Analysis of ATP strategy in the services market. Open Library - open library of educational information

Marketing is the process of managing all the main aspects of an enterprise. It is designed to form the most rational management decisions specific enterprise, coordinate various areas of its activities and ensure high efficiency the final results of this activity.

The following factors are identified that influence marketing activities enterprises.

General (determine the market capacity of any product)

1. Socio-economic factors

2. Volume and structure of product offerings

3. Product range and quality

4. Amounts of exports and imports.

5. Purchasing power of the population

6. Population

7. Level and consistency of prices for goods

8. Degree of market saturation

9. Geographical location of the market

10. State of the sales, trade and service network.

Specific (determine the development of markets for individual goods)

1) Natural and climatic conditions

2) Change of fashion

3) National and everyday traditions

4) Achieved level of security in the region

In the process of market research, it is necessary to identify the mechanism of action of the system of factors and assess their degree of influence on the volume and structure of demand in a specific product market.

Determining the prospects for the development of a particular market cannot be carried out in isolation from other socio-economic forecasts. The influence of a large number of factors requires building several models of market development and finding the optimal one. It is necessary to clearly decide at what level of consolidation to forecast the capacity of the commodity market. The degree of aggregation (enlargement) depends on the degree of forecasting and planning.

There are several types of forecasting:

· Opportunistic (up to 6 months)

· Short-term (up to 2 years)

· Medium-term (up to 5 years)

· Long-term (up to 10 years)

· Promising (more than 10 years)

Careful planning helps a company anticipate and respond quickly to changes in the environment, and always be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Successful companies work according to a plan, but it is designed in such a way as not to limit entrepreneurial initiatives.

Typically, companies create annual, long-term and strategic plans.

An annual plan is a short-term plan that describes the current situation, company goals, strategy for the coming year, program of action, budget and forms of control.

The long-term plan describes the major factors and forces that will influence the organization over the next few years. It contains long-term goals, the main marketing strategies that will be used to achieve them, and identifies the resources needed. This long-term plan is updated annually in order to make adjustments in accordance with changes that have occurred. Annual and long-term plans are related to current activities companies help in its implementation.

A strategic plan is created to help a company take advantage of opportunities in an ever-changing industry. It is the process of establishing and maintaining a strategic fit between the company's goals and capabilities, on the one hand, and changing market opportunities, on the other.

Strategic planning is the foundation for other types of planning in the company. It begins with defining the company's global goals and mission. Then more specific goals are set. To do this, complete information is collected about the internal environment of the organization, its competitors, the market situation and everything else that will in one way or another help influence the work of the company. After conducting a SWOT analysis, a detailed report is prepared on the company's strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats that it will have to face. Top management then decides which specific activities and products to pursue and what support to provide for each. In turn, each department responsible for a particular product or activity must develop its own detailed marketing and other plans, in accordance with general plan companies. Thus, marketing planning is carried out at the levels of departments responsible for individual activities, product categories and markets. It facilitates strategic planning through detailed planning of various marketing situations. The planning process covers four stages: analysis, planning, implementation, control.

The planning process begins with a complete analysis of the state of affairs in the company. The company must analyze the environment in which it operates, identifying opportunities and avoiding threats. It is necessary to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, what is being carried out and what is possible to carry out marketing activities in order to identify the opportunities they advocate. The analysis provides each subsequent stage with the necessary information.

SWOT analysis means the study of the strengths and weaknesses of a firm in relation to the SBU in question, as well as the opportunities and threats to the firm in connection with opening activities in the relevant market segment. SWOT analysis is complemented by an analysis of past activities (if any), which allows you to establish the existing strategy and detect trends in the development of the situation. SWOT analysis refers to a conceptual approach rather than a specific technique. If you try to develop it into a real methodology, you will have to use the results of classical economic and organizational analysis firm,approaches are developed as part of strategic planning, e.g. competitive analysis M. Porter, as well as analytical concepts of marketing and, first of all, market segmentation.

Obtaining assessments at the SWOT analysis stage serves to formulate a list of problems and develop initial versions of the strategy concept in the course of strategic thinking, which, in turn, are the material for selecting key problems and strategy concepts. This stage is difficult to formalize. The main approaches here are ranking and expert assessments.

The strategic plan also includes the mission of the enterprise. The mission defines the main goal of the company. A firm often begins its business with a clear mission established by its founder. However, over time, the mission is gradually erased as the company develops new products and conquers new markets. The mission may remain clear, but some managers forget about it.

After choosing an overall strategy for achieving competitive advantage, the company can move on to detailed planning of the marketing mix. Marketing complex- one of the key concepts modern marketing. We define the marketing mix as a set of controllable marketing tools, used together to obtain the desired response from the target market. The marketing mix includes everything a company can do to influence demand for its product. Numerous possibilities can be divided into four groups of variables: product, price, methods of distribution, promotion of goods.

A product is an indissoluble unity of the product itself and a range of services that the company offers to the target market.

Price is the amount of money buyers must pay to receive a product.

