Textile business: textile production from A to Z. Textile industry in Russia

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Fabric business

Fabric production is a popular business area. The scope of textile use is very diverse. Popular areas of its application:

  • production of clothing: home, casual, elegant sportswear for adults and children, workwear;
  • production of accessories: scarves, bags, wallets;
  • interior and design: furniture production, curtains, drapes, tablecloths;
  • home textiles: bed linen, blankets, towels, potholders.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: from 3 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population:from 700 thousand people
Industry situation:high competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: up to 2 years

There are other areas, for example, the production of materials for camping equipment (tents, sleeping bags, etc.), the production of decorative fabrics and fabrics for handicrafts. There are fewer clients in this area, so the role of marketing and sales departments is increasing to interest potential partners and convince them to start cooperation.

Business prospects

Due to economic and political events that have occurred since the late 80s of the last century, this segment of production in Russia was practically destroyed. Today, most fabrics are imported from abroad – both legally and counterfeitly.

However, for the domestic market the situation is changing for the better. According to experts, fabric production in our country is a potentially promising niche. With a competent business plan and skillful management, an enterprise can quickly pay for itself and bring good profits. The demand for fabrics is large and continues to increase, while people are interested in both the budget segment and expensive high-quality fabrics with interesting designs.

Companies producing textiles for bed linen - calico, chintz, poplin - are on the rise. A large market share is also occupied by enterprises producing knitwear, suiting fabrics and cloth.

According to experts, the production of furniture fabrics is especially promising, since this market segment is actively developing and the demand for high-quality materials is very high.

The clothing production market in our country is also quite diverse, but the biggest competition here comes from imported manufacturers, primarily China. However, practice shows: in this area there is also a constant search for quality goods with unusual characteristics - pattern or texture. Therefore, those who can satisfy consumer demand have every chance of success.

Business organization

Before starting production, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the market and assortment. It is advisable to have a good understanding of types of fabric and understand technological processes.

An entrepreneur must imagine what kind of fabric he wants to produce, what niche in the market to occupy and through what channels to sell.

Workshop room

The premises can be purchased or the production area can be rented. It is also possible to reach an agreement with an existing enterprise and place production orders with them.

The last option involves developing your own fabric design and purchasing raw materials, on the basis of which the manufacturing factory will produce the fabric. In this case there are no costs associated with the acquisition production premises, purchase and maintenance of equipment, a small staff will reduce labor costs. But the ability to control the process and the quality of the final product is reduced. This type of work scheme increases logistics costs, so if the factory is located remotely, it may not be profitable.

The area of ​​the enterprise depends on the planned volumes of products. It is necessary to remember to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. The room should be well lit, the ceiling height should be at least 4 m. It will be necessary to provide good ventilation and heating in the cold season.

For the comfort of workers, locker rooms with showers and a place to eat are needed. To ensure fire safety To ensure smooth operation of the equipment, it is necessary to take care of high-quality wiring. For the convenience of loading and unloading operations, you will need an equipped area, if possible a ramp.

In addition to the workshop, dry warehouses will be required to store raw materials and finished products, as well as office space.

Practice shows that it is more convenient to locate production facilities close to the exit from the city or just outside the city limits. Typically, large-sized vehicles are used in logistics, so this location of the enterprise will speed up their movement and will not cause difficulties with parking if the organization has several of its own vehicles in its fleet.

Raw material supply channels

Depending on the raw materials used, fabrics are divided into two large groups:

  • natural (wool, silk, linen, cotton);
  • artificial (viscose, polyester, acetate).

Hence the most promising types of fabrics for production:

  • cotton;
  • linen;
  • woolen;
  • polyester;
  • technical.

Two types of natural raw materials are produced in Russia: flax and wool. It is necessary to agree on deliveries in rural farms dealing with them industrial production. As for cotton, its production in our country is practically non-existent. Historically, the main supplier of this raw material in the Soviet Union was Uzbekistan, today it also continues to be the world's leading supplier of cotton.

