Rating of companies importing fresh tomatoes. What producers' tomatoes are sold in Russia and how do they differ from Russian ones? Prices for imported tomatoes in recent years have been significantly lower than prices of Russian producers

The mood on the global tomato market is not very optimistic. In the first weeks of the new year pricing policy turned out not to be in favor of traders; importers from the Netherlands and Belgium are especially dissatisfied.

The Belgian market is oversupplied due to good harvests in all countries. In Spain, farmers in the Almeria region are faced with the spread of pests. At the same time, producers in Italy and Morocco are pleased with the start of the season.

Tomatoes lead the ranking of the most consumed vegetables worldwide. Total global production in 2016 was 177 million tons. Ten years ago this figure was 30% lower. The area of ​​tomato plantings worldwide is 5 million hectares. On average productivity per 1 sq. m is 3.7 kg. The world's largest producers of tomatoes are China and India, although yields in India are low - less than 2.5 kg per 1 sq. m. This contrasts sharply with the indicators of the USA (9.03 kg per 1 sq. m), Spain (8.62 kg per 1 sq. m) and Morocco (8.08 kg per 1 sq. m). The highest harvest is harvested in Holland - an average of 50.7 kg per 1 sq. m.


In recent decades, the tomato sector has grown significantly due to the modernization of the technologies and materials used. Tomatoes are one of the most important crops in Morocco. The area for planting tomatoes is 18 thousand 642 hectares, and in 2016 production exceeded 1.2 million tons. The sector creates thousands of jobs in the North African country and is an important part of the economy through exports.

The tomato production sector in Morocco consists of several parts.

Most of the greenhouses are concentrated in the Souss-Massa and Doukkala-Abda regions. Grown tomatoes are exported to EU countries, Russia and Canada.

Early varieties of open ground tomatoes from the Mulway, Temara-Skhirat and Casablanca regions are going to the domestic market. Over the past ten years since the launch of the Green Morocco Plan (Maroc Vert), the area under cultivation has increased by approximately 14% - 20%. The harvest, however, remained unchanged.

Seasonal production is much smaller and growing areas are mainly located in coastal areas. Tomatoes grown here also go to the domestic market.

Tomatoes are also grown for industrial processing in the areas of Meknes, Marrakesh and Beni Mellal. Despite the sharp reduction in area over recent years, from 4 thousand 350 hectares to 420 hectares, the harvest volume has increased significantly.

Since the implementation of the Green Morocco Plan (Maroc Vert), tomato exports have increased by 56%. Over ten years, exports grew from 344 thousand tons to 537 thousand tons, and sales in local currency increased by 139%, from 2.03 billion dirhams to 4.8 billion dirhams ($523 million).


Rising tomato prices in Turkey may lead the country to open its borders to imports. The government noted that this possibility was considered last month. Previously, Turkey had experience importing tomatoes from Turkish Cyprus, Romania and Ukraine.

Russia has again opened its market to the export of tomatoes from Turkey. In 2017, export permission was received for 50 thousand tons of tomatoes.

In 2016, Turkey's tomato production amounted to 12.6 million tons. Turkish consumers pay attention not only to prices, but also to quality. Due to Russia's strict requirements, only premium tomatoes can be sent to this market. Due to the lack of a good control system, low quality tomatoes end up on the domestic market.


Despite investments aimed at expanding the supply season, the EU expects a normal harvest. At the same time, thanks to successful segmentation, the cost of product sales actually increases. In 2016, the EU produced about 18 million tons of tomatoes, 40% of which were sold fresh. The remaining volume was sent for processing. About 75% of production comes from Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and France. About 94% of tomatoes in Italy, Spain and Portugal are sent for processing.

Production volume has not increased in recent years. By 2030, the EU expects tomato production to fall by 1.4%. Thanks to the introduction of new varieties, especially in the segment of snack and cocktail tomatoes, the average selling price of these fruits increased by 20% in France, Germany, Italy and Spain between 2006 and 2016. And although planting area is under pressure, harvest volumes have increased due to investment in extending the season. On average, Europeans consume 15 kg of tomatoes per person annually. According to experts, in 2030 consumption will be 14.4 kg per year per capita.


