"1s:toir" as a tool for planning and carrying out maintenance and repairs. General description of the system "1C:TOiR Management of equipment maintenance and repairs" How are repairs calculated in 1C TOiR

The solution is intended for specialists in the organization of repairs and maintenance of industrial equipment, as well as for all departments that have anything to do with asset management, repairs and maintenance.

The software product "1C:Enterprise 8. MRO Management of equipment repairs and maintenance" contains a number of features that allow you to increase the efficiency of various enterprise services and provides:

  • for the management of the enterprise and managers responsible for business development: ample opportunities for analysis, planning and flexible management of enterprise resources to increase competitiveness, “transparency” of production assets is ensured;
  • heads of departments, managers and employees directly involved in production, sales, supply and other activities to support the production process: tools to increase efficiency daily work in their directions;
  • repair service workers: the ability to use products as a basis for managing work - an archive of all regulatory and technical documentation, are calculated PPR charts, orders for repair work are issued, and records of repair work are kept.
  • employees of enterprise accounting services: tools for automated accounting in full compliance with legal requirements and corporate standards of the enterprise;

Solutions can be used both at individual enterprises and in production holdings to ensure the unification of production and regulated repair accounting.

When developing the configurations “1C: TOIR Equipment Repair and Maintenance Management” and “1C: Repair Enterprise Management”, both modern international enterprise management techniques (EAM, CMMS, MRP II, CRM, SCM, ERP, etc.) and the experience of successful automation of enterprises, accumulated by 1C and the partner community.

Main specialized functions and capabilities:

Maintaining reference information

Maintaining a list of equipment

To maintain a list of equipment, the system provides a hierarchical directory “Repair Objects”.
The depth and structure of the tree is arbitrary. Usually the production and technological structure of the enterprise is reflected, down to the units of equipment that require planning and accounting for repairs.

Objects of repair and maintenance are elements of wood. Each element is represented by information about the passport data of a specific repair object.

System directories

The system maintains the following directories:

Directory: Types of defects

The directory is intended to store a list of possible types of defects in the equipment used at the enterprise. Using the directory, you can make an additional classification of similar types of defects in various repair objects.

Directory: Types of work schedules

The directory contains a list of all work schedules of the enterprise and stores information about the amount of working time by day and/or shift. The schedule parameters are set in the Schedule Filling Assistant, which allows you to set general parameters and, based on these parameters, automatically fill out the work schedule for the next year.
You can fill out the schedule using one of the proposed templates or make the settings manually.

Directory: Repair groups of repair objects

A repair group is a group of repair objects with the same standard maintenance and repairs. Repair groups are designed to simplify the entry of information about standard repairs for each repair object and to minimize the size of the system database.
Each repair group combines regulatory maintenance and repairs for a list of similar repair items. A repair object can only be included in one repair group.
To set standard repairs in a repair group, it is necessary to establish a correspondence between the type of repair, the technological operation (with standards) and the method of planning this repair.
After filling out the list of normative maintenance and repairs, it is necessary to fill out a list of similar repair objects for which the specified maintenance and repairs are normative in the “Repair group composition” tab of the repair group entry/adjustment form.

Maintaining technological maps of repairs

The reference book "Technological maps of repairs" is intended for maintaining technological maps of repairs in the system.
When entering a repair flow chart, a list of technological operations is indicated.

Technological maps for repairs: material costs and labor costs

Indispensable details of each technological operation are logistics and labor resources.

Repair flow sheets: guidance documents and instructions

List of RDs and Instructions regulating this repair.

Equipment passport

For each repair item, you can specify the following basic passport data: manufacturer, production date, passport number, serial number, technological number, inventory number.

Item to be repaired: characteristics

In the "Characteristics" tab, set technical specifications repair facility.

Repair object: indicators

The system provides the ability to record the values ​​of monitored equipment indicators.

Item of repair: Running time

The system provides the ability to maintain a log of equipment operating hours.
For each equipment, an authorized employee enters operating hours into the system. The number of types of operating time for each object is not limited.

Object of repair: Repairs

For each repair object, the system provides the ability to store information about all repairs performed.
The Repairs tab in the form of entering/adjusting a repair item is intended for this purpose.

Repair planning

To maintain PPR schedules, a list of PPR schedules is used.
When entering a PPR schedule in the system, you must specify the following basic data:

  • date of drawing up the schedule;
  • the period for which it is necessary to draw up a schedule;
  • the organization for which the schedule is being drawn up;
  • the department for which the schedule is being drawn up;
  • a list of repair items for which a schedule needs to be drawn up;
  • a list of types of maintenance and repairs for each repair item that must be included in the schedule.

Repair planning: selection of objects

For user convenience, the system has the ability to automatically select a group of repair objects.

Repair planning: calculation of PPR

After specifying the repair objects and types of repairs, the PPR schedule must be constructed using the Fill button in the form for entering/adjusting the schedule.
To visually represent the PPR schedule, you must use the Build/Update button on the Repair Diagram tab.

