About payments and the flames of civilian workdays. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

In a recently published interview with Deputy Minister of Defense Tatyana Shevtsova, there is not a word about salaries, salaries and pay for such an important component of the Armed Forces Russian Federation as civilian personnel. Meanwhile, the number of military department employees who are in the status of ordinary civilian personnel is very large. The fact is that there is also “unusual” civilian personnel, which includes Shevtsova herself. These are federal government employees. There is no need to talk about their salaries - in this regard, they are doing fine. Well, the salary of “ordinary” civilian personnel of the law enforcement department is very small. They have long been trying not to talk about this problem at the state level. Because there really is a problem.

The thing is that the salaries of civilian personnel of units, divisions and institutions are quite insignificant. They are in the range of 6,000 – 8,000 rubles. If we take into account all allowances and even 40% of the salary in the calculation (for military pensioners who served in the Armed Forces for 20 years or more), then in this case the monthly income of the State Defense Ministry barely reaches 14,000 - 15,000 rubles.

Meanwhile, the list duties performed among civilian personnel is very large and responsible. They took over the functions of military positions that had been reduced at one time, that is, replaced by military personnel.

Previously, the problem of insufficient monetary support for civilian personnel was solved through the so-called “Order 1010”. That is, civilian personnel a quarterly bonus was paid. The size of this bonus, even five years ago, could be 30,000 rubles. In this case, in general, the salary of employees of the Armed Forces was quite tolerable. But gradually, the size of the premium for 1010 came down to minimal amounts, which only reminded that “there is such a premium.” Once every three months, now the State Moscow Region can pay two or three thousand rubles, or they can pay nothing at all. Therefore the size annual income civilian personnel have decreased significantly in recent years.

In 2018, civilian personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry will experience such a rare and long-awaited salary indexation. But a 4% increase will not solve the financial problems of families at all. This is due to the too small salary, four percent of which is a completely ridiculous amount.

The relevant State Duma Defense Committee also spoke about this problem when discussing and adopting the 2018–2020 budget. However, everything quickly died down and a budget with a 4% increase, which “does not solve the material problems of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense” was adopted.

Most likely, the government knew about plans to increase the minimum wage to the level living wage already from May 1, 2018. The fact is that the meager salaries of the State Enterprise of the Moscow Region are included in the list of those salaries that, according to the laws adopted in this regard, must be raised to this level.

But here another problem appears - leveling. Absolutely all categories of Ministry of Defense employees will receive almost the same salary - both simple clerks (inspectors) and highly qualified ones.

The union, however, remains silent...

Today it already exists reliable information on the amount of increase in salaries and wages for civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

As of today, it is already possible to judge quite clearly how much the salaries of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense and employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will increase. This information is quite serious and objective in nature, as it is based on documents of the draft budget 2018-2020, the conclusion of the relevant Defense Committee of the State Duma and the speech of Finance Minister Anton Siluanov at parliamentary hearings on the budget in the Federation Council.

The news, I must say, is not comforting... Telling the background to the issue of increasing the salary of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense, we note that it has not been increased for a long time in such a way that one could live with dignity on it. At one time, civilians were paid a bonus under Order 1010, which was a good material support and provided some stability in the matter of financial support. But, in lately, bonus payments under order 1010 are gradually disappearing and are ridiculous. Quarterly bonuses under this order sometimes do not exceed 2,000 rubles and are paid with a delay. As the problem of paying 1010 increased, the problems of low salaries for civil servants also worsened.

Suffice it to say in this aspect that the majority of employees had their salaries raised only after the government adopted relevant resolutions on increasing the minimum wage. And they raised it again, “little by little.” That is, for pennies.

There were numerous appeals and numerous petitions to both Department of Defense officials and the civilian staff union. But things are still there. Such an empty and joyless cart of civilians.

It should be noted that civilian personnel in their positions are by no means idle, but perform a fairly wide range of tasks. But the payment for this work cannot be compared with the payment and allowances of military personnel.