Market prices fell immediately after the start of the year, and the decline continues. Adverse weather conditions such as hail in Holland and tornadoes in Spain had little impact on the market. The market is currently very unstable. According to importers, suppliers want to earn more revenue than the market allows. In recent days, the price of Moroccan tomatoes has decreased. Demand is moderate, but this is not uncommon in the first weeks of the year. In the near future, the harvest from Spain will arrive on the market. As a result, competition in the plum tomato market will increase even more. The market for Spanish tomatoes on the vine also remains difficult due to the growth of greenhouse production of this type of vegetable in Holland and Belgium.


According to a Belgian trader, there are a lot of tomatoes on the vine at the market. Due to mild weather, the harvest in Europe is good and most countries have many home-grown tomatoes. As a result, demand for Belgian products is low. The cost for 1 kg of tomatoes on a branch varies from 1.15 euros to 1.20 euros per 1 kg.


Local tomato production in France is small and concentrated between March and November. At other times, market needs are fully met by imported products.


The market is dominated by products from Spain, Turkey and Morocco. Imports of tomatoes from the Netherlands are gradually decreasing. German traders say warm weather means Dutch tomato production is very high, but quality drops towards the end of the season. Suppliers confirm that prices for Spanish tomatoes on the vine are several percent lower than the prices of Dutch products. The same applies to cherry tomatoes. In addition, Spanish prices are also slightly lower compared to last year, but are still above average prices for this time of year. This is due to the relatively cold weather recorded last month in the regions of Murcia and Almeria. It is worth noting that the quality of Spanish tomatoes was very high last year.

United Kingdom

Britain's largest tomato producer has announced an expansion. The company is investing in a new greenhouse on the Isle of Wight, which will provide more space for organic growing.


Local consumers prefer tomatoes grown in Poland, which have become even more accessible thanks to the advent of modern technology and artificial lighting. The trend towards expanding planting areas continues. In addition to focusing on the domestic market, Polish manufacturers are striving to enter the German market. To fill the gaps in the market, tomatoes were purchased from Spain, Turkey and Morocco.

Consumers pay special attention to the size of vegetables and prices. Large tomatoes at low prices are usually the most popular. In recent years, taste has also become an important selection criterion. Pink tomatoes sell best. This year, production of pink varieties of tomatoes is expected to increase by 25%, notes one of the local producers.


The season started in November with good prices for red tomato varieties such as cherry, datterino and piccadilly. The sowing campaign in September was delayed by 20 days due to precipitation. As a result, the season started with an empty market. This was reflected in prices. Supplies will peak next month, after which the season will continue with reduced volumes until June. Local representative trading company noted that there has been little competition from North African countries this year as they face their own challenges. The Dutch produce season ends in November. The supply of Spanish tomatoes poses a certain threat, but traders have already become accustomed to this situation. The price of tomatoes in November and December ranged from 1.80 to 2.20 euros per 1 kg for cherry tomatoes. The cost of datterino tomatoes reached a record high of 2.00-2.50 euros per 1 kg with a peak of 3 euros per 1 kg. The price of piccadilly tomatoes ranged from 1.20-1.80 euros per 1 kg.


In 2017, prices in Shandong, the largest tomato-producing region in the country, were low. They fell due to increased production and limited transportation options resulting from the introduction of stricter legislation in the province to protect environment. Moreover, tomato production has increased across the country due to higher average temperatures.


This year, tomato growers in the province of Almeria have been faced with the spread of pests and plant diseases. Particular damage was caused by whiteflies and South American tomato moths. To reduce the risk of crop losses, small farmers (2-3 hectares), who make up about 80% of the sector in Almeria, decided to plant tomatoes later than usual. Additionally, the weather was colder than usual in October and November, resulting in a late start to the season. Those few manufacturers who had the opportunity to deliver their products in September - November were able to make good money on deliveries. However, by the end of December, temperatures had risen unusually high, leading to overproduction and low prices. Due to the reduction in acreage, the situation may change in the coming weeks as local producers switch to growing peppers instead of tomatoes. At the same time, Spanish exporters benefit from the reorientation of suppliers in Turkey and Morocco from the European to the Russian market. According to a local producer, the market is waiting good year with high prices. Farmers are planting more plum tomatoes with high yields, long shelf life and good taste.