Repair planning: printing a maintenance schedule

After calculating the PPR schedule, it must be printed.

Carrying out repairs

Carrying out repairs: Request for repairs

Operational planning of repair work in the system is carried out in the form of repair requests, which can include only the required materials and operations approved in the specifications and technological maps. When creating requests, planned costs are automatically determined, and when taking into account the progress of repairs, materials and labor costs are written off for specific repairs.

An application can be triggered by one of the following events:

  • Detected equipment defect. In this case, an application for unscheduled repairs will be generated.
  • The scheduled repair date has arrived according to the maintenance schedule. In this case, a request for scheduled repairs will be generated.

Repairs: Formation and control of orders for repair work

Based on the generated repair requests, orders for repair work are generated. The work order is issued to the performers (worker, crew) before the start of work.

The work order is filled out automatically based on the information specified in the application and contains the following information:

  • list of repairs and their technological operations;
  • deadlines for completing the work;
  • list of repair personnel and their qualifications;
  • prices;
  • forms of payment.

Carrying out repairs: Accounting for work performed

Accounting for completed work in the system is carried out by generating certificates of completed work.

The certificate of completed work is formed on the basis of the work order.
After entering and conducting a certificate of completion of work, logistics costs and labor costs can be written off.

Equipment Maintenance

Maintenance is understood as work carried out without stopping the equipment, work performed by operating personnel. Usually this is work included in Maintenance 0, maintaining a log of equipment inspections, and recording meter readings.

Equipment inspection records

The system provides the ability to automatically create inspection plans.
All defects discovered during inspections: malfunctions in the operation of equipment, deviations from the normal state of equipment, including those that do not require immediate stoppage to eliminate them, must be recorded by operating personnel in the Defects Log.

Calculation of the need for logistics

To determine the need for spare parts, materials and tools for the required period, the system must generate PPR schedules for this period. Based on information about planned regulatory maintenance and repairs, the system automatically calculates the need for spare parts, materials and tools.

Information about the need for logistics is displayed in the “Materials Plan” report.

Metrology: maintenance of measuring instruments

All repairs and verification of measuring instruments are reflected in the system in the same way as the described repairs.
The document “Accounting for Controlled Indicators” is intended for keeping records of the values ​​of controlled indicators of equipment.
Budgeting for repairs and maintenance

The system provides the ability to create budgets for maintenance and repairs and cost accounting.
Cost amounts are displayed in the "Direct costs of repairs" report.

MTO cost control

The report " is designed to control logistics costs Plan-actual analysis logistics costs."

Labor cost control

To control costs for labor resources The report "Plan-actual analysis of labor costs" is intended.

Personnel planning

Information about the planned personnel requirement is displayed in the report "Planned employment of employees for repair work."
When the system operates as part of 1C:UPP, all personnel management capabilities are available.

Information for accounting

Communication with fixed assets

When operating the system as part of "1C:UPP", if the repair object is a fixed asset, you must indicate this in the system to be able to account for fixed assets. To indicate the repair object as a fixed asset, you must use the To link to fixed assets field, enter the inventory number.

Integration with accounting

To the system accounting documents are transferred to reflect the fact of repair in accounting.

Information protection, administration

The mode contains a list of settings that can be used to fine-tune the functioning of the program. The changes made apply to all users registered in the system.

System analysis and reporting

To analyze the effectiveness of repair management in the system, you can use the following reports:

  • Performance Indicators Report.
  • Plan-actual analysis of work performance.
  • Plan-actual analysis of labor costs.
  • Plan-actual analysis of logistics costs.
  • Item costs.
  • Current analysis of data on the condition of equipment.

Software product " 1C:Enterprise 8. MRO Management of equipment repairs and maintenance"contains a number of features to improve the efficiency of various enterprise services and provides:

    management of the enterprise and managers responsible for business development: broad opportunities for analysis, planning and flexible management of enterprise resources to increase competitiveness, ensuring “transparency” of production assets;

    heads of departments, managers and employees directly involved in production, sales, supply and other activities to support the production process: tools to increase the efficiency of daily work in their areas;

    repair service workers: the ability to use products as a basis for managing work - an archive of all regulatory and technical documentation is maintained, maintenance schedules are calculated, orders for repair work are issued, and repair work is recorded;

    employees of enterprise accounting services: tools for automated accounting in full compliance with legal requirements and corporate standards of the enterprise.

Solutions can be used both at individual enterprises and in production holdings to ensure the unification of production and regulated repair accounting.

When developing configurations " MRO Equipment repair and maintenance management" And " Repair facility management"Both modern international enterprise management techniques (EAM, CMMS, MRP II, CRM, SCM, ERP, etc.) and the experience of successful enterprise automation accumulated by 1C and the partner community were taken into account.

Maintaining a list of equipment

To maintain a list of equipment, the system provides a hierarchical directory “Repair Objects”.

