Sample resume of a Director (manager) - ready-made completed templates. Sample director's resume Personal qualities of a director

From the very name of the manager’s position, it becomes clear that this person’s responsibilities include managing any processes, department, or the enterprise as a whole. Main task manager comes down to promotion key indicators company productivity. When writing a resume for the position in question, you need to show maximum responsibility, attentiveness, courtesy and intelligence, because At this level, the selection criteria are much higher than for ordinary jobs.

The first key requirements for a leader:

1. Availability of finished higher education intersecting with the area of ​​activity of the organization.

2. Experience in similar positions.

List the points mentioned above while completing your application. If you have certificates of completion of courses on managing subordinates, please include their names in your application form - this will increase your chances of success.

Among the important personal qualities of a leader, the following should be noted:

  • friendliness;
  • charisma;
  • persistence;
  • kindness;
  • moderate severity;
  • politeness;
  • attentiveness, etc.

Start preparing for your interview early. During it, you will need to make the best impression on the employer.

The position of director is the most important in any company. A good director is a competent and responsible person who knows the specifics of the organization’s activities and is able to organize the effective operation of each of its links. It’s easy to create a director’s resume only if you already have experience in similar work and the skills to manage a large number of people, but if you don’t have those, then you will have to work hard, looking for all your advantages.

The main indicator of the professionalism of a candidate for the position of director is the presence of higher education, which is related to the company’s field of activity, as well as work experience in leadership positions, describe all this in detail, indicating the period of work (month, year), the full name of the organization, job responsibilities. If you have certificates of completion of human resource management courses, be sure to include them in your resume, this will attract the attention of the employer.

Well, the main thing that every director should have is charisma, to be kind, friendly, polite, fair, attentive, persistent, and so on - all this must be indicated in the “personal qualities” column. Everything else depends on the ability to make an impression at an interview, but to get there, approach writing your resume with complete seriousness.

See also other resume examples:

Download a director's resume sample:

Torop Andrey Nikolaevich
(Andrey Torop)

Target: Filling the position of director of the company.


September 1994 – June 1999 Kiev National University. Shevchenko, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, specialty - “mechanical engineer”, specialist diploma (full-time department).

Additional education:

August 2010 Training “Methodology of personnel management in production”.
January 2011 Training “Psychology of Effective Leadership”.
January 2012 – May 2012 Courses for studying the 1C: Enterprise program


Mechanical engineer, chief engineer

July 1999 – November 2005 LLC Arttehnobud, Sumy.
Functional responsibilities:
— ensuring the operation of the enterprise equipment;
— carrying out modernization work;
— ensuring monitoring of equipment operation;
- Preparation technical documentation;
— organization of accounting of work performed.

Chief engineer, enterprise manager

November 2005 – present, Fotopribor CJSC, Kiev
Functional responsibilities:
— organization of uninterrupted operation of equipment;
— preparation of projects for modernization of production;
— control of scheduled repairs;
— verification and preparation of technical documentation;
— submission of reports;
— conducting negotiations with suppliers and customers;
— control of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise;
— work with regulatory authorities.

Professional skills:

— Confident PC user, knowledge of programs necessary for operation;
— Knowledge business etiquette;
— Experience working with large amounts of information;
— Experience in negotiations;
— Experience in managing people, the ability to unite a team;
- Experience strategic planning;
— Language proficiency: Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​are fluent; English – business.

Personal qualities:

Organization, self-confidence, communication skills, perseverance, logical thinking, ability to work in a team, responsibility, dedication, stress resistance, desire for innovation, analytical skills, focus on achieving results, leadership qualities, active life position.

Additional information:

Marital status: married.
Children: yes.
Driver's license: yes.
Possibility of business trips: yes.
Possibility to move to another city: yes.

We hope that the sample resume we compiled for the position of director helped you in creating your resume for the job. Return to section..

Are you looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our example of filling out a resume for a position will help you. technical director(an experienced specialist or a beginner without work experience). Competent resume will greatly improve your chances of getting hired.

The technical director resume template is available in two types

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Advantages of the template

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what doesn’t. This sample technical director resume is practice-tested.

2) Standard format. Every HR manager and director will instantly find necessary information in your resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a job as a technical director.

4) Important things at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in personnel selection. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find good job, the most effective way is to slightly change your resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our example of how to write a CTO resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a sample CTO resume, click on the link below.

Director's resume is yours business card, this is what the employer will see first before meeting you. It should make a lasting impression and remain in the memory of the viewer. In your resume, try to use business style letters and resume writing standards, but if your job involves creative thinking, then you should approach writing outside the box. Try to think through all the points you compose as much as possible. Never copy, changing only your data, because at the interview you will be asked for at least 2-5 points of what you wrote and it will be very strange if you cannot explain what the specified point or phrase of your resume means. After such an interview, the road to the desired position in this company will be closed. So don’t make a mistake – write your resume correctly and independently.

