Lead generation contextual advertising. Lead generation: another way to attract the target audience

We have all been in such a situation when the wife just took delicious spaghetti with delicious cutlets off the stove, laid it all out beautifully on a plate and served it on the table.

And just when you felt an inexorable desire to deal with this by picking up a fork, the phone rings, and on the other end of the line there is an annoying sales manager who is trying to find new clients with cold calls.

That is why today I want to tell you about lead generation techniques that do not bore the consumer and do not distract him from a delicious lunch or dinner prepared by his beloved wife.

What is a lead?

Let's start from the beginning. A lead is a person who has his own preferences and interests that may intersect with the services or products that your company offers.

This means that instead of making cold calls trying to find a potential client that suits you, it is better to call those who have already heard at least a little about you and are interested in more information. For example, perhaps you took an online survey to find out how best to take care of your own car. If you received an email from the car company that conducted this survey asking you how this company can help you with servicing your car, then this method of engagement will be less intrusive and more appropriate than suddenly receiving a call with similar questions and suggestions. when you don’t even have a car... right?

And from a business perspective, the information collected by a car company through a survey will allow you to personalize you and learn in advance what can be offered to you as a potential client.

When someone who has nothing to do with marketing asks what I do, I often answer that I create content to generate leads, and then they either stop talking to me or look at me with confusion.

So instead, I recommend you answer “I'm working on finding unique ways to attract people to my business. I want to offer them products that they are truly interested in, so I need to do some research first and also get them interested in my brand!”

This is usually more understandable to people and represents . This is a way to warm up potential clients by introducing them to you. By showing a natural interest in your business, they begin to interact (with your business), making it easier for you to offer them something to buy.

As part of a larger marketing plan, attracting leads falls into the second stage. This stage comes after you have attracted an audience and are ready to convert these visitors to your sales managers. As you can see in the chart below, lead generation is a fundamental step in converting an ordinary visitor into your customer.

How can you qualify leads?

As you already know, a lead is a person who has shown interest in your company's products or services. Now let's discuss ways to show this very interest.

As it turns out, lead generation is all about collecting information. This information may be collected through a job application completed by the applicant, through a coupon given to the buyer in exchange for their contact information, or through an online form that allows users to download educational materials. .

These are just a few methods by which you can characterize a particular visitor as a lead. In addition, such methods allow you to determine the degree of interest of a person in your company. Let's look at each scenario separately:

3. Content: downloading a coupon indicates that a person has a direct interest in your product or services, content (educational books or webinars), but the content itself cannot give you such information. Therefore, to truly determine a visitor's level of interest, we need to gather more information.

These three general examples show us how lead generation can differ from company to company, and from one visitor to another. You need to gather enough information to determine whether the person actually has an interest, or is simply falling for whatever they are asked to fill out.

Let's take . They use educational webinars for lead generation, and collect 7 points of information from potential buyers and leads:

As you can see, the landing page is trying to find out:

  1. Name: basic information for interaction
  2. Last name: basic information for interaction
  3. Email: This information will allow you to offer services via email.
  4. Company Name: This information will allow you to determine how or whether your product will benefit the buyer (mostly used in B2B work)
  5. Position: information in order to understand a person’s position in business in order to build appropriate interaction with him. Each stakeholder will have a certain stake in the business and therefore the prospects for your proposal will also differ from person to person
  6. Telephone number: Typically, a telephone number is only used when determining a strong interest, which ensures that your call will not be sudden and intrusive to the person.
  7. Project Time Frame: Ends your survey with a very specific question that allows you to determine how to communicate with the lead.

If you want to learn about other, more complex methods for collecting information, as well as what to ask in questionnaires, you can read about it here. But let's continue... Let's get back to the basics...

Lead generation mechanism

Now that we understand how lead generation fits into the overall marketing process, let's look at the main components of the lead generation process:

1. Landing page: landing or is a web page that a visitor lands on with specific intentions. Although landing pages can be used for many purposes, one of the most suitable is lead generation.

2. Questionnaires and forms: Landing pages usually contain forms with several fields, by filling which the visitor provides you with his contact information and at the same time informs of his interest in your company.

4. Call to action: A call to action (or call-to-action) is an image, button or message that encourages a website visitor to take some action. When we're talking about About lead generation, this component encourages visitors to (yes, you guessed it!) fill out a form on the landing page. Now do you understand how this is all connected?

Once you put all these elements together, you can use different promotional channels to link and drive traffic to your landing pages, which in turn will generate leads. Here is a small example of lead generation:

Now you should have an idea of ​​how the lead generation mechanism works. But remember that this is just a base and we still have a lot to learn. So stay tuned for news!

What is lead generation and what is its essence? What are the types and methods of lead generation? What services provide lead generation services?

Hello, dear readers! Alexander Berezhnov, author of the HeatherBober magazine, is with you again. Today I’ll tell you about a new direction in Internet marketing – lead generation.

Every entrepreneur wants to bring as many clients into their business as possible. Satisfied customers are the key to prosperity. And you are ready to give 100% for them. But where to find, how to attract these people?

Think about it - while your competitors are spending budgets on expensive television and radio advertising, you can overtake them and build successful business. And all this with the help of a competent system for attracting potential clients.

