How to dye faux fur at home. The best ways to dye fur at home

About painting

Dyeing fur with hair dye at home is now widespread. The fur of mink, khanorika, kolinsky, marten, muskrat and other animals can be painted with durable household cream paints. Currently, there are a large number of different cream paints on the market, prices range from several hundred to tens of rubles.

To dye fur, it is advisable to choose a paint that is not expensive, light-resistant and resistant to the aquatic environment. It is very convenient to paint small skins, pieces and ready-made fur caps for hats with such paints. One or two packs are required for one skin, depending on the size of the fur and the fur. Paint consists of the contents of two tubes: a tube of paint and a tube of oxidizing agent (peroxide). After mixing the contents of two tubes in a separate container, the paint is applied as a spread and rubbed into the fur with a swab.

When dyeing fur with oxidizing or acidic dyes, many inconveniences arise. For example, when painting with oxidizing dyes, it is not advisable to paint one or two skins or a sewn fur cap for a hat, since several components are required: black urzol for fur D, pyrocatechin or resorcinol, ammonia 25%, salt and oxidizing agent (perhydrol 30%). Before painting, the fur must be etched in a chromium paint in an acidic environment. The etching and painting processes are lengthy and take up almost the entire daylight hours; painting is carried out using the dip method in separate baths at a temperature of 35 -38 degrees.

When dyeing fur with acid dyes, the skins must be tanned with an increased amount of chrome tanning agent so that the skins do not cook. The temperature of the dye solution is 60 - 65 degrees.

It is not advisable to dye fur in small quantities; it is more economical to prepare a batch of skins and spend the entire daylight hours on dyeing.

When dyeing fur with hair dyes, everything is much simpler; you can dye one or two skins in 1 - 2 hours, using a spread method, rubbing the dye into the fur. This wastes one or two packs of paint. The costs are small.

What hair dyes can you use?

From a large number of household cream paints, you need to choose paints that provide the dyed fur with good stability to light, water and mechanical influence. When painting mink fur, depending on whether the fur is old or new, the paint consumption is small. If we need to dye skins with long-haired fur (Arctic fox, fox, silver fox or sable), paint consumption increases significantly, especially when dyeing light skins in dark colors and new fur. In this case, the issue of price is acute.

For dyeing mink, muskrat and other fur skins, the following stable household cream hair dyes have proven themselves to be effective: FARA, IMPRESION +, PRESTIGE. Dyed items retain color for 2–3 years, are not washed off with water, and are almost indistinguishable in color from natural, undyed skins.

Paints Fara, Impression, Prestige

Selection of shades for different fur colors

You need to dye the fur in a tone that will be an order of magnitude darker than the existing one. For example, if you need to dye brown mink fur, be sure to use a darker dye. FARA paint – dark brown No. 502 is suitable for natural brown mink. Mink fur, like any other, is dyed differently. New fur that has not been exposed to sunlight (new skins) dyes very poorly; you have to increase the concentration of dye by adding a darker one.

So, for example: you can add half a tube of black paint No. 501 to dark brown paint FARA No. 502. You can increase the concentration even more by adding half a tube of dark brown paint No. 502 to a tube of black No. 501.

New mink or muskrat fur does not dye well, so often after drying it has to be re-dyed in the same way to achieve dark shades. Old (worn) fur of mink, muskrat and other animals, which has been exposed to sunlight, dyes much better and the longer the fur is worn, the more intense the color. Within 30 minutes to an hour, the skin is completely painted with dark brown FARA dye No. 502 or No. 501.

Tinted shampoo IRIDA

Light tones of fur, for example: gray or blue mink, are better tinted in the same tone with hair dye - IRIDA. For yellow or white mink it is also better to choose paint to match. After dyeing, the fur is renewed, the color becomes brighter and more saturated. Light new skins are difficult to dye in dark colors; it is often necessary to repaint them, increasing the concentration according to the method described above. There are no such problems with old light fur; it can be easily dyed black or brown.

