Open a logistics company business plan. How to open a transport company

If you decide to open transport company, then you should have some experience in the market for these services and know which strategy to choose. Here we will consider the question of how to open a transport company, a business plan for opening it, and what is needed to organize this business.

The increase in import and export volumes, as well as the flow of passengers, creates demand in this area. Therefore, freight forwarding companies are constantly opening on the market. But the birth of forwarding and freight companies entails the disappearance of transport companies. Transport companies solve the shortage of their own transport by attracting neighbor's cars. This is how it is already organized new department forwarding or some other. You should start opening such a business with registration.

Business plan

If you decide to open an enterprise that will provide types of services (transportation of passengers, cargo, etc.) in this area, then you can download for free ready-made example a business plan for a transport company, which will help you calculate all the costs when organizing this business.

If you do not want to provide something, then simply delete the items with costs and income for this service.

How to open a transport company

So, let's look at the information point by point on how to open a transport company providing forwarding services.

Company registration

Most transport companies give preference to such organizational and legal forms as CJSC (closed joint-stock company), OJSC (open joint-stock company), LLC (limited liability company), PBOYUL (unincorporated entrepreneur). But it is worth noting that many transport companies refuse to work with PBOLE due to value added tax. A joint stock company is a more suitable form for creating a business, however, registering a closed joint stock company is a rather complex process and consists of a number of difficult procedures. Therefore, the best option for opening a freight forwarding company would be the “LLC” form.

To register a legal entity, it is beneficial to turn to organizations that provide legal support in order to avoid mistakes, fuss, and conflict situations. There is an option to purchase a ready-made transport company, but in this case you will have to be content with the existing company name. To register, you will need to deposit initial capital (about 10 thousand rubles) and open a bank account.

Office and staff space

The premises for the office of the transport company will be the legal address of the company, so you will have to conclude a lease agreement between the owner of the premises and your company.

At first, you can limit yourself to recruiting personnel, combining the functions of several positions. However, this approach will significantly slow down the work process of the transport company. Finding an experienced, specialized specialist without guaranteeing him a high salary is quite difficult, so it makes sense to hire a capable worker without experience in this field and train him. As for accounting, a qualified specialist is needed here. Since responsibility for wages will now lie with you, it is better not to risk it and use the services of an audit company.

Pros and cons of this business

The undoubted advantage of the freight forwarding business is the small cash investments to start. And also that a license is not required for forwarding activities. But the lack of a license entails dishonest work by dispatchers of private transport companies, and this fact is certainly a disadvantage in this profession.

Getting started

To avoid mistrust between the client and the supplier, you will need to familiarize your transport company’s suppliers with complete information regarding the carrier, warehouse, broker, etc. And there is no need to worry about the fact that you will be removed from this chain, since the client companies, for the most part, do not have logisticians on staff. Also, by going directly to the broker, the warehouse, the carrier... they have no guarantee of getting the same rate that the freight forwarder gets.

To start providing transport services, you need to sign a freight forwarding agreement with the client, and a client agreement with the translator. But the work of the forwarder is not limited to this. Tracking the vehicle along the way, solving problems that arise, having a clear idea of ​​what is being transported, bringing the client up to date - this is the essence of a competent auto forwarder. The obvious simplicity of the work of a transport company is fraught with pitfalls. This is knowledge of the laws of movement of transit and export cargo, correct design documents, the presence of a large number of expeditions at the points of departure of goods.


In the initial stages, you will have to do all the main work yourself. In addition, you will need experience in the field of expeditions, so as not to fail at work at the very beginning of your activity. The first steps should be taken with caution, because the activity of a freight forwarder is to satisfy the interests of the clients of the transport company, to possess information, since there are cases when only the freight forwarder can resolve situations between the carrier and the cargo owner.

Advertising your services

In the first stages of work, you should not get carried away with advertising for a transport company, since advertising resonance can lead to a lot of orders that you, as a start-up company, will not be able to cope with. And this will entail negative publicity, which is not in the best possible way will affect the company's reputation. Start with small advertisements on special websites on the Internet. Subsequently, you can create your own page for publication advertisements, articles, etc.

