Aircraft parts: design significance and operational features. Bird flight Structure of a bird's wing

In general, an aircraft wing consists of a center section, consoles (left and right) and wing mechanization. Also, the wing can be divided into two parts, left and right half-wing. The term "wings" is often used, but is misleading when applied to a monoplane.

Operating principle

The smoke shows the movement of air caused by the interaction of the wing with the air.

The lift of a wing is created by the difference in air pressure on the lower and upper surfaces. Air pressure depends on the speed of air flow. On the lower surface of the wing, the air flow rate is lower than on the upper surface, so the lifting force of the wing is directed from bottom to top.

One of the popular explanations of the principle of wing operation is Newton's impact model: air particles, colliding with the lower surface of the wing, standing at an angle to the flow, elastically bounce down (“flow bevel”), according to Newton’s third law, pushing the wing upward. This model takes into account the law of conservation of momentum, but completely ignores the flow around the upper surface of the wing, as a result of which it gives an underestimated value of the lift force.

In another popular model, the occurrence of lift is explained by the difference in pressure on the upper and lower sides of the airfoil, arising according to Bernoulli's law. Usually a wing with a plano-convex profile is considered: the lower surface is flat, the upper surface is convex. The oncoming flow is divided by the wing into two parts - upper and lower - and due to the convexity of the wing, the upper part of the flow must pass longer way than the bottom one. To ensure continuity of flow, the air speed above the wing must be greater than below it, which means that the pressure on the upper side of the wing profile is lower than on the lower side; This pressure difference determines the lifting force. However, this model does not explain the occurrence of lift on biconvex symmetrical or concave-convex profiles, when the flows from above and below travel the same distance.

To eliminate these shortcomings, N. E. Zhukovsky introduced the concept of flow velocity circulation; in 1904 he formulated Zhukovsky's theorem. Velocity circulation allows you to take into account the flow slope and obtain significantly more accurate results when calculating.

Also, the above explanations do not reveal the detailed mechanism of energy transfer from the wing to the flow, that is, the work done by the wing itself. Although the upper part of the air flow does have increased speed, the geometric path length has nothing to do with it - this is caused by the interaction of layers of stationary and moving air and the upper surface of the wing. The air flow following along the upper surface of the wing “sticks” to it and tries to follow along this surface even after the inflection point of the profile - Coanda effect. Thanks to the translational motion, the wing does work to accelerate this part of the flow.

In reality, the flow around a wing is a very complex three-dimensional nonlinear and often unsteady process. The lift of a wing depends on its area, profile, planform, as well as on the angle of attack, speed and flow density, Mach number and a number of other factors.

Wing shape

One of the main problems when designing new aircraft is the choice optimal shape wing and its parameters (geometric, aerodynamic, strength, etc.).

Straight wing

Overflow wing (ogive)

Variation swept wing. The action of an ogival wing can be described as a spiral flow of vortices breaking off from a sharp, highly swept leading edge in the fuselage portion of the wing. The vortex film also causes the formation of vast areas of low pressure and increases the energy of the boundary layer of air, thereby increasing the lift coefficient. Maneuverability is limited primarily by the static and dynamic strength of structural materials, as well as the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft.

Supercritical wing

An interesting example of modification swept wing. The use of flattened profiles with a curved rear part allows the pressure to be evenly distributed along the profile chord and thereby leads to a rearward shift of the center of pressure, and also increases the critical Mach number by 10-15%.

Forward sweep

delta wing

Trapezoidal wing


Elliptical wing


An elliptical wing has the highest aerodynamic efficiency among all known wing types.

Wing thickness

The wing is also characterized by its relative thickness (ratio of thickness to width), at the root and at the tips, expressed as a percentage.

thick wing

A thick wing allows the moment of stalling to be delayed, and the pilot can maneuver at higher angles and overload. The main thing is that this stall on such a wing develops gradually, maintaining a smooth flow around most of the wing. At the same time, the pilot gets the opportunity to recognize the danger from the resulting shaking of the airplane and take action in time. An airplane with a thin wing sharply and suddenly loses lift over almost the entire wing area, leaving the pilot no chance.

Wing mechanization

  • 2 - end aileron
  • 3 - root aileron
  • 4 - fairings of the flap drive mechanism
  • 7 - root three-slot flap
  • 8 - external three-slot flap
  • 10 - interceptor/spoiler

Folding wing

Wing structural and power diagrams

According to the structural and power scheme, the wings are divided into truss, spar, and caisson wings.

