Properties of paronite gaskets. Paronite - technical characteristics, properties and types

Paronite is an asbestos and non-asbestos gasket material that is made from asbestos fibers, synthetic rubbers, vulcanizing agents and various fillers.

Spheres of application of paronite

Sheet paronite is used to seal detachable joints that are constantly exposed to high temperatures or aggressive environments (including flanges). The special properties of paronite make it possible to use it in various areas of industry and the national economy: in mechanical engineering, the chemical and oil industry, and in the electric power industry. Sheet paronite is an elastic material that can also be used in other industries, for example, in industries whereelite orthopedic mattresses , electrical machines, etc.

General characteristics of paronite

Sheet paronite (electronite) is an elastic material that lends itself well to stamping. Paronite, which is used in industry, has a thickness of 0.4 to 6 mm. Its density can vary from 1.5 to 1.8 g/cm3. It does not deform during long-term storage and is not exposed to the harmful effects of bacteria and fungi, which makes it possible to use paronite in areas with tropical and temperate climates. The material retains its operational properties at temperatures from -50C to +490C Celsius. Evidence of the quality of sheet paronite is its elasticity (it does not break or crack when bent). Buying electronics is not as easy astobuy orthopedic mattresses online - this can only be done in a warehouse or directly in production.

Species and subspecies

All types of general purpose paronite (PON) comply with GOST 481-80 and are used as sealants for fixed parts in working environments: in gaseous ammonia, saline solutions, liquid oxygen and in the presence of petroleum products. There are subspecies of PON paronite that can be used in the most severe conditions. So, for example, PON-A Paronite is used as a sealant for equipment joints operating in aqueous solutions of various salts, in hot steam or boiling liquids (water). PON-B paronite seals elements of pipelines and equipment operating in steam, boiling water and various dry, neutral and inert gases. PON-V paronite endures exposure to vapors of various mineral oils. Buy paronite PON-V in the same place,where to buy an air mattress , for example, in ordinary stores, it is impossible. Such materials are sold only in bulk.

Paronite PMB is used as a gasket material in industrial units, internal combustion parts, for sealing pipeline connections and in compressors. This type of paronite retains its properties in an environment with a high content of nitrogen and oxygen, as well as under the influence of light and heavy oil products. Specially for sealing joints of pipelines and parts of equipment operating in EPS liquid and sea water, paronite PMB-1 is produced by the industry. The same variety is used for sealing joints of parts of internal combustion engines.

Especially for use in aggressive acidic and alkaline environments, several other varieties of sheet paronite (electrolytic and acid-resistant) are produced.

Paronite is a long-known and widely used material for sealing pipeline flanges in various fields of industrial production and mechanisms, but in some cases reference literature recommends using the PMB brand, in others PON. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to know exactly the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse of varieties of paronite gaskets. We will consider the differences between brands of paronite, their characteristics and areas of use.

What is paronitis

PMB AND PON - examples of use

Paronite gaskets are used in those areas of industrial production where tightness of pipeline flanges with water, gas, oxygen, ammonia, heavy and light oil products of high temperature and high pressure is required.

PON-gaskets are used to seal the joints of communications and equipment transporting superheated water and steam under pressure, for example, at electric and thermal stations, boiler houses, worsted plants, metallurgical, chemical industries and food production: hot water and power boilers, compressors, rectifiers , pumps, internal combustion engines will not be able to work without paronite gaskets. Paronite PON is recommended for use in heating systems, household appliances.

Another way to use PON paronite is laying under equipment.

Paronite grades PMB is recommended for sealing joints in various devices, pumps, compressors, pipelines of internal combustion engines, in the presence of oils, melted wax, liquefied and gaseous hydrocarbons, coke oven gas, gaseous oxygen and nitrogen in power generation, in metallurgy, coking and food industries, petrochemistry , in medical equipment.

If necessary, paronite sheets can be glued together with industrial glue 88H with an overlap or dovetail joints.