When is the best time to open?

Autumn and spring are considered the “hottest” seasons for transport companies. You need to prepare for them in advance, otherwise you will miss profits and ruin your reputation. It is best to start the work of a transport company during the “quiet” period, which occurs in the summer. You will have time to get comfortable, complete all the preparatory work and begin active activities by the fall.

Always consider your mistakes

The freight forwarder is the link between service providers and the client. It follows that the forwarder will have to defend the rights of both parties. Therefore, one way to avoid costs is activity insurance. However, there are times when this does not help. For example, import cargo goes to Russia. The car was delivered on time, loaded at the client’s warehouse in accordance with the documents, the customs office of a foreign country gave the go-ahead, but at the Russian border, due to a weight discrepancy, the question of the unreliability of the declaration arose. Russian customs officers They are conducting investigations, but nothing can be proven. During this time, the driver is issued a contract for loading and unloading services, the cost of which, depending on the weight, ranges from 600 to 1000 US dollars. Logically, the transport company should pay for the warehouse services. However, it will be possible to prove their guilt only after the car arrives at the delivery site and a control weighing of the cargo and the car takes place. But without paying for storage services, the track will not be released. The forwarder will have to deal with this problem. You will have to pay the costs yourself, in the hope of recovering damages after the investigation.

Similar situations can await your company at any stage, so you need to have material stock, the necessary contacts and have practical knowledge.

You can use the most established directions and methods of transportation. The profit of the transport company in this case will be less, but the risk will be minimized. In the process of work, relying on the main clients, it is possible to introduce auxiliary services, such as consolidation at transit warehouses, assistance with customs clearance, and preparation of related documents.

The desire to develop, the desire to open a transport company, faith in one’s own strength – these are the components for starting your own business. Successful business– this is, first of all, creativity, and not a struggle for survival.

Prepared based on the material , by Ellie Larson.

The transport business is a very profitable investment for your capital. Today, cargo transportation is in demand more than ever: consumer demand for a wide variety of goods is constantly growing, as a result of which supply is also growing. Large manufacturers Organize mainly wholesale deliveries. But small wholesale, retail and numerous online markets – regular customers transport companies. But, of course, in order to organize a competitive business, you should thoroughly study the area in which you plan to work.

At the initial stages, you will have to place all the main organizational activities on your shoulders. Of course, if you initially do not have a smart assistant with a good reputation and experience at hand, leadership positions in forwarding and logistics companies. Such you need a partner like air. If you fail to find a consultant experienced in this area, it is better to postpone your venture for a while - there is a high probability of “flunking” everything at the very beginning. But, if you are determined to create a logistics business, then we will consider how to open your own transport company step by step.

Features of the transport business

The essence of logistics is the development of optimal transportation routes, including time for driver rest, refueling, and any circumstances that “slow down” the process that may arise along the way. The forwarding department constantly supervises the process, monitoring the location of each machine, collecting information and ensuring that customers are completely satisfied with the service provided to them. The undoubted advantages in the transport business are:

  • no need to obtain a license;
  • “start” and the initial stages of business development will not require too large financial investments;
  • “buoyancy” and “strength”;
  • according to statistics, among transport companies bankruptcy rate is one of the lowest, since after the first and second waves of the crisis, representatives of this market segment recovered very quickly.

Opening a transport company from scratch - what do the owners of such a business say? The video below provides the answer.

Company registration

Most transport companies registered as CJSC (closed joint-stock companies), LLC, OJSC, as well as PBOLE(entrepreneur without legal entity formation). Each of these organizational and legal forms has its own disadvantages and advantages. Under PBOYUL there is a value added tax.

Joint-stock companies are an excellent form for creating a business with the prospect of serious expansion, but in order to open an OJSC (and even more so, a CJSC), you must go through many very complex procedures involving tedious paperwork and obtaining tons of certificates. That's why, optimal shape to date is considered an LLC, which is preferred by many entrepreneurs, owning a variety of companies.