It is better to tint long-haired fur (arctic fox, fox) in a natural color, choosing paint according to color. When painting in dark colors, and even when the skins are new, much more paint is used.

Preparing the product for painting

Worn and moth-eaten areas

Fur skins, individual pieces or a finished sewn fur cap for a hat need to be prepared for painting. Fur pelts must first be tested for exposure to water. Fur, before dyeing, must be degreased and cleaned of dirt by washing. Then it is thoroughly washed in water, dyed, washed and washed again. Skins, due to long-term storage or wear, new skins due to improper dressing may lose their strength and, when exposed to water, swell and tear. That's why all skins need to be tested for water before painting. Separate pieces or thin places of the skin are soaked or thrown into a bowl with warm water and observed for 10 - 15 minutes; if nothing happens to the skins, they remain strong, such skins can be dyed. It happens the other way around: the skins swell, tear when stretched a little, and even worse, become limp, like blotting paper. Such skins must be discarded, otherwise big problems will arise.

Before painting, defects on the skins are eliminated: bald spots, worn out and moth-eaten areas, bites and tears. These places are cut out in the shape of a fish, inserts are sewn in, or simply cut out and stitched. Weak skins, especially at the seams, are strengthened by gluing strips of spunbond non-woven material or non-woven material with MOMENT 1 glue. MOMENT 1 glue is ideal for skins.

The process of dyeing natural fur with hair dye

Before dyeing, a fur skin or a fur cap for a hat, which you have cut out and sewn from whole skins or worn fur (an old hat or collar), must be degreased by washing, since oily and dirty hair does not dye well. Unpainted areas and stains appear.

Prepare water at room temperature in a cup, add washing powder in small quantities and wash carefully. The skins should already be tested for water, as sometimes the skins swell and tear from water. To prevent the skins from tearing, wash them without sudden movements and try not to twist them when squeezing. After washing, the skin is rinsed in clean warm water, lightly wrung out and prepared for painting.

Paint preparation process

The paint is prepared according to the instructions included in the box. Squeeze the hair dye and oxidizing agent (peroxide) out of the tube into a separate bowl and mix everything well. The paint is spread onto the skin or a sewn fur cap using a sponge and rubbed into the fur. The skin is rolled up and placed in a cup. After 10 - 15 minutes they come up and rub the paint well into the fur again. They constantly watch how the skin is dyed. After half an hour, darkening of the fur appears (if the mink is dyed brown), the longer the dyeing, the darker the color. Worn fur dyes faster.

At the end of painting, the skin is rinsed in clean warm water, and then washed with powder in warm water, rinsed several times until clean water. The skin is wrapped in a towel and gently squeezed without twisting, so as not to tear. Then the skin needs to be dried.

How to dry fur properly

To dry dyed fur, you need to use a hair dryer; it is best and more effective to use an old-style vacuum cleaner with reverse draft. Under the influence of an air stream, the fur quickly dries and fluffs up. If these are new skins and not cut along the belly, they can be pulled over the rules with the fur outward and dried. The cut ones are stretched with nails on the shield with the fur facing out, after drying they are removed and crumpled. Such dyed skins can later be used to sew new hats or repair fur coats. Finished sewn and dyed fur caps for hats made by molding are dried with an air stream and, half-baked, pulled onto the block.

During repairs mink coats Sometimes you have to tint brown fur right on the coats. The paint is rubbed with a swab into the faded area, after painting it is quickly washed off with water and dried with an air stream.

A little about secrets...

When making fur hats using the mold method, when sewing fur caps, sometimes it is necessary to insert light fur. After dyeing, pulling a fur cap over the block and drying, it turns out that light fur has a different color. In this case, you can tint the skin directly on the deck by removing the nails. High concentration paint is applied a second time to the unpainted area. After dyeing, the paint is washed off and the fur is quickly dried with an air stream.

