Retail chain drogerie for everyday goods. What is "drogerie"? There are several ways to open your own business in the retail trade of non-food products.

Drogeri (drogerie, German) - in Europe - a pharmacy store, a convenience store that sells everyday non-food goods, that is, cosmetics, perfumes, hygiene products, related products and, of course, pharmaceuticals. In Russia, legislation does not allow this; accordingly, we do not have a pharmaceutical component. In Russia, they try to work in the drogerie format only in recent years some of the chain pharmacies. At the same time, the range is not pharmaceutical goods they are very limited.

Drogherie in Europe. The emergence of the drogerie format occurred in the 70s of the 20th century. Today, according to research company Nielsen, in European countries the drogerie format accounts for about 20% of the retail market. The number of drogerie in European countries is comparable to the number of classic grocery stores near home. In Germany, there are more than 9,000 units of drogerie retail format. In the UK, Boots owns more than 1,400 drogerie stores.

Drogherie format. The interior of a drogerie is, as a rule, ascetic: a functional interior and a “cheap” exterior, simple shelves and price tags, simple display. Due to the verified assortment of everyday demand, drogeries have high turnover rates per unit of retail space. In addition, almost the entire Drogerie assortment does not require special storage conditions; there is no range of perishable products, which means there are no refrigerated display cases or freezers in the sales area and in the back rooms.

Drogheri location. As in general for retail, traffic is important for drogerie, which means you need to choose the right location of the point (location point of sale). A prerequisite is close proximity to the buyer’s place of residence or place of work. The main criterion when choosing a drogerie location is not the proximity of the metro, but convenience, walking distance. The square footage of a drogerie's retail space is 120 - 150 meters, which is a universal standard for the "convenience store" retail format.

Target audience of drogerie. For Drogerie, as well as for "shops around the corner", up to 90% of turnover is provided by regular customers, living within a two-block radius of a Drogherie store. Up to 95% of buyers of drogerie products are women. Core target audience drogerie - women from 25 to 50 years old who run a house, work and serve their family. The drogerie buyer is not a businesswoman, although they enjoy using these stores. This is an ordinary woman, with ordinary affairs and worries. Women not only in Russia, but also in the world are the most active part consumers. They are more mobile, more attentive to everything new; they are interested in new offers; they react more sensitively to marketing.

Marketing in drogerie. When planning an instor promotion, it is necessary to take into account the features of the Drogheri format:

  • average area – 120-150 sq.m;
  • low traffic (on average 300 people per day);
  • Drogherie customers are significantly more loyal compared to the audience of large supermarkets.

Drogerie gives advertisers a unique opportunity to ensure consumer loyalty to their products. Media selection marketing information determined by necessity effective use trading space, as well as the implementation of the task of stimulating loyalty of the target audience. Specifics of placement

At a time when people are saving money and reducing the number of trips to large hypermarkets and hardware stores, new prospects for the development of drogerie stores are emerging. This type of retail appeared in Russia not so long ago. But experts predict good rates of expansion of drogerie chains in the regions: 20-30% growth in the number of outlets and turnover in the coming years.

Drogery is a European format of non-food stores near your home, where in addition to household chemicals, household goods, cosmetics and tights you can buy over-the-counter drugs and dietary supplements. Drogeri in the West is an excellent replacement for classic pharmacies, since the format of the establishment is more friendly, it is more pleasant to go to it for cough or mild cold medicines than to a pharmacy, which is associated with more serious diseases. In European countries, the number of drogerie is comparable to the number of classic grocery stores near home. In Germany, the drogerie retail format numbers more than 9 thousand units. In the UK, Boots alone owns more than 1,400 drogerie stores.

“The format for Russia is quite young. Podruzhka entered the market in 2005, Magnit Cosmetic in 2010. Each of the retail formats in Russia has its own target audience. So, people go to drogeries for a wide range of products, new products, and gifts. The latest Nielsen consumer sentiment survey showed that 78% of Russian shoppers enjoy going to stores and perceive shopping as a pleasant leisure activity. It’s interesting that the Russian consumer is consciously willing to pay more for the benefits of drogerie,” says Firuza Kozhageldina, head of the company relations group. non-food market Nielsen Russia.

