Tariff plans from Velcom. The procedure for providing traffic How to introduce additional traffic to Velcom

The following terms and their definitions are used in this Procedure:

Traffic– this is the volume (quantity) of data (minutes, megabytes, SMS, MMS) provided by the company/consumed by the subscriber for a certain period (calendar month/30-day period) as part of the use of communication services.

  • Internet traffic – the total volume of GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA/HSPA+/LTE/NB-IoT data transmitted and received within the framework of use mobile internet; 
  • Wi-Fi Internet traffic – the total amount of data transmitted and received on the company’s Wi-Fi network;
  • MMS – multimedia messages sent by the company’s subscribers in accordance with the rules for the provision of the MMS service; 
  • SMS – short text messages of standard length (up to 160 characters when using transliteration, up to 70 characters when using Cyrillic alphabet), sent by the company’s subscribers to subscribers of cellular operators.
Voice traffic– this is the traffic of outgoing calls via the following directions:
  • intranet traffic – these are outgoing calls within the network; to voicemail; to your “favorite” number; within a closed subscriber group (for tariff plans that provide a separate tariff for such calls);
  • calls in 2G/3G/4G – outgoing voice traffic in the company’s 2G or 3G networks, respectively. Voice calls over the 3G network are made with priority. Voice calls over the 4G network are made when connecting to the Calls to 4G service;
  • traffic to other networks is outgoing calls to the networks of other cellular operators of the Republic of Belarus; to the fixed network of the Republic of Belarus;
  • traffic to all networks is outgoing intranet voice traffic and outgoing voice traffic to other networks;
  • international calls - outgoing voice traffic to numbers of communication network operators in other countries.

Roaming traffic– these are outgoing and incoming calls, the Internet (including that used to receive/transmit MMS), outgoing SMS and MMS in roaming partner networks.

1. Included traffic. General provisions:

1.1. Included traffic is traffic included in the subscription fee/cost of tariff plans, mobile Internet packages, additional services provided as part of promotions or special offers, in accordance with the rules of promotions/special offers.

1.2. The subscriber can obtain information about the balance of included traffic using USSD *100*1# call, in the Personal Account or in other ways provided by the company.

1.3. Information about the balance of included traffic is provided based on tariff data that was processed by the company's billing system at the time of the request. The remaining Internet traffic is indicated in megabytes. The remaining voice traffic is indicated in minutes. The volume of consumed traffic is subtracted from the total volume of included traffic after each connection with rounding, according to the tariffs of the tariff plan, package, service.

1.4. In accordance with the document forms approved by the company, in call details, voice and Internet traffic are reflected with rounding applied to the subscriber's tariff plan, package, and service. The included traffic is reflected in the subscriber details in the same section with paid traffic, as zero-cost traffic. In a connection in which both included and paid traffic was used, only the paid part of the traffic will be charged, according to the tariffs of the tariff plan, package, or service used. Such a connection will be reflected in the corresponding subscriber detail section in one line.

1.5. The included traffic is reflected in the bill for communication services only if it has been used in full and the subscriber has used paid traffic.

1.6. The included traffic is not consumed:

  • in roaming partner networks. Payment for traffic is made according to roaming tariffs;
  • when using services that have a separate traffic tariffication described in the relevant procedures; 
  • when calling the automatic subscriber service (ASSA), voice mail, connections to reference numbers, information, entertainment and additional services. Such traffic is charged separately according to the current tariffs for the corresponding services; 
  • when sending SMS, MMS (including international ones) to short numbers of the company network. Such traffic is charged separately in accordance with the current tariffs of the company;
  • when sending MMS to numbers of foreign operators. The specified MMS are charged separately in accordance with the current tariffs of the company.
2. Features of providing included traffic

2.1. Traffic included in the subscription fee for tariff plans with a provision period of a calendar month and renewal on the 1st day of the month:

  • Provided within 24 hours from the moment of connection or change of tariff plan in full on tariff plans of the Super WEB line, lemon tariff plan (Internet traffic), “Mobile account”, and in an amount proportional to the time remaining until the end of the calendar month, for other tariffs.
  • The unused traffic balance is reset to zero on the last day of the calendar month at 23:59:59, when changing the tariff plan, when terminating the contract.
  • Unused traffic of the lemon tariff plan and additional packages available for it is accumulated and transferred to the next month in an amount of up to 10 GB.
  • Unused traffic of Comfort S, Comfort M, Comfort L, Comfort XL tariff plans is accumulated and transferred to the next month in the amount of:
  • After the end of the traffic of the lemon, lemon Z, lemon Y, lemon X tariff plans and the additional packages available for them, the speed of the mobile Internet until the end of the month will be 64 Kbps.
  • After the end of the traffic included in the subscription fee of the “Business Unlim 1.0”, “Business Unlim 2.0” tariff plans and the traffic of connected additional packages, the mobile Internet speed until the end of the month will be 512 Kbps.
  • After the end of the traffic included in the subscription fee of the Business Unlim 3.0 tariff plan and the traffic of connected additional packages, the speed of the mobile Internet until the end of the month will be 1 Mbit/s.
  • After the end of the traffic included in the subscription fee of the Business Unlim 4.0 tariff plan and the traffic of connected additional packages, the speed of the mobile Internet until the end of the month will be 2 Mbit/s.
  • After using 100 GB of Internet traffic on the “Mobile Account” tariff plan, the mobile Internet speed until the end of the month will be 512 Kbps.
  • After the end of the traffic included in the subscription fee of the “Simply Simple” tariff plan, Internet access is provided only when connecting additional Internet packages.

2.2. Traffic included in the subscription fee of the “Business Class” tariff plan:

  • The provision period is one month from the date of connection/change of tariff plan.
  • When connecting on the 29th, 30th, 31st, the first provision period is extended until the end of the next month. Further periods are counted from the 1st day of the month.
  • Provided within 24 hours from the moment of connection or change of tariff plan in full.
  • The unused traffic balance is reset to zero at 23:59 on the last day of the tariff plan period.
  • The monetary equivalent of unused traffic is not paid.
  • The new volume of traffic is provided after 1 month, counting from the date of connection/change of tariff plan (or from the 1st day, in accordance with clause 2.2) until 23:59:59 of the first day of the next provision period.

2.3. Included traffic of tariff plans, Internet packages of the Mobile Internet service, additional services with a provision period of 30 days:

  • Provided in full within 24 hours from the moment of connection/change of tariff plan or service.
  • The unused balance of prepaid traffic is reset to zero:
− on the 30th day at 23:59:59;
− when changing the tariff plan/Mobile Internet service package/ additional service(at the time of change);
  • The monetary equivalent of unused traffic is not paid.
  • The new traffic volume is provided on the first day of the new 30 day period until 23:59:59
  • The subscriber can obtain information about the validity period using:
− USSD *141*2*3# call – for tariff plan/additional service;
− USSD *135*3*2# call – for the Mobile Internet service package;
− Personal account;
− in other ways provided by the company.

2.4. One-time packages of additional Internet traffic

Packages 500 MB and 1 GB are provided on tariff plans WEB Start, WEB 4, WEB 8, WEB 10 + voka, WEB 16, “In your rhythm”:

  • Valid until 23:59 of the last day of the current tariff plan period.
  • They are provided once in full and are not automatically renewed for the next period.
− on the 30th day of the tariff plan provision period at 23:59;
− when changing the tariff plan to another tariff where 500 MB and 1 GB packages are not available.
− upon termination of the contract.
  • The monetary equivalent of unused traffic is not paid.

Unlimited Internet for a day available on the tariff plans of the “Comfort”, “Comfort+”, “Comfort+ for business”, “Business plan”, Super WEB lines and on the tariff plans “Semi-annual subscription”, Light, Light+, Light+ for business, “Starter”, Comfort S, Comfort M, Comfort L, Comfort XL, “Business Unlim 1.0”, “Business Unlim 2.0”, “Business Unlim 3.0”, “Business Unlim 4.0”.

