Statuses about happy love. Beautiful and philosophical statuses about a happy woman Beautiful statuses about happiness and love

Almost all misfortunes in life come from a false idea of ​​what happens to us. Consequently, deep knowledge of people and sound judgment about events bring us closer to happiness.


Happiness lies not in having what you want, but in wanting what you have.

And once upon a time, one ice cream was enough for us to be completely happy.

It's so good to be someone's forever.
And know that these are not empty words.
How to divide bread and soul and year.
Look into the eyes of immeasurably dear ones.
It's so good to be someone's forever.
And know that he won’t leave you, won’t deceive you.
And it will pull you out from under any ice.
And he will never stop loving...

Happiness is like a butterfly that cannot be caught while being chased. But which can sit on you if you sit quietly.

"Nathaniel Hawthorne"

Even if we cannot be happy, we should always be cheerful.

Happiness is not in money, but in how to increase it.

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved.

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that we are loved, loved for who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are.

"Victor Hugo"

When you are with your loved one, hours fly by like seconds.

Brains do not make a person happy, and happiness is the best thing on earth.

"Alexander Volkov"

I love you, my dear, and I don’t need to drink anymore, because it’s better to happily sail with you than with a glass of vodka in silence!

The highest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved. They love you for your own sake, or rather, they love you in spite of you.

The candle burned out at night, I was locked up. It seemed to me that everything was passing, that there was no life along the way. But my friend came and said: “You understand! That everything doesn’t come right away. There will be happiness ahead!

People take care of your happiness!

Sometimes seeing the person you miss madly is enough to make you happy.

Happiness is when you look at the bed and a little miracle lies there and smiles. Children are the greatest happiness we can have.

Happy hours are not observed.

Happiness comes out of nowhere, especially when you don't expect it.

Happiness does not depend on the amount of money! But it’s better to be sad in a Bentley than in a minibus!

Happiness is when you meet the sunrise lying on his shoulder and realize that you don’t need anything else.

Happy is the one who is completely sure that he is dearer to someone than anyone else in the world!

Happiness is an ideal not of reason, but of imagination.

Happiness is a station on the path between too little and too much.

"Channing Pollock"

People can be happy only if they do not consider happiness as the goal of life.

Money can't buy happiness - just look at current prices.

Great happiness does not happen immediately. Everything in this world needs to be earned. Then only the seeds of happiness sprout when you know how to value little things.

Happiness is a ball that we chase while it rolls and that we kick when it stops.

You are happiness. A little strange and incomprehensible, leading to nervous breakdowns and terrible fear, but happiness!

My life is when you are near. There is happiness, I don’t need anything else!

If you want to find happiness, stop thinking about gratitude and ingratitude and indulge in the inner joy that self-giving brings.

"Dale Carnegie"

Let's be happy? - How? - Together!

I don't need money, I don't need power. I want to remember how happiness laughs.

If instead of “thank you for your purchase” they wrote “thank you for being you” on bags and receipts, there would be more happy people in the world.

Lend me your happiness. At least for a couple of days.

There is a person in this world whose mere presence fills me with happiness.

Happiness, like a sunbeam, does not tolerate bad weather.

How much does a person need to be happy? - A lot. A whole other person.

The more expensive the watch on your wrist, the happier the time in which we live.

For me to be happy, I need only one condition - your presence in my life.

Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it’s nice to know that today you will be given a new fur coat, taken to a boutique and restaurant in a luxury car, and invited to go on a yacht ride on the weekend.

Can I please get some happiness on credit?

A happy girl is not the one who has many admirers, but the one who has one, besides whom she needs no one!

I was walking through the snow and fell, happiness hit my head, this happiness was you, my dear, I understand, come!

Fate is in my hands, and happiness is always with me.

Statuses about happiness

The happiest is the one who does not need happiness.

Happiness is when time stops.

To be happy, we should not be too concerned about others.

Happiness is when he, who will not be woken up even by alarm clocks, wakes up because I stopped hugging him.

The wickedest man's face lights up when he is told that he is loved. Therefore, this is happiness.

Happiness can't be found in money? Then give them to me!

Happiness! When it arrives, come in and stay for a week.

We have learned to imitate not only orgasms, but also happiness. Beautiful. Sincerely. Inimitable.

There is never too much happiness, that’s why I’m so small!

To be happy, a person needs confidence in the future, and to be in love, one needs uncertainty. Happiness is based on peace, while love requires doubts and worries. In general, marriage was intended for happiness, but not for love.

Without imperfection, happiness is imperceptible!


In youth it seems that there will be happiness, in old age it seems that there was happiness.

Do you want to be happy? Learn to suffer first.

The thirst for happiness never dries up in a person’s heart.

Happiness is tenderness collected from all corners of the earth and presented to a little miracle, whose eyes sparkle from the sun living inside!

If I eat some candy in the morning, I’ll be so happy!

You can only be small, happy and weak when there is a big and strong one next to you.

Happiness suddenly, in silence, knocked on the door.

Happiness should slip away, but at the same time be teasing and close, so that you don’t give up and have a desire to give it up. In all cases of overdose, pleasure becomes a habit, or even turns into its complete opposite. The rule that it is better to undereat than to overeat also applies here.

When will inventors come up with a happiness-seeking radar to find the point of accumulation of happiness and lead all the unfortunate people there?

If you are experiencing an amazing feeling of happiness and love, share it with your friends by posting it on your favorite page social network beautiful statuses. With this status you will give hope to everyone who experiences bitter disappointment in life: he will understand that everything in life will soon get better! The statuses we publish about happiness and love will help you too.

The happiness of a real girl lies in becoming a beautiful Bride, a beloved Wife and a happy Mother.

Happiness can be compared to the feeling of falling in love; it can last a couple of minutes, or some part of life.

I'm gonna be happy. I will be strong. You just need to wait a little.

Being loved is more than being rich. Because to be loved means to be happy. Money can't buy happiness...

Being loved is more than being rich, because being loved means being happy.

Happiness exists, it just comes to everyone at a different speed! Go meet him yourself!

Every second spent with you is a great happiness for me!

Happiness is waking up in the morning, seeing him sleeping next to him, hugging him and closing his eyes again

You shouldn’t try to make the whole world happy, you just need to help those around you.

What do I dream about? - Yes, just live... Breathe, love and know that I am loved! And appreciate every moment... Because our life is unique!

To hell with rose-colored glasses - they don’t suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being happy in the present. To hell with everything that happened - I'm happy!

People are looking for their half, so that when they find it, they don’t give it to anyone. It is happiness to be loved by someone. And the double thing is to love yourself.

All women in the world expect certain actions from men, and only a few notice and appreciate pleasant little things. These women are the happiest.

A woman needs to be loved so much that she cannot even imagine that someone else could love her even more.

I realized that there is not only one person in the Universe who can make me happy.

Love is a competition between a man and a woman to bring each other as much happiness as possible.

Strong coffee, favorite music, joy and tenderness in my soul... as before... happy...

To find out what happiness is, you don’t need to first do something bad and then return everything as it was.

Let everyone who reads this status be a little happier. Love and be loved, this is the greatest happiness

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, turn to him, kiss him quietly and suddenly I feel a strong hand gently pressing me to him, at that moment I understand what happiness is.

Happiness is when he sees her in the morning...sleepy, without makeup, in pajamas and still thinks that she is the most beautiful of his.

Becoming happy is not only finding happiness, but also feeling it.

The greatest happiness available to man - love - should serve as the source of everything sublime and noble.

Happiness is when they adjust your blanket at night and kiss you on the cheek, thinking that you are sleeping!

The happiest day in a girl's life is when she knows what to wear!

What a person needs in life, first of all, is happiness! But happiness is not given by money or fame. Happiness comes from two simple components: health and love! Therefore, I wish all my friends health, happiness and love!

Happiness consists of 4 parts: living parents, healthy children, a loved one and true friends!

What happiness is the inexhaustible ability to love and believe! Everything that is overshadowed by love is not subject to death. Romain Rolland

I'd like a ticket, please... -Where? -Where they don’t deceive, where they value, respect, where there is mutual love, luck, happiness...

You can’t drink the whole cup of happiness in life... But we still need two sips! One sip - love someone! Another sip is to be loved by someone!

Love is a competition between a man and a woman to bring each other as much happiness as possible!

Three things make a person happy: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel. I. Bunin

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love. Confucius

There are men who talk, talk, talk... and there are men who, without further ado, take the situation into their own hands and make you happy...

It is not the man who swears his love who loves you, but the one who silently makes you happy.

What is Happiness for you? -For me, Happiness is waiting and waiting. ...Knowing that someone who loves is nearby - that’s what happiness is. Everything is so banal! Elchin Safarli “I will return”

To love and be his beloved! This is happiness!)))

Happy is not the one who has many fans. And the one who has one person, besides whom no one is needed.

As Carlson said: “How to make people happy? We need to give them joy, love and some jam!”)))

When someone loves you, and when you make someone happy, you suddenly start feeling like the most beautiful person in the world. Angelina Jolie

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that we are loved, loved for who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are.

