Sliding work schedule. Uniform motion graphs

    day according to schedule- (eg completion of work) [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN scheduled day …

    load change according to a given schedule- - [Ya.N.Luginsky, M.S.Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S.Kabirov. English-Russian dictionary of electrical engineering and power engineering, Moscow, 1999] Topics of electrical engineering, basic concepts EN load followingLF ... Technical Translator's Guide

    weight of cargo paid according to the cargo schedule- - Topics oil and gas industry EN carload... Technical Translator's Guide

    location of the explosion point according to the network diagram- — Topics oil and gas industry EN scheduled shotpoint location … Technical Translator's Guide

    scheduled shutdown- - [Ya.N.Luginsky, M.S.Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S.Kabirov. English-Russian dictionary of electrical engineering and power engineering, Moscow, 1999] Topics of electrical engineering, basic concepts EN routine outagescheduled outage ... Technical Translator's Guide

    simple on schedule- - [Ya.N.Luginsky, M.S.Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S.Kabirov. English-Russian dictionary of electrical engineering and power engineering, Moscow, 1999] Topics of electrical engineering, basic concepts EN scheduled downtime ... Technical Translator's Guide

    work according to schedule- - [Ya.N.Luginsky, M.S.Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S.Kabirov. English-Russian dictionary of electrical engineering and power engineering, Moscow, 1999] Topics of electrical engineering, basic concepts EN scheduling activit... Technical Translator's Guide

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When organizing work, especially continuous work or without days off, for many areas of activity the best option is a sliding work schedule - it should be distinguished from both the standard working week and the shift work schedule. In this case, it is necessary to take into account many nuances so that the resulting sliding work schedule according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not violate established legislative norms - this can especially often happen during the work mode. Everyone should know how to properly organize a staggered work schedule. HR specialist or an employer intending to use a similar time-sharing arrangement.

What is a sliding work schedule according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

Directly in the standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation legal regulation A sliding work schedule is practically not directly ensured by its provisions. Thus, a direct mention of a sliding schedule in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is found only in the text of Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the establishment of separate working hours. Nevertheless, this method of organizing working time is quite popular among many employers, as it allows optimizing human resources when they are limited, and establishing a shift work schedule or work in a standard working week is not cost-effective.

In itself, a sliding work schedule implies the absence of fixed days off during the week or strictly fixed work shifts. Thus, the most commonly used sliding schedule is 2/2 - two days of work followed by two days off. In this case, the duration of the work shift can be set either in the standard eight hours or in the format of a 10-hour or 12-hour work shift.

Accordingly, the legal regulation of a sliding work schedule from the point of view of labor legislation is based primarily on the use of the regime. This method of organizing labor is considered in the provisions of Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and has a number of certain restrictions. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that such a method of establishing a work schedule cannot lead to actual overtime by employees in excess of the standard working hours for the accounting period in question.

Often, a sliding schedule means working in flexible working hours, regulated by the provisions of Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, in practice, a sliding schedule has a number of certain differences from a flexible schedule, which will be discussed below.

Why do you need a sliding work schedule - the feasibility of using it

A rotating schedule is most often used in cases where an organization cannot afford or does not need to establish a full shift work schedule or a standard five-day or six-day work week. To better understand the working mechanisms of this method of organizing work, you can simply consider examples of professions in which it is most often used:

  • Sellers. In most stores there is no need to establish a 24-hour shift schedule, but at the same time there is a need to ensure work throughout the week without days off. At the same time, the length of the working day usually exceeds the standards established for a standard five-day week of 8 hours. Therefore, a staggered work schedule is best suited in this situation.
  • Security guards. The principle of work and organization of work for such employees is also almost similar to work in stores. Security is always needed at an enterprise during its operation, but for round-the-clock security there is usually no need for as large a staff as during active operations.
  • Telecom operators and consultants. It is often necessary to provide consulting support and the presence of an employee on the phone throughout the week, but not the entire duration of the day. In this case, a staggered work schedule can also help.

Having considered the main specialties, we can conclude that a sliding work schedule is relevant in cases where it is not possible to use other organizational mechanisms labor activity employees, including if they are simply inappropriate from an economic point of view. It should be noted that a staggered work schedule for managers and highly qualified specialists is not suitable in most cases and is most often most relevant for line employees of the organization.

Differences between a sliding schedule and a flexible schedule

Since many employers are often confused with sliding, it is necessary to distinguish between these working modes in advance. However, they do have common features, which include the following features:

  • Using summarized working time tracking. Both in the case of a flexible work schedule and in the case of a staggered schedule, the use of a legal framework is assumed to ensure the functioning of the summarized recording of working hours.
  • General legal restrictions. The principles provided for by law prohibiting excess work volumes and requiring increased payment for overtime work have the same impact on these methods of organizing working time.
  • Possibility of creating non-standard work schedules. Both flexible and rotating work schedules allow you to organize working hours within the limits of legal regulations in many different ways.

However, key differences between these methods of setting work schedules seriously distinguish them from each other. Some of the differences between a sliding work schedule and a flexible one include:

  • One-sidedness. In the case of a staggered work schedule, the employee only needs to agree to the terms of the employment contract, after which the employer will have the right to use the methods provided for by it and local regulations to change it, which do not contradict the law. At the same time, a flexible work schedule implies a mandatory agreement between the parties to the contract for every possible change in the schedule, and such a change can be initiated not only by the employer, but also by the employee.
  • Scope of application. Flexible work schedules are usually used in cases where the nature of the work makes it difficult to establish a fixed schedule, for example, for maintenance or utility workers, as well as staff senior management. At the same time, a sliding work schedule is used when it is necessary to organize a stable, but non-standard working hours for ordinary employees.
  • Fixation mechanisms. A sliding schedule implies the possibility of constant and advance planning of employees' schedule for going to work for any period of time up to one year, while a flexible work schedule usually changes much more often and involves fixing all working hours in fact.

What is the difference between a rotating and shift work schedule?

A shift work schedule can also often be confused with a rotating one. However, the differences in these types of organization of working hours are even greater than in the case of a flexible work schedule. In particular, sliding working hours differ from shift work primarily in the following aspects:

How to set a sliding work schedule - an example in the form of 2/2 for 12 hours

To establish a staggered work schedule in an organization, you can consider the sequence of actions using the example of two days of 12-hour work. Thus, the sliding work schedule 2/2 for 12 hours is one of the most popular among Russian employers. In this case, the employer should follow the following step-by-step guidance:

  1. Creation of local regulations that would regulate working hours at the enterprise. The legislation does not provide for a special form for such acts; the main thing is that their provisions are clear and brought to the attention of employees. In addition, the accounting period must be indicated - it should not exceed one year and be less than one week.
  2. Drawing up an employment contract with an employee with a mandatory mention of the availability of a sliding schedule. At the same time, in this case it is not necessary to indicate the work shifts directly in the employment contract - it is enough to establish a reference to the current local regulatory documents.
  3. Direct creation of the graph. An example of a sliding work schedule according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation may look quite simple - you need to take a month and mark in it working days and weekends for each specific employee according to the 2/2 mode.
  4. Clarification of working hours. The standards for using a sliding work schedule of 2/2 for 12 hours presuppose, when recording working hours together, the presence of a certain amount of overtime for each employee. This is due to the fact that as a result, one working week will account for 42 hours of work, with a maximum of 40 hours allowed. Therefore, several additional days off should be allowed for during one accounting period.

Sliding work schedule according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and restrictions on its application

As mentioned earlier, the legislation establishes certain restrictions regarding working hours, which also apply to a sliding work schedule under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. First of all, these include the prohibition of overloading workers in excess of established standards. That is, exceed the figure of 40 working hours per week.

However, these standards do not necessarily have to take into account only one working week, but can be calculated for the entire initially defined accounting period in compliance with the indicated pattern. National and regional mandatory holidays must also be taken into account.

If the legislation provides for a shorter working week in hours for certain categories of the population or types of work, then it should also be taken into account when maintaining summarized records of working time for a sliding work schedule.

Also, it is necessary to remember not only to ensure that employees have the right to work no more than established limits, but also to comply with the requirements regarding their rest. So, the workers sliding chart there must be at least one gap uninterrupted rest lasting 42 hours during one working week. In addition, if the duration of one work shift exceeds 4 hours, employees must also be provided with and.

If, when summing up the summed up working time of employees, overtime occurs, it should be considered overtime work and paid at an increased rate.

One more important nuance affecting the issues of maintaining summarized working time records is the activities of workers in hazardous or harmful conditions. This situation requires the employer to use accounting periods for the said employees to calculate working time that last no more than 3 months.

"Shift work schedule Labor Code standard hours" is a current search query from accountants. In our article we will consider issues related to shift schedules, summarized recording of working hours, and other nuances.