  • Valid for 1 day.
  • Provided once, without automatic renewal.
- after 24 hours;
  • The monetary equivalent of unused traffic is not paid.

Unlimited Internet available on tariff plans of the “Comfort”, “Comfort+”, “Comfort+ for business”, “Business plan”, “Unlim” lines, on tariff plans Comfort S, Comfort M, Comfort L, Comfort XL, lemon Y, lemon X.

- when changing a tariff plan to another where the unlimited Internet package is not available;
- upon termination of the contract.
  • The monetary equivalent of unused traffic is not paid.

Night unlimited is provided on tariff plans of the “Unlim” line, on tariff plans lemon Z, lemon Y.

  • Validity period – until disconnected by the subscriber.
  • Provided with automatic renewal.
  • The unlimited Internet traffic of the package is consumed from 1:00 am to 6:00 am.
  • The provision of unlimited Internet is terminated:

When changing a tariff plan to another where the unlimited Internet package is not available;

Upon termination of the contract.

  • The monetary equivalent of unused traffic is not paid.

Package “Doubling Internet Traffic” provided on the tariff plans “Business Plan 1.0”, “Business Plan 2.0”, “Business Plan 3.0”, “Business Plan 4.0”, “Business Unlim 1.0”, “Business Unlim 2.0”, “Business Unlim 3.0”, "Business Unlim 4.0":

  • On tariff plans “Business Plan 1.0”, “Business Plan 2.0”, “Business Plan 3.0”, “Business Plan 4.0” the traffic included in the subscription fee is doubled for use through a public access point.
  • On the “Business Unlim 1.0”, “Business Unlim 2.0”, “Business Unlim 3.0”, “Business Unlim 4.0” tariff plans, the traffic included in the subscription fee is doubled for use through both a public and corporate access point.
  • Provided in an amount proportional to the days remaining until the end of the calendar month.
  • The unused traffic balance is reset to zero on the last day of the calendar month at 23:59:59, when changing the tariff plan, when terminating the contract;
  • The monetary equivalent of unused traffic is not paid. New traffic volume is provided monthly on the first day of the month until 23:59:59.

Package “1 GB for everything else” provided on the lemon tariff plan:

  • It is provided one-time in full and is not automatically extended for the next period.
  • The unused balance of additional Internet traffic is reset to zero:
− when changing the tariff plan to another tariff, where the “1 GB for everything else” package is not available.
− upon termination of the contract.
  • The monetary equivalent of unused traffic is not paid.

Internet traffic for using a corporate (individual) access point is provided to subscribers of tariff plans of the Comfort, Comfort+, Comfort+ for business lines, as well as tariff plans Light, Light+, Light+ for business, “Business plan 1.0”, “Business plan 2.0”, “Business plan 3.0”, “Business” -plan 4.0", "Business Unlim 1.0", "Business Unlim 2.0", "Business Unlim 3.0", "Business Unlim 4.0", "Business Unlim VIP":

  • On tariff plans of the Comfort, Comfort+, Comfort+ for business lines, as well as tariff plans Light, Light+, Light+ for business, it is provided within 24 hours from the moment of assigning a corporate access point in an amount proportional to the time remaining until the end of the calendar month.
  • On tariff plans “Business Plan 1.0”, “Business Plan 2.0”, “Business Plan 3.0”, “Business Plan 4.0”, “Business Unlim 1.0”, “Business Unlim 2.0”, “Business Unlim 3.0”, “ Business Unlim 4.0", "Business Unlim VIP" traffic for using a corporate access point is included in the tariff plan and is provided within 24 hours from the moment of connection or changing the tariff plan to a fixed one in an amount proportional to the time remaining until the end of the calendar month.
  • The unused traffic balance is reset to zero on the last day of the calendar month at 23:59:59, when the corporate access point is turned off, or when the contract is terminated.
  • The monetary equivalent of unused traffic is not paid.
  • New traffic volume is provided monthly on the first day of the month until 23:59:59.
  • In the subscriber details, minutes within the network in the 3G network are displayed in separate blocks in the sections of outgoing calls in the corresponding directions.
  • In the case of migration of an outgoing intranet call between 2G, 3G and 4G networks, the call will be assigned to the network from which the connection to the called subscriber was established.
  • Calls forwarded by the company's subscribers to other numbers are charged as calls on the 2G network or consume minutes of the included voice traffic of the tariff plan/additional services (if available).

