Where to sell smoked fish. What documents are needed to sell fish, cold smoking shop

Smoked products are popular delicacies at any time of the year. And the demand for them is unlikely to ever fall. Smoked food lovers can make a business out of their hobby. To do this you don't need to have vocational education, but it will take a lot of effort and time. Fish smoking as a business is characterized by high competition. You can make your way with a truly high-quality product.

Business Features

The business of smoking fish at home is not as simple as it seems. It has many pitfalls, and its effectiveness varies depending on a number of factors, which we will consider below.

It is important to carefully consider such points as:

  • selection of premises;
  • search for sales markets;
  • purchase of products;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • production process.

If you are ready for a long-term business, then growing walnuts as a business may interest you. Despite the fact that the tree will bear fruit only after five years, you can earn money from the plantation for many years. Here you will find information about organizing a nut business.

Sales of products and risks

You should be concerned about establishing a sales network for products even before production. The fact is that fish products have short term storage, they must not be allowed to “stay” in warehouses, otherwise they will have to be disposed of. Selling smoked fish as a business is a business that requires a certain skill.

Retail consumers are wary of new products, the price of advertising on television is expensive, and online advertising in this industry is not very effective. Initially, be prepared for the fact that sales will be slow, and product promotion will depend on the effective work of sales managers.

Range of finished products

At the initial stages, ideal options for marketing products would be:

  • small grocery stores;
  • markets;
  • beer bars - smoked products are tastier and healthier than chips and other snacks.

Companies may join this list later. catering.

We advise you not to sell through a chain of supermarkets: they, wanting to get greater benefits, excessively inflate the price. Most likely, not all the products will be sold, and with the expiration date expired they will return to your company as illiquid stock.

After expanding production, it is possible to think about creating a network own stores smoked products.

Business plan

Before starting a fish smoking business, you need to create a business plan to estimate costs and income, determining when the payback will occur.

The costs of a fishing business consist of initial investments and monthly costs.

One-time expenses

  • equipment purchase;
  • smoking units - 200 thousand rubles * 5 = 1 million rubles (to provide 10 tons of products per day, 5 such units are needed);
  • refrigerator and refrigerator - 200 thousand rubles;
  • other - 1 million rubles;
  • purchase of furniture - 1 million rubles;
  • costs for re-equipment and repairs - 1 million rubles;
  • purchase of specifications - 110 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of a car - 1 million rubles.

Total: 5,320,000 rubles of initial investment.

Monthly costs

  • rental fee for premises: 700 thousand rubles;
  • production costs (electricity, other utilities, consumables) - 850 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - 5 million rubles (250 rubles per kg * 20 thousand kg);
  • wages for employees (based on 12 people) - 400 thousand rubles;
  • transport costs (including work with wholesalers) - 150 thousand rubles;
  • taxes and fees - 400 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 300 thousand rubles;

Total: 7,800,000 rubles monthly.


It is known that during the smoking process, fish loses up to 10% of its weight. Let's assume that the enterprise processes 20 tons of fish per month, that is, they produce 18 tons of smoked products.

If we take it for granted that a kg of finished products will be sold for 550 rubles, and all produced products will be sold, then the monthly income will be: 18,000 kg * 550 rubles = 9.9 million rubles.

Net profit will be 9.9 - 7.8 = 2.1 million rubles.

Profitability – 27%. (2.1 / 7.8).

Payback will occur in three months.

As a conclusion

Once you decide to start a fish smoking business, don’t stop! Find a team of like-minded people, study legislative framework, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, create a high-quality and unique product, expand the range, surprise!

It is safe to say that opening a shop for smoking fish is a rather complex process, which is directly regulated by law only in certain cases.

General requirements for installation of the facility are set out in “ Guidelines..." and include the following:

  1. Sanitary zone - 300 meters from residential buildings;
  2. Exhaust ventilation for smoking chambers (KK);
  3. Remote equipment for monitoring the physical and chemical parameters of air in the CC;
  4. The enterprise must have separate rooms for creating the saline solution; storage of raw materials; packaging of goods after their manufacture; refrigerator for finished products; place for sanitation of containers, container warehouse; rooms for drying and storing it; content of sawdust, fuel and smoking materials; content auxiliary materials and packaging.

