How to create a VKontakte group for sales? The main components of a successful sales team. How to organize a store based on the social network VKontakte? How to sell products in contacts in a group

In this material we will tell you how to sell VKontakte and use this social network to get maximum profit. Developing an online store on a separate website is expensive and not always effective. You can create a store in a VK group or on a personal page for free, and a competent approach will help attract customers from a 70 million user audience.

How to sell VKontakte on your page

To sell goods through VKontakte, it is not at all necessary to create a group and invite participants to it. You can effectively promote your products even through your own page. It is enough to simply publish a photo of the product, its description, price, and also accompany the post with tags.

But still, it is better to sell through a personal page not for business purposes, but for the purpose of a one-time sale of some property: mobile phone, laptop, fur coat or even a car. By posting such a post, you will show your friends that you want to sell something, they will share the post and you are highly likely to find a reliable buyer.

How to create a store in groups

How to sell goods on VKontakte on a business scale? If you are planning to organize a full-fledged store, it is better to create a group. Its capabilities are much wider than those of a personal page. The group has an unlimited number of participants (you can add a maximum of 10 thousand people as friends on your personal page) and it is more convenient to promote it in advertising.

What can you sell this way? In fact, you can sell anything through VKontakte: from goods self-made to industrial products. In demand:

  • cloth;
  • shoes;
  • accessories;
  • cosmetics;
  • mobile technology;
  • household chemicals and household goods;
  • pet products;
  • food, sports nutrition, food additives;
  • consultations with specialists and online training courses;
  • books and stationery;
  • furniture, decorations.

VKontakte is constantly being improved, including for online trading. Selling on VK through a group is now much easier than a few years ago. The “Products” function allows you to display products on the community page noticeably, beautifully and as conveniently as possible for potential buyers. At the same time, setting it up is quite simple.

Go to the "Management" section of your group and find the "Sections" tab. Scroll down the page a little and check “Included” next to the “Products” item. Now you need to configure the display. Set up the delivery country (by default it is Russia, but you can specify any of the neighboring countries and Israel). You can also select the cities where delivery is carried out. If you plan to deliver throughout Russia, you do not need to specify the city.

Select your currency - usually the Russian ruble. For contacts, indicate one of the community administrators. Finally, choose which part of the page you want to display product information on. When the settings are completed, you can add lots.

Effective advertising

Sorry, add beautiful photos and the description in the “Products” section in your store group is not enough to earn a lot. The community needs to be promoted and the number of participants increased. For this purpose, two methods are used: quality content and advertising.

Quality content includes professional photos and videos, as well as informative posts and articles that group members will share on their pages. The more high-quality posts are reposted, the more participants will be attracted to the community for free. “Free” in this case is largely conditional, because you will have to invest in creating high-quality content. In fact, there is only one recommendation - post something that will please, please, or be useful to your subscribers.

A showcase with goods will help users quickly navigate the community’s assortment and place an order.

It is best to advertise a VK group within itself social network by using targeting. This is an advertising method where an ad is shown to those users who are potentially interested in it. The social network knows a lot about its users: gender, age, city of residence, marital status, interests and preferences. All this helps to set up internal targeting advertising very accurately.

To enable targeting, go to personal account on the market platform at the link Here you can select the ad type:

  • carousel (several products in one ad);
  • regular post;
  • post with a “join” button;
  • post with a collection of applications (the interested user will leave his contact information in it).

You can create a special post for the announcement, or you can use an already published one. Then you need to top up your account with at least 500 rubles. The amount of funds must be constantly monitored and replenished if necessary, otherwise the impressions will stop.

Advertising should create a positive impression on the user, arouse interest and not provoke a negative reaction. Most likely, you won’t be able to attract many people this way the first time, but regular work with targeted ads will lead the community to success.

Features of communication with the client

To find out something about a product or order it through VK, the client will write to you. Depending on the settings, his message will go directly to your dialogues or community messages. By the way, if you have messages enabled in the group, do not forget to check regularly, at least once a day.

Sales and the reputation of the community depend on the success of the dialogue. It is important to answer:

  • fast;
  • politely;
  • to the point, informative;
  • no claims to the buyer;
  • without being intrusive;
  • one message (do not break up the response to several messages following each other with an interval of several seconds);
  • competently.

A seller who makes spelling mistakes in his response, puts several exclamation marks, sends 2-3 messages instead of one, does not inspire trust, and does not win over him. Selling VKontakte will be more successful if you properly build communication with the client. Do not use ready-made “sales schemes”; be sincerely interested in what is important to the buyer, which method of payment and delivery is more convenient for him.

