Rating of consulting companies. Top consulting companies in Russia: the best of the best

The latest annual ranking of leading consulting groups and companies prepared by the RAEX agency (Expert RA) shows that this market has moved from contraction to stagnation. He was supported by orders from authorities, state-owned companies and defense industry enterprises.

At the end of 2016, the growth in the total revenue of the largest consulting groups participating in the current, already eighteenth ranking, amounted to 5% (hereinafter, the rates are calculated based on comparable data from the participants in the current ranking, including due to the change by the organizer of the ranking since 2017 approaches consolidation of data from audit teams - Ed.), and its volume reached 97.5 billion rubles. If we introduce an adjustment for inflation (5.4% according to Rosstat), then we can state that this market has left the negative zone. Indeed, in previous years, formally large growth rates actually did not keep pace with price increases (in 2015, the revenue growth of the rating participants was 7% with inflation of 12.9%; in 2014 - 9% and 11.4%, respectively).

Ranking participants earned 8.6 billion rubles from financial consulting (an increase of 7%)

The reason for the protracted failures is obvious: the demand in this market is in direct and close dependence from the general economic situation. Companies start saving on third-party advice in the first place. Competition also makes its contribution, which inevitably intensifies in a shrinking market, and this is a direct road to dumping. According to Irina Vishnevskaya, CEO of Berkshire Advisory Group, the average check for consulting services is steadily declining. "More and more companies are switching to procurement in accordance with Federal Law 223 on public procurement, where the price of services remains a key criterion." Nevertheless, going to zero after two years of decline is quite a worthy reason for optimism.

Long game

Like for many years in a row, the largest amount of revenue of ranking participants comes from IT consulting. In 2016, it accounted for as much as 64%: in total, public and private customers provided groups and companies of the ranking with 53.27 billion rubles: 13.64 billion rubles - management consulting (an increase of 3%) and 39.63 billion rubles - consulting within development and system integration (growth 2%). In general, the segment of IT consulting last year amounted to 3%.

Ranking leaders continue to implement complex and complex megaprojects for business and government. " It's about on the implementation of solutions for automation of design and technological preparation of production at the enterprises of the United Engine Corporation, the Russian Helicopters holding, etc. Also last year, our group specialists implemented business process automation systems at Sberbank of Russia, as well as anti-skimming protection systems for ATM networks of large banks, participated in the construction and equipping of data processing centers for telecommunications companies for the World Cup. Consulting services are an integral part of all these projects," says Vladimir Gribov, LANIT Vice President and Executive Director.

The tangible positive dynamics of projects for the financial and transport sectors, where customer loyalty is extremely important for business, was reported in the Technoserv group. "From a technological point of view, projects in the field of Big Data and iBanking were the drivers. For example, the project to introduce a dynamic segmentation system based on Big Data technologies at Aeroflot. Such a system helps the air carrier to actively develop online sales and increase the number of new passengers for the airline. As for iBanking, it is a comprehensive system of remote banking services. Projects based on this technology have been implemented for several major Russian banks," explains Sergey Korneev, president of the Technoserv group of companies.

According to the segment leaders, the vast majority of customers in the current economic conditions wants to ensure the smooth functioning of the IT infrastructure and its development at minimal cost. "In this regard, a comprehensive examination and audit of computing power is in demand, which allows you to understand how you can improve the performance of databases and applications without increasing the server base. The recommendations received enable customers to optimize the costs of maintaining an IT infrastructure and plan investments in such a way as to fully utilize the potential inherent in equipment and software with a horizon of up to three years," shares his experience Stepan Tomlyanovich, CEO FORS - Development Center (GK FORS).

As for the slowdown in the IT consulting segment, it is explained, among other things, by an increase in the share of projects with a duration of more than a year. More and more tasks arise in projects related to the transformation of the business as a whole (for example, the creation of shared service centers), rather than individual business processes. There is no pronounced industry specificity here. "In our current portfolio, the share of such "long" projects is approximately 2/3," explains Igor Zimnenko, Deputy General Director of I-Teco and head of Witte Consulting (I-Teco Group).