1. What is lead generation - a complete description of the concept

The concept of lead generation (from English. Leads generation) came to us from Western marketers as a tool for managing the flow of potential customers.

Note that a lead is not a client yet, but can become one if you manage to attract him.

An ordinary person will turn into a lead if:

  • will see information about you and your services online or offline;
  • will need these services, i.e. will reach your target audience;
  • visit the site or make a call;
  • leave a request or contacts for feedback, subscribe to the email newsletter.

Natural questions: what needs to be done to attract as many applications as possible? Where to look for them? How to turn millions of users into your leads? How to make yourself known to capture their attention? These problems are solved by lead generation – the process of attracting or generating leads.

Before talking about this new business process, I would like to make one important note:

Lead generation will not work on its own - it needs an appropriate “environment”: high-quality content on the site, viral mailings, interesting offers, corporate identity and other auxiliary marketing tools.

2. Types and methods of attracting clients (leads)

If you think lead generation is only suitable large companies, holdings and other giants, you are wrong. A coffee shop around the corner, a private dentistry, an eco-products store or a cleaning agency will benefit from lead generation just as much.

So where will we attract our leads from? Most often - from the Internet, because this is the method that allows you to control the flow and conversion (the ratio of potential clients to real ones). This means the cost of attracting each client.

The most popular traffic sources (channels for attracting customers from the Internet):

  1. Contextual advertising. The user searches for goods and services on the Internet. If his needs coincide with your offer (he is looking for children's orthopedic boots, and you sell just such shoes), the search engine will helpfully provide exactly this advertisement. Whether he clicks on it or not depends on the attractiveness of your offer. Typically, ad impressions are free, and payment is made only for the actual click on the ad. The most popular sources of contextual advertising: Yandex.Direct, GoogleAdwords. We have already written in more detail about how it works.
  2. Targeted advertising. Your audience is women from 25 to 35 who live in Samara and studied at Samara State University? Thanks to targeted (from the word target - goal) advertising, your ad will be shown only to them, and to no one else. You reach your target audience directly. Targeted advertising is available in social networks, where users reveal their data: age, gender, social status: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki.
  3. Blogs and Other Internet Marketing Tools. A good article from a respected blogger, an interesting e-mail newsletter, a tempting offer in the community feed.
  4. Aggregator platforms: Yandex.Market, Ozone, Carprice, Avito, Mednow, other specialized or general sites that collect advertisements and offers.
  5. Lead Exchange. A place where contacts are sold and bought (yes, it’s that simple). Lead sellers are popular bloggers with a large number of visitors, aggregators with huge databases of people’s contacts. The main requirement is that all these contacts must be interested in the product or service. If you are a lawyer, then your leads must have made a request somewhere for legal services and leave your data (participate in a survey or promotion, subscribe to the newsletter). Such data are objects of purchase and sale on lead exchanges.

All of these sources, if used correctly, will lead potential clients to pre-prepared “networks”.

These include:

  • Landing pages or in other words, one-page presentation sites where people end up by clicking on your ad. If you are trading glasses, and in summer period If you launch a “sunglasses as a gift” promotion, you can create, in addition to the main website, a separate one-page page where the types, types, colors of sunglasses will be described in detail, and your promotion will be presented. The purpose of such a page is to encourage the visitor to leave a request or at least his details - phone number, email, log in through your profile on social networks. This is how a previously unknown person becomes a lead. A landing page is also necessary to calculate the cost of an advertising campaign.
  • Main site settings. A pop-up window with an online consultant, a pop-up offer to order feedback, a request for authorization through a social network - all these are lead generation “tricks” for gathering contacts of potential clients.

The methods described are suitable for finding and attracting leads on the Internet. There are offline methods: television and radio advertising, banners, paper letters and other types of conventional advertising. Their main drawback is the inability to calculate the cost of attracting one client, because traditional advertising is most often addressed to an unlimited circle of people and deprives us of the opportunity to contact everyone personally.

3. Practical examples of lead generation

To show you how lead generation works in action, let's look at a few practical examples.

Example 1. Advertising campaign “Sunglasses to the masses!”

The Glasses for Everyone company is developing successfully. She has 5 points of sale in shopping centers Moscow, online store. For the summer season, it was decided to hold the “Sunglasses to the Masses!” campaign in order to increase sales, increase brand awareness, and attract new customers to other products.

The first thing a company marketer starts with is making a list of keywords. The keyword impression statistics service "wordstat.yandex" for the query "Sunglasses" produces the following combinations:

  • sunglasses – 60 thousand requests;
  • sunglasses – 17 thousand requests;
  • buy sunglasses – 2 thousand requests;
  • men's sunglasses – 1 thousand requests;
  • women's sunglasses – 1 thousand requests.

Since the online store delivers goods throughout the country, it is not necessary to select separate regions. Now users who enter these phrases in Yandex will be shown a pre-approved ad: “ Buy sunglasses with a 50% discount until July 1, 2016».

In the first month, this ad was shown 400 times. It led to the site 100 times (every fourth user). These 100 people can soon become our leads, provided that they like the price, delivery conditions, website design, etc.