According to Euromonitor International, the volume Russian market drogerie in 2013 was estimated at 59.8 billion rubles, in 2014 - at 65.7 billion, the forecast for 2015 is 70 billion rubles. According to the consumer society "Drogeri - Union", average bill in stores 250-500 rubles, average traffic per day is 250-450 people. "A drogerie has a wider selection than a standard convenience store. I think if the convenience store and the drogerie are in relative proximity and serve the same area, then there is likely to be a split in the selection and grocery stores either they will abandon household goods altogether and expand the product line, or they will narrow the representation of such goods on their shelves to a minimum,” says Ksenia Grevtsova, head of retail development at MAGAZIN MAGAZINOV. - Drogeri is a convenience store. In order to survive and earn money, they will be forced to maintain affordable prices for some groups of goods with a minimum markup."

The main advantage of this format is its convenient location and wide range. 90% of drogerie buyers are women. “The audience for drogerie in Russia is completely different. There are “hard discounters” like “Ruble Boom”, which are aimed at minimum prices and low-income categories of citizens. There are “Spektr” stores, which after reconstruction can outshine any cosmetic operator in terms of fashionability. If you take a certain average trend, then drogeries are not stores for the poor, says Dmitry Kalachev, director of TD Vprok. - In my opinion, the main share of profits is generated by “beauty” (cosmetics, skin care products, hair care products) and household goods(cleaning, kitchen, shoe care products) that sell well and have a good markup."

There are prerequisites for further growth of the drogerie format, and experts are observing growth in the segment. Regional players see no other way other than extensive growth. They pursue a very prudent financial policy and, as a rule, have low debt levels, which is what restrains expansion. “Regional chains, firstly, cannot afford to have a large share of unprofitable stores (as a rule, new stores make losses in the first year), and secondly, they have already experienced several crises and remember well how banks can close lending overnight and leave the company in difficult times financial situation. At the same time, there are still entire regions where there are no significant network players, so there will be growth, and most likely it will be measured in double digits (20-30%) both in the number of points and in turnover,” says Dmitry Kalachev.

According to Vladimir Kukushkin, general director chain of perfumery and cosmetics stores "BEAUTY MARKET", the capacity of the drogerie market in Russia is 12-15 thousand stores. By the way, the format is constantly being transformed, and now many chains are focusing on beauty - cosmetics, tights, goods that are difficult to sell in grocery retail, and are reducing the share of household chemicals, which flow into hypermarkets. Drogery began to take away customers from the classic “perfumery-cosmetics” format, selling cosmetics and perfume in the high price segment with a markup of 40-60%, which is significantly lower than that of large cosmetic retailers.

Photo: RG / Anton Petepletchikov / Inna Zubareva

The main factor that distinguishes Russian drogeries from European ones is pharmaceutical products. Nevertheless, there are already attempts to sell dietary supplements and parapharmaceuticals in our drogeria. “We are not talking about medicines that are sold exclusively in pharmacies. In terms of assortment, the emphasis is on herbal teas, tonics, as well as body and face care products that are traditionally in demand in retail. In our opinion, this is a new and quite promising format for domestic market. And in terms of pharmaceutical products, it has every chance to compete for consumers with pharmacies, especially in remote regions where the availability of pharmacies is low. After all, opening drogeries is much easier than pharmacies - for this you do not need to obtain licenses, there are no strict requirements for premises. etc.,” says Natalia Prokopyeva, chairman of the board of directors of Evalar (concluded a direct contract with the Magnit network).

According to Roman Ivanov, General Director of R&D Pharma, sooner or later the legislation will change in Russia and classic drogeries will become possible: “First of all, a change in the mentality and capabilities of the target audience of such stores will be required. As you know, these are middle-level housewives. Now in our country This category of society is concerned about how to feed their households. Currently, there is a steady decline in sales of parapharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals in pharmacies. This is due to the crisis of macro- and microeconomics. I do not believe that against this background, drogerie will gain popularity in Russia.”

So far, the drogerians themselves adhere to this point of view. “I believe that in Russia it’s more likely not a matter of legislative obstacles, but rather a matter of the habit of buying and trust in the format. I know that one of the Moscow chains tried to implement pharmacy departments on its premises, but sales did not take off. I also don’t see the prerequisites yet for such a scenario,” sums up Vladimir Kukushkin.

Summary of drogerie store business plan

This project is a plan for creating a private enterprise to organize a business plan for a drogerie store in 24 months. First of all, we list the key points in the process of creating a business plan for launching a drogerie store. First of all, the Idea of ​​the project arises, and the Goals of the project, such as:
  1. Creation of an enterprise with high .
  2. in a legal way, indicating the legal address, passport details of the head and founder of the project, information about employees.
  3. Satisfying consumer demand for filling the niche for the sale of household chemicals and consumer goods
  4. Nature of the enterprise: enterprise for the sale of household chemicals and consumer goods
  5. Providing opportunities and meeting consumer demand.
  6. Search and conclusion of agreements with investors.
  7. Project cost: 865,000 rubles
  8. Project financing: Provided by obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of RUB 865,000.
  9. To implement the project, the company needs to take out a loan in the amount of rubles for 24 billing months with a discount rate of 14%.
  10. Payback period: 2 years.
  11. The investor's income will be 55,592.82 rubles.
  12. Interest payments on the loan begin from the first month of implementation of this project.
  13. Repayment of borrowed funds begins from the first month of project implementation. This circumstance is introduced in this business plan to simplify the understanding of the structure of calculating the discounting flow and regulating cash flow. Repayment of borrowed funds begins from the first month of project implementation. This circumstance is introduced in this business plan to simplify the understanding of the structure of calculating the discounting flow and regulating cash flow.
  14. Pledged interest rate borrowed funds 17.5%. It must be taken into account that banks are currently revising the interest rate for investment projects towards the downside.
  15. The total amount of accrued interest will be 55,592.82 rubles.
  16. The payback period from the start of the project is 5 months.
  17. Payback period taking into account discounting is 2 years.
  18. The total economic effect from the project implementation per conditional life cycle is 46,461,031.52 rubles.

Stages of the project business plan for a drogerie store

Project stages Execution conditions Completion deadlines
Start of the project 1-2 years
1 month project 1 -30 banking days
Getting a loan Availability of the appropriate package of documents 30 calendar days
Entry into the state register, registration with administrative and tax authorities Conclusion of an investment agreement 1-30 calendar days
Selection of location and documentation Preliminary work 30 calendar days
Purchase of equipment Conclusion of an investment agreement 1-30 calendar days
Equipment installation Receiving investment funds 1-30 calendar days
Hiring staff Production activities 1-30 calendar days
Staff training The end of the stage of organizing the production process 1-30 calendar days
Conducting a marketing campaign 360 calendar days 1-360 calendar days
End of the project 12 – 24 months

On video: How to start a business using household chemicals

Algorithms of action prescribed in the business plan of a drogerie store

The business plan for a drogerie store contains the following algorithms of actions for starting a business:

  1. Ways and methods of analyzing the target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal client, his level of solvency.
  2. Registration of business with state supervisory and tax authorities.
  3. Hiring qualified employees who can fulfill the client's wishes and be ready to work. Another cost item is hiring employees. Specialists will fill vacant positions on a competitive basis, being general, service and temporary employees with decent competitive pay. Candidates for positions will be considered within 30 calendar days.
  4. Services provided by the enterprise.

The relevance of opening a non-food store in your city

The drogerie format greatly reduces the time that the client spends on daily household purchases. Having a wide assortment allows you to buy everything you need in one store, rather than visiting 3 different markets.

General decline in sales in in kind amounted to 2.5%, even taking into account the fact that price growth was to some extent restrained from abrupt upward movements. The overall price increase over the past year was only 5%. This allowed the market to grow in monetary terms by 2.1%. Experts are in no hurry to make optimistic forecasts regarding the increase in total consumption - the Russian consumer continues to adhere to the saving model of behavior. Sales of universal cleaning products increased by 14.9% in volume terms and by 20.2% in value terms. Experts note that Russians have, in a sense, reduced spending on purchasing home care products and household chemicals, as well as a number of cosmetics.

They began to spend 2.5 times less on cleaning and furniture care products. The modern consumer wants to save money and is looking for alternative products that allow them to be used for different purposes with the highest possible efficiency at the lowest price.

Sales of such products increased by 14.9% in physical terms and by 20.2% in monetary terms. The consumer is more willing to purchase universal laundry detergents than many different gels and powders for different types of laundry. Liquid gels are also becoming popular, which are used much more economically than washing and cleaning powders.

On video: Business on household chemicals

There are several ways to open your own business in the retail trade of non-food products.

  1. From scratch (development of a business plan for a drogerie store, a strategy for developing and scaling a business, as well as financial and administrative responsibility in case of failure falls entirely on the shoulders of a novice businessman)
  2. Buy ready business(you need to carefully study the purchase/sale agreement and identify all the shortcomings of the business, you need legal advice and tax certificates regarding debts)
  3. By franchise. The concession agreement has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which also need to be carefully worked out. The main thing in this type of business is to be ready to strictly follow the instructions given by the franchisor (brand owner)

Franchise or startup?

Promotion of a startup from scratch Acquisition of an existing business Purchasing a franchise under the terms of a concession agreement
Advantages Flaws Advantages Flaws Advantages Flaws
Independent decision on the amount of initial capital, distribution of expenses and choice of activity format Choosing a suitable premises for a store is fraught with some difficulties; problems may arise with landlords: an unscheduled increase in the rent or a unilateral termination of the contract after repair work has already been carried out on the premises and the necessary communications have been carried out. The time it takes to start a business is reduced: all the preparatory stages have already been completed, you just need to carefully read the documents of the business owner in order to identify pitfalls. A ready-made business is most often sold because it is profitable or even unprofitable. Before signing a purchase and sale agreement, you need to check the traffic of the target audience, the amount of the average check and the possibility of receiving additional income through the implementation of our own unique strategic developments. The franchisor will provide support at all stages of business development Necessity of payment lump sum(one-time payment) and royalties (monthly payments). Quite a high barrier to entry into business.
Individual choice of store concept women's clothing, selection of assortment, identification of the most favorable pricing system Demand analysis data may be inaccurate, and this factor may negatively affect the profitable filling of the store with the required assortment. The need to monitor timely logistics and deliveries of new products. Sometimes you can purchase a business with a ready-made set of equipment and renovations carried out on the premises. When purchasing a ready-made business, be prepared to pay debts - loans, taxes and other expenses of the former owner. All business processes are streamlined, you will be provided with 24/7 support, you will have a ready-made client base and a well-promoted brand with a loyal audience. The need to strictly follow all instructions of the franchisor and comply with trade secret. without the opportunity to try out your own ideas without prior approval from the head office.
The ability to lead a business model and develop business processes and strategy on your own, relying on your own experience. All business processes related to registration, opening, and promotion of a new business will have to be carried out independently, which is associated with some degree of risk. The main business processes have already been streamlined: the supplier base is ready, customer lists have been developed, the target audience has been determined, staffing table personnel, documents relating to the operation of the business and its tax burden are ready The one who sells you a ready-made business is not always interested in the fact that his business generates income for you, and free help in the future, more often than not, they will not provide assistance to you. At the start-up stage in your city, you will be provided with assistance in searching and selecting premises, you will have access to a design project, streamlined business processes related to supplies, selection and training of personnel, and much more according to the concession agreement The right to choose the assortment and suppliers remains with the franchisor.
It is possible to create a unique creative brand that can compete with those already existing on the Russian market, work under a personal sign, or register your own trademark. Business scaling occurs through the efforts of the businessman himself The store already has a loyal target audience and some recognition within the city A store may have a negative reputation among customers, and this fact can often be quite difficult to correct. Ready-made advertising materials, promotion assistance, selling website, training franchisees in effective methods. The franchisor will require reports of activity, implementation of sales plans, and adherence to instructions specified in the concession agreement.

Features of drogerie marketing

  • Store area - 120-150 sq.m.
  • Traffic capacity is up to 300 people per day.
  • More loyal target audience.
  • Customer self-service.
  • Zoning of the store is carried out according to the usual merchandising rules, using racks and slides of different heights.

Drogeri (drogerie) is a format for selling non-food consumer goods. This may include household chemicals, cosmetics, household products and over-the-counter medications. Stores in Europe occupy up to 20% of their retail space with consumer medicines and dietary supplements (dietary supplements, which are essentially not medicines). Today, such a privilege in Russia can only be enjoyed by hypermarkets and, which also supplement their assortment with cosmetics (both medicinal and decorative). In order to sell pharmaceutical products, the store needs special permits and a license. Abroad, drogerie accounts for up to 20% of non-food retail.


Typically, drogerie stores are distinguished by their sophisticated interiors and functional furnishings. The display of goods is also democratic. High turnover is achieved due to the range of everyday goods and favorable location. It is also worth paying special attention to the fact that the Drogerie range is stored under normal conditions, and this allows you to save on equipment trading floor. In retail, a favorable store location is important. Walking distance to residential buildings is important here. Typically, the area of ​​such a store does not exceed 150 square meters. This is the usual standard for convenience stores.

Target Audience

Almost one hundred percent of the store’s turnover is provided by regular customers who live near the outlet. The main target customers are women.

Business plan for a drogerie store: factors influencing demand

In order to obtain approval for a loan from a banking institution or enter into a profitable agreement with a private investor, you must include in your business plan such an item as marketing research market - this will clearly demonstrate the relevance of this type of activity in your city/region.

On video: Ethical household chemicals (not tested on animals)

What needs to be clarified?

You will need a business plan in any case, no matter what path of starting a business and its subsequent development you choose. First of all, you need to analyze the activities of direct and indirect competitors, the degree of their distance from your possible location of a non-food store, and also clarify the features of the work (suppliers, pricing, target audience, loyalty programs, etc.)

Product range

The target audience, regardless of income, behaves more economically in drogerie-format stores, the population is tired of saving, but the economic situation in the country still leaves much to be desired, and most often it happens that the client refuses to purchase the necessary effective product in favor of cheaper.

A budding businessman should pay attention to relatively inexpensive domestic brands and brands that are just beginning to win the Russian market and consumer trust. As a rule, such brands are not inferior in quality to foreign manufacturers and are much cheaper. Domestic manufacturers produce high-quality air fresheners (for the toilet room and for the entire house), products for clearing blockages in pipes (metal and plastic), household bleaches and toilet paper(paper towels, napkins).

Household chemicals occupy a significant segment in the range of goods of super- and hypermarkets. The founders of a business in the drogerie-format niche emphasize that customers are ready to save on cleaning and laundry products, but are not yet ready to pay less for skincare and decorative cosmetics, as well as personal care products and some over-the-counter medications.

To increase the influx of customers, drogerie stores abroad are filled with jewelry and textile products, as well as useful household items and food and accessories for animals. This is convenient - such shops are usually located near nearby residential buildings, and potential client You don’t have to put in a lot of effort to quickly buy a light bulb, batteries or cat litter. In European countries, Drogery also offers products for children, products for those who adhere to healthy lifestyle standards (as well as vegans and raw foodists).

Retail sales of cosmetics and general drogerie amounted to about 720,000,000 rubles over the past year. Factors that increase and decrease demand, directly and indirectly affecting demand and the general purchasing power of the population.

On video: How to arrange supplies from wholesale suppliers

The decrease in demand is due to

  • Slow pace of restoration of the previous level of income of the population.
  • Reduction in the number of working-age population of the country.

Factors increasing demand

  • General urbanization.
  • Increase in the number of people living alone. According to the data, people who manage their own households spend much more than their families and have a high level of consumption.
  • Promotion wages people employed in the public sector.
  • Increase in Internet literacy of the population, increase in the number of connections to subscriber networks.
  • Heterogeneity of the Russian market by region.
  • Import substitution. The loyalty of Russian consumers to domestic products is growing.

Trends that influence the consumer behavior of the target audience

  1. Customers of drogerie stores began to pay attention to the effectiveness of products and the price/quality ratio.
  2. The client is ready to try new products and more often trusts his personal experience than advertising.
  3. Confidence in concentrated products, which last for a greater number of uses, has increased.
  4. Consumers are ready to buy products intended for narrow-profile use.
  5. New forms of products (gels, capsules, innovative dosages)
  6. Loyalty programs show good sales results.
  7. Among consumers with average, upper-average and high incomes, the environmental friendliness of household goods and household/personal care chemicals is important.

Advantages and disadvantages of this business segment


  1. Wide target audience.
  2. Direct competition is relatively small.
  3. Small initial investment.


  1. Indirect competition is at a high level.
  2. The staff will have to deal with a wide range and many product items.
  3. There may be a downtime of a product that has not gained due popularity among the buyer.

It is worth noting that today in some segments of the target audience there is an increased demand for environmentally friendly household chemicals and cosmetics, while there are worthy representatives of the production of domestic products at a good price. In addition, your clients may also be companies that provide professional cleaning services for private and corporate clients.

Over the past year, the drogerie market showed an increase of 8.3%. Experts note that women strive to save money on purchasing cleaning products, but they are not yet ready to replace high-quality cosmetics with cheaper products.

This article will discuss such a popular store format as drogerie. They have already gained considerable popularity in European countries, but here they are just beginning to develop and gain their popularity. First of all, we will understand what such stores are, and then a brief description of them will be given.

What is the Drogeri format?

So, drogerie is a small store with various cosmetic, perfume, hygiene, household products, as well as household chemicals and a small range of food products. Occasionally, drogerries may also sell over-the-counter medications.

In Europe there are as many such stores as there are various kinds of grocery discount points. For example, the German market boasts more than 9 thousand drogerie. Such retail chains arose after the spread of supermarkets and food discounters. This happened in the 1970s. We can say that this happened relatively recently.

The first advantage of this format of stores is that here the cost of operating and organizing a brand is not too high, and at the same time, drogerries most often have a fairly impressive turnover per square meter of retail space. And also the cost of developing and running such an enterprise is lower than that of grocery stores.

Where do the savings come from?

First, it is important to note that savings are achieved through the initial investment. Thus, in a drogerie, almost all goods do not require special storage conditions. This means that there is no need to purchase various expensive refrigerators and freezers that will be intended for one or another type of product. In the sales area there is no need to maintain medium-temperature slides for arranging vegetables, yoghurts, fruits, etc. In addition, there are no low-temperature baths. Such a store does not need special remote units and a highly expensive air conditioning system.

The second saving factor can be called conventional logistics. Thus, due to the fact that the drogerie assortment does not have any perishable products, supplies of goods can be carried out less frequently, and transport can be loaded more efficiently. This also reduces the availability of expired goods.

The next factor that helps you save is lower energy consumption. Since it is mainly used to illuminate the sales area, in contrast to grocery stores, where all energy costs are often spent on various units and refrigeration equipment. It often happens that the electricity limit simply does not allow the use of a particular premises for arranging a food store, which cannot be said about drogerie.

This format of stores, like food discounters, receives 80% of its turnover from regular customers who live in the vicinity of the outlet. At the same time, the network of stores should be dense, and its premises should be small. Those people who live a five-minute walk from the drogerie will come here every day.

If we take into account the fact that the range of such networks is almost always the same, here the customers will be received by the one who is the first to occupy an advantageous premises. Thus, we looked at the main characteristics of drogerie, found out what it is, and understood what advantages these retail chains have.

Over the past five years, Russia has shown one of the highest growth rates of the retail market in the world - 9% annually. According to forecasts, by the beginning of the next decade the Russian retail market will become the largest in Europe, surpassing England, Germany and France in terms of turnover. At the same time, four main trends can be identified that have the greatest impact on the development of retail:

  1. Entry and active development of large Western companies in the retail market(“Metro Group”, “Auchan”, etc.). International operators are increasingly influential in shaping the standards of the trading industry in Russia. Under their influence, there is an increase in requirements for retail generally.
  2. Changing consumer environment. In Russia formed middle class and the share of high-income clients has increased significantly. Priorities have changed potential consumer- price as competitive advantage is gradually fading into the background, and the importance of the assortment and design of retail space has increased. Moreover, today it is not enough to know the demographic and social composition of an area to plan and open a store. Representatives of the same social class behave differently as buyers: this concerns both the choice of goods and the requirements for the level of service.
  3. Under the influence of Western retail chains, Moscow chains are actively developing business in the regions
  4. Another trend in Russian retail is the development of retail chains new formats. After discounters, hypermarkets are built, after supermarkets, “convenience stores” are opened.

And these trends are characteristic not only of the retail food market. According to analysts, the consumer has already had enough of food and is ready to purchase other goods in large quantities - household chemicals, hygiene items, cosmetics, etc. And business is aware of this and responds adequately. New trade formats are emerging, borrowed from successful Western retail formats and adapted to Russian conditions.

One of these new formats for Russia is the Drogeri format. Drogerie - network trading enterprise, focused on selling a range of essential goods, mainly non-food items - perfumes, cosmetics, household chemicals, hygiene products, medicines.

The appearance of stores of this format dates back to the 70s of the last century. The format has received the greatest development in Germany, where there are about 9,000 similar stores. The leading retail chains of this format include Rossman, Shlecker, Drospa.

One of the main characteristics of the Drogheri format is the range of products. Stores of this format offer products that do not require special conditions for storage - refrigerators, bathtubs, bonnets, medium-temperature slides. These are goods such as perfumes, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, household goods, household goods, children's goods, jewelry, household chemicals and other non- food products.

However, in the Drogherie format there is also room for food products - tea, coffee, cookies, juices, chewing gum, diet food, i.e. goods of impulse demand, which are usually placed in the checkout area. And although food products usually occupy 15%-20% of a store's space, they can account for up to 70% of total turnover.

A special place in the assortment of the Drogeri store is occupied by seasonal goods: in the spring these can be goods for the garden. But a season is not only a time of year, as it is traditionally understood, but also a particular holiday, for example New Year and Christmas.

Some of the assortment may also depend on the chain; for example, some chains do not sell nutritional supplements or jewelry. In the classic German format, for example, photo printing is required. Despite the fact that the assortment of domestic Drogeri was formed with a focus on Western analogues, it was adjusted in accordance with Russian needs and lifestyle. Thus, in Russian Drogeries household chemicals occupy 14-15%, in German ones - 3-5%, and in American and English household chemicals there are no household chemicals at all. In Russian Drogeri, unlike Western ones, there are no medicines, since running this business requires obtaining special licenses. Decorative cosmetics in the assortment of Drogeri in Germany occupy 10%, in America and England - about 30%, and in Russian Drogeri decorative cosmetics no more than 15-18%.

A fairly large share of goods in Drogheri (up to 50%) is sold under its own private label (private label). Own brands are always a priority for the operator, as they allow them to make greater profits and create a positive image of the store for the buyer. In the West, many brands have become national brands thanks to the popularity of Drogeri stores. Drogheri usually sells the most popular cosmetics under its own brand: suntan lotion, deodorants, shaving creams, but there may also be more exclusive products, such as perfume.

Private label products can be very expensive or very cheap. It all depends on the positioning of a particular network and the image it creates. So, if you take the DM (Drogerie Markt) chain, here is the quality and positioning own brands allow you to set the same prices as for analogues from brands, and often even sell the range under your own brands at a higher price than brands. But Schlecker has products under its own trademarks much cheaper. In the photo departments of the Drospa network, for example, together with Kodak or Fuji, they sell photographic films under their own brand at low prices.

The Drogeri format, like a discounter, is economical and involves small retail areas (150-300 sq.m.) with a large turnover per square meter of area and high throughput. In addition, the costs of creating and operating such stores are significantly lower than in grocery stores and the savings are as follows:

Firstly, almost 100% of the entire Drogerie range does not require special storage conditions. This means that in the sales area there are no specialized refrigeration and freezer compartments - separate for meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, etc. The hall does not have medium-temperature slides for displaying the same vegetables, fruits, yoghurts, and gastronomy. There are no very expensive low-temperature baths. There is no need to install remote units or install a high-performance air conditioning system in the hall if built-in units are used.

Secondly, logistics are an order of magnitude simpler. The absence of perishable products as such in the assortment allows for supplies with less frequency, efficient loading of transport, and so on. And the fact that all products have a sales period of months (and years) reduces losses from writing off “overdue” goods.

Thirdly, electricity consumption is also very small, and is determined mainly by the need and sufficiency of lighting of the sales area.

Drogeri's main income comes not from markups, but from turnover. Stores of this format are characterized by simplicity of design and minimally civilized trading conditions, although they are much more civilized compared to many Russian stores.

80% of the Drogeri store's turnover comes from regular customers. Therefore, the store should be within walking distance. A 5-minute walk is the maximum effort that can be asked of a local resident coming for his everyday traditional purchase.

In Russia, there are two types of positioning of Drogeri stores: in the middle and lower price segments. Thus, the “Ol!Gud” chain is located in the middle and upper middle price segment, “Yuzhny Dvor” is a hard discounter, “Podruzhka” and “Perfume Paradise” belong to the middle-low and middle price segment. For example, the average bill in “Ol! Good” stores is 300 rubles, “Podruzhka” is about 200-250 rubles, in “Rainbow Smile” stores is about 170 rubles.

The founders of the Drogeri format in Russia were distributors and wholesalers of cosmetics and household chemicals, and this is a natural process of business diversification, since the need for intermediaries disappeared.

