Propaganda methods. Propaganda in the complex of marketing communications Propaganda specialist in a company

Propaganda includes “the use of editorial, rather than paid, space and or time in all media available for reading, viewing or listening by existing or potential clients companies to solve specific task- contribute to the achievement of set goals." Propaganda used to promote branded and generic goods, people, places, ideas, activities, organizations, and even entire countries. Trade associations resort to propaganda to revive interest in goods. Organizations use propaganda to attract attention or correct unfavorable self-image. Countries resort to propaganda to attract tourists, foreign investment, and secure international support. Propaganda has several objectives, including providing the company with favorable publicity , creating an image of it as an organization with high civic responsibility and countering the spread of unfavorable rumors and information. To solve these tasks use several means: 1. Establishing and maintaining relations with the press the purpose of this activity is to place information of a cognitive-event nature in the media mass media to attract attention to persons, goods or services. 2. Product propaganda  activities that combine various efforts to popularize specific products. 3. Company-wide communication  activities on internal and external communication aimed at ensuring a deeper understanding by the public of the specifics of the company. 4. Lobbying  working with legislators and government officials to promote or prevent any legislation or regulation. 5. Consulting  issuing recommendations to management on issues public importance, position and image of the company.

In deciding when and how to use product propaganda, management should formulate its objectives, select propaganda messages and means of dissemination, monitor the implementation of the propaganda plan and evaluate the results achieved through this activity.

Typically, market figures tend to either underestimate the use of product propaganda or remember it last. But a carefully thought-out propaganda campaign, coupled with other elements of the incentive mix, can be extremely effective.

Personal selling and its features.

Personal selling – This is a common relationship between a seller and one or a group of buyers for the purpose of making a sale. Traits of personal selling: 1) Personal character (immediate live communication). 2 ) Encouragement to respond. 3) Formation of relationships from formal to personal friendship.

Many firms use the services of traveling salespeople, and many place them at the forefront of their marketing mixes. The high cost of this type of activity requires the establishment efficient process sales management, consisting of six stages : setting tasks for the company’s sales staff; selection of the basic principles of operation of the sales apparatus, its organizational structure, size and remuneration system for sales personnel; attraction and selection of sales agents; their training; control over their work; assessing the effectiveness of their work.

Vending machine is a person acting on behalf of a company and performing one or more of the following functions: identifying potential customers, establishing communications, selling, organizing services, collecting information and allocating resources. In accordance with the marketing concept - in addition to their traditional commercial skills - sales staff must have the skills marketing analysis and planning.

Basic principles of operation of a vending machine include 5 approaches to organizing sales: 1. Sales agent - buyer. A sales agent interviews each individual potential or existing client in person or over the phone. 2. Sales agent - a group of buyers. A sales agent gives sales presentations to groups of buyers. 3. Sales group - a group of buyers. The sales team conducts sales presentations to groups of buyers. 4. Conducting sales meetings. A sales agent organizes meetings between managers of the firm's resources and one or more buyers to discuss problems and mutual opportunities. 5. Conducting trade seminars. A group of company specialists conducts training seminars for the technical staff of the customer’s company on the latest technical achievements in this field of activity.

The basic principles of operation of a trading apparatus also include the problems of its structure, designed to ensure maximum efficiency of its activities in the market. There are 3 types of organizational structure: 1. trading apparatus built on a territorial principle  organizational structure sales apparatus specialized by geographic area. 2. vending machine built according to commodity principle organizational structure of the sales apparatus, specialized in assortment groups of goods. 3. trading apparatus, built by client  organizational structure of the trading apparatus based on the specifics of consumer needs or types of customers, industries or market specialization.

The attraction and selection of traveling salespeople should be approached very carefully in order to reduce costs to a minimum. In addition, traveling salesmen must have the basics of the art of selling. The art of selling is a seven-step process that includes: finding and assessing potential buyers, preliminary preparation for the visit, approaching the client, presentation and demonstration of the product, overcoming objections, concluding a deal and completing the transaction, checking the results. Because a traveling salesman has to make many decisions and face many disappointments, he needs guidance and constant encouragement.

Factors that determine the structure of the incentive complex.