What points should a director's resume contain (resume standards)

Resume standards are points that any resume contains according to the template and helps to compose it in a high-quality and step-by-step manner. So, the template to start from:

  • Personal information— The header or beginning of the resume is a photograph (high-quality business photo), indicating the Last Name, First Name, Patronymic, gender, age, date of birth, marital status, presence of children, readiness to move and travel.
  • Contacts – All possible ways get in touch with you: mobile phone, home phone, e-mail, skype and others. Be sure to indicate the most convenient type of communication.
  • Desired position and salary– indicate options for the positions you are applying for, but don’t get excited, you are a leader and you must have a clear desired goal. You also write: professional area(sales, trade, etc.), desired salary, employment and work schedule. Paragraph wages don’t miss it so that the employer understands what you are counting on, and this will save you from unnecessary calls with a job offer with a salary of 10,000 rubles.
  • Experience– indicate first the total length of service, and then starting with last place work period of work, name of organization, territorial place of work, company website, field of activity of the company, position, responsibilities, functionality, achievements.
  • Key skills-professional - write those skills that will become the key, the basis for occupying the desired position. Below you can find the most common ones, which will make writing your resume easier.
  • About me– in this paragraph, write about your hobbies, interests, personal qualities (point 4 will help you with this) and any additional information that characterizes you.
  • Education— indicate the level of education, specialization, year of admission and graduation. If you have taken additional courses, have a secondary specialized education, have not yet completed your studies, or have a second higher education degree, be sure to include it in your resume - this is an additional plus for the employer.
  • Knowledge of languages— indicate what language you know and your level of proficiency in it. If you don’t know, it’s better to skip this point, even if you indicate that you speak languages, sooner or later it will come out.
  • Citizenship, travel time to work– if you are a citizen Russian Federation, then write so, if not, then indicate whether you have a work permit. It is better to indicate the travel time if this is of fundamental importance to you.
  • Recommendations- in this paragraph, indicate those who can give you a description - your immediate supervisor, HR department, colleagues. Indicate in this order - last name, first name, patronymic, company in which you worked together, position, contact phone number. It would also be an excellent option to attach a letter of recommendation from your last or previous jobs.

Director's professional skills

The professional skills of a director are the skills that you can choose for yourself in the list below; they will help you quickly create a resume and, most importantly, write what you are fluent in.


  • Knowledge computer programs(specify which ones)
  • Negotiation experience
  • Experience in organizing events to promote the company and increase turnover
  • Experience in personnel selection, training, adaptation, motivation
  • Experience in managing people (indicate the number of people subordinate to you)
  • Ability to plan
  • Ability to control
  • Ability to make non-standard decisions
  • Ability to rally a team
  • Ability to delegate authority
  • Ability to persuade

The personal qualities of a director are the criteria that can describe you as a person, but do not forget that you are a director and experience leaves an imprint on your personal qualities.

Personal qualities of the director

  • Determination
  • Optimism
  • The desire for self-realization
  • Desire for career growth
  • Striving for success
  • Ability to make independent decisions
  • Ability to take responsibility for decisions made
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Assertiveness
  • Commitment to innovation
  • Creative thinking
  • Stress resistance
  • Desire to work and earn money
  • Resourcefulness
  • Enterprise
  • Courage
  • Initiative
  • Demandingness
  • Punctuality
  • Active life position
  • Ready for autonomous activity

This list is approximate and you can add and adjust it for yourself.

Positive and negative sides of the director

As a rule, they are not indicated on resumes, but this question often arises during an interview or when filling out an employer’s application form. Therefore, you can add this item to your resume, or read and be prepared for this question.


  • Developed intuition
  • Ability to inspire by example
  • Demandingness
  • Ability to get to the root of the problem


  • Emotionality
  • It's hard to evaluate yourself
  • Demandingness

When indicating positive and negative aspects, try to argue and describe why this aspect is characteristic of you and how it affects your work.

When writing your resume, try to be completely honest with yourself and with the employer. Do not provide facts or descriptions that may compromise you. A high-quality resume is a resume compiled by you and written about the work you have actually done, do not be afraid to seem impudent, if you really performed duties (if, for example, you are applying for a higher position than you previously held) - indicate, the interview will put everything in its place and if You lied, then you will go on further searches and draw conclusions, and if you wrote the truth about yourself, then you will definitely get the job of your dreams. Easy and quick resume writing and good luck at the interview.