Paronite is a unique material that we encounter every day, without thinking about a thin gasket that plays a huge role in any mechanism or unit. Excellent performance characteristics, availability of raw materials, low cost, durability and harmlessness have made this material indispensable.

Paronite is a gasket sheet material, which is made by pressing a mass consisting of rubber, asbestos and powder components. Paronites are produced in sheets with a thickness of 0.4 mm to 6 mm.

Types of paronites

General Purpose Paronite (PON)

Working medium: superheated and saturated steam, fresh superheated water, air, dry inert and neutral gases.

The maximum temperature, in the range - minus 50 - plus 450 C.
Type of connection: fixed connections, type "smooth" with a working medium pressure of maximum 4 MPa.
Working environment: gaseous and liquid ammonia, water solutions of salts, alcohols.

The maximum temperature, in the range - minus 40 - plus 200 C.
Working environment: nitrogen, liquid oxygen.
The maximum pressure is 0.25 MPa.
The maximum temperature is minus 182 C.
Working environment: light and heavy oil products.
The maximum pressure is 2.5 MPa.
The maximum temperature is plus 200 C.
Type of connection: protrusion-cavity, tenon-groove of pumps, vessels, fittings, devices, compressors, pipelines, internal combustion engines and other units.

Paronite oil and petrol resistant (PMB)

Working environment: light and heavy oil products, wax melt, oil fractions.
The maximum pressure is 3.0 MPa.
The maximum temperature is plus 300 C.
Working environment: gaseous and liquefied hydrocarbons С1-С5
The maximum pressure is 2.0 MPa.

Working environment: brines.

Working environment: coke oven gas.
The maximum pressure is 6.4 MPa.
The maximum temperature is plus 490 C.
Working environment: gaseous nitrogen and oxygen.
The maximum pressure is 5.0 MPa.

Type of connection: fixed connections, of the “smooth” type with a working medium pressure of a maximum of 4 MPa, protrusion-cavity, tenon-groove of pumps, vessels, fittings, apparatus, compressors, pipelines, internal combustion engines and other units.

Oil and petrol resistant paronite (PMB-1)

Working environment: light and heavy oil products, oil fractions.

The maximum temperature, in the range - minus 40 - plus 250 C.
Working medium: VPS liquid.
The maximum pressure is 16.0 MPa.
The maximum temperature, in the range - minus 40 - plus 100 C.
Working environment: sea water.
The maximum pressure is 10.0 MPa.
The maximum temperature, in the range - minus 40 - plus 50 C.
Working environment: freons 22, 12, 114V-2
The maximum pressure is 2.5 MPa.
The maximum temperature, in the range - minus 50 - plus 150 C.
Type of connection: fixed connections, of the “smooth” type with a working medium pressure of a maximum of 2.5 MPa, protrusion-cavity, tenon-groove of pumps, vessels, fittings, apparatus, compressors, pipelines, internal combustion engines and other units.

Acid-resistant paronite (PC)

Working environment: alkalis, oxidizing agents, acids, nitrous and other aggressive gases.
The maximum pressure is 2.5 MPa.
The maximum temperature is plus 250 C.
Working environment: organic solvents.
The maximum pressure is 1.0 MPa.
The maximum temperature is plus 150 C.
Type of connection: fixed connections, such as "smooth", protrusion-cavity, tenon-groove of pumps, vessels, fittings, devices, compressors, pipelines, internal combustion engines and other units. It is a soft filler in spiral wound gaskets.

Electrolytic paronite (PE)

Working environment: oxygen, hydrogen, concentrated alkalis 300-400 g/dm3
The maximum pressure is 2.5 MPa.
The maximum temperature is plus 180 C.
Type of connection: in electrolyzers for electrical isolation of cells from each other.

