Promotion of pet stores - special offer. What promotions to do to attract customers What can you write on a pet supply flyer?

Who doesn’t know the mischievous cat Boris, the cat Felix and the golden Irish setter from the “Chappie” ad? As you might have guessed, today we will talk about. We will give you examples best advertising for the happy owners of four-legged friends.

The pet food market formed in Russia about fifteen years ago and is currently actively developing. In terms of the number of pets per capita, Russia ranks second in the world after the United States. Most of all we have cats as pets - from 25 to 30 million. In second place are dogs (about 20 million).

Advertising of pet products can be seen on posters and light boxes, but most often on TV. Let's remember the most famous commercials involving pets and let’s figure out what their specifics are.

The tabby cat (British Shorthair) has long been the face of the company "Whiskas". And it is no coincidence - after all, producers consider cats of this breed to be the standard of a domestic cat. Moreover, Whiskas advertisements feature kittens and adult cats bred in the German nursery Silver Treasure. The best representatives of the British Shorthair breed in Europe are traditionally bred here. That's why cats food advertising they always look so well-groomed.

  1. Lack of bright colors, including in the color of cats.
  2. Calmness, comfort, light playfulness of four-legged actors.
  3. A message to traditional values.

2. Chappi

And here are Whiskas colleagues producing dog food Chappi, chose a different strategy. Their commercials feature several dogs of different breeds “talking” to each other. The plot is always almost the same: the famous Irish setter advises his unlucky friends to change their food to “Chappy” and describes its advantages. This ad is colorful, fun, and the dogs in it are playful, cheerful, and active. At the end, the emphasis is usually on the taste of the product: “Chappy” is delicious meat dishes prepared according to favorite family recipes.”


To advertise the “elite” cat food “Sheba”, the Mars company invited a star in the advertisement - actress Eva Longoria with her favorite. How can you not trust the taste of an American beauty? Sexy, daring, luxurious - this is how it turned out Sheba advertising.

“For passionate natures”:

4. Kitekat

"Kitekat" - food for energetic cats"

5. Catsan

IN cat litter advertising We only remove white kittens and cats. The commercials are dominated by blue and white colors, which viewers associate with cleanliness and freshness. “The smell locks it up!” – assures a joyful voice in the Russian version of the advertisement. In Germany, advertisers appeal to comfort and trust: “Catsan – for a pleasant feeling of being at home”

To summarize, we note what needs to be done to remove advertising of pet products.

1. Find an animal that will become a symbol of your brand;

2. Think over your company’s philosophy, idea and mood advertising campaign and roller;

3. Emphasize: on the emotional component, taste, functionality, etc.

4. Choose the right color scheme.

Where to advertise pet products?

  • Specialized magazines and newspapers for pet owners;
  • Advertising in the advertising block of local newspapers in the "Animals" section;
  • Advertising on buses and stops ().

Despite the fact that the animal feed market in at the moment foreign companies are leading, it is quite possible that your product will become special and win the hearts of customers.

Almost every family has a pet. Many people have a cat or dog, a hamster or a budgie, exotic reptiles at home, aquarium fish and turtles. Who is not being kept in apartments now? IN lately It has become very fashionable to keep Madagascar cockroaches, grass snakes, chinchillas, iguanas and even chameleons. There are no limits to human imagination.

Each person goes to a pet store and buys an animal based on his preferences and wallet capabilities. When purchasing an animal for your home, do not forget about the responsibility you take on. You will be required not only to give affection and love to your pet, but also to take on certain obligations to care for it.

Animals act on humans as a kind of sedative. They are able to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house. If you come home from work tired and irritated, then when you see the kind and devoted eyes of your four-legged friend, you will understand that life is good.

Do you want to start your business from scratch and are at a loss as to where your knowledge and skills will be most useful? Try opening a pet store from scratch. The demand for these goods has been and will always remain. Even if the economic situation in the country is not very favorable, people will never give up their pets.

