Sample newspaper business plan with calculations. How to create a newspaper: the best ideas

Although television is available to most people today, the Internet (including mobile), the classic print publication is one of the favorite means of obtaining information, but in order to create a successful and profitable newspaper, you need newspaper business plan.

After all, the print media market is very saturated, it will be quite difficult to find your own niche in it to ensure a stable income from advertising and newspaper sales. Therefore, it is necessary to understand even before the start of the investment whether the available market segment is enough to cover the costs and make a profit.

The basis of the business plan for creating a newspaper is to determine the target audience of readers of the printed edition. That is, you need to understand whether there are people who will be interested in reading the newspaper being created and why they may be interested in this new newspaper. Without an answer to this question, moving on is a waste of time and money. In addition, it is necessary to decide whether it will be a free newspaper whose only source of income will be advertising (including commissioned advertising materials) or whether it will be a publication sold through retail outlets. The first option will require less expenses for filling and distribution of the newspaper, but more expenses for attracting advertisers. The second option will require more money and effort to fill the newspaper with material, without competent journalists who know how to present interesting news and an experienced editor, the newspaper may be useless to anyone. However, if the newspaper goes, gains popularity, then advertising in it will cost more and advertisers themselves will begin to come to the office.

In our case, we will choose the option of a free newspaper ads.

  • Newspaper readers and customers (advertisers)

For an unknown publication newspaper business plan should not be limited to any particular narrow category of readers. Since this is a free newspaper of announcements, residents of houses can be designated as readers, in whose mailboxes the newspaper will be laid out. In addition, employees of offices, visitors to shops and service enterprises where newspapers are planned to be distributed should be added to the circle of readers.
In our case, we take an example for a city with a population of about 100 thousand inhabitants. A circulation of 30,000 copies will suffice to cover it. Newspaper weekly.
Clients (advertisers) can be any citizens, entrepreneurs, commercial and non-profit organizations wishing to place an ad in a free newspaper.

  • What is required to organize a business

To organize a newspaper of free ads, you will need:
- find an office on a lease, preferably in a place where the lease is not very large, but it is easily accessible to customers, and the prospect of a long-term lease should be traced;
- buy office furniture;
- purchase office equipment and licensed software;
- purchase a cash register;
- connect the phone and Internet in the office;
- create a page on the Internet;
- conclude an agreement with the printing house;
- conclude an agreement for accounting services;
- agree with cargo taxi or the owner of a Gazelle, a van for the provision of transport services.

The total initial investment is approximately 300 thousand rubles.
Current costs, including rent, maintenance of the page on the Internet, transportation costs, etc. - 15 thousand rubles.
Costs for printing services for a weekly newspaper with a circulation of 30,000 copies - 150,000 per month.

  • Staff

For a small edition, the following personnel will suffice:
- editor of a newspaper (at the same time a client manager) - 25 thousand rubles.
- specialist in layout and content of the publication - 15 thousand rubles.
- newspaper distributor - 2 people - 20 thousand rubles.
The payment fund with UST will be - 78 thousand rubles per month

Particular attention should be paid to the candidacy of the editor, the success of the enterprise largely depends on his professionalism, that is, he must be able to competently and sellably place the material, be able to convince customers that they should place an ad in the newspaper that it will find its reader. In the considered business plan for creating a newspaper, the editor performs administrative functions and conducts work regular customers(entrepreneurs, organizations).

  • Advertising expenses

In order for a newspaper to "go" it must be well advertised at the initial stage, for this it will be necessary to distribute an advertising circulation in which there will be no ads, but only a description of the newspaper itself, the cost of its services for each category of advertisers. The cost of advertising circulation - 60 thousand rubles.

  • Income and profit

The proceeds from the sale of advertising from one weekly will be 80 thousand rubles. The main share of revenue - 80% of the advertising space of the newspaper ads from entrepreneurs and commercial organizations, 20% of the advertising space of the newspaper - ads of individuals.
Profit before tax - 77 thousand rubles.
Net profit - 57 thousand rubles.
Payback newspaper - 6 months.

