Is it possible to put vending machines in schools. New standards for school meals

Let's immediately skip the historical or hysterical epic about the fact that in our country not yet every school has a vending machine, and how profitable it really is, and it's better to immediately move on to studying foreign experience and to the "harsh" Russian reality.

16.3% of all US vending machines (out of about 7 million total vending machines) are installed in schools and colleges, which is approximately 1.5 million machines. Previously, as a rule, these were snack machines and vending machines selling water and drinks.

We all know the confrontation between giants like Coca-Cola and Pepsi for installing their vending machines with their drinks in educational institutions.

But now, when the entire American population is concerned about the nation's obesity, and especially childhood obesity, all "unhealthy" foods are being withdrawn from school canteens and school vending machines. Soda is being replaced by dairy products, cholesterol-containing snacks are being replaced by fruits and cereal products. Simply put, the era of "healthy filler" is beginning for vending machines installed in US schools. The same Coca-Cola company began to “bulk out” healthy brands for schoolchildren one after another

But as they say, without wasting time, an American company selling vending machines manufactured in the USA, Crane Merchandising Systems, quickly found a new market for its products - Russia. And from our side, Vendomir Company took up the implementation of one of the key tasks: to create Automated Services CJSC to equip more than 1,000 Moscow schools with American vending machines.

The initiator of the mass introduction of unhealthy snacks in Moscow schools was the Moscow Department of Education. Back then, according to some officials, the soda and snack vending machines at the school were supposed to make up for the malnutrition of students.

“Vending machines will be supplied to 559 schools of the capital for catering at the expense of parents in the coming academic year. Vladimir Malyshkov, head of the Moscow Consumer Market and Services Department, told reporters about this on Wednesday. “More than 80 types of food products will be presented in these machines,” he said.

And at the end of September 2005, the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, boldly signed an order according to which vending machines for the sale of drinks and food will be installed in the capital's schools. The order states that such a decision was made “in order to further improve the organization of catering for students in the city of Moscow, improve the quality of their service, create favorable conditions to preserve and improve the health of children and adolescents”. The same document recommends that the metropolitan departments consider installing such machines in their subordinate institutions. And their installation was entrusted to Automate Services CJSC. The order opened the doors of more than 1500 schools, cultural centers, children's centers additional education, sports centers, etc. According to rough estimates, trading from vending machines was designed for 900,000 consumers. So the "school market" began to develop.

Ideally, a healthy student diet should consist of breakfast and lunch and provide 25% and 35% of the daily requirement for energy and nutrients. That is, it turns out two meals in general should give up to 60% of the daily intake of nutrients, including vitamins and trace elements. Canteens and buffets in educational institutions they work only during the daytime, but in most schools there are clubs and sports sections, and until late in the evening children are forced to either remain hungry or go out to buy something for themselves on the street.

But then it was not clear how the approved assortment of vending machines (chocolates and sweets) would be consistent with the children's diet. Even more questions were raised by the company, which the mayor's office instructed to feed the capital's schoolchildren. Large and old players of the vending market received the news of the mayor's order with surprise. As it turned out, nothing had been heard of Automate Services CJSC. So it was possible that the officials used someone else's idea in order to let their own people earn money. own structures. The mayor's office failed to clarify this issue.

Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 26, 2003 No. 1717-RP “On further improvement of the organization of supplementary nutrition for students through the introduction new form services in educational institutions of the city of Moscow"

In accordance with the Decrees of the Government of Moscow dated July 18, 2000 N 546 "On the city program "Improving the organization of nutrition for city students based on the introduction of new cooking technologies and forms of service for the period from 2000 to 2003" and dated July 23, 2002 N 572-PP "On the City Program "Children's Health" for 2003-2005" and in order to further improve the organization of nutrition for students in the city of Moscow, improve the quality of their service, create favorable conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of children and adolescents:

1. To support the initiative of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow and the Department of the Consumer Market and Services of the City of Moscow to introduce a new form of service for students - organizing the sale of drinks and food in educational institutions through vending machines and provide the Closed joint-stock company Automate Services (hereinafter referred to as CJSC Automate Services) the right to install vending machines in educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education system to organize automated trade in food and beverages approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor for Moscow for sale in organized groups for nutrition of children and adolescents.

2. The Department of Consumer Market and Services of the City of Moscow, together with the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, within 20 days from the date of issuance of this order, prepare and conclude agreements with CJSC Automate Services on this issue.

3. Take into account that CJSC "Automate Services" assumes the following obligations:

3.1. Acquisition, installation and organization of work of vending machines in accordance with the agreed schedule, followed by maintenance, cash collection.

3.2. Execution during installation, maintenance of vending machines and sales food products in educational institutions of the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological rules, norms and hygienic standards, as well as methodological recommendations in accordance with applicable law Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

3.3. Implementation through vending machines of an assortment of foods and drinks, agreed with the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Moscow and the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

3.4. Coordination with the territorial centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the installation sites of vending machines in each educational institution of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow.

