Who keeps military records at the enterprise. How to organize military registration in an organization

Currently, many organizations ignore the requirement to maintain military records, since the fines for failure to comply with this obligation are insignificant. Some fulfill military registration requirements only partially, for example, they only collect the necessary documents and store them, without providing any information to the military department. However, in both the first and second cases, you may face the risk of administrative sanctions, since the legislation directly provides for the employer’s obligation to maintain military records.


The fact that military registration is mandatory is established in the following regulations:

Art. 8 Federal Law dated 05/31/1996 No. 61-FZ “On Defense” (as amended on 07/03/2016; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 61-FZ);

Art. 9 of the Federal Law of February 26, 1997 No. 31-FZ “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in Russian Federation"(as amended on February 22, 2017; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 31-FZ);

Art. 4 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On military duty and military service" (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 53-FZ);

Clause 1 of the Regulations on military registration (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719, as amended on December 29, 2016; hereinafter referred to as the Regulations);

Responsibility for lack of military registration

Administrative liability may arise for deficiencies in maintaining military records.

So, according to Part 3 of Art. 21.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the fine for failure by a manager or other responsible person to report to the military commissariat information about citizens liable for military service hired or dismissed from work ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Companies do not take such a fine seriously, so they prefer not to keep military records at all or to keep them partially (for example, only filling out the section on military records in personal cards).

However, if the organization receives a request from the military registration and enlistment office to submit documents in accordance with the law, military records will have to be maintained. If the demands of the military registration and enlistment office are ignored, other penalties will follow:

Fine from 2000 to 4000 rubles. against officials for disobedience to a lawful order or requirement of an official of the body carrying out state supervision(control) (Article 19.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);

Fine from 3000 to 5000 per company and from 300 to 500 rubles. against officials for failure to provide or untimely provision of information (information) to a state body, provided by law(Article 19.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);

Fine from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. per company and from 1000 to 2000 rubles. or disqualification for a period of up to three years on officials for failure to comply within the prescribed period with a legal order of the body exercising state supervision (Article 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

It should be noted that in paragraph 6 of Art. 1, art. 3, paragraph 6, 7 art. 8 of Federal Law No. 53-FZ, subp. “a” and “b” clause 32 of the Regulations there is no mention that individual entrepreneurs are required to provide such information about citizens hired. Therefore, the risk of attracting individual entrepreneur liability for lack of military registration is minimal.

Who is subject to military registration?

According to clause 14 of the Regulations military registration Citizens of the Russian Federation are subject to:

Men from 18 to 27 years old who are not in the reserves (conscripts);

Citizens who are in the reserve (liable for military service), including those who have not completed military service due to exemption from conscription or who have completed alternative civilian service.

Not subject to military registration, according to paragraph 1 of Art. 8, paragraph 4 art. 23Federal Law No. 53-FZ, the following citizens:

Those exempted from military service (due to being declared unfit for military service for health reasons);

Those undergoing military service;

Those serving a sentence of imprisonment;

Women who do not have a military specialty;

Permanently residing outside the Russian Federation.

Let's consider a situation in which maintaining military records has become a pressing issue for an organization in connection with an appeal from the military registration and enlistment office: it is necessary to draw up documents in such a way as not to cause criticism, let alone fines, from the military department.


Persons liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service, upon imprisonment employment contract provide the employer with military registration documents (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

These documents are needed for the employer to fulfill the obligation to maintain military records. Without them, the personnel service will not be able to fill out section II of the personal card (unified form No. T-2 or No. T-2 GS (MS)), and therefore will not comply with the requirements of the law.

According to clauses 27-30 of the Regulations, military registration of citizens is carried out using personal cards of employees, which are filled out on the basis of military registration documents:

Certificates of a citizen subject to conscription for military service - for conscripts;

Military ID (temporary certificate issued in place of a military ID) - for those liable for military service.

In practice, the HR department makes copies of them and stores them in the employees’ personal files. Moreover, you should not only make copies of the first spread of documents (as some organizations mistakenly do), but also copy all completed pages. The information necessary for accounting is available in all parts of the military ID.

Sometimes upon hiring it turns out that the employee’s military registration documents are not in order:

Lost or damaged military ID;

There is no mark on registration with the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration;

There is a certificate of being subject to conscription, while the employee’s age exceeds 27 years;

A conscript with a certificate does not have a deferment from conscription.

In this case, the organization may have problems maintaining military records and checking the military registration and enlistment office, so you should be persistent in requesting military registration documents from employees.

