 *K 1, (8)
where K 1 - coefficient taking into account weekends and holidays; the values ​​of the coefficient depend on the operating mode of the enterprise and the working hours of the employee.
Table 6 Coefficient valueK 1
The operating mode of the enterprise is 5 days a week. The working hours of a production worker are 5 days a week with two days off. K 1 \u003d 1.13
The calculation of the number of workers in the workshop is drawn up in the form of a table.
Table 7
Calculation of the number of employees of the cold shop in the canteen

Name of dishes
Number of meals per day, pcs.
Labor intensity factor
Time spent on cooking (n*t), s
Norm of time (N 1)
fish salad
meat salad
fish cocktail salad
Boiled milk
Sour cream
chicken broth
Ukrainian borscht
vegetable puree soup
Pike-perch fried with onion in Leningrad style
boiled rice
Mashed potatoes
Fried eggs with ham
Cottage cheese casserole
Orange mousse
We calculate the number of employees in order to draw up a schedule for going to work.
Let's determine the number of employees, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacations and sick days:
N 2 \u003d 2 * 1.13 \u003d 2.26.
In the cold shop, 2 people work daily, including weekends and holidays.
A properly developed and observed work and rest regime at the enterprise ensures an increase in labor productivity, an improvement in the quality of incoming products, and reduces industrial injuries.
We make a work schedule.
4. Organizational part

4 .1 Technological calculation and selection of equipment

4.1.1 Mechanical
Based on the norms for equipping public catering establishments, without calculation, we accept for installation the universal drive PX-0.6 with a set of interchangeable mechanisms.
Complete with interchangeable actuators:
1. For cutting boiled vegetables - MS18-160
2. Beater - MS -20
3. For cutting raw vegetables - MS 27 - 40
4. For mixing salads, vinaigrettes - MS25-200
5. Ice Cream Maker - MS 6-10
6. Juicer - MS 3-40
The drive is mounted on a tubular stand, bolted to it and consists of a coaxial two-stage cylindrical gearbox with an electric motor flanged to it, closed by a common casing made of sheet steel. A push-button station is mounted on the side of the drive housing to control the operation of the drive magnetic starter.
4. 1. 2 Refrigeration
For short-term storage of perishable products in production shops, refrigerated cabinets and tables-sections with a refrigerated cabinet are used.
Table 8
Determination of the volume of dishes and snacks to be stored

Name of dishes and snacks
Number of servings
Weight of one portion, g
Weight of products, kg
kg/dm 3
semi-finished product,
dm 3
fish salad
meat salad
fish cocktail salad
Boiled milk
Sour cream
chicken broth
Ukrainian borscht
vegetable puree soup
Pike-perch fried with onion in Leningrad style
boiled rice
Mashed potatoes
Fried eggs with ham
Cottage cheese casserole
Orange mousse
Refrigerating cabinets are installed in all workshops, their technological calculation is reduced to determining the usable volume, or capacity, of the cabinet (m 3) according to the formula:
? v
V p. =? , (9)
where G is the mass of the product (product), kg;
? - bulk density of the product (product), kg / m 3;
v- coefficient taking into account the tare weight ( v=0,7…0,8).
V p \u003d 14.1 / 0.7 \u003d 20 dm 3 \u003d 0.2 m 3.
According to the reference book, I picked up a refrigerated cabinet ШХ - 0.4 M (Table 9).
Table 9
Specification etc...............

Initial data

Enterprise turnover

Calculation of labor indicators

production costs

Production and distribution costs

Enterprise income


Initial data

Cafe - a public catering enterprise for catering and (or without) rest of consumers with the provision of a limited range of public catering products compared to a restaurant, selling branded, custom-made dishes, products and alcoholic and soft drinks- GOST R 50762-2007 Catering services. Classification of catering establishments

Company structure:

.Trade hall for 200 seats

2.Banquet hall with a bar for 30 seats

The choice of the list of services provided by the established enterprise can be determined in accordance with the "List of catering services in accordance with all-Russian classifier services to the population OK-002-93". The requirements that a cafe must meet are set out in GOST R "Classification of catering establishments. General requirements". The cafe is open 5 days a week, the banquet hall ~ 3 times a week. Cafe opening hours: 10-19h, turnover is 4.

Cafe production program

The production program is an economically sound plan for the production of all types of public catering products in volume and assortment. The main indicator of the production activity of a public catering enterprise is the output of its own production. It includes ready meals and semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products. More than 80% of the total output of own production is lunch products.

Table 1. Cafe production program

NameNumber of servings Cold appetizers: Meat salad400Beet salad with cheese and garlic400Carrot salad with nuts and honey400Soups: Borscht400Homemade noodle soup with chicken400Second courses: Escalope with fried potatoes600Sea bass fillet with mashed potatoes and steam sauce300Roast beef with boiled potatoes400Vegetable cabbage rolls150Cottage cheese pancakes with sour cream300Drinks of own productionFresh fruit compote600Tea with lemon1500Coffee black1000Bakery products: Pies in ass (cabbage, meat, apple)2000Purchased products: Beer in ass30 l Water in ass50 l Chocolate20pcs Crisps50 pack Bread250 loaves

The company's need for raw materials

Calculation of the need for material resources carried out, as a rule, by the method of direct counting. This method involves multiplying the consumption rate by the corresponding production volume.

Based on the production program of the cafe (Table 1), you can calculate the cafe's need for:

1.Raw material

2.purchased goods

Table 2. Need for raw materials and purchased goods

Name of raw materialUnit of measureRequirementSupplier priceTotal amountProducer Perch filletKg40290r/kg11 600.00r. KoiraPotatoKg6007r/kg4 200.00r. Orlovsky potatoesCucumbersKg1635r/kg560.00r. Green lineEggsTens 134037 rub/dec49 Poultry complex Laishevsky Pork Kg75204r/kg15 300.00r. AgrobelogoryeSaladKg3,580r/kg280,00r. Agro-resourceMayonnaiseKg7565.18r/0.9kg5 430.00r. IntorgSveklaKg40010 rub/kg4 000.00 rub. CJSC TeplichnoyeSyrKg65202r/kg13 130.00r. Dairy wholesale companyChesnokKg1.5200r/kg300.00r. IPCabbageKg1209r/kg1 080.00r. ZAO TeplichnoeMorkov' Kg3509r/kg3 150.00r. CJSC TeplichnoePetrushkaKg1280r/kg960.00r. Agro-resourceOnionKg606r/kg360.00r. IPTomato pureeKg1665r/kg1 040.00r. Sale Morang Cooking oil Kg3056r/kg1 680.00r. IPSugarKg12037.5 rub/kg4 500.00 rub. Agroholding Morshansky Vinegar 3%L6,520r/l130,00r. Chemical productHazelnutKg50200r/kg10,000.00r. IPMedKg503210r/15kg10 700.00r. Russian honey and confitureCranberryKg35110r/kg3 850.00r. IPTvorogKg4578r/kg3 510.00r. Dairy wholesale companyFlourKg20010.6 rub/kg2 120.00 rub. Prodexport Sour creamKg727r/kg189.00r. Dairy courierTurnipKg320r/kg60.00r. Tulskaya NivaRice groatsKg228r/kg56.00r. Mountain ChickenKg10195r/kg1 950.00r. DammarMargarineKg3575r/kg2 625.00r. YusikoBeefKg45253r/kg11 385.00r. Meat wholesale companyCitric acidKg170r/kg70.00r. Uralchem-tradeTeaKg110200r/kg22,000.00r. Real CoffeeKg10672r/kg6 720.00r. Coffee shopMolokoL5039r/l1 950.00r. PlastprompriborSaltKg124r/kg24.00r. PlatypusYeastKg1730r/kg730.00r. Milk tradingAppleKg18020r/kg3 600.00r. IPpovidloKg3550r/kg1 750.00r. SadovoyeTotal own production: 200569Non-alcoholic beerBot (0.5) 2038 rub/bottle 760.00 rub. Barnaul BreweryLight beerBut (0.5) 2040 rub/bottle 800.00 rub. Barnaul BreweryDark beerBut (0.5) 2043 rub/bottle 860.00 rub. Barnaul BrewerySoda waterBottle (0.5) 5019 rub/bottle 950.00 rub. Coca Cola company Still water Bottle (0.5) 5019 rub/bottle 950.00 rub. Coca Cola companyChipsPack5017r/pack850,00r. LeysChocolatePack5015r/pack750,00r. Red OctoberBread whiteBaton15015 rub/piece2 250.00 rub. DonkhlebBlack breadBaton10015 rub/piece1 500.00 rub. DonkhlebTotal: 210,239.00 rub.