As a result of prolonged wear and strong exposure to sunlight, mink fur becomes hard to the touch; such fur must be checked before cutting. A piece of such fur is dyed separately, after drying the fur is dyed disgustingly, the ends of the hair turn grey, the color is very bad. Sometimes, in a hurry, such fur appears on the finished cap, then you need to cut out this piece and replace it with a good one.

Often relying on the quality of the skin, it turns out that after dyeing the skin begins to tear. You can get out of this situation, pull the dried cap onto the finished block and glue the entire cap with pieces of spunbond using MOMENT 1 glue. When pulled onto the finished block, the skin will no longer tear.

When sewing a fur cap for a hat made by molding, you need to remember that the skins decrease in size after dyeing and drying, so the cap is cut out larger in the beat.

Other dyeing methods

Fur can be dyed in many ways. For these purposes, there are oxidative, direct, active, acidic and other a whole series dyes, including natural preparations. When painting, the dipping method is mainly used and, less often, the spreading method. All these methods are labor-intensive and require, in addition to the use of basic dyes, a whole range of additional preparations.

When dyeing fur at home, it takes all daylight hours. A finished fur product (hat, fur coat, vest) cannot be dyed using the dipping method; it is necessary to separate the fur skin from the lining material, and during painting the skins may shrink, and the skins decrease in size when drying. You can tint some defective areas (worn or faded), for example, on a fur coat or hat, by rubbing the paint into the fur using a spread method, and then quickly rinse with water and dry. With this method, household cream hair dyes have proven themselves to be excellent. Sometimes such problem areas are tinted with aerosols by spraying paint.

Spray for coloring fur

Often finished fur products (hats, fur coats) look excellent when worn for a long time, but faded spots appear in some places. In this case, there is no need to paint the entire thing; it is enough to touch up the problem areas with a spray.

To dye fur, you can use aerosol paint for caring for suede. It consists of metal cans of spray paint.

Aerosol for suede care

You need to choose the right shade correctly, otherwise the dyed fur will differ sharply from the main one. The area that needs to be tinted is cleaned of dirt and can be degreased with alcohol and wiped with a swab. It is advisable to cover the fur with any material, except for tinted spots. We spray the paint at a distance of 30 -40 cm so that the fur does not stick together and a uniform color is obtained. In this way you can get an excellent result, the painted areas will not differ much from natural fur, the paint will last for several months.

Caring for dyed fur

As a result of painting fur skins, individual pieces, fur caps for hats with persistent household cream hair dyes, carried out using the spread method, by rubbing the paint into the fur, we obtain a stable color. The paint is resistant to light, water and mechanical stress when wearing fur for a long time. Such items do not require special care; the requirements are the same as for any fur product.

The requirements for fur dyed by spraying are completely different. The color is not particularly durable, so it is better to protect such a product from the influence of light, water, mechanical stress and elevated temperature.

In order for the dye to stick better and the fur to shine, it can be treated with a special balm for the care of dyed hair. After this treatment, the fur becomes softer and fluffier.

Fur products require daily care, combing more often, and require thorough cleaning. Much depends on proper storage. Fur should be covered and stored in a dark place.


To dye faux fur, first decide what color you want: do you want to change the color of the fur item completely, or do you want just a little bit of it. As a rule, faux fur is dyed with regular hair dye, so first of all, first purchase the dye itself. When deciding to dye a product completely in dark natural or creative bright colors, use permanent hair dye. To just slightly update the color of a product made from faux fur, especially light colors, use regular tinting shampoo.

Clean the product, removing traces of grease and dirt, as otherwise any paint may apply unevenly. Depending on the contamination, wipe the fur with a cotton swab soaked in shampoo or detergent. Before dyeing faux fur, test the paint on a small piece, and when painting the finished product, test the paint on the underside of the fur or in another inconspicuous place. If, after drying, you like both the shade and the look of the dyed faux fur, start working on the entire product.

