Remote work exchanges for translators. Tips for a beginner freelance translator

Hello, fellow translator. In this article I will review online exchanges for freelance translators that exist on at the moment. Let's look at their pros and cons, and how best to make money on each of them.

Let's start with a light warm-up - let's go through the exchanges where all freelancers in general, and not just translators, find work.

General thematic exchanges – a game with serious stakes is considered almost an elite exchange for freelancers. Somehow it turned out that people who know their worth gather there. And there are also customers there who are willing to pay this price.

This may be due to the fact that on this exchange all freelancers need to pay a certain fee in order to be able to see most of the orders. This immediately cuts off the majority of newcomers and those who are simply not confident in their abilities.

If you look at the list of freelance translators on this site, you will understand what I'm talking about.

Translators here charge quite serious prices for their services. And most importantly, these translators have a long track record. That is, they are not sitting without work.

Another advantage of this translator exchange is the system of secure transactions. This is when the customer does not pay you directly, but first transfers money to his account on the website, where it is “frozen”.

After the work is completed, the customer checks to see if everything suits him, and after the order is approved, the money is transferred to your account. Yes, you have to pay some kind of commission for this. But it's worth it. At least the customer will not disappear with the money in an unknown direction.

And it’s easier for the customer to decide to contact a person whom he sees for the first time in his life. Personally, when I placed orders on this exchange (though not on the translation topic), I always worked only through a secure transaction.

To summarize, is quite suitable for you if you have a good “background” and you understand exactly what and why you are doing in the translation market. By the way, many customers are not even aware that specialized translation exchanges exist, and therefore they immediately go here. – a shelter for a poor translator

Initially, was an exchange for copywriters and rewriters. And until now, the lion’s share of orders there is placed specifically for copywriters. Because of this, the exchange has its own characteristics.

Firstly, performers and customers gather there very inexpensively. That is, this bird is the complete opposite of the one we considered in the previous paragraph. And all because copywriting is considered the most unskilled job in the text field. Anyone who can type on a computer can do copywriting. They are, in fact, doing it.

And the customers of such copywriters are webmasters who fill their sites with texts for promotion. And it's very fashionable among webmasters to brag to each other about how little they pay their copywriters.

One says - I pay only 50 rubles for 1000 characters. Another - and I only 30 rubles. Third - I buy Doshirak for mine once a week, and he works happy.

This attitude carries over to translators. See for yourself the prices at which orders are placed there.

The second point is that transfers on this exchange are mostly made for the same webmasters. That is, site owners fill their resources not just with some texts, but with translations foreign articles. This, by the way, is already considered “chic” among them.

For you, as a translator, this will mean the following - most likely you will be asked not only to translate, but also to optimize the translation for certain key queries. And among the assessments of the quality of your text, there will also be such a thing as “text uniqueness”.

The acceptable level of uniqueness is indicated separately in the order. Usually this is 95-97%. That is, before submitting the translation, you will still need to go to some anti-plagiarism site and check the level of uniqueness.

On the positive side, anyone, even the most novice, can find a job here. And it's not just about the price. Due to the nature of translation orders on this site, you can act very freely with the original text.

No one will demand from you an exact match of meanings and language structures. The main thing is that it is written “smoothly”. Such translation sometimes turns into “freewriting” (this is from my own experience - I once translated articles for my website =)

Thus, if you are just taking your first steps in the profession and want to additionally gain SEO optimization skills, this exchange is quite suitable for you.

Specialized translation exchanges

The meaning of creating specialized translation exchanges is very clear to the creators of these exchanges themselves. If they made another platform for “freelancers in general,” they would have to compete with hundreds of exchanges. Including such “monsters” as

But from the point of view of translators and clients, such an idea is doubtful. Why go to a narrow exchange if there is a wide one that is already known to everyone? The only correct answer to this question is only if this specialized site has some functionality that is needed specifically for this area.

But on general exchanges there is no such functionality, because for the other 99 freelance specialties it is not needed.

So, let's first look at one specialized translation exchange, which does not have any such special functionality =)

As I understand it, the translation exchange was born around mid-2015. At least, the first entry on their blog dates back to June 2015. I spent a long time browsing this site, but I still couldn’t find how it differs from other exchanges (except for the fact that they don’t allow anyone except translators).

The level of translators there is very different. There are people who translate 200 rubles per page. There are those who translate 2000 rubles per page. There are a lot of both of them.