The world's largest silk producer is China. It is also produced in India and Uzbekistan. Today, silk fabrics and silk products are presented mainly in the premium and luxury price segments. There is a decline in demand for these fabrics not only in Russia, but also in the world. Therefore, using it in the manufacture of fabrics requires a well-thought-out business plan with established sales channels.

The situation with synthetic fibers is much simpler: many enterprises are engaged in their production, and the development of technology makes it possible to modify and improve the range.

When purchasing foreign raw materials at the initial stage, it is more convenient to work with dealers. This will allow you to purchase goods from a warehouse in Russia without waiting for international delivery and customs clearance.

Fabric production technology

The technological process has its own nuances depending on the type and desired characteristics of the fabric. The general algorithm looks like this:

Production stageWhat are they doing on it?
Pre-processing of raw materialsPressed bales received for production are loosened and separated into fibers by beating and combing
Receiving yarnA thin long thread is spun from the resulting fibers - yarn
Fabric creationThe resulting threads are intertwined with each other in a certain order to obtain a continuous fabric
Fabric processingTo give the fabric the desired properties, it is subjected to special processing. At the same stage, the drawing is applied and secured.

Required equipment

When starting a business on the basis of existing production facilities, it is necessary to assess the condition of the equipment. The equipment in many factories is outdated, which will inevitably affect the quality of the finished product. Therefore, there is no need to skimp on equipment.

The specific machines included in a production line depend on the raw materials used and the end use of the fabrics. The production of cotton, wool or synthetics involves different technological processes. Furniture fabrics require more complex weaving and processing than bed linen fabrics.

Machines used in productionOperations Performed
Winding machinesUsed for rewinding yarn
LoomWeaves threads to create a fabric
sizing machineImpregnates fabrics with a special solution to increase the wear resistance of the fabric
Rolling machineWinds the fabric into rolls
Dyeing and printing machinesDye fabrics and apply specified prints to them
Washing machineRemoves remaining paint from fabric
Inspection and measuring machineIt is used to monitor the compliance of the finished fabric with standards.

Also, depending on the chosen specialization, you will need separate equipment: to process wool you will need a spinning machine, to work with flax - a carding machine.

Business registration

To formalize production, the manager must choose legal form under which he will work - individual entrepreneur, LLC, joint-stock company. In addition, it is mandatory to obtain a product certificate. In its absence, the company faces serious fines.

Marketing and sales channels

Fabric production is focused on large and small wholesale. Sales channels depend on the chosen direction, but they can be conditionally divided into manufacturers who buy fabric for further processing and production of the final product, and dealers who buy it for resale in smaller quantities.

The retail buyer is not always represented in the factory’s sales channels, because it can be unprofitable for the manufacturer to sell fabric by the yardage and store the remainder. However, you can use this direction of selling goods by opening a retail store at the factory.

Another direction of production development and expansion method target audience– production of products under our own brand from our own fabrics. This direction is not suitable for all types of fabrics; it is easiest to implement in the production of home textiles - bed linen and towels.

Export of fabrics is also possible. On at the moment the largest share falls on linen fabrics. However, practice shows a constant decline in export volumes, so betting on it is quite risky.

Finally, you can choose a target niche: for example, fabrics for sewing uniforms or workwear. In these areas, tenders are often held or bids are made for large supplies.


Marketing strategies are based on search regular customers. You need to understand that the bulk of sales will most likely be conducted remotely. At the same time, potential clients there are already other suppliers and a budget has been planned. Therefore, think it over and launch it marketing campaign It makes sense right away, when opening a business, so that by the start of production there is a real sales opportunity. This will avoid overpacking, reduce costs by reducing shelf life, and pay back costs faster.