3.5. Representation to the Department of Property of the City of Moscow required packages documents for registration in accordance with the established procedure of lease agreements for the areas used for the installation of vending machines in educational institutions of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

4. Propose to the Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Moscow to ensure control over compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures during the installation and subsequent operation of vending machines of CJSC Automate Services.

5. Recommend to the Department of Property of the City of Moscow, the Department of Health of the City of Moscow, the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the City of Moscow, the Committee for Culture of the City of Moscow to consider the issue of expanding the sale of drinks and foodstuffs in subordinate institutions by installing vending machines manufactured by ZAO Automate Services.

6. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow L.I. Shvetsova. Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov

Assortment list of products and drinks allowed for sale through vending machines in educational institutions of Moscow

LLC "Ramkon" - Ramensky Confectionery Plant

1. cake "Choco-Pie" 28g.

2. cookies with chocolate glaze "ORION CHOKOBOY" 50 g.

3. roll mini "MONT BLANC" chocolate de vanilla 35 g.

4. roll mini "MONT BLANC" cherry de cream 35 g.

LLC "Chipita" - St. Petersburg

1. 7Days croissant cocoa 37 g

2. 7Days croissant vanilla 37 g

LLC "Haribo-sweets"

1. marmalade "Haribo" Golden Bear 30 g.

2. marmalade "Haribo" Merry Cola 30 g.


1. chocolate "Kinder delis" 42 g.

2. Kinder country chocolate 23.5 g.

3. chocolate "Kinder chocolate" 50 g.

OOO Chupa-Chups Rus

1. Candy Chupa-Chups Max Choko 16 g.

OOO "TD Dial"

1. coconut soufflé 50 g

Dirol Cadbury LLC

1. chocolate "Tempo" 19 g.

2. chocolate "Picnic Night" 45 g.

3. milk chocolate "Picnic" 45 g.

Olimp LLC

1. bar "Hemo-helper" coconut 35 g.

LLC "Mars"

1. chocolate "Twix Xtra" 85 g.

2. chocolate "Mars Max" 73 g.

3. chocolate "Twix" 58 g.

4. Milky Way chocolate 26 g.

5. Bounty milk chocolate 57 g.

6. chocolate "Snickers" 58 g.

7. chocolate "Snickers Super" 100 g.

8. candy "M&M" with peanuts 100 g.

9. candies "M&M" with chocolate 100 g.

10. candy "M&M" with peanuts 50 g.

11. candies "M&M" with chocolate 50 g.

CJSC "Van Melle"

1. candy "Frutella" assorted 42.5 g.

2. sweets "Frutella" wild berry 42.5 g.

3 dragee "Mentos" fruity 38 g.

4. dragee "Mentos" mint 38 g.

5. sweets "Meller" cappuccino 38 g.<

6. sweets "Meller" with chocolate 38 g.


3. liquid chocolate "Miracle" 3% 0.2 l.

CJSC "TD Multon-M"

1. NICO orange juice with pulp 0.2 l.

2. juice "NICO" multifruit 0.2 l.

3. juice "NICO" pineapple 0.2 l.

4. RICH apple juice 0.2 l.

5. RICH grape juice 0.2 l.

No one was interested in the opinion of parents and the compliance of the trade assortment with scientific and medical recommendations in the field of baby food, taking into account the numerous children's somatic diseases. According to numerous parents and specialists, the assortment list of products and drinks allowed for sale through vending machines in educational institutions of Moscow belonged to the category of "fast food" and, in accordance with sanitary standards, did not correspond to the stated task of improving the nutrition of schoolchildren.

The proposed bars "Snickers", "Mars", marmalade, chocolates, chewing gum and milkshakes only deceive the child's stomach, provoking gastritis, various other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies and diabetes. It would be reasonable to place vending machines with drinking water and high-quality juices next to the gym - for schoolchildren involved in sections.

Went to denial

The All-Russian Parents' Committee spoke out against vending machines in Moscow schools. He considered that the clever American businessmen, who were forced out in the USA, having enlisted the support of the Moscow Government, turned our schoolchildren into guinea pigs.

And then the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, spoke differently and sharply. “When it comes to vending machines, we have to ask ourselves if we need them at all. So, in the USA there is an active process of removing vending machines from schools, we are seeing the same picture in France. However, we are planting automatic weapons in our schools in order to remove them later,” he said.

According to the mayor of the capital (who previously signed the decree on the installation of TA in schools), the food that is placed in these machines does not meet the medical standards of school meals. “The food sold there is fast food. He grabbed, chewed and became a physically problematic child,” Luzhkov said.

But earlier in the vending machines installed on the initiative of Mary, both chips and sparkling water were sold. Now, however, the Moscow government quickly decided that all vending machines should be reoriented to drinking mode or milk mode, or filled with other “healthy fillers”.