This type entrepreneurial activity attracts many businessmen. The reason for this is quite simple: a pet store will be in demand in any locality, even the smallest.

The importance of a business plan for opening a pet store

How can you make money selling pet products? You can get an answer to this question by making detailed business plan pet store with calculations. When opening any business, you first need to understand its essence, decide what exactly you plan to sell to clients.

A novice businessman can take the wrong path by immediately starting to sell animals and accessories. This, of course, brings a good profit, but do not forget that their care will require money, and you don’t have too much of it yet. For example, it costs about 3.5 thousand rubles a month to maintain one purebred cat. This does not include the cage, vaccinations at the vet, etc. Therefore, it is better to start with various small items and feed.

A business plan is a description of the future concept of your business. He will not allow you to deviate from your goal. With its help, you will be able to accurately calculate the costs of opening, calculate all possible risks and prospects. By strictly adhering to your plan, you will not miss a single detail. Finally, another advantage of a business plan is that it will help you attract people who want to invest their money in the development of your business.

Hence the conclusion: step-by-step instructions “How to open a pet store” are your first step on the path to success. Without it, your actions may be uncertain.

When drawing up a business plan, you must follow the following instructions:

  • your store;
  • analyze the market and opportunities potential buyers your city;
  • study your competitors well;
  • study the target audience;
  • describe the organization of the entire work process;
  • describe the service and product sold;
  • make the necessary financial calculations.

Market analysis. Competition

Before opening a pet supply store, study the market and, if possible, try to analyze the mistakes of your competitors. If there are already similar stores in your locality, do not be discouraged - this means there is demand for this type the product exists.

Despite the periodic economic difficulties that arise in our country, the domestic market for animal products is one of the most promising. This market segment is quite resistant to economic downturns. Even if you have to cut costs family budget, rarely anyone agrees to cut costs on a pet.

In Russia there are more than 30 million domestic cats and about 22 million dogs. Leading pet market experts unanimously claim that the demand for pet products is constantly growing. The annual growth of the pet food market is 25 - 30%.

The competition in this business is quite high. The market for pet products is completing its formation. His condition at the moment can be described as “on the rise.”

By lowering the price of your products a little, you can lure away your competitors' customers. Pay attention to what items your opponents don't have in their store and place a bet on it. Customers love when they are given gifts. Small little things given to the buyer can later play a decisive role in choosing a store. If you provide auxiliary services (for example, grooming animals, manicures for cats and dogs), this will bring additional profit.

Don't forget that many people don't have time to go shopping. If you organize home delivery of goods, this will be a significant plus for your business.

Goals, objectives, target audience

Target The goal that every future owner of this business should set is to meet the needs of the city population for pet products. You will need to try to make sure that the assortment of goods on the shelves of your store pleases the buyer, and customers do not go to other retail outlets looking for the things they need.

You must strive to achieve your goals tasks, namely: attracting customers various methods, improving customer service, increasing and updating the assortment.

Knowledge target audience- this is half the success. In this case target audience This business is quite large and varied. As we have already said, everyone loves animals, and in almost every Russian family have a favorite animal. And all of them, as you know, want to eat, need care products, vitamins, toilet fillers, etc. Therefore, you will always have clients.

What documents are needed to open a pet store?

The documents must indicate that you will be engaged not only in retail trade, but also in services for the public. You cannot do without this if you decide in the future to open a small atelier where you will sew clothes for our little brothers, or a grooming salon where you can cut an animal’s hair, wash its ears, eyes, and brush its teeth.

After you receive the document, you will have to register with Pension fund and the Tax Inspectorate to obtain status. If your plans include selling veterinary drugs, you will need to obtain additional permits. To sell medicines, your company must have a veterinarian on staff, and you will need a special license. To sell animals you also need to obtain permission.

For now individual entrepreneurs in retail trade they work according to, but under one condition: shopping area should not be more than 150 sq.m. If this condition is not met, then you need to switch to (in this case, all income and expenses are taken into account).