Newspaper production business in Russia is very common. Newspapers should attract attention, be interesting to both organizations and readers. The society has a negative attitude to the "yellow" information in the press. Despite poor popularity among readers, the volume of advertising newspapers is growing every year. This is due to the fact that businessmen want to earn money for posting ads and advertisements.

Market analysis and relevance

According to statistics, in most cases, the publishing house of printed publications in Russia brings losses to entrepreneurs, the amount of which directly depends on the concept of the newspaper and the number of advertisers and investors.
To save the business, it should be understood that the sale of circulation for money can only cover the costs of production.

The bulk of newspaper income comes from advertisements. Reputable advertisers cooperate with large editorial offices, they certainly will not give preference to newcomers and unpopular publications.
In order to earn a reputation, a publishing house must operate for at least two years.

When starting a business from scratch, you should be prepared that the advertising newspaper will work at a loss for the first six months, in addition, you will need to regularly invest in an advertising campaign.

When creating a newspaper, you should compose marketing strategy, design and theme of the publication.

One person cannot cope with this task, so it is advisable to attract several creative people. You can negotiate with retail sales representatives, convince them that the newspaper will be in demand.

Registration and organization of business

If the business plan is carefully written and the concept of the advertising newspaper is developed, it should be registered. Registration is carried out in the authorities federal agency on press and mass communications in cases where the circulation will be at least 1000 copies. You should also register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or as legal entity by creating an LLC. IP is recommended.

Required Documentation

  • the original concept of the newspaper, expressed in the name;
  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, LLC or an agreement with an entrepreneur who will become the founder;
  • layout of the first issue of the newspaper, made by a professional layout designer;
  • an agreement with a printing house for the provision of printing services;
  • an agreement with the distribution network or individual distributors of printed products.

Premises and equipment

The premises for the publishing house are selected either in an office building or on the ground floor of a residential building, the main thing is to have access to the Internet and telephone lines. The size of the room can be either 20 sq.m or 200 sq.m. It all depends on the number of employees, investment portfolio and personal preferences of the entrepreneur.

The following equipment is required in the room:

  1. Personal computers.
  2. Office equipment (communication means, printers, scanners, copiers);
  3. Office furniture.

In addition to the standard technical equipment of the office, you should purchase professional licensed software, such as: QuarkXPress or Adobe InDesign.

Installation of such software will cost the publishing house of an advertising newspaper approximately 200 thousand rubles.

Newspaper content and organization

In small towns, the newspaper is distributed no more than twice a week. Journalists need to have time to prepare high-quality material for publication in a timely manner. When a newspaper is released according to a template without interesting news, it is most likely that the buyer will not pay attention to it next time.

It is recommended to place ads on the first pages of the published material free of charge.

Publication of paid ads is possible after people find out about it. In addition to advertising, the newspaper should contain informational articles that are published by the internal affairs bodies and the Ministry of Emergency Situations absolutely free of charge, since they are interested in the media publishing the results of their activities. When considering the option of issuing an advertising newspaper, one should:

  • analyze the existing supply market;
  • objectively evaluate the competition of serious publishing houses of this profile;
  • draw up a business plan;
  • find advertisers.

It is necessary to achieve popularity among the population, and then count on the profitability of the business. High competition and constant improvement of your business requires a significant investment of time, money and effort. With a serious approach to business, it will pay off and become a source of regular income.


Employees without relevant work experience and students who will not be able to perform duties with professionalism should not be accepted for this position. The head of the advertising department must have more than two years of experience in a relevant position.


The financial component of the business

For the successful development of a business that would generate income, it is necessary to distribute newspapers in large circulations so that the population learns about you, as well as offer the best prices for placement advertisements.

Cost of opening and maintaining

Monthly expenses:

  1. Remuneration of employees 650 thousand rubles.
  2. Office rent - 50 thousand rubles.
  3. Communication services - 5 thousand rubles.
  4. Issue of a circulation of 5 thousand copies, twice a month - 280 thousand rubles.
  5. Purchase stationery- 15 thousand rubles.

Total: 1 million rubles.