Production technology of paronite from asbestos

For the manufacture of, for example, general-purpose paronite PON, only high-quality natural rubber is used. Different asbestos fibers when creating paronite will give different properties to the material. Paronites, which are designed for use in harsh conditions, where the breaking load parameter is key, long-fiber high-quality chrysotile asbestos of groups 3 and 4 and A-3-60 asbestos are used to create them. Such paronite withstands operating temperatures up to + 350C. For other paronites, which are intended for use in less difficult working conditions and at lower temperatures, for example, plus 150 C., chrysotile asbestos A-5-65, groups 5 and 6 is used. The technical parameters of paronite also depend on the amount of natural rubber introduced into mixture. Also, to obtain certain properties, various special additives are added to the mixture.
Paronite is used in the petrochemical and chemical industries, metallurgy and mechanical engineering, in metalworking, electrical engineering and electric power industry for sealing and ensuring tightness in various types of joints under external aggressive environmental conditions, high pressures and temperatures.
Paronite is a versatile and common gasket material. The yield strength is about 320 MPa. When this limit is reached, the paronite begins to flow and fills all the leaks in the connection with material - it is sealed. For greater sealing efficiency, the thickness of the gasket should be as small as possible, but sufficient to fill the irregularities and grooves of the joint.
Paronite is produced in the form of sheets with a thickness of not more than 6 mm. At the same time, it is easily applied to any mechanical processing (cutting, chopping). From it, gaskets of complex configuration are easily obtained. Paronite gaskets are used in regions with a cold, tropical and temperate climate, at an ambient temperature of at least minus 60 C. For paronite gaskets and for paronite itself, the requirements of the State Standard 481-80 are mandatory. Paronite is non-corrosive when working with brass, anodized aluminum alloys and chromate-passivated galvanized steel. The weight of the material depends on the thickness of the sheet, the density varies between 1.8 - 2.0 g per cm3.
Working temperature:
The temperature + 450 C., which is indicated in the State Standard 481-80, is the maximum, but you should understand and take into account that this temperature is acceptable as a short-term one. After exposure to such a temperature on the gasket, it should be replaced as soon as possible. The use of paronite products at this temperature is not permissible. Paronite incorporates not only asbestos fibers, but also natural rubber (up to 30%). At a temperature of more than 120 C., rubber turns into a viscous, thick liquid, after which it is not possible to obtain the original product after cooling. At temperatures in the range of +200 - +250 C., rubber begins to decompose into liquid and gaseous products. For synthetic rubber, which is used for the manufacture of oil and petrol resistant paronites. Outside this operating range, synthetic rubber breaks down. Chrysotile asbestos is destroyed completely at a temperature of +700 C., at a temperature of +550 C. Chrychotile asbestos is destroyed within a year, at a working temperature of up to +400 C., chrysotile asbestos properties are preserved for a long time.

paronite is a sheet material that is used for the production of gasket products, which are made from a mass consisting of rubber, asbestos fiber, powder fillers and other components. For the production of paronite, natural rubber is used, but because of the high cost of such material, synthetic rubber is used in domestic production.

Application area

paronite, used as a gasket material, is widely used: in the electric power industry and electrical engineering, in metalworking, in mechanical engineering, in the chemical and oil and gas industries. It is used to create tightness and seals that connect parts, assemblies and mechanisms in various ways of mechanisms, apparatus, systems and other units.


The yield strength of paronite is about 320 MPa, which explains the excellent sealing properties of the material. Paronite seals joints when squeezed, i.e. when tightening the joints with screws, bolts, studs, reaching the yield point, the paronite goes into another state and fills cracks, irregularities, defects, shells of the sealed surfaces. When sealing the surface, it is worth paying attention to the choice of the thickness of the paronite sheet, with a thin sheet thickness, the material may not be completely spread over the irregularities of the joints, and a too thick sheet may squeeze out, and in both cases this will lead to violations of the tightness of the joint.