Out of 100 people, 3 made a purchase, 1 called the office, 2 left their e-mail in the feedback form, 3 contacted the online consultant. In total, we received 9 leads (3 of which are already clients).

Example 2. Advertising campaign “Lens”

The same eyeglass company decided to increase sales.

The company management found the result insufficient. Or maybe it knows the motto of lead generation: “There are never too many clients”? It was decided to try other traffic channels. For this purpose, the advertising campaign “Lens” was chosen, which will be implemented on the Vkontakte social network.

An announcement was created here: “On your birthday, every second lens is a gift.” The target audience has been selected: women over 18 years old, living in Russia, whose birthday is in the coming week. The payment for clicks on an advertisement has been determined.

During the week of placement, 300 people clicked on the ad, 6 bought lenses at the promotion, 5 took part in the survey, 5 called the office. All 16 people are leads, of which 6 are established clients.

Example 3. Advertising campaign “Glasses with diamonds”

The management liked the new ways to attract leads and wanted to try another option. This time it was decided to take a risk and buy leads on the exchange. For these purposes, the third advertising campaign “Glasses with Diamonds” was created.

Having registered on one of the exchanges, the marketer submitted a purchase request, indicating the following parameters:

  • gender: any;
  • age – from 30 years;
  • region of residence: Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • required contacts: phone and e-mail;
  • having a job (desirable);
  • marital status: have a partner;
  • interested in purchasing high-quality and beautiful glasses.

The exchange set a price per lead of 600 rubles. 50 contacts were provided. The marketer sent them offers to buy glasses with diamond-encrusted temples, advertising them as a possible birthday gift for their significant other or themselves. Potential clients were then called. As a result, 11 people placed an order.

Below, in practical examples I will provide calculations that reflect the results of each of the 3 advertising campaigns.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of lead generation

Like any human creation, lead generation is imperfect. It should be considered as one of the ways to attract customers to your business. One of the ways - and not the only one.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of lead generation in the form of a table.

If you are a professional in Internet marketing, know how to work with numbers and find suitable channels for attracting customers, then this tool will help you, as a marketer or business owner, increase profits and recoup advertising costs.

5. Calculation of the cost of leads using specific examples (CPL model)

The main advantage of online lead generation is the ability to calculate the price of each potential client. How to do this?

There are several ways to calculate payments in online marketing:

  1. CPA model (Cost per Acquisition). Payment for purchase. The lead must make a purchase or leave an application on your website. In some cases - take part in voting, subscribe to the newsletter, or otherwise leave your contacts.
  2. CPC model (Cost per Click). Pay per click. Here everything is much simpler - the user clicks on your ad and the amount is debited from the account. What this user will do next - leave a request or immediately close the page - the seller does not care.
  3. CPL model (Cost per Lead). Payment for the client’s contact, or more precisely, for the contact information and social portrait of the future client. CPL is the main indicator of lead generation quality that meets market requirements. There is contact - there is payment. The lead “lost” without leaving any information about himself - the money remains with you.

If you attract clients to your business using lead generation, it will be useful for you to learn how to calculate the cost of one lead using the CPL model.

To track the number of transactions concluded with clients attracted through this marketing tool, it is recommended, in addition to the landing page (one-page website), allocate a separate phone number that will be shown only within a specific advertising campaign. Then you can accurately count the number of applications from the landing page and the number of calls made by potential clients.

Let me remind you that not all applications become clients. The CPL model calculates the cost of leads – potential customers. The cost of converting a lead into a client is a separate expense item and a different topic.

So, let’s calculate the cost of one lead using the “Sunglasses” advertising campaign as an example.

Known data:

  • number of clicks on the ad (reflected in the metric) – 100 clicks;
  • cost per click (CPC, set in the advertising campaign settings) – 150 rubles;
  • number of leads (the number of applications on the site plus the number of calls is counted. For this, a separate landing page and a separate phone number are required) – 9 leads.

Action 1. Let’s calculate the budget for the “Sunglasses” campaign: just multiply the number of clicks by the cost of one click. We get: Budget=100*150=15000 (rubles).

Action 2. We calculate the cost per lead (CPL). Everything is simple here - the budget must be divided by the number of leads: 15000/9=1666 (rubles per application). So, the cost of a lead is 1666 rubles.

Is this a lot or a little? A natural question. Depends on the markup on the average check. If it does not exceed the cost of a lead (not even a client, but just a lead), urgently change either the traffic source, or the ad text, or the cost of transition.

It helps well to navigate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. Such an indicator as conversion rate (CTR)– the ratio of the number of website (page) visitors to the number of contacts – people who left a request. Let’s calculate it for the “Sunglasses” campaign:

Action 3. Transitions – 100, leads – 9. Conversion rate (CR) = number of leads / number of visitors = 9/100 = 9 (%). So the conversion is 9%.

Everything is known by comparison, and so is the effectiveness of the source.

Make a comparison table of all customer acquisition channels.

For example, let’s take our “Sunglasses”, which was promoted using context, and also add the “Lens” and “Glasses with Diamonds” campaigns.

Indicators Sunglasses Lenses Glasses with diamonds
1 CPL (cost per click)150 rub.45 rub.600 rub.
2 Number of transitions100 300 50
3 Budget15,000 rub.13,500 rub.30,000 rub.
4 Number of leads9 16 11
5 CPL (cost per lead)RUB 1,666844 rub.RUB 2,727
6 CR (conversion)9 % 5,3 % 22 %

What do we see? “Glasses with diamonds,” despite the high cost of a click (as much as 600 rubles) and the high cost of one lead (2,727 rubles), showed very, very good conversion.

The lenses “lose” in terms of conversion, but the cost of attracting one application is low. Our “Sunglasses” turned out to be the most ineffective advertising campaign - the budget is higher, as is the cost of a lead.

To have complete information, it is better to observe the situation in dynamics. Create a similar table for advertising campaigns over several months to see progress. Discard ineffective decisions immediately or adjust depending on the season, actions of competitors, etc...

6. Where to buy leads - lead generation agencies

You have gained a general understanding of lead generation, and by reading the article, most likely, you have tried this tool on for your own business.

  • Is contextual or targeted advertising right for you?
  • Do you want to do lead generation yourself?
  • Are you ready to explore a new area?

If yes, then you can skip this section. Your future plans are to study the basics SMM And SEO.

But if your busy schedule does not allow you to plunge headlong into this exciting process, it is better to hire a company that will provide integrated approach– receipt of leads from all traffic sources, starting from the creation of a landing page and content, ending with Yandex.Direct and social networks.

Such companies are called lead generation agencies . How are they different from exchanges? The main task of the exchange is to bring together the buyer and seller of applications in one place, to help them find each other, receiving their commission for this. On the exchange you simply buy leads. The agency offers lead generation services from all sources, including the same exchanges.

If you are thinking about purchasing turnkey applications, such agencies are suitable to do the “rough” work for you: select keywords, compose and place advertisements, create a landing page, track performance. But there are things that you still have to do yourself if you want the costs to pay off:

  1. Check your keyword list carefully. Take the time to enter each suggested keyword into Wordstat to compare the number of queries.
  2. Create a portrait of the target client, at whom this or that advertising campaign is aimed.
  3. Check ads for accuracy before launching. If a third-party manager, due to a defect or ignorance, gives false information, you risk not gaining, but losing customers and reputation;
  4. Control the cost of one lead and the effectiveness of the funds spent. Feel free to ask, ask again, ask again. Your money is your rules.

And most importantly, ruthlessly part with ineffective advertising campaigns, managers and agencies! Remember: all order generation services must be aimed at profit. You don’t need to receive targeted applications just for show, and “to be like all serious companies.”

7. How to start a business providing lead generation services

Have you tried attracting clients to your business and liked it? Moreover, you are very good at it, did you get carried away and decided to develop a new direction? Wondering where to start? You have several options:

  • Selling leads: create a website with high-quality content, promote it in search, creating a flow of visitors and readers. Sell ​​these contacts to interested buyers through the exchange, agencies, freelancers. Main problem: High-quality texts require time, professionalism and patience. You will have to work for a long time, but the flow of applications will be high quality.
  • Open a lead generation agency, providing turnkey lead generation services. You will have to master all traffic sources and learn how to work with them. But main task- find clients. You can do this, as you already understand, using your favorite application generation. Main problem: find clients rich enough to afford comprehensive marketing, but not so poor that they cannot at least afford lead generation.
  • Teach everyone this art. You can record several videos with free lessons and post them on Youtube. Of course, develop a landing page and attract applications to it. Main problem: convince people that they can make money from new profession and not be known as a “cheater.” By investing in training, people want to receive ready-made solution, and you will “merely” give them the means to find this solution.
  • Create an exchange for selling contacts of potential clients. You will have to first purchase the data, selectively check its authenticity, and then put it up for sale. The scheme is the same: website (landing page), attracting potential clients, buying and selling. Main problem: torn between salespeople who think their leads are perfect and buyers who have the opposite opinion.

Business must be profitable. Therefore, take your time, any successful project requires preparation:

  1. Drawing up a business plan. Who do you plan to sell your services to? At what price? Who are your clients? How are you going to attract them? How much investment do you need to make and how quickly will it pay off? Quantity, quality of personnel. Optimistic and pessimistic forecasts. I previously wrote about.
  2. Enterprise registration. Individual entrepreneur or LLC? Tax system. Overhead costs, non-operating and selling costs, structure of services. or we wrote in previous articles.
  3. Marketing market research. Who are your competitors? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Market capacity, segmentation, niche you plan to occupy.

An important part of preparation is training. Identify knowledge gaps and address them. If accounting can be transferred to, then the main activity at first is your responsibility. Where can you learn how to generate clients? This will be discussed further.

8. Lead generation academy and other available training methods

How can you get comprehensive, complete knowledge on all the nuances of lead generation? – Learn from proven masters who will explain, chew, show and tell. Most often, learning takes place online and consists of lessons and homework.

Among the major educational projects The Lead Generation Academy stands out. “Delicious” offers, promises of millions, excellent reviews from participants - I want to go study right now.

