Draft beer egais 1c retail 2.2 sale. How to sell alcoholic beverages by the glass? Accounting for bottled drinks in egais

The exchange format with EGAIS imposes restrictions on data on bulk products: with an indication of the displacement, but always with a whole quantity - fractional quantities are not allowed. Therefore, for bulk products, you need to create an entry in the Nomenclature directory with the base unit “liter” and the volume of alcoholic products - 0.1 dal.

All selling prices for such products should be assigned to the base unit - 1 liter.

In addition, for this product the Type of item with the attribute Sold by glass must be indicated.

For items sold by bulk, you need to create several packages:

  • mandatory: 1 DAL with a multiplicity of 10 liters;
  • additional (mandatory) to describe possible containers with a multiplicity equal to the volume: Keg 30 liters, Keg 25 liters, etc.
  • additional (optional) for registration retail sales: 0.5 liters, 1.5 liters, etc.

Mandatory packaging in 1DAL is used to register the receipt of products intended for bottling sales, since information about such products comes from the Unified State Automated Information System without taking into account the capacity of the transport packaging. To formalize the opening of containers, packaging corresponding to the container capacity is used, for retail receipts - to the volume of the sales unit - mugs, glasses.

EAN13 barcodes can be generated for all additional packages. If a Barcode is indicated on the factory packaging, it should be used for packaging the container, otherwise internal barcodes can be generated for both transport packages and retail packages.

To open containers, a special document is provided: Opening containers (Warehouse - Warehouse operations). The tabular part of the document is filled out using the container packaging barcode or by selecting from the “Nomenclature” directory. If labeled products are sold by the bottle, the system will require reading the excise stamp in the same way as when registering a retail sale.

After processing the document, it should be uploaded to EGAIS. It should be taken into account that information about the opening of containers is transmitted to EGAIS without confirmation. That is, there will no longer be a response receipt and there is no need to process responses for these transactions.

At the same time, when selling these products at retail, transfer to EGAIS will no longer be carried out. For marked products, it is also not necessary to read the excise stamps of the packaging, because all the necessary information is already transmitted when the container is opened.

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User 1c: retail 2.2 asked me the following question:

“Why, when transferring bulk beer to EGAIS with a document does an error message appear, supposedly a zero quantity of some item in the document is being transmitted?

Error “quantity not filled” Quantity

The error is associated with incorrect settings for bulk beer in the product nomenclature directory. It is necessary to check the presence of zero volume in deciliters on the tab of each alcohol nomenclature as shown in Fig. 2. If there is a volume value on the left, correct it.

Sale of alcoholic beverages by the glass

Unpackaged alcoholic beverages in the EGAIS registers are stored in the volume of a deciliter (1 deciliter = 10 liters). Also in the report register of retail sales of alcoholic beverages, the final indicators are formed in deciliters. Speaking the language program code, we can say this - the balance of alcoholic products in the warehouse, as well as the balance of alcoholic products available for shipment to EGAIS in the accumulation register of the EGAIS balance of alcoholic products is measured in deciliters. Movement along this register is determined by multiplying the quantity according to the document by the volume in deciliters of the unit of measurement of the nomenclature. The result of multiplication cannot be zero.

Therefore, for non-packaged alcoholic products you need to create an entry in the directory Nomenclature with the base unit “liter” (See Fig. 1) and the volume of alcoholic products – 0.1 dal on the additional tab (See Fig. 2)

Fig 1 Setting up items (main tab) Fig 2 Setting up items (additional tab)

Please note that this product must indicate the Type of nomenclature with the attribute Sold by the glass (See Figure 3)

Fig. 3 Setting up the type of nomenclature with the name of draft beer

Another reason for the error may be due to the fact that for an item sold by bulk, it is necessary to create several packages:

  • 1 DAL with a multiplicity of 10 liters– This mandatory packaging in 1DAL is used to register the receipt of products intended for bottling sale, since information about such products comes from the Unified State Automated Information System without taking into account the capacity of the transport packaging. To formalize the opening of containers, packaging corresponding to the container capacity is used, for retail receipts - to the volume of the sales unit - mugs, glasses.
  • Keg 25 liters And Keg 30 liters– These additional (mandatory) packages are used to describe possible containers with a multiplicity equal to a volume of 25 liters and 30 liters, respectively.
  • 0.5 liters, 1.5 liters, etc. – These are additional (optional) for registration of retail sales:

Fig 4 Packaging directory

Sequence of paperwork for sales in Tokawa bottling:

  • Design Receipt of goods and send the TTN confirmation act to EGAIS.
  • Based on document Receipt of goods formalize the transfer of goods to the goods register No. 2 (trading floor) in the Unified State Automated Information System with a document Transfer to the EGAIS trading floor and wait for the data exchange with EGAIS to complete.
  • Based on document Transfer to the EGAIS trading floor design Opening the container for those products that were opened and sent to EGAIS.