Promotion methods:

  1. Annual specialized exhibitions provide an opportunity to express yourself and establish business contacts. The largest and most famous of them, for example, Tekstillegprom and Interkan, are held twice a year in Moscow. There are also regional exhibitions. They are less representative, but participation in them is more budgetary. A bonus of traveling to such events will be the opportunity to find new suppliers of raw materials working on favorable terms.
  2. Product promotion is impossible without the World Wide Web. The company must not only have a high-quality website, but also post information on thematic platforms. Contextual advertising V recent years has become less effective due to the widespread use of blockers, but this way of informing about yourself also deserves attention.
  3. It makes no sense for the manufacturer to submit information to newspapers. But it’s worth paying for placement in thematic magazines and booklets.
  4. Since the search for clients occurs remotely, and the fabric, as a product, needs tactile evaluation, it is necessary to prepare product samples for free presentation and distribution to clients. For the same purposes, it is convenient to order catalogs, since many clients subsequently make orders from them according to the requirements of the end buyer.
  5. Cold calling remains popular as a way to find new clients. This method is focused rather on the long term and allows, first of all, to expand the base of potential clients for further work of managers.

Costs and return on business

The initial investment required depends on the availability of equipment and its condition. Experts say that it is often easier to buy new cars than to modernize outdated equipment. It is recommended to purchase the production line as a whole, rather than in parts.

Costs are affected by the raw materials used, the condition of the selected premises, and the expected production volumes, on which the size of the staff also depends.

At the initial stage, at least 3 million rubles will be required. An approximate cost estimate for the production of one type of fabric with a staff of no more than 25 people includes:

ExpensesApproximate amount, thousand rubles.
Business registration50
Rental of industrial premises100
Purchase or upgrade of equipment1500
Equipment for production and office premises500
Purchase of raw materials200
Staff salaries500
Promotion activities: participation in exhibitions, advertising, etc.100
Utility payments20
Unforeseen Costs100

Taxes should also be taken into account. This item is not included in the expense table, since the amounts differ greatly from the profit and the chosen taxation scheme.

Payback depends on production volumes and fabric prices. Prices, in turn, depend on the type of fabric: calico for bed linen will be cheaper than furniture fabrics, natural wool is more expensive than polyester. On average, with established distribution channels and the absence of serious unforeseen expenses, the investment will pay off in two years.

The fabric production process from thread to counter

The food market has always been and will remain in first place in terms of demand for products. This is not surprising, because this is where goods that are vital for every person are sold and bought.

Following closely behind is the textile industry. Surprisingly, in this segment, high demand for products coexists with insufficient supply from domestic manufacturers. The share of goods produced by factories and factories in our country is only a fifth of the entire market.

The rest is occupied by imported goods, imported both legally and counterfeitly. Of course, this state of affairs has the most negative impact on both Russian producers themselves and the country’s economy as a whole. There is another problem - textile production at domestic enterprises is often frozen for long periods due to the high cost of raw materials, supply interruptions and the need to modernize equipment.

State participation in the development of the industry

The situation must change radically, and the government is already beginning to take steps to improve it. In particular, a strategy has been adopted aimed at developing light industry in our country until 2020.

In turn, the state has seriously taken on the problem of domestic production: support is provided to enterprises both in the field of financing and subsidizing the purchase of raw materials, and in the issue of technical modernization of production. This allows us to think that changes are inevitable, and small improvements can already be observed today, in 2014.

Textile industry in Russia: current state

Today the situation is such that the share of imported products on the textile market in Russia still prevails. However, compared to the last decade, noticeable significant changes in the direction of decreasing it. Over the past 10-12 years, Russian light industry has grown at a record pace, and at the moment domestic textile production is valued at approximately 70-85 billion rubles.

The industry employs about 700 large and up to 5 thousand medium and small enterprises, the total production volume of which is about 200 billion rubles. However, this segment still remains undervalued Russian investors, which means it’s time to enter the market.

An average textile enterprise now costs 20-30% less than a food enterprise with the same level of profitability. Those entrepreneurs and investors who pay attention to this area of ​​business today will be able to reap a good “harvest” in a few years with the right approach to business. We will talk further about how to competently organize textile production in our country.

Basic questions on organizing textile production

Of course, to say that today is the most profitable business in Russia, it’s still early. However, there is no doubt that the returns from such production can be quite high, and in the long term. This direction is suitable for strategic investors and entrepreneurs looking to the future.