So. Let's return to the draft budget 2018-2020. How much is it planned to increase the salary of civilians? Just 4%. This also follows from the conclusion of the State Duma Defense Committee. If after reading the budget there were still doubts about this issue, now they are gone. Yes, by 4%

The draft federal budget for 2018 and the planning period of 2019 and 2020 provides for the following budget allocations for the remuneration of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (according to the Register): for 2018 - 233.8 billion rubles; for 2019 – 235.8 billion rubles; for 2020 – 245.3 billion rubles.

This took into account the annual indexation of wages to the forecast inflation level from January 1, 2018 - by 4.0%, from October 1, 2019 - by 4.0% and from October 1, 2020 - by 4.0%.

In this regard, the Defense Committee notes that in the period from 2014 to 2017, no decisions were made to index (increase) wages for civilian personnel military units and federal organizations executive branch(with the exception of categories falling under the “May Decrees”). At the same time, from January 1, 2015 to July 1, 2017, the minimum wage (hereinafter referred to as the minimum wage) increased by 40% (from 5,554 rubles to 7,800 rubles). Lack of decisions on indexation of wage funds for most categories of civilian personnel of military units and organizations of the “power bloc” during recent years practically led to the equalization of wage levels for low-skilled workers in relation to workers with higher qualifications, as well as to the leveling of guarantees associated with wages in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions.

The Committee emphasizes that it is concerned about such a penny increase, which will not solve anything in matters of material support for civilians. But it seems that things will not progress beyond “concern,” as has been the case for the last few years. Another unresolved problem will be the equalization of labor among low- and high-skilled specialists, which is also unfair.

The huge break in indexing is also outrageous:

Annual indexation of wages to the forecast inflation level from January 1, 2018 - by 4.0%, from October 1, 2019 - by 4.0%.

And in general, it is not clear where such a gap came from.

I would like to wish the civilians universal patience and a speedy resolution of these issues!

Before the reform began, a military serviceman was assigned to this regular cell. With the regiments, he was a military man with the rank of major. Today the position has been transferred to civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense. A military man with the rank of major received a salary in the region of 55 thousand rubles per month, but a civilian psychologist, performing the same duties, has the right to claim only 15 thousand rubles per month. The difference is huge. At the same time, the meager salary - in comparison with the allowance of a military personnel - is recognized (by civilian standards) as quite high, and the position itself is included in the group of highly paid ones. Most of the civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense are represented by various inspectors. Thus, the position of a combat unit clerk has today been replaced by the position of a personnel inspector. The salary established for her is practically close to the current minimum wage and does not exceed 8 thousand rubles.

Increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018


Salary in $ Special Forces Chief 40000 708 Advisor to the Director 12700 225 Head of Department 15500 274 ​​Consultant 11400 202 Chief Specialists 11000 195 Military Commissariat Commissioner 17600 311 Deputy Commissioner 16500 292 Chief Administrator. department 9700 172 Social Security Center Head 16300 288 Head of department 13700 242 Foreign representative office Head 15600 276 Deputy head 14500 257 Work with believers Head 14600 258 Assistant 12700 225 Financial control and audit Head 30000 531 Legal adviser 11000 195 Inspector-auditor 10800 191 Military inspection env. Economist 9050 160 Ch. inspector 20150 257 Center material. provided Head 21000 372 Ch. engineer 13700 242 Such salaries have been maintained since 2012; they were not indexed for 6 years.

This table shows the earnings of officials in management positions. Operating personnel – cooks, plumbers, drivers, etc.


Salary and bonus by order 1010 of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Currently, the wages of civil servants of the Russian Ministry of Defense are regulated by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2014 (as amended and supplemented: September 22, 2015, August 18, 2016) No. 255 “On measures to implement in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2008 No. 583,” which establishes official salaries in accordance with the tariff schedule. Compared to the salaries of military personnel, salaries of civilian personnel are much lower, although they often perform the same difficult and dangerous work, with no less risk. Also, as an additional measure of financial support for civilian employees of the Ministry of Defense, a quarterly bonus is provided in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 26, 2010.

Increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018-2020. 4% will not save!

At one time, civilians were paid a bonus under Order 1010, which was a good material support and provided some stability in the matter of financial support. But, recently, bonus payments under order 1010 are gradually disappearing and are ridiculous. Quarterly bonuses under this order sometimes do not exceed 2,000 rubles and are paid with a delay.


As the problem of paying 1010 increased, the problems of low salaries for civil servants also worsened. Suffice it to say in this aspect that the majority of employees had their salaries raised only after the government adopted relevant resolutions on increasing the minimum wage. And they raised it again, “little by little.” That is, for pennies.

There were numerous appeals and numerous petitions to both Department of Defense officials and the civilian staff union. But things are still there.

Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces


Their salary does not exceed 20,000 rubles. Particular indignation was caused by the order of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, prohibiting civilian employees from crossing the Russian border. Now they do not have the right to vacation in foreign countries, even in the CIS.

This is done in order to prevent the disclosure of state secret information owned by these employees. Vacancies, where to work?

  1. The military unit in Novocherkassk is inviting a guard nurse at a medical center to work as civilian personnel. Salary – 15,000 rubles. ($265).
  2. To the military unit in the city.

    Yekaterinburg requires paramilitary security workers. Advantage is given to reserve military personnel. Salary – 18,000 rubles.

How much do civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense and military units earn + in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The increase in wages and salaries for civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense will take place from January 1, 2018 - by 4.0%, from October 1, 2019 - by 4.0% and from October 1, 2020 - by 4.0%. An increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will now take place for sure. For a long time now, officials from the Ministry of Defense, as well as the leadership of the specialized trade union of civil servants, have forgotten about decent wages for labor in the above-mentioned category.

Considering that the number of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces is about 40% of total number army. then this question, you agree, is important. Yes, some who have transferred their status to “state civil servants” live quite well. They get paid quite well. But the remaining 90% of employees receive such meager wages that they are even embarrassed to talk about it.

Salary of civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018

Coefficient: 3.5) Head of department in department management 6389 rub. (Coefficient: 3.5) Head of the Department of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation7065 rub. (Coefficient: 4) Head of department in the main department 7065 rub. (Coefficient: 4) Head of department in the department 7065 rub. (Coefficient: 4) Head of the Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation7065 rub. (Coefficient: 4) Head of the department of the main command of the branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation7065 rub. (Coefficient: 4) Head of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation7065 rub. (Coefficient: 4) Head of the department of the command of the armed forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Railway Troops) 7065 rub.

Salary of civilian personnel MO RF forum

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Salary of civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2016

The absence of decisions on the indexation of wage funds for most categories of civilian personnel of military units and organizations of the “power bloc” in recent years has practically led to the equalization of wage levels for low-skilled workers in relation to workers with higher qualifications, as well as to the leveling of guarantees associated with wages in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions. The Committee emphasizes that it is concerned about such a penny increase, which will not solve anything in matters of material support for civilians. But it seems that things will not progress beyond “concern,” as has been the case for the last few years.

Another unresolved problem will be the equalization of labor among low- and high-skilled specialists, which is also unfair.

Salary of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2014, chief of finance

Civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are doctors, electricians, cooks, meteorologists, engineers, drivers, plumbers and other employees working on the territory of military units and creating normal living conditions for military personnel. They all receive salaries from the military department. Income of employees In order to save budget funds, many military positions were replaced by civilian ones. But the responsibilities remained the same. For example, the position of a combat unit clerk was reduced and replaced with the position of a personnel inspector. As a result of these changes, the employee began to receive 8,000 rubles. ($142) salary. The table reflects the remuneration of civilian personnel for 2015 (in rubles): Place of duty Position held Salary in rubles.

Salary of civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2012

List of documents required to make a decision: local regulations head of the Federal State Institution " Federal Administration savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel", time sheets and other primary accounting documents that are the basis for accrual wages. Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation7516 rub. (Coefficient: 4) Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation7516 rub. (Coefficient: 4) Deputy head of the inspection at the main department 6764 rubles. (Coefficient: 3.5) Deputy Head of Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation7516 rub. (Coefficient: 4) Deputy Head of Department of the Office of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 5562 rubles.