Enterprise turnover

Turnover - the volume of sales of goods and the provision of services in monetary terms for a certain period of time ("GOST R 51303-2013. National standard of the Russian Federation. Trade. Terms and definitions").

Trade turnover as an indicator of market statistics is used in assessments of its conjuncture (a set of features that characterize the current state of the economy), characterizes the quality and quantity of economic activity in the sphere of commodity circulation.

Margin - an addition to the price of a sold product, work or service, this is the seller's income, the difference between the wholesale and retail prices.

The value of the margin depends on the state of the market, the quality of the product, its consumer properties and demand for this product. The markup is necessary to cover the costs of the seller for the transportation of goods, their storage and profit.

VAT is value added tax.

Gross income - total income enterprises from all types of economic activities and business operations until the payment of tax payments from it included in the price of products (value added tax, excise duty, customs duties and duties). basis of gross income manufacturing enterprises is revenue from the sale of products.

We calculate the turnover of the enterprise. We take data from the previous paragraphs (Table 1.2)

Table 3. Calculation of the turnover of the enterprise

Собственное пр-воПокупные товарыВсего за 1 деньИтоги за месяцСумма закупки сырья20056996702102394793449Уровень наценки700 1403983 (день) 350 24132 (день) 142811532561022Товарооборот160455233802163835437354471Ндс252716,944343,76257060,76723804,78Валовый доход1151266,0619788,241171054,325837217,2Доля валового дохода в товарообороте71,75 %58,54 %71.47% 69.16%

The markup on own-produced products is 700%, on purchased products - 350%, except for chocolate and bread, the markup on which is 30% and 35%, respectively.

The turnover is calculated by adding the "Amount of purchase of raw materials" and the "Markup level".

VAT is calculated by multiplying the "Markup Level" by 18%.

Gross income is calculated by subtracting VAT from "Turnover".

To find out the "% of gross income to turnover" you need to find the total average monthly turnover, the average monthly gross income of own production and the average monthly gross income of purchased products. The share of gross income is found by dividing gross income by turnover and multiplied by 100%

Calculation of labor indicators

The personnel of the enterprise is divided into 4 main categories:

Administrative staff - heads of the enterprise, their deputies, accounting department, IT managers, secretaries, cashier, cleaner of administrative and utility rooms

Production workers - chef, production manager, cooks, bakers, confectioners, boiler and industrial container washers and industrial premises cleaners

Employees trading floor- maitre d', hostess, receptionist, waiter, storeroom cleaners and dishwashers, dishwasher operator. Trade group: bartenders, bartenders, cashiers

Other employees: storekeeper, movers, cloakroom attendant, forwarding driver

Labor indicators - indicators that are used to calculate the amount of labor expended and are expressed in units of time. With the help of labor indicators, labor productivity, wages, etc. are calculated.

Since the trading floor is designed for 200 seats, the banquet hall with a bar for 30, following these data, is staffing company employees:

Table 4. Staffing

ДолжностьРазрядностьПотребностьСумма оклада, рСумма итого, рАдминистративный персоналДиректор150000,0050000,00Зам директора145000,0045000,00Главный бухгалтер137000,0037000,00Работники производстваЗав производством5142000,0042000,00Шеф-повар5140000,0040000,00Повар1125000,0025000,00Повар2126000,0026000,00Повар3127000,0027000,00Повар2126000,0026000,00Пекарь 5132000.0032000.00 Continet4129000.0029000.00 Feckar2126000.0026000.00 ERAGENS OF TOMAL PALMENTER HALL140000.0040000.00 BARMEN130000.0030000.00 OFSITITITES 1323 076.00300000.00 EMPLES

The payroll fund means the totality of all types of expenses for the remuneration of employees of the enterprise and is calculated:

FOT \u003d Co + Pr + H + Sn,

· Co - the amount of salaries (70%)

· Pr - premiums (25%)

· H - allowances (5%)

· Sn - social tax (35% of payroll)

If 800000 - 70%, then payroll - 100%, based on this payroll = 1040000.

Output - labor productivity, a direct indicator of the level of labor productivity, it can be determined by the number of products that one worker produced per unit of labor time. This indicator can be determined in various ways, depending on the units used to measure the volume of production and labor costs (there can be natural, cost, labor and conditionally natural units).

Table 5. Labor indicators of the enterprise

Labor efficiency indicators Units of measurement Trade turnover of the enterprise 37354471 Trade turnover of own production 36583785.6 Number of employees of the enterprise 29 Number of employees in production9 Output of 1 employee of the enterprise 1288085.21

production costs

Production costs are the costs associated with the production of goods.

List of cost items:

1.Transportation costs - transport tax (tax for the use of roads); 2-4% to turnover

2.payroll fund

The production program of the enterprise is a plan for the daily quantity of output.

The methodology for developing the production program of an enterprise depends on the type of enterprise and the methods and forms of service adopted.

The production program of various types of public catering establishments - pre-cooked and working on raw materials - is a daily calculated menu for the sale of dishes in the hall of this enterprise and for supplying buffets, canteens, culinary shops, take-out meals, etc.

Designed public catering facility consisting of: Restaurant and cocktail bar for 60 seats. Of these, 10 seats are a cocktail bar, in the daytime 20 seats are a business lunch, in the evening 16 seats are a banquet hall.

The calculated menu is a list of dishes with an indication of their output and quantity. To compile it, you first need to perform a series of calculations: determine the number of consumers, the total number of dishes and the number of dishes by groups.

Determining the number of consumers

The number of users can be determined on the basis of the hall load schedule or the turnover of the place during the day. The loading schedule of the hall is made taking into account the operating mode of the enterprise, the duration of meals by one consumer and the percentage of loading of the hall by the hours of its operation.

The number of people for the banquet hall accept 1 landing per day 100% load. From here, the number of catering in the banquet hall is found by the formula:

N=16*1*100/100=16 people

The number of consumers served per 1 hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula:

where P is the number of seats in the hall;

Seat turnover for the billing period;

Table 1 - Hall loading schedule

Opening hours

Common hall (30 seats)

Business lunch (20 seats)


places for 1 hour, times

Number of visitors


places for 1 hour, times



We determine the number of dishes according to the formula:

where Np - the number of visitors for the billing period, people;

mр - the average coefficient of food consumption by one person for a given period.

The number of dishes in the restaurant and the cocktail bar is summarized in table 2

Table 2 - Determining the number of dishes

To determine the number of different dishes in a restaurant and a cocktail bar, we calculate the percentage of different groups of dishes. The data is summarized in tables 3 and 4.

Table 3 - The ratio of different groups of dishes in the range of products manufactured by the enterprise in the restaurant hall


Restaurant menu (462 dishes)

From the total number of dishes

From this group of dishes

Cold appetizers:

vegetable snacks

Hot appetizers

filling stations

Hot dishes:


Sweet dishes (desserts)

Table 4 - The ratio of different groups of dishes in the range of products manufactured by the company in a cocktail bar

The calculation of the number of products that are not included in the assortment breakdown is summarized in Table 5.

Table 5 - Approximate norms of consumption by one consumer in the hall of the restaurant and cocktail bar


unit of measurement

Rate per person

For the estimated number of people


cocktail bar


(132 people)

Cocktail bar (100 persons)

Hot drinks

Cold drinks incl.:

fruit water

mineral water

natural juice

Flour confectionery

Wine and vodka products



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course project

"Technology of catering products"

Made by Glushkova R.A.

Checked by: Bespalova V.V.



3. Technological part

4.1 Meat and meat products

4.2 Fish and non-fish products

4.4 Eggs and egg products

4.5 Vegetables, fruits, berries

6. Development of a scheme of technological flows of raw materials, finished products and waste

7. Sanitation and production hygiene

8. Organization of production control





The purpose of this work is to develop the technological part of the project of a snack bar for 30 seats.

Public catering according to GOST R 50647-94 is a set of enterprises of various organizational - legal forms and citizens - entrepreneurs involved in the production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products.

Snack bar - a catering establishment with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation for quick service to consumers. The catering service of the diner depends on the specialization.

Eateries share:

According to the range of catering products sold

Specialized (sausage, dumplings, pancake, pie, donut, barbecue, tea, pizzeria, hamburger).