When developing an incentive package, an enterprise takes into account several factors: 1) type of product or market - in consumer goods markets, as a rule, they spend more money on advertising and less on sales promotion, organization personal selling and propaganda, and the bulk of the funds are spent on markets for industrial goods; to organize personal sales; 2) strategy for pushing the product and strategy for attracting consumers to the product - the product promotion strategy is based on the use of sales personnel and stimulating the trade sector to promote the product through distribution channels, and the strategy of attracting consumers to the product involves large expenditures on advertising and stimulating consumers in order to generate demand;

3) degree of buyer readiness - at the awareness stage, advertising and propaganda play a major role; consumer persuasion is primarily influenced by personal selling techniques and slightly less by advertising, and transaction completion is primarily a function of personal selling; 4) stage life cycle tova-a- at the stage of introducing a product to the market, advertising and propaganda are most effective, and sales promotion encourages consumers to try the product; During the growth stage, advertising and propaganda remain important, and sales promotion can be reduced; at the maturity stage, the importance of sales promotion compared to advertising increases; at the decline stage, advertising is used only as a reminder; sales promotion continues to remain active

Marketing Services Management System

Along with sales promotion, one of the main means of stimulation is propaganda.

Propaganda involves “the use of editorial, rather than paid, space and/or time in all media available for reading, viewing or listening by the firm's existing or potential clients to accomplish a specific objective 3/4 to contribute to the achievement of stated objectives” 25 .

The results of propaganda activities are sometimes brilliant. Take, for example, the movie Return of Jedi.

"Return of Jedi" 3/4 is the third film in the series " Star wars"and at the same time a marketing phenomenon. Since the premiere, sales of posters, toys, T-shirts and costumes with the film's characters have been booming. The illustrated film script is at the top of bestseller lists across the country. The Berger King restaurant chain is heavily promoting its sales promotion campaign, which features cups featuring movie characters as prizes. Pepperidge Farms sells cookies called Judy. Vanilla represents heroes, nut represents 3/4 different living beings, and chocolate represents 3/4 villains. Time magazine dedicated a cover article to the film, featuring photographs of scenes from it on the cover. Newspapers and television news programs report on devoted fans queuing for days to buy tickets and interview those who want to see the film again and again.

Propaganda is used to popularize branded and generic goods, people, places, ideas, activities, organizations, and even entire countries. Trade associations resort to propaganda to revive interest in goods such as eggs, milk, and potatoes. Organizations use propaganda to gain attention or to correct unfavorable self-image. Countries resort to propaganda to attract tourists, foreign investment and secure international support.

Propaganda is an integral part of a broader concept, the concept of activities to organize public opinion (public relations). Public opinion organizing activities have several objectives, including providing the company with favorable publicity, creating a perception of it as an organization with high civic responsibility, and countering the spread of unfavorable rumors and information. To solve these problems, departments for organizing public opinion use several means 26 .

  • 1. Establishing and maintaining relations with the press. The purpose of this activity is to post information of an educational-event nature in the media to attract attention to persons, goods or services.
  • 2. Product propaganda. An activity that combines various efforts to popularize specific products.
  • 3. Company-wide communication. Internal and external communication activities aimed at ensuring a deeper understanding by the public of the specifics of the company.
  • 4. Lobbying. Working with legislators and government officials to promote or prevent any legislation or regulation.
  • 5. Consulting. Making recommendations to management on issues of social significance, position and image of the company. Propaganda specialists are usually concentrated not in the company's marketing department, but in the public opinion department. This department is usually located at the company's headquarters, and its employees are so busy working with various contact audiences - shareholders, their own employees, legislators, representatives of city authorities, 3/4 that they can forget about propaganda designed to help solve product marketing problems. To prevent this from happening, you can, for example, include a propaganda specialist in the marketing department. Propaganda is often called the stepchild of marketing, because it is used on a limited scale and quite rarely. But propaganda can create a lasting impact on the level of public awareness, and it will cost many times less than advertising, since the company does not pay for space or time in the media. Only the work of the staff and the distribution of the propaganda materials themselves are paid. If a company prepares interesting material, it can be used by all means of disseminating information at once, which equates to saving millions in advertising costs. Moreover, people will believe this material more than advertising.

In deciding when and how to use product propaganda, management should formulate its objectives, select propaganda messages and means of dissemination, monitor the implementation of the propaganda plan and evaluate the results achieved through this activity.

Among the main ways of legal protection of consumers from unsatisfactory promotion methods are:

Providing complete, reliable information;

Confirmation by the enterprise of the statements made regarding the product;

Orders to stop unfair practices; corrective advertising (publication of new information);

Penalties for unfair activities in the market.