“If the supplier does not agree to this, then the machines will be liquidated,” said Valentina Varfolomeeva, deputy head of the Moscow Consumer Market and Services Department.

As a result, by the beginning of the 2007 school year, all Moscow schools removed vending machines selling sweets, chips and soda. At that time, there were 1,400 schools in Moscow, and almost all 1,400 Moscow schools had vending machines installed.

In 2008, the JFC Group (one of the largest banana suppliers in Russia) begins to install fruit vending machines in educational institutions in St. Petersburg. The pilot project started in five St. Petersburg schools. A banana in such a machine costs 10 rubles. In the future, it is planned to expand the range of fruits sold through vending machines. In addition to bananas, schoolchildren will be able to buy oranges, apples and carrots.

Education committee officials included the JFC initiative in an experiment on fortification of schoolchildren. The head of the company, Vladimir Kekhman, received approval for this experiment from Vice-Governor Alla Manilova. Likewise, carrot vending machines were installed in Latvian schools.

In fact, no matter how much you would like this, vending machines will never replace good nutrition for schoolchildren. Therefore, the sale of vending machines in schools should be accompanied by healthy products such as juice, vegetables, fruits, milk, water.

Therefore, the road to schools is completely open to pie vending machines, fruit and vegetable vending machines, milk vending machines, drinking water vending machines, etc., as well as soup and puree vending machines. All products sold must be approved by the SES. Accordingly, the machines must be safe for children, so do not forget about regular maintenance. maintenance and mandatory grounding of the vending machine.

And another machine, whatever one may say, must be vandal-resistant and, accordingly, from a good manufacturer. There was a case when schoolchildren were “fed” for free from one Russian-made device (we have no right to name the manufacturer here). One of the children bought goods in the machine, and while the machine gave change, he inserted another bill. The machine did not take the money and, but he credited them and gave out the goods.

Install vending machines in schools and be vigilant!

How long does it take to service a vending machine?
Depending on the type of vending machine, the time required to service it will be between 10 and 25 minutes. But you also need to take into account the time spent on moving to the machine. That is, the time costs will depend, among other things, on your speed of movement and on how correctly you draw up a route sheet.

If I don't have my own office, can I do vending?
There is no need to have your own office, as well as your own warehouse. Novice operators often use ordinary garages, their own basements, vehicles, etc. to store equipment and ingredients.

How good is vending in terms of profit?
Vending business initially implies "cash" profitability. You can invest in vending only the funds that you have, and it will be profitable. Of course, the more vending machines you have, the more profitable your vending business will be.

How saturated is the vending machine market in Russia?
Currently, we can say that the market is practically not saturated compared to other countries. There are a lot of promising vending niches in Russia, some of which are not occupied at all. The market for coffee machines in Russia is more saturated, and here we can already talk about competition. The market of payment terminals is also quite saturated, in addition, competition in this sector is made up not only by large networks, but also by banks.

Can store-bought coffee be used to fill a vending machine?
It is possible, but not necessary. It is recommended to buy ingredients that have been made specifically for vending.

What should be the optimal margin in a vending machine?
As a rule, in coffee machines, the cost of the drink is low, and the selling price set is at a fairly high level. So, the cost of coffee can be only 3-5 rubles per serving, and the selling price ranges from 15 to 35 rubles.

In a snack machine, prices must be higher than store prices, otherwise there will be no tangible economic effect from trading. For example, the wholesale price of a bottle of water is 8 rubles. In ordinary stores, the markup is 30-40%, respectively, the cost of water is at the level of 11 rubles. The amount of earnings on each bottle in this case will be 3 rubles. If you use store prices in a snack machine, one refill of 240 bottles will bring only 720 rubles (240x3 = 720). Such a small income will not even cover transportation costs, not to mention profits. The operator must set the price not lower than 20 rubles per bottle, which is of course more expensive than in the store.

If we talk about hot drinks, then the markup is usually 300-500%. The margin on other products, as a rule, is kept in the range from 30 to 50%.

We want to move the coffee vending machine to a new location. Is it possible to do it yourself?
Highly undesirable. The vending machine requires special preparation before any transportation. In some situations, it is allowed to slightly move the machine, but be sure to first consult with a specialist from our company.

Manufacturers strongly advise transporting vending machines only in an upright position. And whether to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer - decide for yourself. If the vending machine was operated before transportation, then check that all fluids have been drained from its hydraulic systems. When transporting, you must also ensure that the coin bin is empty.

What price to set for coffee in a coffee machine?
The main rule is not to overdo it. Set a small or medium markup. In this case, buyers attracted by low prices will rush to your machine. Otherwise, customers will prefer a place where drinks and snacks are sold cheaper.

Do I need to order advertising for a coffee machine?
You don't need to do this. You sell products differently than regular retailers. The manufacturers of the goods that are sold through your devices have already organized grandiose advertising campaigns, so the demand is guaranteed.

Will I need my own transport?
At first, you don't need a vehicle. However, as your business grows, you will definitely need a car. Indeed, without it, servicing the machine is not easy, which means that you will have to purchase your own vehicle.

Does a technician servicing a coffee machine have to issue a medical book?
Yes, this is a required document for the technician servicing the machine. You will also need a health passport and a car. Another option is to enter into an agreement with a company providing transport services or with a supplier of components.

How to conduct the proceeds that you have drawn from the payment terminal?
There are no state rules regarding how exactly the funds received from the operation of the payment terminal should be accounted for. You need to focus on the points of the law "On Accounting". For registration, you can use the forms offered by Rosstat.

Today, several universal reporting forms have been developed for enterprises operating payment terminals. Among them is the accounting form N 25-OH “Act for calculating the sales proceeds withdrawn from the change cash registers” - the back page of the receipt for accounting for the proceeds of the cash registers of vending machines. The law also does not prohibit the independent development of forms of primary documentation for the delivery of funds received at the payment terminal.

We offer you a few tips on how to process the proceeds from the self-service terminal and at the same time not break the law:
- withdraw funds received in the terminal;
- on the spot write an act for receiving the proceeds;
- Arriving at the office, draw up an incoming cash order for all proceeds. This document indicates the inventory number of the terminal;
- with a cash receipt, you go to your bank and deposit money there.

What are the features of vending machines with spiral dispensing?
Versatility is an undoubted advantage of spiral vending machines. However, they also have disadvantages:

1. Items may get stuck in the spiral.
2. The spiral automatic machine does not allow the products to be stacked tightly, therefore it requires frequent maintenance (the internal capacity is limited by the spiral pitch and the space for rotation).

Can hard tap water be used in vending machines?
Use either bottled water or buy a filter designed to purify water in vending machines.

Are there any statistics on sales volume regarding the passability of people?
In a quiet place, sales make up ten percent of the number of people. In shopping centers - about two percent.

Do I need to place advertisements or stickers with any information on the surface of the device?
It depends only on your desire. In addition, you can sell ad space.

What is the best way to sell with a vending machine?
The answer to this question depends on what type of vending machine you purchase. You can sell drinks and ice cream, mints and gum, fruits and sandwiches, sweets and soups, and many other products. The choice of filler for the machine depends on many things: the popularity of the product, the current season, the location of the machine, etc.

What can be traded through the snack vending machine?
Through such a vending machine, you can sell almost anything: chocolate bars, ready-made salads in plastic containers, cans with drinks, medical shoe covers, DVDs and CDs, electronics, contact lenses. The spirals of the snack vending machine come in various shapes, so you can place goods of a wide variety of packaging in them. The freshness of food products will help to keep the built-in thermostat with temperature support from +3°C.

How many vending machines can I operate alone?
It all depends on the time you are willing to devote to this work, and your financial expectations. To calculate, use the following practical data: one person per day is able to service ten devices at full employment.

Can my relatives participate in servicing vending machines?
Operating vending machines is one of the most common family businesses around the world. A lot of entrepreneurs involved in vending involve their children in servicing the machines. Taking part in the business, children not only help their parents service the machines faster and more efficiently, but also learn the basics of the business, and also receive their first earnings.

When will I get my first profit from vending machines?
Vending attracts, first of all, by the fact that the installed device begins to bring money from the first day. You do not have to work for many months or years, collect your customers - the result is felt immediately.

What complications in relations with the sanitary and epidemiological station can be expected when installing a coffee machine?
If you use certified machines and products, issue health books for yourself and your technicians, then most likely there will be no problems - except for the quality of the water.

How often do you need to come to the point where the machine is installed?
It depends on the type of machine itself and the intensity of sales. On average, one visit per three days is obtained for a snack machine or once a day for a fresh juice machine. Snekovy machines can be serviced and once every seven days. A strict rule is to monitor the neatness and sanitary and hygienic condition of the machine, as well as the serviceability of the grounding.

Can a regular coffee vending machine be installed in a school?
I plan to install a coffee machine in the middle school. But I heard that Rospotrebnadzor does not allow offering ordinary coffee to schoolchildren - only decaffeinated. It's right?

It will be easier to refuel freeze-dried coffee without caffeine. Under the current rules, school students are not recommended to sell hamburgers, drinks with a high content of gas, tonics, kefir and other dairy products containing ethanol, alcohol and regular coffee. When agreeing on the installation of a machine, discuss this issue with the director of the institution, because sanctions can be applied specifically to him.

How does the vending machine consume electricity?
The amount of electricity consumed directly depends on the number of sales. Those. if, for example, coffee sells well, then the heating element of the coffee machine will heat the water all the time. If canned drinks are sold in the snack vending machine, the vending machine system will work for cooling. The vending machine is powered by a regular 220 volt socket, consuming the same amount of energy as a conventional household appliance, such as a kettle.

How can I start my vending business?
To begin with, first of all, it is desirable to draw up a business development plan, and in writing. This plan should clearly define the goals and main objectives, as well as list the actions that need to be taken to achieve these goals. Determine exactly what duties should be performed by employees of the organization or members of your family (if it is a family business). Make a schedule to achieve goals and accomplish tasks. Creating a business plan can be considered a full-fledged beginning of a vending business.

Will I get a lot of money doing vending business?
It all depends on what type of vending machines you choose and where you install them. The busier the installation site, the higher your income.

What if the machine fails or requires service?
Today, all companies selling vending machines provide their warranty and post-warranty service. If you need spare parts or repairs, you can contact our technical department.

Does it make sense to buy used commercial equipment?
You can buy used equipment only if you can see it in operation at the time of sale. If you take devices that were in use and cannot check them in practice, then your actions should be as follows: first transfer the advance payment for the machine, and after receiving the equipment and checking its operation, pay the remaining amount. You can find used equipment on special bulletin boards.

Why do different sellers have different prices for the same vending machine model?
Firms-sellers include in the final cost of the machine the price for their services, which is different for everyone. In addition, the cost of regional trading companies often includes a delivery fee. Exclusive dealers usually sell machines at a lower price than regional suppliers.

How to properly fill the coffee and snack vending machine with ingredients?
Each device has its own technical features, so be sure to read the instructions for its use. It tells how and what ingredients need to be put into the machine. You need to visit the machine regularly, at least twice a week. This will prevent downtime and failures in its operation.

How to prevent theft from vending machines by hired employees?
It is necessary to keep a record of the revenue received and the quantity of goods sold. It is possible to pay employees a percentage of sales and provide for penalties for equipment stoppages due to underloading of fillers.

How long does a vending machine last?
If you service the vending machine competently and in a timely manner, then the coffee machine can last 12-15 years, and the snack machine - from 15 to 20 years.

Who is called a vending operator?
Vending operator - the one who owns the vending machine and maintains it: fills it with ingredients, removes banknotes, fills coin acceptors with coins for change, etc.

What are vending ingredients?
Ingredients (or fillers) are products that are put into the vending machine. This is everything that is sold through vending machines: packaged snacks, plastic bottles with water or lemonade, instant coffee, etc.

What ingredients should be preferred?
It is better to buy specialized fillersadapted for vending machines. The use of unsuitable ingredients (such as cheap coffee powder) can lead to equipment failure. In addition, there is a high probability that the buyer will purchase low-quality coffee.

What is meant by a "trade line" of vending machines?
A “trading line” (the word “bundle” is also often used) is a combination that includes two or more devices. Most often, this is one floor coffee vending machine and one or two snack vending machines. All machines are united by one payment system, which is located in the coffee machine. Such a scheme makes it possible to save on the installation of additional payment systems and sell two or more products at a discount. The customer will be able, for example, to purchase a cup of coffee, a can of lemonade and a chocolate bar at a reduced cost.

What vending machines are called Freestanding?
Freestanding are floor standing vending machines that do not need stands. They have a standard height of 162 cm and 183 cm.

What vending machines are called Table Top?
Table Top - vending machines installed on tables. Usually they stand in office premises and other places with low traffic. As a rule, they are used without a payment system - in particular, in offices. Calculations are made at the end of a certain period (for example, a month) for the amount of consumed ingredients. The calculation is not affected by the number of coffee cups drunk.

The Moscow Department of Education will ban the installation of vending machines in schools and kindergartens. The remaining machines, which sell chocolates, chips and sweet drinks, will be dismantled before spring. was told about this by Deputy Head of the Department of Education Viktor Fertman and Head of the Department of Trade and Services Alexei Nemeryuk.

The proposal to remove the existing automatic kiosks from the territory of educational institutions and not to install new ones came from the city's advisory council of the parent community under the Department of Education. The city authorities supported the request of the schoolchildren's parents. "Vending machines have been in schools since ancient times. They are allowed. Colleagues from the Department of Education have their own vision that vending should not exist in principle. Therefore, the existing contracts should be terminated and the machines will be removed from educational institutions"- said Nemeryuk. A decision will be made shortly by the Department of Education.

Lyudmila Myasnikova, Chairman of the City Advisory Council of the Parents' Community under the Department of Education, said that the decision to eliminate vending machines was made at the level of interdistrict school councils back in August 2015 and was sent to all schools, deputies of the Moscow City Duma and Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, in September, parents asked to provide children with food during after-school, sections and circles, so the buffets at schools began to work longer. According to experts, the wrong high-calorie products are most often sold in vending machines, and frequent “ snacks ” disrupt the digestive process. The ban on vending machines was recently discussed in the Moscow City Duma.

/ Thursday, February 18, 2016 /

Topics: Department of Education

. . . . . This was reported by the network portal with reference to the words of the Deputy Head of the Department of Education Viktor Fertman and the Head of the Department of Trade and Services Alexei Nemeryuk.