You could, for example, give the employee a notice reminding him of his responsibilities regarding military registration (example 1). The form of such notification is not provided for by law.


Based on the information from military registration documents, it is necessary to fill out section II of the personal card of each employee liable for military service.

We recommend that you fill out the personal cards of those liable for military service in a timely manner, since the personnel service will be able to issue other organizational documents promptly, and making entries on all personal cards at the same time is a lengthy and labor-intensive undertaking.

The main document regulating the procedure for organizing and maintaining military records is the Methodological Recommendations. This is what military registration and enlistment office officials are guided by when making inquiries and checking the maintenance of military records.

The procedure for maintaining and storing personal cards of citizens registered with the military is given in Appendix No. 7 to the Methodological Recommendations. Please note that the requirements vary:

For reserve officers;

Soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen of the reserve;

Citizens subject to conscription for military service.

The items on the personal card are filled out based on the information contained in the military ID.

An option for filling out section II of a personal card is shown in example 2.

Accounting and storage of personal cards

Organizations often incorrectly store personal cards of those liable for military service. The procedure for storing these cards is defined in Appendix No. 7 to the Methodological Recommendations.

Personal cards must be stored in a locked cabinet in the following order (file cabinet):

Section 1 - personal cards for reserve officers;

Section 2 - personal cards for soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen of the reserve;

Section 3 - personal cards for female reservists;

Section 4 - personal cards for conscripts.

As a rule, military registration and enlistment offices are asked to keep a log of personal cards, against which their availability is verified during checks.

There is no special form for the magazine, but military registration and enlistment offices recommend a form, a sample of which is given in example 3.

The law requires keeping records of those liable for military service in organizations of all forms of ownership, and the state vigilantly monitors compliance with this requirement. Moreover, control is becoming more and more strict. How to properly organize military registration, how to report and avoid fines - read in our material.

From the article you will learn:

Organization of military registration in the organization

Military registration is a mandatory system of measures to create and update a unified database of citizens of military age. The formation of such a database is regulated by law. Employers have a significant role and a high degree of responsibility in this matter.

Here are the main ones regulations that need to be taken into account:

  • Federal Law No. 53 of March 28, 1998 on military service.
  • Regulations on military registration, approved by Resolution No. 719 of November 27, 2006.
  • Rules for the reservation of reserve personnel, approved by Resolution No. 156 of March 17, 2010.
  • Instructions for booking citizens No. 664c dated 02/03/2015.
  • Methodological instructions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces dated July 11, 2017.

Goals and objectives of military registration

The goals are described in detail in the Regulations (Resolution No. 719). Please note: the document has undergone a number of changes in 2019. We recommend you re-read it. In short, the goals of organizing military registration and its purpose can be formulated as follows:

  • In peacetime - control of army occupancy, collection of current information about the population liable for military service.
  • In the event of a military threat - rapid mobilization and provision of the country labor resources.

Thus, there is no point in raising the question of whether it is obligatory or not to conduct training in an organization. This is a must. The right question is: how to do this?

Who keeps military records in the organization

In small enterprises, this function is performed by personnel officers. But this approach is not acceptable everywhere. Here's who should keep military records in an organization, depending on the number of people liable for military service:

  • Part-time worker - if there are less than 500 people at the university.
  • One full-time employee - for 500–1999 counted.
  • Two employees - for 2000–3999 accounted.

Two full-time accountants are the basis for the formation of a department. It is called the military registration table of the organization. If the company has more than 4,000 military personnel, additional employees are hired into the department on the principle of “1 accountant per 3,000 accounted.”

If it is impossible to limit oneself to a part-time job, the manager must not only appoint people who are responsible for the management, but also provide workplaces and equipment. We need metal cabinets and premises arranged in accordance with the Regulations on Military Registration.

During the training program for professional retraining "Organization of work with personnel" you will learn how to draw up personnel documentation according to the new rules, how to evaluate candidates and hire a new employee, how to implement professional standards and what to do if the qualifications of employees do not meet their requirements, and much more. After completing the training course, you will receive an official diploma.

New rules for maintaining military records in an organization in 2020

Since 2019, new requirements have been added to the maintenance of military records in organizations. For example, if a company has employees liable for military service who are not registered, information about them must be transferred to the military registration and enlistment office, and the employees themselves must be given a referral to the commissariat. These clarifications to Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 were adopted on February 6, 2019.