Opening a container or keg

Keg or barrel – This is a metal returnable container(usually made of steel) used for storing and transporting beer and other alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages.

Document completed needed opening the container?

Document opening the container draft alcoholic products first appeared in version 1C Retail 2.2.2. This invented 1C document does not perform any movements in registers. In addition, the background information in this document is not very informative. The only thing I could understand from this background information is that the document is supposedly intended for opening containers strong alcoholic products. I don’t understand why EGAIS needs this document. The fact is that, regardless of the strength of alcoholic beverages sold on tap, EGAIS write-off act when closing cash register shift along with the document Retail sales report. Document EGAIS write-off act sent to EGAIS to write off products according to register No. 2 balances on the sales floor. This document performs the movement consumption by register Remains of Alcohol Products EGAIS in the 1C Retail accounting program 2.2.

However, the instructions say this:

  1. Opening the container low alcohol products EGAIS write-off act with document type Write-off act in the sales area and the reason for the write-off - Implementation. After posting the document, its data should be transferred to EGAIS using the command Send to EGAIS
  2. To open the keg strong alcohol the document Opening the container of the Unified State Automated Information System is provided.

The tabular part of the document is filled out using the container packaging barcode or by selecting from the “Nomenclature” directory. The system will require reading the excise stamp in the same way as when registering a retail sale.

Fig 5 Document Opening the container of the Unified State Automated Information System

The document can also be drawn up on the basis of other configuration documents: Posting of goods , Transfer to the EGAIS trading floor


Another contradiction in this document is that , that, according to the requirements of the Unified State Automated Information System, the opening of containers of both strong alcohol and low-alcohol products is carried out in the sales area, i.e. balances are written off according to register No. 2 balances on the trading floor, and any type of warehouse is available in this document.

Once again I want to note that the balances are written off from the register Remains of Alcoholic Products EGAIS in accounting program 1C Retail 2.2 document EGAIS write-off act, which are automatically generated when closing a cash register shift regardless of alcohol strength. That is why, as a 1C programmer, I don’t understand why the instructions say that opening the container low alcohol products made using a document EGAIS write-off act , and forstrong alcohol the document Opening the container of the Unified State Automated Information System is provided.

The most famous example of a low-alcohol product is beer; it typically contains about 4.5% alcohol. Therefore, for stores that sell beer on tap, this document is not needed

EGAIS is a system for the sale and accounting of alcohol. EGAIS for draft beer is a program through which the state exercises control over the sale of alcoholic beverages. All information about the Russian alcohol market will be systematized and structured. The norm obliging entrepreneurs to report to the authorities on the sale of beer came into force on July 1, 2016. Connecting to the system will cost a retail outlet 25,000 rubles. For this money you will have to buy a computer, a UTM system and a key with an electronic signature and software. Without EGAIS, there will no longer be draft beer for individual entrepreneurs. At least it shouldn't be. Maintenance of the system will cost 2,500 rubles per year.

What is the operating principle of EGAIS for draft beer?

The cashier creates a receipt;
Using a 2D scanner, the EAN 13 code is read;
The program uses a code to determine whether the product contains alcohol. If the answer is positive, an additional field appears;
The PDF417 code printed on alcohol is read;
When the code is read successfully, the product is imported into the receipt;
Click TOTAL and the data on the receipt containing alcoholic products is generated in an Excel table and sent to the server with EGAIS software for a draft beer store;
Data from the received check is recorded in the database and fiscal storage;
By using electronic signature The module endorses the cash document. JaCarta crypto key is used for encryption and signing;
The cashier closes the check.

How have the rules for working with beer in retail trade changed?

The supplier issues you an invoice for your store;
You receive them through utm;
The invoice and the actual state of affairs in the warehouse are compared;
If there are deficiencies or surpluses, you make a decision on the fate of the delivery, whether you accept it or not, and write a report.

What are the technical requirements for connecting to EGAIS for retail draft beer?

Processor with 2.0 GHz or higher;
RAM capacity - from 2 GB;
Winchester - from 50GB and more;
Operating system - Windows 7;
Java 8;
Internet connection of 256 kbps or higher. However, if there are problems with the Internet, the program can work with or without it for three days;
Universal transport module, distributed free of charge;
JaCarta crypto key, which contains your unique electronic signature.

How to connect to EGAIS beer on tap?

First, you should purchase a crypto key from a special organization controlled by the FSB;
After purchase, an electronic signature certificate must be recorded on this key;
To issue a certificate, you must present the following documents: SNILS, INN, OGRN, extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and passport.

for draft beer and what will happen if you trade without it?