A. Nemeryuk explained that agreements on vending kiosks would be terminated. . . . . . "Not banned yet, but we will, because we listen to the expert advice of parents who are categorically against vending machines"- explained V. Fertman.

A. Nemeryuk also added that he took part in the conference call, where a collegial decision was made. “I don’t have this final protocol yet, but we expect it to come. The decision will be made by the Department of Education”- concluded A. Nemeryuk.

. . . . .

Vending machines will soon be removed from the capital's educational institutions. This decision was made on the basis of the opinion of the parent community, which almost unanimously spoke out against the presence of robotic kiosks in schools and kindergartens. According to the head of the Department of Trade and Services of Moscow, Alexei Nemeryuk, it is planned to dismantle the devices before the spring of this year.

. . . . . Therefore, the existing contracts must be terminated, and the devices will be removed from educational institutions," Alexey Nemeryuk said in a conversation with a correspondent of the portal.

The proposal to eliminate the vendi kiosks from schools and kindergartens came from the city's advisory council of the parent community under the Department of Education.

"The expert council decided to discuss this issue at a conference call, which included 37 inter-district school councils. At the end of August, we issued a conclusion from the expert council, where we expressed the opinion of all parents - we do not need vending machines in schools. Since we cannot ban them, we made a recommendation, where they listed all the cons", - said the chairman of the council, Lyudmila Myasnikova. This opinion was supported by both the Metropolitan Department of Education and the Department of Commerce and Services of the city.

According to parents, instead of chocolates and chips that children bought at robotic kiosks, children who study in circles and sections after school should be provided with full-fledged food, and for this it is necessary to extend the work of school buffets.

Recall that now an experiment is underway in the capital to introduce two menu options in schools, from which schoolchildren will be able to choose dishes to their liking.

In the capital's schools and kindergartens, the installation of vending machines will be banned, said Viktor Fertman, deputy head of the Department of Education.

Fertman told M24 that the city authorities supported the request of schoolchildren's parents to remove existing vending machines from the territory of educational institutions - general education schools and kindergartens - and not to install new ones. . . . . .

The head of the Department of Trade and Services Oleksiy Nemeryuk added that agreements on vending kiosks would be terminated. . . . . .

The Department of Education of the capital listened to the opinion of the parent community after 11 years.

Vending machines for food and drinks in Moscow schools appeared in 2005 at the initiative of the Moscow Department of Education.

Then it was assumed that food from vending machines should make up for the missing food for schoolchildren. Over the past 11 years, more than 1.5 thousand Moscow schools have acquired vending machines and schoolchildren have a legal opportunity to indulge in a variety of chocolates, sweets, sweet drinks and chips. There would be pocket money.

The perfect student breakfast: nutritionist tips and kitchen secrets

And here is a new twist: the Department of Education decided to dismantle all the machines in record time - before spring.

The official version says that the authorities supported the initiative of the advisory council of the parent community under the Department of Education.

At the same time, previously concluded agreements on vending kiosks will be terminated. Alexei Nemeryuk, head of the trade and services department, said: “Vending machines have been in schools since ancient times. . . . . .

Both parents and authorities are supported by doctors. Zhanetta Gorelova, head of the laboratory of the scientific basis for monitoring the nutrition of students at the Research Institute for Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, believes that food from vending machines harms the balanced nutrition of children during their stay at school.

According to the expert, in vending machines most often it consists of incorrect high-calorie foods, and frequent snacking disrupts the digestive process, so it’s better not to use vending machines at all.

This proposal came from the city's parent community advisory council under the Department of Education.

Vending machines with soft drinks and snacks have been in schools for a long time, but colleagues from the Department of Education believe that in principle, vending should not be in educational institutions. Therefore, the existing contracts will be terminated, and the devices will be removed.

According to the head of the laboratory of the scientific basis for monitoring the nutrition of students at the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, Zhanetta Gorelova, the range of products from the devices does not meet the needs of the child's body.

"The range of products in vending machines can be regulated by leaving there products that do not require storage in the refrigerator: milk, juice, cookies. But more often they sell the wrong high-calorie products, and frequent snacks disrupt the digestive process, so it's better not to use vending machines at all", Gorelova specified.

In the near future, such a ban will be introduced at the legislative level.

This was announced by the Deputy Head of the Department of Education Viktor Fertman. He told the city news agency, “ Moscow " that the proposal came from an expert council of parents, and the city authorities supported this initiative.

Letter to the editor

"Hello. I am worried that in our school - my son is in the 3rd grade - there is a vending machine with drinks, chocolates and so on. The fact is that he does not like cereals, soups and pasta, so I do not pay for hot meals, but give money so that he buys a bun or something from baking in the dining room. He has stomach problems, and he buys soda, chips and crackers in this machine! And so do a lot of people. Tell me, is it legal?