The depth and structure of the tree is arbitrary. Usually the production and technological structure of the enterprise is reflected, down to the units of equipment that require planning and accounting for repairs.

Objects of repair and maintenance are elements of wood. Each element is represented by information about the passport data of a specific repair object.

System directories

The system maintains the following directories:

    Types of defects: designed to store a list of possible types of defects in the equipment used at the enterprise. Using the directory, you can make an additional classification of similar types of defects in various repair objects;

    Types of work schedules: contains a list of all work schedules of the enterprise and stores information about the amount of working time by day and/or shift. The schedule parameters are set in the Schedule Filling Assistant, which allows you to set general parameters and, based on these parameters, automatically fill out the work schedule for the next year. You can fill out the schedule using one of the proposed templates or make the settings manually;

    Repair groups of repair objects: A repair group is a group of repair objects with the same standard maintenance and repairs. Repair groups are designed to simplify the entry of information about standard repairs for each repair object and to minimize the size of the system database. Each repair group combines regulatory maintenance and repairs for a list of similar repair items. A repair object can only be included in one repair group. To set standard repairs in a repair group, it is necessary to establish a correspondence between the type of repair, the technological operation (with standards) and the method of planning this repair. After filling out the list of normative maintenance and repairs, it is necessary to fill in the list of similar repair objects for which the specified maintenance and repairs are normative in the “Repair group composition” tab of the repair group entry/adjustment form;

    Technological maps of repairs: when entering a repair flow chart, a list of technological operations is indicated. Indispensable details of each technological operation are logistics and labor resources, as well as RD and Instructions regulating this repair.

    Equipment passport: For each repair item, you can indicate the following basic passport data: manufacturer, production date, passport number, serial number, technological number, inventory number.

    Object of repair: for each repair object, the system provides the ability to store information about all repairs performed. The technical characteristics of the repair object are specified, and it is possible to keep records of the values ​​of monitored equipment indicators, as well as a log of equipment operating hours. For each equipment, an authorized employee enters operating hours into the system. The number of types of operating time for each object is not limited.

Repair planning

To maintain PPR schedules, a list of PPR schedules is used. When entering a PPR schedule in the system, you must specify the following basic data:

    date of drawing up the schedule;

    the period for which it is necessary to draw up a schedule;

    the organization for which the schedule is being drawn up;

    the department for which the schedule is being drawn up;

    a list of repair items for which a schedule needs to be drawn up;

    a list of types of maintenance and repairs for each repair item that must be included in the schedule.

For user convenience, the system has the ability to automatically select a group of repair objects.

Operational planning of repair work in the system is carried out in the form of repair requests, which can include only the required materials and operations approved in specifications and flow charts. When creating requests, planned costs are automatically determined, and when taking into account the progress of repairs, materials and labor costs are written off for specific repairs.

An application can be triggered by one of the following events:

    Identified equipment defect- in this case, an application for unscheduled repairs will be generated.

    Arrival of scheduled repair date according to the PPR schedule- in this case, an application for scheduled repairs will be generated.

Based on the generated repair requests, orders for repair work are generated. The work order is issued to the performers (worker, crew) before the start of work. The work order is filled out automatically based on the information specified in the application and contains the following information:

  • list of repairs and their technological operations;
  • deadlines for completing the work;
  • list of repair personnel and their qualifications;
  • prices;
  • forms of payment.

Accounting for completed work in the system is carried out by generating reports of completed work. The certificate of completed work is formed on the basis of the work order. After entering and conducting a certificate of completion of work, logistics costs and labor costs can be written off.

  • Equipment Maintenance: Maintenance refers to work carried out without stopping the equipment, work performed by operating personnel. Usually this is work included in Maintenance 0, maintaining a log of equipment inspections, and recording meter readings.
  • Equipment inspection records: The system provides the ability to automatically create inspection plans. All defects discovered during inspections: malfunctions in the operation of equipment, deviations from the normal state of equipment, including those that do not require immediate stoppage to eliminate them, must be recorded by operating personnel in the Defects Log.
  • Calculation of the need for logistics: To determine the need for spare parts, materials and tools for the required period, the system must generate PPR schedules for this period. Based on information about planned regulatory maintenance and repairs, the system automatically calculates the need for spare parts, materials and tools. Information about the need for logistics is displayed in the “Materials Plan” report.
  • Metrology: maintenance of measuring instruments: All repairs and verification of measuring instruments are reflected in the system in the same way as the described repairs. The document “Accounting for Controlled Indicators” is intended for keeping records of the values ​​of controlled indicators of equipment.
  • Budgeting for repairs and maintenance: The system provides the ability to create budgets for maintenance and repairs and cost accounting. Cost amounts are displayed in the "Direct costs of repairs" report.
  • MTO cost control: To control the costs of logistics, the report “Plan-actual analysis of logistics costs” is intended.
  • Labor cost control: To control labor costs, the “Plan-actual analysis of labor costs” report is intended.
  • Personnel planning: Information about the planned personnel requirement is displayed in the report “Planned employment of employees for repair work”. When the system operates as part of 1C:UPP, all personnel management capabilities are available.