The above document also contains many interesting points that you should pay attention to - we advise you to read it yourself.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated N132 lists 2 types of products - hot and cold smoked, and each of them involves preliminary salting of the fish, and for the second type - its complete boiling.

This document also established the need to smoke catfish, grass carp, silver carp and carp only after they have been completely cut. The fish must be heated from the inside to a temperature of at least 80 degrees Celsius, and after cooking it must be stored under special conditions.

In our opinion, the registration process is no different from opening other food production enterprises. The smoking shop does not need to obtain a special permit, since it is not one of the licensed activities.

To start working legally, you need to do the following:

  1. Register a legal form (LLC or other legal entity);
  2. Create a workshop in accordance with sanitary standards and regulations;
  3. Obtain an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor, Rostechnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, as well as a veterinary certificate for the products.

At the same time, the SES and the veterinary service have the right to inspect the smoking shop, so it must be constantly maintained in proper condition.

Thinking about your business? Do you want to organize a smoke shop for cold smoking fish? Be prepared for what food production are presented special requirements, which you should familiarize yourself with in advance. For example, the law on sanitary protection zones allows food production to be located no closer than 300 m from residential areas and environmentally harmful industrial enterprises.

what is needed to open a retail outlet (live fish)

The requirements for food production are described in detail in the state document “ Sanitary rules and norms" (or abbreviated as SanNPiN). Fishing workshops must be provided with hot and cold water supply, drainage system, smoke traps, container washing system, heating, air conditioning and ventilation.
Premises with smoking equipment must have bactericidal lamps; lighting lamps must be covered with shades. The floor and walls to a height of up to 1.5 meters should be tiled, and above that should be painted with oil paint. Separate auxiliary rooms are equipped. Canteen premises, which were built strictly according to sanitary standards, are ideal for creating small smoking shops. Smoking production is not licensed, but certified.
To open a smoking shop, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the local SES, which will constantly check once a month, selecting products for laboratory analysis directly from the stream. For each item of manufactured products you need to issue quality certificates. To organize a smoking workshop you will need about 100 square meters. m of production area and several small auxiliary premises.


Today, the market offers a fairly wide range of smoking chambers with different operating temperatures and technical characteristics. Imported smoking equipment provides minimal profitability when processing 8-10 tons per day. For enterprises small business who process less than a ton of fish per shift, the Izhitsa smokehouse is most profitable. These smokehouses use cold smoking in an electrostatic field. This design solution allows you to raise economic efficiency equipment. The Izhitsa smokehouse can become profitable already with a load of 200-300 kg per day. A line of 5-6 such installations produces the same 8-10 tons per day of finished cold smoked products. But the cost of such a line is an order of magnitude less. Smoking equipment Izhitsa 1200M and characteristics you can see HERE

Economic justification for a smoking workshop.

The actual efficiency of your production will be determined by the volume of products sold and the size production costs. One should not think that the larger the production, the higher the efficiency it will have. Look at the advertisements for sale existing business, look at the reason for sale. In most cases, the reason is a lack of funds for development. Therefore, if you do not have enough funds to provide production cycle, it’s better to look for another business.

The production of finished cold smoked products up to 10 tons per month can be provided by one Izhitsa 1200 installation. In addition to the smoking installation, to organize a workshop you will additionally need:
- salting containers (vats),
household premises,
— packaging equipment,
— refrigerating chamber 5-6 tons.

In various sources, the amount of minimum capital for organizing production with a cold smoking line is called the amount from 25 to 35 thousand euros. (RUB 1.5 million). Acquisition of land, capital construction we will not consider, because These investments have their own liquidity; we will not take it into account in the calculation.

For the calculation, we accept the initial conditions: all production capacity are rented, our workshop will purchase fresh frozen mackerel and produce cold smoked mackerel. The turnaround time for raw materials is 2 weeks. The cost of such a project will be:
85,000 rub. rental of production space per month.
500,000 rub. cost of raw materials in circulation (small mackerel at the rate of 100 rubles/kg).
300,000 rub. salary fund 15 people. per month.
115,000 rub. production costs (electricity, consumables).
200,000 rub. transport costs.
300,000 rub. taxes and fees.
Total RUB 1,500,000. per month

Fish loses weight up to 10% when smoked.
Let's take these losses into account (from 10 tons of raw materials we get 9 tons of products)
Revenue part 220 rubles x 9,000 kg = 1,980,000 rubles. per month
Business profitability 24%


The Russian consumer is very fond of smoked fish. The capital's market for smoked fish products is crowded: dozens of companies vying with each other to offer consumers hundreds of types of products from their smokehouses. In the provinces, favorable conditions will continue for several more years. And despite the fact that fast money and easy profits can no longer be expected, however, a consistently high demand for products is ensured. Therefore, both in the capital and especially in the provinces there is still enough free space for small enterprises wishing to engage in fish processing, especially smoking it.