Truss wing

The design of such a wing includes a spatial truss that absorbs force factors, ribs and skin that transmits the aerodynamic load to the ribs. The truss structural-power structure of the wing should not be confused with the spar structure, which includes spars and (or) ribs of the truss structure. Currently, truss wings are practically not used.

Spar wing

The spar wing includes one or more longitudinal load-bearing elements - spars, which perceive a bending moment. In addition to spars, such a wing may contain longitudinal walls. They differ from spars in the almost complete absence of belts. The remaining power elements (ribs, skin panels with a stringer set) are attached to the spars. The spars transfer the load to the aircraft fuselage frames using moment units.

Caisson wing

The caisson wing absorbs all the main force factors with the help of a caisson, which includes spars and load-bearing skin panels. In the limit, the side members degenerate to the walls, and the bending moment is completely absorbed by the skin panels. In this case, the construction is called monoblock. Strength panels include sheathing and a reinforcement set in the form of stringers or corrugation. The reinforcement set serves to ensure that there is no loss of stability of the skin due to compression and works in tension-compression together with the skin. The caisson design of the wing requires a center section to which the wing consoles are attached. The wing consoles are connected to the center section using a contour joint, which ensures the transmission of force factors across the entire width of the panel.

History of the study

The first theoretical studies and important results were carried out at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries by Russian scientists N. Zhukovsky, S. Chaplygin and German M. Kutta.

Among the results they obtained are:

Capable of not just floating in the air, but real flight. Their structure is well adapted for this purpose. Being masters of the air, they feel great both on land and on water, and some of them, ducks for example, thrive in all three environments. Not only the skeleton of the bird plays a role in this, but also the feathers. The main event that ensured the prosperity of these creatures was the development of their plumage. Therefore, we will consider not only the bird’s skeleton, but also briefly talk about it.

Like the fur of mammals, feathers first emerged as an insulating covering. Only a little later they were transformed into load-bearing planes. Birds were clothed in feathers, apparently, millions of years before they gained the ability to fly.

Evolutionary changes in the structure of birds

Adaptation to flight led to a restructuring of all organ systems and behavior. The bird's skeleton has also changed. The photo shown above is an image internal structure pigeon Structural changes manifested themselves mainly in an increase in muscle strength with a decrease in body weight. The bones of the skeleton became hollow or cellular, or were transformed into thin curved plates, maintaining sufficient strength to perform their intended functions. Heavy teeth have been replaced by a light beak, and the feather cover is a model of lightness, although it can weigh more than the skeleton. Between internal organs The air sacs involved in breathing are located.

Features of the pigeon skeleton

We offer a detailed look at the skeleton of a pigeon. It consists of the pelvic bones, wing bones, caudal vertebrae, torso, cervical region and cranium. The skull is distinguished by the back of the head, crown, forehead, beak and very large eye sockets. The beak is divided into 2 parts - upper and lower. They move separately from each other. The cervical region includes the base of the neck, pharynx, and neck. The dorsal skeleton of a pigeon consists of sacral, lumbar and thoracic vertebrae. The chest is made up of the sternum, as well as 7 pairs of ribs attached to the thoracic vertebrae. The tail vertebrae are flattened and attached by discs made of connective tissue. This, in general terms, is the skeleton of a bird. Its diagram was presented above.

Skeletal transformation

The transformation of the bone skeleton associated with birds walking on their hind limbs and using their front limbs for flight is especially clearly expressed in the shoulder and pelvic girdles. The shoulder girdle is rigidly connected to the sternum, and therefore during flight the body seems to hang on the wings. This is achieved thanks to the highly overgrown coracoid bones, which are absent in mammals.

The bird's skeleton has a noticeably reinforced pelvic girdle. The hind limbs hold these animals well on the ground (on branches when climbing or on water when swimming) and, most importantly, successfully absorb shocks at the moment of landing. As the bones became thinner, their strength increased as they fused together as the bird's skeletal structure changed. As in mammals, the three paired pelvic bones are fused with the spine and with each other. There was a fusion of the trunk vertebrae, starting from the last thoracic and ending with the first caudal. All of them became part of a complex sacrum, which strengthened the pelvic girdle, allowing the birds’ limbs to carry out their functions without disturbing the work of other systems.