But there is no magic. Will you be trained at the Academy, or any other educational institution, remember: saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. To ensure that your training produces results and does not bring disappointment, follow these simple recommendations:

  • don’t expect ready-made recipes from teachers that will lead you to a bright future without investment on your part. You will have to work a lot on your own, experiment, make mistakes, and develop your own methods. And if you do decide to start your own business, you will also need material investments.
  • decide what you want to do, find your business, idea. Will these be lead generation services, or do you intend to attract clients to your existing business or open a new one? Without an idea, lessons will be only half useful.

Another effective (and free) way to learn is self-education. The Internet is filled with articles, blogs, and video tutorials that will give you a complete understanding of this Internet marketing technique, and your persistence, patience and practice (more practice!) will gradually make you a professional lead manager.

Then you will begin to understand who is who, where you can turn for advice and give money for experience.

Today there are many ways to attract the attention of target customers to a product, service or company. However, lead generation works most effectively. With its help you can significantly increase the number of orders and sales. It helps retain customers and encourage them to order again.

You will learn:

  • What is lead generation?
  • What are the principles of lead generation?
  • What you need to get leads.

Today there are many ways to attract the attention of target clients to a product, service or company. Among them is the sales funnel. Also plays an important role contextual advertising. Not last place occupy SEO promotion and targeting. However, lead generation works most effectively. With its help you can significantly increase the number of orders and sales. It helps retain customers and encourage them to order again.

The word “lead generation” itself is of English origin. It was first used by Western marketers. It means a tool with which you can manage the flow of potential clients.

A lead is a person who has seen an advertisement for a product or service on the Internet, heard information about it on the radio, or learned about an offer in another way. He is a potential client. After skillful attraction, he can become a buyer.

A person becomes a lead when:

  • Receives information about your offer online or offline.
  • He needs your services, he is your representative target audience.
  • Will go to the website or call you.
  • Fill out an application or leave your contacts to contact him, subscribe to the mailing list.

The question naturally arises: what actions are necessary to ensure that there are many applications? How to do this? How to convert millions of Internet users into your leads? What will attract their attention to you? Lead generation provides the answers to these questions.

However, in the isolated space of the Internet, lead generation does not work. It requires the right environment: conscientiously produced website content, newsletters, promotions, brand awareness and other auxiliary marketing tools.

You should learn how to do accounting. You need to be able to draw conclusions from these facts. It is necessary to keep abreast of events all the time, constantly update information - when it becomes outdated, it ceases to be useful.

What types of businesses can lead generation be used in?

There is no area in business where it cannot be applied lead generation. Let's consider in which areas of business its use is most productive.

The best way to use lead generation is to sell online. The type of product does not matter much. This is because if a customer is interested in a product, this can be tracked online. It's also easy to find contacts on the Internet.

But here there are certain limitations. Advice - resort to lead generation only if the product is expensive (its price should be more than 5 thousand rubles per item). When offering products at a lower price, you should make them into kits or sell them in small wholesale. Thus, unnecessary costs will bypass you.

If your offer is a pre-selected product in a highly competitive environment, you definitely need lead generation. For example, you sell cars, travel packages, insurance policies, offer educational services, banking products, or do consulting.

Inexpensive goods that are purchased under the influence of a spontaneous impulse are poorly sold through lead generation services. The fact is that there is a difficulty in obtaining contact information of people who could become your clients. In addition, by analyzing and collecting this information, you will spend more money than you earn in sales.

You should not use lead generation in the case of offering an overly complex product that requires specific knowledge, both on the part of the seller and on the part of the buyer.

Advantages of lead generation and its disadvantages


  • There are techniques that allow companies to set the cost per lead. The parties can agree and choose the optimal conditions for themselves.
  • Ability to plan the budget required for advertising. Its formation depends on the methods of lead generation.
  • You only need to pay for the result - for the actions that a specific person performs. These include leaving a request, contact information or making a purchase.
  • What is appropriate will determine the model by which the cost is calculated.
  • It is possible to scale up activities by analyzing the information received.
  • Typically, leads are ready to purchase a product; they are interested in it for a reason.


  • There are many scammers online who have mastered the field of lead generation. They call themselves company managers and offer lead generation, whose advertising promises to attract a large number of clients. However, this doesn't actually happen.
  • Needed specialized knowledge, if you do not want to use the services of professionals in this field and are going to do everything yourself. Without properly understanding lead generation, you risk wasting money. It is better to contact a reliable lead generation agency.
  • Once a campaign has been launched, prices cannot be adjusted. You can only agree on prices and conditions “on shore”. Once the process is running, there is no way to change it.

Lead generation is rightfully considered one of the most effective tools marketing. Now it is actively being introduced into businesses, both companies and individual entrepreneurs. With the help of this tool, it became possible to quickly attract clients, including buyers. At the next stage after lead generation, the success of the business is determined by the actions of the business manager and his employees.

Basic lead generation methods and tools

Today, there are three types of lead generation methods. The differences between them are related to the types of channels through which leads are processed. All methods have their own tools. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

1. Methods of personal interaction with the client

Such lead generation methods are actively used by companies and corporations. They are used for the B2C market. However, they are only advisable if the product is exclusive and expensive. Under other conditions, the method is ineffective, but at the same time very expensive.