Information for accounting

  • Communication with fixed assets: When operating the system as part of "1C:UPP", if the repair object is a fixed asset, you must indicate this in the system to be able to account for fixed assets.
  • Integration with accounting: Documents are transferred to the accounting system to reflect the fact of repair in accounting.

A unified information environment is the basis of the EAM system

The greatest effect from using this software product achieved by integration with the standard configuration "Management manufacturing enterprise"("1C:UPP"). Integration instructions are given in the book "1C:TOIR User Manual", included in the delivery package.

Software products, including the configuration "1C: Repair Facility Management" and "1C: TOIR", have been thoroughly tested by 1C for correct operation, ease of use and have a Certificate "Compatible! 1C:Enterprise software system"

Below is an integrated system based on the 1C:UPP Base, which shows through which documents the exchange takes place. It is also clear that the system can receive technological data from the enterprise’s automated process control systems, thus, data on controlled indicators and operating hours will be loaded into the 1C:TOIR system automatically.

Document "Internal order"

Document “Adjustment of internal order”

Document "Requirement-invoice"

Document “Production report for the shift”

Document “Piece work order”

Document “Receipt of goods and services”

Information protection, administration

The mode contains a list of settings that can be used to fine-tune the functioning of the program. The changes made apply to all users registered in the system.

To analyze the effectiveness of repair management in the system, you can use the following reports:

  • Performance indicators report;
  • Plan-actual analysis of work performance;
  • Plan-actual analysis of labor costs;
  • Plan-actual analysis of logistics costs;
  • Item costs;
  • Current analysis of data on the condition of equipment.

Technological advantages

Using a modern three-tier platform with a comprehensive enterprise-scale application allows the IT director and enterprise IT department specialists to be confident in the reliability of data storage, performance and scalability of the system. IT specialists receive a convenient tool for implementing tasks, necessary for the enterprise and support of the system created during implementation.

On the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, a client application is implemented - a thin client: it can connect via the http or https protocols, while all business logic is implemented on the server. Remote departments can, using a thin client, connect via the Internet and work with the information base in on-line mode. Increases safety and speed of work.

On the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, a client application is implemented - a Web client: it does not require installation of any components on the user’s computer, and allows the use of Windows and Linux operating systems on user workstations. Does not require administration on user computers. Provides quick access to the information base for “mobile” employees.

A special operating mode for client applications has been implemented - low connection speed mode (for example, when working via GPRS, dialup). You can work anywhere where there is no permanent Internet connection.

In managed application mode, the interface is not “drawn”, but “described”. The developer defines only the general layout of the command interface and the general layout of the forms. The platform uses this description when building an interface for a specific user, taking into account various factors:

  • user rights;
  • features of a specific implementation;
  • settings made by the user himself.

It is possible to build an individual interface for each user.

The mechanism of functional options has been implemented. They allow you to enable/disable the necessary functional parts of the configuration without changing the application solution itself. You can customize the interface for each role, taking into account user preferences.

Scalability and performance

Using the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform ensures efficient operation and reliable storage of information when hundreds of users work. The modern three-level system architecture ensures that high performance is maintained despite a significant increase in the load on the system and the volume of processed data. High fault tolerance is achieved through server cluster redundancy, and performance optimization is achieved through dynamic load balancing between clusters. The use of DBMS from world leaders (MS SQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database) allows you to build high-performance and reliable information systems.

Construction of geographically distributed systems

1C:Enterprise 8 implements a mechanism for managing distributed information databases, which ensures the operation of a single application solution (configuration) with geographically dispersed databases combined into a multi-level hierarchical structure.


- an industry solution created to automate the accounting of repairs and maintenance of equipment.
The solution "1C:Enterprise 8. MRO Management of equipment repairs and maintenance" is intended for employees of the following departments:

  • Chief mechanic service
  • Chief Power Engineer Service,
  • instrumentation and automation,
  • Metrology Service,
  • Department industrial safety, fire protection, ecology,
  • Department financially technical support(supply),
  • Accounting,
  • Process control system.

Basic functionality programs
Solution "1C:Enterprise 8. MRO Management of equipment repairs and maintenance" includes the following main functions:

Maintaining reference information
Allows you to maintain the structure of an enterprise's assets in the form of a tree, starting from the enterprise itself, site, workshop, installation, equipment and unit. This type of presentation provides maximum visibility of the entire structure of the enterprise’s assets and a convenient way to work with the system.

Maintaining equipment passports
The equipment passport contains all the necessary information, including the ability to visualize technical documentation.
The system reflects organizational structure repair services of the enterprise. For example, the services of chief mechanic, chief power engineer and metrologist. The direct performers of repairs and their categories are indicated. The availability of labor resources for the entire volume of repair work, as well as the cost of labor resources, is determined. This information is important for creating a budget and monitoring its execution.