According to the American trader, there is currently a large volume of products on the market. The market is dominated by domestic production from Florida and Texas, as well as imports from Mexico. Demand is stable. Prices are under pressure due to Mexican supply.


In Russia, the cultivation of greenhouse vegetables is steadily growing. Last year, about 150 hectares of high-tech greenhouses were launched, and a similar figure is expected next year.

Central Asia

Although the cultivation of fruits and vegetables in the countries of Central Asia is still poorly developed, serious investments are beginning to flow into the construction of greenhouse complexes. In particular, investors are actively investing in greenhouse projects in Georgia and Kazakhstan. Such greenhouses are mainly used for growing tomatoes and cucumbers.

The volume of greenhouse tomato production in Russia has shown a significant increase over the past 5 years. When active state support The construction of new greenhouses and the intensive increase in production of domestic vegetables continues, aimed at reducing Russia’s dependence on imported goods.

The main threat to the Russian greenhouse business at the moment is the likely resumption of supplies of tomatoes from Turkey, because... Regardless of exchange rates and consumer preferences, increased supply will create pressure on prices.

The resumption of supplies from Turkey will lead to an increase in the volume of direct imports by retail chains, i.e. resumption of the supply chain worked out before 2016. The structure of suppliers will change, and Turkish tomatoes may occupy a significant share (up to 50% of the volume of greenhouse tomatoes) in the network sales channel.

A decrease in the average market price will lead to a drop in profitability Russian manufacturers and the deterioration of the situation in the industry. Purchasing power and consumer trends by the time supplies resume will determine import volumes.

Tomato production in Russia

Vegetable harvesting in Russia has been increasing in recent years, with the main production occurring in open ground

2/3 of the total vegetable harvest comes from the Southern, Central and Volga Federal Districts

In Russia, there is an increase in tomato production, including due to an increase in greenhouse harvest volumes

The main producers of tomatoes, both open and protected ground, are households

Import of tomatoes

Imports of tomatoes decreased significantly due to a ban on supplies of agricultural products from Turkey and EU countries

In 2016, the structure of tomato suppliers to Russia changed dramatically

Until 2016, Türkiye was the main exporter of tomatoes to Russia due to relatively low prices

Prices for imported tomatoes in recent years have been significantly lower than prices of Russian producers

Tomato consumption in Russia

The highest specific consumption of tomatoes is observed in the southern regions of Russia, where the population actively grows tomatoes for their own consumption

The main drivers for increasing tomato consumption in the coming years will be population growth and income growth.

The influence of Turkish tomatoes on the Russian market

In mid-2017, Russia allowed the supply of a number of goods from Turkey, but the ban on the import of Turkish tomatoes may last another 3 years. Thus, Russian agricultural organizations are supported to further develop their own greenhouse vegetable production and strengthen their position in the market.

In 2016, greenhouse tomato production in Russia increased by 18% compared to 2015. By 2020, the harvest is expected to increase by 3.7 times compared to 2016, due to the active construction of new plants. At the same time, dependence on the supply of foreign tomatoes will remain, although it will decrease significantly.

Before the introduction of the food embargo in 2016, Türkiye was a key supplier of tomatoes to Russia (51% of imports in 2015), which was due to both low prices, as well as the convenience of working with Turkish suppliers due to the high level of service.

The situation in 2016 showed that, with a similar price/quality ratio, tomatoes from Morocco replaced only 25% of the lost supply, and the consumption and import of tomatoes in general continued to decline. The reason is complex: a general trend towards a decrease in tomato consumption in favor of borscht; on the other hand, relations with Morocco and other suppliers have not yet been fully built. The return of Turkish tomatoes to the Russian market in such a situation will lead to the gradual displacement of other importing countries, and then Russian producers.

The beginning of 2017 shows a slight increase in tomato imports by 3-5% compared to the beginning of 2016.

The resumption of tomato supplies from Turkey will lead to a redistribution of shares of other countries

Factors that give an advantage and hinder in competition with imported products

Tomatoes are the most popular and widespread vegetable crops in the world. The volumes of their production and consumption are gradually growing: over the past 30 years, the global tomato market has tripled. Today, the global tomato market volume is more than 160 million tons.