This group includes:

  • Personal meetings

No better way identifying people's interest in a product than personal meetings. It allows you to immediately tell them what you offer and get a response. Before scheduling a meeting, you need to work with the list of contacts of potential clients, determine the best way to contact them in order to arrange a visit. If you work in a business-to-business system, you can find contacts of company representatives on its website.

Working for consumer market, use pages on social networks, groups of organizations to create a contact database. It is also recommended to pay attention to subscribers of company public pages. They can become your clients. The easiest way to get the information you need is during a personal meeting.

Having worked through your contacts, you need to think through the scenario according to which the meeting will take place and write a text for it. In this case, you should be guided by the interests of potential clients. There is no need to memorize the text word for word. It is needed as a basis for dialogue.

  • Phone calls

Typically this method involves using cold calls. The auto-informer speaks to people who may become clients. The text that the manager read from a piece of paper is heard. We do not recommend this option. Template-based text irritates and sometimes even frightens people. This puts them off buying your products.

It is important that calls are personalized. When talking on the phone with a potential buyer, you need to take into account his interests, anticipate his desires, and be able to convince a specific person that your product or service is exactly what he needs, because this is a way to solve his problem. Before dialing, you should be well prepared by collecting all available information about the client.

First, you need to conduct marketing research: find out how your product can be useful, whether it is expensive or cheap, and whether people are ready to purchase your product.

For example, your products are cosmetics that contain only natural ingredients. Possible client No. 1 came to your site because... I saw his address in Yandex results by entering “natural dandruff remedies” in the search bar. He flipped through a few pages, read the ingredients of the shampoos, and closed the online store website without making a purchase. But we learned that this man needed to solve his dandruff problem. The price segment is known. Based on the pages that the user visited, one can conclude about his gender.

The next point is to take into account the collected data to make a list of topics on which you can have a conversation with a potential buyer. For client No. 1, these are products that can be used to get rid of dandruff.

After going through these steps, getting a “hot” lead is easy.

  • Events and activities

Take part in an exhibition, participate in a conference or attend a similar event as a guest. But for this investment of time to be useful for lead generation, painstaking preparation is required.

What it should include:

  • Receiving a list of guests, searching for their contacts, collecting information about them.
  • Making appointments during the event with those people who may become your clients (you need to emphasize that meeting with you is beneficial).
  • If possible, prepare a stand on which to indicate all proposals.
  • Send product information to potential customers before the event (if you have contact information).
  • Think about topics to talk about with potential clients during a meeting.

This way, the event will bring you warm leads. All that remains is to warm them up slightly.

2. Online lead generation methods

The easiest and most modern way to obtain contact information is to use the Internet. All companies can generate leads with its help. Internet methods are universal.

  • Corporate website or landing page

Very effective way lead generation. Internet users who land on the pages of your resource are ready to make purchases. You just need to convince them that it is worth purchasing the product from you.

However, first things first. Before a client lands on your site, he must choose it from a variety of similar ones. Therefore, the resource needs to be placed in the top ten search results. This is done through website SEO optimization.

SEO optimization is a set of activities for writing a semantic core (words or combinations of words that are often found in user queries, they are called keywords). You can optimize the website yourself or order this work to be done on the website of a third-party organization or on a freelance exchange.

Having chosen the first, you should study Yandex.Direct. Select “Word Selection” and perform the actions described in the instructions. It is better not to include in the core words and phrases that are shown more than 1000 times a month. Yes, users often write them in their queries. But also the creators information resources They are used quite often. Too much competition. Phrases that are shown approximately 500 times a month will be more effective. When choosing words, indicate the region in which you plan to sell.

First impressions play a big role. Your website should be enjoyable for users. Therefore, you should make sure that it has an attractive design. The information on the resource should be clear, navigation should be simple, and the design should be brought into line with the specifics of the business. There is a convenient tool. It's called A/B testing. It makes it possible to find the most winning solution in terms of design. The target audience helps with this.

First we launch a website with one design, then with another. We analyze user behavior. How many transitions to the “Place an order” page were made in the first case, how many in the second. Count the number of orders placed in both cases. Based on the numbers you get, you can choose the right design for your website.

  • Social media

The cheapest method is facebook lead generation. No special knowledge is needed here.

We are creating a group on social networks. We fill it with descriptions of your products and information about the company. It is important to correctly enter information about the group, since this determines what position it will be in the search results. Before publishing a description, it needs to be optimized from an SEO point of view. This will help attract customers. When working with Facebook, you also need to optimize the group URL and its name.

The order in which a site is displayed in search engines depends on the URL address, and the name of the group determines its place in the internal search of the social network. Both should best meet the most popular user request within your topic. However, the URL must convey the action you expect the user to take.

For example, when selling natural cosmetics, the optimal name for the group would be “Natural cosmetics”, and the URL would be “prirodnaya kosmetika kupit”.

Having filled the group, you need to set up advertising on any social network. A proven way is to talk about it on public pages and in other groups that are already promoted and working on the same topic as you. Another option is to use targeting. True, it will cost more. Placing different competitions in a group works effectively, one of the conditions for which is reposting. This will provide the resource with an influx of people who are interested in purchasing your products.