Bird limbs

The limbs should also be considered, characterizing the structure of the bird’s skeleton. They are highly modified from typical features found in vertebrates. Thus, the bones of the metatarsus and tarsus lengthened and merged with each other, forming an additional segment of the limb. The thigh is usually hidden under the feathers. The hind limbs have developed a mechanism that allows birds to stay on branches. The finger flexor muscles lie above the knee. Their long tendons run along the front of the knee, then along the back of the tarsus and the lower surface of the fingers. When the bird bends its fingers and grasps a branch, the tendon mechanism locks them so that the grip does not weaken even during sleep. In its structure, the bird's hind limb is very similar to the human leg, but many of the bones of the lower leg and foot are fused.


Characterizing the features of the skeleton of birds, we note that particularly dramatic changes in connection with adaptation to flight occurred in the structure of the hand. The remaining bones of the forelimbs are fused, forming a support for the primary flight feathers. The preserved first finger is a support for a vestigial winglet, which acts as a special regulator that reduces the braking of the wing at low flight speeds. The secondary flight feathers are attached to the ulna. Together with the remarkable structure of the feathers themselves, all this creates a wing - an organ distinguished high efficiency and adaptive plasticity. Below is the skeleton of an animal that became extinct in the 17th century.


Flight and tail feathers provide lift and control during flight, but their aerodynamic properties are not yet fully understood. During normal flapping flight, the wings move down and forward, and then sharply up and back. During a downward strike, the wing has such a steep angle of attack that it would dampen speed if the primary flight feathers did not act at this time as an independent load-bearing plane, preventing braking. Each feather rotates up and down along the shaft, so that a forward thrust is created, which is also facilitated by the spreading of their ends. In addition, at a certain angle of attack, the winglet is pulled forward from the wing front. This creates a cut that reduces turbulence above the bearing plane and thereby dampens braking. When landing, the bird first reduces its speed by positioning its body in a vertical plane, moving its tail back and braking with its wings.

Features of the structure of the wings of various birds

Birds that can fly slowly have particularly visible gaps between their primary flight feathers. For example, in the golden eagle (Aquilachysaetos, pictured above), the gaps between feathers are up to 40% total area wing Vultures have a very wide tail that creates additional lift when soaring. At the other extreme compared to the wings of eagles and vultures, the long and narrow wings of seabirds form.

For example, albatrosses (a photo of one of them is presented above) hardly flap their wings, soaring in the wind and either diving or soaring steeply upward. Their method of flight is so specialized that in calm weather they are literally confined to the ground. The wings of a hummingbird bear only primary flight feathers and are capable of making more than 50 beats per second when the bird hangs in the air; at the same time they move forward and backward in a horizontal plane.

Feather cover

The feather cover is adapted to perform a variety of functions. Thus, hard flight and tail feathers form the wings and tail. And the coverts and contours give the bird's body a streamlined shape, and the down is a thermal insulator. Laying on top of each other like tiles, the feathers create a continuous, smooth cover. The fine structure of the feather, more than any other anatomical feature, ensures that birds thrive in air environment. The fan of each of them consists of hundreds of barbs located in the same plane on both sides of the rod, and barbs carrying hooks on the side distant from the body of the bird also extend from them in both directions. These hooks cling to the smooth barbs of the previous row of barbs, which allows you to keep the shape of the fan unchanged. On each flight feather of a large bird there are up to 1.5 million barbules.

Beak and its meaning

The beak serves as a manipulating organ for birds. Using the example of the woodcock (Scolopaxrusticola, one of them is shown in the photo above), you can see how complex the actions of the beak can be when the bird plunges it into the soil, hunting for a worm. Having stumbled upon prey, the bird, by contracting the corresponding muscles, moves forward the quadrate bones that make up the jaw arch. Those, in turn, push forward, which causes the tip of the beak to bend upward; there is an oval hole through which the tendon of the subclavian muscle passes, attaching to the upper side of the shoulder. Thus, when contracting, the wing rises, and when contracting the pectoralis, it lowers.

So, we have outlined the main features of the structure of the bird skeleton. We hope you discovered something new about these amazing creatures.

The term “wing mechanization” in English sounds like “high lift devices”, which literally means devices for increasing lift. This is precisely the main purpose of the wing mechanization, and where the planes related to the wing mechanization are located and how they increase the lift force, as well as why this is needed, this article will tell you.

Wing mechanization is a list of devices that are installed on the wing of an aircraft to change its characteristics during different stages of flight. The main purpose of an airplane wing is to create lift. This process depends on several parameters - the speed of the aircraft, air density, wing area and its lift coefficient.

