Comparison crm. We select a CRM system for your business

We build effective relationships with clients.

The abbreviation CRM (Customer Relationship Management) translates as “customer relationship management system.” A system is a service that allows you to systematize the information the user works with. Such programs can be called databases, which, if necessary, will remind you when you need to sign a contract or send a letter to the client.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a CRM?

The best CRMs are those that optimize the work of sellers and marketers as much as possible: they build sales funnels and issue analytical reports. Today there are many such complexes, but before you make a choice in favor of one system or another, you need to understand for what purposes you need it.

Before purchasing a CRM, you should study reviews from business executives and sales managers. Feedback will help you navigate the variety of software and make optimal choice. The choice of CRM depends not only on its functionality, but also on how convenient it is to work with it, whether it is possible to plan tasks and generate reports on ready-made transactions. Also, before making a choice, study licensing issues. If you have previously decided which CRM to choose, implement its demo version and see how effective working with it will be.

In this material we present an overview of the CRMs that are most often used in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

CRM System "Freshoffice"

CRM called Freshoffice allows you to separate work from physical and legal entities. This process is implemented through the ability to maintain two types of cards, to which you can add new fields.

User reviews of freshoffice highlight the following advantages of this complex:

  • Availability of a softphone, which, in addition to standard functions, allows for free conferences between two offices.
  • Built-in “FastReport” constructor, which allows you to create simple documents and complex tables with formulas and selection functions.
  • A convenient list of orders that makes it possible to track processes that were not completed on time.
  • Each action is confirmed by a characteristic internal message, for example: “The client has been transferred,” “You have been entrusted with the task.”

CRM System "Client Base"

Client Base is one of the most popular complexes for small businesses, allowing you to create almost any tables and differentiate access rights to various data sets.

The Client Base program has the following advantages:

  • Availability of a designer with which you can customize the system for any business.
  • A special configuration store where entrepreneurs can purchase ready-made modules for clinics, communication shops and other types of businesses.
  • Possibility to try a free version that can be used by small business owners (no more than 10 people, 500 customers).

If you want to choose a client base system for running a business, reviews from experienced users will help you with this. Managers who use this complex characterize it positively and highlight such an advantage as the ability to group clients by activity level.

CRM System« amoCRM»

This complex was first introduced in 2008; it is popular among users largely due to the simplicity of the interface and control. AmoCRM also differs from other systems in that the backbone here is not client files, but transaction information files.

Other advantages include:

  • Displays the number of calls (for the manager) that each manager made.
  • Report on meetings held and deals concluded.
  • Events report. Allows the manager to see all the changes that were made over the past day.
  • Integration with services that send emails and SMS.

AmoCRM is available for use in one of four paid versions, or one free version with limited functionality. A special offer “Business Solution” is also offered, which includes configuration and implementation of the complex in specific company and a subscription for three months, during which you can use the maximum range of functions.

CRM System« bitrix24»

CRM "Bitrix24" was developed by 1C-Bitrix and released to the market in 2012. User reviews about bitrix24 emphasize that with the help of this complex you can take into account current and potential clients, suppliers and even those you sent your press release to.

The system is popular due to the following positive aspects:

  • The system can be integrated into an online store and work with orders right there.
  • Integrated lists of goods and services.
  • Integration with an electronic mailbox is possible - data from CRM letters will be entered into the required fields.
  • Promptly setting tasks for sales specialists.

Despite all the convenience of Bitrix24, there are also shortcomings in the system. The main one is the inability to track the dynamics of the project’s development. Specifically, you will not be able to separately display the list of goods that were offered to the client during the transaction process. It is also impossible to assign several managers to one transaction.

CRM System "Megaplan"

The Megaplan project management system was released in 2008. In it you will find the tools you need to automate sales, planning and working with clients. Megaplan CRM can be tested for free for 30 days, then you will have to pay. Using the full paid version costs 750 rubles per month. There is also a free version of CRM-Free, but its functionality allows you to register 7 employees in the system, and only 3 people can work in it at the same time. Also, the free version allows you to simultaneously manage only 50 projects. But, despite this, reviews from users of the Megaplan system say that it is ideal for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs.

The advantages of CRM-Megaplan include the following:

  • The work of each manager will be monitored by the transaction management function.
  • Receiving full reporting for each counterparty.
  • Convenient processing of business calls and meetings.