Practicing small things

Financial management and evaluation. The volume of revenue from financial consulting and valuation activities in 2016 amounted to 13.42 billion rubles, an increase of 8% over the year. Ranking participants earned 8.6 billion rubles from financial consulting (an increase of 7%), and 4.82 billion rubles from valuation (an increase of 8%).

"Now the place of an initiative or investment appraisal has been taken by a mandatory appraisal, primarily by order of government agencies and state corporations. The appraisal of state property and blocks of shares for various purposes (rent, sale, privatization, contribution to the authorized capital) is in demand. There is also a growing demand for appraisal and judicial valuation in the process of forcible seizure of property," says Kirill Kulakov, First Deputy General Director of Center for Independent Property Expertise LLC.

Orders for evaluation are also growing due to B2C. "It was in 2016, when the regions switched to a new system for calculating property taxes, not only legal, but also individuals began to actively apply for the possibility of challenging the overestimated, in their opinion, cadastral value," says Irina Vishnevskaya.

Legal and tax consulting. The total turnover in the legal services sector in 2016 amounted to 3.69 billion rubles (an increase of 26%).

Another 2.77 billion rubles of the revenue of the ranking participants is accounted for by tax consulting services minus 8% per year. Apparently, the crisis factors were superimposed on the consequences of the stabilization promised by the authorities in the field of taxation, as well as the steady improvement of administration in this area.

The total revenue in the sectors of strategic planning and consulting in the field of marketing and PR at the end of 2016 amounted to 3.74 billion rubles (growth rate of 4%). In 2016, the attention of the domestic industry, including the defense industry, to the creation and launch of products on the market civil purpose. This desire has led to a significant increase in demand for services in the field of strategic marketing and developing strategies for "civilian diversification" of the product portfolio industrial enterprises", - explains Alena Fomina, General Director of the Central Research Institute "Electronics".

Moses Furshchik, managing partner of FOK (Financial and Organizational Consulting), also points to the increased demand for strategic consulting in the public sector from regions, municipalities and state-owned companies: “Federal Law No. 172 on strategic planning makes it mandatory to develop a strategy at the regional level , and on municipal level this is advisory. Therefore, if earlier strategies were ordered only by the largest or "oil and gas" cities, which did not experience a lack of funds, now orders have also begun to appear from problem municipalities that are trying to form a long-term plan to overcome the crisis."

Consulting in the field of personnel management brought the participants of the ranking in 2016 1.4 billion rubles (minus 2% per year). The sector is supported by large customers. "AT oil industry, power industry, metallurgy, banks and trade. The stage of initial process automation has already passed, and we see a transition to new technological platforms - cloud technologies. "Clouds" in the future will provide analytics, "big data" (Big Data) and most importantly "smart data" (Smart Data)", - said Mikhail Panchenko, CEO of MOLGA Consulting.

Talen Q also talks about the demand for HR consulting from business: "One of the most important trends in 2016 is a comprehensive approach to personnel assessment. We also feel the growth in popularity of remote assessment tools. Sales of adaptive ability tests grew by more than 30%, personal and motivational-value questionnaires, ability tests and a competency questionnaire, as well as solutions for 360-degree assessment.We also provided consulting services for the formation of competency models, the preparation of plans for individual development, the development of "success profiles" for specific positions based on HR- analytics and so on," Elena Kadyrova, General Director of Talent Q, spoke about trends in the field of personnel management.


- Please describe the current state of the consulting services market. What factors, in your opinion, continue to slow down the development of the market? And what, on the contrary, favors the development of consulting practices?

Julius Somsikov, Managing Partner of Swiss Consulting Partners: The crisis had a multidirectional impact on the consulting market. As expected, some customers picked up the trend to reduce costs by refusing some services, in this case - consulting, others, on the contrary, began to turn to consultants to help optimize their business. Consulting is needed, but the demand for it is not so great. They save on it, but its revenue is gradually growing.

Julius Somsikov, Managing Partner of Swiss Consulting Partners

The slowdown and uncertainty in the economy remain the main factors negatively affecting the consulting market. However, both private and state-owned companies in the real sector remain active customers of consulting services.