All factors will be taken into account when approving the bill and establishing the exact amount of indexation. Preliminary data recently obtained from official sources, indicate that indexation will be carried out by 4%. From January, the earnings of officers can be from 45,000 rubles. According to Russian Ministry of Economic Development, starting from 2018, an increase will be made to the salaries of Russian military personnel. The Minister of Economy said: the monthly salary of privates will be at least 20,000 rubles, and for officers - 45,000 rubles. The salary of military personnel in 2018 will depend on the level of qualifications, as well as the region in which the military institution is located. The region where the institution is located is an important factor in determining the salary of military personnel. In 2018, wages will be calculated from the regional budget. Experts say military personnel should not count on high salaries.

N 1598 “On the increase monetary allowance military personnel and employees of some federal executive bodies" Considering that when increasing the salaries of military personnel and employees, their amounts are subject to rounding up to the nearest whole ruble (see, for example, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2011 No. 225 "On the increase monetary allowances for military personnel and employees of some federal executive bodies" (with amendments and additions) (lost force)), we calculated the salaries for military positions and salaries for military ranks of military personnel serving under a contract as of 01/01/2018.

New salaries for military personnel in 2018

The Russian government announced its plans to index military salaries in 2018. Starting from the new year, an increase is provided for employees of the Russian Guard and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Officials developed a project to increase military salaries last year. At the same time, the regulations were adjusted. However, the project with regulations was considered this year.
From 02/01/2018, the salary allowance of the Russian Guard will increase by 4%. The exact date of the salary increase is currently unknown: the Ministry of Economic Development has not declassified this information.

During the current year, the government was supposed to consider a bill to increase the salaries of Russian military personnel. When this issue is discussed and a final decision is made, State Duma officials will definitely take into account budget planning for 2018, as well as the economic situation in the country.

Whose salary will increase from January 1, 2018, due to the increase in the minimum wage?

The defense sector is decisive for the well-being and stability of the state. One of the most important moments in the work of the entire defense apparatus of the country, the level of funding and salaries of all workers involved in this area is rightfully considered.

Recently (since 2015), the salaries of military personnel have not been increased or indexed, which, against the backdrop of a general increase in prices, has caused a significant decrease in the level of security for defense workers and their families. The relevance of this issue is obvious, so throughout 2017 the government several times announced its readiness to resolve the situation.

The Minister of Economy said that in 2018 a number of measures will be taken to reform the defense sector, one of which could be an increase in salaries for military personnel.

Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

Forces 38,000 39520 47 Commander of a military district, commander of a branch of the Armed Forces, head of the main directorate, head (director) of a department of the Ministry of Defense 40,000 41600 48 Commander-in-Chief of a branch of the Armed Forces, deputy chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces 42,000 43680 49 Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Federation 44,000 45,760 50 First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 45,000 46,800 Let us add that the DD for new salaries can be calculated in our calculator: Calculation of the salary of a serviceman under a contract of the RF Armed Forces The same applies to pensions, we have updated the calculator: Calculation of pensions for military pensioners now comes from the increased salaries from January 1. In conclusion, we emphasize that members of the NachFin community who have already received pensions “in the new way” confirm the relevance of the above salary figures and calculation data.

Increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018


“On additional measures to improve the efficiency of using funds for military allowances and wages for civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” Despite the fact that some bonuses in this area amounted to no more than 2 thousand rubles, there is good news: the bonus under Order 1010 for the 3rd quarter of 2017 for civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense will be 4 thousand rubles.

The issue of the bonus for the 4th quarter of 2017 is still being considered, but this bonus will also be an amount no lower than the previous one, since the 2018 Elections are approaching, on the eve of which increased spending on financing the army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is expected.

403 forbidden

Salaries by military rank from 01/01/2018 Private, sailor 5,000 5,200 Corporal, senior sailor 5,500 5,720 Junior sergeant, sergeant major, second class 6,000 6,240 Sergeant, sergeant major, first class 6,500 6,760 Senior sergeant, chief petty officer 7,000 7,280 Star tire , chief petty officer 7 500 7800 Warrant officer, midshipman 8 000 8320 Senior warrant officer, senior midshipman 8 500 8840 Junior lieutenant 9 500 9880 Lieutenant 10 000 10400 Senior lieutenant 10 500 10920 Captain, lieutenant commander 11 00 0 11440 Major, captain 3rd rank 11 500 11960 Lieutenant Colonel, Captain 2nd Rank 12,000 12480 Colonel, Captain 1st Rank 13,000 13520 Major General, Rear Admiral 20,000 20800 Lieutenant General, Vice Admiral 22,000 22880 Colonel General, Admiral 25,000 2600 0 Army General, Fleet Admiral 27 000 28080 Marshal of the Russian Federation 30 000 31200 And of course the table official salaries for the military at new “rates”.