Persons who sell alcohol without using the Unified State Automated Information System for draft alcohol will pay a fine of 10 to 15 thousand rubles per individual and 100-150 thousand - for legal. Such serious fines are designed to dissuade those who want to work “in the gray”.

By connecting to EGAIS on tap, the store shows that it is a responsible supplier of quality products and customers will clearly know that the alcohol you sell is certified and not counterfeit. When buying beer in a store with EGAIS draft beer in retail 2016, the client receives a receipt with a code confirming that the alcohol was purchased from you.

To prevent the cash register from slowing down too much, staff should be trained to use the system. It would be a good idea to implement a software ban on completing a sale operation if the excise stamp is not scanned. Software at the checkout it won't let you add it new product to the check and will not allow you to complete work with it.

When implementing each new project, various rough edges are inevitable. To avoid performance degradation point of sale, working with staff and very strict adherence to instructions is very important.

Sales of draft beer in 2018, as before, does not require a license. It is necessary only for the sale of alcohol with a strength of more than 9%, according to 171-FZ).

However, when selling beer, cider, mead, poire and other draft low-alcohol drinks, it is important:

    comply with time restrictions imposed by the state (they are set at the regional level, for example, in Moscow, alcohol can be sold from 8 to 23 hours, in St. Petersburg - from 11 to 22 hours),

    do not sell alcohol on prohibited days (for example, September 1, June 1, May 25, etc., the list may also vary depending on the subject of the federation),

    do not sell such goods to underage buyers,

    use cash register equipment(KKT), meeting the requirements of 54-FZ,

    record the purchase of wholesale quantities in EGAIS.

Let's figure out how to sell draft beer through online cash registers and keep records in EGAIS.

Where and how to sell draft beer: conditions

For the legal sale of low-alcohol products, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions set out in 171-FZ:

1. The sale of beer is prohibited on the territory of sports, educational, cultural institutions, military facilities, train stations, public transport stops, and directly “on board” vehicles. In some regions, the minimum permissible distance from these establishments to retail outlets where alcohol is sold is established by law.

2. Draft beer must be sold in stationary retail outlets with a foundation (that is, not in kiosks/stalls and not from a barrel).

3. If beer is sold in plastic containers, the volume of the bottle cannot exceed 1.5 liters.

Can individual entrepreneurs sell draft beer?

Yes, individual entrepreneurs may retail beer, as well as other low-alcohol drinks, such as cider and mead. The sale of strong alcohol, according to 171-FZ, is permitted only to legal entities, and a license is required for this type of activity.

How to sell draft beer through online cash registers?

As noted above, when selling low-alcohol drinks, the seller needs. The seller gives the buyer a paper check (and an electronic check if the buyer requests it). Checks and other fiscal documents are automatically transmitted online to the fiscal data operator (FDO).

Additionally, you should take into account the legal requirements for recording draft low-alcohol drinks, therefore It’s most convenient to use a “smart” online cash register suitable for working with EGAIS.

Fines for violations when selling beer

When selling beer, individual entrepreneurs, like legal entities, need cash register, meeting the requirements of 54-FZ (the so-called, which transmits sales data to the tax office in real time). Trading without an online cash register faces individual entrepreneurs with a fine of 10 thousand rubles, and legal entities - from 30 thousand rubles.

Remember that individual entrepreneurs, like legal entities, must report on the purchase and sale of low-alcohol drinks in a single state automated information system(EGAIS). According to Article 14 of the Administrative Code, for violating the rules for recording alcohol in the Unified State Automated Information System, an enterprise can be fined 150-200 thousand rubles, an official - 10-15 thousand rubles.

Accounting for draft drinks in EGAIS

To connect to EGAIS it is enough register on the sitehttp://egais.ru, apply to Federal service on regulation alcohol market(FSRAR) or others public services not required.

Read more about what you need to work with EGAIS

According to 289-FZ, records of strong alcohol from October 1, 2018 must be kept in new version program - EGAIS 3.0, in which each bottle of alcohol is taken into account. But this does not apply to beer, including draft beer. In EGAIS you need to record only the fact of purchasing a batch of goods (how much beer was received from the supplier) and quarterly - a declaration of turnover (how much beer was sold).

When stored in a warehouse, the receipt of beer is recorded in Register No. 1, when stored in the sales area - in Register No. 2. Thus, accounting for low-alcohol products is still carried out according to the rules of Unified State Automated Information System 2.0.

Retail sales volume log

According to 171-FZ, alcohol sales must be recorded in the Retail Sales Log which is maintained manually or automatically - in the commodity accounting system or in EGAIS. At the same time, sellers of draft drinks do not record the sale of each portion of the drink, but the fact of the first opening of the container (bottle, barrel, etc.).