But on the contrary, there are very few orders. I calculated that approximately 2 new orders appear on this site per day. You won't have much fun. Accordingly, for each order there is a huge queue of people willing to fulfill it.

The next interesting point is that you don’t even need to register on the site to view the contact details of the translators. Everything there is in the public domain.

Thus, in my opinion, this is not even an exchange, but simply a directory of translators. I, as a customer, see the benefit of being able to go there, choose a translator for a rare language, and contact him directly.

By the way, there are quite a lot of translators there. And to stand out among this crowd, you are offered to buy a PRO account. Then you will be listed more often and higher than other freelancers. It's not very expensive.

What’s most interesting is that on this exchange there is no specialized functions. It doesn't even have the features that other general freelance marketplaces have. For example, there is no safe transaction. That is, both customers and translators are there on their own - at their own peril and risk.

I hope you found this review helpful.

See you soon!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

At the beginning of its professional activity Any freelance translator faces various problems. Some recommendations and advice for beginning translators can help in mastering this type of activity.

The principle of achieving success in work is efficiency, which has its own specific characteristics.

  • Knowledge of any foreign language.
  • Perfect knowledge of the native language.
  • Knowledge of the subject of translation.

It is important for the translator to understand how much text he is ready to translate for a certain time unit, which is then valued in currency and shows the profitability of the translator’s work for himself.

If a freelance translator does not have a diploma, for example in financial or legal translation, he may set himself the goal of obtaining such a diploma or improving his language skills in the various areas in which he will be translating. Many professional translators work without a diploma, being only native speakers. Only the quality of the work performed matters.

Where can I look for a job as a translator?

  1. Many experienced translators advise starting your search with a translation agency. You should not take a passive position by posting your resume on job search sites; send it directly to a translation agency in your city; usually they are willing to cooperate with novice specialists.
  2. If you want to deal with direct customers, pay attention to freelance exchanges. Particular attention should be paid to specialized services, such as the open translator exchange and These exchanges stand out in that they allow you to post your open contact information and receive orders directly, without overpaying intermediaries.

Important tips that can be given to a beginning freelance translator are:

  1. Improving language skills and acquiring new knowledge. If you follow these tips, you won't have any problems when doing translation work as a freelancer.
  2. Thinking outside the box to find clients who need the knowledge of a freelance translator. There are always customers, but finding them requires effort.
  3. You cannot accept an order if it is too difficult to complete. All professionalism consists in refusing a proposed order if there is no translation experience in the proposed field. Honesty with the client is more valuable than an order taken and not fulfilled. The approach shows the translator’s awareness of his capabilities, which will promote trust in him on the part of customers.
  4. Discussion of emerging issues that will present the freelance translator as a scrupulous and thorough person who can be entrusted with the work. Professional translator does not guess the client’s wishes, but identifies possible difficulties and problems in the translation process and solves them together with the client.
  5. When performing specialized translations, especially those affecting the legal and medical spheres, the freelance translator must reproduce the author’s approach to the source text being processed. The task is not to literally reproduce the translation, but to convey the meaning of the text.
  6. The translator must remember that when working as a freelancer, he cannot use the help of a proofreader or editor, so he evaluates the style and grammar independently.

A freelance translator must remember that market principles operate in the modern translation industry. Exclusivity and quality of translation services will be in greater demand. Today there are much fewer good, competent translators than it seems. At the beginning of his work, a translator must remember that excellent prospects open up before him in the future.

Many people who started doing this kind of work earlier and have already received useful experience, are ready to help a translator starting his career, as well as to warn him against many mistakes during his work.

Do you know English or any other foreign language well? In that case, for you. And this can be called decent work on the Internet. After all, you can become a freelancer and work from home or any convenient place. In this article we will look at making money by translating texts and the main exchanges for receiving good income. This A great way for those who have special education or are fluent in a couple of languages.

First, it’s worth understanding what “text translation” is. As a rule, many people do not know English or any other language, and are looking for people who can short terms translate this or that text.

Move from thoughts to actions. For example, publish advertisements on special platforms, in particular:

  • Kwork is a freelance services store. Offer your services, receive orders and collect reviews;
  • – fill out the form and receive orders without intermediaries;
  • is another platform where you fill out a form and collaborate with customers.

Remember that when working directly with customers, there is a risk of falling for the tricks of scammers. Think carefully about the offer, ask for advance payment.

Specialized exchanges

Another way to make money on the Internet by translating texts is to register on copywriting and freelancing exchanges. Remember one thing: take as many orders as you can complete in a day or two. Don't try to please everyone at once. Better take one order, get it done quickly and with quality, and get on with the rest.

Top 12 sites to search for a job:

  • is a web service that allows translators to find work. Register and start searching.
  • – the exchange has a special section for translators. The cost depends on the level of difficulty. For a high one you can get from 100 rubles. for 1000 characters.
  • Advego – mainly orders for copywriting and rewriting, but there are also translation tasks.
  • is a freelance exchange that has a separate section for translator vacancies. Payment is negotiated individually.
  • is an international platform with simple registration. Here you can find translation work in various fields, for example, legal or medical.
  • – orders for microservices, rewriting and copywriting are most often placed on this site. However, requests for translations also appear.
  • is an international freelance exchange where vacancies for translators often appear. Here you can find good earnings on translation of texts from English into Russian.
  • is another large exchange. There is a lot of competition here, but this is not a reason not to try.
  • Weblancer – there is a section “Texts and translations”. Orders do not appear very often, but they can be found.
  • is an international exchange for translators.
  • is another international site.
  • is also an international platform.

Register on several exchanges at once to get access to a large number of tasks.

How to find your first order

Get it if you don't have it yet. Register on the exchanges you like. Fill out your profile and stay tuned for new vacancies. Offer your services to customers as quickly as possible. You may have to price lower than other freelancers at first. But it will increase your chances. After completing the work, be sure to exchange feedback with the customer so that your account gains credibility.

Useful video

We invite you to watch this video about making money by translating texts:

When and how much will you start earning?

How much can you earn? Mainly up to you. If you are not lazy and always “pick up” new orders, then you can earn decent money. But there is a proverb: “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.” So don’t try to take on all orders in a row, but rather complete a couple and get a stable income. Once you have a lot positive feedback and customer base you can already consider yourself successful.

True, success comes only to those who, when translating texts, do not try to do it “faster”. Analyze the text clearly, translate correctly and, most importantly, manage to invest in the time given by the customer. You can submit your order earlier, on the contrary, it will be a plus for you and many will note your sophisticated punctuality.

The main thing in such work is perseverance, interest, extensive knowledge of a foreign language and, of course, hard work. Remember that you are not translating the text to your teacher or classmate, but to people who rely on your knowledge and to people who either resell these texts or publish them in European newspapers or magazines.

So if you want to earn consistently at least 1000-2000 per week, then translating texts is the best option. It is also interesting and exciting, and in some cases it is a kind of “test” of your knowledge as a translator and so on. The main thing is not to be lazy and always be polite with the customer, and if your work is criticized, be able to accept it and not argue.

04/07/2018 at 10:29

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Many people who start their careers in remote work are faced with this type of income, such as translating texts for money. But not everyone understands who needs this and why, because the Internet is full of online services that will translate text from any language for free in a few seconds.

The fact is that online services are machines that cannot translate text as needed. So that people can then read and understand the full meaning of what they read. In such cases, customers turn to freelancers who can translate the text for money.

Is it possible to make money by translating texts?

The answer is, of course, yes. At the moment, a large number of webmasters need to translate texts for their websites. They kill two birds with one stone, go to foreign portals on similar topics to their site and copy texts in English.

There are special exchanges where there are a lot of tasks for translating texts, you need to register on them and start doing the work, but more on that below.

How much can you earn by translating texts?

Many people are wondering how much they can earn using this method of earning money. No one will tell you a specific answer, but I can tell you how much it costs.

If you are new to this field of activity and are not confident in your abilities, for you the price will be 30-100 rubles per 1000 characters (1 letter = 1 symbol).

Experienced translators who perform their work 100% receive up to 500 rubles for 1000 characters.

On average, a novice translator can translate 10,000 characters per day, if we take the minimum amount of 30 rubles, that turns out to be 300 rubles a day.

But in the first couple of your translator career, even if you are already a pro, you shouldn’t charge a high price. On remote work exchanges there are also competitors who are fighting for good orders and reduce the cost of their services.

So at the first stage it is better to make the price lower and win over your employers, who will work only with you in the future. And after some time, you will be able to raise the price for your services.

Tricks at work

At the beginning of the article, we already talked about online translator services, so with their help you can make your work a little easier. But for this you need to know the Russian language well.

Take the customer’s text and translate it using online service and then edit it yourself. That is, bring it to a readable form. For those who have copywriting skills, this will be easier than translating the text manually.

Where to make money translating texts: freelance exchanges

There are a lot of different freelance exchanges on the Internet, where there are a lot of text translation tasks. Below we will consider only the best and most reliable exchanges, so that no additional questions arise during the work process.


Etxt is a very popular freelance exchange that specializes specifically in content; you can earn money both by translating texts and by writing:

After registration, go to the “Other people’s orders” tab, there is a filter for orders, you can select “Transfer” and click search. Now just select an order and start fulfilling it.


Text is also a very well-known content exchange; the payment for text translation is much higher than on other exchanges. But the requirements for the text are stricter; the site also has a service for checking text for errors and uniqueness. Payments to Webmoney and QIWI wallets.


Advego is a very old exchange and very reliable, there are a lot of text translation tasks. Payments are made to different payment systems, including bank cards.


FL is not exactly a content exchange, it is a universal freelance exchange, where there are a lot of tasks of various kinds, from creating websites to translating texts. There are a lot of employers, but also a lot of performers. For more productive work, it is better to take a paid account, then you will have more privileges.


Kwork is a kind of service store, where all services cost 500 rubles, you can post your service, for example, translation of 5000 characters for 500 rubles. There are a lot of customers there, so I think you will find a job.

Where else can you find customers?

If content exchanges are not enough for you or you simply don’t want to work there for some reason, there is another good way where to find customers.

To do this, you can use free message boards and post information about yourself there. Add a photo and examples of work, then just wait for calls and offers. Working directly with customers is more profitable, but more dangerous, because you will not have any guarantee that you will be paid. And not many people agree to work with prepayment, because they are afraid that they will be deceived.

In cases of working on exchanges, you will avoid such problems, you can always contact the site administration and solve the problem, and many exchanges have a safe transaction.

Translating texts for money: advantages and disadvantages of working as a translator + list of requirements + 7 exchanges where you can find earnings for translations + list teaching aids.

As Roger Bacon said: “Knowledge of languages ​​is the path to wisdom.” But in our case, this is also a way to get money.

Now that the borders of all countries are open to foreign visitors, and the exchange of information occurs spontaneously, linguistic knowledge has become not so much a privilege as a necessity.

The demand for translator services is growing every year, which opens up new opportunities for additional income money.

There are many agencies and translation bureaus with full-time employees. But if you don’t have the desire or opportunity to sit in an office or are looking for extra money, try your hand at freelancing.

Applications for translation of texts for money available on online exchanges. All that is required of you is knowledge of your native and foreign languages, fluency in speech and several hours of free time a day.

There are different directions of translations, namely:

  • fiction (books, stories, compositions, essays);
  • technical (instructions, descriptions, brochures, patents);
  • scientific (articles, textbooks, manuals, reviews);
  • verbatim (agreements, contracts, letters);
  • translation of websites, forums, personal correspondence.

How to find orders for text translations for money?

There are several options for making money as a freelance translator.

Firstly, you can send your resume to a translation agency in your city.

Bureaus are in high demand. The number of orders and wages there are at a high level.

Secondly, you can get a job in a publishing house and translate books by foreign authors.

Communication with the employer can be maintained online.

Another option - search for proposals for text translation on freelance exchanges.

Here, wages may be slightly lower, but the advantage is remote employment.

TOP 7 exchanges for searching orders for text translation

No. 1. Bureau of technical and scientific translations Littera.

The site specializes in technical texts. The most popular languages ​​for translation: English, German, French and Japanese.

Applicants for vacancies must submit a resume and examples of their work. Availability required higher education and work experience in the specialty of at least 1 year.

The Litter exchange has set a threshold for the cost of services for customers. Price for translation into English and German languages amounts to 500 rubles for 1800 characters including spaces(1 page). Texts in French, Italian and Spanish are more expensive (600 rubles).

In the group of European languages, the highest paid ones are Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Greek, Danish (1,200 rubles). Among the eastern group, the most profitable ones include Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Farsi and Hindi (1,400 rubles).

The amount of money you receive for your work also depends on the direction of the transfer. For example, a text translated from Japanese into Russian is estimated at 1,000 rubles for 1 page, and from Russian into Japanese - 1,200 rubles for the same volume.