Military salaries in 2018

As of today, it is already possible to judge quite clearly how much the salaries of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense and employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will increase. This information is quite serious and objective in nature, as it is based on documents of the draft budget 2018-2020, the conclusion of the relevant Defense Committee of the State Duma and the speech of Finance Minister Anton Siluanov at parliamentary hearings on the budget in the Federation Council.

The news, I must say, is not comforting... Telling the background to the issue of increasing the salary of civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense, we note that it has not been increased for a long time in such a way that one could live with dignity on it.


This amount was established for the period from 2017 to 2019, it did not imply changes or increases. On at the moment To implement the project, it is necessary to allocate funds from other federal budget funds that are entrusted with expenditure obligations.

The issue will need to be resolved during the approval of the budget for 2018, when the main funding streams will be finally distributed. Despite the unstable economic situation, there are prerequisites for a positive solution to this issue. This is possible based on the fact that the next presidential elections in Russia will take place in the spring of 2018, and the voting base is usually pensioners, civil servants and military personnel. Therefore, the current government cannot afford to lose the support of such a huge social segment of the population.
Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer 7 500 7800 Warrant Officer, Midshipman 8 000 8320 Senior Warrant Officer, Senior Midshipman 8 500 8840 Junior Lieutenant 9 500 9880 Lieutenant 10 000 10400 Senior Lieutenant 10 500 10920 Captain, Lieutenant Commander 11 000 11440 Major, captain 3rd rank 11 500 11960 Lieutenant Colonel, Captain 2nd Rank 12,000 12480 Colonel, Captain 1st Rank 13,000 13520 Major General, Rear Admiral 20,000 20800 Lieutenant General, Vice Admiral 22,000 22880 Colonel General, Admiral 25,000 26000 Army General, Admiral fleet 27 000 28080 Marshal of the Russian Federation 30 000 31200 LIST OF TARIFF RANGES FOR STAFF MILITARY POSITIONS OF MILITARY PERSONNEL PASSING MILITARY SERVICE UNDER CONTRACT (from 01/01/2018) Tariff categories for regular military positions Name of typical (non-standard) military positions Salaries for military positions (rubles) until 01/01/2018

Salaries for military registration and enlistment office employees from January 1, 2018 latest news

We wrote that in State Duma a bill “On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020” was introduced, which, as follows from the appendices to it, provides for “As a measure of support for other categories of federal workers government agencies who are not subject to the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as judges, prosecutors, employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, federal civil servants and other categories of employees of federal government bodies, military personnel and persons equivalent to them, it is planned to increase budget allocations for an annual increase in wages , monetary allowance, monetary allowance in accordance with the forecast inflation rate from January 1, 2018 by 4 percent, from October 1, 2019 and from October 1, 2020.

State Courier Service of the Russian Federation, Service foreign intelligence Russian Federation, Federal service Security of the Russian Federation, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control, other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation and the former USSR, in which the legislation provides or has provided for military service; in medical and pharmaceutical workers V medical institutions regardless of the form of ownership, subject to employment in medical and pharmaceutical positions in military units (units); in the Armed Forces of the USSR, the KGB of the USSR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR; in the Armed Forces of the states - former republics of the USSR until the end of the transition period (until December 31, 1994 G.). 73.

Increase in long service bonus in 2018


In this way, the state gets rid of the need to finance people who take out early retirement. IN work experience employee includes the following periods:

  • service in the armed forces;
  • work in government agencies;
  • accrual of length of service is not interrupted in the event of being captured (provided that the person has not committed illegal actions against his homeland);
  • time spent in custody due to unfounded charges is included in the term of service;
  • When calculating length of service, specialists take into account the periods of training before entering the service (no more than 5 years).

Important! When calculating additional payments for sailors serving on submarines, an increased coefficient of 1.5 is used.


The same procedure for calculating allowances applies to pilots and divers. The use of increased coefficients is associated with hazardous working conditions.