The system provides for maintaining standard repairs, operating hours schedules, methods of performing repairs, types of repairs, units of measurement (counters), measured indicators, warehouses, manufacturing plants, repair performers, types of defects, condition of equipment, materials.

Formation of a repair schedule
The repair schedule is formed on the basis of a given repair cycle, both for a unit of equipment and for an installation, a site, or the entire enterprise.

Maintaining work orders
All repair service work is carried out according to work orders. Outfits are formed automatically, along with all necessary documentation for repair. The system allows you to track the execution of work according to work orders and take into account the completion of part of the work. The package of documents includes all requests for materials, which increases management efficiency.

Formation of the need for logistics
The solutions automatically generate a report on the need for logistics for the year, a planned schedule, as well as a schedule for each month, with the possibility of adjustment.

Optimization of repair costs
When drawing up a repair schedule, equipment downtime for equipment complexes is automatically minimized, thereby reducing costs from wasted time. Due to the convenience of analyzing the cost of equipment ownership (purchase price, cost of maintenance and downtime), you can choose the optimal equipment when purchasing. The greatest effect from the use of this software product is achieved when integrated with the standard configuration "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8". Integration instructions are given in the book "1C:Enterprise 8. MRO Management of equipment repairs and maintenance. User's Guide", included in the delivery package.

Use the program "1C:Enterprise 8. MRO Management of equipment repairs and maintenance" only possible with the 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.1.11 and higher.

System 1C TOIR Repair management was created as a complex that allows you to effectively manage fixed assets and assets of an enterprise, that is, this development belongs to the so-called. EAM systems (Enterprise Asset Management). 1C MRO allows you to organize the management of maintenance and repairs of various equipment and technological systems in various industries and the national economy. Solution 1C:TOIR standardized according to ISO 55000 - Enterprise Asset Management.

Implementation MRO system will automate the work of employees of such departments as finance department, logistics service (suppliers), instrumentation, automation and metrology service, chief power engineer and chief mechanic enterprises, automated process control systems and others.

Implementation of 1C TOIR at the enterprise will lead to automation of all types of activities related to repairs and maintenance:

  • Formation of consolidated reporting, business analytics, reports on the use of enterprise property reflected in the asset balance sheet.
  • Control technological documentation, storing logs containing current information about the history of equipment repairs, restricting access to the database of documents, drawings and diagrams to employees of repair departments.
  • Management of work orders, accounting for repair work. Generating permits for hazardous repair work and monitoring their status (degree of readiness for work, maintenance and repairs).
  • Personnel accounting of the enterprise. The program allows you to calculate the number of personnel required for certain types of repairs; in addition, the program also keeps records of operating personnel.
  • The supply service allows you to calculate how many spare parts, tools, parts, components and assemblies, as well as other equipment are needed to organize repairs and restoration work at the enterprise.
  • Planning and accounting of deadlines. In order to ensure the safety and operability of the equipment throughout its entire life, regular maintenance is necessary, for which the program allows you to scheduling future regular maintenance and repairs. Such work will help maintain the required regulatory level, technical condition and operability of the equipment.
  • Performance management. Allows you to consolidate and analyze data on the current state of equipment.
  • Management of standards and technological equipment, as a method of consolidating and storing in a fresh state data on the equipment and units of the enterprise, its characteristics, required maintenance and repair periods. Providing such data to other MRO activities and processes.

The basis of the entire maintenance and repair management system will be filling out initial information about all objects on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

Equipment accounting

It is an object card that stores information about where the described object is located, what scheduled and unscheduled repairs were carried out on it previously, what components and parts were replaced. The equipment accounting module includes a classifier that allows structuring, typing and multi-level classification of equipment. The program can automatically create a multi-level hierarchy of equipment, systems and structures if all the details required at the initial stage were specified for the repair objects. Elementary technological operations that make up the maintenance and repair procedure are recorded on a technological map, and for each operation labor costs and consumption of spare parts are indicated. The program allows you to store the history of versions of such cards and reflect equipment decommissioning and registration.

The technical personnel responsible for the equipment assigned to them conducts inspections of it (the program implements inspection both during the acceptance and delivery of shifts, and according to some schedule), and records it in electronic Magazine detected deviations from normal operation or defects. A special case of maintenance carried out according to regulations is technical inspection; During the technical inspection, a set of certain controlled indicators are measured by personnel and entered into an electronic log. As soon as the controlled values ​​reach certain threshold values(pre-specified in the system), the 1C MRO program will itself generate and send notifications to responsible persons that the equipment requires repairs.

Repair of equipment based on operating time and technical condition. The system allows you to carry out repairs of two types of equipment; in fact, most often, repairs are based on a combination of these two strategies: regulated and operating hours. The operating time is measured or can be expressed numerically in various quantities (it can be liters, kilowatt-hours, just hours, machine hours, mileage in kilometers, cubic meters, and so on) and is recorded in the Operating Hours Log.