Pet store assortment

The product range should be aimed at buyers with an average income. Your store should have a large selection of products. Without which no pet store is possible:

  • feed for all types of animals;
  • drinking bowls, bowls, feeders;
  • toys, combs, shampoos;
  • special literature on the rules of keeping animals;
  • aquarium accessories;
  • leashes, collars, muzzles;
  • toilets and fillers for them;
  • vitamins;
  • houses for pets. Mattresses for dogs. For cats – claw sharpeners;
  • anthelmintics;
  • drops for removing fleas;
  • drops for ears and eyes;
  • contraceptive drugs;
  • if your store is located near the private sector, do not forget about such things as mineral feed for farm animals and accessories for horse farming.

Attracting buyers

In order to attract customers to your store, you must fulfill the following requirements:

Is it profitable to open a pet store?

In order to find out your expected level of income, you need to make a list of all costs. The average markup on goods in a pet store does not exceed 30%. The highest markup can be set for medicines and accessories (from 50 to 100%). For popular goods – no more than 20%.

We understand that the exact cost and return figures will depend on many individual factors. Therefore, let's consider approximate costs For a medium-sized store in a city with a population of about 500,000 people:

  • renovation of the premises and signage – RUB 200,000;
  • purchase commercial equipment— 100 – 150,000 rub.;
  • stock of goods - 1,500,000 rubles;
  • working capital 250,000 rub.
  • Total: 2,100,000.

Now about profit the same store monthly:

  • revenue – 1,000,000 – 1,100,000 rubles;
  • cost of goods – 758,620 rubles;
  • gross profit – 341,379 rubles;
  • expenses - 219,500 rubles;
  • UTII tax - 20,000;
  • net profit - 100,000 rubles.

Payback will directly depend on the money invested for opening and on sales volume. Small store will justify itself in about 6-7 months. A large store will pay for itself in at least 2 years.

Profitability pet store - 20-25%. These are quite high figures.

Your store will bring good profits only if it is located in the “right” location and customer service is at a high professional level.

As for prices, they should not be higher than those of competitors. The product range needs to be constantly updated and the quantity of goods replenished. If you follow these recommendations, opening a pet store will bring you good profits.

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These don’t have to be expensive TV commercials or an advertising spread in a glossy magazine: many ways to convey information about your products to the buyer are inexpensive, or even completely free. Let's talk about some of these methods.

For example, you can position yourself as an expert. The media quite regularly look for local or national experts who can speak beautifully about products and give useful tips and recommendations for people. In order to introduce yourself as a specialist, you can send a short press release about your activities to local media sites. Look through the local news and if you see a report about animals, feel free to call the editor with your suggestion.

Another fairly common option for hidden, but very effective advertising is charity. Donate some of your goods or a certificate for your services to a charitable organization. Your contribution should be significant, significant - then the employees of the charity auction (or other organization) will be interested in working with you, do not count on the fact that you will donate a package of dog food and all the local TV channels will talk about you. For example, a groomer might offer a charitable grooming of one medium-sized animal per week, an entrepreneur who has opened a pet care company might offer a week of daily visits as a charity prize, a dog trainer might offer private training lessons, and so on. If you opened a pet supply store, then your offer could be, for example, a month’s supply of food.

You can get good advertising in certain circles if you establish connections (and maintain them) with public organizations(leagues, societies, etc.). Pet lovers will be happy to patronize a business with such a caring owner.

Try to “cover” with your advertising products all those places where your potential clients gather: exhibitions of animals and pet industry products, various stores, salons and hairdressing salons for animals. Invite your business colleagues to collaborate together - you will recommend their products and services to your clients, and they will “barter” yours.

Manufacturers and wholesalers can also become your allies - large firms are always interested in expanding our customer base, and regular customers, as a rule, they give good discounts or release goods with deferred payment.

And be sure to make sure you have several contact numbers: it’s stupid to lose clients (and money) because your phone is always busy.