The fresh tomato market in Russia differs from the markets of other types of fresh vegetables both in terms of volume, structure, dynamics, demand, and variety of assortment. Until 2015, several times more tomatoes were supplied from abroad than were collected in domestic greenhouses, and 2 times more than were grown in open ground by all commercial producers. At the end of 2018, thanks to an increase in domestic production and a decrease in imports, every third tomato was grown in Russian greenhouses.

St. Petersburg is the largest consumer agglomeration of fresh tomatoes among all regions of Russia, a competitive market in the fresh tomato segment. The high demand of a multimillion-dollar population and healthy eating trends contribute to the formation of huge volumes of supplies of fresh tomatoes to the city from abroad and from other regions of the country.

Properties and value of tomatoes

The mountainous regions of Peru and Ecuador are considered the birthplace of tomatoes, where they were cultivated by the ancient Aztecs and Incas at the beginning of the 8th century AD. In the mid-16th century, tomatoes first arrived in Portugal and Spain, and from there they spread throughout Europe. In Russia, they learned about tomatoes in the 18th century, but for almost 100 years they were used only as an ornamental plant.

The long history of the penetration of tomatoes into the European market has contributed to giving this wonderful crop especially romantic names. The Italians called them “golden apples”, the Germans called them “paradise apples”, and the French called them “apples of love”, believing that they have aphrodisiac properties.

The special biological value of tomatoes is recognized everywhere. They contain sugars (mainly fructose and glucose), mineral salts: iodine, potassium, phosphorus, boron, magnesium, sodium, manganese, calcium, iron, copper, zinc. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, B, B2, B6, C, E, K, PP and beta-carotene. The percentage of these vitamins is directly dependent on the ripeness of the tomatoes.

Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant, lycopene, which is the component that gives tomatoes their red color. This microelement has properties similar to beta-carotene and is a unique natural cure for many diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. This flavonoid stimulates the formation of bone tissue.

World tomato market

Tomatoes lead the ranking of the most consumed vegetables worldwide. Thanks to the modernization of the technologies and materials used, the volume of tomato consumption has increased significantly in recent decades. The area of ​​tomato plantings worldwide is 5 million hectares. On average productivity per 1 sq. m is 3.7 kg.

The largest producer the world's tomato producer is China. It produces more than 30% of all tomatoes in the world (56.3 out of 177 million tons) and is almost 3 times larger than India, the world's second largest producer. Tomatoes are one of the most important crops in Morocco and Turkey, which previously had experience importing tomatoes from Turkish Cyprus, Romania and Ukraine.

About 75% of tomato production comes from Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and France. About 94% of tomatoes in Italy, Spain and Portugal are sent for processing. Thanks to the introduction of new varieties, especially in the segment of snack and cocktail tomatoes, the average selling price of these fruits increased by 20% in France, Germany, Italy and Spain. On average, Europeans consume 15 kg of tomatoes per person annually. In 2030, consumption is estimated to be 14.4 kg per year per person.

In the US there is currently a large volume of products on the market. The market is dominated by domestic tomato production from Florida and Texas, as well as imports from Mexico. Mexico (1,612 thousand tons) remains the main supplier of tomatoes to the United States, accounting for 90% of total imports. Canada (165 thousand tons) lags significantly behind Mexico in terms of import volume with a share of 9%. There are also some minor supplies of tomatoes coming from the Dominican Republic and Guatemala. The US tomato market is projected to reach 16.4 million tons by 2025.

In Russia, domestic production mostly consists of growing tomatoes in open ground. The gross yield of tomatoes in open ground is more than 80%, while that of tomatoes in closed ground is less than 20%. As a result, imports play a significant role in the Russian market. Tomatoes are imported to Russia from Turkey, China, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Israel and Egypt.

Nowadays, the cultivation of greenhouse vegetables in Russia is steadily growing. Last year, about 150 hectares of high-tech greenhouses were launched.

Growth in tomato consumption

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAOSTAT), in terms of cultivation area, tomato ranks first in the world among vegetable crops - a total of about 4 million hectares are allocated for it. Moreover, 60% of the total area is protected ground: glass, film greenhouses, off-season greenhouses and shelters.