  • Contextual advertising

With the help contextual advertising you can create an influx of users to your site. These will be people who need the product that you have. The main thing is not to forget that this method of lead generation involves creating text based on keywords, i.e. those words that users often write in search strings. The text needs to be SEO optimized. In this case, it is acceptable to use words and their combinations with a frequency of impressions exceeding 1000 in 30 days.

Setting up contextual advertising for Yandex search is done through Yandex.Direct. In this service, click on the “Place an advertisement” button, log in to the system, and then follow the instructions. A similar service was created by Google. Its name is Google Adwords.

Lead generation from English Leads Generation is marketing tactics, aimed at finding potential clients with certain contact and quality data. In the consumer sector, such lead management is narrowly focused on the target audience. Here, good results are obtained by IT methods that take into account behavioral criteria (search engine queries) and demographic properties (age and gender, social status, region, professional orientation). In the corporate sector, personal interaction technologies work more effectively: business events and meetings, marketing research, webinars and more. A professionally optimized website for lead generation tasks and personal mailings are effective for both sectors.

    • Lead generation - what is it?
    • Advantages and disadvantages of lead generation
    • Where do leads come from and how to get them
    • What components make up the cost of a lead?
    • Practical tips and some secrets for successful lead generation
    • The visitor is already on the site, what to do next?

More recently, attracting the target audience to a product (service) on the Internet was called placement advertising banner with link. By which you could go to a website with information about the product. But for the advertiser, it was no longer enough for a potential client to simply go to the site, since this did not give a significant result - the user did not take any actions.

Therefore, the advertising customer quite rightly wanted to pay for website visitors to: leave a contact request, make a call to the site, register and, finally, make a purchase or order a service. This is how the term appeared Lead from English lead “tattoo”, “tip”, “basting”, that is, a client who visited the site, became interested in the product, and provided contact information.

It should be noted that this is still a potential, not an actual client. But he has already indicated his specific interest in the product presented on this site. Thus, the definition of lead generation looks like this: a type of Internet marketing based on receiving leads and implying payment for effective contacts (phone, email, etc.) of site visitors. An ordinary user becomes a lead when:

  • interested in information about a product, seeing its advertisement (online or offline);
  • is part of a specific target audience because it needs this product/service;
  • will visit the site, where he will request feedback or call, send a message to the site consultant, subscribe to an email newsletter, etc.

It is worth noting that the effectiveness of lead generation also depends on a complex of other marketing activities and methods. The content must be of high quality, commercial proposals must be original and interesting; corporate identity, viral mailings, etc. are welcome.

The success of any business largely depends on competent product advertising. Thanks to the Internet, these opportunities have expanded and make it possible to attract a huge number of people to a product or service. potential consumer. One such tool for promoting a product on the World Wide Web is lead generation.

Advantages and disadvantages of lead generation

First of all, let’s outline what lead generation is needed for and what purposes it serves. Such marketing technology makes it possible to create and “warm up” the interest of future buyers of a product or service. Encourages them to look for detailed information about the product and leave their real contacts for communication. And this is necessary for everyone who is engaged in direct sales, as it increases the client base and optimizes the target audience, filtering out unnecessary data. Lead generation you will definitely need:

  • If you want to attract online customers;
  • When you are going to take your business to a higher level, without wasting your advertising budget in mediocre and senseless ways;
  • If you can sell, but do not know how (or do not want) to look for clients.

The goal of lead generation is very simple - to convert visitors who are interested in a product or service into potential clients and ensure the concept of mass circulation. That is, the greater the number of potential customers, the higher the percentage of those who will become actual buyers, or even regular consumers of your product.

Thus, the advantages of lead generation are as follows:

  1. Since you can always calculate the cost of one lead, clear and balanced planning of your advertising budget is possible.
  2. Payment is possible only for a specific lead, the so-called “price per action” - Cost Per Acquisition in English - is denoted by the abbreviation CPA. This could include: downloading a file, visiting a landing page and viewing a price list, watching videos, and listening to audio clips. As well as filling out the feedback form and more.
  3. Thanks to SRO, they are minimized financial risks, site traffic becomes as targeted and highly focused as possible, and much more.
  4. A well-constructed advertising campaign using lead generation pays for itself from the first week.

As for the shortcomings, they can only be due to the customer’s lack of awareness in matters of lead management, who will simply be deceived by scammers. Or inexperienced marketing specialists, without preliminary analysis, will “eat up” the budget and not receive any real contact. There is one more nuance: the cost of a lead is always the same, but if you put in some effort, you can solve this difficult task to your benefit.

Where do leads come from and how to get them

Due to SEO optimization, a lead can be “obtained” in search engines. And also via links from contextual advertising (banners, ads) and advertising on Yandex, Google, etc. Leads are generated through clicks on posts or messages on social networks, via links from e-mail messages. And even from offline, when, for example, a visitor to an online store was interested in an offer to sell a product and, after communicating with the manager, he wanted to know more information about the product. Thus, the best channels generating leads are:

  1. Contextual advertising. When a user searches for a specific product on the Internet and, seeing an attractive advertisement, clicks on it and follows a link to the website of the seller of the product.
  2. Targeted advertising, from the word target - goal, is aimed strictly at the target audience, therefore it works effectively in social networks, where the user, as a rule, does not hide his data about age, gender or social affiliation, etc.
  3. Search engines (SEO promotion on the Internet).
  4. Blogs and YouTube, where famous people themselves arouse massive interest among page visitors, plus subscribing to a particular author identifies a specific target group of consumers.
  5. Contentful and attractive e-mail newsletter, informing mobile users.
  6. Webinars and other online events.