To ensure that the faux fur is painted uniformly, stretch the fur or the finished product well, otherwise there may later be poorly colored areas in its structure. Treat the surface of the fur with a brush, carefully painting it in the direction of the fibers, capturing both the fur “hairs” themselves and the base fabric, especially if you are radically changing the color of the fur product. Follow the instructions on the dye you purchased as if you were dyeing hair rather than fur.

Leave the product with the paint applied for the time specified in the instructions so that the coloring pigments have time to be well absorbed. Then all you have to do is wash off the dye thoroughly, taking into account both the type of faux fur and its base. If a dyed faux fur item can be washed well, wash it without using shampoo, just do not rub it too hard so as not to damage the structure. Then comb it a little while still wet and let it dry, and after drying, comb it again. When it is not recommended to wash the base fabric of the faux fur due to possible shrinkage, remove the remaining paint with a cotton swab soaked in warm water, constantly replacing them with new ones.

Please note

Faux fur has never been so fashionable and affordable. Thanks to the Vizavi fur studio, sewing the most fashionable and comfortable fur coats and sheepskin coats of the season has become even easier - and you don’t have to kill for it. Sewing fur coats from faux fur, sewing sheepskin coats from faux fur - this is Our Business! - sewing combined products from artificial fur and fabric. And we will select all this together with you from catalogs or develop an individual model for you.

Useful advice

Fashionable and inexpensive fur vests look like they are made of natural fur! In fact, even PETA followers can wear them because they're made from stunning faux fur that has all the qualities of real fur - it looks great, keeps you warm and complements your style. The length of the vest, pockets and belts are your choice. A free black satin ribbon is provided for quick fitting of the product. Fur vests are fastened with buttons or hooks.

After two or three years, fur products lose their original shine and color saturation. They can be restored by painting. Paint artificial and real fur You can use hair dye or special aerosols at home. Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the hairs from grease and dirt. The color should be 1-2 shades darker than the original. The product is first tested on an inconspicuous area.

Dyeing natural fur

Products made from natural fur - rabbit, arctic fox, beaver, fox, silver fox, mink - lose their beauty and attractiveness every year. Some places, especially pockets and armpits, get rubbed. The product quickly loses appearance, if a woman carries a bag with long handles, I’ll throw it over my shoulder.

Over time, the fur fades in the sun and becomes lighter and duller, acquiring a gray tint. In cut products, the ends of the hairs after a couple of years lose their appearance and look singed. Painting outerwear in specialized services- quite an expensive pleasure. Procedure m Can be done at home , if you are careful and follow all the rules of painting.

How to starch a shirt at home - step by step instructions

Preparing natural products for dyeing

First, natural fur is prepared for dyeing. It needs to be cleaned of dirt and dust. If you skip this step, the paint on especially dirty and greasy areas will be absorbed worse, and the fur will end up with stains and stains.

To clean products from dirt and grease, prepare a solution:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • dishwashing detergent or shampoo - 1 teaspoon;
  • ammonia (ammonia) - 5 g;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • soda - 10 g.

You can prepare a solution from improvised means:

  • alcohol - 50 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
  • water - 50 ml.

All ingredients are mixed and applied with a soft brush to the fur surface. You need to make sure that the skin under the hairs does not get wet. Then the foam is also carefully washed off with a brush dipped in clean water. If possible, the skin on the back of the fur can be lubricated with a rich hand cream to prevent drying out.

Painting methods

Natural fur is similar in structure to human hair, so at home, to color it, use professional hair dye or the one sold in supermarkets and household chemical stores. High-quality and durable paint will give a good effect that will remain for a long time.

When preparing the mixture for dyeing, it is necessary to evaluate the amount of work and the thickness of the hair. The paint must be diluted with reserve. For example, the fur of a rabbit or mink is short, but the fur of a silver fox, arctic fox, or raccoon is long and dense, so the same area will require twice as much paint. Before you start staining, you need to do a test on a small, inconspicuous area. This will help ensure making the right choice colors and obtaining the desired shade.