3. The company has the right to unilaterally change this Order, publishing changes on the official website of the company www.a1.by.

4. In everything else not regulated by this Procedure, the client and the company are guided by the provisions of the agreement concluded between the client and the company.

The “My Online” tariff from Tele2 is the middle price segment in the line offered by the operator. Suitable for users to communicate by phone within their home region without restrictions. And also for calls to numbers of other operators, with a limit on minutes. The Internet package is designed for watching videos, surfing, listening to music and communicating in instant messengers; there will be enough traffic for any […]

The “My Conversation” tariff from Tele2 is a budget option from the entire line offered by the operator. Suitable for users who prefer to communicate by phone within the network of their home region without restrictions. It is also possible to call numbers of other operators, in which case minutes are limited. The Internet package is not designed for watching movies and videos. There is enough traffic for communicating in instant messengers and checking [...]

Tele2 subscribers choose the “My Tele2” tariff due to the ability to communicate without restrictions within the network and in various instant messengers. The tariff plan includes an Internet package, which is enough for checking mail and reading news. Before connecting to the “My Tale2” tariff, study in detail its characteristics, the cost of calls, SMS and other services included above the subscription fee. You can talk about all this [...]

The Dom.ru service has developed a personal account for the convenience of clients. This feature allows subscribers to manage services remotely in real time. Remote service is a significant time saving, as well as an easy-to-manage space for making independent decisions. CONTENT1 Features of your personal account2 Registration in your personal account by agreement number3 Instructions for logging into your personal account by […]

The mobile operator operating in Belarus and occupying the second place in this state in terms of the number of subscribers, Velcom, has been providing GSM communications to a huge number of people for almost two decades. We can say that the company is no longer young and, of course, in order to operate successfully and satisfy the needs of its customers, the operator mobile communications must develop.

Cellular trends

It's no secret that today the Internet is emerging, and probably has already taken a leading position among the methods of people's communication. Without access function Global network Today, even the simplest push-button phones are practically not produced, not to mention smartphones and tablet PCs. Velcom operator did not stand aside from modern trends and for more than 10 years now it has been providing its subscribers not only with voice communications, but also with access to wireless Internet.

The quality of the service is quite high and is positively assessed by new and existing Velcom subscribers. Setting up the Internet in the case of mass access devices is quite simple and should not be difficult even for novice users of phones, smartphones and tablets. Let's talk about this in more detail later.

How to set up your phone

If we're talking about about the simplest push-button telephone, but with support for Internet access and Velcom used in the network, setting up the Internet does not bring any problems to the owner at all, everything is done automatically in 99% of cases. This approach is provided by a special service called the “Settings Wizard”. To gain access to the Internet, the user just needs to register for the first time in the Velcom network - the Internet will be configured automatically, the phone will receive the necessary data for GPRS/MMS work directly from the cellular network.

If the settings do not arrive automatically, you can use USSD requests - dial the combination *135*0# on your phone keyboard and press the call key. PRIVET prepaid subscribers have a different way here - the combination *126*0# and the same call key. In addition, any subscriber can use Velcom’s Internet subscriber service system. Setting up the Internet using this system is literally two clicks of the mouse on the necessary items.

How to set up a smartphone or tablet

Most modern solutions running on Android are also capable of automatically configuring to gain access to the Internet. If this does not happen, you need to follow several steps of the instructions “Setting up Velcom Internet on Android”.