If a client for some reason refuses to purchase, you should not impose yourself, much less be rude to him - this is guaranteed to ruin the store’s reputation and scare off other customers.

Pay for goods faster and more reliably through the “Send money” function

The procedure for paying for goods by the buyer

When selling goods through the VKontakte group You can use several payment methods:

  • transfer to a bank card;
  • Webmoney and Yandex Money services;
  • VK money transfers.

The last option is perhaps the most convenient for users. Money can be sent from bank card through messages within the social network. This feature is available to communities; just enable messages.

To send payment for an item, the user must open a dialogue with the group, select the “More” tab and the “Money” item. Next, he indicates the amount and confirms the transfer. The group administrator can withdraw money to his bank card in a couple of minutes.


Selling goods through VKontakte is a promising and easy-to-organize trade direction. Functionality This social network allows you to create a full-fledged online store with a catalog of goods and payment acceptance. To increase the size of the group, that is, attract more buyers, you need to create high-quality content and use targeting.

Deciding on the assortment Let's say you decide to start selling clothes online. First of all, you need to decide on the assortment. The main criterion for successful online sales is the demand and relevance of things in the region where you live. Perhaps there are no beautiful evening and cocktail dresses in your city, or it is completely impossible to find high-quality children's shoes. It is important to carry out comparative analysis available retail stores clothes, read forums and find out the opinions of your friends about what they would be willing to buy from you. An important factor is average income per capita in the region where you are going to organize your online trading. Inflated prices can repel potential buyers, and too cheap clothes may raise doubts about its quality.

Therefore, if you are interested in widely selling various household items through contact all over the world, you need to choose the maximum number of payment methods. Today you can pay attention to the following options:

  1. Cashless payment by card.
  2. Transfer of cash to your account.
  3. Money transfers through banks and companies such as Western Union.
  4. Payment systems like Yandex. Money, Webmoney, PayPall.

It is necessary to provide for the possibility of all payment methods by the client, since not everyone has a registered account with electronic systems.

And you should create wallets on all sites with electronic money before opening your online clothing store in VKontakte. Remember that without being able to pay for your services, a potential customer will simply go to your competitors, who will be able to provide him with what he wants.

How to open an online store on VKontakte and organize sales

The Internet in this case greatly simplifies the transaction process. How to find potential buyers? Once you have decided on a clothing supplier, you need to start searching for potential buyers who will be interested and profitable in your product. You can try to open your own online store, but this will require cash investments(website creation, design development, promotion in search engines, search for a hired administrator, etc.

d.) Therefore, the most rational way for a newbie to find buyers is a group or community on social networks. You can create such a group absolutely free by advertising your services and posting an assortment of custom-made clothes. At first, friends and acquaintances can act as potential buyers.
Gradually, people will start to learn about your online clothing selling community and will tell their friends about it.

Where to order clothes for sale on social networks - supplier contacts

This will not give results, or rather 20-30 tr is not the result Dropshipping is just the beginning, then those who succeed move to small and medium-sized wholesale from, and other sites. With the current doubled ruble exchange rate, this is no longer so profitable, but in the summer I personally sold shoes in VK aimed at target audiences under 20 years old. From 1 pair the margin is often almost 100% of the cost, or at least 1,000 Russian rubles per pair. We simply purchased the most popular models and sizes, set up VK advertising for an advertising group with the product and received orders, sending by Russian Post cash on delivery throughout the country. Then the yuan cost 5.5 rubles, now it’s 10...

How to sell clothes and things in contact

Creating accounts on social networks is becoming very popular today. For example, almost 94 million people from all over the world are registered in Contact. Such attendance suggests that the idea of ​​doing business here could be quite promising.
Considering that today the most popular activity is the sale of clothing and items self made, one might wonder about the potential of such a thing. Content

  • General organizational issues
  • Selecting a Product Type
  • Page design
  • Communication with the client
  • Payment for goods
  • Advertising
  • Shipping handmade items or how best to transfer goods to the buyer

General organizational issues There is one problem that worries most people: is it legal to sell things in contact? Of course, this is a completely legal activity. You can safely start working.


And the amount for transportation several times higher than the nominal value of the product will certainly repel buyers. To avoid such awkwardness, you need to consult the nearest post office and find out all the shipping prices. An unusual shape of a package or its heavy weight can significantly change shipping prices.