Eateries need to have a high throughput, they depend on it. economic efficiency, so they are placed in busy places, on the central streets of cities and in recreation areas. Eateries are classified as fast-food establishments, so self-service should be used. In large eateries, several self-service handouts can be organized. Sometimes distributing sections are located in ledges, each section sells products of the same name with its own settlement unit, this speeds up the service of consumers who have little time.

According to the range of products sold - a snack bar of a general type. The menu includes cold, hot snacks of simple preparation, broths or soups, a small assortment of second courses, hot and cold drinks, pastry.

Creation necessary conditions to meet the needs of people in good nutrition at the place of work, study, residence and recreation, improving the quality of service and providing additional services public catering enterprises are the most important socio-economic tasks of the state. Of paramount importance in this regard is a set of measures aimed at the rational organization of a network of public catering enterprises, the construction of new enterprises and the reconstruction of existing ones, the introduction of advanced technologies and forms of service.

The technical policy in the field of design and construction of enterprises in the industry is aimed at achieving the following goals: expansion of the service sector; application of the latest achievements of science and technology, ensuring the improvement of the material and technical base of the industry and increasing the efficiency of construction and operation of buildings and enterprise complexes; formation of a rational system of trade services for the population based on the creation long-term plans development and placement of a network of public catering enterprises; specialization of enterprises, their equipping with progressive trade-technological and handling equipment; reconstruction of existing enterprises and their re-profiling (if necessary); introduction of progressive industrial technology, scientific organization labor; increasing productivity and improving working conditions for workers.

1. Type and specialization of the enterprise

The type of public catering enterprise is a type of enterprise with characteristic features of culinary products and the range of services provided to consumers. According to GOSTR 50762-95 "Public catering. Public catering establishments are classified by type; by stages of production, volume of culinary products produced; the range of services provided. Services provided to consumers in public catering establishments of various types and classes, according to GOSTR 50764-95 "Public nutrition" are divided into:

Catering services;

Services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery;

Services for the organization of consumption and maintenance;

Services for the sale of culinary products;

Leisure services;

Information and advisory services;

Relations between consumers and contractors in the field of catering services are approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "Rules for the provision of catering services" dated November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ, which were developed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", "On certification of products and services". Public catering services are determined by the contractor (public catering enterprise) in accordance with its type and are confirmed by the certification body in accordance with the state standard. In the event of a temporary suspension of the provision of services (for planned sanitary days, repairs and in other cases), the enterprise is obliged to provide the consumer with information on the date and timing of the suspension of its activities in a timely manner and notify the authorities local government. The designed public catering enterprise is obliged to comply with the established state standards, sanitary, fire regulations, technological documents and other normative documents, mandatory requirements to the quality of services, their safety for life, human health, environment and property.

According to GOST 50762 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises" snack bar is a public catering enterprise with a limited range of dishes and products of simple manufacture and designed to quickly serve consumers, with the possible sale of alcoholic beverages. The designed snack bar is open from 10-00 to 22-00 hours, all days of the week except Sunday.

The snack bar produces, sells and organizes the consumption on the spot of various dishes and snacks of simple preparation, broths, cold and hot drinks, flour confectionery.

The form of service is self-service along the distribution line.

2. Menu development and product range definition

For each type of public catering establishments, the Ministry of Trade has developed an approximate assortment minimum. On the basis of this document, each enterprise develops its own assortment minimum.

The menu is a list of snacks, dishes, drinks, flour confectionery products available for sale on a given day, indicating the output and price. The menu must be signed by the director, production manager and calculator. For this enterprise, taking into account the peculiarities of national cuisine, the contingent of those who eat, climatic conditions and the specifics of the enterprise. For public enterprises (snack bar) the menu is compiled for 3 days.

The names of the dishes on the menu are written in a certain order:

a) cold dishes and snacks:

Fish gastronomy, cold fish dishes;

Meat gastronomy, cold meat dishes, poultry, game, rabbit;

Salads and vinaigrettes;

Cheese, butter, dairy products;

Open and closed sandwiches, canapés, etc.

b) hot snacks;

c) first courses:


filling stations;



Cold, sweet.

d) second hot fish dishes:

Boiled and stewed fish, fried, baked fish;

e) second hot meat dishes:

From boiled, fried, stewed meat, etc.;

Dishes from chopped mass;

From poultry and game;

From offal.

e) vegetable dishes:

boiled, poached, fried, stewed, baked;

g) dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta, flour dishes;

h) dishes from eggs and cottage cheese;

i) sweet dishes (cold and hot);

j) hot drinks;

k) cold drinks;

l) flour culinary and confectionery products (purchased), bakery products;

m) fruits in portions.

Signature dishes are indicated at the beginning of the menu. The name of the signature dish should reflect the theme or specifics of this type of enterprise. The menu should include from 1 to 3 branded dishes on a weekly basis. There should be more brand-name enterprises in the enterprises of the "luxury" and "higher" classes.

The menu is compiled on the basis of the assortment minimum for a given enterprise, taking into account seasonality, the characteristics of national cuisine, the contingent of those who eat, climatic conditions and the specifics of the enterprise. The menu plan is the production program of the enterprise. It is developed by the head of production until 15:00 every day. This makes it possible to timely order and receive raw materials to the warehouse and make preparations for dishes.

The names of dishes and menus are written in a certain order.

When compiling the menu, the Collection of Recipes for Yulud and Culinary Products for Public Catering Establishments was used. Collection of technical standards. 1 hour ed. Marchuk F. L., ed. Moscow: Khlebprodinform, 1996, 616 pages.

The menu is designed as a table 2.2.

Table 2.2 - Example menu:

Recipe number

Name of the dish


Lettuce Turtle

Potato casserole with chicken

Cold appetizers and salads

Egg stuffed with herring

Vinaigrette vegetable

Fresh tomato salad with sweet pepper

meat salad

Homemade hodgepodge with mayonnaise

Potato soup with beans and chicken

Borscht with cabbage and potatoes

Main courses

Fish meatballs with sauce

Meat goulash

Heart stewed in sauce

Chicken fillet roll

Potato cutlets with mushroom sauce

Omelette natural with butter

Mashed potatoes

Boiled pasta

boiled rice

Tea with lemon

Coffee with milk

cocoa with milk

Dried apricot compote

Cranberry drink

Lemon drink

Kissel from apples

Jelly with fresh canned fruits

flour products

Pies fried from yeast dough with fish


Cheesecakes with cottage cheese

Cheesecakes with jam

Fried potato and pork pies

3. Technological part

3.1 Development of technological and regulatory documentation for the main product range

Technological cards are drawn up in accordance with the requirements for regulatory and technological documentation: approved by the director, signed by a calculator (recipe), head. Production, technologist (cooking technology).

The main product range consists of recipes and technologies that must take into account the volume of products and production features for this type of enterprise. Technology, recipes and product quality requirements are drawn up in the form of technological maps. The technological map should include: the name of the dish, the recipe, the technology for preparing the dish, the quality requirements. Technological maps for products sold are presented in Appendix A.

On the branded products enterprises develop at least two technical and technological maps (TTK), which are compiled in accordance with the methodological recommendations and are presented in Appendix B.

4. Characteristics of food raw materials

4.1 Meat and meat products

Meat is a good source of digestible phosphorus and iron, contains potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, iodine and other minerals. Vitamins are mainly concentrated in internal organs especially in the liver and adipose tissue. The meat contains a large amount of extractive substances that turn into broth during cooking. They stimulate the activity of the glands of the digestive tract, increase appetite, improve the digestion of food, the taste and smell of meat depend to a certain extent on them. The amount of extractive substances increases with the age of the animal, so the broth from the meat of adult animals is more rich and has a better aroma.

The chemical composition of the meat of well-fed animals is different. The meat of malnourished animals contains more connective tissue and water, and biological. its value and digestibility are reduced. The chemical composition of meat depends on the type of animal.

Fresh meat, cooled or chilled, has a red color, a dense texture (the hole formed when pressed with a finger quickly levels out). Chilled or chilled meat can be stored for several days in a refrigerator, frozen meat is stored in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

Meat contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, minerals and other substances. The content of these substances depends on the species, breed, sex, age, fatness of the animal.