Paronite sheets, in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard, come in thicknesses ranging from 0.4 mm to 6 mm, length and width, and the weight of the product is also regulated by this standard. Paronite is easily machined, sawn, chopped, and cut. Gaskets of any configuration are easily cut from the paronite sheet. Paronite products are used in any climatic conditions, from the tropics to the conditions of the far north, and do not lose their operational properties. Paronite is not a corrosive material in relation to non-ferrous metals: bronze, brass, aluminum alloys, galvanized steel.
According to the State Standard 481-80, gluing from components is used for the production of paronite gaskets.

Paronite GOST 481-80

The instructions for the use of paronite for the manufacture of gaskets prescribe technical characteristics, including the sequence of operations, sheets used in the production of gaskets, the size of which exceeds the maximum size of the paronite sheet. Depending on the thickness of the paronite gasket, gluing occurs with the help of docking, then the joined parts are shaped into a wedge so that the butt part does not differ in thickness from the entire gasket, or with the help of a dovetail joint.
State standard 481-80, the density of paronite is regulated in the range from 1.8 to 2.0 g / cm3, depending on the type.

Types of industrial paronite

  • General purpose paronite PON, used as a sealant for joints in the environment of oil products, salt solutions, liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, in liquid and gaseous ammonia.
  • A subspecies of general purpose paronite PON-A, used for sealing parts and parts of equipment that are in the environment of saline aqueous solutions, steam, superheated water.
  • A subspecies of general purpose paronite PON-B, used for sealing parts and parts of equipment located in an environment of saturated steam, superheated water, various neutral and dry inert gases.
  • A subspecies of general-purpose paronite PON-V, used for sealing parts and parts of equipment located in an environment of saturated steam, superheated water, various neutral and dry inert gases + can be operated under the influence of oil vapors of mineral origin.
  • A subspecies of paronite PMB is used as a sealant for parts that make up an internal combustion engine engine, industrial units, compressors, pipeline connections with light and heavy oil products, in an environment with an increased content of oxygen and nitrogen.
  • A subspecies of paronite PMB-1 is used as a sealant for parts that make up an internal combustion engine engine, industrial units, compressors, pipeline connections with light and heavy oil products, in an environment with an increased content of oxygen and nitrogen, in sea water, in EPU liquids. Paronite is also produced for use in alkaline and acidic environments.

The weight of paronite, depending on the type and varieties according to the State Standard 481-80, the type of sheet, size and thickness, is in the range from 3 to 26 kilograms.
At the use of paronite gaskets under particularly severe operating conditions, with superheated and saturated steam, light and heavy oil products, heated fresh water, oil fractions, air, inert dry gases and neutral gases. With operating temperature from minus 40 gr. C. up to plus 450 gr. C. and the pressure of the working environment is not more than 4 MPa. In these cases, reinforced paronite PA is used. To strengthen the reinforced paronite, reinforcement with a metal mesh is used. The thickness of such sheets is from 0.8 to 3.0 mm according to the State Standard 481-80.
Due to the presence of a small amount of sulfur and chlorine in the composition of the asbestos-containing material, a corrosion process is caused in the surfaces to be sealed, which is highly undesirable. Also, such material cannot be used where there are temperature differences. This led to the creation of non-sabestos paronite, which does not contain asbestos in its composition, and is made from a material that includes synthetic rubber, Kevlar fibers, graphite, mica + necessary additives. Compared with asbestos-containing paronite, asbestos-free paronite has higher recovery rates after unloading. What is important when using paronite with frequent temperature changes.

Sheet gasket material produced by rolling asbestos-rubber mass, consisting of asbestos, powder ingredients and rubber. Paronite is produced in sheets and in the form of seals, gaskets. 3-dami asbestos technical. of products the following grades of paronite are produced.