Opening a pet store, like any business, is associated with risks, high competition and paperwork. However, if you approach the organization of your business correctly, making the most accurate calculations, you can occupy a profitable niche and even beat your competitors by offering customers a more profitable range of products and additional services.

Determining the type of pet store

Despite the general definition, a pet store can be either a small shop in the form of a kiosk on the street or a chain of pet stores throughout the country. Each type of pet store has its own advantages. When making a choice, you need to proceed from the main parameter - the profitability of the enterprise.

To create a business plan, you need to start by choosing the appropriate type of pet store.

What to rely on? If the city in which you are planning to start a business is small, then study the competitors. Designate:

  • their direction;
  • scale of the enterprise;
  • success;
  • duration of business existence.

For large cities, you need to add location to this list - where it is more profitable to open, and also check the situation on the Internet, since online sales are more typical for megacities than offline options.

It is easiest to open a business if you know the industry from the inside. Therefore, if you are a real dog or cat person, then it will be much easier for you to cope with the specifics, and, accordingly, you have a greater chance of achieving a decent income in the shortest possible time.

Small local pet store

This is the simplest version of a pet store with minimal costs - one point opens with in-demand goods in a public place. Can be sold:

  • accessories;
  • animal care products;
  • stern.

There is no point in focusing on the specifics of one type of animal - severely limit the coverage of popular goods among the population.

One of the advantages is the low rent, since the premises are small. And you won’t need licenses or special permits. For that type of business, all this is unnecessary.

Pet store selling animals

In addition to selling accessories, food and care products, a pet store can also sell the animals themselves:

  • puppies;
  • kittens;
  • parrots;
  • lizards;
  • hamsters;
  • snakes, etc.

Considering the sale of livestock, in this format it is necessary to follow the standards of certain areas, the selection of a product range and even the education of personnel. To open such a store, you will need appropriate permission as part of the general package of documents.

Specialty store

This is a very narrow format, suitable in cases of high competition and high consumer demand. Specialization involves selling only one type of product.

For example, you can open a fish store in the city center, where the assortment will include:

  • various types fish;
  • aquariums;
  • books;
  • medicinal preparations;
  • stern.

In this case, you will need to find specialists who have perfect knowledge about your product and understand the peculiarities of breeding the same fish.

To expand the range of services, the same store can offer custom-made products, for example, some special aquariums, or additionally provide service for aquariums at home.

Narrow specification is a rather complex business, but if you offer the consumer an exhaustive list of services and goods, then large-format stores will not be able to compete with you.

This is an option for megacities with the widest range of services and products in this area. You can sell animals, too. A supermarket involves not only sales, but also the provision of specific services:

  • veterinary clinic and dentistry for animals;
  • salon;
  • atelier for tailoring clothes for animals;
  • a hotel for the temporary stay of animals during the departure of the owners;
  • services for the production of houses for animals.

It is not necessary to open a business like this generalist, it is enough to open the center itself and unite companies with related services under its leadership. In fact, you can provide retail space for pet companies or open a supermarket with pet supplies, offering cooperation to related but not competing companies.

Online store

Another attractive and modern format is an online store selling pet products. This could be an electronic version of an offline store or an independent project.

The advantage of such a company is that at the start you will not spend money on staff, renting premises, or its design. Although such a business cannot be called easier either. In this case, you will need the services of an optimizer, designer, courier service and manager.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a pet store

Let's dwell on the standard version of a pet store and consider the main points that need to be provided for successful start.

Selecting a location and renting space

High traffic is important for any business. A pet store has the advantage of being located not only in shopping centers or near them, but also next to related companies, for example, veterinary clinic.

If the budget is limited, then the best option is a retail space in the center or supermarket, since the costs of arranging the premises are immediately significantly reduced.

In cases where it is more expedient to open a separate store, then pay attention to the first-floor premises, which were once residential apartments. Ideally, if the premises already have documents ready for transferring them to non-residential use, then you will not need to spend additional money on collecting permits.