Product distribution methods include the actions of an enterprise that make the product available to target consumers.

Product promotion methods are the actions by which companies disseminate information about the merits of a product and convince target consumers to buy it.

So, planning good strategies is just the beginning of your journey to successful marketing. The most brilliant marketing strategy will be worthless if the company fails to implement it properly. Marketing implementation is the process of transforming marketing strategies and plans into marketing activities aimed at achieving strategic goals. Implementation involves working on a daily and monthly basis to effectively implement the marketing plan.

The development of free market relations, their constant and continuous improvement was an important prerequisite for strategic planning and growth in production volumes at road transport enterprises.

The word “strategy” came into modern management theory from military science (stratos - troops and ago - lead). In the military field, strategy is determined based on a goal set from above and consists of determining ways to achieve it.

Enterprise strategy is a general long-term direction of development associated with achieving the long-term goals of the enterprise, within the framework of which management decisions are made. Strategy serves as a tool for fulfilling the mission, achieving the goal of the enterprise, prescriptive, determining the forms and methods of activity, the path to achieving the goal. Strategy is the basis for forming the procedure for distributing resources between the areas of activity of the enterprise.

The presence of a long-term operating strategy allows a transport enterprise to make targeted decisions in its current activities.

Strategic planning is the process of defining strategy motor transport enterprise by analyzing its strategic positions in the auto market transport services, researching internal and external environmental factors and developing actions that can lead to the achievement, retention, development and capitalization of its competitive advantages.

Strategic planning seems to be the only way to understand existing and future problems, formally predict the development of the situation and justify profitable strategies functioning of motor transport enterprises based on an assessment of their potential capabilities.

The strategic planning process of a motor transport enterprise is influenced by both internal and external factors. Internal factors include:

The nature of the transport process management system;

Availability of competitive factors in the transport process;

Costs and timeliness of cargo delivery;

Quality of cargo delivery;

Possibility of attracting additional financial resources;

Entrepreneurial abilities of enterprise management.

External factors include:

The ratio of tariff indicators for transport services of competitors;

Advantages and Disadvantages technical specifications transport services of competitors;

Advantages and disadvantages of competitors' marketing policies;

Remoteness of the clientele;

Solvency of the clientele;

Degree of clientele progressiveness;

Tax system;

Tariff level;


Investment policy.

When strategic planning, the following specific features of road transport should be taken into account:

The high socio-economic importance of road transport, determined by the communication functions of transport services;

Greater competition in the market for motor transport services due to the functioning of state, municipal, departmental motor transport organizations and private motor carriers;

Increased risk of performing services due to the transportation process taking place outside of motor transport organizations, which creates the need to insure cargo and carrier liability.

The strategic planning algorithm can be presented in the form of the following stages:

Goal setting;

Strategic analysis;

Strategic forecast;

Justification of the strategy;

Development of business projects.

The process of developing a strategy involves solving the following tasks: determining the overall strategy, clarifying the competitive strategy, clarifying the functional strategies of the enterprise.

Variety of different options general strategies can be reduced to three main types: strategy of stability, growth, reduction.

1. Stability Strategy– support of existing activities of the enterprise.

2. Growth strategy– expansion of the organization, which can be carried out through penetration into new markets, through the absorption of competing firms, as well as through the creation of joint ventures.

3. Reduction strategy used when the survival of the organization is at risk. Its varieties are:

Turnaround strategy (refusal to produce unprofitable products, redundant labor, poorly functioning distribution channels, search effective ways resource use);

Separation strategy (if there are several types of business, if one of them performs poorly, it is abandoned);

Liquidation strategy (sale of enterprise assets).

An organization can choose one of the types of strategies and apply certain combinations of different types (which is typical for large, diversified companies).

Competitive strategy aimed at achieving competitive advantages. It should provide better indicators in terms of production costs, production of products with unique properties and focusing product sales on one of the market segments.

Functional strategy includes actions in all areas of production, economic and financial activities enterprises.

Diversification strategy production involves the diversification of monetary capital (their distribution between various investment objects in order to reduce the risk of capital losses or income from it), foreign exchange reserves, etc. Diversification can be horizontal (expansion of the range) and concentric (release of new goods).

Public transport enterprises, in particular those engaged in freight transportation, practically cannot withstand competition with other carriers due to high prices for transport services. Cargo transportation is carried out mainly in the market of low-profit mass transportation of socially significant cargo, serving a regular clientele. Low profitability and high production costs do not make it possible to update rolling stock and enter more profitable segments of the transport services market. Often, the management of motor transport enterprises does not set long-term goals. Motor transport enterprises use basic (fundamental) development strategies to a lesser extent, and functional and business (competitive) ones to a greater extent.

Underestimation of the role of strategic planning in practice is often one of the main reasons for the crisis state of the ATP.

Features of formation marketing strategy transport enterprise

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By the number of simultaneously interviewed:

individual surveys;

group surveys - conducted in the form of focus groups, when a group discussion takes place in the audience about a problem;

According to the degree of freedom provided to the interviewer and the respondent:

structured - a pre-prepared list of survey questions is used;

unstructured - the interviewer allows the respondent to speak freely on a specific issue, keeping the conversation on track. Outside the scope of this chapter, there remain special issues that are extremely important to solve for a marketer conducting marketing research: determining the sample size, forming a sample, statistical processing of the results of a sample study, drawing up questionnaires, types of questions in a questionnaire, scaling techniques, etc. It is important to note that for independent study of these issues it is recommended to refer to specialized literature.

4. The MIS information analysis subsystem assumes the need for systematization, grouping, tabulation, statistical processing of information data, the use of correlation and regression analysis, etc. in order to formulate analytical conclusions.

The implementation of the research and analytical marketing function within a transport enterprise makes it possible to prepare an information basis for making management decisions. It was previously mentioned that information, the “supplier” of which is MIS, is addressed not only to marketing managers, but also to managers responsible for developing a development strategy for a transport enterprise.

Links between enterprise strategy and marketing strategy. Let's consider the connections between enterprise strategy and marketing strategy with the subsequent structuring of the marketing strategy (Fig. 3.4). Participation in the development of an enterprise development strategy with the subsequent development of a marketing strategy most fully defines the essence of the creative function of marketing.

The choice of development strategy for a transport enterprise is based on analysis of the current situation, which includes

Rice. 3.4. Algorithm for developing a general and marketing strategy for a transport enterprise

includes an analysis of the external and internal environments of the enterprise. Analysis as a research method involves consideration of individual aspects, properties, and components of an object, followed by the synthesis of a new vision of the object. In relation to the analysis of the current situation in which a transport enterprise is located, such an object is the current situation itself, which can be structured into external and internal components (external and internal environments of the enterprise). Consideration of the current state of the elements of the external and internal environments of the enterprise allows us to synthesize a generalized and comprehensive view of the current situation as a whole.

The concepts of the external and internal environments of an enterprise differ from the previously introduced concepts of the macro- and microenvironment of marketing. Under external environment of the transport enterprise It is customary to understand a set of factors influencing management decisions and uncontrollable by the enterprise, ᴛ.ᴇ. market factors: macroeconomic and demographic factors, competitive situation, customer motivation, etc. Under internal environment is understood as a set of factors that also influence management decisions at the enterprise level, but are controlled by the enterprise itself: fleet and condition vehicles, qualifications and motivation of employees, organizational structure, etc.

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To analyze the current situation, information supplied by the marketing information system is also used. In case for analysis internal environment Often, non-marketing sources of information that are traditional for an enterprise are sufficient - accounting and management accounting data, information from the human resources department, operation service, etc., then the main source of the most complete and up-to-date information on the external environment is the marketing division of the enterprise responsible for ensuring the functioning of the MIS.

Generalizations and conclusions of the analyst complete the process of analyzing the current situation. This method of visually and compactly presenting these generalizations and conclusions is widely practiced, as SWOT matrix(Fig. 3.5).

Strengths Strengths of the enterprise Weaknesses Weaknesses of the enterprise
Long period of work on the market Presence of a regular clientele Large market share Availability of a market-famous and reputable trademark Existence of a stable network of intermediaries Lack of experience in a specific market Lack of connections with market entities Relatively small volume of production Poor market awareness of the enterprise Outdated technical base Financial instability
Opportunities Market Opportunity Threats Market dangers
Political stability High market growth rate Increasing demand for enterprise services Weakness of basic competitors Emergence of promising market segments Adoption of legal acts that simplify the activities of the enterprise Soft taxation regime Existence of effective means of advertising distribution Political instability Low economic development Clientele's commitment to local competitors Availability strong competitors Complication and deterioration of market rules regulated in legal acts Increased tax burden Impossibility of exporting profits from the country Lack of effective information and advertising technologies on the market

Rice. 3.5. SWOT matrix of a transport enterprise 68

SWOT matrix. is a table in which the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, market opportunities and threats are located in the quadrants. Abbreviation SWOT deciphered as follows: S- strengths(strengths of the enterprise), W - weaknesses(weaknesses of the enterprise), ABOUT- opportunities(market opportunities), T-threats(market threats). In Fig. 3.5 shows a general view and example of filling SWOT matrices.

GAP analysis(from English gap- gap, gap), ᴛ.ᴇ. analysis of the strategic gap is usually illustrated by graphs that reflect possible changes in one of the basic economic indicators of the activity of a transport enterprise - the volume of services provided - when implementing alternative development strategies of the enterprise. General view a set of graphs illustrating the essence of GAP analysis is presented in Fig. 3.6.

Formulation of goals and strategy for enterprise development for a certain period is carried out based on the results of all analytical work. The goals of an enterprise are usually set in relation to profit, but other formulations are also possible, for example, the survival of the enterprise in difficult situation or ensuring business continuity. Enterprise development strategies can be formulated using classifications of strategies developed by I. Ansoff, F. Kotler, M. Porter and other strategic planners. Issues of strategic planning for the development of a transport enterprise are discussed in Chapter. 8 benefits.