Paronite (GOST 481 - 58) - sheet material with a width and length from 300X 400 to 1200X 1700 mm, thickness from 0.4 to 6.0 mm. Oud. in. 1.5-2.0; thermal conductivity 0.422-0.445 kcal / m-hour-deg; electric strength of sheets with a thickness of 0.52; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0 mm respectively 3.55; 2.3; 1.6; 1.2 sq/mm. At a pressure of 600 kg/cm2 and a sheet thickness of 0.6-2.0 mm, the average shrinkage is 18-23%. It is used in the form of gaskets in joints operating in water and steam media with a pressure of 50 kg / cm2 and a temperature of 450 °, oil, heavy and light oil products at temperatures of 200-400 ° and pressures of 70-40 kg! cm2, respectively , liquid and gaseous oxygen with a pressure of 2.5 kg! cm2 and temperatures from -62 to - 182 °. Paronite samples should not break and crack when bent 180° around cylinders with a diameter of 12.24 and 42 mm and a sheet thickness of 1.0, respectively; 1.5 and 2.0 mm. P. gaskets must ensure complete tightness at a steam pressure of 100 kg! cm2 and a temperature of 450 °.

Paronite UV-10 (TUMHP 1369-50R) is used in the form of seals, gaskets for aircraft engine joints operating in kerosene and oil environments. Oud. in. 2.0, thickness from 0.4 to 2.5 mm. It is produced in sheets 550X550 mm and in the form of ready-made gaskets.

Paronite EC (electrolytic) is intended for sealing electrolyzers of the "FV" type and electric. isolation of cells of electrolyzers. It is produced in sheets with a length of 2.3 m, a width of not more than 1300 mm, a thickness of 1.0-7.5 mm and in the form of ready-made gaskets. After swelling in a 30% KOH solution for 24 hours. at 90° the increase in weight must not exceed 20%; residual shrinkage in thickness when compressed under a pressure of 600 kg / cm2 should not exceed 10%, electric. resistance not less than 101 ohm in terms of 1 m of length with a cross section of 1 mm2. Oud. in. 2.0; specimens measuring 300X 20X 2 mm, when bent 180° around a cylinder with a diameter of 42 mm, should not crack.

Paronite 56 (TUMHPT 773 Lit. A) is used for the manufacture of gaskets that seal the joints of parts operating in ethyl alcohol, L1 oils, air, water gas, steam gas (63% water vapor and 37% free oxygen) and liquid oxygen.

Is issued in the form of sheets of 500X 500 in size; 1000x 950; 1200X 700 mm with a thickness of 0.5 to 2.5 mm. Oud. in. 1.6-1.9; bending test indicators are the same as those of P. GOST 481-58. Paronite 56 gaskets must ensure complete tightness of the system at the junction of parts

Samples of paronite 56, sandwiched between two plates of aluminum and its alloys, steel or brass, should not cause corrosion. Warranty period for maintaining operation. sv-in when stored for 6 years.

Paronite 56 graphitized has basically the same characteristics as paronite 56. Its surface is additionally covered with an even layer of graphite and vulcanized, which gives it greater mechanical strength. It is produced in the form of sheets with a size of 550X 550 mm and a thickness of 0.5 to 2.0 mm. Paronite 56 graphitized must withstand a pressure of 75 kg / cm2: at 450 ° in an environment of water vapor and vapor gas and at 50 ° in an environment of ethyl alcohol.

Ferronite- sheet pro-masonry material with metallic. mesh, made by rolling raw asbestos-rubber mass. It is used in the form of gaskets in the aircraft engine industry to seal the joints of parts operating in the environment of gasoline, kerosene, mineral oil and their combustion products. Ferronite must withstand in these environments a working pressure of 75 kg!cm2. It is produced in the form of sheets with dimensions not exceeding 1500X 1000 mm and a thickness of 0.8 to 1.2 mm. Oud. in. 2.7.

The word paronite

Elastic, when the strip is bent 180° around a cylinder with a diameter of 24 mm, it should not break and crack.

