Joint work plan between the school and the traffic police. Action plans with the traffic police - action plans - regional educational portal of the Pskov region Plan of work with the traffic police in kindergarten


joint events about the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Dedovichsky" and the MBOU "Dedovichskaya secondary school No. 1" on prevention

child road traffic injuries

Target:create conditions for schoolchildren to develop sustainable skills for safe behavior on the streets and roads.


1. To develop in students sustainable skills in observing and implementing the Rules traffic;

2. Apply modern forms and methods of teaching and raising children, innovative technologies aimed at preventing accidents on the streets and in yards;

  1. To develop in children and adolescents a sense of responsibility for their actions and actions;
  2. Disseminate best practices among school teachers in teaching students safe behavior on the road;

5. Maintain a strong interest among parents of students in the safety and health of children as road users

6. Strengthen interaction between the school and the traffic police in order to prevent child road traffic injuries.





Organizational events

Conducting an analysis of statistics on road accidents involving students of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Dedovichi Secondary School No. 1”, the causes and conditions contributing to the occurrence of road accidents; analysis of the results of measures taken to prevent DDTT

During the year

Deputy directors, valeologist, traffic police inspectors

For each fact of an accident involving minors, conduct official investigations; send information to all interested institutions

During the year

Deputy VR directors, valeologist, traffic police inspectors

Appointment of a person responsible for the prevention of child road traffic injuries; responsible for transporting children to school



Monitoring information about minors under 12 years of age, regarding issues related to information about persons accompanying the child to and from an educational institution


Deputy Director of VR

Check the availability of permission from parents (legal representatives) of students to accompany the child by parents or their authorized representatives (full name, passport details) at the place where the child is going to school and his place of residence upon graduation educational process


Deputy Director of VR

Agree with the parents (legal representatives) of children under 12 years of age on the child’s independent route from educational institution


Development of route diagrams for safe movement of students in the school district


Class teachers of grades 1-5

Formation of the YID detachment.

Work of YID units (according to a separate plan)


Keeping a log of accidents involving school students

During the year

Deputy Director for VR, valeologist

Update of the fund of visual aids for the prevention of DDTT

During the year

Deputy Director for VR

Organize a subscription to the All-Russian publication “The Good Road of Childhood”


Updating stands (in the classroom, school) on accident prevention to increase the visibility and effectiveness of promoting traffic rules.

During the year

Class teachers, valeologist

Analysis of work on road safety and prevention of child road traffic injuries

Valeologist, deputy Director of VR


Providing first-graders with reflective devices (flickers)


Department of Education, traffic police

Carrying out targeted activities to prevent DDTT in educational institutions with the participation of children

Road Safety Week (as part of Operation Attention Children!)

September, May

Valeologist, deputy VR directors, traffic police inspectors

Conducting “five-minute” conversations on road safety issues

Every day during the last lesson, as well as before and after the holidays

Class teachers, traffic police inspectors


Celebration “Initiation of first-graders into pedestrians”

Until 18.10.

Class teachers of 1st grade

Design of corners on road safety in classrooms.


Class teachers

Life safety briefings during the holidays

During the year

Class teachers

Meetings with the traffic police inspector “Your way to school”; "Know the traffic rules"

19.09., throughout the year

deputy VR directors, valeologist, school inspector, traffic police inspectors

Conducting a school Olympiad on traffic rules


Traffic rules classes for students

(according to plans of class teachers)

During the year

Class teachers


Carrying out traffic regulations activities, dedicated to the Day in memory of road accident victims

Third Sunday in November


Registration book exhibitions according to traffic rules

During the year


Carrying out raids, accompanied by adults, by members of the JID detachment on the territory adjacent to the educational institution in order to prevent violations of traffic rules by children and adolescents

Once every six months

deputy VR directors, teachers, members of the JID detachment, school inspector, traffic police inspectors

Identifying students who violate traffic rules and conducting preventive conversations with them

During the year

Deputy directors, valeologist, traffic police inspectors, school inspector

Organization and implementation of DDTT prevention in a day health camp


Camp director, teachers, traffic police inspectors

Conducting preventive conversations at parent meetings about the causes of accidents involving children, about the responsibility of parents for violations committed by children in the field of traffic

During the year

School Inspector

Propaganda teams of pre-school educational institutions and children's educational institutions for the prevention of traffic accidents

During the year

Skripka I.P., valeologist


KVN “About traffic rules as a joke and seriously” 9-11 grades.


DDT, traffic police


Open lessons“Safety School” with the invitation of traffic police officers

During the year

Class teachers, valeologist, traffic police inspectors


Speeches by traffic police inspectors at parent meetings “The state of DDTT and its prevention”

During the year

Class teachers, valeologist, traffic police inspectors

The final line “Attention, children, SUMMER!”