Thus, the procedure for maintaining military records in the organization in 2019 became stricter, although it has not yet undergone fundamental changes. The same rules apply in 2020.

If you do not report within two weeks from the moment the “unregistered” employee is identified, and this is discovered during the inspection, there will be administrative penalties. By the way, fines may soon increase; the corresponding bill has already been approved in the first reading.

To make it easier for representatives of civilian enterprises to carry out a census of military-bound workers, the General Staff of the Armed Forces has developed guidelines, which will help establish military registration at the enterprise from scratch. The manual describes in detail:

  • Responsibilities of employees responsible for the VU.
  • Accounting documents and reports that must be submitted to the commissariat. Also given standard forms and explanations for filling them out.
  • Lists of professions and specialties whose representatives must be members of the VU.
  • Responsibility for violations.

In short, the following are subject to mandatory military registration:

  • All men 18–27 years old who are not enlisted in the reserves.
  • Male reserves who are exempt from conscription.
  • Men over 27 who have received a deferment from military service.
  • Women with military specialties.
  • Citizens after leaving the armed forces or alternative service.
  • Specialists who graduated from military departments.

There is no need to put employees on the VU:

  • Without Russian citizenship.
  • Those on emergency service.
  • Those living permanently outside of Russia.
  • Those serving prison terms.

In order to provide the country with valuable administrative and managerial personnel in case of hostilities, the state introduced the practice of reservation. Some employers receive lists of such specialists by order of the Russian Armed Forces Commission. Reserved citizens who are in reserve are subject to separate registration, for which the same persons are responsible as for the military. Such workers cannot be called up for mobilization or military training in peacetime.

What information should military registration documents contain?

Basic accounting documents:

  • Personal cards of all employees subject to VU (forms T-2, T-2GS - Appendices No. 5 and 6 of the manual).
  • Log of inspections of the state of military registration.
  • Receipts from employees stating that they received documents from the commissariat.
  • List of reserved specialists, as well as statements of issuance of deferment certificates.
  • Other accounting documents required by law.

A personal card is a detailed document about the employee being accounted for. The sample and rules for filling it out are prescribed in Appendix No. 5 of the methodological recommendations (Appendix No. 6 - for municipal and civil servants). Among the required information:

  • Full name, date of birth, marital status, citizenship.
  • Address details, place of residence.
  • Education, knowledge of foreign languages.
  • Profession and work experience.
  • Military rank, service and reserve categories.
  • Information about employment and transfers.

The regulations do not explain how to maintain a personal card. Goskomstat, in its Instructions dated January 5, 2004 No. 1, gave brief comments on how to fill out individual lines. Detailed instructions The military registration and enlistment offices did, but it only concerns information about the military service. As a result, problems with HIT arise. Experts from the HR Directory magazine have analyzed the mistakes that HR officers most often make in their personal cards. Use these tips as you write notes in your document.

Reports on military registration in the organization 2020

In the list of reporting documentation:

  • Report on working reservists and reserved citizens (Form 6 is contained in Appendix No. 6 to the guidelines).
  • Information on the provision of labor resources for periods of military operations and mobilization (Form 19 from Appendix No. 18 of the manual).
  • Accounting card (Form 18, Appendix No. 13).

Most reports are annual and must contain information as of December 31 of the reporting year. But records should be kept constantly, as there may be untimely requests from the commissariat or inspections.

Delays in reporting, violations in accounting activities, failure to report information about employees liable for military service - all these are reasons for administrative penalties. Here are the main “risk areas” associated with VU reporting:

  • Data on hired and dismissed employees who are subject to registration must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office no later than two weeks from the date of the event. The report form is in Appendix No. 9.
  • If an employee receives a summons to the military registration and enlistment office, he must be given it against signature. It is also obligatory to release him to the commissariat. Does the employee refuse the subpoena? Draw up an act. This way you can prove to the inspectors that you have fulfilled your obligation to notify.
  • Lists for initial military registration should be submitted to the commissariat on time. By March 31, you must report to the military registration and enlistment office the details of employees who will turn 17 this year. The form of the lists is in Appendix No. 11 of the manual.

To avoid other pitfalls, carefully study the Law on Military Service.

Order on the organization of military registration - sample 2019-2020

In any company, military training is initiated by management - an appropriate order is issued for this purpose. A plan for accounting work and a directory of responsibilities for accounting and mobilization activities are also required.

Military registration in an organization: step-by-step instructions 2019-2020 for a beginner

To summarize, let us formulate 5 main steps of military accounting at enterprises.