Wing mechanization directly affects the wing area and its lift coefficient, and also indirectly affects its speed. The lift coefficient depends on the curvature of the wing and its thickness. Accordingly, we can conclude that the mechanization of the wing, in addition to the wing area, also increases its curvature and profile thickness.

In fact, this is not entirely true, because increasing the thickness of the profile is associated with greater technological difficulties, is not as effective and leads more to an increase in drag, therefore this point must be discarded; accordingly, the mechanization of the wing increases its area and curvature. This is done with the help of moving parts (planes) located at certain points of the wing. Based on location and function, the wing mechanization is divided into flaps, slats and spoilers (interceptors).

Airplane flaps. Main types.

Flaps are the first type of wing mechanization invented, and they are also the most effective. They were widely used even before the Second World War, and during and after it their design was refined and new types of flaps were also invented. The main characteristics that indicate that this is indeed a flap are its location and the manipulations that occur with it. The flaps are always located on the trailing edge of the wing and always go down, and, moreover, can be extended back. When the flap is lowered, the curvature of the wing increases, and when it extends, the area increases. And since the lift of a wing is directly proportional to its area and lift coefficient, then if both quantities increase, the flap performs its function most effectively. According to their design and manipulation, flaps are divided into:

  • simple flaps (the very first and simplest type of flaps)
  • shield flaps
  • slotted flaps
  • Fowler flaps (the most effective and most widely used type of flap in civil aviation)

How all of the above flaps function is shown in the diagram. A simple flap, as can be seen from the diagram, is simply the trailing edge of the wing deflected down. Thus, the curvature of the wing increases, but the low pressure area above the wing decreases, which is why simple flaps are less effective than shield flaps, the upper edge of which does not deviate and the low pressure area does not lose in size.

The slotted flap gets its name from the gap it creates after deflection. This gap allows the air stream to pass to the low pressure area and is directed in such a way as to prevent stall (a process during which the amount of lift drops sharply), giving it additional energy.

The Fowler flap extends back and down, thereby increasing both the area and curvature of the wing. As a rule, it is designed in such a way that when it is pulled out, it also creates a gap, or two, or even three. Accordingly, it performs its function most efficiently and can provide an increase in lifting force of up to 100%.

Slats. Basic functions.

Slats are deflectable surfaces on the leading edge of the wing. In their structure and functions, they are similar to Fowler flaps - they deflect forward and down, increasing the curvature and slightly the area, forming a gap for the passage of air flow to the upper edge of the wing, thereby increasing the lift force. Slats that are simply deflected downwards and do not create a gap are called deflected leading edges and only increase the curvature of the wing.

Spoilers and their tasks.

Spoilers. Before considering spoilers, it should be noted that when creating additional lift, all of the above devices create additional drag, which leads to a decrease in speed. But this occurs as a consequence of an increase in lift, while the task of spoilers is specifically to significantly increase drag and press the aircraft to the ground after touching down. Accordingly, this is the only wing mechanization device, which is located on its upper surface and deflects upward, which creates downforce.

An airplane is an aircraft, without which today it is impossible to imagine the movement of people and cargo over long distances. The development of the design of a modern aircraft, as well as the creation of its individual elements, seems to be an important and responsible task. Only highly qualified engineers and specialized specialists are allowed to do this work, since a small error in calculations or a manufacturing defect will lead to fatal consequences for pilots and passengers. It is no secret that any aircraft has a fuselage, load-bearing wings, a power unit, a multi-directional control system and takeoff and landing devices.

The information below about the design features of aircraft components will be of interest to adults and children involved in design development models aircraft, as well as individual elements.

Airplane fuselage

The main part of the aircraft is the fuselage. The remaining structural elements are attached to it: wings, tail with fins, landing gear, and inside there is a control cabin, technical communications, passengers, cargo and the crew of the aircraft. The aircraft body is assembled from longitudinal and transverse load-bearing elements, followed by metal sheathing (in light-engine versions - plywood or plastic).

When designing an aircraft fuselage, the requirements are for the weight of the structure and maximum strength characteristics. This can be achieved using the following principles:

  1. The aircraft fuselage body is made in a shape that reduces drag on air masses and promotes the generation of lift. The volume and dimensions of the aircraft must be proportionally weighed;
  2. When designing, the most dense arrangement of the skin and strength elements of the body is provided to increase the useful volume of the fuselage;
  3. They focus on the simplicity and reliability of fastening wing segments, takeoff and landing equipment, and power plants;
  4. Places for securing cargo, accommodating passengers, and consumables must ensure reliable fastening and balance of the aircraft under various operating conditions;

  1. The location of the crew must provide conditions for comfortable control of the aircraft, access to basic navigation and control instruments in extreme situations;
  2. During the period of aircraft maintenance, it is possible to freely diagnose and repair failed components and assemblies.