Class teachers of grades 1-11, valeologist

Meetings, seminars

Coverage of issues of DDTT prevention at meetings with the director, seminars of class teachers

During the year

Deputy Director for HR, valeologist, class teachers, traffic police inspectors

Participation in competitions

Literary competition on the topic of traffic safety “For you, driver”


My whole family knows the traffic rules competition “from A to Z”


Teachers of the preschool department of the Krasnogrskaya school branch, traffic police


Banner competition on traffic rules for students in grades 1-4 and their parents in the nominations “Save my life”, “For the safety of the whole family”, “Pedestrian! Go to the crossing!




Regional competition "Safe Wheel"


DDT, valeologist, traffic police


Competitions announced by the newspaper “The Good Road of Childhood”

During the year

Valeologist, class teachers, traffic police

Event plan

on the prevention of child road traffic injuries

in MBOU "Izluchinskaya OSSHUIOP No. 1"

for the 2017/2018 academic year

g.p. Izluchinsk


Target: Formation of safe behavior in school-age childrenon compliance with safety measures on the road network and the creation of a system of continuous education of law-abiding road users.


1. Organize preventive work with students and parents to observe safety measures when young road users are on the road network.

2. Expand children’s understanding of the surrounding road environment and road rules.

3. Familiarize children with the meaning of road signs, teach them to understand their schematic representation for correct orientation on the streets and roads.

4. Develop the ability to practically apply acquired knowledge in the road transport environment.

5. To cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with the Rules of the Road, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

6. Intensify efforts to promote traffic rules and a safe lifestyle among parents.





I. Scientific and methodological work

Familiarization of the teaching staff with regulatory and methodological documents on the prevention of DDTT


Deputy Director of VR

Meetings of the class teachers' committee on organizing the prevention of DDTT


Deputy Director for VR

Meeting of the teaching staff "The work of class teachers, subject teachers road safety students"


Deputy director for VR, teacher - organizer of life safety

Designing cool safety corners

August - September

class teachers

Development methodological manual on the prevention of DDTT

throughout the year

Update of methodological and didactic material

throughout the year

Deputy VR directors, class teachers


Kuplevatskaya V.V. , teacher-organizers

Work team meeting

"Statistics of road traffic accidents in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. Preventive work in the educational institution on PDDT"


Deputy Director of VR, teacher - organizer of life safety

II. Working with parents

Development and production of safe routes from school and back for primary school students


OT Engineer

Release of booklets for parents "Children - your attention and care"

1 time per quarter

teacher - organizer of life safety, Kuplevatskaya V.V.

School-wide parent meetings for 1st grade students.

Inclusion in the agenda of issues related to the prevention of crime by minors in the field of traffic, instilling skills for safe behavior of children on the streets and roads


Kuplevatskaya V.V., teacher-organizers, traffic police inspectors

Parent meetings.

Subject: "The performance of the school for the period 2017-2018 academic year, the main areas of activity educational organization in the 2018-2019 academic year, features of the organization of the educational process"

Including questions: increasing the safety of children at the beginning of the school year, preventing children's road traffic injuries and the role of parents in developing a transport culture and role personal example for children in observing traffic rules.


Deputy Director for VR,

teacher organizers,

Inclusion of issues on the agenda of parent meetings: typical dangerous road situations for a pedestrian, forms and methods of studying them in the family; using seat belts while driving in a car.

throughout the year

deputy Director of VR,

class teachers

Round table "The role of family in the prevention of DDTT"

1 time per quarter

Kuplevatskaya V.V., teacher organizers

III. Working with students

Teaching the basics of safe behavior on the streets and roads within the framework of academic disciplines and extracurricular activities according to the program: "The ABCs of Traffic"

throughout the year

Subject teachers, teacher - organizer of life safety

Road Safety Month for grades 1-11:

Preventive large-scale event"Attention, children!"on the territory of the Nizhnevartovsk region;

Conducting briefings and preventive conversations on road safety with the distribution of reflective bracelets

Celebration for first-graders “Initiation into pedestrians”;

Drawing competition “Road safety is my lifestyle” (grades 2-4);

Meetings with traffic police inspectors in the Nizhnevartovsk region;

Release and distribution of booklets;

Design of a school stand and classroom corners to prevent child injuries on the roads


class teachers, teacher organizers, traffic police officers

Teacher additional education RCDOD "Spectrum",

teachers-organizers of the school,

school librarians, occupational safety engineer

Adaptive classes for future first-graders “Behavior of pedestrians and cyclists on the roadway” with watching video cartoons

28.08 - 31.08.17

OGIBDD OMVD of Russia for the Nizhnevartovsk region

Video lesson on the topic: "Road rules"


OGIBDD OMVD of Russia for the Nizhnevartovsk region, teacher-organizers

Campaign “Good Road to Childhood”

During the event:

Drawing competition “Traffic lights and pedestrians” (grades 2-4)

2-3 week of the month


RCDOD "Spectrum", traffic police inspectors, teacher-organizers, class teachers

Lesson in a motor city on the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the roadway

1-2 week of September

OGIBDD OMVD of Russia for the Nizhnevartovsk region

Regional competition - competition among young traffic inspectors "Safe Wheel"