Based on the purpose and strategy of the enterprise, information at the output of the MIS is formed marketing strategy of the enterprise.

Basic elements of a marketing strategy. The main elements of a marketing strategy include the following:

1) selection of target market segments;

2) positioning of the service;

Selection of target market segments assumes the extreme importance of solving the following problems: choosing signs of market segmentation, market segmentation itself, choosing the target (target) segment (s) of the market. Under market segmentation It is generally accepted to understand the breakdown of the entire set of real and potential consumers into groups with identical characteristics. Accordingly, the resulting groups of consumers, in the case of similar motives for their behavior in the market, similarity of expressed preferences, are called market segments.

The most common approach to market segmentation is a priori approach. The essence of the a priori approach is to identify groups of consumers according to external, formal characteristics. In the future, a hypothesis is put forward that each selected group is a market segment, in other words, it reveals similarity of needs, preferences, and motives for behavior in the market when deciding to purchase a product or service. This approach to market segmentation is simpler and, as a result, the most common.

Theoretically, it seems more reasonable posterior segmentation market, based on the initial identification of market segments according to the expected benefits of consumers, based on the motives of their behavior in the market, preferences and expectations that guide them. It is further determined which external, formal features the resulting market segments are characterized.

Methodology for a priori segmentation of the transport services market. First of all, the marketer determines the composition of the characteristics of market segmentation. Below are the most commonly used criteria for segmenting the market for road transport services for the transportation of goods:


By administrative boundaries between markets and segments (states, regions, cities with different population densities, competitive situations);

Without taking into account administrative boundaries (central and outlying areas of the city, nearby and remote regions);


By the size of enterprises (production and sales volumes, average number employees, value of assets);

By financial situation (financially stable and unstable enterprises, financially autonomous and dependent, liquid and illiquid);

According to the timeliness of settlements with partners (settled on time, having minor overdue

significant debts with significant overdue debts);


By type of cargo transported (requiring special vehicles for transportation);

According to the urgency of transportation and special requirements to the speed of transportation;

By transportation directions;

According to the demand for additional technological services (requiring additional services related to loading and unloading, temporary storage of transported goods);


By commitment to working with one carrier;

According to the size and frequency of orders for the transportation of goods;

By sensitivity to marketing incentives (price, quality of transport services, fame and authority of the carrier).

These signs are formal and do not reflect the underlying motivation for the behavior of a particular consumer in the market. But it is assumed that the bulk of consumers who will be included in a certain group have similar preferences, motives of behavior and are a market segment. Of course, the resulting market segment is heterogeneous. For example, based on geography, we can distinguish a group of clients of a motor transport enterprise located in St. Petersburg and a group of clients located in the Leningrad region. Does this mean that we have two market segments? Probably not, because the urban clientele is very heterogeneous, and it is extremely important to structure it further using other segmentation features. The use of several market segments in the process of market segmentation is usually called multiple segmentation.

The result of multiple segmentation is knowledge of existing market segments. Note that the greatest effect is provided by a priori segmentation. In this case, the enterprise forms an adequate vision of the various preferences and motives of behavior that guide consumers. For example, urban transport passengers may have different attitudes towards the price of transport services and the quality of service: some are more sensitive to the factor of compliance with the transport schedule, others - to the comfort of the trip, etc.

For air passengers, the most significant flight safety factors are in-flight service. Corporate clients of a motor transport company engaged in the transportation of goods may be sensitive to the price of the service, to

The quality of the transport service (speed of cargo transportation, timely delivery of the vehicle for loading, timely delivery of the cargo, ensuring the safety of the transported cargo, providing information support for the transport service), the quality of service in the office (politeness, efficiency, willingness to compromise). Identifying as complete a list as possible of the motives of customer behavior, their expectations and preferences will allow the transport enterprise to offer its services on the market in a focused manner - addressing them to the identified segment that has a certain idea of ​​​​the desired service.

From the totality of identified segments, an enterprise can select one or more, which will be the target ones. When choosing a target segment, we are guided by the following considerations: the size of the segment, the dynamics of development of the segment, the difficulty of adapting the service to the preferences of the segment, the orientation of competitors towards a particular segment. Often, the choice of target segment is carried out on a compromise basis, since it is very difficult or even impossible to find a segment that would be the most attractive and in which competitors would not operate.

Positioning services of a transport enterprise involves making a decision about what consumer perception of the enterprise and its services is, what image the enterprise will cultivate, and what the difference between the enterprise’s services and competitive ones will be.

The uncertainty of the enterprise’s position in the eyes of the consumer, the blurred image creates favorable conditions to ignore the market offer of the enterprise.

And vice versa, the presence of a clear position, stable associations of consumers with the features of the market offer of a transport enterprise create conditions for the preference that target customers will give to this enterprise. The position of the enterprise must be ensured by the coordination of actually provided services with information impact on the market. The positioning process must take into account both the target segment and the positioning of competitors. Positioning can be done based on service quality, based on price, based on price/quality ratio, based on user status, based on comparison with a competitor, etc. In other words, it is extremely important, on the one hand, to inform the market and, first of all, consumers about the significant features of the provision of services by a particular enterprise, on the other hand, to actually implement what was declared. The positioning decision is in close connection with previously identified motives of behavior, preferences and expectations of the target market segment.