Every enterprise that engages in “smoked meat” inevitably pays tribute to herring and sprat. They account for a third of production. Let us note that the Russian market is full of herring and sprat, made almost in the garage or bathroom, away from the watchful eye of the sanitary and epidemiological station and the state. A few barrels for salting fish, a little effort, a familiar seller - this is the whole simple recipe for survival. Naturally, such a business has no definite future. But while it exists, it stays afloat, and we have to compete with it.

For recent years Large Moscow companies are increasingly exploring the surrounding areas. As a rule, these are products obtained using developed Western technologies (the price of equipment is several hundred thousand euros). According to experts, it is usually simply not profitable to organize such productions “on the ground,” say, in Rybinsk. To be profitable, you need to produce and sell a lot of goods and have dozens of cities like Rybinsk within reach.

Today, having the opportunity to invest about 20-40 thousand euros in the business, with the efforts of five to eight people, in a year and a half, you can reach the production of 5-6 tons of fish products of 30-40 items per day, purchase regular customers and gain a strong foothold in the market. In terms of the richness of the assortment, this will be an average fish counter. Naturally, you need to start conquering the market with minimal quantities: a couple of positions, 200-300 kilograms of fish per day. Usually, after one and a half to two months, several retail outlets will appear that will take fish from you constantly. After about six months, you will feel quite confident, you will have money for maneuver, and you will begin to actively increase production volumes.

Calculation of the cost of equipment for the smoking area ZIP 8 kb.

Rules for selling fish in a store

Documents for production

What documents are required for the production (production workshop) of products?

What needs to be done before opening a mini food workshop (production)? To get started, you can read the step-by-step instructions for opening a confectionery shop; at this stage, approximately 70% of the main questions for beginning producers will disappear! Next you can get a list of documents that need to be issued for the production premises!

Get step by step instructions upon the opening of the workshop! FOR FREE!

Get a list of documents for production!FOR FREE!

Program production control! FIND OUT THE PRICE!

Arrangement of equipment in the workshop ( technical project)! FIND OUT THE PRICE!

On our Instagram page there is even more information on opening a production facility and interviews with beginning and already well-known entrepreneurs! Come in, subscribe and leave your comments!


Which organizations need to be notified when opening a food production facility?

1) Notification to Rospotrebnadzor about the start of implementation entrepreneurial activity.

Currently, it is only possible to issue a Notification to Rospotrebnadzor about the start of business activities. It is mandatory for products included in the “List of works and services included in individual species entrepreneurial activities, about the commencement of which a legal entity or individual entrepreneur submits a notification" - Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for the submission of notifications about the commencement of certain types of entrepreneurial activities and recording of these notifications (approved.

Fish trade

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 No. 584 - download current edition(as amended on December 17, 2014). This Resolution was adopted in order to reduce the number of inspections of business entities and prevent arbitrariness in their conduct.

Requirements for completing a Notification to Rospotrebnadzor

The notice must be completed in accordance with Shape notifications about the start of business activities (Appendix No. 2 to the Rules for submitting notifications about the start of certain types of business activities and accounting for these notifications), certified company seal and signature General Director company or individual entrepreneur and sent to Rospotrebnadzor in 2 copies.

The following is also attached to the Notification:

— A copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Individual Entrepreneurs;

— A copy of the certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur with the tax authorities.

A Notification registered with Rospotrebnadzor must have a stamp from the registering territorial division of Rospotrebnadzor with the date of registration.

Requirements for making changes to the Notification

In cases where there has been a change in the location of a legal entity and (or) the place of actual implementation of activities, as well as in the case of reorganization of a legal entity, the legal entity or individual entrepreneur is obliged to report in writing within 10 days about the changes that have occurred, attaching copies of documents confirming the fact making appropriate changes and information. Note that the law does not stipulate that only those companies and individual entrepreneurs who previously submitted a notice of commencement of activities. It turns out that these requirements apply to all entrepreneurs!