OGIBDD OMVD of Russia for the Nizhnevartovsk region, education department of the administration of the Nizhnevartovsk region,

life safety teacher-organizer

Cognitive – game program“Traffic rules experts” for students in grades 2-4


teacher organizers,

class teachers, traffic police inspectors

Events within"One day of traffic rules"

Instructions - conversations on the rules of behavior on the streets, on the roadway during the autumn holidays;

Information on the electronic stand (1st floor foyer) “Rules of conduct during the autumn holidays, rules of conduct on the roadway”

4th week of October

teacher organizers,

class teachers, traffic police inspectors, school librarians

Distribution of leaflets on road safety

throughout the year

class teachers, school librarians

Preventive conversations between school students and traffic rules inspectors as part of cool hours, school-wide events, round tables

throughout the year

OGIBDD OMVD of Russia for the Nizhnevartovsk region, class teachers

Conducting daily five-minute reminders to comply with traffic rules on the roadway.

throughout the year

class teachers

Regional competition of traffic rules calendars


Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Nizhnevartovsk District Administration, OGIBDD OMVD of Russia for the Nizhnevartovsk District

School-wide event “Initiation into first-graders.”

During the event educational game“Everyone should know the rules of the road”


teacher organizers,

class teachers, traffic police inspectors

Seminar for students in grades 9-11 on the topic: “Street traffic - theory, practice, responsibility”


OGIBDD OMVD of Russia for the Nizhnevartovsk region, teacher-organizer of life safety

Excursion to the traffic police department


OGIBDD OMVD of Russia for the Nizhnevartovsk region

Open lessons

for the 2016-2017 academic year

Egorovsk, 2016

Plan collaboration for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries MKOU Egorovskaya secondary school

and OGIBDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Cheremkhovsky"

for the 2016-2017 academic year

Purpose of the work : creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of stable competencies in schoolchildren for safe behavior on the streets and roads; education of competent and disciplined road users.

The system of work that has been formed over the years is based on a systematic approach to solving the problem of preventing DDTT in relation to all subjects of the educational process and is aimed at solving the followingtasks:

    Continue the work of the teaching staff together with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate service to prevent children from road traffic injuries and familiarize children with the rules of the road.

    increase the activity of children and parents in promoting traffic rules and ensuring a safe lifestyle;

    provide students with basic education within the framework of state standards;

    to develop in students sustainable skills in observing and implementing traffic rules;

    apply modern forms and methods of teaching and raising children, innovative technologies aimed at preventing accidents on the streets, roads and in courtyards;

    create a methodological collection of innovations for teachers, develop methodological recommendations for conducting classroom hours and classes on traffic rules;

    develop and implement a set of measures aimed at preventing DDTT;

September, November

December - January,


Deputy in VR, life safety teachers, class. managers, traffic police officers


Conducting thematic classes:

For 1-4 grades. and pupils of the children's preschool educational institution "Red, Yellow, Green"; “Know the traffic rules like a multiplication table”, “How to behave on the road”,

For 1-9 grades. “Meet: Driver, Passenger, Pedestrian”, “Teenager and the Street”, “Safety Formula”

throughout the year,




Class teachers, life safety teacher,

MKDOU - resp. for safety, traffic police inspector


Conducting lectures on the topic

"ABOUT safe behavior on railway»

Art. Hammer, Kutulik, Golovinskaya

Deputy in VR, life safety teacher


Conducting training sessions with students on traffic rules before vacations, hikes, and excursions

throughout the year

Life safety teacher, deputy. according to BP


Preparation and holding of the regional competition “Safe Wheel”

September/ May

IMC, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate


Participation in the regional competition "Safe Wheel"


IMC, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate


Ensuring security measures during public events

By calendar plan

OU, MKOU DOD RDDT, MKOU DOD Youth Sports School, Education Committee


Providing a set of measures to protect the health of children during their holidays in LDP and stationary camps


OU, camp "Dream"


Raids with talks on injury prevention and traffic rules

1 time per quarter

State Traffic Safety Inspectorate


The work of UID teams to prevent child road traffic injuries


Inkizhinova T.S. – head of the YID detachment


Conducting “Safety Minutes”, “Way Home” with students


Cl. leaders, life safety teacher


Making a memo for students

During the promotion

Administration of the educational institution

Working with parents

Parent meetings with the invitation of a traffic police inspector

September, December, March, May

Deputy Director for VR, Inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate

Reminders for parents on traffic rules

September, October, March, May

Head of UID, School Council

Conversations with parents of offending students

During the year

Deputy Director for HR, Head of Legal Development

Parental participation in extracurricular activities according to traffic rules

During the year

Deputy Director for VR Head of SB UID

Control activities

Questionnaire on traffic rules (grades 1-9)

During the year

Head of UID

Competitions of drawings, fairy tales and ditties on traffic rules

1 time per cycle

Teachers of art, music, literature

Dedication of 5 classes to UID



Initiation of 1st grades into pedestrians



KVN on traffic rules for 4 classes


Head of DO UID

Working with violators at UID club meetings

During the year

Deputy for VR together with employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate