What is the best small business to start in Kazakhstan? What is profitable to trade? Trends, promising business ideas and business promotion ideas About tax regimes.

The Kazakh economy is the largest economy in Central Asia. A country with a vast territory and rich mineral deposits: from oil to uranium. It seemed like somewhere, but here they should be best conditions for business, let's look at this issue in more detail.

Features of business development in Kazakhstan

Business in the country developed with the same intensity as the state itself. The ups and downs of the economy put great pressure on entrepreneurship in the republic; the final result of these processes was the opening of the Damu Fund in 1997. The main prerogative of this organization has become and still is consulting and financial assistance to small and medium-sized businesses. The state is omnipotently aimed at ensuring that small and medium business developed in the country. Therefore, the government provides assistance to entrepreneurs not only at the national level, but also at the regional level, public service for business affairs.

The government is very supportive of business in the country. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan was created. Thus, in 2011, on the initiative of the chamber, the program “ Road map business-2020", which helps businesses in the form of a service department, the head of this program is the Damu Foundation.

Business problems

At the same time, there are a number of business problems in the country. The main producer of goods in the republic is big business. The share of small and medium-sized businesses does not exceed 16-17%—this is a very low result.

This problem is associated, first of all, with the raw materials export orientation of Kazakhstan, high interest rates on loans and bureaucratic red tape that appears when registering an enterprise.

Development of small and medium businesses

Small and medium-sized businesses are the number one priority for Kazakhstan, as politicians themselves say. True, either the world has gone crazy, or the government of the republic, but for every optimistic step towards business, it is accompanied by two steps back. The history of the formation of small and medium-sized businesses confirms this.

Business in Kazakhstan in the 90s

In the 90s, Kazakhstan very sharply switched from a planned economy to a market economy. In the first year they only worked state enterprises. Business, private business, began to appear in the country at the end of 1992, and by the end of 1995 about 35-40 thousand small and medium-sized entrepreneurs were already registered. Since then, the government has begun supporting entrepreneurship.

It all started with price liberalization between late 1991 and 1992. The first SMEs were, as is often the case, enterprises in the service and trade sectors. During this period huge industrial enterprises acquired a scattering of places to sell their products, repair and maintain giant industrial factories and factories. True, this led to another negative consequence—segmentation, that is, artificial fragmentation large enterprises into smaller ones, which subsequently led to conflicts between the new owners.

After liberalizing prices, the government decided to take a tight rein on the financial system. The restriction and monetary policies of 1993-1995 led to the fact that it became unprofitable to produce anything, and given the lack of profit, it became unpromising to engage in production.

To stabilize the economy, the government made a number of “improvements”: it abolished tax breaks manufacturing enterprises, tightened tax processes, added to this was the problem of a shortage of credit assets within the country, which led to negative consequences in 1994, and not as positive as the government had hoped. Cooperatives, small businesses and limited liability partnerships began to close. The number of workers in production sector cooperatives, limited liability partnerships and small businesses. Enterprise owners began to repurpose their businesses into hotels, restaurants and retail.

The next stage was small-scale privatization. Between 1994 and 1997, the government conducted a number of small-scale sales of empty premises and businesses.

The government transferred about 1,400 premises for rent and 1,520 premises, structures and small-scale production for sale into private hands. During this period, targeted privatization took place at the wrong time, which is currently affecting the country.

Today in Kazakhstan they approach business problems more carefully and try with all their might not to harm it with their decisions.

This is precisely the problem of Kazakhstani business and is the basis of the troubles in the private sector of small and medium-sized businesses; every decision in favor of business leads to dire consequences, against the backdrop of the primary growth of private small and medium-sized businesses. True, things have improved significantly over the past 10 years, but the problems of the past still haunt us.

Big business

Large businesses in Kazakhstan feel great; they have never been deprived by the government. Huge amounts of money are being poured into big business, both from foreign investors and government funds. Today the basis big business Kazakhstan's oil refining and metallurgy industries account for 40-60% of the state's total output. Kazakhstan exports a lot of metal, oil, gas and is a donor country. Yes, this is not right and we need to get away from it, but not now, the country’s economy is too dependent.