Also, the post office has its own restrictions, and you need to adjust your products to their standards. Of course, optimal solution Delivery will be at your expense. True, in extreme cases You can offer the client to pay for shipping in half. But you need to know that each post office has different shipping conditions, especially when it comes to delivery to other countries.
So, before you start selling any products, you need to thoroughly study all the information and nuances of the business, and also have a good understanding of how to sell things via the Internet in contact.

Your own business: selling clothes online

Convenient, but sometimes confusing Profile aver 8 posts Reputation: 0 Date: Sunday, 03/08/2015, 23:14 | Message #20 Try it boldly, things come and the quality is quite normal. Just before ordering and paying, read reviews about sellers very carefully, as some may scam you... Profile cappuccinator 9 posts Reputation: 0 Date: Wednesday, 03/11/2015, 15:25 | Message #21 Can I become a partner of a specific seller or an entire online store? How is this generally organized? Profile dr1ve 1285 posts Date: Wednesday, 03/11/2015, 16:44 | Message #22 cappuccinator, you can. For example, ActionPay has them affiliate program. Profile bmsauber7 15 posts Reputation: 0 Date: Wednesday, 03/11/2015, 16:51 | Message #23 Ali has everything, and the prices are reasonable. I’ve been ordering all sorts of trinkets from there for a long time, but I didn’t think of selling them online, although it’s an interesting idea.

Selling clothes online: where to start, how to find a supplier


You have already made the decision to choose an activity. All that remains is to competently organize the process of selling clothes. First, it is important to determine which market segment you are targeting: Age and gender group potential clients Buyers' income level (what pricing policy You will adhere to) Product group: sportswear or evening wear, and possibly the entire assortment and wardrobe for every taste. Other open questions may arise in this area that should be focused on more carefully. For example, it is important to understand where your product will come from.

Perhaps the clothes presented in the store will be sewn at a private enterprise. There are also various options wholesale purchases abroad. Very important aspects in organizing the sale of clothing online are the method of payment for the purchase, as well as delivery of the goods.

You can design a community yourself, but if you lack experience and specific skills in such work, the public may turn out dull and unattractive to the user. So, it is better to ask a specialist in this field for help. The cost of such services will be approximately $15–120.

But prices can be completely different. They depend on the level of experience and skill of the performer, as well as the quality of page design that you require. For a commercial group, it is advisable to create an interesting page design that can attract the attention of users. When you plan to work on your own, there are a few things to consider when creating an avatar. Main photo community should express the content of the group as fully as possible.

Sometimes it is possible to communicate this with text in a picture or simply choose an image that suits the theme.

How to start selling clothes on VKontakte and where to get them

When you intend to conduct business on a large scale, there is always the opportunity to formalize the matter with government control authorities. Selling goods through a VKontakte group can be a good addition to the main business for any store. First, you need to decide what can be sold in VKontakte. Next, to start trading various goods, you will need to create your own group or public.

It’s worth knowing a few facts about the community:

  • it is impossible to invite friends to the public;
  • requires a separate page for the administrator;
  • please link your phone number.

For trading to be effective, you should ask for information about what products people most often pay attention to and what might interest them now.

How to start selling clothes on VKontakte and where to get clothes

Profimc profile 66 posts Reputation: 0 Date: Monday, 02/02/2015, 11:47 | Message # 11 thank you, I’ve already sold T-shirts))) now I’ll try it Profile immortaldmb2 15 posts Reputation: 0 Date: Tuesday, 02/03/2015, 15:56 | Message # 12 I never trusted something like this... but for some reason it became interesting... I’ll probably try Profile Website Meris 3 posts Reputation: 0 Date: Monday, 02/09/2015, 18:04 | Message #13 Verified site! The main thing is to choose sellers who have more medals, then the product will be good. I also recommend looking at delivery; not all sellers offer free delivery.

In addition, very important role The promptness of your response also plays a role here. Polite and prompt responses to customers' questions can increase sales. There is no need to ignore customer questions so that they do not move to communities where they pay more attention. When a client waits a long time for an answer to his question, he can easily find a store where he will be answered immediately without waiting.

News in the community should appear every day and preferably several pieces. You should delight your subscribers with new photos, information about promotions and other pleasant little things. Payment for goods A lot depends on the method of payment for goods. When only your friends become buyers in the group, you can transfer money and goods when you meet. Although here, quite often, you can encounter the problem of people living in different parts of the country.