Preparation of documents

It is best to open an individual entrepreneur, and it is necessary to indicate not only retail trade, but also the provision of services if you are further planning to expand your business, for example, opening a grooming salon or atelier. About why it is better to open an individual entrepreneur and not an LLC -.

Individual entrepreneurs operate under a single tax, but only when the rented area does not exceed 150 square meters. m. In cases where the retail space is larger, a simplified form of taxation is required.

Selection of suppliers

For a pet store, searching for suppliers does not amount to special problems- in any large city there are wholesale companies, offering pet food. The problem is usually something else - setting up close ties with gaining privileges over time. This issue is especially acute in the field of medicines. To sell these products profitably, you need to get good discounts from wholesale companies, but small companies do not have an advantage over large ones, so building connections and relationships is more a matter of time and trust.

To start, it is better to focus on well-known products and add a more specific range to it.

A separate expense item is an agreement with an official distributor. This is worth pursuing at least with leading manufacturers. The point is that when close cooperation You will be able to enjoy free promotional materials and delivery of exclusive products.

As for accessories and products without an expiration date, they can be purchased separately at the wholesale markets of the capital.

Purchase of commercial equipment

For a standard store, you need to think about purchasing:

  • shelving and racks;
  • showcases and counters;
  • scales for weighing feed;
  • computer;
  • desktop.

If you have an agreement with a certain supplier, then you can receive promotional materials from him in the form of a shelving or rack. This will attract the visitor’s attention and make the store brighter, but the downside is that you can only use such equipment for the supplier’s goods.

To save initial funds, you can rent or buy equipment.

Purchase of assortment

Regardless of the scale of purchases, you should initially think about stocking up on:

  • food for all domestic animals;
  • bowls and drinking bowls (feeders);
  • collars, leashes and muzzles;
  • shampoos and combs;
  • trays for the toilet and fillers for it;
  • flea and tick repellents and vitamins;
  • medicines (if provided for by the specifics of the business);
  • carriers and houses;
  • books;
  • clothes.

In order to make only the right purchases in the future, maintain a sales plan and mark the most in-demand items. For certain products, you can negotiate with the supplier about a potential return if the product is not in demand.

Personnel selection

By law, a pet store must have a veterinarian on staff. If there is a need to reduce costs or there is no need to hire additional staff, the veterinarian can double as a salesperson, but his office hours should be specified so that clients do not get confused.

Since pet stores have their own specifics, sellers should ideally have as much knowledge as possible about what they are selling. Buyers very often have no idea what is best to buy, and the seller can suggest the most profitable product in all respects. The buyer’s decision will depend on him alone and his participation - to return next time or find another store.

These factors force us to look for the best candidates and even, if necessary, increase the salaries of specialists, since sales directly depend on the competence, politeness and work experience of the employee.

To keep staff motivated, use a rate + percentage of sales.

Advertising and Marketing

The following advertising options are acceptable for a pet store:

  • advertisements in newspapers, magazines;
  • coupons and leaflets from related companies (vet clinics);
  • advertising on the Internet.

To ensure that visitors not only come, but also return, develop a cumulative system with discounts and seasonal promotions. Additional ones work well free services, for example, home delivery or “refer a friend and get a free product” promotions.

Calculation clause in the business plan

If you open a pet store with the simplest format, then the markup on the assortment may look like this:

  • the most hot goods- markup of 20%;
  • accessories - 50%;
  • medicines and drugs - 100%;
  • other goods - 30%.

The percentage of markups may vary depending on the level of competition and the size of the enterprise. The larger the business, the lower the prices can be.

We will carry out calculations taking into account a city of half a million inhabitants:

  • repair work in the rented premises - 150,000 rubles;
  • preparation of signs and marketing materials - 30,000 rubles;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - 130,000 rubles;
  • purchase of goods - 1,400,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 100,000 rubles;
  • employee salary - 60,000 rubles;
  • additional (unforeseen) expenses - 100,000 rubles.