The need for continuous and targeted development of ATP is determined by the fact that cost-effective transformations of ATP are a prerequisite for extending its life cycle.

Every ATP goes through certain stages of change. Sometimes the cause of these changes is determined by the external environment. Thus, the massive disaggregation of domestic ATPs in the 90s. XX century occurred in connection with the general economic situation in the country. In other cases, enterprise managers themselves come to the idea of ​​the need for innovation, for example, they recognize the need to purchase cars that would allow them to master international transportation, and/or the need to expand the marketing function in a certain situation in the transport services market. Changes, if combined by area of ​​implementation, may concern:

Equipment used in transport operations and technologies for the production of transport services. Such changes affect the methods of organizing transportation and the technical impact on rolling stock, affect the composition and structure of the vehicle fleet and other fixed assets, etc. The changes also involve updating the knowledge and skills of workers, corresponding to technical and technological innovations;

List and structure of transport and other services provided by ATP. This can be either changes in the quality parameters of already mastered transport services, or the provision of new services for a given transport service or its entry into a new market segment, etc.;

Structures of the organization of ATP management. The changes here concern not only the size of the ATP or the type of its organizational structure, but also the employee remuneration system, the organization labor relations, control and information systems, financial statements and planning methods, etc.;

Corporate culture. Here we're talking about about changes in attitudes, expectations, behavior of employees, about changes in norms and rules adopted at the ATP, etc.;

Other changes.

Justification and choice of strategy for the development of ATP. Changes carried out in the ATP must comply with the ATP strategy (see Fig. 3.5), the development of which is the responsibility of employees at the highest levels of management. In the current economic conditions, justification of the development strategy of ATP is one of the leading tasks of managing its production and financial activities.

It should be borne in mind that often the development strategy of ATP is determined without the help modern methods, as a result of which the strategy is replaced by a long-term development plan for the ATP. Such a substitution is unjustified, since long-term planning in connection with the rapid dynamics of the external environment is now often untenable.

The ATP development strategy involves the use of such a form of managed development as innovation. Those changes that occur in the ATP against the will of managers do not belong to innovations. A simple increase in quality or quantity according to any specific characteristic (for example, an increase in the number of drivers, updating the same type of rolling stock, etc.) is also not considered an innovation. Innovation can be called that purposeful change that introduces new relatively stable elements into the ATP. This is a sign of the transition of the ATP as a system from one state to another (more stable).

The justification of the development strategy is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the external environment of the ATP and internal factors the effectiveness of its activities, taking into account their interrelations and the synergistic effect caused by these interrelations.

In the present textbook we do not detail the content and methods of analysis preceding the development of a strategy, since they are the subject of consideration academic discipline"Strategic Planning". The literature on these issues is presented quite widely. In addition, in Chap. 7 given general description organization of analytical work at the enterprise. Without dwelling on the analysis procedure, we nevertheless emphasize that right choice ATP development strategy largely depends on the quality of its comprehensive diagnostics.

The enterprise development strategy should reflect not only the focus in solving its main problems, but also the real capabilities of the ATP (financial, organizational, personnel), and also take into account the most likely changes in the external and internal environment. The characteristic features of the strategy are its continuity and transformation, which determines the need for constant management of the development of ATP.

In addition to the general development strategy for the ATP, a large ATP can also develop:

business strategy, aimed at providing effective development strategies individual species activities, for example

Measures: container transport; expeditionary activities; international transport, etc.;

operational strategy, installed for main structural units, for example, for a geographically separated branch of ATP;

functional strategy, formed for each functional area of ​​a certain area of ​​activity of the ATP. So, this could be a logistics strategy developed by ATP, a financial strategy, a marketing strategy, HR strategy, strategy for information and analytical support of enterprise management, etc.

The development of ATP in accordance with its chosen strategy can occur in the form organizational redesign, which is achieved by the following interrelated actions:

Determining the prospects and goals for the development of the ATP, developing indicators for achieving these goals and a general program of necessary actions to transform the ATP;

restructuring(structural reform) - carrying out a set of measures for the comprehensive restructuring of the ATP in accordance with the strategy for its development. This is a chain of interconnected organizational innovations designed to enable an enterprise to acquire the ability to adequately respond to dynamic changes in the external environment and achieve current and long-term competitiveness;

Establishment of clear procedures for improving the communication of the ATP with the external environment, which makes it possible to increase the adaptability of the ATP through intra-organizational restructuring;

Providing ATP workers with new knowledge, new skills and tasks, forming a positive view of workers about the benefits expected as a result of restructuring and labor remuneration systems.

The restructuring of the ATP can be considered a highly effective lever for increasing the competitiveness of the ATP, since it involves improving the structure and functions of management; technical and technological transformations; change in the financial and economic policy of the ATP. The implementation of the ATP restructuring program is directly related to its innovativeness - the ability to master innovations in the technical, technological, managerial and other areas of the financial and economic activities of the ATP. Typically, restructuring involves restructuring the assets of the ATP.

Determining the priority of restructuring tasks and the order of their solution. Despite the fact that the restructuring should be comprehensive, during its course it is necessary to establish the priority of the tasks to be solved and determine the order of implementation of projects. Such an assessment can be carried out on the basis of an analysis of development objectives

ATP identified as a result of its diagnosis. Such tasks may include updating rolling stock; use of subcontractual relations; transition to another type of organizational structure; merger with another transport company; use of progressive methods of organizing transportation; development by the enterprise of production of other services (other products); implementation of a transportation quality management system or a general quality management system; decentralization of management and formation of responsibility centers; changing the logistics scheme; optimization of administrative load; implementation of adequate information technology; introduction of standards of conduct for ATP workers, etc.

Having compiled a general list of restructuring tasks, this list should be streamlined - to eliminate duplication of tasks, their mutual inclusion, and also to equalize the scale of tasks. Statements of tasks that do not meet these requirements should be excluded from their general list. In this way, comparability, interconnection and at the same time some autonomy of tasks are achieved.

The updated list of restructuring tasks should be subject to expert assessment, as a result of which the rank (significance) of each task is established and the tasks that are most relevant for the ATP in at the moment his existence. Tasks that do not require immediate resolution can either be excluded from the list or placed on the next priority task list.

The most pressing restructuring tasks are then assessed from the standpoint of the likelihood of their successful solution. Here, both the financial capabilities of the ATP and the degree of its competence in solving individual problems are taken into account, i.e., how possible is it to overcome the influence of external factors. At this stage, tasks are selected again, i.e. their list is shrinking again.

Those tasks that are successfully formulated and at the same time assessed as particularly relevant, and can also be solved mainly by the ATU itself, are considered further from the point of view of the ATU strategy: it becomes clear how the solution of these problems corresponds to the strategic goals. The restructuring program includes those tasks that satisfy this requirement.

Such a multi-stage selection of tasks makes it possible to ensure the effectiveness of the measures provided for by the ATP restructuring program and to avoid the scattering of the enterprise’s forces and resources.

Restructuring (reforming the structure) may include any changes in the range of services produced by the ATP: a change in the structure of its capital; business education

Non-units; procedures for mergers of enterprises, etc. Therefore, restructuring is not only an economic, organizational and managerial category, but also a legal one.

Most often, restructuring includes four main stages:

1) diagnostics financial situation ATP, analysis of its technical and economic status, assessment of strengths and weaknesses, marketing research in the transport services market, ranking problems, identifying the main tasks of restructuring;

2) clarifying the enterprise development strategy, taking into account the diagnostic results and identifying individual strategic subgoals. Formation of an organizational concept for the development of ATP;

3) designing changes in composition and organizational structure management and in composition and structure management personnel ATP. If radical changes are expected (reorganization of the enterprise), then it is necessary to develop a detailed project for these changes, providing for solving issues of personnel selection, legal support, engineering and information support activities of new structural units, internal pricing, financial control, etc.;

4) development and implementation of a program of measures to restructure the enterprise in accordance with the conclusions adopted during the first two stages. The program indicates not only specific activities, but also the deadlines for their implementation, responsible executors, as well as the necessary financial resources.

Overcoming the socio-psychological problems of reforming the ATP. It is worth highlighting a group of social factors in the development of ATP. Particular attention to social factors is explained as follows.

The need to find general solutions to economic and social problems that arise in the process of human labor activity within the framework of a certain ATP is determined by the fact that the economic phenomena of ATP should be analyzed and designed taking into account the interests of both workers and ATP, and not only in connection with the final results of production financial activities of ATP.

When designing solutions aimed at developing ATP, they most often proceed from the premise that all employees unconditionally share this goal and subordinate their other interests to it.

However, there are factors that complement, clarify, limit or even replace the goal of ATP development for a specific employee (group of employees). Some of these factors are listed below.

1. In an effort to maintain good relationships and not offend employees, employees may refuse to strictly adhere to those procedures that ensure the development of ATP. Thus, a transportation manager can deliberately weaken control over the activities of drivers, based on the desire not to enter into conflict with them, and give the opportunity to assign volumes of work, work “on the side,” etc.

2. Some performers may refrain from proposals and actions aimed at developing the ATP, since otherwise this will violate the order established and promoted by the leader. This applies, for example, to the widely used practice of involving drivers in repair and maintenance work, which is an economically irrational, but, unfortunately, a traditional solution for many ATPs.

3. The desire of employees to avoid risk may cause a refusal to implement certain development methods, even if these methods have been sufficiently tested and have proven themselves in the practice of other enterprises. On road transport This desire is especially typical for small businesses that prefer to avoid risk.

4. The interests of employees can be directed primarily to their own wages, and this interest is often stronger than the interest in the profit of the ATP, the income of its owners, etc.