The implementation of a CRM system should help create long-term relationships with clients, and with the help of such complexes the work process itself can be simplified. Such a system will make it impossible for several sales employees to call the same client.

Today there are many CRMs for stores and other types of businesses, the most popular of which we have already reviewed. Programs can be divided into those that need to be installed on the server and cloud systems.

  • Classic systems are located on your server, and you can modify them at any time program code according to your requirements.
  • When choosing cloud systems (SAAS) software is located at the supplier, and you access the system via the Internet. When working with such a complex, you cannot change the product, and work will also be disrupted if the Internet suddenly turns off. The advantages include the fact that you do not need to monitor system updates and purchase a server.

Free CRMs for business on the market target a single number of users and cannot be implemented in a large company. Also, a free CRM may work slowly if there are too many records entered into the database.

Users themselves say that among free CRMs for sales, Monitor CRM has proven itself to be the best. There is a paid option, but even with limited functionality, the CRM system free of charge allows you to keep detailed records of clients, as well as take into account competitors’ prices for this product, which allows the enterprise’s marketing service to respond quickly.

Also pay attention to how simple the CRM will be installed at the managers’ workstations. The simpler the program, the faster and more productive your employees will work. Before using a CRM system in an enterprise, be sure to check with the developers what your costs will be if you need to make changes to the program code. You also need to find out how much you will have to pay extra if the number of employees increases. Calculate future expenses, and based on the data obtained, you can choose the optimal CRM system for yourself.

Development own business For every owner of a large company, this is an important stage that cannot be missed. The innovative approach of modern entrepreneurs is developing every day, so many now use CRM systems for this. Comparing several of them will make it clear to everyone which one is better suited for a particular purpose.


Comparison of CRM systems for manufacturing is used quite often, because each individual industry requires a specific approach.

As you know, such systems contain three modules: marketing, service and sales. They automate the customer interaction cycle.

By choosing a system with a rather limited number of functions, the user will end up with manual input, which can contribute to the gap


Oddly enough, comparing small business CRM systems also highlights some of the advantages of certain types of programs over others.

Most applications of this type use a client-server architecture, but more modern ones can boast of a multi-level one.

Each user's access to the system is carried out exclusively through an Internet browser, thanks to which the architecture allows access to absolutely all functions and capabilities.

Flexibility of systems

Now the best CRM systems are already included in a certain list, where they occupy places distributed according to user opinions.

The processes of sales, marketing, and service always differ from each other in different areas and companies.

To begin with, the user must accurately determine the adaptation of the system to various sales processes, as well as the correct selection organizational structure and clarity of delimitation of access rights to information. But, unfortunately, for such requirements it is necessary to devote a long time to installing all components.

In addition to this, one more important point is function support mobile devices who work outside of the main office.

Implementation timeframe

Indeed, many people are fascinated by good CRM systems. A review and comparison of each of them is quite interesting and educational for future users.

You will be able to use this system within half an hour after completing all the necessary stages, when it will be available for sale. The implementation of a CRM system itself begins exclusively with a complete analysis. It usually takes a long period of time (up to 3 months).

Development opportunities

Despite the small nuances that do not completely suit buyers, CRM systems have many interesting capabilities. Comparison of their types is intended specifically to make it a little easier for people to work.

First of all, when choosing a system, you should pay attention to the future. After all, having satisfied the needs of today, the next you will have to look for something new and more functional.

At first it may seem that only a self-written system is the ideal option, because everything depends solely on the user’s imagination and wishes, although developers will still make many changes over time, so development will slow down significantly.

Well-established mechanisms can be perfectly used specifically to solve new business problems. After all, customer relationships require management at both the sales and marketing stages.

A question of cost

The CRM management system has a fairly reasonable price range, so anyone can easily purchase it for their own company.

The cost of the entire system consists of the following details: license, modifications, consulting, support, infrastructure and, of course, training.

Technical support

CRM systems have a rather interesting comparison, but technical support should also be given time. After all, before choosing the most suitable option, you should definitely learn about the system in general terms.

The level of technical support, as you know, is determined only by the approach of its manufacturer, but in no case by the type of the system itself. Inexperienced programmers are not at all capable of maintaining high-quality databases and documentation, because this will require many years of practice and training.