The strength of the aircraft body must be able to withstand loads under various flight conditions, including:

  • loads at the attachment points of the main elements (wings, tail, landing gear) during takeoff and landing modes;
  • during the flight period, withstand the aerodynamic load, taking into account the inertial forces of the aircraft’s weight, the operation of units, and the functioning of equipment;
  • pressure drops in hermetically confined parts of the aircraft, constantly arising during flight overloads.

The main types of aircraft body construction include flat, one- and two-story, wide and narrow fuselage. Beam-type fuselages have proven themselves and are used, including layout options called:

  1. Sheathing - the design excludes longitudinally located segments, reinforcement occurs due to frames;
  2. Spar - the element has significant dimensions, and the direct load falls on it;
  3. Stringer - have an original shape, area and cross-section are smaller than in the spar version.

Important! The uniform distribution of the load on all parts of the aircraft is carried out due to the internal frame of the fuselage, which is represented by the connection of various power elements along the entire length of the structure.

Wing design

A wing is one of the main structural elements of an aircraft, providing lift for flight and maneuvering in air masses. Wings are used to accommodate take-off and landing devices, a power unit, fuel and attachments. The operational and flight characteristics of an aircraft depend on the correct combination of weight, strength, structural rigidity, aerodynamics, and workmanship.

The main parts of the wing are the following list of elements:

  1. A hull formed from spars, stringers, ribs, plating;
  2. Slats and flaps ensuring smooth takeoff and landing;
  3. Interceptors and ailerons - through them the aircraft is controlled in the airspace;
  4. Brake flaps designed to reduce the speed of movement during landing;
  5. Pylons required for mounting power units.

The structural-force diagram of the wing (the presence and location of parts under load) must provide stable resistance to the forces of torsion, shear and bending of the product. This includes longitudinal and transverse elements, as well as external cladding.

  1. Transverse elements include ribs;
  2. The longitudinal element is represented by spars, which can be in the form of a monolithic beam and represent a truss. They are located throughout the entire volume of the inner part of the wing. Participate in imparting rigidity to the structure when exposed to bending and lateral forces at all stages of flight;
  3. Stringer is also classified as a longitudinal element. Its placement is along the wing along the entire span. Works as a compensator of axial stress for wing bending loads;
  4. Ribs are an element of transverse placement. The structure consists of trusses and thin beams. Gives profile to the wing. Provides surface rigidity while distributing a uniform load during the creation of a flight air cushion, as well as fastening the power unit;
  5. The skin shapes the wing, providing maximum aerodynamic lift. Together with other structural elements, it increases the rigidity of the wing and compensates for external loads.

The classification of aircraft wings is carried out depending on the design features and the degree of operation of the outer skin, including:

  1. Spar type. They are characterized by a slight thickness of the skin, forming a closed contour with the surface of the side members.
  2. Monoblock type. The main external load is distributed over the surface of the thick skin, secured by a massive set of stringers. The cladding can be monolithic or consist of several layers.

Important! The joining of wing parts and their subsequent fastening must ensure the transmission and distribution of bending and torque moments arising under various operating conditions.

Aircraft engines

Thanks to the constant improvement of aviation power units, the development of modern aircraft construction continues. The first flights could not be long and were carried out exclusively with one pilot precisely because there were no powerful engines capable of developing the necessary traction force. Over the entire past period, aviation used the following types of aircraft engines:

  1. Steam. The principle of operation was to convert steam energy into forward motion, transmitted to the aircraft propeller. Due to its low efficiency, it was used for a short time on the first aircraft models;
  2. Piston engines are standard engines with internal combustion of fuel and transmission of torque to propellers. The availability of manufacturing from modern materials allows their use to this day on certain aircraft models. The efficiency is no more than 55.0%, but high reliability and ease of maintenance make the engine attractive;

  1. Reactive. The operating principle is based on converting the energy of intensive combustion of aviation fuel into the thrust necessary for flight. Today, this type of engine is most in demand in aircraft construction;
  2. Gas turbine. They work on the principle of boundary heating and compression of fuel combustion gas aimed at rotating a turbine unit. They are widely used in military aviation. Used in aircraft such as Su-27, MiG-29, F-22, F-35;
  3. Turboprop. One of the options gas turbine engines. But the energy obtained during operation is converted into drive energy for the aircraft propeller. A small part of it is used to form a thrust jet. Mainly used in civil aviation;
  4. Turbofan. Characterized by high efficiency. The technology used for injection of additional air for complete combustion of fuel ensures maximum operating efficiency and high environmental safety. Such engines have found their application in the creation of large airliners.