Therefore, today it is important to approach the issue of organizing textile production from a completely new position, focusing on innovation and relevance. What points need to be taken into account when creating own enterprise from scratch? Key factors are:

  1. Organization of the design department. In the modern world, you cannot do without the work of these specialists. One of the main conditions for high demand for the products of your enterprise will be the relevance and originality of fabric design. Moreover, the development of new textile collections should be carried out regularly, and not one-time. Therefore, the plant/factory must have its own department with a group of designers working together and under the leadership of its owner.
  2. Organization of production itself. This issue requires no less attention. Where and by whom the fabrics will be made depends on the availability of sufficient investment. Thus, some entrepreneurs create their own production workshop from scratch, others place orders for ready-made designs between home-based workers. In addition, many fabric manufacturers in Russia locate their production in Chinese factories (due to the availability of cheap labor force and good technical equipment).
  3. To organize your own textile production, you need to obtain the appropriate certificate for your products, think through and plan the fabric manufacturing technology, purchase modern equipment and hire personnel (from cutters and seamstresses to an accountant).
  4. To sell products, you will need to think about their transportation. If the enterprise is large, then you will need your own vehicle fleet. Small textile factories/workshops use the services of third-party companies.
  5. Like any commercial activity, textile business requires advertising. There should be several effective channels: your own website on the Internet, advertising blocks in specialized magazines, your own booklets with fabric samples. A good (and even mandatory) addition would be participation in exhibitions organized for representatives of this market segment. This will allow you to make useful contacts in your field, expand your dealership and retail chains for more efficient sales of products.

All these points are important and, moreover, mandatory stages in building a truly successful production textiles in modern Russia. You cannot neglect any of them if you really want to organize a highly profitable business that can not only survive, but also function effectively for a long time.

Textile production technology and types of fabrics

Above, we examined the main issues that are important for every entrepreneur who decides to engage in textile business in Russia. Now let's look in more detail at the actual production of fabrics. This process includes the selection of assortment, the production technology itself and necessary equipment for its implementation.

Types of fabrics and their features

All existing textiles are divided into large and smaller types. In general, fabrics can be divided into natural and chemical. The former can be of plant origin - cotton, flax, jute, etc., and animal - silk, wool, etc. The latter are divided into synthetic, artificial and mineral.

Natural fabrics of plant origin

Cotton fabrics are made from a mixture of cotton and other fibers. This category is very common and has the highest demand in the natural materials segment. They vary depending on density and type. This is the well-known denim, calico, chintz, cloth, cambric and others. Flax fiber is less elastic than cotton fiber. Fabrics made from it have a rough surface and a more rigid structure, and their production is more expensive.

Animal textiles

The basis for silk production is the silkworm. This type of textile is elastic and durable, and therefore is in great demand in production. It is used to produce materials such as velvet, satin, etc. Russian manufacturers For the manufacture of woolen fabrics, as a rule, sheep wool is taken. It retains heat well, does not absorb odors and moisture, and does not wrinkle easily.

Chemical fabrics

Man-made fibers are also widely used in the modern textile industry. Viscose and acetate fabrics are light and smooth, have an attractive appearance and good hygienic properties. Polyamide materials are strong, wear-resistant, but they absorb fat and repel moisture, and therefore are unhygienic. Polyester is in wide demand as it is used for the production of clothing.

Textile production technology

The key point that determines the entire production of textiles and the organization of its individual processes is the fabric manufacturing stage itself. It consists of several basic steps, which we will now look at:

  1. Preparation. Obtaining yarn from fibers by processing them - loosening, fraying, combing.
  2. Spinning gray fiber. Textile thread is obtained from isolated cotton fibers.
  3. Direct production of fabric on weaving machines.
  4. Final finishing procedure. As a result of this stage, the fabric acquires properties such as strength, softness, smoothness, waterproofness and others.

This general description, and each of the above stages has its own nuances.

Required equipment

At the same time, a large number of different equipment is involved in all steps of the fabric manufacturing process. From the obligatory for the organization of a full-fledged production process can be distinguished:

  • roving machine;
  • loom;
  • weft-winding machine;
  • winding machines and automatic machines;
  • warping machine;
  • sizing machines;
  • glue pots;
  • parting machines;
  • knotting machines.