The figure below shows the six best and practice-tested lead generation channels.

There are also lead exchanges where you can successfully purchase them. But to do this, you need to find out how the price per lead is formed in order to decide what is more profitable: buy ready-made data or obtain it yourself using promotions.

What components make up the cost of a lead?

Practice shows that pricing for lead generation depends on many factors. The primary influence is the price of the directly advertised product. Then the seasonality of the product/service and the degree of interest of the target audience, which can be very distrustful, for example, due to age. Geographic location is often a deciding factor in the cost of a user's contact information. For example, “getting” a lead in a metropolis costs much more.

Because there is great competitive demand among entrepreneurs producing and selling similar goods and services. In general, any competition in the segment increases the cost of data potential buyer. A good, or better yet excellent, quality landing page (page) will significantly reduce the cost of a lead. And also the amount of demand for commercial offer, because competitive advantages product increase its lead generation potential. The ability to analyze traffic, quality and content properties also significantly affects the cost of leads.

For successful work When generating leads, there are all sorts of subtleties in presenting information about a product or service. Keywords in advertising should be thought out based on analysis and statistics of queries in search engines. For example, the service for statistics on impressions of keywords on search engines recorded the following keywords: beach umbrella - 60 thousand requests; buy a beach umbrella - 25 thousand requests; sun umbrella - 17 thousand requests. This means that the ad “Buy a sun-protective beach umbrella with a 50% discount until July 1, 2018” will be shown for all of the above user requests. And they will follow the link to the specified online store, and limiting the discount conditions to a time frame will spur interest in the product and increase the number of potential customers.

Because the conditional product must be “scarce”, that is, the last or in great demand. The noticeable phrase “three units left” also works wonders, attracting a lot of visitors, if only out of interest, what kind of product is so popular. Any product or service can be represented as a trend. The watch is like the character of a popular TV series, and the manicure is like that of a famous singer. And of course, promotions, bonuses and sales attract both simply curious and potential customers. Hence the conclusion that any advertising should be original, creative, alluring, arousing curiosity, a desire to save money, give yourself a gift, feel smarter, more successful than others, and so on.

The visitor is already on the site, what to do next?

And now you managed to lure the visitor with the right advertising words to the selling site. If the page is boring, difficult to understand, difficult to find necessary information, the client will leave her. Therefore, actions on the site should be minimized, search engine filters are logical and understandable, and the information requested from the user should not scare him away. For example, statistics claim that a request to fill out the registration column “ home phone"leads to the loss of about 25-30 percent of the clientele. And the ability to add the selected product to the “cart” only after registration results in the loss of up to 60% of the target audience.

There is an unspoken rule: one product - one page. When an interested client follows a link to a page, only one item of the product should be advantageously presented and thoroughly demonstrated there. As well as its detailed characteristics, advantages and reviews about it. Under no circumstances should you place multiple products on your sales page. This distracts the visitor from the main action: filling out the registration form, placing an order, etc. Information about the product must be complete, reliable and correctly presented, the text is systematized and as short as possible. Graphomania is a deterrent; Internet users don’t really like large text feeds and are in no hurry to read.

To successfully generate leads through personal interaction, such as telephone calls and online events, webinars, etc., a well-thought-out call script and mailing text, verified marketing lists of the target audience, etc. are required.

And do not leave the acquired lead unattended; respond to the visitor’s request quickly. Delay in returning a call or letter will turn away a potential client and force them to look for another “faster” site. The manager’s task is to serve on time, answer all questions and make the client a real buyer with the prospect of a permanent one. It is not possible to call (because it is night, for example), you need to answer email address by sending the requested information or placing an order. The client needs to be pleased with a quick response, completeness of information, politeness and, if possible, a bonus.

Mobile users are often left unattended if the selling site does not have a mobile version. But this is a huge potential, because now, from schoolchildren to pensioners, everyone has modern gadgets with Internet access. Therefore, the landing page must be adapted to mobile devices. So that it can be filled out using a touchscreen, so that the information format is accessible for viewing, etc.

As the founder of the Lead Generation Academy, Nazipov Rustam, noted: “In the field of lead generation, you need to constantly work, develop, and do everything so that your advertising campaigns were even more effective. There are a lot of clients on the Internet, but there is no ceiling.” The author notes that you cannot mark time; you need to change texts, colors and design of the website and advertising when they are ineffective. Because, “... the more competent your lead strategy is, the more, the better quality and the cheaper leads you will receive.” Therefore, also “... come up with promotions, bonuses, gifts, give useful content to customers, just communicate with them without sales, etc.”

In general, according to experts, lead sales are possible and successful if they are of high quality, that is, they meet the target audience and qualification criteria. Moreover, a rigorous and well-functioning process for monitoring the processing of leads, analyzing errors and victories, and recording results is mandatory. After all, competent lead generation ultimately benefits all market participants.