Proteins in meat contain from 11.4% to 20.4%. The bulk of meat proteins are complete proteins. These include myosin, actin, myogen, myolbumin, myoglobin, globulin. Myogen, myoalbulin dissolve in water, myosin, globulin - in saline solutions. Myoglobin has a purple-red color and causes the color of muscle tissue. The more myoglobin in the muscles, the darker their color. With nitric oxide, myoglobin forms azooxymyoglobin, which has a red color that persists after heat treatment. This is used in the sausage industry to preserve the color of the product.

Of the incomplete proteins in meat, collagen and elastin are contained. These are connective tissue proteins that give meat rigidity. Collagen, when heated with water, turns into glutin, the meat softens, and glutin, dissolving in hot water, gives viscosity to the solution, which solidifies when cooled, turning into a jelly.

Elastin does not change under the influence of cold, hot water.

Fat in meat contains from 1.2 to 49.3%. The fat content depends on the type and fatness of the animals. In beef meat, fat is from 7.0 to 12%, veal from 0.9 to 12%, lamb from 9.0 to 15.0%, fatty pork - 49.3%, meat - 33.0%.

The digestibility of fats depends on their melting point. The most refractory is lamb fat, which is digested by 94% and pork fat - by 97%. This property of meat fats is associated with the content of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in their composition. Lamb fat contains more saturated fatty acids than pork, beef, so it is more refractory.

Fat improves the taste of meat, increases its nutritional value.

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance in meat. In meat it is up to 0.1%. Cholesterol is quite stable during heat treatment.

Carbohydrates in meat are represented by glycogen, the content of which is about 1.0% glycogen is involved in the maturation of meat.

Mineral substances in meat from 0.8 to 1.3%. Of the macronutrients in meat, sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, iron and others are present. Of the macronutrients - iodine, copper, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, lead and others.

Vitamins - are represented by a group of water-soluble vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, H, PP and fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E, contained in animal fat.

By-products (liver, kidneys) are richest in vitamins.

Water is contained in meat from 55.0 to 95.0%. The amount of water depends on the fatness and age of the animals.

Extractive substances in meat up to 0.5%. they are present in meat in the form of nitrogenous and nitrogen-free compounds. These substances, dissolving in water, give meat, broths a taste, aroma, and cause appetite.

The energy value of 100 g of meat, depending on its chemical composition, ranges from 105 to 404 kcal.

During the heat treatment of meat, nutrients are lost. From the point of view of the preservation of nutrients, the most rational methods of heat treatment are stewing, baking, and cooking products from cutlet mass.

meat menu culinary hygiene

4.2 Fish and non-fish products

Fish contains complete proteins with a well-balanced composition of amino acids. In low-protein fish (macrorus, capelin, etc.) - about 13% protein, high-protein (pink salmon, chum salmon, semen, salmon, tuna, etc.) - 22% compared to animal meat in fish is almost 5 times less connective tissue, which provides a quick and tender fish texture after heat treatment, as well as easy digestion. Therefore, in many diets in which only minced meat is allowed, fish is used in pieces.

The amount of fat depends on the type of fish, its nutrition, gender, age, and fishing season. Lean fish species (up to 3% fat) include pollock, asp, flounder, crucian carp, burbot, perch, saithe, pike perch, cod, hake, pike, etc.; to moderately fatty (from 3 to 8% fat) - pink salmon, carp, chum salmon, sprat, bream, herring, low-fat herring, whitefish, catfish, horse mackerel, tuna, ide, etc .; to fatty (from 8 to 20%) - salmon, nelma, sturgeon, black halibut, saury, sardine, stellate sturgeon, fat herring and large ivasi, mackerel, etc .; to very fatty (up to 30% fat) - white salmon, lamprey, eel.

Non-fish sea products include: mussels, scallops, shrimps, trepangs, squids, etc. With a low fat content, they are a source of complete proteins, and in terms of the content of microelements they are much superior to animal meat.

Fish caviar has a great nutritional value. Sturgeon and salmon caviar contains about 30% of high-value proteins and 12% of easily digestible fats. It is rich in lecithin, vitamins A, D, E and group B, iron and some other minerals. However, caviar contains a lot of cholesterol and 4 to 6% salt. There is less salt in granular canned caviar. In terms of nutritional value, pollock and other fish roe is in no way inferior to these types of caviar (except for prestige and, possibly, taste).

4.3 Milk and dairy products

An important place in the human diet is occupied by milk and dairy products. Milk contains all the nutrients needed by the human body without exception. One of the most distinctive and important properties of milk as a food product is its high biological value and digestibility due to the presence of high-grade proteins, milk fat, minerals, microelements.

The digestibility of milk and dairy products ranges from 95% to 98%. Milk also aids in the absorption of other foods. Fermented milk products, which have a high dietary and medicinal value, are of particular importance for the body.

A person per day should consume dairy products (in terms of milk) almost 1.5 liters; including milk 0.5 l, cow's butter - up to 20 g, cheeses -18 g, sour cream and cottage cheese - 20 g each. The chemical composition of milk includes: water - 87%, milk sugar - 4.7%; milk fat - 3.8%; proteins-3.2%; ash-0.7%. Milk contains all known vitamins, enzymes, immune bodies. Milk fat, due to its peculiar fatty acid composition, has a soft texture, low melting point and high digestibility. Vitamins D, E, carotene, phosphatides (lecithin) and sterols (cholesterol) are dissolved in it. Protein substances of milk are mainly represented by casein (2.7), whey proteins - albumin (0.4%) and globulin (0.2%).

Milk is subject to strict sanitary requirements, depending on the type of packaging, the total bacteria content and the titer of Escherichia coli are limited. Both pasteurized and sterilized milk should not contain pathogenic microorganisms, be environmentally friendly

4.4 Eggs and egg products

The egg consists of a shell by 11.5%, protein - 58.5%, yolk - 30%. Egg white consists of 86% proteins, the rest is carbohydrates and minerals. The yolk contains 20% fat, 10% lipids. The egg contains enzymes: amylase, peptidase, catalase, lipase. As a result of enzymatic and microbiological processes occurring in the egg during storage, there is a decrease in its quality. The shell has a porous surface, bacteria and water vapor can penetrate through the pores. The shell consists of carbonates and phosphates of Ca and Mn. The egg yolk contains vitamins B, A, D, E. Depending on the shelf life, eggs are divided into: dietary and table. Dietary shelf life is not more than 7 days, not counting the day of demolition. Canteens shelf life up to 120 days, stored in the refrigerator. Dietary and table eggs, depending on the mass, are divided into 3 categories:

Selected - the weight of one egg is 65 gr., 10 eggs - at least 660 gr.

The first - the mass of one egg is 55 gr., 10 eggs - 560 gr.

The second - the mass of one egg is 45 gr., 10 eggs - 460 gr.

The freshness of eggs is checked with an ovoscope, which is a box with nests and an internal light source.

Egg quality requirements:

1) the shell must be clean and undamaged. It is allowed to have dots or stripes on the shell of dietary eggs.

2) The contents of the eggs should not have foreign odors.

It is allowed to use in the baking, confectionery and pasta industry eggs with the following defects:

1) Fight - a damaged shell without leakage of contents.

2) Notch - slightly damaged shell.

3) Crumpled side - the shell is dented, but the egg has not leaked out.

4) Pouring - partial mixing of the yolk with the protein.

5) Smell - an egg with an extraneous, easily volatile odor.

6) Drying - the yolk has dried up to the shell.

7) Small spot - under the shell there are one or more fixed spots with a total size of not more than 1/8 of the surface.

It is not allowed to use eggs that have the following defects:

1) Krasyuk - the contents of the egg are stained with blood.

2) Cuff - the egg has a musty smell.

3) Green rot - the protein has a green unpleasant color and smell.

Dietary eggs are stored at a temperature of 0-20°C. Canteens - in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0-2 ° C for more than 30 days.

Shrinkage is observed during storage of eggs.

Before breaking eggs, they are disinfected to destroy bacteria of the Escherichia coli group present on the surface. To do this, the eggs are immersed for 5-10 minutes. in a 2% solution of baking soda, then for 5-10 minutes in a 2% solution of bleach or 0.5% chloramine. Then they are washed with running water for 3-5 minutes.