Hi all! Today is a cool article in the form of a short interview with Vladimir Alexandrov, who sells various products through groups on the Vkontakte social network. For those who have thought, planned or want to start their own business selling goods, then VKontakte sales will be a great start. Firstly, there is a huge audience, and secondly, as it turned out, it does not require much investment. Vladimir spoke about many of the intricacies of this Internet business in the article, so let’s move on to his answers to my questions.

- Hello, Vladimir! A couple of sentences about yourself. How old are you, what city do you live in, how long ago did you start doing business, what were your first projects, etc.

Hello Nikolay. I am now 25 years old. I have been living in Krasnodar for several years now. I started doing business, if you can call it that, when I was a child. My parents are entrepreneurs and that says it all, they gave me the ability to labor activity in sales. I started my first business about 3 years ago. These were sales of my parents' goods through an online store that I was just creating as thesis at the university. Then, he worked as a rental realtor for himself, but large companies I was “suffocated” by competition. There was also one grocery store, but I quickly realized that there is a lot of work, but the exhaust is not that big. That’s why I went online, where there is plenty of work and more money.

- Than in at the moment are you working out?

At the moment, my main focus in making money is on the Internet, namely in sales through groups on VK. There I am mainly involved in the sale of cosmetics, but this is not the only direction. Now I have 4 main groups that bring in the main income, and a few more on which I test the niche.

I create groups in the form of an online store, with a full menu and product catalog, since this type is the most convenient for visitors and has the maximum conversion. Due to my busy schedule, I spend almost my entire working day on development and constant change and improvement. This is generally an endless process, because information on the Internet becomes outdated very quickly, and competition does not allow you to sit in one place.

— Why did you choose the direction of selling goods on social media? networks and why Vkontakte?

Social sales direction I chose networks completely by accident, and at the first stage I created a group because there was simply nothing to do, but I already had the idea of ​​​​selling teeth whitening cosmetics. VKontakte was not my main social network at all, where I sat, there were simply more opportunities to implement ideas and it was easiest to create a group. After reading various articles and simple lessons on creating groups, I started creating my first one, spent almost 3 weeks on it, but I made it an order of magnitude better than the competitors. The second factor in choosing VK as a sales platform is that this social network is most popular among young people, who are precisely my target audience.

— As I understand it, the scheme for making money is simple: you find a product, create a group, recruit a few people for extras, advertise in other groups and target VK, and here they are, sales? Or is it more complicated?

Indeed, the circuit is actually simple, but it is simple only in theory. Finding a product that will give a normal return is not so easy. For one successful direction, there are several unsuccessful ones, but you waste time and money on everything. Creating a group is the easiest thing. You can order graphics for design from freelancers, fill the group with articles and pictures too, it’s not a tricky matter. Cheating at the first stage is very good, it allows you to achieve the loyalty of future customers (you can cheat it through vktarget), but you shouldn’t abuse it when filling a group with bots, they won’t make purchases. You need to advertise correctly, otherwise you can invest a large amount, but the return is very small. Here you need to test everything, every advertising picture, every competition. People on social media There are many networks and everyone has their own taste and perception of information, so you have to adapt. And after all this, perhaps, but not yet a fact, sales will begin. It may turn out that people simply do not need this product, or it has analogues that are easier and cheaper to buy in a regular store. And so yes, everything, one might say, is simple.

— Do you purchase goods or do dropshipping?

I have never worked with dropshipping, I was always interested in working with the client directly. Putting a physical product in his hands that he can touch before purchasing and feel that he really needs this product. That's why I buy goods. I have my own warehouses with departments for different products. Of course, with this approach, those goods that are not in great demand remain. We have to sell them at reduced prices, hold promotions on them and other tricks.

— Many people have difficulty choosing a product. How do you choose a product? Do you carry out testing or does your intuition tell you?

Indeed, choosing a product is the most important step. The easiest way to choose your niche is in the area in which you understand at least a little. With this approach, it’s easier to start and the likelihood of getting it right with a product or service is much greater. The product that I will deal with, I choose the one that I like myself and that I would like to use. Before making major investments in any direction, I definitely test it. My intuition, of course, tells me what is worth my effort and what is not, but still, I check.

— How do you test a product before active sales?

Before introducing a product into the active phase, I definitely test it. I test it for “callback”, upload several to Avito different options, I create a group with minimal design and launch a small advertising campaign. After all this, I analyze the result obtained, and only then make a decision on the advisability of pursuing this direction. For me this is the most suitable way testing.