With such start-up costs and average monthly revenue of 1,000,000 rubles, the profit can be 100,000-150,000 rubles. If you don't have enough money to start, then...

On average, from the start, a pet store without specifics pays for itself within six months. Large shopping center or a specialized store requires 1.5 years.

A pet store is considered a highly profitable business, with rates ranging from 20 to 25%.

The following factors directly affect profitability and payback:

  • initial investment;
  • location and traffic;
  • presence of competitors;
  • availability of in-demand products;
  • quality service.

If you take all these factors into account, you can expect a faster payback.

How to properly draw up a business plan - .

Video: How to promote a pet store if there are competitors nearby?

Watch an educational video on how to properly open and promote a pet store in the presence of competitors.

A pet store is a labor-intensive business that requires a significant initial investment. But if you initially successfully determine the specifics, range of goods and offer unique services to the consumer, the store will pay for itself very soon. The big plus is that you can always expand your pet store and change the focus of your business.

How to attract customers to your pet store or pet salon (promotion)

Your business may be well located, you may have good pet supplies that sell at prices that customers are willing to pay for them, but sales may still be low. Why?

This may be because you are not telling people about your business and what you can offer them. This activity, which is the fourth component of the 4 Ps of marketing, is called promotion. Promotion means informing and attracting consumers to purchase your products or services.

You don't have to sit and wait for consumers to come to you. Promote pet products, generate more volume and increase your profits by:

– Using advertising – stimulating consumer interest;
– Sales promotion – encouraging customers to buy more of your products;
– Publicity organizations – forms of free informing the environment;
– Improving your skills as a salesperson.

Let's look at several ways to organize good advertising for your business.

Sign for a pet store:

Use such a sign (board, panel, etc. with the name of the pet store) so that people can recognize and remember the name of your enterprise, the products offered for sale, where it is located, the work schedule of your enterprise, etc. Use for these bright colors, beautiful fonts and logos (symbols) that will allow people to immediately recognize your company. Don't overload your sign with unimportant information. A sign containing too much information is difficult to perceive. To make a sign, it is better to use the services of a local outdoor advertising specialist.

Place signs in places where they can be easily seen and read. For example, in pet store windows, on doors, on walls, on roofs, on cars.

Posters, playbills, postcards for a pet store:

Use posters, flyers and flyers to inform consumers about special offers, discounts, new products, etc. . To do this, you can use plain paper or chalk and a special board.

You can make posters and posters yourself or ask someone else to do it. Make posters large enough to be visible. Use market research information in them and place them in high-traffic areas. Also distribute leaflets to people interested in purchasing your products or services.

Business cards, price lists, special letters and photographs for a pet store:

Use business cards to provide information about you, your company, business location and products offered for sale. Use price lists to inform customers about the range of products and their prices. Write special letters with offers to people who you think are interested in purchasing your products or services.

You can use the mailing stamp to print business cards and letterhead. In order to produce good impression, make sure your emails are neat and contain clearly stated information. Ask consumers to pass on your price lists and business cards to others who may be interested in purchasing your products or services.

Newspapers, radio and television for advertising a pet store:

Advertising in the local press sometimes produces good results, but is usually quite expensive.
Radio advertising may only be useful in some places, especially where people read and write less but listen to radio broadcasts more often.
Television advertising is very expensive and is often only available large companies who strive to bring their products to a wide range of consumers.

What products or services do you sell;
your prices and conditions;
where they can buy your products;
why they should buy your products;
what is different about your business and the products or services you provide.

Sales promotion is all your actions aimed at getting customers to buy your products or services more actively. You can implement sales promotion in many ways.

Product placement is the ability to place products on display cases, counters, etc. . This is important for all businesses, especially pet stores and department stores. A good layout allows customers to see your products better, which encourages more active selection and purchasing.