These are the steps:

  1. Turn off your smartphone (tablet PC).
  2. We insert the Velcom SIM card into the smartphone (tablet PC).
  3. We turn on the smartphone (tablet PC).
  4. When the smartphone (tablet PC) boots up, the SIM card is detected and the user is prompted to change the settings. You must accept the offer by clicking on the “Change” button.
  5. Go to “Settings” and select “SIM Management”. Next you need to find a menu like “Data Transfer”.
  6. In the window that loads, select operator Velcom. Then an automatic download will occur, the process of which may last about one minute.
  7. Perhaps the most important thing: the Velcom Internet settings on Android must contain the correct access point. We find the corresponding item in the menu “ Mobile network", add a new APN and enter the following values. It is mandatory to fill out four points:
  • Name - value must be Velcom.
  • APN - value of vmi.velcom.by.
  • Proxy server - value
  • Port - value 8080.

We save the entered data and reboot the device. This completes the setup. Now you can enjoy all the benefits of access to the Global Network.

Mobile operator Velcom Belarus is a reliable company that offers its customers optimal service conditions at a competitive price. Having studied the existing Velcom tariffs, each subscriber can choose the one that best suits his needs and lifestyle. Tariff plans from Velcom include in their description the most clear and transparent connection conditions - here you cannot encounter hidden additional fees or unexpected debits from your phone balance.

The “Comfort” tariff offer from Velcom was developed and announced back in 2016. This is due to the constantly growing need of modern subscribers for unlimited and stable Internet access. The use of social networks, instant messengers and other services installed on the phone is the reason for the rapid disappearance of traffic and the burning of gigabytes.

Velcom’s “Comfort” tariffs are a redesigned line called “Smart” that the provider previously had. The purpose of creating the offer is to maximally satisfy the needs of Velcom customers in Internet traffic, as well as the opportunity to significantly save on voice communications. Calls made within the 3G network are not subject to tariffs. The main condition is mobile device 3G type communication must be supported.

The line includes several tariffs, which will be discussed below.

Suitable for those who surf the Internet not too little, but also infrequently, for example, mainly communicate on social networks. One gigabyte of traffic can be used to navigate online maps, play online games and view photos. The Comfort tariff from Velcom includes an unlimited amount of communication within the 3G network, 100 minutes for other subscribers and a gigabyte of Internet.

A subscriber using Comfort 2 has access to expanded capabilities, a larger volume of traffic, and therefore a greater number of options for spending time on the Internet. This tariff from Velcom for two gigabytes allows you to watch videos, download photos and listen to music. It includes: unlimited communication on the 3G network, 200 minutes for communication with clients of other companies and two gigabytes of Internet traffic.

Suitable for active Internet users who often use social networks and video hosting sites. A Velcom client receives a large amount of traffic and included minutes in addition to unlimited 3G communications. The tariff includes: unlimited communication in Velcom space, 300 minutes of communication with subscribers of other operators and four gigabytes of the Internet.

Another proposal that cannot be ignored. It will appeal to Wellcom subscribers who regularly use the mobile Internet and constantly download applications, music and videos. This includes: unlimited communication in the Velcom 3G space, 400 minutes of communication with other subscribers and eight gigabytes of network traffic.

Tariff Lemon

In 2019, the operator Velcom launched a new youth tariff plan called Lemon. Its main feature is unlimited use social networks, as well as the ability to transfer included traffic to the next month. For customers over eight and under ten years old, connecting to the Lemon tariff will cost nine rubles and ninety kopecks per month.

Unlimited traffic on the Internet allows subscribers to constantly be online in networks such as Instagram, VKontakte, Viber, as well as in the game World of Tanks Blitz. In addition, the tariff includes four gigabytes of traffic for all other online activities (it can be accumulated and transferred to the next month). A nice bonus is the provision of 100 minutes for calls to subscribers of other networks and free digital television Voca.