1. Providing complete information presupposes that the consumer, in order to make purchase decisions, has at his disposal all the necessary data about the properties of the product and its operating conditions.

2. requires the provision of relevant documents to the buyer, which confirm the technical and economic parameters of the product.

3. Cease and desist orders mean that a business must stop dishonestly promoting a product without formally admitting guilt or paying fines.

The consumerism movement should protect the rights of the public, which should influence the activities of the enterprise.

Publicity (product promotion)

Propaganda - non-personal, unpaid, non-commercial stimulation of demand for a product by disseminating information about it in the press, television and radio broadcasting or from the stage.

Propaganda is used to popularize branded ordinary goods and create an image for enterprises and countries. In the latter case, we mean creating a reputation in the international community, the interest of tourists and investors.

An example of the skillful use of propaganda can be the experience of Motorola, one of the largest foreign trade enterprises in the Czech Republic, which exported Sorry cars, Java motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles, trucks and cars"Tatra". These products were sold in markets where such well-known competitors as Ford Motor, General Motors, Volkswagen, etc. already existed. Yet Motorola achieved great success through the use of public relations - participation in races and rallies, where Tatra and Java drivers received championship titles.

The practice of inviting foreign journalists to factories to view new samples was widely used, after which a number of articles and programs appeared in newspapers, magazines and television channels in Western Europe.

To carry out propaganda, manufacturers create public opinion departments at their offices that are engaged in establishing and maintaining connections with the press and disseminating educational and effective information about the product in the media. To do this, they use short press conferences, briefings, and the like. The Public Opinion Department performs the following functions:

Works with legislative services and government officials (lobbying);

Carries out company-wide communications;

Provides advisory services;

Establishes and maintains relations with the press;

Conducts product promotion.

1. Product propaganda provides for the popularization of a specific product, inventions, and the results of the latest research.

2. Consulting involves providing consumers with certain advice about a product, its properties, as well as providing advice to management on issues of public opinion about the product and the image of the enterprise.

3. Activities on internal and external communications are related to ensuring a deeper understanding by the public of the specifics of the enterprise and its activities.

4. Lobbying is associated with organizing activities with legislators in order to achieve amendments to legislative and by-laws that would meet the interests of the enterprise and the business community.

Assessing the effectiveness of propaganda activities is a rather difficult matter. One of the options for such an assessment is the collection of clippings, materials, speeches, reviews in the media about the activities of the enterprise.

Marketing. Course of lectures Basovsky Leonid Efimovich



Propaganda is a powerful motivator. Propaganda involves the use of editorial, rather than paid, space or time in all media available for reading, viewing or listening by existing or potential clients of the firm, for the specific purpose of promoting the achievement of stated goals.

Propaganda is used to popularize goods, people, places, ideas, activities, organizations, and even entire countries. Trade associations use propaganda to generate interest in new products, organizations to attract attention or correct unfavorable self-image, and countries to attract tourists, foreign investment, and to secure international support.

Propaganda is part of the broader concept of organizing public opinion (public relations). What are its tasks? Provide the company with favorable publicity and counteract the spread of unfavorable rumors and information. To solve these problems, departments for organizing public opinion use several means:

1) establishing and maintaining relations with the press. The purpose of this activity is to publish information in the media to attract attention to persons, goods or services;

2) commodity propaganda. Activities that combine various efforts to popularize specific products;

3) company-wide communication. Activities aimed at ensuring a deeper understanding by the public of the specifics of the company;

4) lobbying. Working with legislators and government officials to get legislation strengthened or prevented from being passed;

Propaganda specialists are usually concentrated not in the company's marketing department, but in the public opinion department. This department is usually located at the company's headquarters. Its employees are so busy working with various contact audiences - shareholders, their own employees, legislators, representatives of city authorities - that they may forget about propaganda designed to help solve product marketing problems. To prevent this from happening, you should include a propaganda specialist in the marketing department.

Propaganda is often called the stepchild of marketing, since most organizations use it limitedly and quite rarely. But propaganda can influence the level of public awareness, and it will cost many times less than advertising, since the company does not directly pay for it. Only staff work and distribution of propaganda materials are paid. If a company prepares interesting material, it can be used immediately by all means of disseminating information, which equates to saving millions in advertising costs. Moreover, people will believe this material more than advertising.