On at the moment Kazakh big business is developing at the same level as Russian and even faster. At the end of 2007-2008, the TOP of Kazakhstani companies in terms of growth surpassed the Russian adjacent TOP, showing an increase in development of 35% versus 24%, respectively.

How to register a business in Kazakhstan?

To open a business in Kazakhstan, you need to follow the following rules. The first is to gain support; for these purposes there are a lot of institutions and organizations in the country. The most famous and active of them are the Damu Foundation, associations of entrepreneurs, banks, and the department for supporting small and medium-sized businesses. Having secured their support, you will already be among those for whom doing business in the country will not become burdensome.

The second thing you must understand is that business in Kazakhstan must be ideological. The country already has enough cafes, hotels and other small and medium-sized retail and service enterprises. Choose from something that is not available in the country or is poorly represented by local businessmen, but is in fairly good demand.

Also, you must: know the market demand, understand the essence and meaning of your products, find out the potential circle of buyers and scout out competitors’ offers.

The project execution should have the following structure:

  • idea;
  • sorting through ideas and cutting off ideas with significant problems;
  • study of demand and prices in the chosen area;
  • understanding of the technical aspects of the project;
  • financial analysis.

The third is starting capital. You can take it from a bank or from investors, but there is a better option— state aid or otherwise, grants. Having received a business grant from a foundation or innovation support center, you will have to account for every penny given to you.

Fourth - financial planning. First of all, you must calculate your costs: direct and indirect. If everything is clear with direct ones and they are known, then indirect ones arise at the most unpredictable moment, so it is better if the budget for indirect costs is 15% larger.

Fifth - registration and receipt of a license to conduct commercial activities.

How to open a business in Kazakhstan?

There are two types of business organization in Kazakhstan:

  • individual entrepreneurship;
  • entrepreneurship in the form of a legal entity or from a branch of a company. There are different business registration systems for citizens of the republic and foreigners.

The issue of opening a business for a Russian is especially relevant. Russian entrepreneurs are eager to open a business in Kazakhstan due to lower competition and, despite some erroneous steps by the government, a more tolerant economic environment.

For a foreigner to carry out commercial activities, it is best to open an LLP; remember, the minimum authorized capital of an LLP is 1000 US dollars. In this case, the entrepreneur pays a corporate tax of 20% and a net profit tax of 15%; after three years, no income tax is charged.

To open a business in Kazakhstan, you will need at the first stage:

  • determine the authorized capital and legal address,
  • decide on the name of the company and state of emergency,
  • find out the business code.

The second stage includes collecting documents in the main folder for submission to the justice authorities at the place of actual residence. This folder includes:

  • application for registration of a legal entity,
  • charter of the LLP, if the business will be carried out according to general principle, then the charter is not required for several founders,
  • you need to submit a memorandum of association,
  • an agreement confirming the location of the company,
  • state duty receipt.

All documents are submitted in triplicate each in two languages ​​- Russian and state.

There are other types of commercial activities in Kazakhstan:

  • Branch,
  • representation.

True, this applies only to big business, it is much more agile and has greater resources, which is why the LLP registration scheme was laid out, since it is most responsible for medium and small businesses, which are rather poorly developed in the country and are the subject of creating a business in the country foreigners.

Business development: forecasts and opinions

Government programs to help small and medium-sized businesses are increasingly reflected in implementation rather than in ideas. The government, having realized the mistakes, is now trying to correct them, which has a positive effect on the dynamics of the increase in small and medium-sized enterprises. Big business has no right to complain, because Kazakhstan has always supported only it and is still pouring huge funds here and writing off the debts of large enterprises.

Looking at the current state of affairs in Kazakhstan, business is growing, and the data shows this. 1.4 million medium and small entrepreneurs provide jobs for 2.5 million people. The number of SMEs has increased by 88% over the past five years (of which 51-53% are active entrepreneurs). Despite the huge share in the number general enterprises in the country - 90%, SMEs allocated only 17-18% of GDP.

At the moment, experts believe that Kazakhstan is in the process of recession. The economy is growing, and small and medium-sized businesses are growing behind it. It's better when it's the other way around, but, alas. For the full recovery of small and medium-sized businesses, modernization is needed, government support in the form of “tax holidays” for particularly poorly developed sectors of small and medium-sized businesses and a reduction in the bureaucratic burden.