The sharp increase in consumer interest in tomato crops has led to increased work by breeders: now there are at least 10,000 varieties of tomatoes in the world. The smallest tomato is less than 2 centimeters in diameter, and the largest reaches a weight of almost 1.5 kilograms.

There are hundreds of types of tomatoes - small cherry tomatoes the size of a grape, huge "Bull's Heart" tomatoes weighing 600-800 grams, juicy for salads and meaty for pasta, Campari and "cream". The color of the fruit, in addition to red, can vary from white, orange, yellow, green to purple and even black.

New varieties of tomatoes differ not only in taste and size of the fruit, but also in the shape of the bush. These are the familiar bush tomatoes, up to 2 meters high. And ampelous - with drooping shoots and medium-sized fruits, and dwarf - up to 40-45 cm in height. The taste of dwarf and ampel tomatoes is in no way inferior to the usual bush tomatoes.

Gourmets and lovers of refined taste may be interested in unusual varieties of tomatoes that have a color close to black. These are ordinary varieties created by classical selection by crossing wild and red-fruited tomatoes. The first of them were created by Soviet scientists in the middle of the last century.

The color of these tomatoes varies from purple-brown to chocolate, due to the presence of anthocyanin pigments, which are quite common among vegetables. They can be found in purple eggplants, beets, red cabbage and many other fruits.

Tomatoes are a popular crop, regardless of seasons and regions. This is the leader in the vegetable market, which is purchased both fresh and for subsequent processing. How and where does a tomato come from on the counter in the form of a ripe fruit or a jar of tomato?

Features of tomato cultivation

Tomato production is not an easy matter, like everything related to crop production and fruit and vegetable crops. This is due to the fact that the main factor influencing the volume of cultivation and yield is the weather. There are no forecasts that would cover the entire period of tomato development in a particular region. Consequently, it is impossible to predict the development of events from the moment of soil preparation to dispatch. finished product. In addition, insects and diseases that are inherent in this culture take their toll.

Most manufacturers, trying to compensate and smooth out the possibility of sudden changes in weather conditions, use modern technologies in agricultural technology, irrigation, harvesting tomatoes or pre-shipment treatment.

Tomatoes are grown in open ground or in specially equipped greenhouses and greenhouses. In this way, it is possible to harvest the crop regardless of seasonality and the discrepancy between the climate of the region and the conditions for growing the crop.

For industrial cultivation within the same farm, varieties with different ripening periods are used:

  • early ripening: the period from planting to ripening takes about three months;
  • mid-season - up to four months;
  • late ripening - from 120 days or more.

In this way, it is possible to launch the principle of continuity in the flow of ripening, which makes it possible to prepare the land between the cultivation of individual batches. We remember that the tomato is an annual.

At the same time, varieties are selected taking into account their yield indicators per unit area. There are Dutch hybrids that produce 20 kg of fruit per 1 square meter. m of planting, and new varieties bred by Canadian breeders are breaking this record: up to 38 kg can be harvested from the same area.

Tomato producers

The world tomato market is 150-170 million tons per year. 5 million hectares around the world are used for their cultivation. China is considered the largest producer (about 40 million tons). At the same time, the country specializes in the export of processed tomatoes. Further in descending order are the following countries: USA (16 million tons), Turkey (10-12 million), India (10-11 million), Egypt (9-11 million), Italy (7-8 million).

Russia ranks 12th in the ranking of manufacturers. Its contribution is estimated at 3-4 million tons per year. Over the past couple of years, this industry has somewhat increased its pace, as it was stimulated by an increase in purchase prices due to the refusal to purchase from some foreign manufacturers. All tomatoes of Russian origin are used on the domestic market, since the country's real need is 8-10 tons. The difference is compensated by purchasing from imported manufacturers.

Tomato: from seed to fruit on the counter

Tomato growing farms are full-cycle enterprises where production is circular. The areas are occupied in such a way that there are no empty spaces. Tomatoes are grown independently from seed to full plant and harvest. Further, after the disposal of aged plants, the cycle resumes. At the same time, fertilizers are applied to enrich the land.

In order to protect themselves from crop losses due to insects or crop diseases, producers carry out appropriate treatments in a timely manner. As the plants grow, they garter the grown vines, because most industrial varieties are liana-like. Separate bushes are formed, and excess green mass is removed.