The speed of change is why the Russian consulting market is lagging behind. As a business, it appeared in Russia relatively recently, and its young age means that experience based on the use of the most effective approaches, with rare exceptions, is unique to international companies. Naturally, clients and consultants alike may feel that this is not the right time to innovate and experiment, and that a "conservative" business plan is best. Such a judgment is quite fair, however, as practice shows, in a crisis there will always be some new idea, which can "shoot".

In the 21st century, the consulting market has not only economic challenges. It is no secret that in our time almost any information can be found on the Internet, and in the near future there will be more and more data on the network. From here potential client and a huge misconception grows: "Why should I go to a consultant and pay him to help with business planning, if there is Google?". But it is important not only to have access to the ocean, but also to be able to swim in order to stay on the water, not drown and move in the right direction. For consultants, the main task is to be able to analyze large amounts of information, accumulate experience of best practices and find the most effective solution for the client as quickly and accurately as possible.

Yes, there is actually a lot of useful and accurate information on the World Wide Web, but for the client there is a risk of stumbling upon unverified, outdated general access The data is definitely very large. Therefore, a consultant who is "live" and able to build work with an individual approach will be much better than clicking on a result in a search engine.

What are the prospects for the development of consulting in the current economic situation? In your opinion, is there an increase in competition between market players?

Julius Somsikov: First, the number of customers representing small and medium-sized businesses will continue to grow. Secondly, as in the past year, the operational improvement review service will attract more new customers in the near future - it does not hit the budget of companies and, at the same time, is implemented in the shortest possible time.

We are also seeing a growing interest in consulting services from government customers: they need advice on the content and support of innovation and industrial policy, investment, and regulatory impact assessment.

In general, the difficulties in the consulting market cannot be called neglected: Russian consultants are doing their best to meet the challenges of both the economy of our days and the time in which they exist in general.

There is always competition between market participants. And the statement is absolutely true that during the crisis period it only gets worse. At the same time, in the struggle of consulting companies, not only those who offer the best price for their services win, but also those who have a unique approach to the customer, a high level of work performance and access to international competencies.

With what, for Last year and now, is the demand for marketing and strategic planning services related? Which areas of work from these areas are most in demand by customers and why? Are current customer needs different from those of the past?

Julius Somsikov: If we talk about marketing and strategic consulting, then we again run into the topic of the crisis. During such a period, these services can be the best way to take the company to a new level. The most demanded direction is the complex study of the project. Customers understand that it will not be possible to implement any specific functional strategy in isolation from the development strategy of their company as a whole.
It cannot be said that other areas of activity of consultants are becoming less in demand. On the contrary, there is a demand for management and financial consulting: in particular, for the development of feasibility studies investment projects, an assessment of their attractiveness in investment plan, business planning, etc. Not inferior to them, for example, cost consulting, assistance in asset management and risk analysis.
In terms of past trends, IT consulting services have been popular, and this is again directly related to the macroeconomic environment. In the conditions of austerity, many companies seek to automate some business processes, and for this they need to introduce new IT solutions.

Your group has a fairly strong position in the consulting market. What advantages of your business could you identify?

Julius Somsikov: A prerequisite for a worthy position of a consulting company in the market is its readiness for transformations. The main concept of our work today can be called the principle: "If today the market is only thinking about the need to improve something, then tomorrow morning the consulting company should offer the market New Product or a solution." A good consultant must inspire and lead the client, so you always need to be half a step ahead of the market.

Equally important for Swiss Consulting Partners is the issue of creating an effective team: we have created a team that thinks quickly, we are revising it in favor of more experienced and multifunctional employees, attracting specialists who are well versed in the latest technologies, both in their technical and informational components.

In today's consulting, the principle of Agile, which appeared at the beginning of the century, is gradually being introduced. In fact, it is an integral part of customer focus and lies in the flexibility of work. In other words, a company working with a client according to this principle always puts his opinion first and pays great attention to changes in the situation, instead of strictly following the plan. Swiss Consulting Partners is committed to supporting this approach.

Turning to a consulting company, you pay professionals for advice, knowledge and experience that you and your employees do not have. And also for looking from the outside and identifying problems that are difficult to see and evaluate from the inside.