Ferronite 56- sheet pro-masonry material with metallic. mesh, made by rolling raw asbestos-rubber mass. It is used for the manufacture of gaskets operating in water vapor and steam-gas environments. It is produced in the form of sheets 550x550 mm in size, 1.5 and 2 mm thick. Oud. in. 2-2.5. Ferronite 56, when bent 180° around a cylinder with a diameter of 42 mm, should not break and crack, delaminate and exfoliate from the metal. grids, cause corrosion of aluminum and its alloys, steel and brass. Warranty period for maintaining operation. sv-in when stored for 6 years.

G1. 9-38-56 is used in the form of gaskets of various sizes and configurations for sealing metal joints. surfaces operating in the environment of gasoline, fuels TS-1, T-1 and TP; oils MK-8, TsNIL 36/1 and other similar fuels and oils at temperatures up to 200 °. Available in sheets 500X 500 and 600X 500 mm, thickness from 0.4 to 2.5 mm. Oud. in. 1.5-2.0. Tensile strength at break in the transverse direction before exposure to working media at 18-20 ° not less than 150 kg!cm2, after exposure to working media for 24 hours. at 200° not less than 100 kg!cm2. Samples of paronite 9-38-56, aged in fuels and oils for 24 hours. at 200 °, they can increase in weight by 5-18%, retain elasticity, do not cause corrosion of D16 duralumin (clad and unclad) and other metals.

paronite PON and PON-1 ( paronite general purpose), PMB and PMB-1 ...

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Home » Articles » Paronite gaskets: purpose, scope, advantages and disadvantages

Paronite gaskets: purpose, scope, advantages and disadvantages

The purpose of paronite gaskets is to create a sealing joint, to ensure the necessary tightness in various mechanisms, assemblies and pipelines.


Paronite, due to its non-standard physical and chemical properties, is a common material in many areas: in the automotive industry, the metallurgical industry, the chemical, oil and gas industries, etc.

Pros and cons of paronite gaskets


  • Good resistance to high temperatures.

    Paronite, paronite gaskets, brands, properties, applicability.

    That is why they are used in various mechanisms where heating occurs, for example, in internal combustion engines.

  • Ability to withstand high pressure. This quality of paronite is achieved due to the high-quality compaction of asbestos fibers.
  • Preservation of operational qualities under the influence of various loads. The products are used in difficult conditions, while demonstrating excellent reliability and ensuring the operability of pipelines.


There are practically no disadvantages of paronite gaskets. The product may be defective only due to errors in the manufacturing process or due to improper operation. When buying paronite gaskets from TMZ, you can be sure of the excellent quality of the products.

Types of paronite gaskets

There are several varieties of them:

  • general purpose (PNB),
  • acid resistant (PC),
  • oil resistant (PMB),
  • reinforced (PA).

For pressures up to 40 bar, non-reinforced gaskets may be used.

Asbestos-free gaskets

The main component of the paronite gasket is asbestos, which contains chlorine and sulfur, and these elements lead to corrosion. In addition, asbestos products are not used where there are frequent temperature changes.

As a replacement for conventional paronite gaskets, asbestos-free variations are used, consisting of graphite, mica, artificial rubber and other components that do not cause corrosion and are immune to temperature changes.

These qualities are not a disadvantage of paronite gaskets as such (therefore, they were not written about above, in the “Cons” section), just their different options are suitable for different purposes.

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What is paronitis?

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Paronite and fiberglass in industry

Modern industry is characterized by the presence of aggressive environments and elevated temperatures. Therefore, units of equipment, communications and other industrial structures need reliable protective insulation. The range of industrial sealing and insulating materials today is huge. Some of the most popular materials are parotite and fiberglass.

What is paronite made of?

The main raw material for the manufacture of paronite is asbestos. It contains about 70%, and thanks to this, the material is able to withstand high thermal and chemical loads. Rubber, which is added to the composition, makes it plastic and technological. Paronite purchased on the site ( is not subject to any biological effects, so it is acceptable to use it in conditions of excessive dampness. The disadvantages of the material include its ability to stick. On the one hand, this improves the quality of the insulation, and on the other hand, it complicates the dismantling of the connection. To minimize this effect, experts advise applying graphite to the surface.