Brief summary

Kazakhstan is a huge country with good opportunities. For the correct implementation of state policy, the state itself must not make mistakes in its decisions. The main task for the country's development will be the transition from an orientation towards exports and big business to an orientation towards small and medium-sized businesses.

Oil, gas and other minerals will disappear, one way or another, and in the end there will be nothing. Even now, huge volumes of mining are harming the country’s ecology, as evidenced by the Aral Sea, which was dried up.

The conclusion was made not on the basis of personal impressions, but on the basis of facts that have been confirmed over the years. European countries have in the structure of their economy only 30-35% of enterprises big business, the basis is small and medium-sized enterprises. A striking example is Germany and Italy. That's why main task In the near future, according to experts, Kazakhstan should move away from the status of a raw material appendage and develop an economy at the expense of small and medium-sized businesses.

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Are you interested in business ideas? Business ideas for small businesses in Kazakhstan? What business ideas are promising in the present and future? What is profitable to trade and what services to provide, what areas of business are more promising? We propose to consider promising trends in society and business ideas for profitable business, and some ideas can be used to promote or expand an existing business.

Some of the proposed business ideas can be used as small business ideas, or as a business for starting production, business ideas for small and large cities in Kazakhstan. Based on the considered promising trends, you can come up with your own.

1. Make the most of the trend towards a healthy life

The general improvement in the material well-being of the population contributes to the popularization of fashion for a healthy lifestyle. People are completely absorbed in the idea, from choosing products to changing their daily routine and using special body care products. People want to buy and consume healthy foods without harmful preservatives. Buy and wear clothes for yourself and your loved ones from natural fabrics.

Business ideas. What business to open:

Start implementing special devices for counting calories, recording distance traveled, fluid consumed, etc.;

If the store is located near a fitness center or sports ground, change the work schedule, taking into account the needs of the potential audience;

Include food products for athletes and those watching their figure;

Offer to potential clients additional services: delivery healthy food, packing and packaging of boxes with special menus for athletes, etc.

To popularize point of sale You can organize competitions among clients, for example, who can lose the most weight in a week, or conduct lectures on a healthy lifestyle.

Let's celebrate! Competition in the segment of goods and food products for healthy image life is practically non-existent, so you can adjust prices at your discretion, depending on demand.

2. Demographic problems

Increasing the level of social and medical services allowed to significantly increase life expectancy. There are now millions of elderly people in the country, many of them profess active image: play sports, travel, actively participate in social activities, learn languages, master modern technologies. At the same time, purchasing power is often significantly higher than in the market as a whole.

The most promising business ideas:

Open a department in the store with goods for the elderly or allocate a section;

Include highly specialized products in the assortment: anti-aging creams, healthy food products that can serve as a prevention of age-related diseases (atherosclerosis, stroke, etc.);

Start selling special products designed to improve the quality of life of the elderly and disabled: orthopedic products, special chairs, etc., devices for monitoring blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.;

Open a medical center or pharmacy aimed at serving the elderly, or provide comfortable conditions for them in an already operating establishment;

Open a private sanatorium or a living home that will provide quality care, including medical care for the elderly;

Organize special courses for the elderly: dancing, Internet surfing, assistance and training in using modern household appliances and electronics.

3. Trend of late births

Improved medicine in our country has opened up the opportunity for successful women to give birth to a child after 35 years of age. At the same time, target audience stable preferences have already been formed and they do not agree to lower the bar in terms of comfort and quality.

Business ideas:

Start selling various newfangled devices that significantly save time. At the same time, there is no competition in this segment at all;

Various games and devices for the development and learning of a child. The most popular products are those that help you learn a foreign language;

Start selling newfangled gadgets that will help you keep abreast of what is happening with your child: babysitter monitoring devices, a special mercury-free thermometer for children, devices that track the baby’s activity level, etc.;

Retro style toys are all the rage now;

All kinds of products with which a mother can surround her baby with care and luxury: a fur coat, separate tights for discharge, various newfangled accessories;

Products for mothers: vitamins, cosmetics, exercise equipment, products that allow you to get back in shape after childbirth, etc.;

Prepare and complete special kits (for example, a set of linen for children from 3 to 6 months) with subsequent home delivery;

Organize special courses and seminars for mothers;

Organize clubs (handicrafts, child care) at the store, etc.;

4. Environmental standards

Increased awareness and education of the population is manifested by the greater attention of buyers to the composition, properties and certification of goods. Especially now, many people are thinking about the deteriorating environment. Sometimes customers not only ask questions to the staff, but also demand certificates and search for information about the brand and product on the Internet.