Egg products are produced in frozen form. Egg melange is a mixture of proteins and yolks, freed from the shell. Frozen protein and yolk are produced separately. For the production of frozen products, eggs are used that have been stored for no more than 90 days. Freezing is carried out at a temperature of -18°C. Before use, frozen products are thawed at a temperature of 45 ° C in a bath with water for 2-3 hours. Then they are filtered through a sieve with a mesh size of 3 mm. Egg products are produced in dried form. Dry egg powder, dry protein or yolk in spray dryers. With a fine spray nozzle, the egg mass quickly loses moisture in a stream of heated air. The temperature of the product should not exceed 44-47°C. This further ensures their good solubility in water. During storage, due to high hygroscopicity as a result of exposure to moisture, light, oxygen, the powder is compacted and acquires an unpleasant musty smell and taste. The powder is stored at a temperature of 10-2°C. Before use, the powder is sieved and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 (1:4). For better mixing, a small amount of water is first added to the powder to obtain a creamy consistency, the remaining water is added and mixed well. Then filter through a sieve with a mesh size of 1 mm.

4.5 Vegetables, fruits, berries

Vegetables, fruits and berries are important sources of nutrients that are actively involved in metabolic processes and digestion: vitamins, alkaline mineral salts, trace elements, various carbohydrates, dietary fiber, organic acids, tannins, essential oils, phytoncides, flavonoids and other biologically active substances. active substances, the significance of many of which for the human body is still insufficiently studied.

Proteins - most vegetables, fruits and berries are poor in proteins (0.5-1.5%), and the proteins themselves have a low biological value in terms of amino acid composition and are difficult to digest, especially when eating raw foods. Potatoes and cauliflower contain 2-2.5% of well digestible proteins. In green peas and green beans, the protein content is 4-5%. A small amount of protein allows the wide use of vegetables and fruits in protein-restricted diets.

Fats. With rare exceptions (sea buckthorn, avocado), vegetables, fruits and berries contain negligible amounts of fat.

Carbohydrates - vegetables contain 3-5%, fruits and berries - 5-10%. The richest in digestible carbohydrates (%): dates (69), dried fruits (55-65), bananas (21), persimmons (13), figs (12), grapes (15), potatoes (16), green peas (13) , pineapples (12). Beets, apricots, cherries, pears, watermelons, melons, pomegranates, peaches, cherries, apples contain about 10% carbohydrates. Compared to cereals and bread, there are few carbohydrates in vegetables and fruits, but they are very diverse: sucrose, fructose, glucose, starch, fiber, pectins, etc.

Simple carbohydrates (sugars) predominate in fruits, berries, as well as in watermelons, melons, beets, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, zucchini, etc., in potatoes and green peas - starch.

There is a lot of fiber in dried fruits, dates, figs, most berries, quince, dogwood, oranges, lemons, legumes, beets, carrots, white cabbage, eggplant, swede, sorrel, sweet pepper; relatively little - in watermelon, melon, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, green onions, and many fruits. Pectins are rich in beets, apples, black currants, plums, peaches, strawberries, and to a lesser extent in carrots, pears, oranges, and grapes. Ripe vegetables and fruits are richer in pectin than unripe ones.

Minerals. Vegetables, fruits and berries are important sources of potassium. The most rich in potassium are dried fruits, potatoes, green peas, tomatoes, beets, radishes, green onions, cherries, currants, grapes, apricots, peaches. Vegetables, fruits and berries contain much more potassium than sodium, so they are especially important in diets with sodium restriction and increased potassium (arterial hypertension, kidney disease, etc.).

Energy value. Vegetables, fruits and berries have a low energy value, which is almost entirely provided by carbohydrates. Calorie content of 100 g of edible part of vegetables is on average 20-40 kcal, fruits and berries - 30-50 kcal. Only potatoes, green peas, grapes and bananas contain 70-90 kcal, sea buckthorn - 200 kcal, and dates - 270 kcal per 100g. Due to the low energy value, most vegetables, fruits and berries form a significant part of the diet of mental workers, the elderly, with obesity and related diseases.

Vegetables, fruits and berries have "alkalinizing" properties, which is of great importance for circulatory failure, kidney and liver diseases, fevers, diabetes, etc. They also contain a lot of water (75-95%), which helps to eliminate from the body exchange products. Fruits, berries and some vegetables contain organic acids (citric, malic, etc.), which have a taste value, activate digestion, and have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. Rich in oxalic acid, spinach, sorrel, figs, rhubarb are excluded from the diet for certain types of kidney stones, and limit use for gout. Essential oils contained in onions, radishes, garlic, parsley, radish, celery, citrus fruits, when taken in small amounts, stimulate appetite, increase the secretion of digestive juices and urination. In large quantities, they can irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines, bile and urinary tract, and in diseases of these organs cause an adverse effect.

The tannins of blueberries, quince, dogwood, persimmons have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect in intestinal diseases. Dishes from them should be consumed on an empty stomach or in between meals, otherwise the tannins will be bound by food proteins. These substances impair the absorption of iron, calcium and other minerals from the intestines. Therefore, for example, the high content of iron in blueberries does not mean that this berry is useful for iron deficiency anemia.

Of particular importance is the physiological effect of vegetables, fruits and berries on the activity of the digestive system. Their appearance, smell, taste excite appetite, cause the separation of saliva, activate the secretion of gastric juices, pancreas, bile secretion. This contributes to the digestion of other products and the absorption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The juice effect of vegetables is somewhat reduced after cooking. Many vegetables remove the inhibitory effect of fats on the secretory function of the stomach. Juice secretion is especially enhanced when eating salted, pickled and pickled vegetables and fruits. Vegetables in combination with fats have a strong choleretic effect, therefore it is physiologically justified to use vegetable snacks or meat and fish with vegetable side dishes at the beginning of a meal. It should be noted that in a number of countries, not vegetables, but fruits with a high content of organic acids serve as a snack before meals.

5. Development of technological schemes for dishes prepared according to technical and technological maps

5.1 Development of a technological scheme

Technological scheme of production certain types culinary products includes the optimal sequence of the operation. The technology being designed to provide high quality products with minimal waste and losses in production. Figures 5.1 and 5.2 show technological schemes of production.

Figure 5.1. - Technological scheme for preparing the dish "Pork in sweet and sour sauce"

Figure 5.2. - Technological scheme for preparing the dish "Beef with lingonberries"

6. Hardware design of the technological process

The selected scheme must be provided with equipment that allows the process to be carried out under conditions of maximum mechanization and automation of production. Tables 5.1 and 5.2 show hardware schemes for the production of branded products.

The hardware design of the process of producing signature dishes is presented in tables 6.1, 6.2.

Table 6.1 - Hardware design of the technological process of preparing the dish "Beef with cranberries".

Operation number

Number of operations

Name of operations



























Washing Sorting Washing Slicing Cooking

Strain refrigerate drying compound adding grinding processing














Table 6.2.- Hardware design of the technological process of preparing the dish "Pork in sweet and sour sauce".

Operation number

Number of operations

Name of operations















































Peeling onions, potatoes

Washing raw eggs, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, greens

Sorting greens


Removing the stem

Washing in warm water


Rubbing potatoes


sifting flour





Bringing to a boil

Chopping greens

















5 KRM5

PG-0.6; MS24-300








7. Development of a scheme of technological flows of raw materials, finished products and waste

When drawing up a process flow diagram, it is necessary to take into account the modern requirements of trade and technological processes, the main of which are the principle of flow and clarity in the implementation of technological processes with mandatory observance of safety rules and industrial sanitation.

The process flow diagram is shown in Figure 6.1.

Figure 7.1 is a diagram of the technological flows of raw materials, finished products and waste.

8. Sanitation and production hygiene

In accordance with PS "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the manufacture, defense capability of food products and food raw materials", SP "Hygienic requirements for the design of newly built and reconstructed industrial enterprises" and SP "Hygienic requirements for the organization of technological processes, production equipment and working tools" the following requirements are imposed on catering establishments.

All premises should be kept in exemplary frequency, removing soiling of floors, windows, etc. in a timely manner. Routine cleaning is carried out with a wet method 1-2 times daily, and in industrial premises - during the working day as it gets dirty. Floors in rooms contaminated with food residues are washed with hot water with the addition of soda ash. Toilet handles are disinfected with a 2% bleach solution or a 1% chloramine solution.

At least once a month, a general cleaning of all premises is carried out using disinfectants: 1% clarified bleach solution or 0.5% chloramine solution.

Particularly careful care is required for sanitary installations - sinks, washbasins, etc., which must be disinfected. Washbasins provide soap, hand brushes, electric towels, paper rolled towels. To clean dining tables, use sets of wet and dry wipes labeled "For cleaning tables", which are washed daily in a solution of detergents, boiled, dried and stored in dedicated cabinets. The entry of unauthorized persons into the production premises is allowed with the permission of the administration and only in sanitary clothes.