As you can see, the list of equipment is impressive. Therefore, a fully functioning textile production requires a large premises, several warehouses (for raw materials and finished products), as well as a sufficient number of employees to service it and organize effective management.


Today, the textile market is developing at a fairly good pace - at least 25% per year. This niche still needs competent entrepreneurs and large investments to organize modern equipment and the same approach to the implementation of production.

Textile manufacturing is a very profitable business in Russia and will remain so for the next 7-10 years, and possibly longer. If you have not decided on the segment for investing capital and organizing a business, then now is the time to enter the textile market.

Fabric at all times remains a product of light industry that does not lose its use. Fabric production is carried out by a weaving factory. To organize it, you will need to purchase or rent premises sufficient to install an entire line production equipment.

Fabric Making Basics

Fabric is made from yarn, which in turn is made from fiber. The quality of the resulting fabric is highly dependent on the characteristics of the fibers.

Fibers are divided into natural and chemical, originating from natural raw materials or obtained as a result of chemical synthesis, for example, polymer fibers.

The entire technology is conventionally divided into three stages:

  • Spinning;
  • Weaving;
  • Finishing.


The basis of fabric production is spinning. It is a process that produces a long thread - a yarn woven from short fibers. This production process is carried out on a spinning machine.

The fibers produced by the mill are usually compressed into small bales. Then they are loosened and crushed using appropriate machines, while at the same time cleaning them from debris. The scutching machine produces canvas from threads, which is rolled into a roll.

The resulting canvas is then passed through carding surfaces covered with fine metal needles. At the exit, after carding, a sliver is obtained, which must be leveled on a draw frame, and then slightly twisted on a roving and twisting machine. After these operations, a roving is obtained.

On the spinning machine, the roving is leveled and drawn, then wound onto bobbins. A spinning machine for fabric production is serviced by spinners. Their responsibilities include eliminating yarn and roving breaks, changing bobbins and maintaining equipment.

Yarn is used to make:

  • knitwear;
  • sewing threads;
  • non-woven and woven materials.

Synthetic yarn

For synthetic fabric production, a more complex technological scheme is used. A liquid and viscous spinning mass is obtained from the initial components. It goes into a spinning machine designed specifically for processing synthetic fibers.

The fibers are formed using special dies - this is a small metal cap with many small holes inside. Using pumps, the mass enters the die and flows out through small holes. The flowing streams are treated with special solutions for hardening.

The creation of synthetic fiber is also the spinning of this fiber. Depending on what the fabric is intended for and what quality is required, the number of threads twisted into one is calculated. After finishing, the threads are wound onto bobbins and sent for weaving.


The direct process of producing fabric from yarn is called weaving. The production equipment at this stage is maintained by weavers, who can service up to fifty automatic looms.

On a mechanical machine, the weaver replaces empty bobbins and eliminates thread breaks. The employee must know the requirements for the quality of fabric, the parameters of defective fabric and the reasons for the appearance of defects, measures to prevent and eliminate defects. Once the weaver has started the loom, it begins to combine the yarn into the resulting woven fabric.

Threads and weaves

There are transverse and lobar threads, intertwined in different ways. The grain threads are directed along the fabrics, as they are thinner and stronger. Transverse threads are thicker, shorter, and tend to stretch.

Fabric obtained from loom, is called severe. Threads woven from fibers of different colors are called melange. Fabric made from melange threads is called similarly. But if threads with different colors were used to produce woven fabric, the fabric is called multicolored.

The properties of the future fabric depend on the type of weave:

  • Large patterned weave – jacquard;
  • Complex weave - pile, pique, openwork, loop, double;
  • Simple weave - twill, satin, plain, satin, crepe and diagonal.

Finely patterned weaves are made on a single-shuttle automatic loom. Multicolored and complex weaves are used on a multi-shuttle automatic loom, large-patterned ones are used on Jacquard looms.

How fabric is made

Fabric finishing

The last stage of production is finishing. It improves the quality and properties of the fabric, gives it a marketable appearance and strength, depending on what processes the finishing involves.

