Presentation on the topic of ancient India. "Ancient India" Location and nature of Ancient India The most ancient cities of India Groups of people

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The main areas of initial settlement were on the fertile plain of northern India, between the two main rivers Indus and Ganges, as well as on the low, hilly plateaus of the south of the country, where a diverse flora and fauna existed in constant summer conditions. India's oldest urban civilization arose on the banks of the Indus.

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1. Harappa

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    One of the main centers of the ancient Harappan civilization, which existed in the 3rd - first half of the 2nd millennium BC. in the valley of the Indus River, there was a city of Harappa. It was located near the now dry bed of the Ravvi River, in the territory of modern Pakistan. Archaeologists discovered the ruins of this city in the 20s of the 20th century.

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    2. Mohenjo-Daro

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    Mohenjo-Daro is one of the main cities of the mysterious ancient civilization of the Indus River Valley - the so-called Harappan civilization. Its foundation dates back to approximately 2600 BC, and it was inhabited for nine hundred years until it fell into disrepair for reasons not entirely clear. According to one version, the population of the city was destroyed by the invading Aryan tribes, but this theory has many opponents.

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    3. Prayaga

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    The city of Prayaga was founded at the confluence of the Jumna and Ganga rivers. It is known that the city already existed under King Ashoka in the 3rd century BC. e.. Prayaga was the sacred city of the ancient Hindus. Unfortunately, it is unknown when Prayaga fell into disrepair and turned into ruins.

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    4. Fatihpur Sikri

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    Fatihpur Sikri was built under the Indian king Akbar. He began the construction of this city, either deciding to dedicate it to another foreign policy victory, or the construction was associated with the birth of the king's son (possibly due to both factors). Construction was carried out at a rapid pace, and if we take into account the technical equipment of the builders of that time, then simply at an unimaginable pace. The city was built in 15 years. But nature intervened in the fate of Fatihpur Sikri. The lack of water led to a massive exodus of population. The result was the complete desolation of the city, which since then was inhabited only by monkeys.

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    The earliest inhabitants of India knew how to build cities with wide and straight streets. They built houses of two and three floors from durable brick. These houses had running water. A fortress rose on a hill in the center of the city. Behind its powerful walls it was possible to hide both from enemies and from the floods that happened in this area.

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    Nature and people of Ancient India History 5th grade Teacher Kazanina N.E.

    Ancient India Ancient India is located in South Asia on the Hindustan Peninsula between the Indian Ocean and the Himalayas The largest rivers: Indus and Ganges The climate is humid, warm, there is a jungle in the Ganges valley (p. 97)

    Indus civilization The most ancient civilization on the territory of India arose in the 3rd millennium BC. Archaeologists have discovered two centers: one near the modern city of Harappa and the other in the Indus River Valley P. 98, The Ancient Cities of India

    Harappa (reconstruction)

    Mohenjo-Daro. Modern look

    Indus civilization Archaeological research in Mohenjo-Daro (in Sindh, on the banks of the Indus River) and in Harappa (in Punjab on the banks of the Ravi River) showed that already in 3 - 2 thousand BC. In the north-west of Hindustan, early class relations developed, states and populous cities arose, which conducted extensive trade with other countries.

    Villages in the jungle

    Villages in the jungle Read p. 97 - 98 of the textbook, answer the questions: What crops did the Indians grow? What other occupations besides farming were developed?

    Workbook p. 62, task No. 79

    Sacred Animals of India

    In 1200 BC. Tribes of nomadic Aryans (Indo-Europeans) appeared in India. The Aryans conquered the local tribes and settled in the Ganges River valley.

    Aryan civilization Aryans - Indo-Europeans The language of the Aryans - Sanskrit, a form of the once common language of the Indo-Europeans Vedas - the sacred books of the Aryans (to know - to know) "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana" - poems of the Aryans, reflecting the life, beliefs and knowledge of the ancient Indians

    The Tale of Rama p. 99

    Varnas - castes Brahmans - priests Warriors - Kshatriyas Servants - Shudras Vaishyas - peasants and artisans

    Brahmins are priests (p. 102)

    Brahmans - priests Brahmans made sacrifices and prayed to the gods. The life of a brahman was divided into 3 periods: 1. Teaching 2. Starting a family 3. Hermitage

    Kshatriya warriors participated in battles, and in peacetime they organized shooting competitions and went hunting

    Vaishyas - peasants and artisans were obliged to feed the upper castes: brahmins and kshatriyas

    Shudras - servants, had to serve the upper castes and did not have their own property

    Sources Text from the textbook by A.A. Vigasina General History. History of the Ancient World M. Enlightenment.2013 §§ 20-21 Images: Yandex pictures

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Lesson summary "Nature and people of Ancient India." 5th grade

    A lesson-trip using elements of game and problem-search technology, you can use the presentation and film fragments from the film "Sadko"....