Size of future income

At the beginning of business development, you should develop a commercial offer for advertisers. A well-written proposal will ensure the future income of the newspaper. If from the first month of the launch of the project the editor of the newspaper is looking for advertisers, then the profit in the first month can be about 30 thousand rubles. In the coming months, the number of advertisements will increase, and consequently, revenue will also grow.

In the first 6 months of issuing a newspaper, you can count on a regular monthly income of 150 thousand rubles.

From this amount, it will be necessary to pay for the work of staff and investments in the development of the newspaper. Development should be understood as improving the quality of printing, hiring professional staff.

Payback period

The small size of the initial investment in the project becomes tempting for individual entrepreneurs. But if you do not calculate the estimated costs when drawing up a business plan, this business can only bring losses. In Russia, most publishing houses work to pay off their obligations, without having a significant profit, many have already come to terms with the fact that their enterprises are on the verge of bankruptcy.

Considering the current situation on the market, we can assume that the business will pay off in 5-6 years.

In any case, the main thing is a serious approach. With a quality business, the newspaper will definitely pay off and become a source of regular income.

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Reviews (4)

Businesses like newspaper publishing are currently in pretty limbo. There are many newspapers, but most of them do not perform any specific function. Many printed publications are reduced to one continuous advertisement. Advertising newspapers publish vacancies, service announcements, and even notes, the essence of which, as a result, comes down to the same advertisement. Are these newspapers interesting? Hardly. Such publications find their reader only if they get into mailboxes free of charge.

Opening your own advertising newspaper comes down only to getting as many customers as possible who want to advertise services or goods on the pages of the newspaper. In this case, no one thinks about the useful component of the publication, about publishing articles that are interesting to the reader. In most cases, these print publications close within the first year of existence, or go to a free format, living only off the fees from advertising.

According to experts, there are not enough newspapers in the print media market today, in which the reader could get useful and simply interesting information. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to organize your own newspaper, stuffed with crime stories or gossip about celebrities. Therefore, before you open, register your newspaper from scratch, carefully consider who it will be designed for, and how you plan to interest this potential reader.

Come up with a name that will clearly reflect the direction of the publication and attract people's attention.

The organization of a newspaper begins with the registration of the publication with the regional press freedom inspectorate. In some cases, it is recommended to immediately contact the Ministry. In this case, it is necessary to indicate who will be the founder of the newspaper. It is desirable that an entrepreneur who decides to build a business on the creation of a newspaper has the status of a legal entity. As a rule, the certificate of registration is issued within a month.

After that, you have to decide on the choice of printing house with which you will cooperate. When planning to open your own business related to the publication of a newspaper, you should carefully discuss all technical issues with representatives of the printing house. You should not expect instant income, which will allow you to return the initial investment in just a month. If you're running a newspaper as your primary business, be prepared for the fact that finding your readership can be tricky. Effective advertising will help speed up this process, which will require additional financial investments.

On average, the payback period for a newspaper business is 1-1.5 years. Using a professional newspaper business plan will help shorten this period. After studying it, you will be able to determine which format of the printed publication will be closer to you. Having a competent business project in hand, it will be much easier for you to make the right choice.

Newspaper Business Plan Reviews (4)

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    newspaper business plan

    Thanks for the business plan. I took it as a basis for my project. Good calculations, accessible examples. It wasn't hard to work out.

    Elena, thank you for your feedback. You are right, the essence sample business plan newspapers are a good basis for creating a detailed project for specific conditions. We are glad that everything was easy for you. We hope that you will enter the business just as easily. We wish you success.

    newspaper business plan

    Your work is perfect for me. The document is well-written, very high quality, everything is described in detail. I didn’t even have to call someone for help, I figured everything out myself. And it helped me a lot in my work.

    Hope, we are very grateful to you for such a high appreciation of our work. We agree that it is not so difficult to understand all the intricacies of finalizing a business plan to fit your needs. Glad you made it. We wish you good luck in developing your business.

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    Some points in your business plan at first puzzled me: it turns out that I have to finalize it myself! True, a friend told me that this is normal, and for such a price - the option is generally chic. Later, I myself realized that the quality of the business plan is quite up to par.