On the basis of SP "Hygienic requirements for the design of newly built and reconstructed industrial enterprises", public catering enterprises design and form systems of domestic drinking and technical water supply.

The quality of the water supplied must comply with current hygiene standards.

For technological processes, machines, mechanisms, equipment and reagents offered for processing, storage and transportation drinking water, there must be sanitary and epidemiological conclusions of the established form.

Catering establishments must be equipped with equipment and supplies in accordance with applicable regulations.

Materials used for manufacturing technological equipment, inventory, utensils, containers, as well as detergents and disinfectants must be authorized by the USSR Ministry of Health.

Store detergents and disinfectants in labeled containers in designated areas.

Technological and cold equipment is placed taking into account the sequence of the technological process so as to exclude oncoming and crossing flows of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

Products, as well as ensure free access to it and compliance with safety regulations in the workplace.

For grinding raw and cooked products, separate mechanical equipment should be used, and in universal machines - replaceable mechanisms. Sanitization of process equipment must be carried out in accordance with the operation manual for each type of equipment. Production and washing baths, as well as production tables, are washed with the addition of detergents and rinsed with hot water at the end of work. Cutting boards must be labeled according to the product being processed on them: "CM" - raw meat, "SR" - raw fish, "CO" - raw vegetables, "VM" - boiled meat, "VR" - boiled fish, "BO "- boiled vegetables, "MG" - meat gastronomy, "Greens", "KO" - pickled vegetables, "Herring", "X" - bread, "RG" - fish gastronomy. You need to have an adequate supply of cutting boards. Carving knives should also be marked.

After each operation, cutting boards are cleaned with a knife from product residues, washed with hot water with the addition of detergents, scalded with boiling water and stored on edge on a rack in special cassettes in the workshop to which they are assigned.

Production equipment and tools after washing with the addition of detergents and rinsing should be scalded with boiling water.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the maintenance of equipment, inventory and utensils plays an important role in the prevention of food poisoning, infections, and helminthic diseases.

Persons entering work in public catering organizations undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations upon admission, professional hygienic training and certification in the prescribed manner.

For each employee, a personal medical book of the established form is entered, in which the results of medical examinations and laboratory tests, information about past diseases, a mark on hygienic training and certification are entered. Employees of the organization are obliged to observe the rules of personal hygiene: - leave outerwear, shoes, headgear, personal items in the dressing room;

- before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up your hair under a cap or scarf or put on a special hairnet;

- work in clean sanitary clothing, change it as it gets dirty;

- when visiting the toilet, take off sanitary clothing in a specially designated place, after visiting the toilet, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;

- if there are signs of a cold or intestinal dysfunction, as well as suppuration, burns, inform the administration and contact a medical institution for treatment;

- report all cases of intestinal infections in the family of workers;

- when preparing dishes, culinary products and confectionery products, remove jewelry, watches and other breakable objects, cut nails short and do not varnish them, do not fasten special clothes with pins;

- do not smoke or eat at the workplace (eating and smoking are allowed in a specially designated room or place).

Every day before the start of the shift in cold, hot confectionery shops, as well as in organizations, a health worker or other responsible persons inspect the open surfaces of the body of workers for the presence of pustular diseases. Persons with pustular skin diseases, festering cuts, burns, abrasions, as well as catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract are not allowed to work in these workshops.

Each organization should have a first aid kit with a set of medicines for first aid.

9. Organization of production control

Quality control is one of the most important stages of the technological cycle of production, conditionally it can be divided into three types: preliminary (input), operational (production) and output.

Production control is an intradepartmental type of control, the main task of which is: control of technological processes for the preparation of culinary products throughout the working day in order to comply with the sequence of the technological process, temperature regimes and terms of preparation, storage and sale; compliance with the production program, the declared weight of the output of dishes and products; compliance with prescription norms for laying raw materials when calculating dishes; the correctness of the calculation of prices for the finished product; availability of documentary support for production activities, etc.

Preliminary control is a check of incoming raw materials of semi-finished products.

Operational control is carried out in the course of the technological process: from the acceptance of raw materials and (or) semi-finished products to the release of finished products.

Output (acceptance) control is a quality check of finished products. The company conducts food grading, laboratory control over the completeness of the input of raw materials, safety, etc.

At catering establishments, production control is carried out in accordance with SanNPiN 1.1.1058-01. "Organization and implementation of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemiological measures."

The purpose of control: ensuring safety and harmlessness for humans and the environment of the harmful effects of production control objects; achieving a stable quality of products and services by fulfilling the requirements of regulatory documentation.


-creation of organizational structure;

- identification of potential hazards that may arise during production;

-development of optimal production control schemes and their approval;

- organization of necessary checks;

- development of documentation on the system of registration of control results;

- checking the sanitary condition of production and the rules of personal hygiene of employees;

-identifying the causes of product defects and developing corrective measures;

- verification of the analysis of the effectiveness of the control system.

Objects of production control: production facilities, technological processes, raw materials, semi-finished products, food products, finished products, inventory, equipment, personnel.

8.1 Development of interoperational control map

Tables 8.1, 8.2 show maps of interoperational control of the technological process of preparing signature dishes.

Table 8.1 - Map of interoperational control for the technological process of production of the dish "Pork in sweet and sour sauce".

Technological operations

Controlled indicators

Control methods

Possible violations


Acceptance of raw materials


Physically GOST R 54607.1


ND compliance

ND mismatch

Sorting, age

Cleaning, sorting and washing berries and herbs

Output p / f after cleaning

Physically GOST R 54607.1

Poor cleaning.

Large percentage of waste

Cleaning and sorting quality

Inedible parts removed

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Water temperature

Not higher than 20°С

Physically GOST R 54607.1

Wash quality

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Poor quality car wash

Repeated washing

Water quality

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Pork cut

Cutting quality

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Wrong cutting shape


Sliced ​​prunes, raisins, apples and greens

Cutting quality

Cut into strips, chopped greens in a blender

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Wrong cutting shape


sifting flour

Screening quality

Flour without lumps

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Poor screening



Design quality

Put the pork on a plate, pour over the sauce

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Violation of registration


Appearance dishes

The appearance, taste of the dish corresponds to the characteristics of these indicators given in the TTC: Appearance: apples, raisins, prunes have retained their shape, the pork did not deform during frying, retained its shape. Color: sauce beige, light brown; pork golden.

Consistency: soft, juicy.

Taste and smell: sweet-sour, moderately salty, characteristic smell

foods included in the meal

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Dish temperature

Not lower than 65°С

Physical GOST R 54607.1

before vacation

Table 8.2 - Map of interoperational control for the technological process of production of the dish "Beef with lingonberries".

Technological operations

Controlled indicators

The value (characteristic) of the quality indicator

Control methods

Possible violations


Acceptance of raw materials


Weight in accordance with the recipe

Physically GOST R 54607.1


ND compliance

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

ND mismatch

Sorting, age

Cleaning, sorting and washing berries

Output p / f after cleaning

Output p / f, the percentage of waste corresponds to the norm

Physically GOST R 54607.1

Poor cleaning.

Large percentage of waste

Regulation special equipment, registration of the act

Cleaning and sorting quality

Inedible parts removed

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Poor cleaning and sorting

Additional cleaning, sorting

Water temperature

Not higher than 20°С

Physically GOST R 54607.1

Exceeding the permissible temperature

Water temperature control

Wash quality

Vegetables and herbs are clean after washing

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Poor quality car wash

Repeated washing

Water quality

Complies with the requirements of SanPin

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Does not meet the requirements of the normative document for water indicators

Termination of the technological process until the reasons for the deterioration in the quality of centralized water supply are clarified

Sliced ​​beef

Cutting quality

cut into bite-sized pieces

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Wrong cutting shape


sifting flour

Screening quality

Flour without lumps

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Poor screening


Appearance of the dish

The appearance, taste of the dish corresponds to the characteristics of these indicators given in the TTC: The beef did not deform during frying, it retained its shape. Cowberry berries stand out from the total mass of the sauce.

Colour: reddish sauce, dark brown in beef.

Consistency: soft, juicy.

Taste and smell: Lingonberries give the dish a sour taste, moderately salty, the smell is characteristic of the products that make up the dish.

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Violation of the technological process at any stage

Rejection of products that do not meet the requirements of regulatory documentation.