    “Culture in India” - The updated religion was called HINDUISM. Chaitya in Karli (interior, exterior). God Brahma. Questions and tasks: The first monuments of Indian architecture supposedly appear in the 2nd millennium BC. Shiva statue from Guddimalam temple. Kandarya Mahadeva Temple (interior). Global ideas about the universe, characteristic of Buddhism, are a thing of the past.

    “India 7th grade” - The cow is a sacred animal; eating meat is prohibited by religion. Political and administrative map. Industrial, trade and financial center. It is washed by the Arabian Sea in the West and the Bay of Bengal in the East. Industry. Great Indian rhinoceros up to 180 cm in height, 335 cm in length, horn length 61 cm.

    "India in the Middle Ages" - Sanskrit language. Buddhism is divided into: 1) HINAYANA (emphasizes benevolence) 2) Mahayana (the goal of bodybuilding) 3) TANTRISM. Spices, bamboo, and pearls were sent from the port city of Calicut. A number of principles of Buddhism passed into HINDUISM. The meaning of Hinduism can be expressed in the words: *Live and let others live*. Books were written in Sanskrit.

    “Ancient India” - 5. A single state. What conclusions can be drawn about the life of the cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa? 2. The first city-states. Ganges. South Asia, Hindustan Peninsula. Himalayas. The Indus and Ganges rivers are the most abundant in the country. The coast of India is washed from the west, east and south by the Indian Ocean. 6. Settlements created by the Phoenicians outside the state.

    "Medieval India" - Buddha statue in a lotus. The walls of the temples were completely covered with reliefs, statues and elaborate carvings. - Miniatures, portraits - Frescoes. Legends and historical events are reflected). Artistic crafts. Products made from ivory and valuable wood species. Culture of medieval India. From the 7th-8th centuries. Hindu temples are built in the form of huge towers.

    Ancient India

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    Ancient India is one of the earliest and oldest civilizations in the world. This is where the greatest religions and Indian cultures originate.

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    Title "India"

    The name itself comes from the name of the Indus River. It was in the valley of this river that India was located. The Indus begins in Tibet and flows into the Arabian Sea.

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    First mentions and finds

    Archaeologists for the first time found in the territory the remains of ceramic products and terracotta figurines, which date back to the 5th millennium BC. These ancient things were made in the city of Mehrgarh. It is Mehrgarh that is the first city in Ancient India.

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    Religion of Ancient India

    One of the most ancient Indian gods is Shiva. In a trio with two gods, Vishnu and Brahma, they are the three main deities of Hinduism. Brahma refers to the creator of the world, Vishnu is its guardian, and Shiva is at the head of the pantheon and rules the world.

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    The Indus Valley neighbors the Sumerians. Their culture significantly influenced the development and formation of Indian civilization. In 2 thousand BC. Tribes of nomadic Aryans came to Indian territory and settled there. Local population and the nomads mingled.

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    In ancient India, the population was divided into insiders and outsiders. The Aryans were among their own, and the Davs were among the strangers. In addition, the Aryans were divided into 4 varnas:

    • 1st estate is the highest. They were called Barkhans and they were priests and teachers.
    • 2nd estate - middle. They were called Kshatriyas. They were military.
    • 3rd estate - lowest. They were called Vaishyas, they were farmers, traders, etc.
    • 4th estate is the lowest. These included servants and were called sudras.

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    One of the additional divisions of the population were castes. Kaksty is a division by profession. They usually, like varnas, were hereditary.

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    Economic part.

    The main occupation of the people of India was agriculture. They grew peas, wheat, jute, etc. In addition, the inhabitants of the Indus Valley bred large cattle, pigs, elephants and sheep.

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    Metallurgy and craft.

    The Indians had well-developed metallurgy. Knives, arrowheads, and farming tools were smelted from copper. The inhabitants of the valley could process stone and alloys, gold and bronze.

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    Writing of Ancient India.

    It is still unknown what language the inhabitants of ancient India spoke. The fact is that archaeologists have not yet been able to find a single thing with writing. The first inscriptions found date back to the 23rd century. BC They have about 400 hieroglyphs. Ancient Indians wrote on tablets and clay pots.

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    Indian language.

    Unlike the Indian language, which is still unknown, the Indian language is well studied. It is called Sanskrit. He followed it from many other ancient languages.