“Borisoglebsk” and “Mercury”: what new electronic warfare systems are capable of. Russian electronic warfare "Mercury" explodes guided missiles in flight Mercury weapons

When they talk about updating weapons and military equipment almost in the first place they mean the combat means of this type of troops. Electronic warfare units are where innovation comes first. Suppression of radio and electronic control, communications and reconnaissance, protection of one’s systems from the same impact from the enemy - all this requires not only modern equipment, but also the most reliable one, capable of operating in combat conditions. Open and destroy During the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, the author of these lines had to deal more than once with the results of the work of our electronic warfare units. Suppression of activity in militant radio networks, targeted radio interceptions, blocking signals from radio fuses of explosive devices - all this was the scope of the tasks of specialists of this type of troops. It was from an intercepted satellite phone signal that in April 1996 it was possible to detect the militant leader Dzhokhar Dudayev, who was hiding from federal troops in mountainous regions Chechnya. A targeted airstrike was instantly launched at the established coordinates. As a result, that contact turned out to be the last in his life for the Ichkerian leader...Not so long ago, the United Instrument-Making Corporation, as part of a large-scale program for re-equipping the Russian armed forces, completed the first stage of deliveries of the Borisoglebsk-2 multifunctional electronic warfare system. It is intended to equip units tactical level: electronic warfare company included in the staff of motorized rifle brigades. The complex can be used for radio reconnaissance, suppression of HF and VHF communication lines, and can be used not only for ground-based, but also for aviation communication sources. “Borisoglebsk-2” also easily jams subscriber lines cellular communication, blocks radio navigation systems, operates in a wide range of radio frequencies. It independently and automatically scans large areas, revealing both entire radio networks and single communication sources. The number of tasks simultaneously solved by Borisoglebsk exceeds three dozen! The powerful tracked base of MTLB transporters, on which the stations of this complex are mounted, and the armored hull allow Borisoglebsk to work in areas as close as possible to the front line, without fear of off-road conditions or coming under fire. The deployment time of the stations after the march does not exceed 15 minutes. The United Instrument-Making Corporation emphasizes that the latest technical solutions have been implemented in the Borisoglebsk-2 complex. The emphasis is on automation: thanks to it, in particular, it was possible to more than double the range of scouted and suppressed frequencies. “For the first time, the operation of all means is ensured according to a single algorithm,” emphasizes Mikhail Artemov, chief designer of electronic warfare equipment of the United Instrument-Making Corporation. “This allows, for example, to identify the most important enemy radio-electronic targets and concentrate efforts on them. I will say that in its tactical and technical characteristics, Borisoglebsk-2 not only corresponds to the best foreign analogues, but also significantly surpasses them in a number of parameters. Today our complex is capable of suppressing all modern means radio communications of the world." Invisible "Mercury" The Rtut-BM electronic warfare system is not so universal, but its importance on the battlefield cannot be overestimated. The system is tailored to the solution specific task: disable radio fuses of ammunition and explosive devices activated remotely. In fact, the complex acts as an element of protection for armored vehicles, as well as shelters and engineering structures. It neutralizes artillery shells even before they touch the target. It is unrealistic to monitor the work of “Mercury” in combat use mode. This is beyond the reach of human senses. Suffice it to say that the time to determine the frequency at which the radio fuse of a flying projectile operates does not exceed a microsecond, and the formation of a response signal is milliseconds. At the same time, “Mercury” is capable of overcoming even the protected control system of ammunition flying towards the target, sending signals to detonate it. It looks fantastic, but it is a fact: for the operation of the complex, human participation is practically not required or is reduced to a minimum. The stations automatically scan the area, working both in standstill mode and on the move. "Mercury" can also be used as a reconnaissance device, revealing enemy radio frequencies without giving away its scanners. A special feature of “Mercury” is the ability to detonate ammunition during salvo or rapid fire, and to destroy shells from MLRS systems. According to experts, one “Mercury-BM” complex is capable of covering the area where troops are located total area up to fifty hectares. The complex can also be used to jam frequencies on which the enemy conducts radio communications: the number of suppressed lines reaches up to six. The system, like the Borisoglebsk, is mounted on a lightweight armored tracked chassis MTLB, thanks to which it can handle any roads or the absence of them. The combat crew consists of two people, and the deployment time of the complex does not exceed ten minutes. Real time Over the past three years, domestic manufacturers have supplied the troops with 22 Rtut-BM complexes, and by the end of this year the armed forces will be replenished with another 21 complexes. The number of Borisoglebsk-2 systems delivered to the Russian army during 2014–2015 exceeds ten. As the deputy notes general director"United Instrument-Making Corporation" Reserve Lieutenant General Sergei Skokov, a full-fledged update of equipment in the electronic warfare forces is happening for the first time in 20-25 years. Moreover, according to Sergei Ivanovich, the geography of the current renovation is quite wide: “from Blagoveshchensk to Kaliningrad.” Naturally, the new equipment is not in formations and military units as exhibits. Thus, during the recent large-scale strategic command and control unit “Center-2015”, about 150 units of military and special electronic warfare equipment, as well as various air- and ground-based electronic warfare systems, were involved in carrying out practical tasks. According to the press service of the Central Military District, about half of the attracted military and special electronic warfare equipment was the latest designs, which entered the troops in 2014–2015. “The widespread use of promising models of electronic warfare equipment made it possible to solve problems of conditionally covering troop groups during marches from aerial radar reconnaissance, targeted air strikes and radio-controlled mine-explosive devices of a mock enemy,” the headquarters emphasized Central Military District. By the way, at the Center-2015 exercise, an automated command post for an electronic warfare brigade was deployed for the first time. New forms and methods of electronic warfare were tested, such as electronic strikes and electronic information blocking of terrain areas. To protect against radio-controlled land mines, operators of mobile radio jamming systems carried out continuous scanning of the routes of advance of military columns. Today the army itself is preparing specialists to work on the new equipment. Thus, the Interspecific Center for Training and Combat Use in Tambov last year trained more than a thousand specialists to work on four dozen types of electronic warfare and integrated equipment technical control. One of the main features of this issue was training specifically for the operation of new electronic warfare systems - “Rtut-BM”, “Borisoglebsk-2” and others. Another element of the training was the “Electronic Frontier” field training competition held in the electronic warfare troops. Since last year, funds from the Borisoglebsk-2 complex have been involved in its stages.

DATA FOR 2014 (standard update)
Station 1L29 / SPR-2 "Rtut-B"
Station 1L262 / SPR-2M "Rtut-BM" / RB-321B

Electronic warfare station / jamming station for radio fuses (SPR). Developed in the 1980s by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute "Gradient", chief designer - V.G. Lopatin. Serial production began at the Bryansk Electromechanical Plant until 1991.

On May 25, 2011, State Contract No. 249/7/C/11-12 was concluded between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Gradient Research Institute for the supply of 5 1L262 stations in the amount of 718.4 million rubles. Deliveries of products were expected in two batches - until 10/25/2011 and until 09/25/2012 (). Since 2011, the stations have been assembled by the Kazan Optical-Mechanical Plant (KOMZ). On June 27, 2011, a contract was concluded between KOMZ and Muromteplovoz OJSC for the supply of 11 MT-LBUs with modifications for the installation of equipment for 1L262 stations (). The manufacturer of equipment for stations 1L29 and 1L262 is NPO Kvant (Veliky Novgorod). At the beginning of 2013, the contract for the supply of 5 stations was not fulfilled, the chassis were not accepted by military acceptance and were returned to the manufacturer by a court decision ().

The second contract for the supply of 1L262 stations was concluded between the Russian Ministry of Defense and KRET on April 23, 2012 for No. 227/ZA/2012/DRGZ (according to other sources - 249/7/C/12-6). further, between KRET and KOMZ on June 113, 2012, a contract was signed for the manufacture, adjustment and configuration of blocks and assemblies of 1L262 products in the amount of 734.2 million rubles. The deadline for delivery is October 2013 (). Apparently, we are talking about 6 stations (total, 5+6 = 11 units).

The third contract was concluded on February 7, 2014 between the Ministry of Defense and KRET for No. 14-4-51/46/ZA for the supply of jamming stations 1L262 (RB-321B) in the amount of 21 units. On February 12, 2014, a co-executive agreement was signed with NPO Kvant for the manufacture and supply of products. The cost of work on it is estimated at 1.395 million rubles, that is, 66.4 million rubles per product. By October 2015, 7 stations should be commissioned, a year later - the remaining 14. When installing the equipment of 1L262 products, repairable MT-LBu tracked chassis will be used, released from under the 1V12(M) kits, transferred by the Russian Ministry of Defense. At the same time, this price does not include a significant amount of customer-supplied property independently purchased by the Concern from contractors and then transferred to KOMZ for use in the process of manufacturing modules. It includes: radio station R-168, control panel R-168PU2, filter unit R-168BAF, antenna R-168BShDA, air conditioner KTS-1, equipment AVSK-B, operating system, instrument complex PKUZ-1A, telephone set TA- 88, data transmission and synchronization equipment, a small-sized charger (all one unit for each station), TEN-45.5A and radio station R-168-01 - two products each ().

Model of the station vehicle 1L262 / SPR-2M "Rtut-BM" at the MAKS-2013 air show, August 2013 (photo - A.V. Karpenko, http://bastion-karpenko.ru/, processed).

The SPR-2 station is designed to protect manpower and equipment from the fire of mass-produced artillery ammunition equipped with radio fuses, by interfering with it for the purpose of premature detonation at a safe height or blocking it (transition to strike action) and is used to cover first-echelon units, command points, launch positions of launchers, areas of concentration of troops and military equipment in crossing areas, as well as covering mobile objects ().

Jamming is provided (station SPR-2, ):
-timely detection of radiation from radio fuses and interference with it in a time of no more than 1.5-2 s;
- determining the carrier frequency of radio fuses and generating counter-interference with an error of no more than 200-300 Hz;
- excess of the interference level above the threshold level during the signal accumulation time in the integrating device of the radio fuse.

One of the main components of the station is a search receiver, which first roughly and then accurately determines the carrier frequency of the radio fuse and then reproduces it while maintaining the phase characteristics of the received signal. In this case, the frequency measurement time does not exceed several tens of microseconds, and its reproduction time can reach several ms, which allows the formation of quasi-continuous interference. To increase the probability of suppression, the return interference is modulated with a Doppler frequency (station SPR-2, ).

It provides suppression of autodyne single-frequency radio fuses, including fuses with special anti-interference channels. The station's equipment operates automatically, including while in motion (station SPR-2,).

- automatic prohibition of interference emission from interfering signals in their corresponding frequency channels for a set time interval;
- reconnaissance mode (without interference radiation);
- information about the frequency channels through which signals are received;


1L29 / SPR-2 SPR-2M
BTR-70 and BTR-80 MT-LBu

TTX stations:
1L29 / SPR-2 1L262 / SPR-2M
Crew 4 people ()
2 people
Power supply from a built-in unit or from the vehicle’s electrical network
Angle of rotation of the antenna device +-150 degrees +-150 degrees
Operating frequency range 95-420 MHz 95-420 MHz
Interference coverage area 20-60 Ha 20-50 Ha
Equivalent sensitivity 100-110 dB/W 95-110 dB/W
Electronic countermeasures potential not less than 300 W 250 W
Probability of suppression not less than 0.8 not less than 0.8
Number of suppressed VHF radio lines - 3-6
Continuous operation time at least 6 hours at least 6 hours
Station deployment time no more than 4 minutes () up to 10 min
terms of Use from -40 to +50 degrees C from -40 to +50 degrees C

- 1L29 / SPR-2 "Rtut-B" - the first model of the SPR-2 station on the BTR-70 chassis. Adopted by the USSR Armed Forces until 1991.

- 1L262 / SPR-2M "Rtut-BM" (possibly earlier 1RL29M2, ) - a modernized version of the station, made on a new element base. In addition to radio fuses, the station is capable of suppressing VHF radio communications. Tests completed in 2012. First deliveries to the Russian Armed Forces - 2013.

A vehicle of the electronic warfare complex 1L262 "Rtut-BM" in a stowed position, presumably on display on the territory of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute "Gradient" or BEMZ, summer 2013 or earlier (http://militaryphotos.net).

- 1L262E - export version of the 1L262 station.

- 2011 - under the contract between the Ministry of Defense and VNII "Gradient" for the supply of 5 1L262 stations, the average cost of the station was 718.4 million rubles / 5 = 143.7 million rubles. The cost of the MT-LBu chassis in the same year was 9.8 million rubles. ().

Status: USSR / Russia
- 2013 - KRET supplied the Russian Armed Forces with 10 1L262 stations, thereby fulfilling the 2013 State Defense Order for these stations.

Receipts of 1L262 stations in the Russian Armed Forces:

Karpenko A.V. Station for jamming radio fuses of artillery ammunition SPR-2 "Rtut-B" and 1L262E "Rtut-BM". 2013 ().
Products of the Concern "Radioelectronic Technologies", 2014 ().
Station for jamming radio fuses SPR-2 "Rtut-B". 2009 ().

In November last year, Concern Radioelectronic Technologies (KRET) reported on the fulfillment of the state defense order for electronic warfare (EW) vehicles 1L262 Rtut-BM. By the end of autumn, the concern had built and handed over to the military 10 vehicles of the new model, which were soon distributed among the electronic warfare units of the armed forces. A few months later, in May 2014, exercises of electronic warfare troops took place in the Tambov region, in which, apparently, the equipment of the new model was used for the first time. In addition, during these exercises, one of the Rtut-BM vehicles for the first time appeared not in the official photo and video materials of the manufacturer.

On May 18, NTV channel in the “Today” program. Final Issue" showed a report on the exercises of electronic warfare troops, which demonstrated various types of equipment delivered to recent years. Among other vehicles, the Rtut-BM electronic warfare vehicle was captured for the first time. The newest car, leaving behind a cloud of dust, spectacularly drove past the camera several times. Such a demonstration was the first time that “Rtut-BM” was captured by journalists and was shown to the general public not in official promotional materials. It should be noted that for some reason this report went almost unnoticed in May. About the first fact of the demonstration new technology They only remembered it on television at the end of July.

From last year’s KRET report it follows that the number of Rtut-BM vehicles in the Russian armed forces is still small. It is known that the first batch of ten cars was transferred. In addition, another prototype vehicle could have been transferred to the troops a year earlier, but there is no confirmation of this. In the future, serial production of new equipment will continue. Electronic warfare troops will receive several new vehicles every year. Probably, the production rate will not exceed 10-12 cars per year.

The 1L262 "Rtut-BM" complex (alternative designation SPR-2M) is a self-propelled electronic warfare system on an MT-LBu tracked chassis. The main purpose of the radio-electronic equipment installed on a tracked vehicle is to counter enemy guided weapons, as well as ammunition equipped with radio fuses. "Rtut-BM" is a further development of the 1L29 "Rtut-B" complex, created in the eighties. The development of both machines of the family was carried out by the Gradient Research Institute. According to available data, serial production of 1L262 machines is carried out by several enterprises: the base MT-LBu chassis is supplied by the Muromteplovoz plant (Murom), radio-electronic equipment is manufactured at NPO Kvant (Veliky Novgorod), and the final assembly is carried out by the Kazan Optical Plant mechanical plant.

The main task of the 1L262 vehicles is to protect troops from enemy artillery fire using shells equipped with radio fuses. During operation, the electronic warfare equipment of the vehicle detects enemy ammunition, determines the carrier frequency of its radio fuse, after which it jams the corresponding frequency and high power. As a result of such an impact, the radio fuse of the enemy projectile either detonates the ammunition at a relatively safe height, or is turned off and the projectile will be detonated using a contact fuse. In both cases, the threats to the covered troops are greatly reduced.

The electronics of the Rtut-BM complex operate in automatic mode and are capable of performing all necessary operations automatically. According to available data, it takes no more than a few fractions of a second to interfere with a car. The frequency of the radio fuse is determined with an accuracy of several hundred hertz. Determining the carrier frequency of a radio fuse takes no more than a few tens of microseconds. The interference is emitted for several milliseconds intermittently, thereby creating an almost continuous signal that provides the proper effect on the radio fuse.