Systematic watering is carried out all the time, humidity and temperature are controlled. Majority modern production equipped automatic systems, carrying out constant monitoring of indicators and connecting the necessary equipment.

Tomato harvesting is done at one time. Depending on the variety and type of planting (open or closed ground), it can be carried out in several stages to ripen individual tiers. As a rule, mass harvesting begins at the moment of 70-80% ripeness of all tomatoes on the plantation. In open ground areas, it is possible to use special harvesting equipment, which significantly increases productivity and assembly time.

Since the tomato is a delicate fruit, if it is transported over long distances, assembly is carried out until it is fully ripened. So, for example, if the tomatoes have to travel the distance in a week, the assembly is carried out at “milk” ripeness. That is, the tomato has reached a developed and ripe size and changed color from deep green to whitish. If the final consumer is a couple of days away, then the fruit should have a slightly brownish color.

The harvested fruits undergo pre-transportation treatment. They are calibrated, the damaged ones, those with rotten rot, and those that are overripe are eliminated. At the same time, sorting occurs according to the degree of maturation. Packing for transportation is carried out in special boxes or trays. Tomatoes are stored in special rooms with a low temperature.

If it is necessary to transport over long distances, a gas mixture of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide is pumped into shipping containers. Another mixture (with ethylene) can speed up ripening.

Imported products reach Russia by sea and land, depending on the country of origin. Transportation from domestic farms is carried out by specially equipped vehicles. . Sales of tomatoes in retail networks carried out in the shortest possible time.

“Plum tomato” in Moscow costs 298.5 rubles, the price of “LipetskAgro greenhouse pink greenhouse tomatoes” is 135.4 rubles. in Moscow, Price “Standard Tomato” in Moscow - 198.4 rubles.

*Calculations use average data for Russia

The Russian tomato market is characterized by low level self-sufficiency. Our own production mostly involves growing tomatoes in open ground. The gross harvest of tomatoes in open ground is more than 80%, while tomatoes in closed ground is less than 20%. On at the moment domestic agricultural producers cannot provide the country with greenhouse products in the off-season, satisfying only a quarter of the population’s needs. As a result, in the Russian market, despite the measures taken for import substitution, imports play a significant role.


Rosstat statistics show that in the period from 2005 to 2015. The sown area for growing tomatoes in open ground in Russia in all types of farms remains approximately at the same level and, according to the latest data, amounts to 119 thousand hectares. The exception was 2007, when 104 thousand hectares were planted with tomatoes. The decrease in the number of sown areas is most noticeable in comparison with the figures 15 years ago, when about 141 thousand hectares were used for growing tomatoes.

Figure 1. Cultivated area for open ground tomatoes in Russia, 1997-2015, thousand hectares

Source: Rosstat

The main share of the area under open ground tomatoes in Russia (more than 86%) falls on the non-commodity sector, i.e. tomatoes grown by the population for personal consumption. The combined share of agricultural organizations, peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs is only 14%. The area of ​​the industrial sector has decreased by 5 thousand hectares since 2011 (-24%), since 2001 - by 11 thousand hectares (-46%).

Figure 2. Cultivated area for open ground tomatoes in Russia by type of farm, 1997-2015, thousand hectares

Source: Rosstat

In terms of area under tomatoes, Russia ranks 8th in the world. The largest areas are used for these purposes in China, India and Nigeria - the areas there are 1001 thousand hectares, 882 thousand hectares and 541.8 thousand hectares, respectively. They are followed by: one of the main suppliers of greenhouse tomatoes to Russia, Turkey (319.1 thousand hectares), Egypt (214 thousand hectares), USA (163.4 thousand hectares) and Iran (159.1 thousand hectares) .

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Figure 3. Leading countries by the number of areas sown with tomatoes, 2014, thousand hectares

Source: FAO


Compared to others large countries worldwide, the volume of tomato harvests in Russia is not so large for various reasons. China is the world leader in tomato harvesting. According to the latest FAO data, almost 53 million tons are collected in this country per year. The leaders also include India (18.7 million tons), the USA (14.5 million tons), Turkey (11.8 million tons) and Egypt (8.3 million tons).