You can get advice today on almost any issue: increasing sales, optimizing taxes, automating business processes, implementing a quality management system, personnel management, and much more. If you hire competent consultants, this will help you achieve your goal at a lower cost and avoid many mistakes.

Example 1

The business owner is concerned about the lack of money in the company. Each individual transaction is profitable, but for some reason there is not enough money. They invited consultants who analyzed the business and revealed that the company lacks management accounting and cash flow management. Customers are given a delay, and suppliers work on an advance payment.

As a result, all the money hangs in the "receivables" and cash gaps are formed. The consultants advised to re-negotiate with customers and suppliers, as well as to sell unnecessary balances from the warehouse so that the money was not only on paper, but also "in the pocket" of the company.

Example 2

The organization is choked by taxes. Tax consultants were invited, who proposed a number of measures: to challenge the inflated cadastral value of the property in order to reduce property tax, to outsource some of the functions in order to save on insurance premiums, and to apply a depreciation bonus to reduce income tax.

Example 3

Employees of the company can not cope with the volume of work and there is a need to expand the staff. But organizations cannot afford to hire more employees, pay salaries, taxes and insurance premiums. The management decided to involve a consulting company in order to find a way out of this situation.

The consultants analyzed the work of employees, suggested automating a number of tasks, as well as eliminating some internal bureaucratic procedures that take a lot of time from employees, but do not make sense and are not useful.

With almost any problem or task, you can turn to consultants and solve it. A consulting firm can not only offer a solution, but also help implement it.

Professional consulting companies can save clients millions and billions of rubles, but in order for spending on consultants to justify itself, you need to be smart about choosing a contractor to solve a business problem.

Companies with multi-million dollar budgets can afford to hire world-renowned consultants. Take, for example, the Big Four. They work with big business and are rightfully considered the best consulting companies in the world.

But not everyone can afford to attract expensive and eminent specialists. And this is not always advisable, because the customer company simply may not have the resources to bring to life the expensive ideas of eminent consultants.

We should not forget about the so-called consulting fraud, when, having paid a lot of money, under the guise of an expert opinion, the client receives a set of general phrases in the style of “to earn more, you need to work harder”, or even copy-paste from laws, codes, articles from Internet or textbooks on marketing.

This problem has become aggravated with the development of the infobusiness, when, after completing a crash course and making loud advertising, newly minted entrepreneurs begin to “make money” on consulting. In fact, they have neither the appropriate education nor relevant experience behind them, but only the desire to earn money. They often know less than their clients and have little to teach. Therefore, in order to get the maximum from the money invested, you cannot choose consulting firm at random.

Rating of consulting companies

The list of the largest consulting companies in Russia is posted on the website of the RAEX rating agency (Expert RA). It is the largest rating agency in Russia with a 20-year history. Engaged in the assignment of ratings, as well as research and communication activities.

Rankings based on the results of 2018 are now available on the site in the following areas:

  • financial consulting;
  • tax consulting;
  • legal consulting; consulting in the field of production of services and goods;
  • consulting in the field of personnel management;
  • consulting in the field of strategic planning and organizational development;
  • marketing and PR consulting;
  • IT consulting (management consulting);
  • IT consulting (development and system integration);
  • appraisal activity;
  • technical audit and consulting.

The ranking differs from the rating in that it does not contain an assessment; it is built on the basis of a clearly defined criterion, in this case, revenue. It will show you the leading players - the largest consulting companies in the Russian market, but it cannot be concluded that the first company on the list provides better services than the second, third, etc.

Major consulting companies in 2018

This is what the top consulting companies in the field of accounting outsourcing look like according to the RAEX agency in 2018:

  1. BDO Unicon Outsourcing
  2. "Sber Solutions"
  4. 1C-WiseAdvice
  5. TMF Group
  6. Unistaff Payroll Company
  7. BCG "Informauditservice"
  8. UCMS Group
  9. "RN-Accounting"
  10. Accountor Russia

1C-WiseAdvice has risen from eighth to fourth place in the ranking of the largest groups and companies in the field of outsourcing of accounting functions over the year. The company showed the highest rate of revenue growth among the market leaders and the largest increase in the number of specialists.

The ranking results are based on the total revenue that the company received from services for the regular provision and support of business processes related to accounting and tax accounting, payroll and personnel accounting, preparation of accounting and tax reporting on domestic and international standards etc.

The general list of the largest consulting groups and companies has been headed by the LANIT group of companies specializing in IT consulting for several years now.

1C-WiseAdvice moved up 10 positions in the overall list - from 34th to 24th place.

Of the largest international consulting companies in Russia, the companies of the so-called "big four" that provide audit and consulting services are more famous:

  • Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu;
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers;
  • Ernst & Young;
  • KPMG.

The same companies also top the Russian list of the largest audit organizations in 2018.

The clients of these foreign consulting companies are large organizations with multi-million dollar turnover that need audit reports from world market leaders with a high level of trust among reporting users.

Among other leading consulting companies of the world, known in their field, we can distinguish:

  • Accenture Consulting - consulting in the areas of strategic planning, implementation of IT technologies, optimization and organization of business process outsourcing, personnel management, customer relations, logistics processes;
  • Capgemini Consulting - consulting in the field of IT technologies and management;
  • Tata Consultancy Services - IT consulting;
  • Cognizant Technology Solutions - IT consulting;
  • McKinsey & Company - specializes in solving problems related to strategic management, and etc.

If the company is working on international markets, foreign experts can provide more competent assistance than those who work exclusively within Russia.

How to choose a consulting company

In any city there are several consulting firms that will vying with each other to offer their services and promise excellent results. We will give some recommendations on how not to waste money on consulting.

Evaluate the qualifications of employees

There is such a joke that only those who cannot do anything themselves go to consultants. The joke was born thanks to unfortunate consultants who pour from empty to empty and do not give the client measurable results.

In order not to run into such, do not hesitate to ask the consulting company for information about the experience and qualifications of employees. It’s good if the staff has graduates of reputable universities and former top managers large companies, that is, practitioners, not theorists.

It is bad if the staff of a consulting company has only a few universal specialists without a narrow focus, who take on any tasks for any clients. You run the risk of getting an answer, not good advice. It may happen that the company does not have specialists of the required profile at all, and they are attracted from outside. It is better to know in advance who will be involved in your project, and what experience and merits give him such a right.

Evaluate cases and find real reviews

Professional consulting companies will always be able to show completed projects and talk about their role in successfully solving customer problems. Pay attention to the presence of clients from among well-known and large companies. If the company has nothing to brag about yet, consider whether it is worth being a "guinea pig". The longer the company has been on the market, the better for you.

At the same time, no company will publish negative cases and talk about a failed project when a client spent money but did not feel any benefit. Therefore, it is always useful to find real testimonials from former clients. You can contact the clients listed on the company's website and ask about their experience of working with consultants. At the same time, you will find out whether real reviews are posted on the site or fictitious.

Among 1C-WiseAdvice clients small, medium and large businesses, including such well-known brands as Megafon, TVOE, SELA, etc. We have posted letters of recommendation on the site and provide customer contacts if you want to get first-person feedback on working with us.

Set specific goals

The more clearly you define the task, the more likely it is to get a specific result. For example, if you increase sales, then by how much and for how long. A well-defined problem is already halfway to its solution. In the case of consulting, this also works. In addition, without a strictly formulated task, it will be difficult for you to complain to the contractor if the result does not suit you. Write down the tasks and deadlines for their implementation in the contract.

Also decide in advance whether you need only ideas or help in implementing them. This will depend on the budget and timing.

Don't go cheap

Good specialists know their worth and are expensive. Keep this in mind when choosing an artist. If a company takes cheap, then it pays little to its employees, and this is an occasion to wonder why.

At the same time, it is better to decide in advance how much you are willing to spend on consulting. This will keep the performers within limits, will not allow them to inflate the budget and impose additional services.

Do not believe the promises of golden mountains

Miracles don't happen. Even the best consulting company will not solve all your problems for you. She is more likely to find the causes of these problems and suggest solutions. But the main work is yours. There will be no change without your participation. You may have to face the resistance and sabotage of employees who do not want to rebuild and accept the new.