Finishing can be done:

  • napping;
  • whitening;
  • mercerization;
  • scorching;
  • by boiling.

When singeing, protruding fibers are removed from the surface of the rough canvas. Desizing involves soaking the fabric to remove the sizing - the impregnation applied during weaving.

Boiling removes any impurities from the fabric, and mercerization adds shine, strength and hygroscopicity by washing. When bleaching, the fabric is discolored, and when brushed, it becomes softer.

Final finishing

Final finishing includes processes such as:

  • calendering;
  • expansion;
  • finishing.

Calendering involves smoothing the canvas, widening - aligning it to a standard width, finishing - applying starch for density, whiteness for bleaching, or wax or oil for shine.


Fabric production requires quite a rich production line. Let's consider the main types of production equipment, without which the production of woven products cannot be started.


Designed for the production of woven fabric, it can be shuttleless and shuttle, round and flat, wide and narrow. Weaving machines are selected depending on what kind of fabric needs to be produced: linen, silk, cotton or wool.

Special equipment for working with a weaving loom, which produces decorative and patterned fabrics, carpets and other carpet products.

sizing machine

Impregnates fabrics with an adhesive solution called sizing. This is necessary for the production of wear-resistant and special fabrics, for example, for workwear.

Rolling machine

It is used to roll the resulting web into a roll or reel using an automatically rotating roller. A properly maintained rolling machine is more efficient than hand-winding by weavers, especially on a production scale.

Dyeing line and printing machines

Allows you to dye fabrics with natural or synthetic dyes. The printing machine applies colored prints with paint or dissolves a stencil design onto the finished dyed fabric.

Washing and inspection machines

The washing machine washes and dries woven fabrics after printing or dyeing, and control and measuring equipment is used to check the quality of the finished woven product, its length, width, density.

Racking, cleaning and shaking machines

Used in processing flax fiber to produce shorter fibers. Shaking machines loosen the short fiber and give it a marketable appearance.

Carding and spinning machines

The carding machine processes the flax fiber and makes strips from it, and the spinning machine produces yarn with the required strength. The spinning machine can be spindle or spindleless, the first, in turn, is divided into weft and warp.

This is just the main line of equipment, you may also need:

  • flax cotoning lines;
  • pulverizing machines;
  • squeegees and dryers;
  • wool washing and cotton processing devices.

It depends on the focus of the enterprise.

Video: Cotton, linen, hemp - features of the production of natural fabrics

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Federal agency by education

Kostroma State Technological University


Textile production technology

Student: Bugrova E.V.

Group: 08-E-4

Scientific supervisor: prof. Krotov V.N.

Kostroma 2010


1. Selection and justification of the production process for yarn production

2. Equipment characteristics

Flax carding machine Ch-302-L

Automatic folding machine AR-500-L

Tape distillation machine LP-500-L

Draw machine LCH-2-L1

Draw machine LCh-5-L1

Dry spinning machine PS-100-L1

3. Drawing up an approximate coordination table

4. Calculation of the updated coordination table.

5.Calculation of equipment performance.

6. Calculation of the yield of semi-finished products and yarn. Calculation of operating equipment coefficient (OER) and coordination coefficient

7. Coordination of equipment between workshops. Calculation of site capacity

8. Calculation of the main technical and economic indicators of the site



The textile industry is one of the most important industries. It is this sector of the economy that produces basic necessities for the population - fabrics, knitwear and those woven materials that are used mainly for the production of clothing and meet the need of other industries for textile materials used for technical purposes.

If the total production volume in 1989 was 40.3 billion m 2 of fabric, then at present the production volume has decreased eight times compared to 1990, and the number of production personnel has decreased three times. This led to a significant decrease in labor productivity and an equally significant decline in production.

By 1996, there was a fivefold decrease in the production of all tissues, over the next three years - stabilization at this low level, some increase until 2001 and stabilization of tissue production until 2004 at a level of approximately 33-35% of the 1990 level.

In 2004, 2 billion square meters were generated in Russia. m of fabrics of all types. Moreover, the leading industry in terms of fabric production volumes, as in all years, is cotton (87%), linen fabrics account for only 6%. In general, fabric production in Russia in 2004 fell by 4.5% compared to 2003.