There are few such schools. But hardly anyone bothered to take an interest in the opinion of parents and the compliance of the range with scientific and medical recommendations in the field of baby food (taking into account numerous childhood somatic diseases). And, according to doctors, absolutely in vain.

Svetlana SAFRONOVA, pediatrician:

Bars "Snickers", "Mars", marmalade, chocolates, chewing gum and milkshakes only deceive the child's stomach, provoking gastritis, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies and diabetes. We can say that the food that is sold there belongs to fast food. Grabbed, ate and became a physically problem child. And it would be wiser to place vending machines with drinking water and high-quality juices next to the gym - for schoolchildren involved in sections.

What can't...

There is a list of food products not recommended for sale in school canteens: chips, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sucking and chewing sweets with a high sugar content, highly carbonated drinks, flour fried culinary products, koumiss and other fermented milk products with an ethanol content (more than 0.5% ), non-alcoholic tonic liqueurs, natural coffee. Many products from this list are sold in vending machines.

... and how to

The assortment list of food products for sale through vending machines may include:

Sterilized drinking milk fortified, including with the addition of natural fruit and berry fillers or juices (fortified milkshakes), with a fat mass fraction of up to 3.5%, which does not require special storage conditions (shelf life is set for temperatures up to +25 ° C) , in aseptic packaging, net weight up to 250 g;

Sterilized (terminated) products based on yogurt, including those with the addition of natural fruit and berry fillers or juices with a fat mass fraction of up to 4%, which do not require special storage conditions (shelf life is set for temperatures up to +25 ° C);

Curd products (products), including those with the addition of natural fruit and berry fillers or juices with a fat mass fraction of up to 10%, that do not require special storage conditions (shelf life is set for temperatures up to +25 ° C), in individual consumer packaging, net weight up to 125 g, with the application of plastic spoons;

Non-carbonated drinking water of the highest category in a package with a capacity of up to 0.5 l;

Non-alcoholic, non-carbonated, fortified or juice-containing drinks (except tonic) in aluminum cans, polypropylene or PET bottles with a capacity of up to 0.5 l;

Natural fruit and vegetable juices and nectars (reconstituted fortified or directly squeezed, without salt, preservatives and artificial flavors) in individual consumer packaging made of polymeric or combined material with a capacity of up to 0.33 liters.

Who is for and who is against

Anna MIKHALEVA: “That would suit me perfectly. Children already bought chocolates and chips on the way to school, so nothing has changed in this regard. Forbid - do not forbid, and the money given out for dinners always went to extremely harmful, but tasty food for them. So what's the point of sounding the alarm? Well, they will remove the machines from schools - the children will still find a way to buy sweets. And at least you know that they had a bite to eat at school, not hungry. Because few of the guys like to eat, undoubtedly healthy, but tasteless unleavened boiled fish and unsalted rice.

Irina VINOKUROVA: “But I am against it! I am in favor of limiting concentrates and dyes in my daughter's diet. Besides, we pay for school lunches, and quite a lot of money. And if there is an apparatus with chocolates nearby, why should they eat semolina? I basically don’t give money to my child: it’s supposed to eat at school - let him eat right! And if suddenly such a machine is installed in our school, I will be against it.”

Victoria STAROSTINA: “In principle, I don’t see anything wrong with this. With the condition, of course, if they sell other food there. Schools may well have pie vending machines, fruit and vegetable vending machines, milk, yogurt, drinking water vending machines, and soup and puree vending machines – like in the Medical Center. And, of course, everything must be approved by the SES, and the machines themselves must be safe for children so that they don’t get electrocuted.”

Raisa GOLUBEVA: “Undoubtedly, the fact that schools will be given permission to install vending machines is very good. Canteens in schools close early, and sometimes children have seven lessons, or they stay for circles, sections, rehearsals at schools sometimes until late in the evening - do they need something to eat? But not chips and soda. Yes, and schools receive rent from the installation of devices. But there is a minus here - some directors may see this as their own benefit and turn a blind eye to the sale of crackers and chips in schools, just to get money for their rent. And entrepreneurs prefer to sell soda, as it is more popular among children than yogurt.”

Parents have different opinions. But the final decision - to install the device or not - remains with the head of the educational institution. Before making a decision, Rospotrebnadzor advises discussing all issues with the parent committee and providing for their implementation in contracts with the food organizer.


At the end of March 2012, the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia N 213n, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia N 178 of 03/11/2012 "On approval of guidelines for catering for students and pupils of educational institutions" was adopted. According to paragraph 16. of the said Order, in educational institutions (except for preschool) food products can be traded using vending machines.

We remind you that not so long ago a draft state standard for children's nutrition was released. The new standard provides that in all educational institutions for children and adolescents from 7 to 18 years old who spend more than 4 hours there, and these are schools, lyceums, etc., additional meals should be provided in addition to organizing basic meals (breakfasts, lunches, afternoon snacks). or dinners in canteens). That is, not an organized meal at breaks, but a “snack” available to all children at their request. Thus, school canteens and vending machines in schools are finally legalized. It turns out that it is possible and even necessary to install vending machines. True, the list of products sold in the school vending machine is strictly regulated.