    Katerina, your friend is completely right! We tried very hard to maintain the high quality of the business plan without increasing its cost. Self-finishing the document allows you to fully take into account all the nuances of a particular business, which is possible only if you order the development of an individual business plan. But in this case we are talking about completely different prices. Good luck to you!

In stock newspaper business plan 5 14

The print business is currently in decline. Any publication pays off on average in 5-7 years, and the publisher has to work practically at a loss, investing huge funds to promote the newspaper or

The lion's share of our society prefer to study online projects rather than read printed materials. Therefore, it is logical that many publishers are switching to electronic form their newspapers and magazines.

An online newspaper is an electronic version of periodicals that are published and developed on the Internet. Read such a newspaper directly online on its official website.

What are the benefits of running such a business?

Advantages of the online edition

All the advantages of an online newspaper can be divided into the following groups:

Own newspaper as a business idea - prospects, risks and pitfalls of business are discussed in this video:

Business plan for an online newspaper

The first step is to decide on the main theme of the publication and the audience for which the information will be calculated. It is worth carefully analyzing what type of publication will interest visitors to the resource.

You can write news articles on your own, or use the services of freelance journalists who work for a high-quality and interesting e-newspaper, you need exclusive content that will favorably emphasize the uniqueness of the site against the background of other news clones.

If freelancers have been found, you can safely create a staff that will work on a permanent basis. Be sure to discuss with them the terms of payment and requirements for the material.

It is also worth getting technical support, an experienced webmaster, a qualified designer, photographer and other specialists. They will significantly relieve your schedule, and freed up time can be spent on thinking about ways to develop the newspaper.

The next step is to decide on the frequency of publication. At first, one or two releases per month will be enough, provided that the news feed is updated regularly. During this time, you can identify and correct the mistakes made, and then increase the frequency of publication.

The main source of income for an online newspaper is placement on its site advertising posts, banners and various affiliate programs. You can also earn money by providing additional services.

These include:

  • publication of paid advertisements;
  • placement of a directory of commercial and government structures of the city and so on.

Online newspaper promotion

News aggregators are used to develop the resource and get additional traffic. This is a service that collects and structures news automatically. To do this, you need to register your newspaper on large aggregators on the network, on traffic exchangers. You can also search for sites that share traffic yourself.

How to promote an online newspaper and make it popular?

Another powerful way to popularize an e-newspaper is to promote in and in social networks. How to create a group for the online newspaper VKontakte can be found

Now almost all serious electronic publications have their own Facebook and Twitter accounts. These two resources are considered the best in terms of increasing traffic and promoting the project.

Cost and return

Depending on how much work you do yourself will depend start-up capital project. Option one: you yourself create, make up a newspaper, write articles or collaborate with freelancers - the starting capital will be a minimum of about 30-40 thousand rubles.

Option two: you hire a full-fledged staff, which includes designers, photographers, layout designers, journalists. In this case, you will have to spend:

  • 20 thousand rubles for design;
  • 25 thousand rubles for layout;
  • writing articles 20 thousand rubles per issue;
  • newspaper advertising 30 thousand rubles;
  • payment for the services of a photographer 20 thousand rubles.

Also in the list of expenses, you can make the rent for the office, which may be needed if a full-fledged staff of employees works for the newspaper. Thus, about 20-30 thousand rubles should be added to the initial amount of costs.

The total amount of capital will be more than 100 thousand rubles. The amount of this amount depends on the number of pages, content, frequency and much more.

The profitability of the project also depends on many factors - the number of paid services, the number of subscribers and so on. For example, if more than 1,000 readers subscribed to an online newspaper, then you can expect a stable income of more than 90 thousand rubles a month.

Creating an online newspaper is a fairly profitable area. The secret of success in this case is a competent approach to and careful consideration of each item of this plan.

The topic should be in demand, the design should be interesting and attractive, the information should be updated regularly, and the use of the site should not be confusing and difficult for the reader. You need to take into account the interests of subscribers and constantly work on the development and promotion of your project.

How to work with an online newspaper can be found in the following video:

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