Today the industry employs about 3,000 medium and large joint stock companies, of which almost only a few switched to organizational schemes that are effective in market economic conditions. Basically, these are large factories with a fleet of 1000 machines or more and are not able to quickly respond to market demands. The narrow specification of factories by type of product and type of fiber does not allow them to successfully adapt to trends in demand and fashion. According to experimental estimates, up to 90% of textile enterprises have the potential to increase operational efficiency by 20-25% by changing the enterprise management system, creating an effective financial and economic system and retraining management personnel.

A common problem The overwhelming number of enterprises is the low competitiveness of their products due to their high cost. At the same time, without solving this problem, our textile industry has no prospects. That's why strategic direction The development of the industry now involves its technological modernization.

The low pace of equipping factories with modern equipment shows that domestic financial and industrial companies do not have sufficient resources to re-equip factories at an accelerated pace, and the Russian Government does not classify the textile industry as a priority sector that it intends to finance. But this level of development of the textile industry will not allow, without extensive technical re-equipment of factories, to continue to produce in conditions open market competitive products.

Foreign trade Russia's linen fabric industry in general is characterized by a slow growth rate of exports and a decrease in imports. So in 2004, imports exceeded exports by 22%. Exports of linen fabrics exceed their imports in value by almost five times.

The state of the textile industry in 2004 is as follows:

The level and condition of equipment, with a few exceptions, remain low. Over the past years, the equipment of Russian factories, mostly outdated before, has aged another 15 years;

The range and quality of fabrics have partially changed for the better, because... factories have to sell fabrics in competition with imports. However, there remains a need for their further improvement;

Usage information technology for production and process control in advanced factories has improved markedly along with the improvement of computerization throughout the country;

The structure of giant factories is improving, they are being disaggregated, which makes it possible to improve product quality and reduce production costs;

The structure of manufactured products began to improve;

Narrow specialization factories for fibers and groups of fabrics have been eroded in recent years. Factories are equipped with sewing workshops. This allows them to better adapt to market demands;

The use of synthetic fibers is increasing as necessary and whenever possible, as a free market for synthetic fibers and threads has emerged.

According to the World Economic Forum, from 1999 to 2003. Russia ranked from 59 to 65 out of 80 countries assessed.

Thus, the existing investment climate in Russia cannot be called favorable, because it does not guarantee investors equal opportunities for healthy competition with the products of foreign firms.

The possibility of the textile industry emerging from its current state, first of all, depends on the accelerated improvement of the legal and economic conditions for its functioning.

1. Selection and justification of the production process for yarn production

Warehouse of raw materials and preparation of torn flax for carding.

In the raw material warehouse, torn flax is prepared for carding. In the process of carding torn flax, two types of flax fiber are obtained: combed flax and towed flax. Combed flax is 2-3 times more expensive than tow, so from the very first stages of processing it is necessary to carefully monitor the yield of combed flax.

Shredded flax is sent to the factory in the form of tightly compressed bales. Each bale consists of packs of handfuls of torn flax. Inside the bale there may be handfuls of torn flax, varying in color and even number. Therefore, the preparation of torn flax begins with careful sorting.

Careful sorting of torn flax.

It is better to carry it out in a raw materials warehouse, preparing large batches of fiber with the same properties.


Application of liquid fat emulsions to the fiber (performed manually). The composition of the emulsions includes: water (80-85%), mineral oil, soda, kerosene. Emulsification gives the fiber softness, flexibility, and elasticity. At the same time, humidity increases, which reduces dust emission and reduces electrification of the fiber.

Laying down.

The process of aging fiber in storage sheds for 24 hours. During this time, the fiber is evenly saturated with the emulsion, and previously accumulated mechanical stress and electrostatic charges are removed. The duration of the rest period must be monitored. If it is less, the spinning process will be worse; if it is kept too long, the fiber will rot.

Divide into handfuls.

For optimization technological process carding, each handful of fiber must have a certain weight. The higher the fiber number, the greater the mass of the handful should be. Usually the mass of a handful is p = 110-130 g.