The business process is well established in companies if the system goes on sale in good condition. And the experience of many ordinary users will become an ideal assistant among their large number.


At any time, people could choose the best CRM systems, and even now there are several lists from which you can easily determine the most interesting and profitable option.

When using self-written systems, the user himself is the consulting support for himself. Hundreds of projects already have vast experience, but it is only for these users that it is available quite rarely.

Domestic and Western systems

On at the moment Nowadays, not only real domestic, but also Western CRM systems are popular. A comparison of their capabilities, as well as positive and negative functions, can be seen in the table.

NameGeneral informationPros and cons
Terrasoft CRMA domestic system that can help the user manage business processes, sales, marketing, loyalty, service, and relationships with partners.The positive aspects include: high speed work with fairly large volumes of data, powerful configuration options, reliable protection of individual user configurations. There are no disadvantages in this system, since there is not enough data to determine them.
Oracle Siebel CRMWestern system, which contains more advanced applications compared to the previous version. It also has capabilities to manage sales, loyalty, marketing and so on. In addition, the system provides self-service management.This system is the most expensive among other common options. This can be attributed to both pros and cons. After all, a good system should have an appropriate price, but still not everyone can afford it.
Microsoft CRMAnother good Western system created for managing relationships with clients. Its main capabilities include: sales and marketing management, an expanded range of tools for building various reports, and it also has extensive mobile device access.The only negative feature is that the system itself puts forward a large number of requirements for the hardware complex. And because of this, the buyer must spend more money on its purchase. Otherwise, only the advantages stand out, thanks to the capabilities of the system.
A Western system with a fairly user-friendly interface, which allows you to effectively manage various processes (sales, marketing, and so on). Management of relationships with partners, service, and loyalty is also provided for in it. In addition, its capabilities includeUnfortunately, at this point in time, not a single solution has been created based on the solution, which is the main disadvantage. And the interface, based on new technologies, can easily be considered a huge plus.

The global trend towards digital transformation of business is intensifying in Russia. Large businesses are implementing advanced CRM and BPM systems to improve operational efficiency and speed up their own activities. Working with business processes, optimizing and automating processes is the key trend for 2020.

We have collected the TOP 5 platforms that are capable of comprehensively transforming large businesses and included them in the rating. Each solution is unique and has successful implementation cases.


1st place in the ranking. The best comprehensive solution for the Enterprise segment. A unified low-code platform Creatio for sales, marketing and service from the domestic company Terrasoft. Creatio allows you to automate and speed up business processes large companies from different industries. For average and big business 24 ready-made industry solutions are offered (banks, oil and gas, logistics, pharmaceuticals, business support centers, etc.). Cases of successful implementation of the platform in such companies as Tatneft, Dobroflot, EVRAZ, Gazprom Neft, Sberbank confirm the high level of trust of large businesses in Creatio products. Terrasoft is developing its own Marketplace ready-made solutions and templates to speed up platform integration.

Microsoft Dynamics

2nd place. A powerful solution for medium and large businesses with ERP elements. Integration with Microsoft applications. Tools for managing sales, marketing and service. Creation and automation of business processes. Ready-made industry solutions for the financial industry, personnel management and HR, integrated service management, sales and analytics. Successful integrations into such foreign companies: Unicef, Pandora, HP.


3rd place. SAP CRM offers a solution for sales, marketing and customer service. Reference work with the entire sales cycle - from planning and strategy development to successful implementation and performance analysis. Work with customers across all sales channels, transaction control and functional planner. A powerful platform for managing marketing activities and brand management has been created for marketing department specialists. Among the successful implementation cases are such companies as Bashneft, Severstal, NLMK, Sibmost.

Oracle Siebel

4th place. A system for large businesses that helps create a comprehensive corporate IT system to automate all departments of the company. Suitable for front office work (sales, service, marketing) and back office work (company performance analytics, personnel management). Oracle Siebel CRM allows you to create and automate a company's call center and integrate many third-party services and applications into your business. The company offers ready-made industry solutions for many areas of activity - industry, hotel business, public sector, IT, retail, medicine and others. Successful cases of foreign companies - Bosch Telecom, AOL, Xerox.