Try to always have everything at your enterprise:

Well organized
clean and tidy,
attractive, for example: a showcase with goods correctly displayed on it.

Below are some examples of how to list your pet products to increase their sales:

1. Group pet supplies

Place identical pet supplies close to each other. This will make it easier for buyers to search.
So, for example:
place pet supplies such as dog muzzles and leashes together;
Place together all the same type of food from different manufacturers.

2. Be clear about your prices.

Buyers want to see the prices of goods themselves, rather than asking sellers about them. You can post a price tag on the edge of the shelf, under each item of product offered for sale. The numbers should be large enough so that the buyer can easily read them.

3. Stock your shelves with goods

Do not keep almost all of your goods in stock. Post more products in places where customers can see and purchase them. Don't let your retail shelves look empty before you restock them. Empty shelves make a bad impression. Move products closer to the front edge of shelves. This gives the impression of being full of goods.

4. Place products so they can be easily seen

If your pet store has a counter, you shouldn't leave a lot of space between the shelves and the counter. If a customer has a clear view of your products, there is a high chance that they will buy them. Place small items, such as treats, on glass shelves, or you can also display them in transparent jars.

5. Display items label first

As a rule, the label always looks bright and attractive. This gives customers the opportunity to immediately remember the product they liked, as well as notice the appearance of new products.

6. Place products at customer eye level

The buyer is more likely to see and buy products that are located at eye level. It is more difficult to see products located on the lower and upper shelves. At these levels it is better to place those products that are already well known to all customers.

More Sales Promotion Ideas

1. Give customers the opportunity to evaluate a new pet product
Give customers the opportunity to try or experience new pet products, they may like them and want to buy them.

2. Make special offers
Use special offers to increase sales of familiar, seasonal or new products. You can also make special offers on items that are on sale, or on items that are slightly outdated or have a minor defect.

3. Give demonstrations
Demonstrate to customers how technically complex pet products work. Then the buyer will have the opportunity to see how they work and may become interested.

4. Sell pet supplies as a set
To sell more items, place accessories nearby. For example, place bowls near the food. Some cannot function without the others. Remind customers that they need to buy these items as well.

There are no strict rules for organizing sales promotions, but remember the following:

□ Be creative, use your own ideas and try to do something a little different from what already exists.

□ Stimulate consumer demand. Use different methods to stimulate sales and do not use each of them for too long.

□ Do not use many different sales promotion methods at the same time. The buyer may have the impression that you are forcing him to buy goods.

“Healing Honey” is a successful beekeeping company. Recently, a local newspaper journalist wrote an article about her. After the publication of this article, residents of the town became interested in their products and the sales volume of the Healing Honey company increased, their products became widely known, and the process itself is called publicity.

Publicity is free information in the media (articles, notes, messages) about goods and services. These materials help spread your products. A well-organized publicity process can also help increase your sales.

Publicity gives a positive result due to the fact that:

– People who don’t read advertisements can read an article about your production;
– People believe more in what is written in publications than in information provided by advertising.

Publicity for your production is not an easy task. You can write to a local newspaper, magazine or radio station about your business and how effectively it serves the needs of the community. If they are interested in your company, they can come to you and interview you.

Word of mouth – what people are saying about your business

There is another way to promote for free. This is perhaps the most common way of transmitting information about a company to new buyers. The name of this method is “Word to Mouth”. Word of mouth is when people tell each other what they think about you, your business and the products you sell. Information is transmitted from one person to another. Make sure that the reviews about your production are positive and help improve your reputation.

Word of mouth (rumors) can also play a negative role in your business. Bad information about your company spreads very quickly - like fire. It will take you a long time to regain your good reputation. Therefore, always try to ensure that consumers speak well of you, your colleagues, the products you produce and the services you provide.

With the help of advertising and sales promotion, you attracted the buyer's attention to your company. And your products or services have not yet been sold. How successfully you can present your product depends only on you. Your sales skills can make or break your business.