So, in school cafeterias and in vending machines there should be at least 20-30 types of products. In turn, they belong to different groups according to their consumer properties and nutritional value.

“The basis of the range of food products sold through vending machines should be food products with increased nutritional and biological value, enriched with essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein),” the document says.

This is about snack machines and food machines. From now on, in schools (although it was not particularly prohibited before), it is possible to install vending machines for the sale of drinks. Natural coffee cannot be sold. Here is what the new recommendations say about this: “The sale of hot drinks using vending machines is carried out by students of secondary school age and older, only in rooms equipped for eating.” In special heat-resistant disposable cups with a capacity of up to 200 ml. When selling products through vending machines in schools, remember that all food products, including culinary products, used in the nutrition of students and pupils in an educational institution must comply with the hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food products in force in the Russian Federation in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards SanPiN, SanPiN

What can be sold in vending machines in schools?

It should be noted that from now on, the formation of an assortment of food products for additional nutrition of children and adolescents is carried out by compiling and approving by an educational institution (or a school catering enterprise) assortment lists of food products for free sale (“buffet products” and in particular in vending machines), compliance with the mandatory assortment minimum (basic list). The main list is shown below.

Where should the vending machine be located?

Counters, bar and buffet counters, and other outlets for the sale of buffet products can be located in the dining halls of educational institutions or in separate, specially allocated rooms. The latter must be equipped with washbasins and electric towels in accordance with the requirements of sanitary regulations.

Places for the sale of food products for additional nutrition of children and adolescents should be equipped with special furniture for eating - dining tables, bar counters, special tables for standing meals, etc.

So it is written in the project, in practice, when installing a vending machine, and they can be attributed to other points for the sale of buffet products, it will most likely turn out differently, but it is always possible to adjust the installation to the standards. And do not forget that all industrial products sold must necessarily have consumer packaging with a label inscription (marking) in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

The beverage vending machine can sell teas, cocoa, coffee drinks, herbal teas.

Requirements for the sale of food products in educational institutions using vending machines

In educational institutions, it is allowed to trade food products using vending machines, taking into account the requirements of SanPiN

The basis of the range of food products sold through vending machines should be food products with increased nutritional and biological value, enriched with essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein).

The sale of hot drinks using vending machines is carried out by students of middle school age and older, only in rooms equipped for eating.

Hot drinks are sold in special heat-resistant disposable cups with a capacity of up to 200 ml (including using special vending machines).

Assortment list of food products for automated trading through vending machines

1. Sterilized drinking milk fortified, including with the addition of natural fruit and berry fillers or juices (fortified milkshakes), with a mass fraction of fat up to 3.5%, not requiring special storage conditions (shelf life is set for temperatures up to +25 ° C), in aseptic packaging with a net weight of up to 250 g.

2. Sterilized (terminated) products based on yogurt, including those with the addition of natural fruit and berry fillers or juices, with a mass fraction of fat up to 4%, which do not require special storage conditions (shelf life is set for temperatures up to + 25 ° C)

3. Curd products (products), including those with the addition of natural fruit and berry fillers or juices, with a mass fraction of fat up to 10%, that do not require special storage conditions (shelf life is set for temperatures up to + 25 ° C), in individual consumer packaging with a net weight of up to 125 g, with plastic spoons.

4. Non-carbonated drinking water of the highest category in a package with a capacity of up to 0.5 liters.

5. Non-alcoholic, non-carbonated, fortified or juice-containing drinks (except tonic) in aluminum cans, polypropylene or PET bottles with a capacity of up to 0.5 liters.

6. Natural fruit and vegetable juices and nectars (reconstituted fortified or direct extraction, without salt, preservatives and artificial flavors) in individual consumer packaging made of polymeric or combined material with a capacity of up to 0.33 liters.

List of products that should not be contained in ready-made baby food for school-age children

1. table salt over 0.9% in meat semi-finished products, over 1.2% - in

2. canned food, over 1.8% - in sausages; nitrites over 0.003% in sausages;

3. in fish semi-finished products, canned food - food table salt over 0.8%;

4. in meat and fish semi-finished products, sausages - hot spices;

5. in confectionery - alcohol, natural coffee, apricot kernels,

6. cooking and confectionery fats, sodium pyrosulfite;

Finally, we note that poor maintenance of the vending machine at school (dirt, dust, insects) is unacceptable. It is also unacceptable to sell products with an expiring shelf life, products in damaged packaging and containers. Maintenance of the vending machine by personnel who do not have a sanitary book. Improper storage of products in the machine and in the warehouse. Remember, despite the fact that only sharks swim in the business, you are primarily selling your products to children. Which you probably have or will have.