The program allows you to take into account the condition of the equipment, for example, conservation, scheduled repairs, shutdown due to an accident. In the future, based on such data, it is possible to construct analytical reports for a period of downtime for one reason or another and calculate performance indicators technological equipment.

Schedules, requests and calculation of material requirements.

In order to ensure the operability of the equipment for a certain foreseeable period, it is necessary to regularly carry out the so-called. scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment (abbr. PPR). To achieve this goal, guidelines are formed, including: timely provision of resources (human, material and technical); calculating the needs of each reporting facility, setting priorities and forming plans and schedules for future project development projects.

Unit mechanics make up annual plans works The 1C ERP TOIR program has a module electronic document management, allowing for coordination of the compiled annual schedules with other services of the enterprise. Based on the approved schedules, resorting to the use of special corrective documents, the MRO system will generate PPR schedules covering shorter periods: quarter, month, week. Then, based on these graphs, the system will generate repair estimates. Such estimates are accounting and operational documents on the basis of which work will be carried out.

Knowing the elementary technological operations that make up the maintenance and repair procedure, the system will calculate the need for parts, assemblies and tools that will be required to carry out preventive maintenance, and the need for human resources will also be calculated. To do this, data on the labor intensity of repairing each piece of technological equipment and the mode of work, the number of shifts, etc. is entered into the system.

After performing these calculations, the system will be able to calculate the budget and the amount of upcoming costs for future scheduled preventive maintenance of machinery and equipment.

Inventory management and minimum balance.

Having determined the list of spare parts, components and tools required for repairs, you can begin maintaining primary inventory records.

In case of an emergency at the enterprise (equipment breakdown, large unscheduled repairs), it is useful for the enterprise to have a so-called minimum balance of supplies, such as a certain number of spare parts and tools that can be used only in the event of an emergency or emergency situation. In all other cases - regular scheduled maintenance or preventive maintenance - the usual stock of materials and materials must be consumed, which is calculated by the system based on the need for materials. Further, the 1C MRO system allows you to create an order for internal consumption, and the necessary positions of tools and spare parts will be written off from the current warehouse balance or orders will be created for suppliers.

Based on the acceptance certificates of repairs and maintenance carried out, the program calculates the actual cost indicators for logistics, while the planned indicators are calculated based on the PPR schedules for the period. Then the system compares indicators: planned indicators are compared with actual ones to control logistics costs.

Tools for regulating the number of repair and technical personnel.

The personnel management subsystem generates a list of employees with the necessary set of skills and competencies that the enterprise requires to ensure continuous production process and equipment performance. By assigning correspondence between employees, qualifications, maintenance and repairs, you can calculate the number of personnel required to carry out maintenance and repairs.

Management decisions to manage the number of employees and the efficiency of their work are made based on the results of the analysis that the system produces as a result of comparing the number of workers (with competency levels) working at the plant with the number that is calculated as the sum of labor costs when performing maintenance work or other types of repair work.

Based on the acceptance certificates of repairs and maintenance carried out, the program calculates actual indicators of labor costs, while planned indicators are calculated on the basis of PPR schedules for the period and estimates for repair work. Then the system compares indicators: planned indicators are compared with actual ones to control labor costs for carrying out preventative maintenance and maintenance.

Unscheduled requests, work orders and repairs.

Accounting for repairs, maintenance and repairs carried out, processing and registration of orders for repairs outside the plans, creation of permits for repairs in accordance with the required competencies and accounting for repairs performed are carried out in the subsystem " Work order and work management»

Work orders for unscheduled or emergency work are filled out in the 1C MRO system, and the basis for creating work orders will be applications for unscheduled repairs previously filled out by a mechanic or shift foreman.

The 1C ERP MRO 2 solution allows you to organize the issuance of a permit, or work permit, to carry out particularly dangerous work (fire, explosive, gas hazardous, etc.) immediately before the start of repairs.

Document storage subsystem.

In order to provide repair personnel with timely access to data on repairs previously carried out at the enterprise, a subsystem that stores history is used. To do this, plant repair service personnel are required to regularly enter information about all contacts made with each piece of plant equipment (repairs, maintenance, preventive maintenance, accidents, etc.). In the future, staff will be able to see this information in the object card, consolidated in chronological and hierarchical order. It should be noted that the systematic maintenance of such records is the foundation for further assessment of the state of the enterprise's fixed assets, and will make it possible to very accurately calculate the needs of the logistics warehouse for replaceable elements, spare parts, tools and assemblies.

In addition, the history subsystem allows repair personnel to store attached files in the equipment card, which can be various diagrams and drawings of equipment, notes, tables and photographs. The subsystem contains a data exchange module with the 1C: Document Management software product.

Reporting and business analysis subsystem.

The extended analytics system built into the 1C ERP TOIR 2 Corp solution is designed to analyze the use of tangible assets and funds of the enterprise.

The system can be configured in such a way that automatically generated reports on monitored equipment indicators, downtime, labor costs, use of tools and much more are automatically sent to those responsible for the operation and repair of specific equipment assigned to them.

Application for mobile platforms "TOIR Registrar".

In order to provide repair personnel of an enterprise located in close proximity to the repair facility with prompt access to the enterprise information base, an application was developed MRO Registrar.

The application works on tablets and smartphones running popular iOS and Android and allows you to quickly and with minimal labor effort register and photograph defects in process equipment, take into account monitored indicators and operating time, and use previously collected and consolidated data for repairs “in the field.”

In addition to the above, MRO Registrar application allows you to work with a range of spare parts or identify parts, equipment and repair objects by barcode or QR code, download directories and cards from 1C ERP MRO and exchange photographs, documents, barcodes and others collected at the repair site with the “head program” data.

Using a mobile application for working with ERP MRO will allow repair teams, foremen and mechanics to reduce labor costs due to faster access to the necessary information.

Application 1C TOIR was developed by 1C company specialists on the new modern platform 1C Enterprise 8.3. The platform allows you to create high-performance, highly customizable and scalable systems that provide full functionality via the Internet, using RDP mode, a regular web browser or mobile application.

Implementation of 1C MRO repair management will make it possible to speed up the pace of work and at the same time maintain the quality of repairs due to constant monitoring of the condition of the equipment, identifying deviations in critical parameters and providing repair personnel with the necessary data on deviations and problems.

To maintain a list of equipment, the system provides a hierarchical directory “Repair Objects”.

The depth and structure of the tree is arbitrary. Usually the production and technological structure of the enterprise is reflected, down to the units of equipment that require planning and accounting for repairs.
Objects of repair and maintenance are elements of wood. Each element is represented by information about the passport data of a specific repair object.

System directories

The system maintains the following directories:

    Types of defects: designed to store a list of possible types of defects in the equipment used at the enterprise. Using the directory, you can make an additional classification of similar types of defects in various repair objects;

    Types of work schedules: contains a list of all work schedules of the enterprise and stores information about the amount of working time by day and/or shift. The schedule parameters are set in the Schedule Filling Assistant, which allows you to set general parameters and, based on these parameters, automatically fill out the work schedule for the next year. You can fill out the schedule using one of the proposed templates or make the settings manually;

    Repair groups of repair objects: A repair group is a group of repair objects with the same standard maintenance and repairs. Repair groups are designed to simplify the entry of information about standard repairs for each repair object and to minimize the size of the system database. Each repair group combines regulatory maintenance and repairs for a list of similar repair items. A repair object can only be included in one repair group. To set standard repairs in a repair group, it is necessary to establish a correspondence between the type of repair, the technological operation (with standards) and the method of planning this repair. After filling out the list of normative maintenance and repairs, it is necessary to fill in the list of similar repair objects for which the specified maintenance and repairs are normative in the “Repair group composition” tab of the repair group entry/adjustment form;

    Technological maps of repairs: when entering a repair flow chart, a list of technological operations is indicated. Indispensable details of each technological operation are logistics and labor resources, as well as RD and Instructions regulating this repair.

    Equipment passport: For each repair item, you can indicate the following basic passport data: manufacturer, production date, passport number, serial number, technological number, inventory number.

    Object of repair: for each repair object, the system provides the ability to store information about all repairs performed. The technical characteristics of the repair object are specified, and it is possible to keep records of the values ​​of monitored equipment indicators, as well as a log of equipment operating hours. For each equipment, an authorized employee enters operating hours into the system. The number of types of operating time for each object is not limited.

Repair planning

To maintain PPR schedules, a list of PPR schedules is used. When entering a PPR schedule in the system, you must specify the following basic data:

    date of drawing up the schedule;

    the period for which it is necessary to draw up a schedule;

    the organization for which the schedule is being drawn up;

    the department for which the schedule is being drawn up;

    a list of repair items for which a schedule needs to be drawn up;

    a list of types of maintenance and repairs for each repair item that must be included in the schedule.

For user convenience, the system has the ability to automatically select a group of repair objects.

Operational planning of repair work in the system is carried out in the form of repair requests, which can include only the required materials and operations approved in specifications and flow charts. When creating requests, planned costs are automatically determined, and when taking into account the progress of repairs, materials and labor costs are written off for specific repairs.

An application can be triggered by one of the following events:

    Identified equipment defect- in this case, an application for unscheduled repairs will be generated.

    Arrival of scheduled repair date according to the PPR schedule- in this case, an application for scheduled repairs will be generated.

Based on the generated repair requests, orders for repair work are generated. The work order is issued to the performers (worker, crew) before the start of work. The work order is filled out automatically based on the information specified in the application and contains the following information:

  • list of repairs and their technological operations;
  • deadlines for completing the work;
  • list of repair personnel and their qualifications;
  • prices;
  • forms of payment.

Accounting for completed work in the system is carried out by generating reports of completed work. The certificate of completed work is formed on the basis of the work order. After entering and conducting a certificate of completion of work, logistics costs and labor costs can be written off.