Pay attention! Nowadays, journalistic investigations and appeals from dissatisfied customers to the relevant authorities are commonplace. Even the slightest blemish on your reputation can turn into a disaster.

How to turn this to your advantage:

Place racks in the store with information about special offers, customer reviews;

Use innovations when promoting a store: an interactive website on the Internet, applications for a smartphone, tablet, registration on review sites, etc.;

Organize promotions, tastings, presentations;

Organize a seminar where everyone can receive information on products of interest;

New products advertised in the media must appear on store shelves;

Set up a department with eco-products;

Establish partnerships with medical or fitness institutions that will help ensure a huge flow of clients;

Introduce your own brand to store shelves.

5. Woman's independence

Women can often make their own decisions about making large purchases, or their opinion plays out important role. This is especially true in areas such as purchasing jewelry and choosing a tour. Therefore, consultants should pay proper attention to the fair sex.

How to use it in business:

Open retail establishments aimed at serving a female audience, for example, a car dealership with women's cars, a service center for women, etc.;

Conduct targeted training for staff to work with a female audience: psychology of clients, psychotypes, setting standards for service to the fair sex, and so on.

6. Separation of buyers according to purchasing power

The widening gap between classes of the population (middle, working, elite) is also reflected in the characteristics of trade turnover. Low incomes, uncertainty about the future - all this leads to the fact that many people are not ready to pay a high amount for certain high-quality goods. A class of consumers has formed who, when making purchases, focus on the minimum price. At the same time, such consumers do not have loyalty to a certain point, and also have no inclination to store the product if its consumer qualities deteriorate. For example, many people throw away clothes, various household appliances when breakdowns occur, instead of sending them in for repairs.

Business ideas. What ideas to use for business:

Open a store aimed at buyers who choose the lowest price. Main feature- no need to advertise, potential clients They will find it themselves if prices are at the same level or lower than those of competitors.

Open a highly specialized store aimed at a specific audience, who care primarily about quality and certain consumer properties;

Develop a focus on a potential audience, offering, for example, the lowest price or making exclusive offers to retain regular customers.

7. Penetration of the Internet into all areas of human life

The Internet has penetrated almost all areas of our lives. Global network- a powerful tool that must be used to increase profits.

Basic ideas for business promotion:

Launch a parallel electronic version of the store.

8. Retro fashion

The rapid development of technology is accompanied by an interesting effect: everything more people are fond of antiquity.

This is a gold mine that you can't help but take advantage of:

Open a retro store where fans of nostalgia can buy everything from a gramophone and radio tape recorder to boilers;

Start selling (you can via the Internet) collectible toys;

Open a store with stylized furniture or household appliances;

Start selling vintage clothing and accessories.

9. Rational behavior of buyers

In the last few years, buyers have become noticeably more rational when shopping. The decision to buy or not is no longer influenced by the advice of consultants and flashy promotions.

How to solve the problem in your favor:

Change the approach to clients, change the training of salespeople and consultants;

Give the buyer the freedom he strives for - open self-service stores;

In the description of the product, tell about the options for its use;

Change the bonus system based on revenue for client retention;

At the store, open a service center for maintenance or repair - it is more convenient for the buyer to go to the store than to look for a specialized service center;

Offer customers a lifetime service support program;

Expand the range, which will attract new customers and increase turnover.

Maybe look at "" as well?

If you have a desire to invest in a profitable business, you can always buy a business in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Also you can expand existing enterprise or sell the business to receive a substantial lump sum.

Now it’s easier to buy or sell a business in Kazakhstan

The organization of such transactions is becoming popular in the country. This allows you to reorganize and expand your business in Kazakhstan without losses: the seller does not lose the result of his efforts, and the buyer saves time by not spending it on registration and organizational issues.