There is no need to try to radically change the color of a sheepskin coat or fur coat. It is better to choose a range of 2-3 tones towards a darker color. It will not be possible to dye a white fur coat black the first time, and if you carry out the dyeing process several times, you can damage the structure of the product with the chemical composition and ruin it.

The product is applied very carefully with a coloring brush. You need to paint the fur down to the roots, but try not to touch the skin. Leave the paint on for 20 to 40 minutes, following the instructions in the instructions. First, the product is treated with a brush soaked in water, and the main amount of the coloring composition is removed. Then the residues are washed off with running water. Wash only the fur side, being careful not to pour water on the skin. You cannot dry the product with a fan or hairdryer. Do this in a straightened form, wiping the inner leather side dry to remove moisture.

Dyeing faux fur

When dyeing fake fur, you need to take into account the color of the main fabric on which it is planted. The dye is tested on a small area, dyeing not only the hairs, but also the base fabric. Their shades after dyeing may differ; the fabric or hair may not be dyed at all. Sometimes faux fur sticks together due to a reaction with the dye. That is why a trial staining of a small area is carried out, going through all stages of staining.

Happy owners of fur items know that they fade over time. To restore color, you don’t have to turn to professionals for help - you can do it at home. Knowing how to dye fur, you will give the product a second life at minimal cost.


Before proceeding directly to painting, the fur must be prepared. Clean it thoroughly from dust and dirt so that the paint adheres well. For these purposes, you can use an alkaline solution.

For a liter of water you need to take the following components:

Mix all ingredients to obtain a homogeneous mass. It is convenient to apply it with a brush. Be sure to wash off the product. You can also use another composition: combine water, vinegar, and alcohol in equal proportions.

The wrong side, the inner side, also needs to be processed. It is necessary to apply glycerin or fatty cream to it.

This will prevent skin deformation. The fur must be pinned to a board so that the item does not lose its shape during the process of dyeing and drying.

If the interior is poorly painted, it will “shine”, creating the effect of sparse fibers. It can be tinted from the inside out. How to paint the inside of the fur? You can use a special product or apply hair dye after testing it on an inconspicuous area.

Using hair dye

It is often used to color arctic foxes. It is quite dense, so it is better to buy two or three packages so that the color is rich and uniform.

Before applying the composition to the entire surface, test it on a small piece.

You can see how it “behaves” when interacting with chemicals. Choose a paint one or two shades darker than the natural color - it will make its color richer.

If a thing has turned yellow, it is better not to paint it, but to lighten it. This can be done using hydrogen peroxide. Only after this is it necessary to apply the coloring composition of the appropriate shade.

How to apply paint?

Spray paint

Owners of items made from arctic fox fur sometimes notice that the tips begin to turn yellow. To restore the original appearance, it is not necessary to paint the entire product; it is enough to use suede paint from an aerosol can.

Is it possible to dye mink products?

Real fur is always in fashion. But over time, stylish mink items lose their rich color and shine. How to dye fur at home? There is nothing difficult about this if you follow the basic rules.

Often women dye their mink with regular hair dye. Before applying the composition, mink fur must be prepared in the same way as arctic fox fur. To make the procedure easier, you can use an aerosol or spray bottle. Spray the product at a distance of approximately 70 cm. Do not forget to comb the hairs with a brush or at least rub them with your hands. To dry, you can use a hairdryer or allow it to dry naturally. Hair balm applied to the surface will give shine and softness. Be sure to rinse it off thoroughly.

How to dye faux fur

Products made from it are very popular due to their attractive appearance and reasonable cost. But over time, faux fur needs painting.