Increase in salaries for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018-2020. 4% will not save!

This took into account the annual indexation of wages to the forecast inflation level from January 1, 2018 - by 4.0%, from October 1, 2019 - by 4.0% and from October 1, 2020 - by 4.0%. In this regard, the Defense Committee notes that in the period from 2014 to 2017, no decisions were made to index (increase) wages for civilian personnel of military units and organizations of federal executive authorities (with the exception of categories falling under the “May Decrees”).
At the same time, from January 1, 2015 to July 1, 2017, the minimum wage (hereinafter referred to as the minimum wage) increased by 40% (from 5,554 rubles to 7,800 rubles).

Increase in long service bonus from 2018

The government is taking measures to reduce the cost of early payments. In 2017, the minimum length of service for retirement is 20 years.

To receive a military pension in 2018, you will have to serve at least 25 years. The essence of pension reform is to reduce the budget deficit.

What will be the long service bonus for military personnel in 2018? Due to the economic crisis in the country, the inflation rate is high, and fluctuations in the currency market are forcing Russian citizens to think about whether they should expect an increase in their living standards. next year. Applicants will be required to serve for at least 2 years. After this, the serviceman will be able to receive an additional 10% of his base salary.
Thanks to changes in interest rates, the state will achieve an increase in payments for military personnel. To raise the standard of living of people, the state pays extra money for good physical training.

Salary GP MO RF 2018

Military personnel also receive a bonus for secrecy. In 2017 it is 65% of the salary. A project to increase long service bonuses is under consideration by the Government.

Important! Amendments to Law No. 306-FZ will be made during 2017. Already in January, new rules regarding the procedure for calculating additional payments for length of service will come into force.

Information from the draft law regarding the increase in long-service bonuses The government plans to change the interest rates that are used when calculating long-service bonuses. Persons who have served from 6 months to 1 year will be able to receive an additional 5% of their salary.

With 1 to 2 years of service, a contract employee will receive a 10% bonus. People who have served from 2 to 5 years will receive next year additional payments in the amount of 25%. Service in the RF Armed Forces from 5 to 10 years entitles you to receive a bonus of 40%.

The size of the long service bonus for various employees in 2018

Not to mention the fact that it is possible to survive on it. It's about about inspectors and other job titles that have the lowest salaries. Although, in fact, civilian workers are not kicking ass, but performing the duties of reduced military positions, and sometimes two. It is much more profitable for the state to pay 9,000 rubles to a civilian than, for example, 50,000 to a major. That is why such reforms were carried out. But the range of duties that the “major” performed did not decrease as a result of this reform, but quite the opposite. So the civil servant pulls the burden for a meager salary.
Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to achieve a targeted increase in salaries for civilian personnel. But it turned out quite paradoxically that with the increase in the minimum wage, the salaries of employees of the RF Armed Forces began to increase.


The absence of decisions on the indexation of wage funds for most categories of civilian personnel of military units and organizations of the “power bloc” in recent years has practically led to the equalization of wage levels for low-skilled workers in relation to workers with higher qualifications, as well as to the leveling of guarantees associated with wages in areas with unfavorable climatic conditions. The draft federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020 provides for the establishment of a minimum wage from January 1, 2018.

in the amount of 9,489 rubles per month (an increase of 21.7 percent), which corresponds to an increase in the minimum wage to the level of 85 percent of the subsistence level of the working-age population as a whole in the Russian Federation for the second quarter of 2017. And from January 1, 2019, there is another increase of 22.2 percent to 11,946 rubles.

We must also draw the reader’s attention to the fact that if, for example, salaries are indexed to the level of inflation based on the results of 2017, which is 4%, then the increase in income for employees of the RF Armed Forces will be 200 rubles, since the basic indexed part of their salaries is scanty. So this won't solve the problem. It is necessary to globally review the tariff and salary scale, otherwise, after indexation, the income of employees will remain almost the same.

Well, you can buy 4 extra cartons of cheap milk. In 2018, the government has plans to index workers' salaries budgetary sphere, first of all medical workers and education system workers.

Then Putin mentioned increasing the salaries of so-called “non-specified” state employees. That is, for those who are not included in the “May” presidential decrees.

Increasing the length of service bonus for civilian personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2018