At the same time, the 1L262 complex is capable of suppressing up to six radio channels with a probability of neutralizing the radio fuse of up to 0.8. This ensures the possibility of continuous operation for six hours. It takes no more than 10 minutes to deploy the complex. During operation, the Rtut-BM electronic warfare vehicle can protect troops over an area of ​​20 to 50 hectares.

The equipment of the Rtut-BM complex is installed on the MT-LBu tracked chassis. Most of the electronic equipment is located inside the armored hull. Outside there is a telescopic mast with a set of antennas. Thanks to the use of new equipment built on a modern element base, it was possible to halve the crew of the vehicle in comparison with the previous Rtut-B vehicle. The 1L262 electronic warfare vehicle is operated by two people (driver and systems operator).

According to the Radioelectronic Technologies Concern, the need of the Russian armed forces for the Rtut-BM complexes is estimated at at least 100 vehicles. In addition, the complex has good potential for international market weapons and military equipment. On at the moment The electronic warfare forces have at least ten 1L262 vehicles, as well as a number of older equipment for a similar purpose, the 1L29 “Rtut-B” model. In the foreseeable future, contracts for the supply of new Rtut-BM machines should be signed.

Based on materials from sites:






At the international aviation and space salon MAKS-2015 in Zhukovsky, the KRET holding demonstrated a station for jamming radio fuses of artillery ammunition 1L262E “Rtut-BM”.
SPR-2M "Rtut-BM" is a modern modernization of the SPR-2 radio jamming station for ammunition using new equipment. The reliability of the system has been increased, and also expanded functionality. Added function to suppress radio communication lines on VHF frequencies.
The Rtut-BM combat vehicle is a means of electronic warfare and is designed to protect manpower and equipment from the fire of mass-produced artillery ammunition equipped with radio fuses, by interfering with it for the purpose of premature detonation at a safe height or blocking it (transition to impact action).
SPR-2M "Rtut-BM" is used to cover first-echelon units, command posts, launching positions of launchers, areas of concentration of troops and military equipment in crossing areas, as well as cover mobile objects.

On the air of one of the TV channels this year, for the first time, the newest combat vehicle SPR-2M “Rtut-BM” was publicly shown, which is designed to reduce the impact of the damaging elements of artillery shells and explosive devices.
One combat vehicle is capable of ensuring the safety of troops over an area of ​​50 hectares.

SPR-2M "Rtut-BM" is a modern modernization of the SPR-2 radio jamming station for ammunition using new equipment.
The reliability of the system has been increased, and the functionality has been expanded. Added function to suppress radio communication lines on VHF frequencies.

The Rtut-BM vehicle is an electronic warfare device and is designed to reduce the impact of the damaging elements of artillery shells on friendly troops and armored vehicles by influencing the operating mode of the radio fuse.
SPR-2 is capable of detonating a projectile at a safe height or switching the radio fuse operating mode to contact.

The Rtut-BM complex is capable of counteracting not only radio fuses. If necessary, it can be used to jam the frequencies on which the enemy conducts radio communications.
The main place of use is first-echelon troops, command posts, troop concentration areas and launchers.
Also, "Rtut-BM" can be used to cover moving objects at crossing points.

It was developed on the basis of the BTR-70 armored personnel carrier.
Subsequently, the SPR-2 equipment began to be installed on a more advanced chassis - the BTR-80 armored personnel carrier.
VNII Gradient developed a modernized version of the Rtut-BM station based on the MT-LB tracked chassis.

This provided the station with high mobility, as well as the ability to conduct combat work on the move. Thus, it became possible to use the station to protect fixed and mobile military installations, including during combat operations. In addition, these properties determined the high survivability of the station in conditions of electronic and fire counteraction from the enemy.

The “Rtut-BM” complex has been developed and produced at KRET enterprises since 2011 and is one of the most modern systems EW.

The combat crew consists of two people, and the deployment time of the complex does not exceed 10 minutes.
In service Russian army There are already several dozen such complexes.