For example, a Russian distributor of perfumes, cosmetics and household chemicals Trading House In November 2004, McDuck decided to develop its own retail network in the Drogeri format - Ol! Good. Distributors are also the companies "Yuzhny Dvor" and "Perfume Paradise", which have their own chains of Drogeri stores. Another representative of the Drogery format in Moscow is the Podruzhka chain, the first store of which opened in October 2005. Trade operator The Podruzhka retail chain is Taber Trade LLC, which has been operating in the retail market since 2003.

Drogeri networks are also developing in Russian regions, for example, “Spectrum” and “Rainbow Smile” in St. Petersburg. Not long ago, the decision to develop its own Drogeri chain under the Mila brand was made by the Pharmacy Chain 36.6 holding company. Nizhny Novgorod became the launching pad for the project.

According to analysts, the niche of the Drogeri format is practically untapped and extremely promising. Now there are 5-6 chains operating in Moscow, about 250 stores, despite the fact that the potential capacity of the capital’s market is about 2 thousand stores. Experts estimate the total potential of this segment at 15-20 thousand stores throughout Russia (the turnover of each store is $40-100 thousand per month). This means another three to five years of strong growth for the Drogeri segment.

At the same time, there is an active occupation of the market by players. Leaders open an average of 6-8 stores per month, and the pace is constantly increasing. Thus, two years ago (2006), the Podruzhka chain consisted of 10 stores; by September 2007, their number had increased to 70. The company plans for 2008 to increase the number of stores in the chain to 250. Trading House "Mak-Dak" (the "Ol" chain !Gud") in two years (2005/2007) increased the number of its stores (not including franchise projects) from 20 to 120. Almost all players are growing at a fairly high rate.

The high pace of development of the Drogeri segment is attracting new players who are seeking to diversify their business. And Western retail chains have already assessed the potential of the Russian market and are planning to enter it in the coming years. For example, A.S. Watson Group (Hong Kong) is one of the world's largest operators in the perfume and cosmetics market. For this company strategic direction in Russia there will be the development of a national chain of stores in the "Drogerie" format. In Europe, this is the priority format for A.S. Watson - she owns such large networks Drogeri, like Superdrug, Savers, Rossmann, Drogas, etc.

"drogerie" format for Magnet

In No. 9, 2018 of the Pharmaceutical Bulletin Magazine, a short article appeared that Erkafarm Group of Companies announced the launch of Ozerki drogiri.

Let's figure out together what kind of know-how is not entirely new, but for the Russian market.

The online format of drogerie (drogerie - translated from German as “pharmacy store”) appeared in Germany in the 1970s. Then several German retail companies launched networks of self-service stores selling household chemicals and parapharmaceuticals on a discount basis - this is how the largest chains in Europe, Schlecker, Rossmann, DM (Drogerie Markt), now appeared.
Having emerged from the pharmacy business, new format differed from ordinary pharmacies in a more pronounced desire to work with marginal positions that were popular with consumers. And if traditional pharmacies are usually limited to medicines, dietary supplements and parapharmacy, then drogerie stores also began to sell animal food, household goods, children's toys and clothing, men's and women's underwear, impulse goods, chocolate, wine, etc. d.

In Russia, drogers develop differently and have their own characteristics. This is due to legislation, namely, pharmaceutical sales are accompanied by licensing. It should be noted that all attempts by pharmacies to introduce products in the droderie format into their assortment have not been successful.

Companies in the field of Retail chain (drogerie, everyday goods) in Tyumen

But apparently now is the time. Experts believe that the sports law on the sale of over-the-counter drugs in retail networks. But well, let's see what awaits us next.

Meanwhile, drogery chains are beginning to actively develop and expand beyond the capitals: Moscow and St. Petersburg.

What are the advantages of drogerie?

The main advantage of “drogerie” was and remains that the development of the format does not require large initial investments. The essential goods offered in such stores do not require special storage conditions; the logistics of this format are much simpler than food logistics, as they allow delivery with less frequency. The timing of the sale of assortments (months and years) makes it possible to reduce losses from written-off goods. Electrical energy it is spent mainly only on lighting the sales area (there is no expensive energy-consuming equipment). At the same time, drogerie stores offer a wide range of essential goods. And thanks to the freedom of the concept in choosing the assortment, it is possible to adapt to the target audience.

Comprehensive equipment for pharmacies!

Medical refrigerators
Hygrometers (humidity analyzers)
Temperature indicators, temperature recorders
Water distillers
Bactericidal recirculators
Household refrigerators
Thermal containers, thermal bags