5th place. The Salesforce CRM solution is considered #1 in the world, as confirmed by analytical agencies such as Gartner and Forrester.

A unified platform for sales, customer service, marketing and deep business analytics. The company is not focused on Russian market and is represented only by integrator partners. This does not allow us to place it higher than 5th place.

Rating of CRM systems - Score table

Ratings from Gartner and Forrester agencies

The Creatio system in these ratings is called bpm’online (Terrasoft changed the name of the platform in 2019).

Interfaces of compared CRM systems

  • SAP

  • MS Dynamics

  • Salesforce

It’s not so difficult to understand that you need a CRM system (almost the same as oxygen for a person), but it’s difficult to figure out which one CRM systems y choose.

After all, due to an unsuccessful choice of crm, you can lose not only time and money, but also discourage any desire to implement anything. Therefore, we will learn to choose and, of course, compile a rating of CRM systems.


So that you don’t have to scour the entire Internet and look for a comparative analysis of crm systems and the 2019/2020 rating, I have selected 4 from the series “for every taste and budget” that we have come across.

But I dare to disappoint you, this is not a rating of CRM systems or even a comparison of them, because everything is individual. Firstly, the systems are constantly being improved. Secondly, many systems are unique in themselves, making it almost impossible to compare them, which means it would be wrong to award someone the title of best.

Therefore, below you will see an overview of the CRMs selected by us, each of which is worth studying and “poking.”

Bitrix 24

The most famous Russian CRM. Although no. It’s not correct to say that, therefore it is one of the most famous and widespread CRM in Russia.

Jokes aside, the name Bitrix 24 has long been strongly associated with CRM. And we, as fans of our country, are proud that Russian systems can easily compete with the Americans (I'm talking about Bitrix 24.)

It has a huge number of advantages: it is a free CRM system, forever and with a fairly wide range of functions.

Since the company is not a charity, there is also a paid version, in which you get more advanced functionality (tracking the working hours of each employee, business processes, planning meetings, etc.).

Bitrix 24

Another advantage is the ability to immediately manage sales, projects, and the company. In other words, you can do almost everything without leaving this system.

In addition there is a good technical support and mobile application. Well, since the functionality is tailored only for sales, it is easy to set up and easy to use (nice interface).


The downside is that, as I already said, the service is “tailored” for standard sales, mainly for sales departments, so it is not well suited for retail, specific businesses and non-standard business processes.

Also, the disadvantages include the low cost and the lack of a boxed version.


A multi-harvester that combines not only a customer accounting system. There is marketing, finance, document management and even warehouse management.

I can’t say that this is the only service with such functionality, but it is quite complete.

Plus bold for a huge number of features that are much easier to configure than in Bitrix.

But again, there are still fewer of them at the output here. Another plus is a very nice interface, price and their training material, which will help you quickly understand the service.


The downside, which is also a plus at the same time, is that the system is not suitable for managing complex projects.

But if your project is long-term and divided into several stages (besides, you like to schedule everything according to), then everything is much more complicated...

Maybe that's enough? Stop

Few? Agree. There are many systems in the world. Above, we studied the unspoken TOP in the customer accounting industry.

But if you start digging deeper, you can find dozens more. Therefore, so that you do not waste time, I have also prepared this list for you. True, without completely new services.

Name Terms Comment
CRM “Simple Business”Paid and freeFocused on comprehensive automation
IntrumnetPaid (+trial period)
EnvyCRMPaid (+trial period)Positioned as the easiest CRM to implement
ClientbasePaid and freeNo experience of use
RetailcrmPaid and freeSpecialized in online stores
PipedrivePaid (+trial period)Sales and management oriented
TerrasoftPaid (+trial period)Very expensive but incredibly flexible system
SalesapPaid and freeThere are ready-made industry settings
GenCRMPaid (+trial period)Quite detailed analytics
FlowluPaid and freeNo experience of use
a2bPaid (+trial period)No experience of use
OkdeskPaid (+trial period)Ideal for customer support

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that in the world, in addition to Russian-speaking ones, there are also a huge number of English-speaking CRMs. But for the life of me, I don’t believe that in an ordinary Russian business, it is possible to successfully implement CRM in English.

It’s difficult to implement in Russian, but here it’s a different language. Therefore, systems such as ZohoCRM, Salesforce, BaseCRM are simply not included in the list above (although they are very worthy candidates).

For some CRMs you can see prices of 300-400 rubles per month. “How cool and cheap!”, you say. But do not forget that this is the cost per 1 user.

That is, if your company has 3 sales managers and 1 ROP, then CRM will cost 1200-1600 rubles per month. Therefore, do not fall for the manipulations of marketers 😉

Choosing TASKS or CRM?

Before choosing a system, you need to determine the tasks that your new eco-system should solve. After all, depending on the tasks, you will need one or another development (perhaps even your own).

Below I will give the main tasks that can be highlighted in a separate list, and opposite which you need to check the box if this applies to you. Or a cross if you don’t need this functionality.

  1. Sales process control. The most typical functionality that will allow you to keep track of clients from receipt of interest to completion of the transaction.
  2. Project management/service provision. This functionality will help you not only sell in one system, but also immediately manage projects.
  3. Internal workings of the company. If you want the entire company on one platform (in addition to the sales department) to be able to work and interact with each other, then you need this functionality.

After reading the tasks above, you can understand that now CRM is not only customer accounting, now it is a combine for optimizing business operations. But not all systems provide this opportunity; there are those that specialize only in sales control and that’s all. Therefore, when choosing a CRM, do not forget to take this into account.

That's not all

Please note that I described the main tasks above, but in fact, CRM has a lot of functions that can make your work easier. Namely, to collect everything in one place so that you don’t have to run around different services and spaces.

I have compiled for you a list of all (80%) functions that different systems provide. All you need to do is mark the ones you need.

Generating documents using templatesIntegration with
Financial accountingIntegration with sales script services
Recording conversations
Vacation schedule
, motivation and salary calculationSocial scanner
WarehouseFile storage
Integration with IP telephonyUsing email accounts in CRM
Business processesDocument flow
SMS mailings
Integration with social networksEmail tracking
Integration with the websiteWork reports
Integration with 1C accountingCalendar
Meetings and
Internal chat and video callsInternal knowledge base
Company news feed
Sign up for a serviceBranding

This is not the entire list. It does not have any obvious features (setting tasks, maintaining a client card, editing history, etc.) and also does not have any specific functions.

I didn’t write them because they are extremely rarely needed. Plus, I might have missed something, since developers introduce new features every day and it’s simply impossible to keep track of them all.

But this list is sufficient to use it to select the necessary functionality and decide on a suitable CRM.

Two types - one solution

That's not all. In addition to the fact that all CRMs are divided into universal and industry-specific (tailored for a specific area), they are also divided into two types.

And until you decide what you need, there is no point in moving on and moving on to comparing CRMs.

Boxed version

A version of CRM that is installed on your server, which is the only source for accessing it.

The main advantage of this option is that everything is in your hands and if you need to improve something (at least redo everything), then it can be done (not easy, but possible).

The downside is that you need money for your server, programmer and other technical issues.

An ideal option for those who plan to implement CRM globally across the entire company. Do this with scale and breaking a bottle of champagne on the “fuselage” of the server.

If you are a small company and now want to switch from paper to electronic media without showing off, then it is better to pay attention to the cloud version.

In addition, for the boxed version you will have to immediately pay a tidy sum of 50,000 rubles. (on average).


Cloud version

The version of CRM that is installed on the developer’s server and you can access it by clicking on a special link in your browser.

The best part is that there are no additional costs other than paying for the system.

But the “mobility” is worse, and the price is more steep (subscription fee) for a long period of time (but you don’t pay a lot of money at once).

Cloudy, gentlemen, cloudy. When implementing it, you will not need a lot of money, and most importantly, you will be focused on setting up and using it, and not on technical preparatory issues.

Briefly about the main thing

There is no rating of CRM systems 2019/2020 here. Comparative analysis There is no CRM here either. And even the title of “the best” passed this article. We have already discussed the reasons with you, everything is too individual. But we can definitely say that it is better to trust your business to proven services, for example:

By the way. We have a small gift for you. 5,000 rubles (using the promotional code “INSCALE”) for the Roistat test. Together with the 14-day trial period, you get almost a month of free use.

And if you connect all this with your CRM, you’ll get an analytics bomb. Therefore, simply register using this link and receive your bonus.