Setting propaganda objectives. Propaganda must be given specific objectives. For example, suppose you need to help solve two main marketing problems: 1) convince Russians that drinking beer is one of the pleasant activities inherent in a good life, and 2) create an attractive image, and at the same time increase the market share of domestic varieties.

In this case, propaganda has the following tasks:

prepare articles about beer and ensure their placement in leading magazines and newspapers;

prepare articles about the healing properties of beer and address these articles to doctors;

develop a special propaganda campaign for the adult youth market, the student market, government agencies and different ethnic communities.

Based on the assigned tasks, it is necessary to develop specific goals in order to be able to evaluate the results.

Selection of propaganda messages and their carriers. The propaganda specialist needs to determine which interesting materials should be used to talk about the product. Suppose a relatively unknown university wants to achieve wider public recognition. The propaganda specialist will have to find appropriate materials that can be used for this purpose. Perhaps one of the university teachers has an unusual life story, or maybe one of them is working on an unusual topic. Perhaps the university is teaching unusual courses or some interesting events are happening on its campus. Searches typically turn up hundreds of topics that can be developed for the press. The selected materials must represent exactly the image that the university wants to create.

If there are not enough materials, a propaganda specialist may suggest holding events of an event nature. In such cases, the propaganda specialist does not seek news, but creates it himself. You can put forward the idea of ​​holding a major scientific conference at the university. Each such event is an opportunity to create many different materials.

The art of event development is especially important for promoting fundraising campaigns non-profit organizations. Fundraisers have created a huge repertoire of special events, such as anniversaries, art exhibitions, and auctions. These are charity concerts, KVN tournaments, book sales and confectionery, competitions, fairs, fashion shows.

Implementation of the propaganda plan. Promotional activities deserve special attention. For example, it is required to place materials in information dissemination media. Great stuff is easy to post. However, most materials are not great, which means they may not get the green light from editors. One of the valuable qualities of a propaganda specialist is the ability to establish personal relationships with media editors. Often, propaganda specialists are former journalists who personally know many editors and know what they need. The propaganda specialist views media editors as a market that must be satisfied to ensure that these editors continue to use the firm's propaganda materials.

Evaluation of the results of propaganda activities. The contribution of propaganda to a company's activities is difficult to assess because it is used in combination with other means of stimulation. However, if it is resorted to before other means are involved, the assessment is easier to carry out.

The simplest method for determining the effectiveness of propaganda is measuring the number of contacts with the material, posted in the media. The specialist provides the client with a selection of clippings and information about all the means of disseminating information that used the material about the product. He accompanies this with an estimate of the cost of equivalent paid advertising, which is usually hundreds of times more expensive.

Such measurements of the number of contacts do not really satisfy the client. They give no idea of ​​the number of people who actually read or saw the address, nor what thoughts it inspired in these people. There is also no information about the audience. More informative measurements of change in the levels of awareness of the product, understanding of its essence and attitude towards it, which were the result of a propaganda campaign. However, the most valuable are Measure the impact on sales and profit levels.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Propaganda involves “the use of editorial, not paid, space and or time in all media available for reading, viewing or listening by existing or potential clients of the firm, for the specific purpose of promoting the achievement of stated goals.” Propaganda is used to popularize branded and generic goods, people, places, ideas, activities, organizations, and even entire countries. Trade associations use propaganda to revive interest in products. Organizations use propaganda to attract attention or correct unfavorable self-image. Countries resort to propaganda to attract tourists, foreign investment, and secure international support. Propaganda has several objectives, including providing the company with favorable publicity, creating an image of it as an organization with high civic responsibility, and countering the spread of unfavorable rumors and information. To solve these problems, several means are used: 1. Establishing and maintaining relations with the press Þ the purpose of this activity is to place information of an educational-event nature in the media to attract attention to persons, goods or services. 2. Product promotion is an activity that combines various efforts to popularize specific products. 3. Company-wide communication Þ activities on internal and external communication aimed at ensuring a deeper understanding by the public of the specifics of the company. 4. Lobbying - working with legislators and government officials to get legislation or regulation strengthened or prevented. 5. Consulting Þ issuing recommendations to management on issues of social significance, position and image of the company.

In deciding when and how to use product propaganda, management should formulate its objectives, select propaganda messages and means of dissemination, monitor the implementation of the propaganda plan and evaluate the results achieved through this activity.

Typically, market figures tend to either underestimate the use of product propaganda or remember it last. But a carefully thought-out propaganda campaign, coupled with other elements of the incentive mix, can be extremely effective.

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