Step 1. Issue an order to maintain military records and reservations in the organization. At this stage, it is necessary to develop and approve an accounting plan and appoint responsible persons.

Step 2. Create lists of employees subject to registration. In this case, be guided by paragraphs. 14 and 15 of the Regulations approved by Resolution No. 719.

Step 3. Create and fill out the necessary accounting documents. Guidelines from the General Staff of the Armed Forces will help.

Step 4. Fulfill the duties provided for by the Regulations and Federal Law No. 53.

Step 5. Provide the commissariat with up-to-date information and annual reports in a timely manner. Be prepared to promptly respond to requests for information from military registration and enlistment offices.

Organization of military registration in the organization - step by step instructions: Step 1. Study of the regulatory framework. Step 2. Appointment of a responsible person. Step 3. Work with the local commissariat and a certain circle of workers. Step 4. Maintain the necessary documents and submit reports regularly.

Absolutely all employers have such a duty as organizing military registration, and its purpose is to meet the needs of the state and help manage available resources during hostilities (in wartime). But first of all, it is necessary to study the documents that regulate the procedure for maintaining military records in the organization. Please note that officials regularly update the regulatory framework, adding new responsibilities for employers, so keep an eye on the amendments.

Currently, military registration is carried out on the basis of the following legal acts:

  • Federal Law of May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ “On Defense”;
  • Federal Law of February 26, 1997 No. 31-FZ “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation”;
  • Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1992 No. 890 “On the organization of work on the reservation of citizens of the Russian Federation who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies that have a reserve, and working in government bodies, bodies local government and organizations";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719 “On approval of the Regulations on military registration”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2010 No. 156 “On approval of the Rules for the reservation of citizens of the Russian Federation who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies that have reserves, and who work in government bodies, local governments and organizations”;
  • Instructions for the reservation of citizens of the Russian Federation who are in reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies with reserves, and working in state authorities, local governments and organizations, for the period of mobilization and for wartime dated 02/03/2015 No. 664c;
  • Instructions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on maintaining military records in organizations;
  • Methodological recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on maintaining military records in organizations, approved. 07/11/2017.
Military registration work (MAR) is conventionally divided into the following categories:
  1. General military registration.
  2. Special military registration - reservation of citizens liable for military service who are in the reserve (SGP).

Organization of military registration in the organization. Step by step instructions

Step 1. Appointment of the person responsible for military registration

Maintaining military records in an organization must begin with the issuance of an order and the appointment of a responsible person, as well as persons who will carry out records during the absence of the main responsible person. As a rule, this work is carried out by personnel department employees, and in small companies- a manager or even an accountant.

Example of an order

Based on Government Decree No. 719 dated November 27, 2006, those responsible for accounting are appointed based on the following standards:

  • 1 employee performing part-time duties - if there are less than 500 citizens registered with the military;
  • 1 exempt employee - if 500-2000 citizens are registered;
  • 2 exempt employees (military registration table) - if there are from 2000 to 4000 citizens registered with the military;
  • 1 exempt employee for every subsequent 3,000 citizens registered.
A copy of the order on those responsible for registering those liable for military service will need to be submitted to the local military commissariat (MC). VK must also be notified of subsequent changes.

To the employee personnel service or another person must be included in the employment contract and job description relevant duties for maintaining military records.

Step 2. Decide who to work with

All citizens of the Russian Federation are required to be registered with the military (Clause 1, Article 8 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ). Exceptions are persons:

  • those undergoing military service;
  • those serving a sentence of imprisonment;
  • females who do not have a military specialty;
  • permanently residing outside the Russian Federation.
In accordance with Government Decree No. 719, Methodological recommendations for maintaining military records at enterprises, approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on July 11, 2018, it is necessary to take into account:
  • men of military age (18-27 years old) not enrolled in the reserves;
  • male representatives in reserve;
  • employees who studied at military departments in educational institutions vocational education;
  • persons exempt from conscription;
  • men over 27 years of age who did not complete service due to deferment;
  • citizens discharged from the army;
  • workers who served alternatively;
  • women who received military specialties.
If it turns out that the employee is not registered with the military, although he should, the employer will have to notify the military commissariat about such a citizen within two weeks. New responsibility appeared for companies on February 17, 2019, when Federal Law No. 8-FZ dated February 6, 2019 came into force. Another duty is to give the employee a referral to the military registration and enlistment office for military registration. The form of this document was approved by the joint. The direction looks like this:

Reverse side

Please note that the employer is required to maintain military records, including for external part-time workers. All rules apply to them.