I loved... I cried... I was waiting for something... I sent... I forgot... And I’m happy!!!)))

Happiness can be compared to the feeling of falling in love - it can last a couple of minutes, or maybe some part of your life.

In friendship, as in love, people are happy because they do not know the whole truth about a loved one!

Happiness exists only when there is someone to share it with.

Happiness is the confidence that you love...

Your smile is a reason to be the happiest on earth, every minute I fall in love with you even more...

Happiness is when you lie next to her and watch the stars fall, and at the same time you don’t make a single wish because you have her.

Well, how can you save happiness in the world? And you listen to your heart and hear: - While you are breathing, you are just breathing, But as long as you love, you are living.

Don’t be afraid to love and be more generous in your feelings... Happy is the one who gives out love endlessly... After all, our souls become scarce from the stinginess of feelings... And from the paucity of souls, our hearts become coarser...

There are such eyes in the world that when you look at them, you don’t mind dying. Even if the sun is not shining, you will look at them and feel hot. And from birth people look for them, there is warmth in them and when there is bad weather, those are the eyes of the one who loves us! This is reflected in them - happiness!

Happiness is falling in love with a person who already loves you...

Think about it, isn’t it happiness when you have one beloved girl who waits and loves, believes, dreams... A small miracle in your life. And you are just a fool if you exchanged her for a herd of shabby girls who are not of the first freshness...

Statuses about love and happiness

Happiness is a dish for two... it simply cannot be any other way.

You are my happiness called “love”.

I'm a happy person. Just seeing your dear face is enough for me to understand what I live for.

Some people need expensive cars, apartments, fashionable things to be happy. And for me to be happy, I need your love.

When your family, loved ones and friends love you, this is real happiness.

If you love the person with whom you live and do not consider yourself happy, then you should not despair, because there is only one happiness, and it cannot be broken, after a while it will definitely visit your home.

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved...

I want to be the reason for your happiness!

A man who truly makes a woman happy is one for whom love is not a passion, but an art!

If they ask me what HAPPINESS is, I will answer Happiness is if I am close to You

They asked me if I miss you. I didn’t answer, I just closed my eyes, smiled and walked away... and then whispered..."crazy"

I'M HAPPY! for this I have EVERYTHING, even you, honey, you just don’t know it yet

What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.

I can smell your perfume hundreds of meters away... Not because it’s persistent... but because I breathe you!

Happiness is when he, who will not be woken up even by alarm clocks, wakes up because I stopped hugging him.

Being loved is more than being rich. Because to be loved means to be happy. Money can't buy happiness...

There is a person in this world whose mere presence fills me with happiness.

A happy girl is not the one who has many fans, but the one who has one, besides whom she needs no one!!!

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved...

You are happiness... A little strange and incomprehensible... leading to nervous breakdowns and terrible fear... but happiness..

Do you know what happiness means to me? Happiness is You and Me!

Seconds without a loved one are hours. Hours with your loved one - seconds...

love is the happiness of the loved one

Happiness is falling in love with a person who is already in love with you...

She forgot her lying friends.. forgot the guys with whom she used to communicate, perhaps even in a friendly way.. she sits at home all the time.. but she is happy.. after all, this was not all done in vain.. Having lost everyone else, she found.. happiness.. happiness to be with him..

How good it is to be loved, happy, healthy and make plans for the future!

Only my heart beats for you.

Happy is the one who is completely sure that he is dearer to someone than anyone else in the world!!!

He may not be the best, but he is the most necessary for me.

Sometimes seeing the person you miss madly is enough to make you happy.

For me to be happy, I need only one condition - your presence in my life.

When you are with your loved one, hours fly by like seconds...

It's so good to be someone's forever. And know that these are not empty words. How to divide bread and soul and year. Look into the eyes of immeasurably dear ones. It's so good to be someone's forever. And know that he won’t leave you, won’t deceive you. And it will pull you out from under any ice. And he will never stop loving...

You can only be small and weak when you have a big and strong one next to you.

She remembered how they met... so ridiculous and most importantly, she didn’t like him at all... and now she’s crazy about him...

Love is a drug. At first there is euphoria, lightness, a feeling of complete dissolution. The next day you want more. You haven’t had time to get involved yet, but although you like the feeling, you’re sure that you can do without them. You think about your favorite creature for 2 minutes and forget about it for 3 hours. But gradually you get used to it and become completely dependent. And then, you think about him for 3 hours and forget for two minutes.

A woman is happy when she sees her husband's smiling eyes and knows that she is the reason for this joy.

All women are beautiful, and what gives them beauty is the love of men.

What color is happiness? - Green. - Why? - This is the color of his eyes