As follows from the description of the properties of the material, paronite is able to qualitatively seal any seams and holes. Its resistance to high temperatures makes it possible to use it in pipelines of steam, gas, oil products, compressor equipment.

When choosing a material, it is tested for strength.

What is Paronite

High-quality paronite should not break and crumble when bent.

Fiberglass to replace asbestos

Glass fibers intertwined with each other in a perpendicular longitudinal and transverse direction are an insulating material called fiberglass. With its relatively low density (the thickness of the fibers is from 3 to 100 microns), it has excellent parameters of chemical, thermal insulation resistance and high electrical insulation ability. All these technical characteristics depend on the method of weaving the fabric. The material can be made more flexible, but with a low density, or, conversely, with increased rigidity.

Due to its water resistance and insulating properties, fiberglass (here ( in more detail) is widely used in shipbuilding, aircraft building, for sealing pipelines, parts of mechanisms.

In construction, it is customary to lay it as an additional waterproofing under roofing materials. Fiberglass creates a reinforcing layer that protects the surface from cracking and leakage.

Paronite is one of the most important asbestos gasket materials used in many industries: petrochemistry, metallurgy, engineering, energy and other areas where equipment has to work in contact with aggressive media, high temperatures and pressure.

Paronite is an asbestos material used as seals in many industries, including the petrochemical, metallurgy, and engineering industries. An important advantage of the material is the ability to withstand the action of aggressive media, high pressure and temperature. Gaskets made of sheet paronite are widely used for the manufacture of pipeline connecting elements.

Varieties of paronitis

Depending on the operating conditions and scope, the following types of material are distinguished:

  • general purpose paronite PON (B). This material is produced in sheets with a thickness of 0.4 to 6 millimeters. Paronite PON is designed for use under conditions of exposure to fresh water, steam, air, ammonia, oil distillation products, aqueous salt solutions. The working pressure of the material is up to 4 MPa. Paronite PON can be used at temperatures from -50 to +450°C;
  • oil and petrol resistant paronite (PMB, PMB-1). Sheet paronite PMB has a thickness of 0.4 to 5 millimeters, PMB-1 - from 0.4 to 4 millimeters. The material is able to work under the influence of oil products, hydrocarbons, coke oven gases, oils, brines and salt water. Paronite PMB is designed for use under pressure up to 10 MPa, PMB-1 - also up to 10 MPa. Temperature regime - from -40 to +490°С and from -40 to +250 °С, respectively;
  • reinforced paronite (PA), ferronite. Reinforced sheet paronite has a thickness of 0.8 to 3 millimeters and a reinforcing layer of metal mesh. The material can be used in water, steam, air, inert gases, oil distillation products. The limiting pressure is 4 MPa, the temperature of the working medium is from -40°C to +450°C;
  • acid-resistant paronite (PC). The material is produced in sheets with a thickness of 0.4 to 2 millimeters. Suitable for use in direct contact with acids, alkalis, oxidizing agents, solvents and other aggressive media. Maximum pressure - 2.5 MPa at a temperature not exceeding +250°C;
  • electrolytic paronite (PE). It is a sheet paronite with a thickness of 1 to 4 millimeters. This material well transfers influence of the majority of aggressive environments, including alkalis, ammonia, hydrogen, oxygen and nitric acid. Electrolytic paronite is widely used in electrolysis devices, allowing to seal and isolate battery cells. The material can withstand pressure up to 2.5 MPa. The maximum admissible temperature of the environment - +180 °C.

Depending on the area of ​​application, paronite can be divided into the following categories:

  • general purpose;
  • oil and petrol resistant;
  • reinforced.

General purpose paronite is designed for operation in conditions of exposure to fuel oil, tar, bitumen and asphalt, as well as kerosene and gasoline. The material is able to withstand pressure up to 6 MPa with minimal gasket deformation (no more than 15%). The density of products made from paronite varies between 1.8-2 g/cm.