If a consulting firm promises you mountains of gold at the first meeting, without even studying the company's business processes, this should alert you. Competent consultants will first look at how things are going with the customer, and only then decide what can be done about it.

Don't wait until the last

If the ship of your business is already sinking, it may be too late to hire a consulting firm, or you will pay a lot of money for urgency and complexity. Do not delay contacting consultants - call specialists as soon as you see that problems are brewing.

Let's summarize. A consulting company can help solve the problem if it has qualified specialists with relevant experience, and you write down the task in detail.

Order service

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UNIPRAVEX invites companies providing consulting services to participate in the CONSULTING RESEARCH program. It is a single set of actions aimed at creating an extensive and stable client base among consumers of consulting services in all sectors of the national economy and sectors of the economy. One of the important factors in attracting the attention of customers to the services of consultants is their positioning in the market of business services. For this purpose, an integrated rating of consulting companies by federal districts is carried out. Russian Federation. The rating results will help Russian entrepreneurs- for executives, managers to choose as business partners the most professional, stable, having an impeccable business reputation consulting teams.

The three-dimensional rating matrix developed by the Information Rating Agency (IRA) of the expert and analytical company UNIPRAVEX contains integrated basic indicators reflected in the rating index: quantitative and qualitative characteristics, assessment of internal and external corporate resources, comparative analysis competitive advantages. Market leaders, whose activities have a particularly significant impact on the state of the consulting services industry, are grouped into separate corporate categories (A, B, C). The Index is determined by special indicators Uni(Kon), which comprehensively reflects the positive (+) or negative (-) market dynamics appraisal services and industry development forecast. The set of rating indices calculated for each company, in combination with other industry indicators, is the most reliable leading indicator (leading indicators) of the consulting services market.

The UNIPRAVEX rating is not based on mechanical ranking (ranking) of revenue (a parameter that changes from quarter to quarter). And on a stable comprehensive analysis of corporate resources, geographical and sectoral features and a purely individual approach.

Company name / corporate brand

Main activity (specialization by types of consulting services)

Number of years in the market


International consulting companies / groups

(former KPMG Consulting)

Moscow - Frankfurt (Germany) - McLean (USA)

Consulting, development and improvement of business organization, building management information systems

A.T. Carney / A.T. Kearney

Consulting companies of the CIS countries

Law Finance Consulting

Legal and financial consulting, tax planning

Art Capital

Securities, investments

Seminars, consultations

Consulting companies of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION


consulting companies,

licensed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to carry out audit activities and the Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation to carry out appraisal activities

INEK Group

Integrated consulting

Demb and Partners. CONSAUDIT

Integrated consulting

Audit and consulting group "RSM Top-Audit"

Auditing and consulting services, including valuation activities

United Consultants

"FDP" / AF "Aval"

Consulting, audit, evaluation, information technology

Audit and Consulting Group "BalEN" (LLC "Balance LTD" / CJSC "ENPI Consult")

Audit, evaluation

Audit, consulting

Gorislavtsev and K. Group of companies

Audit and consulting, evaluation

Intercom Audit

Audit, consulting, evaluation.

2K Audit - Business Consulting Independent Consulting Group

Audit, assessment, accounting automation, tax consulting


Audit and consulting services


Audit, consulting

Auditing and consulting firm Modern business technologies

Management consulting


Financial Appraisal Company

Financial and tax consulting


consulting companies,

licensed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to carry out audit activities

Audit and consulting

COSMOS-AUDIT (old name Rollover)

Audit, consulting

International Auditing and Consulting Company (IACC)

Audit firm "Remida Audit"

Audit and consulting

Consulting group "Mikhailov and partners"

Consulting and audit

Pacioli. Auditing Company

Scott, Riggs & Fletcher (audit)

Audit, consulting

SV-Audit, AKG

Consulting group EXPERT

Consulting, evaluation, audit, legal services

I.N.S. Audit

Legal, legal consulting, audit

consulting companies,

licensed by the Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation

for the implementation of valuation activities


Valuation, consulting

ABM Partner

Valuation, consulting

ACC Department of Professional Assessment

Valuation, consulting

Legal, tax consulting, arbitration

Legal consulting

Law Firm "VEGAS-LEX"

Legal consulting in the field of business law,
tax consulting

Legal agency “YURKON”

Consulting services,

legal services,

anti-crisis management of the enterprise, valuation activities

Tax Consulting U.K.