“To hell with everything. Take it and do it!” These are the words of Richard Branson, British entrepreneur, founder of the Virgin Group corporation. I try to follow them, and I advise everyone to do the same. Until you try something, you won't know whether it was worth it or not. And selling through social networks is the same as selling in a regular store or market, only much simpler. Therefore, it’s worth starting to practice, and experience will show how it goes.

— Do you think it’s important to love what you do or is monetary motivation enough?

To build successful business love for the job is desirable. It is even more necessary for the sales process; it is not so important what to sell, the main thing is to love this process. For me, let's say each sale is like little holiday. It doesn’t even matter to me whether I earn 50 rubles or 5 thousand, of course, the pleasure from the second option will be greater, but the fact remains a fact.


Well, that’s all that I managed to find out from Vladimir. The article turned out to be detailed and even very detailed. From such articles you can easily compose your own step by step plan action and try to earn money. If anyone has questions for Vladimir, then ask them in the comments, and Vladimir, I hope, will answer to the best of his ability.

Learning to sell handmade goods.

How to sell your crafts? One of the best options today is the social network VKontakte.

Much of what I write about is made for sale and additional income. Since a lot has already been written about how to make various toys, knitted items and other crafts, it’s time to talk about how to start selling them. Today I’ll tell you how to create a VKontakte group and sell your work there.

A group can actually be about anything, not just manual labor, but also, for example, about website templates, about fine arts, about articles or about, the principle of creating and promoting a group remains the same. But today we will choose the topic “knitting”. There are many ways to sell knitted items. You can create a website or online store, fill it with your products and start selling. But this is not where you should start. You will spend a lot of time and money on creating your website and, especially on its promotion, while creating a group is completely free. Promotion of the group will also not require large investments. Therefore, we start with the group, and I will tell you about creating your website in the next post. For example, you need to organize sales of knitted toys. Let's go...


We need to go to VKontakte and create a group. To do this, in your account, go to the “My Groups” menu item and click the “Create Community” button.

A window appears with the parameters of the future group. Select the community type “Group” and write “Knitted toys” in the name. Creativity when choosing a name is harmful. The title should preferably contain a phrase by which potential buyers will search for your group. If we sell knitted toys, then let the group be called “Knitted Toys”. The name is taken into account when searching and, for other purposes, equal conditions, your group will be higher in search results if its name matches what the visitor is looking for..

Note: 50% of new group members come through search! They search for groups they are interested in using keywords.

After you have chosen the community type and name, you need to clarify the address of the future group, description and basic settings. Please note that the address is entered only in Latin letters and instead of a space there is an underscore. As intuition suggests, the address is in the form keyword- This is good.

A few words about the group settings: Everything except registration in the group in “limited” mode. Otherwise, there will be a lot of spam. Registration of new participants is, of course, open.

We need as many new faces as possible. Have you set it up? Click "Save". Ready!


Our group looks somewhat simple, there are not enough participants in it, and for some reason there are still no products that we want to sell. Let's give it a normal look and fill it with goods.

But first, you need a side banner (in simple terms - an avatar). Its size is currently accepted at 200 x 500 pixels, it can be larger, but it will be cut off when loading. What do we draw in our avatar? Anything that gives an idea of ​​what you are selling. The visitor, even before reading it, must understand what it’s about. we're talking about in this group. Have you uploaded your avatar? Looks better already?

It is advisable if the avatar encourages you to do something: register in a group, buy products or tell your friends.

After your avatar, you should fill out the “Community Photos” section. We upload photos of knitted toys and in the caption for each photo we write what it is, how much it costs and how to buy it. In the comments to each photo, visitors will be able to ask questions that you can answer. Don't forget to answer such questions! This will allow all visitors to get to know your products better and create a sense of dialogue between the seller and buyers. Do you have a photo album? It will essentially perform the functions of an online store!


To invite members to a group, it must have something interesting to you target audience. We need not just visitors, but those group members who will regularly come in, participate in discussions, buy and attract other visitors.

Note: Everything a group member comments is visible to all his friends.


Would you yourself subscribe to a group in which there is no one yet? We need initial filling of participants. We send invitations to friends and ask them to subscribe to the group. Real friends won't refuse. After some time (1-2 days), we thank everyone and ask you to send invitations to your friends. Friends of friends are starting to sign up. At the same time, you continue to write interesting articles so that visitors have an incentive to subscribe. Friends + friends of friends = 350 group members. Now you can add as friends those new members with whom you were not familiar (friends of friends). Make friends with them and after a while, you can ask them to send out invitations to their friends. These will be friends of new friends. Have you reached the limit of 400 - 600 participants? Let's move on.