If the organization carries out reservations for citizens who are in the reserve, then in addition to general military registration, special military registration is also carried out. For this purpose, documents are additionally developed and maintained in accordance with the appendices to Instruction No. 664c dated 02/03/2015.

Step 3. Contact your local commissioner

If military registration at the enterprise has not been kept before or the company has been created recently, first you need to arrange a meeting at the local military commissariat. As a rule, VC employees are ready to provide introductory training on the topic of military registration, issue methodological instructions and necessary forms, as well as advise the responsible employee on complex or controversial issues in this matter.

Important! Military registration and reservation in an organization that is a branch is maintained at its location. If this is not possible and if necessary, the data is transmitted by mail from the head office.

Document flow for military accounting work

The company where the accounting is carried out provides in VK:
  • information about hired or dismissed citizens who are or are required to be registered with the military (within two weeks);
  • lists of men who are in next year turns 17 years old (every year - before November 1), and also annually in September - lists of young people 15 and 16 years old.
The main military registration documents, on the basis of which section II of the personal card of form No. T-2 is filled out, are:
  • for citizens in the reserve - a military ID (temporary certificate issued instead of a military ID);
  • for citizens subject to conscription for military service - a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service.
The employing company is required to create and maintain the following accounting documents:
  • order on the organization of military registration and reservation of citizens in reserve;
  • work plan for maintaining military records and booking citizens in reserve;
  • a file cabinet of personal cards of forms No. T-2 and No. T-2 GS for citizens in the reserves and citizens subject to conscription for military service;
  • a log of checks on the state of military registration and reservation of citizens in the reserve;
  • receipts for receipt of military registration documents and counterfoils from them;
  • organization registration card (KUO form No. 18);
  • other documents in accordance with the requirements established by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and heads of enterprises.
In addition, the employer is obliged to conduct explanatory work with employees subject to registration. According to paragraph 27 of the Methodological Recommendations, employees must be provided, among other things, with background information on mobilization and preparation for it.

Modern software products allow you to automate part of the VUR, generate and print various documents on military registration.

Practical part

When hiring, in accordance with Article 65 Labor Code, the applicant must present a military ID. In practice, candidates may evade this obligation, citing the fact that the military ID is in the military registration and enlistment office, is lost, there are no forms, etc. In this case, the employer may refuse to conclude an employment contract with the applicant, at least until all documents. The employer can also meet halfway and take a written receipt from the future employee, which indicates the deadline for submitting the document.

Another option is to independently contact the military registration and enlistment office at the employee’s place of registration with a request about his status or with information about the lack of appropriate documents and marks in an already accepted employee.

In any case, the absence of a military ID must be recorded in writing in order to protect the company from administrative liability for violating the requirements of the law on registration of military personnel.
When concluding an employment contract, the employer is obliged to check the presence of a mark of registration in the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence in the passport, a valid military ID or registration certificate. Nonresident workers are required to report to the military registration and enlistment office within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of temporary registration. If temporary registration is for a period of more than three months, then attendance at the military registration and enlistment office is mandatory.

The responsible person makes a copy or scans the military ID in full or from all pages on which there are entries.

Reservation of citizens in reserve (GPZ)

Step-by-step instructions for maintaining military records in organizations also include such a separate area as booking citizens in the reserves. Its goal is to provide personnel and labor resources during the period of mobilization and in wartime. Reservation consists of providing citizens in the reserve (managers, specialists, highly qualified personnel) with a deferment from conscription for military service in wartime.

Reserved citizens who are in the reserve are also subject to registration, but they are exempt from conscription for military service upon mobilization and subsequent conscription in wartime for the duration of the deferment granted, as well as from conscription for military training.

Regulatory and methodological support and control over this is carried out by the Interdepartmental Commission of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies that have reserves and work in government bodies, local governments and private companies.

To reserve citizens in reserve, the employer is sent approved lists of positions and professions (extracts from the lists) and extracts from regulatory documents.

Relevant decisions are made at meetings of the mobilization commission in the special events department (in the administration municipality) with the direct participation of a representative of the VC department. Subsequently, this decision is communicated to the enterprise by handing it over to an authorized person of the employer against signature.