The register of notifications about the commencement of certain types of business activities is located at: http://notice.crc.ru/.

If the products you produce are not included in the “List of Works...”, then your production premises There is no need to issue a Notification to Rospotrebnadzor; a Certificate of Ownership or a Lease Agreement is sufficient.

Documents for finished products which definitely need to be completed!

1) Specifications(TU) or STO

2) Technological instructions (TI)

3) Production control program (PPK)

5) Test report

Ready-made sets of documents for the production of cheeses and cheese products!

Ready-made sets of documents for confectionery production!

Smoked products sell well, but at the same time there are only a few small producers of such products on the market, and the assortment is not very diverse. The problem with this type of business is the complexity of obtaining permits.

For those who want to start production at home and make money at the same time, smoking and selling smoked products would be a good alternative. Despite the high demand for these products, there are only a small number of companies and individuals on the market that sell them.

As a rule, the assortment is limited to lard, chicken and sometimes fish, although, roughly speaking, much more products can be smoked. In addition, existing smoked products are not of the highest quality. Fans of smoked meats note the lack of a characteristic smell and rich taste in such products. This state of affairs can be corrected by establishing home production.

To organize smoking of fish, sausage, meat, lard, you will need to buy an electrostatic smoking unit (ESK). If you buy a new one, it will cost 7,500 rubles. A used car can be purchased for three thousand.

Due to the fact that it is small, it can be placed at home. Sold with installation detailed instructions on use, after studying which you can begin the smoking process. This process should take no more than an hour.

It is clear that you will need it for production, however, in addition to it, you need to purchase a lot of other things. First of all, it’s worth considering how and where you will get firewood. They are necessary for the operation of the smoking installation.

If you live near a forest where trees can be cut down, then this is the best option. Only dry trees need to be cut, branches can be cut without signs of rotting. Another solution would be to purchase ready-made firewood from collective farms or stores. It is not recommended to use spruce, pine and birch, but firewood from fruit trees will give the meat a special taste and smell.

Of course, you will also need spices to prepare smoked products. They are not always used and not by everyone, however, they are necessary for the production of bacon and many other beef products.

To obtain a rich red and attractive color of meat, you will have to purchase sodium nitride. Despite the fact that the media is conducting propaganda against this product, it is impossible to do without it, otherwise all products will look unattractive to the buyer. In addition, nitride is only dangerous in large quantities. To produce smoked meats you will need 0.05 grams per 1 liter of brine.

You will also need to add ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to the brine. Thanks to it, the meat becomes uniform in color. In addition, it is an excellent preservative. The main thing is to add ascorbic acid without taste. The proportions are the same as for sodium nitride.

The production of smoked products is an energy-intensive business. Therefore, be prepared for impressive amounts for utility bills. This must be taken into account when setting the price at which the final product will be sold.

Another expense item will be transportation. Not only will its cost also have to be included in the cost of selling the product, it will have to be organized. That is, you will need transport for purchases and for transporting products subsequently to the market.

The next expense item will be the seller, who will need to pay wages. As a rule, those who produce at home sell their products independently, or involve their relatives.

An important element of your business will be the refrigerator in which you will store smoked meats. A simple domestic refrigerator (single-door and with a freezer on top) can fit 50 kg of products, and its cost on the second-hand market will be only 200-300 rubles in the regions. Such refrigerators have one drawback: due to old age, their compressor can easily fail in summer, in hot conditions. Another option would be to rent a professional refrigerator from the market.

Why can't you install such a refrigerator at home? The fact is that professional refrigerators consume a lot of electricity, and if several refrigerators are operating in a room at once, this can damage the entire system. In addition, such units make a lot of noise, which will make life unbearable.

Beware of the meat spoiling. The fact is that in factory conditions this can be resolved with the help of disinfecting chemicals. But at home, this is not possible.

In order to legally produce and sell smoked products, you will have to collect many documents, permits and certificates. First of all, you will have to fill out forms in the executive committee, draw up a sanitary book, obtain a patent for business activities, draw up documents in pension fund, register with the bank.

Bearing in mind that it is incredibly difficult, or rather almost impossible, to obtain a certificate for the production of smoked meats at a home enterprise, you can go the other way. Many of the representatives of this business do their examination in the laboratories of the market administration. Most often, such a document will be sufficient.