By the way, you can also purchase a ready-made company, but in this case you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the object of purchase, identify the pitfalls and possible hidden reasons why this business is being sold.

Registration can be completed much easier if you seek help from a reliable company providing services legal support. This way you will avoid unwanted mistakes, fuss, conflict situations, and queuing. Before choosing such an assistant company, make sure of its integrity, experience and competence. Among other things, you will be required to deposit start-up capital and open a business bank account.

Selection of premises

The office space will not only be the legal address of the enterprise (in connection with which a lease agreement will be required between the owner of the space and the newly formed company), but will also be the “face” of your company, which should not be forgotten. Not necessarily It’s not even desirable for the office to be “drenched in luxury,” but it should look decent: a simple European-quality renovation and new office equipment, as well as an impressive plasma or projector in the presentation room - this is the required minimum.

Warehouses must be spacious and comply with all safety standards: fire, sanitary, labor protection, etc. That is, the floors must be non-slippery, perfectly level (without cracks or holes), the ramps must be comfortable and appropriate for the height of the vehicle. It would be nice to equip warehouses with electric lifting ramps.

You must take into account that the operation of a warehouse is 70% of the success of a transport company. This means that the conditions for workers should be as comfortable as possible - a dining room with a microwave and a kettle, the availability of cold water, a shower with cold and hot water - many entrepreneurs “forget” about this, not wanting to take into account that the times of feudal lords are long over and earning capital on health and humiliation of ordinary workers sooner or later lead to collapse.


It's best to buy new. This way, you will be sure that in case of any problems during the warranty period, they will fix everything or send you a new one. As Winston Churchill once said: “I am not rich enough to buy cheap things.” You can’t argue with this - of course, you need to save, but priority should still be placed on quality. On average, new rockla (hydraulic trolley) will cost you 7,500 - 9,000 rubles. You should ideally have 1 such device for each warehouse worker.

In addition, regardless of the size of the warehouse, you will need a forklift equipped to handle pallets. New costs about 500,000 rubles. See for yourself here - if it’s expensive, you can buy a used one in excellent condition. But then, when purchasing, take with you a specialist who will properly inspect the car.

It is not necessary to buy a loader right away, but it is highly advisable. The point is that one of your potential clients You may need to carry something too heavy. Unloading something like this manually is impossible, but using a rocker is extremely difficult and risks breaking it, as well as damaging the cargo itself. Therefore, a loader machine will greatly simplify and speed up work.

Make sure that there is always a sufficient amount of consumables in the warehouse - stretch tape and adhesive tape; saving on them is not advisable, but keep strict records to avoid theft. As for cars, transport companies usually enter into contracts with truck owners, who are often also drivers. Thus, transportation is generously paid, but responsibility for possible damage to the vehicle and cargo on the road rests with the owner of the vehicle.

Personnel and promotion

First time you can limit yourself minimal staff, combining several functions at once for each of the employees. In order to save money and gain invaluable experience, I myself The owner of the company can initially assume several important functions. But keep in mind that if your employees are overloaded with multidisciplinary work, this will significantly reduce the efficiency of their work.

It is advisable to give preference to specialists with work experience, even in related fields and not in leadership positions. Bookkeeping is too important a task, so you can’t entrust it to an amateur. It’s not a bad idea to use the services of an audit company, but it’s much better to find an intelligent specialist yourself.

Depending on your creative abilities, connections and financial capabilities, you can completely entrust the function of promoting your business to a reputable advertising agency, or try to do this personally, limiting yourself to ordering professional advertisers to develop the “face” and style of your brand.

The agency, taking into account your wishes, will come up with a logo for the enterprise, a corporate color scheme, a slogan, perhaps an advertising audio clip for the radio or a poster for a billboard; brand book, branded stationery. You decide for yourself where, in what quantity and how to place advertising products. Of course, completely relying on an agency is convenient, but not always affordable.

Possible problems

Beginning transport companies often face the following obstacles:

Theft. You must be confident in your “backbone” - the employees with whom you are starting a business. In addition, a control system should be provided - CCTV cameras, security, personal audits of accounting, regular reporting documentation.

Service. Clients may be dissatisfied with the quality of services. Especially at the development stage, things can often go wrong. Cargo delays, causing damage to the client. This process must be controlled rudeness on the part of the staff should not be tolerated, every client should be satisfied– the reputation of the enterprise directly depends on this.

Control carrier. It is advisable that cars be equipped with GPS systems.

Quality transportation The cargo must be compactly and securely stowed. To do this, warehouse workers must always have a sufficient amount of consumables and proper equipment. It is necessary to establish the level of permissible “breakage” of the cargo and remove the difference from wages employees to encourage them to do quality work.

Also install average monthly battle percentage– in case of good performance, employees should be rewarded. At the same time, you should take into account: if you introduce a system of fines, it should not be overly harsh, and besides, salaries should be high enough - otherwise you will never achieve even half the effective and high-quality work

Russia is a large country that requires the supply of a large number of goods and services to its various points, separated by vast distances. Consequently, passenger and freight transportation services are in demand, which makes the transport business very profitable. The formation of the structure of this business began with the country’s transition to market economy. This area currently employs about 20% of Russia's working population.

The road network in the country is continuously growing, which contributes to the development of transport business. In addition, cargo transportation has now become safer than, say, in the 90s, which cannot but attract entrepreneurs. This makes cargo delivery easier and cheaper. This area of ​​business is developing despite the unstable economy of the country, which is a positive factor for investment.

Business organization

Before you open a company providing freight transportation services from scratch, you need to decide on the type of future enterprise and the type of transport required for this. If you plan to provide services individuals, such as furniture delivery, household appliances, moving assistance, etc., then you will need light-duty trucks (load capacity up to 7 tons).

If you want to open a large company to provide services to legal entities (shops, wholesale warehouses) in Russia or neighboring countries, you will need trucks with trailers, trucks, and refrigerators. To open a company providing services industrial enterprises, dump trucks, tractors and long vehicles are used. There is also the option of an intermediary company that searches for orders. Such a company does not require its own transport.

The next step when opening a transport company from scratch is choosing a legal form. If the company has one founder, then the individual entrepreneur form is ideal for it. For a company with several founders, it is better to choose a legal form such as LLC.

The form of taxation of your company will depend on the types of services provided and the amount of transport available. If your company has up to 20 cars and provides services to individuals, then the optimal type of taxation will be UTII. For transport companies providing services to industrial enterprises, you should choose the 3NDFL tax regime. For limited liability companies, a general taxation regime is chosen. Intermediary transport companies can apply either a general or simplified tax regime.

When starting a business such as a transport company from scratch, you should remember that it is mandatory to open a bank account, even if you plan to provide services to individuals. Legal entities work mainly on non-cash payments, so they will not enter into a contract with a company that does not have a bank account.

To others important point is the selection of personnel for your company. When opening a transport company from scratch, you will need to hire drivers, the number of which depends on the number of cars and work schedule.

With round-the-clock operation, one car will require up to 3 drivers. The number of dispatchers depends on the number of cars and type of services. For companies with more than 5 cars, a car mechanic will be required. It is advisable to hire an accountant in a company that has more than 10 cars under the general taxation regime.

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How to make your trucking business successful?

The success of your business directly depends on the number of clients, so finding them is one of the most important tasks of a businessman.

When starting a business from scratch, you should take care of good advertising for your company. For quality and quick search The following types of advertising will help you with clients: posting advertisements around the city, advertising your company on the Internet sites of your city and region, in newspapers and magazines, placing advertisements in furniture stores and hardware stores. Dispatch companies can also help you find clients.

If your company works with legal entities, then you can send commercial offers your services with prices to a certain range of companies. Currently large enterprises conduct tenders, in which to win your company must offer optimal conditions. In addition, you should enter into contracts with large dispatch firms.

When opening a transport company, you should remember that clients first of all pay attention to the quality of services, so starting such a business from scratch is quite difficult, regardless of whether it is urban, intercity or international cargo transportation. The profitability of your business depends on the literacy of your company's employees. The simplest option for a transport business is to provide customers with vehicles for rent.

The quality of the purchased transport determines the future profit of your company. Trucks from Mercedes, Peugeot, Ford, and Hyundai are best suited for this business. Such cars, although they are more expensive, last longer than inexpensive domestic cars. A couple of hackneyed “Gazelles” and “Bulls” are unlikely to bring you much income.

Perhaps every hired employee one day begins to think about starting his own own business. Currently, despite the apparent saturation of the markets, there are still loopholes through which you can open and successfully develop your business. But which direction to choose? What is promising today and what is not? In our material we would like to tell you about how to open a logistics company.

When does demand outstrip supply?

The development of markets and production unwittingly generates large volumes of goods that need to be delivered to customers in different parts of the world. Along the way, the cargo may be reloaded several times. Therefore, there is a need to create the simplest and at the same time cheapest routes.

Logistics is a business that determines the most optimal transport option for a particular product and the shortest route. In addition, specialists work to ensure that the cargo is reloaded correctly, remains safe and sound, and arrives to the client on time.

We start with $10,000

Entrepreneurs who have already earned capital in this business note that logistics is an extremely profitable business. In addition, the demand for it significantly exceeds the actual supply. In order to start this business, it is enough to have an amount of $10,000. Having this money, you can start thinking about how to open a logistics company.

It's worth starting with documents. You need to open an LLC, then you can start recruiting staff. In order for things to go uphill, of course, it is advisable to have experience in this field. You should have at least a little idea of ​​the difficulties you have to overcome. If you have money for a business, but no experience, then in this case it is reasonable to take a good logistician as a co-founder or partner.

You'll have to fork out some cash

We mentioned recruitment. Let's take a closer look at this issue. Logistics companies are valued by clients because they can solve the task at a minimum cost and on time. Therefore, your employees will be required to have contacts with customs, government agencies and freight forwarding companies. The minimum salary threshold for this specialty is $250.

If a person has real practical experience and has connections in the structures listed above, then in this case he can count on a salary of $ 2,000 or more. The responsibilities of a logistician include processing the purchase of goods, careful control of documents, various customer contracts, supplier shipments, and monitoring the timing of transactions.

Some companies are experimenting and hiring even former employees law enforcement agencies. They say that such experience is justified. “Siloviki” have many connections in government agencies, and their ability to think analytically and compare various facts allows them to deliver clients’ cargo with minimal expenditure of time and money.

It's not easy to enter the market

It is worth noting that the income of truly serious players in this market can amount to tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. True, it can be a serious problem to break into the market of a young company. The fact is that large customers do not risk working with fly-by-night organizations, which your company will probably be included in at first.

They give their preference only to proven market mastodons. In addition, experienced companies necessarily insure the cargo and bear full financial liability for him. Beginners often simply cannot provide this. However, the demand for logistics today is such that clients often cooperate with young companies, if they have positive reviews and can offer affordable prices.

Competition is the engine of everything

Competition greatly contributes to the development of this business. It forces suppliers and manufacturers to reduce the cost of their products, due to which they have to earn money on the volume of goods sold. As a result, the volume of work that falls on the logistics business increases significantly.

It is worth noting that many companies specifically turn to large organizations in order to maintain their brand image. Against this background, experts predict a further increase in demand for logistics. In order to open a logistics company, in addition to registering your company, you will need to find a good office.

It so happens that clients judge the reliability of a company by where its office is located and how luxurious it is. Agree, if the organization has a lot of problems, he is unlikely to give his last to the maintenance of luxury apartments. If you are just starting a business, you can rent a small space, preferably in the city center. In addition, you will need several computers, office equipment and experienced employees. You must understand that your success will depend on their professionalism.

How to open a logistics company: business plan

However, you shouldn’t immediately rush headlong into the pool. Before you start investing money in this business, be sure to calculate all the risks. Assess your capabilities and estimate your expected profit. Be sure to draw up a business plan. Thanks to it, you can always understand what you have already done and what you still have to do.