  1. If you want to radically change the color of the product, choose hair dye with a high degree of durability. To refresh the shade, a tinting shampoo is suitable.
  2. Pre-clean the product from dust and dirt with a swab soaked in shampoo. Apply the coloring composition to a small area to evaluate the result.
  3. In order for the entire surface to be painted well, the product must be well stretched and fixed. Run the brush in the direction of the grain, grabbing the fabric as well. Follow the dyeing time specified in the instructions and rinse the fur thoroughly. Brush the wet bristles with a brush and let the product dry.

If you know how to dye real or faux fur, your items will always look fresh and neat.

During prolonged wear, a fur product may lose its attractiveness only because the fur has faded either from the sun or from exposure to precipitation. In this case, there are two ways of restoration. Specialized enterprises that provide dry cleaning and painting services know how to do this efficiently. But you can give a “second life” to your favorite thing at home. By following the instructions and applying some of your own imagination, you will be able to create a unique work of art.

If the age of a fur product is indicated by its color, then you can update the appearance by painting.

For gray astrakhan, only black or brown is used. Mink is dyed in its native colors in order to restore faded shades. Black or brown pigment is suitable for mouton products. Fur items in beige tones are dyed in all shades of brown to enhance the intensity of the native color. Choose a paint one or two shades darker for the job.

The main condition for high-quality and uniform dyeing is clean fur. An alkaline solution has proven to be the best cleaning agent; its composition is as follows:

  • soda (dessert spoon);
  • salt (dessert spoon);
  • ammonia (teaspoon);
  • about 15 drops of detergent
  • 1 liter of water.

Lightening yellowed white fur is additional element color restoration. To do this, use a solution with hydrogen peroxide (a teaspoon) and ammonia (10 drops). This product can remove yellowness from the fur of a silver fox. When processing with this composition, deep soaking should be avoided. First, make a test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. 15 minutes is enough to lighten. We must remember that a longer process will make the ends brittle.

Chalk and starch help remove yellowness from the fur of a gray rabbit for a while. The powder is rubbed evenly and with little effort over the top of the pile and shaken off. This method will not harm the product, so it can be used often. Gray rabbit fur is dyed with hair pigment. There is also an absolutely safe method in which an aqueous solution of bluing is carefully applied with a brush to the entire surface of the product. The composition should be light blue.

To enhance faded raccoon fur, use hair dye with a lightening effect, which will make the product look gold-plated or silver-plated.

You can renew fox fur with thick potassium permanganate. Treat it carefully with a sponge, not allowing things to get wet.

The faded ends of the fur are painted with suede spray paint. Spray the product slowly, keeping a distance of about 70 centimeters between the fur coat and the sprayer.

How to dye fur with hair dye?

Hair dyes are suitable for dyeing an arctic fox or a mink on your own. This method has been tested in practice and when painting not too old things, it always gives positive results. It is better to first test the effect of even high-quality products on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

To dye fur at home, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Straightening the strands of natural fur, apply a thin layer of fatty cream or glycerin to the flesh.
  2. Gently moisturize the entire fur surface.
  3. Apply the product as carefully as when coloring your hair.
  4. Leave it for a while. Duration of dyeing - according to the instructions on the packaging with the dye.
  5. To enhance the effect of the paint, apply a saline solution evenly over the entire surface.
  6. Wash off the paint under the flow of water from the shower.
  7. Remove excess with rags or blotting paper.

After drying, the fur is combed, observing the natural direction of the pile. This dye lasts on a fur item for up to six months, and this is often enough to make the item look renewed.

A simplified option for saturating the tone is to color it with a tinting shampoo (according to the instructions on the package).

Homemade stencils are used for painting with multi-colored paints. The spots are painted one at a time.

Faux fur is easier to dye. You can use tinting shampoo and hair dye. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Before dyeing begins, the product is fixed.
  2. Apply the product in the direction of the fibers.
  3. Leave the paint to soak in. The time must match the instructions in the instructions.
  4. After the procedure, the fur is washed, dried and combed.

Experts do not recommend experimenting with coloring new things.

Home or professional dyeing extends the life of a fur product for a short time. After some time, the pigment comes off and the item becomes faded again.