Form No. 4 (certificate of deferment) with a power of attorney from the enterprise is issued at the local VC. Workers are booked according to a special list, which specifies the requirements for the GPP - profession, age, rank. After selecting qualified personnel in the company's staff, you must fill out a form.

Reporting for employers

Companies provide accounting reports:
  • to federal government agencies or head office;
  • to the city commission for the reservation of citizens in reserve;
  • to the department of the military commissariat at the location (legal address) of the company.
Annual reporting documents on the status of work on booking the gas processing plant are:
  • a report on the number of working and selected citizens in reserve, compiled according to Form No. 6;
  • report ( explanatory note) about the state of work in this area for the reporting period;
  • registration card (form No. 18).
Reports are compiled as of December 31 of the reporting year and must contain complete and reliable information.

Enterprises that do not make reservations provide Form No. 18 as a report.


Monitoring the implementation of legislation

Check in large companies(more than 500 employees) is held once a year. Inspections for small enterprises (less than 500 people) are carried out once every 3 years. The regularity of inspections largely depends on the activity of the local VC, so it is safer to fill out all the necessary accounting documents in a timely manner and carry out planned activities.

Inspections are carried out by representatives of the military registration and enlistment office or local government bodies. They must evaluate military accounting work legal entity for compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation. In addition, they control the accuracy and completeness of the documents provided (after gaining access to employees’ personal cards and work plans). The results of the inspection are reflected in a special journal in the form of an assessment.

Refusal to comply with the requirements of the law may result in liability under the Code of Administrative Offenses. In accordance with Article 21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, failure by the manager or other official of the employer, as well as by the official of the local government body responsible for the military registration of military authorities, within the established period of time, to provide lists of citizens subject to initial military registration, entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 300 to 1000 rubles.

“On Defense” clearly and unambiguously stipulates the obligation of organizations and officials to maintain military records in the organization. Article 8 “Functions of organizations and responsibilities of their officials in the field of defense” of the above law states that “organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carry out military registration of employees and, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, provide buildings and structures for defense needs , vehicles and other property in their ownership, with subsequent compensation for expenses incurred in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.” The same article states that “officials of organizations, regardless of their form of ownership:

1) must fulfill their duties in the field of defense provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

2) create for employees necessary conditions for the performance of their military duties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.”

Thus, the most common mistake employers make regarding military records is that many organizations do not keep them. Some believe that if they are not government-owned, budgetary organizations, then they are not obliged to do this, others do not find the resources for this (for example, they may need additional workers in the HR department). However, the legislation directly provides for the employer’s obligation to maintain military records.

Note! Any employer is obliged to keep military records in the organization; there is not a single legal excuse for not keeping military records (even if there are no military personnel in the organization at all)!

How to properly conduct military registration in an organization is described in Methodical recommendations on maintaining military records in organizations (approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on April 11, 2008).

Who is subject to military registration?

The following are subject to military registration in organizations (clause 14 of the Regulations on military registration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719):

1) male citizens aged 18 to 27 years who are required to be registered with the military and are not in the reserves;

2) citizens who are in reserve. The categories of citizens who are in reserve are established in paragraph 1 of Art. 52 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ.

The following citizens are not subject to military registration in military commissariats, local self-government bodies and organizations (clause 15 of the Regulations on Military Registration):

1) exempted from military duty in accordance with Art. 23 of the Law on Military Duty;

2) undergoing military service;

3) those serving a sentence of imprisonment;

4) female, who do not have a military specialty;

5) permanently residing outside the Russian Federation;

6) having military ranks of officers and being in the reserve of the Service foreign intelligence RF and Federal service security of the Russian Federation.

Military registration of those liable for military service is divided into special and general (clause 16 of the Regulations on military registration).

Special military registration includes persons liable for military service who, in accordance with the established procedure, are reserved for state authorities, local governments or organizations for periods of mobilization, martial law and in wartime, as well as those serving in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and criminal authorities. -executive system, authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the positions of ordinary and commanding personnel.

The rest of those liable for military service are on the general military register.

What documents should a military registration organization have?

1) an order on the organization of military registration of citizens, including reservation of citizens in reserve.

2) a work plan for maintaining military records of citizens and booking citizens in reserve. The specified plan in order to ensure the completeness and quality of military registration of conscripts and those liable for military service from among those working (studying) in organizations ( educational institutions) and reservations for citizens staying in reserve, organizations develop during the calendar year. The plan must be agreed upon with the military commissariat of the municipality.