Dish temperature

Not lower than 65°С

Physical GOST R 54607.1

Insufficient or excessive cooling of the dish

before vacation

Cooling time control

8.2 Acceptance inspection of finished products

In the process of developing TTK for branded products, an analysis of the available methods for determining the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of culinary products was carried out. The choice of methods for determining quality indicators is made, taking into account the characteristics of culinary products and the place of control. The results are presented in tables 8.3, 8.4.

Table 8.3 - Quality control of the finished product of the dish "Pork in sweet and sour sauce".

Quality indicators

Control methods

Essence of Methods

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Portion weight

Physical GOST R 54607.1

Weight of one product, separation of the main product (pork)

Physical GOST R 54607.1

Contact drying method


Physical GOST R 53763

More method

microbiological indicators

Degree of heat treatment


Qualitative test for peroxidase with guaecola resin with developing staining. The absence of staining indicates sufficient heat treatment.

Table 8.4 - Quality control of the finished product of the dish "Beef with cranberries".

Quality indicators

Control methods

Essence of Methods

Appearance (correct cutting) of the main product and other components of the salad; -taste; -smell; -consistency; -color.

Organoleptic GOST R 53104

Determining quality through the senses

Portion weight

Physical GOST R 54607.1

Weighing, a mass deviation of +-3% is allowed for individual portions, the total mass of the portion must comply with the norm.

Weight of one product, separation of the main product (beef)

Physical GOST R 54607.1

Washing it with water and weighing, deviation - + 10%

Determination of the mass fraction of solids after separation of the main part

Contact drying method

Drying in an oven at a temperature of (130-+2) °C to constant weight.


Physical GOST R 53763

Temperature change, thermometer GOST 28498

Determination of the mass fraction of fat

Weight method with fat extraction in a micro grinder

Extraction of fat with a solvent from a sample crushed in a microgrinder

Determination of the mass fraction of table salt (in a controversial case)

More method

Titration of the product extract with silver nitrate in the presence of potassium chromate until a red color is formed.

microbiological indicators

According to the work program


In this course project, a production program for a snack bar for 30 seats was developed.

The following tasks were solved:

- preparation of a signature dish;

-created regulatory documentation for products;

-compiled technical and technological maps;

- technological schemes were drawn up with the selection of equipment for branded products;

-development of production control measures.

All practical materials presented in this course project can be used in production.


1. Furs I.N. Technology for the production of catering products: Proc. allowance / I.N. Furs. - Minsk: New edition, 2002.-799 p.: ill.

2. GOST R 50647-95 Catering. Classification of the enterprise. - M .: publishing house of standards, 1995.

3. GOST R 50647-95 Catering. Terms and Definitions.

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Justification of the place of binding the enterprise project

The substantiation of the place of binding of the projected enterprise is carried out on the basis of studying the economic and geographical characteristics of the settlement and the prospects for its development.

When determining a site for building an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account the availability of access communications and convenience for visitors.

Using the latest achievements of modern nutrition science, progressive technology and high-performance equipment, the pizzeria has great opportunities to provide the population with high-quality food. The production of a pizzeria is carefully thought out and organized so that this establishment is profitable, does not stand idle and can withstand competition.

A pizzeria is a specialized catering enterprise. This establishment operates semi-finished meat products, vegetables in raw. Thermal processing of products, preparation of cold, first, second courses, flour products is carried out on the spot. The product range of the enterprise is aimed at a wide middle class consumer.

The pizzeria is located on the Second River, along Russkaya Street, in the city of Vladivostok, near residential complexes. On the facade of the building there is a sign with the name of the company.

At the entrance, the pizzeria's opening hours are posted on the door glass. The institution is designed to serve a certain number of consumers and is organized for 110 seats. There are benches near the premises, and in the summer, plastic tables and chairs are put up on the street so that visitors can admire the panorama of city life. Trees, shrubs and flowers are planted along the road. Entrance doors large and wide ramps are also provided for the entry of wheelchairs.

Water supply, power supply, sanitary communications are provided by city networks. The supply of raw materials, semi-finished products is carried out by various suppliers of wholesale depots in the city of Vladivostok, with whom contracts are concluded and cash payments are made. The initial data for the design of a pizzeria are presented in table 1.1

Table 1.1 Initial data for designing a pizzeria

Enterprise type


Working modeFrom 8.00 to 21.00
Service formwaiter service
The range of products sold

Pizza - 9

Cold snacks - 6

First courses - 4

Second courses - 7

The composition of the premises according toSNiP-II-L. 8-71
Technological equipmentOn electricity
Additional form of services, organization

Takeaway packaging

Order products by phone with delivery

Organization and holding of children's celebrations, holidays, anniversaries


When developing projects for various types of public catering establishments, a number of technological calculations are carried out in advance. These calculations make it possible to determine the production program of the projected enterprise, the number of employees, the types and quantity of technological equipment used, the area of ​​individual workshops, premises and the entire enterprise as a whole.

2.1 Drawing up a production program for a pizzeria

Determining Enterprise Throughput

The number of consumers can be determined on the basis of the schedule of loading the hall or the turnover of seats during the day.

The number of consumers served for 1 hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula:

N= p φ Х/100 , (2.1)

where N is the number of consumers served in 1 hour;

p-capacity of the hall (number of seats);

φ - turnover of a place in the hall during a given hour;

The calculation data are summarized in Table 2.1

Table 2.1 Loading schedule for the trading floor of a pizzeria for 110 seats

Opening hoursPlace turnover for 1 hour, timesAverage occupancy of the trading floorNumber of visitors, people
8-9 3 40 132
9-10 3 50 165
10-11 3 50 165
11-12 2 50 110
12-13 2 90 198
13-14 2 90 198
14-15 2 90 198
15-16 3 60 198
16-17 - BREAK-
17-18 3 30 99
18-19 3 50 165
19-20 3 60 198
20-21 3 30 99
Total: 1925

Determining the number of dishes sold by the enterprise

The initial data for determining the number of dishes is the number of consumers and the coefficient of consumption of dishes.

The total number of dishes is determined by the formula:

n= N m , (2.2)

where n is the number of dishes sold by the enterprise during the day

N is the number of consumers during the day

m is the consumption coefficient of dishes (the sum of the consumption coefficients of pizza, cold dishes and snacks, first courses, second hot dishes).

m=m pizzas +m cold dishes and snacks +m first courses +m second courses

m= 0.8+0.3+0.4+0.5=2.0.

Calculation data are summarized in Table 2.2

Table 2.2 Table of sales of dishes by pizzeria trading hours
Opening hoursNumber of visitors

Product range

flour productsCold meals and snacksFirst mealSecond hot dishes

Consumption factor

0,8 0,3 0,4 0,5
8-9 132 106 39 53 66
9-10 165 132 50 66 83
10-11 165 132 50 66 83
11-12 110 88 33 44 55
12-13 198 158 59 79 99
13-14 198 158 59 79 99
14-15 198 158 59 79 99
15-16 198 158 59 79 99
16-17 - - - - -
17-18 99 79 30 40 50
18-19 165 132 50 66 83
19-20 198 158 59 79 99
20-21 99 79 30 40 50
Total:1925 1540 578 770 963

Total number of meals per day 3851

Determination of the required quantity of purchased and other products

Determination of the required quantity of purchased goods of a pizzeria is presented in table 2.3
Table 2.3 Purchased products of a pizzeria


unit of measurementTotal number of peopleConsumption rate per personPercent breakdownTotal number of products
Cold drinks:
Fruit water: 0,02 100 39
Pinocchio 50 19
"Tarhun" 50 20
Mineral water:l 0,01 100 19
"Aqua" 50 10
"Martin" 50 9

Natural juice

l 0,02 100 39
pineapple 50 19
Apricot 50 20

Bread and bakery products:

G1925 0,04 100 77
Rye 0,02 50 39
Wheat 0,02 50 38

Flour and confectionery products of own production:

Biscuit cake "Prague"

Biscuit cake "Lakomka"

PCS1925 0,25

Candies, cookies

kg1925 0,0 03 100 6

Cookies "Tandem"

50 3

bird's milk

50 3
Hot drinks:


1925 0,1 100 193
20 25
Jacobs coffee with milk 30 57
Green tea "Jasmine" 40 95
Tea black "Tiger" 10 16

Development of the production program of the pizzeria

The calculated menu is a list of dish names indicating the output of the finished dish and the number of dishes. Data are presented in table 2.4