Ability to be a professional salesperson

To improve professional qualities seller and increase your sales you need:

– Knowledge of consumers and their needs;
– Ability to serve consumers;
– Knowledge of your products and the ability to sell them;
– Knowledge of consumers and their needs.

Every consumer is different. So, for example,

– Some consumers never know what they want;
– Some consumers never have time;
– Some consumers are always short of money.

To run a successful business, try to learn more about each consumer. First, try to find out what the buyer needs by first listening to him and asking clarifying questions.

Then satisfy the consumer's needs by:
– Providing him with advice,
– Offers of the desired product or service.

Ability to serve customers

A good salesperson knows how to read the eyes of his customers. This means that you should always put yourself in the consumer's shoes. Try to serve your customers at the level at which you would like to be served:
Say hello to customers. Call them by name.
– If you are serving one customer when another approaches you, you should greet the customer who approaches and tell him that in a few seconds you will help him.
– Be polite and friendly to customers, try to make them feel welcome and happy to visit your establishment.
- Don't talk a lot. Listen carefully to the buyer and ask him questions to clarify details.
- Be patient. Give the buyer time to ask questions and make their choice.
– Always be honest and try to earn trust. For example, let the buyer know about the good and bad qualities of a product or service.
– Do not object to customers if they decide not to buy the product. Give them the opportunity to say no.
– Never argue with the buyer. Let him feel that he is right.
– Thank the customer for visiting your establishment.

Customers are the most important people to you. Serve them at the level at which you would like to be served.

Knowledge of your pet products and the ability to sell them.

Knowledge of products available for sale is necessary in order to earn the respect and trust of consumers and increase sales. Your consumers may ask you many questions about your products or services. Make sure you will be able to answer them.

In what water - cold or hot is it better to use it?
Will anything happen to your hands? How much powder do you need for one wash?
How to keep it clean and shiny?
Do liquid stains remain on the table?
Can sunlight ruin it?
Is this a dense material?
Or does your shirt fade during washing?
Does it match?

Even if you know the product well, you can sell very little. The reason may be that you may not know how to demonstrate and communicate the product's features to the buyer. For example, if you sell radios, you can tell customers that the receiver has long and short wave radios and comes with headphones, and that the manufacturer provides a warranty. However, the buyer may not understand all these technical details.

To make it clear to the buyer what we are talking about, a professional seller:

– First, he will tell the consumer about the capabilities of the product;
– Later he will give its technical characteristics.

If, for example, you are selling a radio, you would present the product as follows:

– “You can listen to all local radio stations without interference. You can also listen to radio stations from other countries as this radio has both short and medium wave radio.”
- “You can listen to the radio alone, through headphones, without disturbing others.”
“If you have any problems with your radio within the first six months, we will repair it for you free of charge, as the manufacturer provides a six-month warranty.”


So, promotion is the fourth component of marketing. Promotion means informing and attracting people to purchase products or services.

Promote pet products, increase their sales and the profits you receive by:

Use advertising to interest consumers in purchasing the goods or services you offer. Some of the most common forms of advertising are signs, posters, posters, business cards, price lists, photographs and newspapers.

Use a sales promotion system to convince consumers to buy your products or services by:

– Attractive layout of pet supplies;
– Providing customers with the opportunity to try and evaluate new products;
– Demonstrations of pet products;
– Sales of the main product along with related products.

Publicity is a free form of promotion. For example, an interesting article published in a newspaper or information about your enterprise broadcast on the radio is an act of publicity for you. “Word of mouth” is a way of transmitting information about you, your company and the products you sell as a result of direct communication between people. This method is perhaps the most common, and with its help more and more new buyers learn about your business.
Improve your sales skills. Remember that a salesperson's professional qualities can make or break a business.

To improve the professional qualities of a seller and increase sales, you need:

Knowledge about your consumers and their needs;
ability to serve consumers;
knowledge of your products and the ability to sell them.