Important! If the owner of a retail outlet neglects the obligation to maintain a Journal, he may receive a fine of 10-15 thousand rubles (if he is registered as an individual entrepreneur) or 150-200 thousand (for legal entities).

Writing off beer upon sale and clearing balances

Write-off of beer when sold through the EGAIS website is done manually - in EGAIS you need to record a Write-off Act with the basis “Retail sales of products”. If you use the LiteBox inventory system, the remaining beer is automatically written off from the register where it is stored.

Be careful! In April 2018, some entrepreneurs already received warnings from the Federal Alcohol Regulatory Authority (FSRAR) because they did not write off alcohol before the end of the quarter (for example, products sold on March 30 and 31 were written off to the Unified State Automated Information System on April 1-2 - already in the second quarter).

To fix the error, the entrepreneur is obliged to provide explanations to FSRAR and balance the balances in the Unified State Automated Information System.

The process of clearing balances can be automated using a commodity accounting program. For example, LiteBox allows you to automatically check balances and generate a write-off report for beer and other low-alcohol products at the end of each shift.

Formation of alcohol declaration and report according to form No. 12

According to 171-FZ, catering establishments when selling low-alcohol drinks must submit an alcohol declaration (Form 11). Retail stores that trade through an online cash register are exempt from this obligation and submit a report on Form 12.

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How to automate draft beer accounting in EGAIS

Let's look at how to automate the accounting of alcoholic beverages and document flow in EGAIS using a commodity accounting system - using the LiteBox program as an example.

As noted above, retail stores It is enough to record invoices for the purchase of low-alcohol drinks in EGAIS and keep quarterly records of sales.

In the goods accounting system, the status of each invoice in EGAIS is immediately visible

    sales restriction settings

In the program you can configure permitted hours for the sale of alcohol in accordance with the laws of your region.

    scanning an unreadable stamp

If you have strong alcohol in your assortment, you know that a bottle with an erased stamp cannot be sold. LiteBox allows you to request a copy of the brand from EGAIS in order to sell the product as usual.

In addition, the commodity accounting systemLiteBox allows you to automate trade processes not related to alcohol accounting: purchasing, warehouse accounting, marketing, remote control and much more. And any questions related to the online cash register, goods accounting system and work in EGAIS will be resolved by the 24-hour technical support service. Find out more about the LiteBox goods accounting service!

Or maybe there are solutions that allow you to sell alcohol in bars (restaurants) without hemorrhoids?

There are several dozen solutions for catering - restaurants based on 1C and without 1C

How to properly keep records of alcoholic beverages in 1C Retail?
Sale of alcohol by the piece (in bottles) and by the glass (in liters) without creating a second nomenclature with a different unit. measurements.
Alcohol is supplied to TTN from EGAIS in pieces (bottles)

There is a problem when transferring alcohol to register 2 (sales area). If you indicate units in the nomenclature. measurements in liters.

It is not clear what we are talking about.
About the use of alcohol in catering, bottling trade, and preparing dishes using alcohol?

For items sold by bulk, you need to create several packages:

  • mandatory: 1 DAL with a multiplicity of 10 liters;
  • additional (mandatory) to describe possible containers with a multiplicity equal to the volume: Keg 30 liters, Keg 25 liters, etc.
  • additional (optional) for retail sales: 0.5 liters, 1.5 liters, etc.
Mandatory packaging in 1DAL is used to register the receipt of products intended for bottling sales, since information about such products comes from the Unified State Automated Information System without taking into account the capacity of the transport packaging. To formalize the opening of containers, packaging corresponding to the container capacity is used, for retail receipts - to the volume of the sales unit - mugs, glasses.

The opening of containers of both strong alcohol and low-alcohol products is carried out in the sales area, i.e. balances are written off according to register No. 2 balances on the trading floor. Before completing the documents described below, you must transfer the goods to the sales floor and verify that the data exchange cycle with EGAIS has been successfully completed.

To open a keg of strong alcohol, the document Opening the Container (Warehouse - EGAIS) is provided. The document can also be drawn up on the basis of other configuration documents: Receipt of goods, Transfer to the EGAIS trading floor.
It is possible to build the following chain of documents:

  • Complete the Receipt of Goods and send the TTN confirmation act to EGAIS.
  • Based on document Receipt of goods formalize the transfer of goods to the goods register No. 2 in EGAIS with a document and wait for the completion of data exchange with EGAIS.
  • Based on document Transfer to the EGAIS trading floor design Opening the container for those products that were opened and sent to EGAIS.
Opening containers of low-alcohol products is carried out using document A CT write-off EGAIS with write-off option Write-off act from trading floor and the reason for the write-off - Implementation.

After posting the document, it should be transferred to EGAIS using the command Send to EGAIS.