3) a file cabinet of personal cards of form No. T-2 and No. T-2 GS (MS) for citizens from among conscripts and citizens in reserve;

4) a log of checks on the implementation of military registration and reservation of citizens in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

5) receipts for receiving military registration documents from citizens (the form of receipt is established by Appendix No. 14 to the Methodological Recommendations).

6) official paperwork (a separate matter) on the issues of maintaining military records of citizens and booking citizens in the reserve in the organization;

7) other documents in accordance with the requirements established by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and heads of organizations;

8) background information on military registration, mobilization training and mobilization.

Special attention deserve documents that must be regularly submitted to the military registration and enlistment office!

<*>May be submitted electronically.

<**>They are an appendix to the list of citizens subject to initial military registration (clause 4 of the table).

Typical mistakes in military registration.

1. The organization does not require military registration documents from the employee;

2. The organization makes mistakes when maintaining a personal card for military registration;

3. The organization does not agree with the military registration and enlistment office on the work plan for the implementation of military registration and the order on the organization of military registration;

4. The organization does not send information about the hiring/dismissal of employees to the military registration and enlistment office;

5. The organization does not verify information with the military registration and enlistment office;

6. The organization lacks information/local regulations on military registration.

Violations of employers in the field of military registration are associated with insignificant liability. The only norm that provides for liability for deficiencies in military registration is Art. 21.4 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For failure by the manager or other responsible person to report to the military commissariat information about those hired or dismissed from work of citizens liable for military service under Part 3 of Art. 21.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the fine ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles. Organizations do not take such a fine seriously. Therefore, they prefer not to keep military records at all or to keep them partially.

However, when the organization receives a request from the military registration and enlistment office to submit documents, military records will have to be maintained. If the requirements of the military registration and enlistment office to submit documents in accordance with the law are ignored, penalties will follow:

- fine from 2000 to 4000 rubles. against officials for disobedience to a lawful order or requirement of an official of a body exercising state supervision (control) (Article 19.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);

- a fine from 3000 to 5000 per company and from 300 to 500 rubles. against officials for failure to submit or untimely submission to a state body of information (information), the submission of which is provided for by law (Article 19.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);

- a fine of 10,000 to 20,000 per company and from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles. or disqualification for up to three years for officials for failure to comply within the prescribed period with a legal order of the body exercising state supervision.

Thus, in the case of requests from the military registration and enlistment office and when reporting an inspection by the military registration and enlistment office of military registration, the risk from insignificant becomes quite noticeable.

For managers educational organizations Also relevant is the issue of the failure of the head or other official of the organization, as well as the official of the local government body responsible for military registration work, to submit lists of citizens within the prescribed period to the military commissariat or other body carrying out military registration, subject to initial statement for military registration, entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 300 to 1000 rubles. (Article 21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Primary registration for military service usually occurs for students in grades 10-11.

Citizens and officials guilty of failure to fulfill military registration obligations bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Military service is a constitutional duty of citizens of our state liable for military service. All institutions and organizations in the country must maintain military records of citizens of military age. For improper execution The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability for this responsibility.

We will talk about the legal framework regulating this procedure, in particular, about step-by-step instructions for its implementation in this article.

The main tasks of military registration in the organization

According to Federal legislation, military registration is a form of recording relevant human resources for the purpose of implementing military duty in non-war times. Accounting activities determine the quantity and quality of citizens subject to mobilization and conscription and regulate planned work to systematize their data.

Based on the requirements of Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when applying for a job, each employee is required to present registration documents to the employer: a draft certificate or a military ID. The manager or authorized person carries out further work with this documentation.

Important! The responsibilities of a specialist working with accounting documentation include collecting, analyzing, and registering data on conscription and mobilization resources and transferring them to the relevant military registration and enlistment offices.

Reservation work at enterprises for persons in reserve is regulated by Instruction No. 144 dated December 22, 1999, approved by the Resolution of the Special Interdepartmental Commission.

According to the Step-by-Step Instructions, if the number of people liable for military service in an organization is no more than 500 people, one of them is responsible for accounting personnel workers part-time. If this number reaches 2000 people, then for accounting work one staff member is allocated, up to 4000 – two staff units, up to 7000 – 3 employees are required. For every subsequent 3,000 military personnel, one specialist is required.

Their leaders are responsible for compliance with military registration requirements in organizations.