Figure 4. Leading countries in tomato harvest (2014), thousand tons

Source: FAO

The gross harvest of tomatoes in Russia is 2839 thousand tons, of which 2282 thousand tons are from open ground tomatoes (80.4%), 557 thousand tons (19.6%) are from open ground tomatoes. Compared to 2014, gross tomato harvests in Russia increased by 20 thousand tons (+0.7%), compared to five years ago - by 401 thousand tons (+16.4%).

Figure 5. Gross harvest of tomatoes in open and closed ground in Russia, 2011-2015, thousand tons

Source: Rosstat

The highest growth rates are observed in greenhouse tomato harvests. Thus, relative to 2014, the increase was 7.3%, and relative to 2011 - 135%. That is, over five years, the production of greenhouse tomatoes in the country has more than doubled. However, the majority of greenhouse tomato harvests in the country (60%) so far come from household harvests. The share of agricultural organizations and farms 223 thousand tons remain, or 40% of the total production of greenhouse tomatoes.

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Despite the decrease in the volume of sown areas, in Russia there is also a tendency to increase the gross yield of open ground tomatoes. Since 2011, tomato harvests in all types of farms have increased by 81 thousand tons (+3.7%), since 2006 - by 355 thousand tons (+18.4%), since 2001 - by 568 thousand tons ( +33.1%). As for the commodity sector, growth is also recorded here, and its pace is more significant - since 2011, gross receipts have increased by 5.2%, since 2006 - by 20.8%, since 2001 - (+ 66.3% ). Experts primarily associate the increase in yields with the introduction of drip irrigation technology when growing tomatoes.

Figure 6. Gross harvest of open ground tomatoes in Russia, 1997-2015, thousand tons

Source: Rosstat

Figure 7. Gross harvest of open ground tomatoes in Russia by type of farm, 1997-2015, thousand tons

Source: Rosstat


In 2015, tomato consumption in Russia decreased by 4.7% compared to 2014. The main reasons for this include a decrease in household incomes and the introduction of an embargo against the largest supplier of tomatoes, Turkey. Per capita consumption of tomatoes decreased by 6.4%, amounting to 23.9 kg per year.

Figure 8. Dynamics of tomato consumption in Russia, 2013-2015, thousand tons


Over the past few years, tomato imports have had a steady downward trend due to the weakening ruble exchange rate and the policy adopted towards import substitution. This fact has a positive effect on the investment attractiveness of the greenhouse business, but at the same time it has a negative impact on the supply of imported seeds for sowing, which are not produced in Russia, as well as some types of materials and equipment.

Today imports are about 24% Russian market. In 2015, the leader in import supplies was Türkiye (more than 52% of imports), which traditionally sent greenhouse tomatoes to Russia. In 2016, due to the introduction of an embargo on tomatoes from this country, the situation changed. At the end of nine months of 2016, the main suppliers were representatives of Morocco (88.7 thousand tons) and Azerbaijan (86 thousand tons), which increased supplies to our country by 158% and 56%, respectively. However, other countries could not replace Turkey - the overall drop in imports in the third quarter of 2016 was 32% (365 thousand tons).

Figure 9. Import of fresh and chilled tomatoes of all types to Russia, 2005-2016 (Sept.), thousand tons

Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia

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Figure 10. Import of fresh and chilled tomatoes to Russia, 2005-2016 (Sept.), thousand dollars

Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia

Exports of tomatoes from Russia are insignificant, although in 2015 they increased significantly and amounted to 11,750 tons. However, such growth can rather be called episodic, which is confirmed by data from the Federal Customs Service of Russia. Here we are talking about one-time transactions, and export volumes are measured not in millions, but only in thousands of dollars.

Figure 11. Export of fresh and chilled tomatoes from Russia, 2005-2016 (Sept.), thousand dollars

Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia


The policy taken by the state towards import substitution should help domestic producers gain a foothold in the market in the face of declining imports. It's about about growing tomatoes indoors. Increasing the number of open areas does not seem to be effective due to the fact that the demand for tomatoes in August-September (harvest period) is small, and imports in these months are reduced to a minimum. Previously, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation announced plans to lift the embargo on Turkish vegetables no earlier than in 2-3 years in order to promote the development of its own industry for the production of domestic greenhouse products.

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