5. It is possible that interest in the development of ATP fades into the background due to the desire of a certain group of leaders (managers) to maintain control in their hands. In particular, the struggle for power, the desire to improve status, etc. may lead to the adoption of decisions that are contrary to the goals of development of the ATP.

6. Such seemingly unexpected factors as the manager’s desire to implement charitable activities or the desire to be in harmony with one’s own conscience, as well as the desire of workers for special skills, self-valuable demonstration of their professional capabilities, etc. These factors may very likely come into conflict with individual decisions.

7. Even if there is a conscious desire of employees to develop ATP, this goal may still not be fully achieved due to the insufficient level of their professional competence, which may not be realized by employees or is not fully realized by them.

So, it can be noted that each of the problems of ATP restructuring is associated with making quite complex decisions, with overcoming not only information uncertainty, but

And the traditional underestimation of the socio-psychological problems of reform. However, if these problems are neglected during the transformation, then the structural reform (restructuring) of the ATP will not achieve the goal, and the enterprise will not move into a qualitatively new, highly efficient state.

The overall economic effect of restructuring consists of four components: the effect from the point of view of the owner (manager) of the enterprise, from the point of view of creditors, from the point of view of the budget and social effect.

As a rule, the development of an enterprise requires investment of funds, and here the problem of enterprise investment comes to the fore, briefly presented in the next subsection and discussed in more detail in Chapter. 14.

IN lately There is a crisis in the field of small and medium-sized motor transport enterprises. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that this industry very expensive. But, on the other hand, if we analyze unsuccessful projects, we will not find any marketing elaboration there. But a clear focus on demand is the key to a successful and profitable business.

“A loss-making project in transport” - I hear this phrase in a professional environment, especially in the last 4-5 years, very often. Like other infrastructure sectors of the national economy, the motor transport business is subject to many market, marketing and economic risks. They are associated with the state of most of the main economic “arteries” of the country: extractive industries, industry, construction, military-industrial complex and trade.

The dynamics of the modern economic environment force us to analyze the marketing component of cars in a completely new and much deeper way. transport business. Otherwise, you simply cannot survive in today’s fierce competition.

Plan or gone

The main reason for the failure of many motor transport entrepreneurial projects, in my opinion, is the insufficient attention that the organizers of this business should pay to the company’s position in the market, its target orientation and marketing development strategy. This fact may seem obvious and even strange to representatives of other industries, where marketing and sales technologies have advanced significantly further in their development.

Agree that, for example, no one would think of opening a spa salon in a remote village or a cheap eatery next to an expensive five-star hotel. These projects are highly likely to fail, since they simply will not have clients.

However, when drawing up a business plan for a motor transport enterprise in Russia, the obvious set of marketing and sales risks are often not properly assessed at the very beginning of the journey. And, as a result, as projects develop, obviously unprofitable divisions or enterprises with non-target transport assets are opened.

Thus, the marketing positioning and development strategy of a trucking company should be the cornerstones successful business plan. The development of the concept of an effective and break-even modern motor transport enterprise is based on the principle of a contract approach.

In this case, it is important to focus on needs as accurately as possible. The principle must apply buy commercial vehicles only according to the client’s requests, taking into account as accurately as possible the plans and business development prospects of the target group of consumers.

To the start

When developing a project plan, you must answer the following questions.

1. What market are you planning to operate in?

2. Who are your customers and what are their needs?

3. Who are your competitors and what are their capabilities?

4. What is unique and main competitive advantages your proposal?

5. What is your development strategy: at the start, at the development stage, at the stage of business maturity?

6. What are the marketing risks of the project?

Being engaged in the development and implementation of many motor transport projects, we have developed for ourselves corporate model, which takes into account the marketing component at the first stage of work, and then passes with a “dashed line” through all stages of the project.

Thus, it is the block of answers to questions in the marketing component that allows you to correctly build the entire business plan. The business plan of a motor transport project includes the following thematic blocks of questions:

  • marketing;
  • investments and financial model business;
  • organizational and legal business model;
  • personnel and staffing;
  • rolling stock, vehicle fleet structure;
  • business processes;
  • quality standards and claims work;
  • KPI and reporting system for assessing the efficiency of the enterprise.

If, when developing a road transport project development plan, most of the recommendations were applied to conduct an objective marketing assessment, business risks are significantly reduced. However, the use of effective technologies and planning at the start of a project does not mean successful activities in the long term or even in the medium term.

Marketing strategy

The start of an enterprise (including detailed study) and further stages of project development take 2–4 years in the motor transport business. In addition, it is extremely important to monitor marketing prospects and risks as it continues to be implemented. We do it every quarter.

Semi-annual and annual reports are the starting point for making decisions to supplement or change the business development strategy. Proposals developed on the basis of such monitoring can have a significant impact on decision-making in the field of commerce, financial and economic activities, personnel and business processes.

Unfortunately, within the framework of this article it is not possible to analyze all aspects of developing an effective marketing strategy for a motor transport enterprise. We will touch upon a tactical issue that arises for a transport organization precisely as the logistics project develops. It is associated with the selection and analysis of the effectiveness of transportation directions.