The first thing you need to do when developing a business plan is to create a summary of your project, which analyzes its goals. Next you need to describe the company. In this case, statistical data from sales points are used, which require the effective operation of the entire logistics structure. In addition, the entire range of goods that the company will deal with is determined, analyzed against the background of the current

When studying business areas in which today you can actively develop, aspiring entrepreneurs should pay attention to the field of cargo transportation. This industry directly depends on the growth of the industrial sector, as well as on the general economic situation in the state. When planning to open a transport company, a novice businessman must first of all monitor the local market, realistically assess his ability to compete, and also draw up a competent financial plan.


After making a final decision regarding opening a transport company, the businessman must go through the procedure state registration. To do this, he needs to determine in what status the commercial activity:

  1. Individual Entrepreneur.
  2. Closed or Open Joint Stock Company.
  3. Society with Limited Liability

Important! Experts in the field of economics and law recommend that Russian citizens who decide to develop a cargo transportation business choose . Its main advantage is that the founders and managers of the company are not subject to legal liability. If problems arise with regulatory authorities, the Limited Liability Company will be liable only with personal property and assets listed on the balance sheet.

After studying this video, novice entrepreneurs will be able to learn how to properly organize document flow in a transport company:

If aspiring entrepreneurs have chosen LLC as their legal form, then the best option for them would be to switch to tax regime UTII (see also). In this case, they will be able to use up to 20 trucks. For individual entrepreneurs tax form 3 personal income tax is more suitable. Before starting work, company managers must open current accounts in any banking institution, since very often cargo transportation is ordered by both small and large companies who need to document their costs.

Attention! Today, Russian citizens can contact legal firms whose specialists are in record short terms transport companies are opened on a turnkey basis. They can also purchase a ready-made company with an open bank account and a complete set of registration documentation.

Selection of premises

After completion of registration activities, subjects entrepreneurial activity Those planning to work in the cargo transportation industry need to find office space and a protected area for a vehicle fleet. When looking for premises where clients will be served, you can choose large business centers, in which offices are rented. When choosing an area for a truck fleet, you should pay attention to those places that have fences and a nearby transport interchange. Today, many companies rent out their warehouses and hangars, as well as administrative buildings in which offices for management and staff can be located.

Important! To operate a transport company, you need to purchase computers, printers, a scanner, a fax and a telephone, which are necessary to work with clients and process cargo transportation. Regular office furniture is suitable for furnishing offices.

If a novice entrepreneur has a large starting capital, he can buy office space. In this case, he will be able to make a profit from such real estate (rent out), even if there is no development in the field of transport services. The transport company must have its own garage in which mechanics will repair vehicles and carry out maintenance. It is also recommended to equip a warehouse in which customer cargo will be temporarily stored.

A business entity must approach the issue of personnel selection with full responsibility, since the qualifications and integrity of hired workers will ultimately determine financial result and prosperity of the company. When hiring drivers, you need to pay attention to their experience and length of service in this field. The number of such employees should match (or better exceed) the number of trucks. If the company operates daily, then for one truck you need to install 2-3 drivers. A work shift schedule is drawn up for them, which includes days off.

If truck drivers have the opportunity to independently carry out maintenance and repair of vehicles, then they can save money on the position of mechanic (otherwise, such a unit should be added to the staff). It is imperative to hire qualified and sober loaders who can carry out loading and unloading operations either manually or using specialized equipment.

To work in the office, you will need to hire an accountant, cleaners, security guards and a secretary, a trade manager, a logistics manager (the number of these employees depends on the size of the fleet), who will place orders. A large logistics company must have a lawyer on staff who can handle insurance processing. If the manager cannot find suitable specialists for the positions of lawyer and accountant, he can turn to an outsourcing company and use the services of its employees. Today, many transport organizations employ full-time doctors who examine drivers before each trip.

Important! A business entity can save money if it hires drivers with personal cargo transport.