Shift work as a type of employment according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Having objective reasons, the employer can establish a shift work schedule for employees, which is permitted by Art. 103 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

As objective reasons labor legislation names such production process criteria as:

  • the length of the production cycle is greater than the maximum duration of daily work determined by law;
  • intensifying the use of production equipment to increase the output of finished products.


As an example, let's take the process of manufacturing products on a continuous cycle conveyor line. Production equipment in this case, it should work around the clock, including Saturday and Sunday - traditional days off. This equipment loading mode creates the need for a similar work schedule for workers engaged in production. Thus, the described production process requires the introduction of a shift work schedule.

The shift work schedule involves the employment of groups of workers during the work process. Each group provides maintenance of the production cycle within normal working hours in accordance with the shift schedule.

Shift schedule, restrictions on its use

Shift schedule is local normative act, which determines the working conditions of workers who work in shifts. The development of this document, as well as its approval and mandatory communication to employees engaged in the work process on shift conditions, is the responsibility of the employer.

In Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation notes that according to general rule the shift schedule is part of collective agreement therefore, it must be agreed upon with the representative body of workers (Article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the absence of a collective agreement and/or a representative body of employees, the shift schedule in the form of a separate legal act is approved by the manager.

The shift schedule must necessarily contain essential conditions shift work:

  • number of shifts during the accounting period;
  • duration of working hours per shift, its start and end times;
  • rest and meal breaks;
  • daily and weekly rest time;
  • shift rotation schedule.

When drawing up a shift schedule for analytics labor law suggest to be guided by current provisions Methodological recommendations on the organization of multi-shift work of production associations (enterprises) of industry approved by the State Committee for Labor of the USSR (Moscow, 1988).

In the example above, it is logical and effective to use a shift schedule of 4 teams that work in the following mode: 3 teams provide work around the clock in 3 shifts of 8 hours each, the fourth has a rest.

IMPORTANT! If employment contract with the employee contains a condition on shift work, the employer is obliged to notify him of the shift schedule for the next accounting period at least a month before the start of its validity (Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

So, in our example, the shift schedule is a tool created by the employer to ensure a work cycle that is technologically longer than the maximum duration of daily work determined by law. This entails the need to work in the evening and night hours.

Labor legislation, protecting the rights of the employee, introduces certain restrictions on the use of labor in the evening and at night and, as, indeed, under any working time regime, requires an established ratio of work and rest time.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the following restrictions:

  • Art. 103 prohibits the involvement of 2 shifts in a row;
  • Art. 96 prohibits the use of labor by pregnant women and workers under 18 years of age at night (according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this is the period from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and limits the possibility of using the labor of disabled people, persons with family responsibilities in relation to young children and other persons, requiring them written consent to work at night, provided that it is permitted for medical reasons.

Norm hours for a shift work schedule, summarized recording of working hours

Labor legislation regulates the normal length of the working week - no more than 40 hours in general. A shortened week and a shorter duration of daily work are established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for certain groups of workers due to their age, health status, training, as well as employment at work with harmful or dangerous working conditions (Articles 92, 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). These standards are generally applicable, including for shift work.

For information on harmful and dangerous working conditions, see the article “Dangerous and harmful production factors (list)” .

However, employers who practice shift work often find it difficult to adhere to the principle of a normal working week of no more than 40 hours. This is due to the specifics of the production process. In this case, Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the employer to use summarized recording of working time.

When calculating hours worked, the base period is taken to be a month, quarter or year. This period for calculating the number of working hours is called accounting. Time spent by the employee on completion labor responsibilities V accounting period, there should not be more than the normal number of hours of the working week, a multiple of the number of weeks.

Consequently, when using summarized working time tracking, 1 individual shift may differ in duration both up and down. But in general, the number of hours worked for the period of time accepted as an accounting period should not be more than that established for this period, provided that the work hours are normal.

For the form for recording working hours and the procedure for filling it out, see the article “Working time sheet - form T-13 (form)” .

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation limits the duration of the accounting period: it cannot be more than 1 year. The use of summarized working time recording affects the fundamental rights of the employee - to work and rest. That is why it must be formalized by a separate local legal act of the employer or a regulation on internal rules.


Some production processes(continuous, technologically complex or having long production cycles) require the organization of work in shift mode. With a shift work schedule, it is difficult to maintain the normal working hours per working week (40 hours). Therefore, with such a labor regime, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows for the possibility of a different definition of the standard working time. This norm is established for a specific accounting period (month, quarter or year).

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Mechanical movement is represented graphically. The dependence of physical quantities is expressed using functions. Designate

Uniform motion graphs

Dependence of acceleration on time. Since during uniform motion the acceleration is zero, the dependence a(t) is a straight line that lies on the time axis.

Dependence of speed on time. The speed does not change over time, the graph v(t) is a straight line parallel to the time axis.

The numerical value of the displacement (path) is the area of ​​the rectangle under the speed graph.

Dependence of the path on time. Graph s(t) - sloping line.

The rule for determining speed from the graph s(t): The tangent of the angle of inclination of the graph to the time axis is equal to the speed of movement.

Graphs of uniformly accelerated motion

Dependence of acceleration on time. Acceleration does not change with time, has a constant value, the graph a(t) is a straight line parallel to the time axis.

Dependence of speed on time. With uniform motion, the path changes according to a linear relationship. In coordinates. The graph is a sloping line.

The rule for determining the path using the graph v(t): The path of a body is the area of ​​the triangle (or trapezoid) under the velocity graph.

The rule for determining acceleration using the graph v(t): The acceleration of a body is the tangent of the angle of inclination of the graph to the time axis. If the body slows down, the acceleration is negative, the angle of the graph is obtuse, so we find the tangent of the adjacent angle.

Dependence of the path on time. During uniformly accelerated motion, the path changes according to

« Physics - 10th grade"

How does uniform motion differ from uniformly accelerated motion?
How does the path graph for uniformly accelerated motion differ from the path graph for uniform motion?
What is the projection of a vector onto any axis?

In the case of uniform rectilinear motion, you can determine the speed from a graph of the coordinates versus time.

The velocity projection is numerically equal to the tangent of the angle of inclination of the straight line x(t) to the abscissa axis. Moreover, the higher the speed, the greater the angle of inclination.

Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.

Figure 1.33 shows graphs of the projection of acceleration versus time for three different meanings acceleration during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion of a point. They are straight lines parallel to the abscissa axis: a x = const. Graphs 1 and 2 correspond to movement when the acceleration vector is directed along the OX axis, graph 3 - when the acceleration vector is directed in the opposite direction to the OX axis.

With uniformly accelerated motion, the velocity projection depends linearly on time: υ x = υ 0x + a x t. Figure 1.34 shows graphs of this dependence for these three cases. In this case, the initial speed of the point is the same. Let's analyze this graph.

Projection of acceleration From the graph it is clear that the greater the acceleration of a point, the greater the angle of inclination of the straight line to the t axis and, accordingly, the greater the tangent of the angle of inclination, which determines the value of the acceleration.

Over the same period of time, with different accelerations, the speed changes to different values.

With a positive value of the acceleration projection for the same period of time, the velocity projection in case 2 increases 2 times faster than in case 1. With a negative value of the acceleration projection on the OX axis, the velocity projection modulo changes to the same value as in case 1, but the speed decreases.

For cases 1 and 3, the graphs of the velocity modulus versus time will be the same (Fig. 1.35).

Using the graph of speed versus time (Figure 1.36), we find the change in the coordinates of the point. This change is numerically equal to the area of ​​the shaded trapezoid, in this case the change in coordinate in 4 s Δx = 16 m.

We found a change in coordinates. If you need to find the coordinate of a point, then you need to add its initial value to the found number. Let at the initial moment of time x 0 = 2 m, then the value of the coordinate of the point at a given moment of time equal to 4 s is equal to 18 m. In this case, the displacement module is equal to the path traveled by the point, or the change in its coordinate, i.e. 16 m .

If the movement is uniformly slow, then the point during the selected time interval can stop and begin to move in the direction opposite to the initial one. Figure 1.37 shows the dependence of the velocity projection on time for such a movement. We see that at a time equal to 2 s, the direction of the velocity changes. The change in coordinate will be numerically equal to the algebraic sum of the areas of the shaded triangles.

Calculating these areas, we see that the change in coordinate is -6 m, which means that in the direction opposite to the OX axis, the point has traveled a greater distance than in the direction of this axis.

Square over we take the t axis with a plus sign, and the area under the t axis, where the velocity projection is negative, with a minus sign.