The problem that needs to be solved in theory is quite simple. It is necessary to evaluate the actual marginality of each transportation direction and select the optimal ones. In practice, the problem of managerial choice for the manager of a modern motor transport enterprise (ATE) looks like a process of formation and development of a portfolio of orders, which should be built on the basis of an analysis of the following groups of factors:

  • geography of transportation;
  • economic and marketing potential of geographical areas;
  • types of customer contracts and potential traffic volumes;
  • nature, intensity and rhythm of transportation;
  • completeness and quality of provision of transport services to clients;
  • possibility of providing related and additional logistics services.

Let's look at these factors in detail.

Geography and volumes of transportation

Distances are calculated in detail for each route, taking into account weather conditions and other features of the region. In some cases, they can have a serious impact on the rhythm of transportation and, ultimately, on financial results.

Then the routes need to be grouped into blocks according to geographical principle: for international transportation the grouping is carried out by country or region, for Russia and neighboring countries - by city and region.

Thus, a potential transport matrix is ​​formed, which can be quite complex, since in order to obtain an effective and accurate model it should be built taking into account both forward and return routes.

Within the group of factors “economic and marketing potential of geographical areas”, the economy in selected geographical areas is analyzed. The potential capacity of the transport market of each region or country is assessed in terms of cargo flows and the availability of the main market agents. Statistics on the movement of goods in selected directions are considered. Often the right approach is even to analyze individual industries and lists of specific potential customers in the region.

There are different approaches to the issue of types of customer contracts and potential volumes of transportation. It all depends on the development strategy of the transport enterprise.

The basic principle may be the contractual approach. This is due to the fact that modern logistics is based on mutual obligations of the customer and the supplier of transport services under the contract. Thus there are:

  • one-time transportation contracts;
  • framework contracts without obligations and volume guarantees;
  • contracts with guaranteed volumes;
  • contracts with partial or specific guarantees that occur under certain seasonal or circumstances declared by the parties to the contract.

Using the contract approach, it is easy to build a “funnel” of orders by type of contract. Thus, an additional projection appears in the order portfolio, in addition to geographic reference and economic indicators, according to transportation directions.

General contracts allow you to plan transportation volumes even in the long term; framework and one-time contracts are used to build scenario plans. The ratio of shares by type of contract and planned volumes of transportation form the ATP strategy.

...general contracts allow you to plan transportation volumes even in the long term...

Rhythm of transportation and quality of services

The organization of transportation, its intensity and rhythm for a certain time period - day, week, month or quarter is usually analyzed per fleet unit, by type of vehicle. The very scheme of organizing transport activities can very significantly influence its results.

Therefore, when developing a marketing block, it is extremely important to correctly predict these indicators. They must be compared with the physical capabilities of equipment and personnel, taking into account the restrictions imposed by the current legal requirements on the modes of movement, work and rest of drivers.

The profile, quality and content of the transport service are the main factors successful marketing transport company. The service must meet demand, needs and expectations as closely as possible potential clients.

...the profile, quality and content of a transport service are the main factors for successful marketing of a transport company...

The cost and operational burden on a transport enterprise is extremely high. And the rate of profit in business, with the exception of specialized projects, rarely goes beyond the industry average. Therefore, when developing a package of services, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of reasonable sufficiency. Otherwise, every minor change in the content of the service can seriously affect the final results.

Current trends Logistics developments dictate new requirements. A transport company is increasingly becoming a provider of additional clearance, brokerage, intermediary and other commercial services that are directly or indirectly related to the transportation of goods. This mainly occurs due to changes in transportation standards and, accordingly, client needs. For example, in international transport with service preliminary declaration When goods cross the border, the service is increasingly provided not by the broker, but by the carrier itself.

On the other hand, the emergence of additional services in the portfolio transport companies This is often due to the differentiation of their business and the increasingly frequent desire of clients to purchase turnkey services. In this case, the additional service may even go beyond the traditional understanding of logistics.

Service package

We have set an algorithm for developing a marketing block when launching or developing a transport project. The goal was to describe the practical sequence of the assessment and focus attention on those fundamentally important and specific issues that will help avoid serious errors, risks and negative consequences. financial results for the company already at the stage of developing a marketing plan for ATP.

Using any effective modern tools in combination with the stated principles, specifics and ideas will help you develop a truly relevant business plan. It will be based on a detailed study of the marketing block and information about your target customers and markets.

The managers of many transport transport companies mistakenly believe that the main thing in this business is to provide the client with the maximum range of services in an open and competitive transport market. all kinds of services. Our basic principle is a detailed service package, which is prepared in full compliance with the expectations and needs of the target customer group.

We call this approach the concept of value-added (added value of the service for the client). After all, it is precisely this clear focus on demand that is the key to a successful and profitable transport business. It allows you to provide the client with a full service, with a full range of corporate advantages that competitors do not have, with strict control of operating and overhead costs.