Velcom clients who have subscribed to the Lemon tariff may not even think about possible traffic overruns. If it is reset, the system will send a corresponding notification, after which the user will be able to receive an additional package (its cost is 2.5 rubles per gigabyte).

A person who has reached the age of majority can independently connect Lemon at any Velcom service point. You can also make an offer for a younger client; this requires his passport and the presence of one parent (guardian) during the procedure.

Smart and Business class

Velcom has two more advantageous tariff offers for active and business subscribers, which should be mentioned.

Business class

This is a premium tariff from Velcom, profitable and convenient for those who are used to always having access to stable communications and quality service. A user who subscribes to “Business Class” receives an unlimited number of minutes for voice communication and fast, reliable Internet. The only drawback of the offer is the rather high cost.

“Business class” will be appreciated by subscribers with an active lifestyle and the need to always be in touch. The tariff includes unlimited communication on the network and sending messages in any volume, as well as minutes for communication with subscribers of other Belarusian operators and international calls.

Conditions of the Business Class tariff on Velcom:

No restrictions on the amount of traffic on the Internet at 3G speed;

Unlimited calls within your region;

Unlimited sending SMS via Velcom network;

Message for 4.36 rubles to phones of other operators;

MMS for 16.35 rubles;

300 minutes for calls (package for the CIS and European countries);

Benefits for roaming and long-distance calls.

The described fare offer is as convenient as business class when flying on international airlines. It is able to satisfy the most demanding needs of subscribers who have the right to call various numbers without thinking about the cost of the service. This becomes most relevant in roaming, when the price of incoming and outgoing calls increases significantly. Mobile Internet here is also excellent - it is unlimited and has excellent speed.

The monthly subscription fee for using “Business Class” from Velcom is 108.89 rubles. The day the payment is debited is set in accordance with the tariff activation date. When concluding an agreement with Velcom, the client must make an advance payment.

Premium tariff users can take advantage of a bonus: they can choose any phone number they like at a good discount. The numbers can be platinum (five identical digits in a row), diamond (last four digits) or gold (alternating six digits).

The tariff plan called “Smart” is one of the most advantageous offers from Velcom. The monthly fee is fifty-five rubles. By paying this amount, the subscriber can use the following services:

Unlimited Internet traffic;

Free communication in the Welkom network;

Free sending of SMS messages to other Velcom clients;

Free SMS sending via the Velcom network;

1000 minutes to communicate with subscribers of other Belarusian operators.

Additional costs for customers who have connected Smart:

The cost of connection is forty rubles (when purchasing a new SIM card or changing the tariff);

Video communication (outgoing calls) – ten kopecks;

Messages to subscribers of other operators in Belarus - five kopecks;

MMS within the country - six kopecks, abroad - twenty-seven kopecks.

The tariff has some features that you should find out about in advance, so as not to waste time solving problems and finding out unexpected information:

Forty rubles will have to be paid to the person who buys a SIM card, changes the tariff or restores service by Velcom;

The subscription fee is debited daily - thanks to this, subscribers avoid overpaying for communications if they connected at the end of the current month;

For the first time, the daily fee is debited from the account on the next day after “Smart” Velcom was connected.

Internet only

The provider Velcom offers customers two categories of tariff plans intended only for Internet use: for phones and for tablets.

“Easy” – no prepayment, monthly fee is 1.63 rubles;

“250” for 2.72 rubles;

“350” – one month for 3.16 rubles;

“750” – only the amount of payment changes, it is equal to 5.12 rubles;

“1000” – 6.21 rubles are written off every month;

“1500” for 8.61 rubles;

“3000” – three gigabytes of Internet with high speed for 15.8 rubles.

The last two items on the list are tariffs that can be connected together with Voka TV. Watching your favorite films and TV shows will cost almost fourteen rubles per month.