Table 2.4 Settlement menu of a pizzeria

Name of dishes
Total number of dishesPercentage pouringThe number of dishes of this typeLabor intensity factorNumber of conditional dishes


2 3 4 5 6


10 154 0,8 123
Fortune 10 154 0,8 123
"Palermo" (with eggplant) 10 154 0,8 123
10 154 0,8 123
Bolones (vegetable) 10 154 0,8 123
Pantelia (squid) 20 308 0,8 246
"Messina" (crab) 10 154 0,8 123
"Foligno" (ham) 10 154 0,8 123
"Avezziano" (mushroom) 10 154 0,8 123
Cold meals and snacks:578
Sprats with egg 10 58 0,5 29
Pickled vegetables (eggplant, white cabbage, champignons) 20 116 0,6 70
Fresh cucumber salad, tomato, onion 20 116 0,6 70
Greek salad (fresh vegetables, olives, cheddar cheese) 20 289 0,7 202
Salad "Olivier" 10 58 0,6 35
Salad "Parma" (carrots, with garlic) 20 116 0,6 70
First meal:770
20 154 0,7 108
Bouillon with meatballs 60 462 1 462
mushroom noodle soup 10 77 0,8 62
Solyanka team 10 77 1,2 92
Second courses:963
Fish in Sicilian 10 96 1,1 106
fondue in italian 20 193 0,9 174
Lasagna (beef, pork) 10 96 1,2 115
Ravioli 20 193 1,1 212
10 96 0,9 86
Pilaf with chicken 10 96 1,1 106
Pork chop with boiled rice 20 193 0,8 154
Total: 4697

Calculation of the number of employees in the production of a pizzeria

For each workshop of a public catering enterprise, the number of employees performing a particular job, technological operations associated with the production and sale of products, and customer service should be determined. The calculation of the number of production workers in the shops can be determined by the norms of time (per unit of finished product).

The number of production workers according to the norms of time is determined by the formula:

N1=Σ n /3600 T λ, (2.3)

where N1 is the number of production workers directly involved in the production process, people;

n - the number of manufactured products per day, pieces, kg, dishes;

t is the norm of time for the manufacture of a unit of the product, s.

t=K 100, (2.4) where K is the coefficient of labor intensity; 100 is the norm of time (in s) required for the preparation of a product, the labor input coefficient of which is equal to 1;

T is the length of the working day of each worker, s (T \u003d 7-7.2 hours or 8-8.2 hours);

λ- coefficient taking into account the growth of production labor (λ=1.14)

The calculation data are summarized in Table 2.5

Table 2.5 Calculation of the number of production workers in a pizzeria

Name of dishesNumber of dishes, gNorm of time (labor factor K 100)The amount of time to cook a dish, sec
"Neopolitano" (combined)154 80 12320
Fortune154 80 12320
"Palermo" (with eggplant)154 80 12320
"Hawaiian" (ham, pineapple)154 80 12320
Bolones (vegetable)154 80 12320
Pantelia (squid)308 80 24640
"Messina" (crab)154 80 12320
"Foligno" (ham)154 80 12320
"Avezziano" (mushroom)154 80 12320
Cold meals and snacks:
Sprats with egg58 50 2900
Pickled vegetables116 60 6960

Fresh cucumber salad, tomato

116 60 6960

Greek salad"

289 70 20230
Salad "Olivier"58 60 3480
Salad "Parma"116 60 6960
First meal:

Tomato soup with cauliflower

308 70 21560
Bouillon with meatballs462 100 46200
mushroom noodle soup77 80 6160
Solyanka team77 120 9240

Second courses:

Fish in Sicilian

96 110 10560
Fondue in Italian193 90 17370
Lasagna (beef and pork)96 120 11520
Ravioli193 110 21230
Chopped chicken meatballs stuffed with mushrooms96 90 8640
Pilaf with chicken96 110 10560
193 80 15440
Total: 461760

We accept to work in a pizzeria: 8 people

Cold shop - 30% - 2 people

Hot shop - 40% - 4 people

Preparatory workshop - 30% -2 people

The total number of production workers, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacations, sick days, is determined by the formula:

N2 =N1 K1, (2.5)

where K1 is the coefficient taking into account weekends and holidays (K = 1.32)

The number of employees (N2), taking into account weekends, holidays, vacations, sick days, is 9 people.

Calculation of raw materials

The calculation is made according to the formula

G=qр n/ 1000 , (2.6)

where G is the mass of the product (product), kg;

qr is the mass of one portion of the product, g;

n is the number of servings, pcs. or finished products, kg sold by the enterprise per day.

Calculation data are presented in Appendix 1

Calculation of warehouse space

When designing storage facilities for catering establishments, the amount of raw materials is determined taking into account the shelf life. Useful area is determined by the formula:

S floor \u003d Q pr t xp / H, (2.7)

where Q pr - daily consumption of raw materials, kg;

t xp - shelf life of raw materials, days;

S total =ΣS field /η , (2.8)

where S floor is the area of ​​usable area, m²;

η- coefficient of use of dry pantries (η=0.4)

The calculation of the pantry of dry products is presented in table 2.6

Table 2.6 Calculation of the pantry of dry products

Name of productsDaily consumption of raw materials, kgShelf life, daysUsable area, m²
Salt4 5 600 0,03
Sugar3 5 500 1,03
Juices1,4 10 400 0,01
Green tea "Jasmine"0,9 10 300 0,03
Instant black coffee "Maxim"2,6 10 300 0,07
Wheat flour43 10 500 0,18
Canned olives1 10 220 0,04
Canned corn3 10 220 0,06
Gherkins canned.0,6 10 300 0,02
Vegetable oil3,2 10 330 1,02
Total: 2,6

The total area of ​​the pantry dry is 9 m²

The selection of equipment for the pantry of dry products is presented in table 2.7

Table 2.7 Selection of equipment for the pantry of dry products

equipment identificationType, brand of equipmentDimensions, mmEquipment areaNumber of equipmentThe area occupied by the equipment
podtovarnikPT-11050 840 340 0,9 1 1
RackSPS-11050 840 1500 0,9 2 1,8
Total: 2,8

Calculation of the pantry area of ​​vegetables, calculated by formulas (2.7), (2.8), is presented in table 2.8

Table 2.8 Calculation of the area of ​​​​the pantry of vegetables

Name of productsDaily consumption of raw materials, kgShelf life, daysUsable area, m²
Onion3,3 5 200 0,08
Potato8 5 400 0,1
Carrot2 5 300 0,03
Total: 1

The total area of ​​the vegetable pantry is 5 m²

The selection of equipment for the pantry area of ​​​​vegetables is presented in table 2.9

Table 2.9 Selection of equipment for the vegetable pantry area

equipment identificationType, brand of equipmentDimensions, mmArea of ​​equipment units, m²Number of equipmentArea occupied by equipment, m²
podtovarnikPT-11050 840 340 0,8 2 1
RackSPS-11050 840 1500 0,8 1 1
Total: 2

Hot shop calculation

Hot shop production program

The production program of the hot shop is the range of prepared dishes and culinary products and their quantity sold per day. Working hours of the hot shop from 9.00 to 21.00. The production program of the hot shop is presented in table 2.10

Table 2.10 Production program of the hot shop of a pizzeria

Name of dishesYield, gNumber of dishes, pcs

Salad "Olivier"

150 58

Tomato soup with cauliflower

200 154
Bouillon with meatballs200 462
mushroom noodle soup150 77
Solyanka team150 77
Fish in Sicilian200 96
Fondue in Italian100 193
Lasagna (beef and pork)150 96
Ravioli100 193
Chopped chicken meatballs stuffed with mushrooms85 96
Pilaf with chicken150 96
Pork chop, boiled rice90/100 193

The basis for the preparation of this calculation are the load schedules of the hall and the settlement menu. The number of dishes sold for each hour of the enterprise is determined by the formula:

n h \u003d n q K, (2.9)

where n h - the number of dishes sold for 1 hour of the hall;

n q - the number of dishes sold for the whole day (determined from the settlement menu);

K is the conversion factor for a given hour, determined by the formula:

K \u003d N h / N q, (2.10)

where N h - the number of consumers served in 1 hour;

N q - the number of consumers served per day

These values ​​are determined according to the hall loading schedule. The sum of the conversion factors for all the hours of the hall should be equal to one, and the sum of the dishes sold by the hours of the hall, the number of dishes produced per day.

The value of the conversion factors for cold, sweet, second courses and drinks remains the same. Data are presented in table 2.11