Positive consequences can be different - depending on what goal you set for yourself. If you sell a business, you receive a one-time income for it. If you buy, it gives you the opportunity to expand existing business in Astana or another city in the country.

Acquisition of an existing business through the website website

In order not to risk your interests, reputation and finances, it is better to make such a transaction with the participation of a professional intermediary. This is not a virtual “bulletin board”. This is a full-fledged business platform where people interested in making mutually beneficial transactions find each other.

Through this site you can purchase an enterprise of any specificity and any scale. Here you can place information so that the shortest possible time sell operating business, already created by you.

Advantages of applying for a ready-made business on a website website

The service provided by the site has the following advantages:

  • The interface is simple and clear.
  • Offers are updated every day.
  • Contact details of participants are posted.
  • Easily find small businesses or large enterprises.

You can make an appointment using the online form. Here you can also choose ready business or post your own data (confidentiality guaranteed). Don't forget to read the site rules and safety recommendations.

We have collected the most interesting business ideas in Kazakhstan in 2018 in one place. What business to open in 2018? Take a look right now and you will definitely find something interesting for yourself.

We offer ideas with any level of investment - from business from scratch to home-based individual entrepreneurs to large-scale projects with millions of investments and dozens of employees. For example, with us you will find projects for the implementation of your photos on the Internet before the production of building materials at a mini factory; from organizing children's leisure activities to opening your own store.

The website presents dozens of business ideas for you. We not only describe business ideas, but also write about how to start a business or why it is important to write a business plan. We also write about small businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the use of franchising to develop your own business. Don't know how to start a business from scratch? Read articles on how to open an individual entrepreneur and how to open a limited liability partnership in Kazakhstan. Examples of small and medium-sized businesses in Almaty, Astana and the regions. State support, benefits, Damu program and payback periods.

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The crisis has changed the situation on the Kazakhstan market. New enterprises are opening and old enterprises are closing. The economic recession has reduced purchasing power, but has opened up new types of activities for Kazakh businessmen. The good geographical location of the country ensured the penetration of ideas of Western and Eastern culture into it. This benefits commerce: business ideas for beginners in Kazakhstan are imported from Europe, Turkey, Russia, and China.

New business ideas for farmers

In 2015-2016, the national currency weakened, and good imported products became more expensive. This affected greens, fruits, vegetables, and berries. Shop and restaurant owners have to literally look for farms that could supply fresh and inexpensive locally produced food. Therefore, small (and over time - serious) farming, specializing in environmentally friendly and dietary products, is a promising business idea for Kazakhstan.

There is a growing interest in healthy dietary nutrition in the country, so quail farms are replacing pig farms. The advantage of a new business is profitability (pays for itself in 2-3 months) and novelty (competition is not yet off the charts). Also, a preferential tax regime has been opened for entrepreneurial farmers in the country.

To keep the birds you will need cages (one male and three females are kept in one cage). They are installed in a warm room with good ventilation. The number of individuals depends on the size of the premises and the availability of available workers (traditionally, the quail business is a family affair). The larger the livestock, the higher the income. It is brought by eggs and the sale of “extra” birds for meat (males and those females who have been laying eggs for a long time are subjected to this fate). To raise young birds on their own, an entrepreneur will need an incubator.

In 30 days, one quail produces 20-25 eggs and eats 750 g of food. The cost of food (at a price of 1 kg of 30 tenge) will be 2,250 tenge. Payment utilities, veterinary medicine, transportation - 20,000 tenge. In total, 22,250 tenge will be needed per month. for a mini-farm of 100 heads. At the same time, a dozen eggs cost 200-300 tenge. - thus, 100 birds will bring 2,500 eggs or 50,000 tenge per month. (excluding carcasses sold for meat).

Important to know! To sell eggs, the entrepreneur will be asked for permission from the SES.

2. Making herbal tea

You can start a business from scratch with tea. A medicinal drink made from natural herbs is in demand in various countries; in Kazakhstan there are conditions to open a similar business without high costs. The main plants that are collected for tea are white cinquefoil and fireweed (another name is fireweed).