  • Equipment Maintenance: Maintenance refers to work carried out without stopping the equipment, work performed by operating personnel. Usually this is work included in Maintenance 0, maintaining a log of equipment inspections, and recording meter readings.
  • Equipment inspection records: The system provides the ability to automatically create inspection plans. All defects discovered during inspections: malfunctions in the operation of equipment, deviations from the normal state of equipment, including those that do not require immediate stoppage to eliminate them, must be recorded by operating personnel in the Defects Log.
  • Calculation of the need for logistics: To determine the need for spare parts, materials and tools for the required period, the system must generate PPR schedules for this period. Based on information about planned regulatory maintenance and repairs, the system automatically calculates the need for spare parts, materials and tools. Information about the need for logistics is displayed in the “Materials Plan” report.
  • Metrology: maintenance of measuring instruments: All repairs and verification of measuring instruments are reflected in the system in the same way as the described repairs. The document “Accounting for Controlled Indicators” is intended for keeping records of the values ​​of controlled indicators of equipment.
  • Budgeting for repairs and maintenance: The system provides the ability to create budgets for maintenance and repairs and cost accounting. Cost amounts are displayed in the "Direct costs of repairs" report.
  • MTO cost control: To control the costs of logistics, the report “Plan-actual analysis of logistics costs” is intended.
  • Labor cost control: To control labor costs, the “Plan-actual analysis of labor costs” report is intended.
  • Personnel planning: Information about the planned personnel requirement is displayed in the report “Planned employment of employees for repair work”. When the system operates as part of 1C:UPP, all personnel management capabilities are available.

Information for accounting

  • Communication with fixed assets: When operating the system as part of "1C:UPP", if the repair object is a fixed asset, you must indicate this in the system to be able to account for fixed assets.
  • Integration with accounting: Documents are transferred to the accounting system to reflect the fact of repair in accounting.

A unified information environment is the basis of the EAM system

The greatest effect from the use of this software product is achieved when integrated with the standard configuration “Manufacturing Enterprise Management” (“1C:UPP”). Integration instructions are given in the book "1C:TOIR User's Guide", included in the delivery kit.

Below is an integrated system based on 1C:UPP, which shows through which documents the exchange takes place. It is also clear that the system can receive technological data from the enterprise’s automated process control systems, thus, data on controlled indicators and operating hours will be loaded into the 1C:TOIR system automatically.

Document "Internal order"

Document “Adjustment of internal order”

Document "Requirement-invoice"

Document “Production report for the shift”

Document “Piece work order”

Document “Receipt of goods and services”

Information protection, administration

The mode contains a list of settings that can be used to fine-tune the functioning of the program. The changes made apply to all users registered in the system.

To analyze the effectiveness of repair management in the system, you can use the following reports:

  • Performance indicators report;
  • Plan-actual analysis of work performance;
  • Plan-actual analysis of labor costs;
  • Plan-actual analysis of logistics costs;
  • Item costs;
  • Current analysis of data on the condition of equipment.

Technological advantages

Using a three-tier platform with a comprehensive enterprise-scale application allows the IT director and enterprise IT department specialists to be confident in the reliability of data storage, performance and scalability of the system. IT specialists receive a convenient tool for implementing the tasks required by the enterprise and maintaining the system created during implementation.

On the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, a client application is implemented - a thin client: it can connect via the http or https protocols, while all business logic is implemented on the server. Remote departments can, using a thin client, connect via the Internet and work with the information base in on-line mode. Increases safety and speed of work.

On the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, a client application is implemented - a Web client: it does not require installation of any components on the user’s computer, and allows the use of Windows and Linux operating systems on user workstations. Does not require administration on user computers. Provides quick access to the information base for “mobile” employees.

A special operating mode for client applications has been implemented - low connection speed mode (for example, when working via GPRS, dialup). You can work anywhere where there is no permanent Internet connection.

In managed application mode, the interface is not “drawn”, but “described”. The developer defines only the general layout of the command interface and the general layout of the forms. The platform uses this description when building an interface for a specific user, taking into account various factors:

  • user rights;
  • features of a specific implementation;
  • settings made by the user himself.

It is possible to build an individual interface for each user.

The mechanism of functional options has been implemented. They allow you to enable/disable the necessary functional parts of the configuration without changing the application solution itself. You can customize the interface for each role, taking into account user preferences.

Scalability and performance

Using the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform ensures efficient operation and reliable storage of information when hundreds of users work. The modern three-level system architecture ensures that high performance is maintained despite a significant increase in the load on the system and the volume of processed data. High fault tolerance is achieved through server cluster redundancy, and performance optimization is achieved through dynamic load balancing between clusters. The use of DBMS from world leaders (MS SQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database) allows you to build high-performance and reliable information systems.

Construction of geographically distributed systems

1C:Enterprise 8 implements a mechanism for managing distributed information databases, which ensures the operation of a single application solution (configuration) with geographically dispersed databases combined into a multi-level hierarchical structure.