If at the initial moment of time the speed of a certain point was equal to 2 m/s, then its coordinate at the moment of time equal to 6 s is equal to -4 m. The modulus of movement of the point in this case is also equal to 6 m - the modulus of change in coordinates. However, the path traveled by this point is equal to 10 m - the sum of the areas of the shaded triangles shown in Figure 1.38.

Let's plot the dependence of the x coordinate of a point on time. According to one of the formulas (1.14), the curve of coordinate versus time - x(t) - is a parabola.

If the point moves at a speed, the graph of which versus time is shown in Figure 1.36, then the branches of the parabola are directed upward, since a x > 0 (Figure 1.39). From this graph we can determine the coordinate of the point, as well as the speed at any time. So, at a time equal to 4 s, the coordinate of the point is 18 m.

For the initial moment of time, drawing a tangent to the curve at point A, we determine the tangent of the angle of inclination α 1, which is numerically equal to the initial speed, i.e. 2 m/s.

To determine the speed at point B, draw a tangent to the parabola at this point and determine the tangent of the angle α 2. It is equal to 6, therefore the speed is 6 m/s.

The graph of the path versus time is the same parabola, but drawn from the origin (Fig. 1.40). We see that the path continuously increases over time, the movement occurs in one direction.

If the point moves at a speed, the graph of the projection of which versus time is shown in Figure 1.37, then the branches of the parabola are directed downward, since a x< 0 (рис. 1.41). При этом моменту времени, равному 2 с, соответствует вершина параболы. Касательная в точке В параллельна оси t, угол наклона касательной к этой оси равен нулю, и скорость также равна нулю. До этого момента времени тангенс угла наклона касательной уменьшался, но был положителен, движение точки происходило в направлении оси ОХ.

Starting from the moment of time t = 2 s, the tangent of the angle of inclination becomes negative, and its module increases, this means that the point moves in the direction opposite to the initial one, while the module of the movement speed increases.

The displacement module is equal to the module of the difference between the coordinates of the point at the final and initial moments of time and is equal to 6 m.

The graph of the distance traveled by a point versus time, shown in Figure 1.42, differs from the graph of displacement versus time (see Figure 1.41).

Regardless of the direction of the speed, the path traveled by the point continuously increases.

Let us derive the dependence of the point coordinates on the velocity projection. Speed ​​υx = υ 0x + a x t, hence

In the case of x 0 = 0 and x > 0 and υ x > υ 0x, the graph of the coordinate versus speed is a parabola (Fig. 1.43).

In this case, the greater the acceleration, the less steep the branch of the parabola will be. This is easy to explain, since the greater the acceleration, the less the distance that the point must travel for the speed to increase by the same amount as when moving with less acceleration.

In case a x< 0 и υ 0x >0 the velocity projection will decrease. Let us rewrite equation (1.17) in the form where a = |a x |. The graph of this relationship is a parabola with branches directed downward (Fig. 1.44).

Accelerated movement.

Using graphs of the velocity projection versus time, you can determine the coordinate and acceleration projection of a point at any time for any type of movement.

Let the projection of the point's velocity depend on time as shown in Figure 1.45. It is obvious that in the time interval from 0 to t 3 the movement of the point along the X axis occurred with variable acceleration. Starting from the moment of time equal to t 3, the movement is uniform with a constant speed υ Dx. According to the graph, we see that the acceleration with which the point moved continuously decreased (compare the angle of inclination of the tangent at points B and C).

The change in the x coordinate of a point during time t 1 is numerically equal to the area of ​​the curvilinear trapezoid OABt 1, during time t 2 - the area OACt 2, etc. As we can see from the graph of the velocity projection versus time, we can determine the change in the coordinate of the body over any period of time.

From a graph of the coordinate versus time, you can determine the value of the speed at any point in time by calculating the tangent of the tangent to the curve at the point corresponding to at this moment time. From Figure 1.46 it follows that at time t 1 the velocity projection is positive. In the time interval from t 2 to t 3, the speed is zero, the body is motionless. At time t 4 the speed is also zero (the tangent to the curve at point D is parallel to the x-axis). Then the velocity projection becomes negative, the direction of motion of the point changes to the opposite.

If the graph of the velocity projection versus time is known, you can determine the acceleration of the point, and also, knowing the initial position, determine the coordinate of the body at any time, i.e., solve the main problem of kinematics. From the graph of coordinates versus time, one can determine one of the most important kinematic characteristics of movement - speed. In addition, using these graphs, you can determine the type of movement along the selected axis: uniform, with constant acceleration, or movement with variable acceleration.