Oil and petrol resistant paronite is able to work in the environment of hydrocarbon, nitrogen, coke gas, oxygen and petroleum synthesis products. Material operating temperature range - from -40 to +490°С. A pressure of 10 MPa deforms the paronite gasket by an amount not exceeding 15%. The density of the product is 1.8-2 g/cm. Restorability of paronite - 35%. PROMRESURSSERVICE sells material that significantly outperforms competitors' products in terms of thickness variation and affordable prices per kg.

Finally, the third category paronite has a reinforced structure reinforced with a ferronite mesh. The filler is Kevlar or Tvaron fiber, and the link is made of nitrile elastomer. In order to reduce adhesion with adjacent surfaces, graphite is applied to the paronite.

Brands and sizes of paronite

Brand name and designation


Working environment

Maximum allowable

Connection type

pressure, MPa (kgf/m 2 )


General purpose paronite PON

Air, dry neutral and inert gases

(40 kgf / cm 2),

"thorn-groove", "protrusion-depression" of vessels, devices, pumps, fittings, pipelines, compressors, internal combustion engines and other units

Liquid oxygen and nitrogen

Oil and petrol resistant paronite - PMB

Wax melt

For fixed joints of the "smooth" type with a pressure of the working medium of not more than 4 MPa

(40 kgf / cm 2), "thorn-groove", "protrusion-hollow" of vessels, apparatus, pumps, fittings, pipelines, compressors, internal combustion engines and other units

Liquefied and gaseous hydrocarbons С 1 -С 5

coke oven gas

Gaseous oxygen and nitrogen

Heavy and light oil products, oil fractions

For fixed joints of the "smooth" type with a pressure of the working medium of not more than 2.5 MPa

(25 kgf / cm 2), "thorn-groove", "protrusion-cavity", vessels, apparatuses, pumps, fittings, pipelines, compressors, internal combustion engines and other units

EPU fluid

Sea water

Freons 12, 22, 114V-2

Paronite acid-resistant PC

Acids, alkalis, oxidizing agents, nitrous and other aggressive gases -

For fixed connections such as "smooth", "thorn-groove", "protrusion-hollow" of vessels, devices, pumps, fittings, pipelines, compressors and other units. In spiral wound gaskets as a soft "filler"

organic solvents

Paronite reinforced with PA mesh

Fresh superheated water, saturated and superheated steam

For fixed joints of the "smooth" type with a pressure of the working medium of not more than 4 MPa

(40 kgf / cm 2), "thorn-groove", "protrusion-hollow" of vessels and apparatuses, pumps, fittings, pipelines, compressors, internal combustion engines and other units

Neutral inert, dry gases, air

Heavy and light oil products, oil fractions

Electrolysis paronite PE

Alkali concentration

300-400 g/dm 3 , hydrogen, oxygen

For sealing cells assembled into a battery in electrolyzers for electrical isolation of cells from each other. The minimum pressure required to seal the joint is

(100 kgf / cm 2) for electrolyzers operating under pressure

(0.2 kgf / cm 2) and

(300 kgf / cm 2) for electrolyzers operating under pressure 1 MPa (10 kgf / cm 2)

Fresh superheated water, saturated and superheated steam

For fixed joints of the "smooth" type with a pressure of the working medium of not more than 4 MPa

(40 kgf / cm 2) "thorn-groove", "protrusion-cavity", vessels, apparatus, pumps, fittings, pipelines, compressors and other units

Aqueous salt solutions, liquid and gaseous ammonia

Heavy and light oil products

Fresh superheated water, saturated and superheated steam, dry neutral inert gases

Aqueous solutions of salts, liquid and gaseous ammonia, alcohols

Liquid oxygen and nitrogen

Heavy and light oil products

Mineral oils and light petroleum products

For sealing fixed joints, assemblies and parts of internal combustion engines

Air fuel mixture, air

Water, antifreeze, antifreeze -