Mobile Internet offers for tablets:

“WEB Easy” – without the included amount of information, monthly fee – 1.85 rubles;

“Start” – five hundred megabytes for 3.16 rubles per month;

“4” – four gigabytes, allowing you to fully work online, will cost 8.17 rubles;

“Tankers” is a widely advertised tariff for those who like to play online games. There are no restrictions or limits here, and two gigabytes are given for the use of additional services. The tariff will cost 10.57 rubles monthly fee;

“8” – standard offer for twelve rubles per month;

“10 Voka” – television and high-speed Internet for 15.15 rubles;

“No obligation” – included in the tariffs without a subscription fee; you must pay for the provision of the service upon delivery.

Tariffs that include paid traffic are activated with a discount of 50% of the total amount.

New customers are eligible to receive a promotional code valid for three months.

Easy tariffs

Social and special

Less popular among Velcom clients tariff plans. They include a sufficient number of minutes, as well as the ability to create “favorite” numbers and Internet traffic. Convenient to use as intended.


Velcom tariff for constant communication with family and friends, suitable for pensioners. It includes outgoing calls to “favorite numbers”, as well as the described option itself.

The monthly subscription fee for Pension is 3.60 rubles. An additional Internet package is also available, connected via Personal account or USSD command *135*1#.

Calls to five designated “favorite numbers” will cost 1.54 rubles.


A tariff plan that allows you to always stay in touch with loved ones. Includes “favorite numbers” and outgoing calls to Velcom subscribers.

Subscription fee – 1.54 rubles.

Additional features of “Social”:

1.03 rubles for calls to one “favorite number”;

Additional Internet provision.

You can suspend the service for a while or completely refuse it either without leaving your home or when you visit the nearest office with your passport.

The application for deactivation indicates the passport number, telephone number, and the desired date for canceling the option.

If this is inconvenient, you can use the electronic assistant or simply call the contact center.

Reasons for refusing the Internet

The widespread transition to wireless communications is forcing 3G to lose ground. WIFI is more convenient and often faster. People most often refuse to access the Internet from their phone:

  • if the owner is old man, is not interested in the World Wide Web and does not want to pay for random keystrokes and accrued traffic;
  • if the owner is a child and sits online for days on end;
  • if you are planning a trip and don’t want to pay significant sums just to “check your email.”

How to turn off the Internet on Velcom on your phone?

To refuse service A written statement is required, written according to the template established by the company. You can apply for it at the Center for Educational Services or with the official partners of the operator.

When visiting the office, be sure to have your passport with you; disconnection or connection can only be made with the consent of the user. Make sure you have no debt.

How to fill out an application?

The client fills out the document himself or, if desired, a consultant will help him. The client's passport data, indication of the desire to terminate the contract, contact phone number, address, contract number, desired date for deactivating the option, date and signature are indicated.

Other ways to disable:

  1. USSD command. It can be difficult to reach the contact center due to the large number of requests. The use of USSD commands is available around the clock, and if necessary, you can activate the option again in the same way. To disable the option, enter the command *126*1*1# call.
  2. Phone call. You can contact a consultant, stating your passport details and your desire to refuse the service. Service number 411.
  3. ISSA(network subscriber service). Access to it is granted to all new users. To set a password, dial the USSD command *141*0#. Disable the option using the prompts electronic system. Changes will take effect within 24 hours after entering the request.

Read about how to disable 3G mobile Internet service on your phone and cancel it from various operators.

Operator tariffs

Internet mobile:

Important. If you simply reset the settings without canceling the option, and the service itself is provided by the operator, then the subscription fee will continue to be charged.

The convenience of temporarily suspending services is the ability to resume service at the desired time independently. In the event of a complete shutdown, a new contract will be required.

UMTS-900 base stations have been deployed en masse in the capital since this year. Indoor 3G coverage (in low-lying city blocks, buildings in dense urban areas, ground floors) of Minsk is close to one hundred percent, the operator plans to create a guaranteed connection and stable connection speed for each home.

All major highways in the Brest and Gomel regions will have access to the technology; five UMTS-900 stations are already operating in Dzerzhinsk. A global update of the entire network is planned in May, which promises to improve the quality of reception. Completion of the company's data center is promised in the fourth quarter of the year.