Tax and legal consulting


Legal, tax consulting,

arbitration, evaluation, audit, marketing, management consulting, IT consulting

Management consulting, IT consulting

Galaxy Corporation

Development of an integrated enterprise management system “Galaktika”, performance of works and services for its implementation and support

System integration and consulting

Consulting, system integration, development of high-tech products, training of specialists and managers



Consulting and Information Technology

CROC Incorporated

System integration, IT consulting

Sterling Group

IT consulting: integrated solutions for management, financial, analytical, personnel tasks


Legal, tax consulting,

arbitration, evaluation, audit, marketing, management consulting, IT consulting


Engineering and technical center "YEDINSTVO"


Pro-Invest Consulting

Strategic consulting, corporate finance

Consulting - Center "Step"


Management consulting (optimization of company management)

Investment and consulting group "ROEL Consulting"

Management and investment consulting

Center for Economic and Financial Expertise

Financial management, consulting

"Pioner" Professional audit company

Consulting services

Consulting group "What to do Consult"

Financial consulting (analysis of financial and economic activities, development of a strategic financial plan)

Group of companies "Top-Management Consult"

Strategic and operational consulting

Veles Capital

Investments, consulting, stock market


Financial and economic research and evaluation, investment design



Investor Relations (IR), consulting


Legal, tax consulting,

arbitration, evaluation, audit, marketing, management consulting, IT consulting

Saint Petersburg

Research and consulting firm ALT

St. Petersburg

Management consulting

St. Petersburg

Management consulting

Audit and consulting group "Prime Advice"

St. Petersburg

Audit, consulting

Lenstroy investment management

St. Petersburg

Consulting (financial, legal, valuation activities)


St. Petersburg

Audit, consulting

Central Federal District (excluding Moscow)

Moscow region

Market research and consulting agency "Market"

Marketing and sociological research

Smolensk region

Audit firm "Auditstroyindustriya"


Audit (consulting, evaluation)

Tver region

Tver Enterprise Support Center

Management consulting

Northwestern Federal District (excluding St. Petersburg)

Republic of Karelia

Neosystems Northwest


Creation Automated Systems Enterprise management on the 1C platform, development software for forest complex enterprises, 1C, IT-consulting

Vologda Region

Regional Information Center


Consulting and information services

Pskov region

Psychology and Business

Consulting and psychological services for organizational development and personnel management, training, selection and certification of personnel

Southern Federal District

Krasnodar region

Audit Alliance


Consulting, audit

Volgograd region

Kulagin and partners


Management consulting

Volga Federal District

Republic of Tatarstan

Volga Anti-Crisis Institute

Consulting services in the field of anti-crisis management and real estate management

Udmurt republic


Audit, tax consulting

Nizhny Novgorod Region

T.M. Service

Nizhny Novgorod

Legal consulting

Orenburg region



Valuation, consulting

Perm region

Consulting group "ER-Capital"


Inform Consulting

IT consulting

Saratov region

AFINA consulting

Audit and due diligence

Ural federal district

Sverdlovsk region

Association "Taxes of Russia"


Audit, consulting, arbitration, evaluation

Center for Mechanical Engineering Economics



FINEKS Consulting


Management consulting

Audit Group "Capital"


Auditing services

Tyumen region


Legal, managerial, tax, financial consulting, assessment, audit, anti-crisis management

Chelyabinsk region



Auditing services

Audit-Classic Audit firm


Audit, consulting, evaluation

Siberian Federal District

Altai region

Valuation and consulting

Valuation and consulting

Irkutsk region


Audit, evaluation, consulting

Novosibirsk region

Research Design Center AVIAMANAGER


Research and project activity, management consulting, educational activities


Sale of software and computer equipment, software implementation services, consulting services

Group of Companies Siberian Society


Audit, evaluation, legal services, consulting

Consulting group "BALANCE"


Saibicon Company


Audit, tax consulting, share capital support, valuation, legal services, arbitration management

Far Eastern Federal District