Important! The list of engines developed by aircraft designers is not limited to the above list. At different times, attempts were made to create various variations of power units. In the last century, work was even carried out on the design of nuclear engines for the benefit of aviation. Prototypes were tested in the USSR (TU-95, AN-22) and the USA (Convair NB-36H), but were withdrawn from testing due to the high environmental hazard in aviation accidents.

Controls and signaling

The complex of on-board equipment, command and actuator devices of the aircraft are called controls. Commands are given from the pilot cabin and are carried out by elements of the wing plane and tail feathers. Different types of aircraft use different types of control systems: manual, semi-automatic and fully automated.

The controls, regardless of the type of control system, are divided as follows:

  1. Basic control, which includes actions responsible for adjusting flight conditions, restoring the longitudinal balance of the aircraft in predetermined parameters, they include:
  • levers directly controlled by the pilot (wheel, elevator, horizon, command panels);
  • communications for connecting control levers with elements of actuators;
  • direct executing devices (ailerons, stabilizers, spoiler systems, flaps, slats).
  1. Additional control used during takeoff or landing modes.

When using manual or semi-automatic control of an aircraft, the pilot can be considered an integral part of the system. Only he can collect and analyze information about the aircraft’s position, load indicators, compliance of the flight direction with planned data, and make decisions appropriate to the situation.

To receive objective information about the flight situation and the state of the aircraft components, the pilot uses groups of instruments, let’s name the main ones:

  1. Aerobatic and used for navigation purposes. Determine coordinates, horizontal and vertical position, speed, linear deviations. They control the angle of attack in relation to the oncoming air flow, the operation of gyroscopic devices and many equally significant flight parameters. On modern aircraft models they are combined into a single flight and navigation system;
  2. To control the operation of the power unit. They provide the pilot with information about the temperature and pressure of oil and aviation fuel, the flow rate of the working mixture, the number of revolutions of the crankshafts, the vibration indicator (tachometers, sensors, thermometers, etc.);
  3. To monitor the functioning of additional equipment and aircraft systems. They include a set of measuring instruments, the elements of which are located in almost all structural parts of the aircraft (pressure gauges, air consumption indicator, pressure drop in sealed closed cabins, flap positions, stabilizing devices, etc.);
  4. To assess the state of the surrounding atmosphere. The main measured parameters are outside air temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, and speed indicators of air mass movement. Special barometers and other adapted measuring instruments are used.

Important! Measuring instruments, used to monitor machine condition and external environment, specially designed and adapted for difficult operating conditions.

Takeoff and landing systems 2280

Takeoff and landing are considered critical periods during aircraft operation. During this period, maximum loads occur on the entire structure. Only reliably designed landing gear can guarantee acceptable acceleration for lifting into the sky and a soft touch to the surface of the landing strip. In flight, they serve as an additional element to stiffen the wings.

The design of the most common chassis models is represented by the following elements:

  • folding strut, compensating lot loads;
  • shock absorber (group), ensures smooth operation of the aircraft when moving along the runway, compensates for shocks during contact with the ground, can be installed in conjunction with stabilizer dampers;
  • braces, which act as reinforcers of structural rigidity, can be called rods, are located diagonally with respect to the rack;
  • traverses attached to the fuselage structure and landing gear wings;
  • orientation mechanism - to control the direction of movement on the lane;
  • locking systems that ensure the rack is secured in the required position;
  • cylinders designed to extend and retract the landing gear.

How many wheels does an airplane have? The number of wheels is determined depending on the model, weight and purpose of the aircraft. The most common is the placement of two main racks with two wheels. Heavier models are three-post (located under the bow and wings), four-post - two main and two additional support ones.


The described design of the aircraft gives only a general idea of ​​the main structural components and allows us to determine the degree of importance of each element during the operation of the aircraft. Further study requires in-depth engineering training, availability special knowledge aerodynamics, resistance of materials, hydraulics and electrical equipment. On manufacturing enterprises aircraft industry, these issues are dealt with by people who have been trained and special training. You can independently study all the stages of creating an aircraft, but to do this you should be patient and be ready to gain new knowledge.