Frame, or cover.

This is a manual operation. Performed on hand combs and only for high numbers of torn flax (increases efficiency, percentage of combed flax).

From the raw material warehouse, handfuls of torn flax arrive at the flax carding machine. Ch-302-L.

2. Equipment characteristics

Flax carding machine Ch-302-L

Purpose: Used for carding handfuls of torn flax.


1. Straightening and parallelizing long fiber.

2. Crushing thick technical fibers into thinner ones (in the longitudinal direction).

3. Cleaning the fiber from fire, dust and very short non-stranded fibers.

4. Carefully sorting the fibers into long, thin, strong (combed flax) and short, tangled, weaker fibers (toil).

Advantages of flax carding machine Ch-302-L:

1. The result is high quality combed flax.

2. Relatively high level of automation (mechanical automation).

Disadvantages of the car:

1. The yield of combed flax is small.

2. Low productivity.

3. Large overall dimensions.

4. Manual monotonous labor.

5. Not very favorable conditions labor.

General technical specifications Ch-302-L

Number of working transitions 16

Number of ridges around the circumference of the canvas 24

Length, mm

comb 305

pads 302

combed fabrics along the perimeter 1625

Comb height (needle length), mm 28

The number of pads on the car is 55

Speed ​​of movement of combed cloths, m/min 13.2-25

Carriage lifting height, mm 500-700

Frequency of carriage lifts per minute 8-10

Vehicle weight, kg 18900

Overall dimensions, mm

width 4300

height 3230

The flax carding machine Ch-302-L is aggregated with the automatic spreading machine AR-500-L.

This section presents theoretical materials about textile production technology.

Preparatory production. Processing fibers to produce yarn
The fiber enters the preparatory production in pressed bales. Before yarn is obtained from the fiber, the fiber itself undergoes additional processing - the bale is loosened, the fibers are scattered, combed, a roving is obtained on roving machines, and yarn is obtained from the roving. Rotor spinning machines make it possible to obtain yarn directly from slivers, bypassing the roving transition.

The main purpose of the spinning process is to obtain textile thread (yarn) from a disparate mass of cotton fibers. In this case, the yarn must meet certain physical and mechanical properties and meet the necessary quality standards. Depending on the purpose of the yarn, they are divided into different ways its production, different spinning systems - carded, combed, hardware, melange.

Basic concepts about the weaving process and technology. The theory and practice of fabric formation on a weaving loom - technological scheme of weaving production from the production of yarn to the finishing of finished fabrics, requirements for the processes.

Technological diagram of the process of rewinding the main yarn, the purpose and essence of rewinding. Winding machines and automatic winding machines: their classification, main working parts, technological and kinematic diagrams. Productivity of yarn rewinding equipment. Machine maintenance.

Technological diagram of the process of warping the main yarn, the purpose and essence of warping. Common warping methods and equipment: batch warping machine, flight warping machine. Requirements for the process. Equipment performance and maintenance.

Technological diagram of the main yarn sizing process, the purpose and essence of sizing. Materials for preparing the adhesive composition are sizing. Construction of sizing machines and glue machines. Requirements for the process. Equipment performance and maintenance. The main parameters of sizing are drawing and gluing.

Methods and types of parting the base, parting machines. Warp tying technology: stationary and mobile knotting machines, their productivity. Defects and waste of yarn when tying warp threads. Re-threading of main threads on machines due to changes in the range of products.

Rewinding of weft yarn, its moistening and re-moistening. Weft-winding automatic machines, their technological and kinematic diagrams, productivity. Wastes and defects when rewinding weft. Improving the physical and mechanical properties of weft yarn before using it in weaving.

Organs and mechanisms of weaving machines, their classification. The essence of the process of producing fabric on a loom, through the mutual interweaving of longitudinal (warp) and transverse (weft) threads. Methods of inserting weft thread into the shed formed by warp threads.

Garment industry. Requirements for the range of clothing and fabrics in the clothing industry. Main range sewing products Russian enterprises. Sewing accessories. Application of garments in the textile industry.