After all the paperwork has been overcome, you will need to start looking for a place to sell your smoked products. Rental cost (on average several thousand per month) point of sale will need to be included in the market value of the product. There you will need to install test scales, which will not require large expenses.

The retail outlet will also need to be equipped with a refrigerator counter, if one was not provided initially. By purchasing such a counter secondhand, you will spend about 1000 rubles.

However, it is not recommended to save on it, since latest cameras have better technological performance, smaller size and more attractive appearance. If you start a business in winter, then you can save on a refrigerator, but by summer you will still have to buy it, otherwise the product will not withstand even an hour on the counter under the rays of the scorching sun.

The holidays wouldn't be complete without them, so why not make a smokehouse the core of your business. Please note that there are always people near the counters with smoked fish and sausages; they buy fragrant “smoky” products, regardless of the time of year. Smokehouse as a business - good start business, the demand for such products will not fall, and if there is demand, accordingly, there is income. So, where to start a smoking business?

Properly organized smoking production can bring considerable income

Studying the market

To identify the pros and cons of smoking production, you need to study sales volumes in the market for the products:

  • study pricing policy and the assortment from suppliers in the area where you are going to open a business, or at least take a closer look at the prices on the shelves;
  • through analytical work, identify the wishes and tastes of customers;
  • study samples of competitors' products to identify their advantages and disadvantages;
  • find profitable sales points.

Choosing a place

First, decide on the format of your future business - small or full-scale production. Depending on this, the volume of products produced will be different.

Home smoking as a business can be organized in the free space of a private home - on a personal plot or in a garage.

The choice of location depends on starting capital and experience. For large-scale production, you will have to rent a separate large room - this will be a workshop for the production of delicacies. Take into account the fact that it is difficult to convert an old enterprise into a full-fledged smoking shop that meets all sanitary standards and requirements of government agencies.

State regulations:

  1. Room area from 100 m2 or more.
  2. The smoking shop should be located three hundred meters from residential buildings.
  3. Mandatory availability of cold and hot water, sewerage, ventilation system.
  4. There should be bathrooms on the premises of the enterprise, office premises, locker rooms.

Building a full-scale business from scratch is difficult, so think it through carefully. Perhaps a mini smokehouse for a small business is right for you to start with, you can always expand over time. For those who want to open a large workshop right away, we recommend taking a closer look at the former canteens, which were created taking into account state standards.

Gradually you will improve the place of production

Regardless of the area, it is necessary to provide premises for the supply of raw materials, their salting, packaging, storage of sawdust, liquid smoke, containers, as well as prepared meat or fish (separate chambers for different smoked meats).

What documents are needed

If you want to open a smoking business at home, write down the list of documents:

  • document from the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • conclusions of such organizations as Rosprirodnadzor and Rostechnadzor;
  • document from a veterinary organization;
  • fire department permit;

Without these certificates, you will not be able to establish a business in this area. Since it concerns food industry, SES employees will take samples of finished products monthly.

Your products will be regularly checked by the SES

Purchase of equipment

After you have found a suitable premises and decided on the scale of your business, buy equipment. His choice depends on the scale with which the “smoked business” will unfold. For large-scale production you will need:

  • Technological tables.
  • Several sinks.
  • Cutting boards and knives.
  • Smoking chambers with skewers. If you plan, buy a special smoking chamber for this type of product.
  • Scales.
  • Large refrigerators, freezers.
  • Trolleys for transporting meat around the workshop.
  • Transport for the sale and delivery of finished smoked meats.

The list may be incomplete due to the characteristics of different production workshops. We have published an indicative list of equipment. For home-based production of smoked meats (for example, if you smoke meat to order), it can be reduced, for large workshops it can be expanded. Write about it in the comments, indicate what, in your opinion, should be in the smoking shop.

Equipment processing

The smoking room must have an exhaust hood and good ventilation, and doors and hatches must be tightly closed. If possible, immediately purchase slats and skewers in double quantities, since they need to be processed daily: cleaned, washed in a 1% soda solution and scalded with boiling water. Smoking chambers are processed once a week.