Citizens subject to military registration

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 719 “On approval of the Regulations on military registration”, which is the main legal act establishing the procedure for maintaining military registration in enterprises and organizations, military registration is mandatory for the following categories of citizens of the Russian Federation (clause 14):

  • men aged 18-27 who are considered conscripts;
  • citizens liable for military service who are in the reserve or discharged from military service and enlisted in the reserve;
  • have successfully completed an officer training program in educational institutions of the Russian Federation that have military departments;
  • exempted from conscription into the ranks of the Armed Forces;
  • persons over 27 years of age who have received a deferment from military service;
  • citizens who are registered with military registration and enlistment offices after leaving military service;
  • after completing alternative civil service;
  • female persons with relevant accounting specialties (paramedics, pharmacists, telegraph operators and others).

Implementation of the Instructions for maintaining military records

All work related to military registration at enterprises is divided into two stages:

  1. Carrying out preparatory activities, including registration of the employer at the military commissariat at the place where the organization’s activities will be carried out. Registration is carried out within five days after the enterprise enters the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  2. It consists of ongoing activities: registration of personal cards, information work with the corresponding category of workers, verification of the received data with subsequent transfer to the appropriate military registration and enlistment office.

Processing data of new employees includes the following activities:

  1. The documentation presented by the employee is checked.
  2. A personal card is created for each employee unified form() or its equivalent, approved by the employer, which contains information regarding his relationship to military service.
  3. The card is certified by the signature of the responsible employee, as well as the employee himself.
  4. Within two weeks from the date of entry into work, a notice is sent to the local military registration and enlistment office. Similarly, the military commissariat is notified of the dismissal of an employee.

Military registration documents contain the following information:

  • Full name, date, place of birth, place of residence;
  • Marital status;
  • Basic anthropometric data;
  • Education;
  • Place of work;
  • Health fitness for military service;
  • Availability of military specialties and professional suitability for training in them;
  • Completion of military or alternative service or training;
  • Knowledge of foreign languages;
  • Availability of sports categories;
  • The presence of the fact of initiation (termination) of a criminal case or a criminal record.

Drawing up a work plan for the military registration table

The head of the organization approves the plan, which is drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 17 to the “Recommendations” or according to a model developed by him. The instructions provide for an indication of the exact timing of the activities, as well as job descriptions for employees keeping records. She prescribes the following tasks:

  • The procedure for maintaining a card index;
  • Preparation of an annual plan;
  • The procedure for exchanging documentation with the military commissariat;
  • Maintaining control over the authenticity of documents, etc.

Another required document— audit log, a sample of which is given in Appendix No. 1 to the “Recommendations”.

In addition, separate folders keep records of incoming and outgoing documentation: requests, extracts, certificates, correspondence with local military commissars. Correspondence is carried out in 2 copies, one of which must be sent to the addressee, and the other must be filed in a designated folder.

The storage period for correspondence with the military registration and enlistment office is 3 years.

Checking military records

Planned and regularly conducted inspections on the organization of military registration work are carried out by military commissariats together with other responsible officials ( executive branch, local government).

The check refers to the completion of cards in the T-2 form, the presence of the appropriate audit log, official orders relating to military records and other documents.

To obtain a satisfactory assessment, it is necessary to fulfill all legal requirements and implement at least 70% of the activities planned for the year.

The veracity of the information provided is also assessed. An excellent rating is given if no violations or discrepancies are found.

Based on the results of inspections, the results are recorded in the appropriate journal and brought to the attention of the employer.

Responsibility of officials

The organization of military registration work at the enterprise is the direct responsibility of the employer. In accordance with the step-by-step instructions and legal norms, he is obliged to organize the complete set of the military registration table, provide documentation military registration documentation when hiring or dismissing employees liable for military service, facilitate inspections by representatives of military registration and enlistment offices.

In this regard, paragraph 54 of the Regulations provides for the procedure for liability of citizens and officials guilty of failure to fulfill military registration obligations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

According to Articles 21.1, 21.3, 21.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for untimely submission of military registration documentation to the bodies carrying out the relevant registration, managers or other officials of the organization are subject to a fine in the amount of 300 to 1000 rubles.

Attention! If citizens are not notified of their summons to the above authorities or officials of the organization fail to ensure their timely appearance, the latter are liable under Article 21.2 of the Administrative Code, which provides for a fine of 500-1000 rubles.

In case of deliberate damage or destruction of accounting documentation, appropriate administrative penalties in the form of fines.

Depending on the scale of organizations, inspections are carried out at different intervals established by the relevant regulatory documents. In particular, companies with more than 500 employees are subject to annual inspections.