It is important to maintain constant cleanliness in the workshop

You will also need moisture meters and thermometers to measure the humidity and temperature in the chambers where food is prepared for sale. Indications measuring instruments recorded in a special journal. Don’t forget about disinfection: cutting boards should be soaked in a 5% soda ash solution after each shift, then dried thoroughly. Disinfect the tables on which you cut fish and meat twice a day. The main thing is that these rules are followed not only for the sanitary and epidemiological station. After all, cleanliness is always important, especially where food is prepared. If your smoked products are always fresh, moderately smoked, not overdried and without a bitter aftertaste, people will buy them.

Test purchase

The best option is to purchase products in your region so as not to travel far. Buy in small quantities at first because you don't know how sales will go. With small volumes, it is easier to compare prices and quality from different suppliers. Fisheries readily respond to offers of cooperation, offering competitive prices and quality products. Do not buy frozen raw meat - this will immediately affect the quality of the finished product or leg.

How to find buyers

The main goal of any business is a good sales market, which entails a decent income. Remember that smoked meat is not like clothing or utensils that can be stored in a warehouse for months. It is important to sell the meat as quickly as possible, while it is fresh, aromatic, and edible, after all. Otherwise, you can quickly lose clients and also lose business, because you don’t want to work at a loss.

You can find sales points at local markets, supermarkets, grocery stores, and beer bars. After all, smoked fish is healthier and tastier than chips and snacks. To interest buyers, offer competitive prices and, if possible, a wide range. In the future, you will be able to sell your products in a chain of stores. Remember that at every stage of business movement, the high quality of the product plays an important role.

Plan for launching your own project

  • selection of assortment - 3 days;
  • purchase of equipment - 1 day;
  • equipment installation - 2 days;
  • bringing the workshop into working order, cleaning - 5 days;
  • obtaining the necessary permits - 2 weeks;
  • selection of employees - a week;
  • purchasing products - 1 day. Production can begin on this day.

You should find a reliable supplier of fresh food

Financial side

Approximate costs for a mini-format business:

  • The required amount to purchase equipment is 3,000-45,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of products - from 9,000 rubles.
  • Payment for transport, rent of a small room, cost of electricity per month - approximately 11,000 rubles.

So, the amount you will need is 50,000 rubles. Payback is achieved on average in 3 months. As you can see, it is worth basing a business on, the main thing is to approach the issue responsibly, taking into account all the nuances.

Business plan for fish

We present to your attention a business plan for a fish smokehouse. Let's take hot smoked mackerel as an example. If you smoke and sell only this product, you will be able to make a profit in the first month, provided that sales points are found. The cost part of medium-scale production includes the following items:

  • Rent of premises per month - 95,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of fish - 500,000 rubles (cost per kilogram 100 rubles).
  • Salary to employees (12 people) is approximately 280,000.
  • Electricity and other production costs - 100,000 rubles.
  • Transportation costs - 200,000 rubles.
  • Taxes - 300,000 rubles.

The costs amount to more than a million rubles, and now let’s calculate the profit.

During smoking, fish loses ten percent of its total weight. If you purchased 10 tons of fresh frozen products, then after smoking you will get 9 tons. By multiplying, we find out what income awaits you: multiply 9 tons by 220 rubles (price per kilogram of finished fish), we get the amount of 1,980,000 rubles for one month. Net profit - 400,000 rubles per month. At this rate, the business will fully pay for itself within a year. The main thing is to find sales points so that the products are quickly sold. The business plan is approximate so that you understand how you can make money in this area. Nobody says that in the first month you need to buy 10 tons of fish; you can easily start with 50 kilograms. For home business even with 5 kilograms.

Any business starts with an idea

The business of smoking meat is no less profitable. The main thing is to create a good assortment. You can smoke pork, chicken, lard - whatever you want. Before you start, explore several smoking technologies on our website and choose the least expensive one. Shops, restaurants and cafes are happy to buy such products. It is advisable to note that there is a lot of smoked fish, chicken and lard in the markets. There is little real smoked meat. We do not take into account balyks and loins in vacuum packages, since they smell faintly of smoking. Therefore, before buying equipment, there must be a clearly thought out idea. Decide what you will produce: exclusively fish or only meat, or both. If you don’t have the required amount on hand, start small, for example, by legalizing smoked products. Outside the market or among friends, many people smoke to order. There will be buyers, because some people prefer only factory smoked meats, while others prefer homemade delicacies.